Marie Julie foretold many future events before her death that may have happened already and have not been linked to her predictions just yet plus many that are evidently for future days that we will yet see come to pass her future predictions are full of ominous warnings for the church and the world she even made some shocking predictions about what happened at the 2024 Olympics in Paris and no one can believe them prophecy on Olympic 2024 100 years ago Marie Julie Jenni foretold that France would offend God leading to apocalyptic disasters on May 13th 1917 in
the small town of Fatima Portugal three children witnessed The Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima the most poignant aspect of the event was the three secret prophecies that the holy mother revealed to them Lucia disclosed the first first and second secrets to the public early on one secret pertained to a vision of hell and foretold that two of the shepherd children hinta and Francisco would soon pass away the second secret spoke of World War II and the timing of its occurrence as for the third prophecy our lady initially requested that Lucia make it public in
1960 but the holy sea decided not to release it it wasn't until May May 13th 2000 that the Third Secret was revealed to the world long before the Fatima event a French nun Marie Julie Jenni also made a startling prophecy about the end of the world her predictions align closely with the Fatima prophecies and the predictions of several clairvoyants allowing for Mutual verification our lady repeatedly revealed Mysteries to Marie Julie showing her many secrets we will address these later for now we will focus on a prophecy that seems closely related to a major yet controversial
event on this planet on December 17th 1881 Marie reported that the holy mother told her the era of sin had begun and many mothers would become indifferent to their innocent children at that time people couldn't understand the meaning of this statement it wasn't until the 1960s when many European countries including Germany France and and Italy began to permit abortion that people suddenly understood Marie foretold that the world due to its offenses against God would soon face punishment these punishments would first befall France and then spread to the rest of the world some might wonder why
the punishment would first come to France those who followed the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics might find an explanation the ceremony featured numerous anti-god elements including a segment where a scantily clad queen and a naked singer reenacted scenes from Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting The Last Supper Additionally the closing ceremony featured a headless goddess with broken wings all these acts were blatant offenses against God before the eyes of the entire world so what punishments will God deliver in her prophecies on September 20th 1877 and January 4 4 1884 Marie spoke of unprecedented earthquakes
hurricanes crop failures rapidly spreading plagues and a rain of blood lasting 7 weeks the world would endure 3 days of darkness while Marie did not specify how long these events would last she indicated that the punishments would be Global and unceasing leaving the Earth desolate with 3/4 of the population perishing and half of France's population being wiped out people will be scarcer than smoke is not just a figure of speech one will have to travel far to encounter another person although these catastrophic prophecies sound terrifying the seers also indicated that this would not be the
end of the world and Humanity still has hope for example Marie said that after the hellish Reign ends signs will appear in the sky the holy king will arise and there will be a Divine Reign on Earth while Marie didn't provide details her descriptions suggest that this holy king will rule the entire world not just a specific Nation or region after surviving this Great Tribulation people will be profoundly awakened returned to Simplicity and once again have sincere Faith the barriers between different denominations will be removed and all will unite around god let's take a deeper
look at what Marie juli jeni mentioned France in her prophecies France will be the starting point for the worldwide chastisements as France was Catholic before other nations and was granted more Graces than other countries France has been given the mission to defend the church and the true Faith through times of persecution and heresy because of its failures and its rejection of its Heaven blessed monarchy it would be struck first but then the punishments would spread throughout the world Paris will burn and Marseilles will will be engulfed several cities will be shaken down and swallowed up
by earthquakes people will believe that All Is Lost nothing will be seen But murder nothing will be heard but the Clash of arms and blasphemy there must be an end to evil if we put it off again All Souls would be lost that is if he did not cleanse the Earth of hardened Sinners evil would grow so much on Earth that eventually all the just Souls would weaken and also fall into sin it is necessary that my holy church triumphs along with betrayal Marie juli also announced the three days of darkness during which the infernal
Powers will be loosed and will execute all the enemies of God the crisis will explode suddenly the punishments will be shared by all and will succeed one another without interruption the Earth will be covered in dark darkness and hell will be loosed on Earth thunder and lightning will cause those who have no faith or trust in my power to die of fear during these three days of terrifying darkness no windows must be opened because no one will be able to see the earth and the terrible color it will have in those days of punishment without
dying at once the sky will be on fire the Earth will split during these three days days of darkness let the Blessed candle be lighted everywhere no other light will shine no one outside a shelter Will Survive the Earth will shake at the judgment and fear will be great in this dark moment the candles of blessed wax alone will give light during this horrible Darkness one candle alone will be enough for the duration of this night of Hell in the homes of the wicked and blasphemers these candles will give no light light everything will shake
except the piece of furniture on which the Blessed candle is burning this will not shake you will all gather around with the crucifix and my blessed picture this is what will keep away this Terror during this Darkness the devils and the wicked will take on the most hideous shapes red clouds like blood will move across the sky the crash of the Thunder will shake the Earth and Sinister lightning will streak the heavens out of season the Earth will be shaken to its foundations the sea will rise and its roaring waves will spread over the continent
the Earth will become like a vast Cemetery the bodies of the wicked and the just will cover the ground other Prophecies of the near future during her ecstasies Marie juli was not only given spiritual advice she was also shown events around the world and predicted what would happen in the future on September 15th 1879 she predicted bism Mar's culture comp September 15th 1881 she foretold in detail the death of Melanie calvat the Visionary of lalet which happened on December 15th 1904 she predicted the eruption of Mount p in martinque then described the horrific events as
they occurred despite the fact she was half a world away in 1881 she was shown the transval war announcing it would take place at the death of Queen Victoria which happened in 1901 she predicted the death of count Des shambor the last direct descendant of the bourbon Royal House of France just before the successor to Pope Leo III was chosen she declared only a few days before the conclave the Adriatic Cardinal is chosen by God his reign will be that of Christ he will not last long will be called pasus she was correct in that
pasus the SE did not last as long as the previous Pope named pasus pasus I the former Cardinal of Venice fulfilled the prophecy as Adriatic Cardinal and was Pope for 11 years while pasus nine reigned for over 31 years Marie Julie correctly announced beforehand the French would lose their colony of Algeria to the Arabs and the priests of that country would suffer horrible trials she also foresaw World War I and World War II our Lord promised she would live to see the beginning of the chastisements and she lived to see World War II her predictions
continued up until her death on March 4th 1941 her death being the strangest prediction of all considering it did not fall on the promised day our Lord promised on December 1st 1876 she would die on a Friday but she died on a Tuesday considering that she revealed so many other events correctly in addition to all the Miracles in her life that were not of diabolical origin and occurred with Witnesses present how could she have made a mistake of this caliber there may be no mistake at all this promise of dying on a Friday may have
been fulfilled in an unlikely manner in one ecstasy Marie juli was shown a Mystic chalice placed above her head she made an unusual request asking to take the Chalice with her in the earth when she was buried our Lord answered I shall hide my heart beneath this Veil and it will live in your heart your heart will beat as before your love will never slow down you will not forget my name beneath the coffin's plank the Breath of Life from my heart will be transplanted inside the tomb what could this mean did Marie juli offer
to drink the last dregs from the sacrificial chalice similar to our Lord In The Garden of Gethsemane God may have granted her wish considering her last recorded words are dated February 1941 it is not impossible she slipped into a deathlike coma on March 4th or that her last ecstasy on Earth before her death was so deep it was mistaken as actual death on that date which has happened before to a number of Mystics recorded in the annals of the church her last Penance may have been to remain alive in the coffin and in in that
manner die on a Friday as promised the true day of her death completely unknown and hidden from the eyes of her friends and family of course accurate prophecies and miracles defying science never cease for a true Mystic many miracles will occur after their deaths to prove the Visionary was authentic she predicted 8 months after his death in 1878 that Pious 9 will be elevated One Day to a very high sanctity some thought that she mentioned canonization and his sanctity will save Rome from terrible calamities at that time Pi 9 is already well on the way
to official canonization Pope John Paul II proclaimed him venerable on July 6th 1985 then beatified him September 3rd 2000 furthermore our Lord's prophecies concerning Marie Julie's heart may be a double Revelation first for her hidden death as mentioned above and later understood literally as a great miracle for future times if and when she is exhumed her heart will be found beating the virgin of the Cross and her holy Mission Marie juli Jen was born in coyol on February 12th 1850 in the village of Blain in Britany France when she was three or four her family
moved to a cottage in a hamlet called laf frod just Northeast of Blaine where she lived lived for the rest of her life she was the eldest of five children and as with many of God's chosen Souls she came from a humble background her parents were hard-working and Pious peasants little did they suspect that their daughter would be granted an extraordinary number of Graces by heaven and be given a special mission to spread the love of the Cross and the importance of holy suffering becoming a victim's soul to make reparation to God and save Sinners
through her Heaven would remind the world of the coming chastisements foretold by so many other Saints and Mystics and forewarned those who would listen on how to prepare both spiritually and temporally calling to mind once again the numerous past prophecies regarding the appearance of a great Monarch a saintly ruler beloved by Heaven who would restore the Roman Catholic faith after years of chastisements persecution and desolation in Union with an Angelic pontiff who would Reign Over the Roman Catholic Church in the final days before the appearance of the Antichrist this promised final time of peace and
Triumph would be the greatest that the church and the world have ever known the first sign of the extraordinary life destined for Marie juli began at a very young age when at church she heard an interior voice say stay a little longer with me from that time on She was drawn to the Tabernacle and would spend long hours of Prayer in the church or find a quiet place to pray and meditate when she was older she entered the third order of St Francis and was always the perfect model of modesty piety and spiritual Perfection for
the parish receiving holy communion with the devotion of an Angel according to Witnesses on February 22nd 1873 just before Marie Julie turned 23 she grew seriously ill and was on the point of death our lady appeared to her and said she would be healed but also asked if she would be willing to suffer the same agonies as her son Marie juli accepted to offer herself as a victim Soul our lady appeared again on March 15th and asked a second time if she was willing to suffer and Marie juli replied once more that she was willing
the agonies she promised to undergo were foretold in advance allowing witnesses to see the appearance of the miraculous wounds the Five Wounds were the first of the Stigmata she received which appeared on March 21st 1873 however more agonies were to come she received the crown of thorns on October 5th and on November 25th she received the wound our Lord suffered on his shoulder when he carried his cross the wounds of Our Lord scourging then manifested on her back December 6th and on January 12th 1874 not long into the new year she received painful marks on
her wrists where our Lord's hands were held bound and also a wound over her heart 2 days later she received additional Scourge marks on her ankles legs and forearms 2 days after she suffered two Scourge stripes on her side The Passion of Our Lord manifested itself on her body by degrees however a new and mysterious wound appeared on the ring finger of her right hand on February 20th 1874 it was an espousal ring in blood showing that she had been chosen by our Lord as his spiritual spouse one final and most astounding Stigmata Mark then
appeared on December 7th also seen by Witnesses a wound that was not manifested with other stigmatists of the church a cross and a flower appeared on her chest with the words o Crux a which means Hail To The Cross cross accompanied by extraordinary perfumes emanating from her body on June 25th 1875 our Lord promised her I will not be long in making known to you my secrets soon the secret will be discovered and the whole world will witness my love and my power 3 Days Later our Lord further promised I will operate greater miracles for
you than for your sister Margaret Mary a new name was accorded her as so often displayed in the scriptures when God calls a chosen soul to a new way of life in his service for she humbly replied during an ecstasy dated March 14th 1876 that St Francis of aisi appeared with a white stone apparently a great Cornerstone for the great and holy work of the cross that was to begin at laf frode our Lord blessed the stone then Angels brought a book displaying her new name in Golden letters I see my dear spouse this place
marked where I am going to keep in your presence this stone is white carved Stone brought from Heaven by my sfic father is St Francis our Lord has blessed it angels surround him other Angels bring an open book written in letters of gold and blood I see signed my name at the top of the book tell me what that means I see my name Marie Julie of the crucifix Marie juli then revealed the Mystic book would not be opened until 7 months after her death only then would the work of the cross that started during
her lifetime would begin to spread in Earnest saving many Souls as if to Proclaim mariju Le in her Mission as victim's soul and spouse of Christ the Eternal Father asked her what her name is on August 1st 1876 I am Marie Julie of the crucifix Virgin of of the cross the great sign of the sinful me meline repentant contrite penitent and forgiven my dear spouse who promised Grace To whom he gave the flower he made me his spouse it is I that he will soon reap the Harvest of the Cross of suffering of the Eucharist
the holy Stigmata our Lord would later reveal to Marie Julie her mission on October 27th 1887 with St Margaret Mary accompanying him victim of my sacred heart and you victim of my cross you are not chosen for the same work blessed Margaret Mary was chosen to publish the glory of my sacred heart and you you are chosen to publish the glory of my cross she is the victim of my sacred heart you are the victim of my cross the work of my cross is beautiful and Grand it will quickly follow the work of the Sacred
Heart apparently monor fornier the local Bishop of Na began an immediate investigation into the gradual appearances of Marie Julie's miraculous Stigmata and her extraordinary ecstasies during the early 1870s when they first appeared entrusting the necessary medical investigations to Dr imar gorar a professor at the faculty of medicine at Claremont feron when he asked her what she saw when she received the Stigmata she answered when I received the Stigmata our Lord appeared to me with radiant wounds it was as if a sun surrounded them a luminous Ray came out of each wound and struck my hands
feet and side at the end of each Ray there was a drop of red blood the ray that left the side of Our Lord was twice as wide as the others and was shaped like a lance the pain I felt was great but it lasted barely 1 second the doctor quickly observed that in the case of Marie juli her wounds were not of a natural or self-inflicted kind and were indeed Supernatural in origin doctor continued investigations years afterwards and witnessed many miraculous events the Stigmata bled every Friday then later only on good Fridays but the
pain of the various wounds continued to increase particularly on Fridays on some special occasions the Stigmata displayed miraculous events which were always announced beforehand on All Saints Day 1884 our Lord declared he would envelop Marie Julie with a coat of Light which was fulfilled that December on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception her family witnessed a stream of light about the size of a pee radiate from the wounds in her hands which lasted about 5 minutes Marie juli was willing to suffer more for the Salvation of Sinners and was inflicted with strange unexplainable maladies and
physical torments also witnessed by the doctor one such instance began June 1880 which was also foretold in advance she suffered horrific agonies during her ecstasies on Mondays Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week predicting every time what manner of suffering she would undergo which the doctor was witnessed to the complete offering of her senses began later that year which she foretold again on December 19th and similar to her Stigmata each sense was affected in stages on the Tuesday after her prediction she lost the ability to speak and her hearing 3 days later she became blind the
suffering also included a strange transformation of her tongue which became immovable hard as rock and completely pushed backwards with the tip bent under completely blocking her throat her mouth then closed shut and her lips remained motionless however she was released from this malady at some point for in February 10th 18 81 she revealed the next stages of her excruciating martyrdom our Lord asked her if she was willing to suffer again and she accepted attacks from the devil and the years of persecution mariji also had to contend with the devil and his WS from the time
she first received the Stigmata our lady warned her in advance several times one final warning came April 26th 1874 but our lady promised she would would never abandon her in the midst of these new trials 15 minutes after this warning the devil tried to do his worst he would beat Marie Julie and cover her in bruises and cuts which never grew infected and would quickly and miraculously heal with the holy water he would destroy her sacramentals break her rosaries knock her holy pictures off the walls throw her crucifix to the floor plus knock blessed objects
to the ground or if he didn't destroy them or try to inflict some type on damage on them he would Spirit them away sometimes if Witnesses were present he would try and push them over as well then he would try other manifestations appearing as a frightening Beast animals or in his usual hideous shape threatening he would eventually succeed in damning her soul anything to try and force her to abandon her mission to save Souls when Terror tactics failed he changed strategy and would come as a tempting beautiful young man promising her everything from wealth to
cures for her maladies but without success other times he tried to fool her during her ecstasies by appearing as Angels or Saints but Marie juli was extremely cautious about every Apparition testing them all to ensure they were from heaven and thereby exposing the hellish impostor by Prudence when he did appear in this guileful manner if a mystical visitor complied and made on on Act of love to the Sacred Heart she knew The Apparition was true when it was Satan he would suddenly fly off when she demanded this request sometimes she could easily see through the
disguise if the demon appeared as a saint the Halo would be missing its glorious rays of light or the symbol of the Cross would not be depicted correctly on his clothes or vestments appearing bent or Twisted after this first period of Trials caused by the devil St Michael came and returned all the objects Satan had stolen from her giving her a period of peace until January 1875 after which a new round of Torment was to begin Satan adopted new fearful strategies with his hellish appearances coming in the form of Priest No Doubt to fool her
he was an Earthly human visitor like many she received but she spotted the ruse when she noticed the priest was missing a cross on his stole the devil tried to give her a hope G while disguised in this form but she refused we can only imagine with horror what he was truly trying to give her for he would attempt to poison her on other occasions and force her to swallow stomach turning objects one time he tried to force her to eat grass other times he shoved a file of poisoned blood into her mouth then clamped
it shut she could only open her mouth after her spiritual director faor David said the right of exorcism over her there were times the devil tried to clamp her mouth shut and prevent her from receiving Holy Communion from f David but he would stand there patiently with the Blessed Sacrament before her mouth until the devil was forced to release her these attacks were not without fruit for they were additional means of sacrifice she could offer to save Souls however there were times she could get rid of him by sprinkling holy water her ecstasies occurred on
a regular basis and as with other authentic cas of this Supernatural state with other Mystics they showed the following phenomena the natural reactions of her senses ceased and she remained insensible to the point she would not make the least reaction when pricked with pins and needles or burned or when bright lights were flashed in her eyes sometimes her body would miraculously levitate and she could distinguish the difference between blessed and unblessed objects she could tell when a consecrated or unconsecrated host was placed before her if she discerned a sacramental placed before her was blessed she
venerated it by kissing it profoundly if it was unblessed she would refuse to venerate it or remain unresponsive for example during a passion ecstasy on October 18th 1877 she stopped her mystical enactment of the way of the Cross and asked for a picture of St Francis a visiting priest had had one in his Breviary and handed it to her but she remained motionless and didn't venerate it faor David then knew the picture wasn't blessed and they blessed it immediately after which she reverenced it profoundly covering it with kisses during the same ecstasy visitors held a
rosary before her but she refused to kiss or venerate the sacramental as was her custom the visitor then recalled they had lost the original crucifix to the Rosary and had replaced it with another but didn't think to have the replacement blessed the blessing was done immediately and Marie Julie grew happy kissing the crucifix and the beads repeatedly before resuming her suffering of the passion currently underway in that particular ecstasy sometimes she would give surprising information about a holy Relic presented to her during an ecstasy that no one had previously known about one astounding example without
saying a word to her beforehand A Relic was held before her and she immediately confirmed what the owner had only suspected up to then they truly had a fragment of the Lance that opened our Lord's Side and furthermore it still contained a piece of his heart apparently the Relic belonged to the Marquee de laf froneri which the family still possesses to this day in addition to this marvelous phenomenon she received countless visitors from Heaven during her ex easies who gave her great consolation and imparted spiritual advice naturally our Lord and our lady were constant companions
but she also saw the Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit who would come in the form of a dove or as a flaming tongue of fire also the list of saints who came to her is astounding sometimes they gave her a biography of their lives providing details that no one knew about or they corrected some elements that biographers and chroniclers had mistaken or had become confused Through The Years unknown Saints also visited her and gave an account of their lives at one point she grew so familiar with St Joseph that she even began bantering and
teasing him during one ecstasy dated April 1st 1880 in order to have certain petitions granted until our Lord himself had to come and say enough rescuing his foster father from her persistent weedling