8 New Details of P. Diddy’s Life Inside 'Violent' New York City Jail

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Sean “Diddy” Combs is being housed in one of New York City’s federal jails known for violence and dr...
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P Diddy makes a third attempt to be released on bail and this time it could actually happen a new US District Court Judge has been appointed to the case and now it's going to be up to him whether Diddy is released meanwhile he's still behind bars in a Brooklyn jail that according to his attorneys has deplorable conditions we're taking a closer look at Diddy's day-to-day life incarcerated and his road to a possible release with attorney Randy Kesler I'm CR glaspie and this this is lawn crime news 54-year-old sha P Diddy Colmes is entering his fourth
week behind bars being held at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn it's a far cry from his lavish life and mansions in Miami and Los Angeles but ironically it was the evidence collected at those mansions that put Diddy in jail in the first place back in March Federal investigators raid Diddy's homes in Florida and California collecting evidence in the federal case against him we now have a better idea about what investigators were collecting including multiple AR-15 rifles with the serial numbers removed a drum magazine and illegal drugs but Diddy doesn't face any charges for possession
of those items instead it was the electronic evidence that led to dy's charges on September 16th he was indicted by a Federal grand jury on charges of racketeering conspiracy sex trafficking by forc fraud or coercion and transportation to engage in prostitution a main topic discussed in this indictment was freak offs described as elaborate and produced sex performances that comes arranged directed masturbated during and often electronically recorded and the government alleges these freak offs were not consensual the indictment lays out a pattern of abuse that Diddy would often follow drugging or forcing the victims to drink
alcohol that was often times laced with something sexually assaulting these victims and then forcing them to have sex with a prostitute now the Fed say they have evidence of these freak offs because Diddy often recorded them investigators apparently have dozens of freak off videos and collected more than a hundred cell phones laptops cloud storage accounts and storage devices they alleged didd he use the sensitive embarrassing and incriminating recordings that he made during the freak offs as collateral to ensure the continued obedience and Silence of the victims so these same recordings that were once used to
keep victims quiet are now being being used to prosecute Diddy in a sex trafficking scheme that goes back decades the allegations against Diddy go back a while too with survivors reporting abuse as far back as 1991 last November Cassandra Ventura Diddy's ex filed civil suit against him citing years of emotional physical and sexual abuse during their relationship Cassie mentioned the freak offs saying Diddy recorded them and used them to keep her quiet after that a dozen more civil suits were filed against Diddy and they all followed the same pattern pattern alleging he drugged the victims
assaulted them and recorded it these lawsuits pave the way for Diddy's indictment and arrest and there's actually more on the way weeks after Diddy's arrest Houston based attorney Tony Busby revealed he's planning to file 120 new civil lawsuits against Diddy with even more shocking allegations these lawsuits will apparently include allegations of child sex abuse too in one case a kid as young as 9 years old the lawsuits are also expected to reveal at at least one high-profile name that was involved in Diddy's scheme and participated in the freak offs but for now Diddy Remains the
only one charged in the case and that's what led him to MDC in Brooklyn if you're watching this video You're a fan of Law and crime and I know that means you're all go-getters some of you may even be starting your own business or a new side hustle that's why I want to talk to you about our amazing sponsor o you it's a free all-in-one business management software that provides you with a range of applic appliations that help with the day-to-day of owning a business that's things like managing PTO customer relations or even different subscriptions
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sons and the mothers of two of his children the defense also suggested Diddy would have major restrictions on travel a GPS Monitor and even limitations on female visitors this was presented to Judge Andrew L Carter who denied Diddy's bid for release he argued the bail package was insufficient to guarantee the safety of the immunity or to maintain the Integrity of the case before that Magistrate Judge Robin tarnovsky also denied Diddy bail highlighting his apparent anger issues and history of substance abuse she also voiced concern about a danger to the community or witness tampering should Diddy
be released but just this week judge Ain subramanian was assigned to Diddy's case subaran was nominated by President Joe Biden in 2022 and took the bench in 2023 before that he was a law clerk for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg sub Romanian no stranger to high-profile cases either he's also overseeing the Department of Justice antitrust case against Ticket Master that's the case where the government alleges Ticket Master has an unlawful Monopoly on the market that really came to light after the site crashed in 2022 when Taylor Swift fans rushed to get concert tickets but
back to P Diddy his team will make a third bid for release this time to judge sub Romanian in the meantime he's still behind bars at MDC Brooklyn and according to Diddy's legal team the jail is notoriously dangerous and rundown Diddy's attorney Mark nifo argues there are major issues with the jail citing violence poor conditions overcrowding and even staffing issues he also cited some startling statistics two inmates have been killed at MDC since June and at least four inmates have died by Suicide over the past 3 years on top of that six staff members have
been charged with crimes over the past 5 years when Diddy was first arrested he was placed on suicide watch which according to the doj's National Institute of Corrections is quote supervisory precautions taken for suicidal inmates that require frequent observation Diddy's since been taken off suicide watch but is still being housed in a protective Care Unit actually the same one as Sam bman Fred bman Fred was convicted of Fraud and money laundering last November after the collapse of his cryptocurrency exchange FTX they're both in a separate section of MDC that's a unit for inmates who require
special protection that's people like Diddy or bankman freed who are high-profile inmates but it also cares for other inmates who need protection as they assist in ongoing investigations in open cases now according to some reports Diddy has a few privileges that other inmates lack including access to daily showers and slightly better food in his nearly month-long long stay at MDC Diddy has had phone conversations with his children and even an in-person visit from his family to take a deeper dive into Diddy's Life Behind Bars and the likelihood that he'll soon be released we're sitting down
with attorney Randy Kessler I mean P Diddy has been in the spotlight for decades he's obviously got a pretty big bank account living in mansions in multiple cities and that's what he's used to and all of a sudden he's in a prison that's being described as deplorable I mean just that un itself is that a major change of course you know the bigger they come the harder they fall and I sort of think that's what the puran interest of the public is you know jail is terrible for anybody but for someone who's used to having
people wait on them hand and foot and can and never stands in line and always you know gets front row and gets the best table and get to have the exact opposite what a life-changing moment I mean it's just incredible and you know brings into context our whole system of innocent to proven guilty why is he not being given Bond and you know we could debate that all day long of all people that's unlikely to flee or get away well he's got the resources to flee but he's so recognizable and isn't he in innocent till
proven guilty well yeah but you know we have to recognize there are degrees of innocent till proven guilty when you have this much evidence and so much stuff out there does that affect the judge's decision whether to Grant Bond or not you can't think as a human being the judge isn't thinking that some people are more likely to be guilty than others but the system says you're innocent are proven guilty and it sort of sort of a shame that he's in jail and what if he's Vindicated what if he's acquitted then he had he ever
give him back those few months of incarceration just a lot of things going on here let's talk about that bail because it was denied twice so Diddy has been in jail for almost a month now at this point three to four weeks that's quite a long time and quite a far cry from what he's used to but that bail denial both of the judges mentioned that he has some major resources that he could flee because he has the money access access to private jets thing like things like that do you think that's a valid argument
that these judges are making that he could just flee and run away I mean it's a legitimate concern you know no judge wants to wake up and read the headlines the next day oh they treated this guy special and they gave him Bond and now he's gone and he fled from Justice so that's what's in the back of most judges Minds on the other hand you know we we deal with cases where clients have significant funds sometimes sometimes where there money you can craft a unique solution you know the years ago it was the ankle
bracelet and the ankle monitor that if you had money to afford $250 a month for the process and the technical details you could do that and I can't imagine there wasn't some extreme unique situation where they could pay for private security guards to monitor to report you know it's just interesting to me that with all the money he has and all the resources he has they couldn't craft some solution that lets him be under some form of house arrest and again sounds like special treatment but the truth of the matter is to incarcerate somebody like
him is expensive to all of us we're taxpayers and he's got to have unique situations you can't put him in general population where you know everyone wants a piece of him and everyone wants to be his friend and everyone so maybe some solution where his money could help us craft I mean he could build a separate jail cell you know and we could keep them there um just interesting to me that they sort of said NOP you're going to be treated not like everybody else but a lot like everybody else um just you know having
money doesn't do it so I wouldn't want to be those judges there's sort of a no- win situation for the judge and it sounds like they're airing on the side of caution we're going to do what we would do for anybody else which is keep them incarcerated for fear he flees and then it's on us you know this guilty person who may or this potentially guilty person gets to go on and live their life because the judge let them have Bond you know it flips from He's the bad person to now the judge made a
mistake that's what judges don't want just to play devil's advocate for a second if we're going back in the timeline of Diddy there were Federal raids performed on his home back in March so obviously he knew about it then he could infer okay they're going to investigate something and speaking with his legal team he again could infer charges could be coming down the line so if Diddy was going to run he had all the time in the world six months between those raids and then when he was indicted to run I mean is that something
that his defense highlight defense could highlight and say hey he could have left but didn't I think you should practice law because that's an excellent argument I think it's a it's a 100% correct AR argument which is he had the opportunity to flee except that sometimes people don't think rationally some people people that are in power often think you know I can get away with this I can get away with this and then when they finally realize they can't get away with it is when they try to look at other options so yes it's a
good argument that he had all the Time in the World to try to get away if he knew this was coming he should have seen it and he didn't run um that's taking the the the approach that we're going to trust people and unfortunately not everybody trusts people and he's going to be locked up until they decide on whether he's guilty or innocent or takes a plea um but yes that that's the argument I'd be making if I was his defense lawyer you know what are you afraid of he could have left a hundred times
and he didn't and he will give you any safeguards you want and he'll pay for the safeguards even though he shouldn't have to he'll pay whatever it takes so that he doesn't have to be in jail because he's innocent right now his defense team did bring a interesting bail package kind of what you're talking about a GPS monitor so that people could know where he was a restriction on the people who could come visit him specifically women um a lot of people were going to co-sign on this and it was going to be $50 million
and this was denied two times but now there may be a win for Diddy potentially that a new judge has been assigned to the case do you think it's possible now that this new judge reconsiders and takes the defense up on this giant bail package well Sierra anything's possible Right but now this judge has an even harder time I think because the p last judge locked him up didn't let him out and he's still there available for trial if the new judge lets him out on Bond and something goes wrong you know and this isn't
the analysis that I'm proud to make right we shouldn't be saying well judges are worried about their own skin and how they look if if something bad happens um and maybe this new judge has a broader View and says you know what if he's willing to part and and again I don't think the money is the issue you know $50 million is a high Bond but it's not a question of how bad was the crime the bond issue is what is the likelihood that this person would avoid trial and skip town and forfeit their bond
most people would rather go to trial than give up $100,000 but he has apparently has the money and the wherewithal to say if there's a chance I'm going to jail for the rest of my life if they can keep the $50 million I'm going to some country where they can't extradite me so the amount of money is really not as as telling as the fact that all these other combinations they can't find one that secures the judge in his mind or her mind that okay he's not going to be able to leave town with those
restrictions in place I'm comfortable but you know at least the lawyers know what's been turned down before and they're getting another crack at it you never know so we talked about the potential for bail and we'll see if this new judge actually allows that but for now Diddy is behind bars at MDC this Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn and his team has brought up some concerns about this place I mean by all accounts it's not a great place to be not that any jail is but the conditions sound a little bit worse than maybe other
jails out there do you think if he isn't granted bail his team could still say hey let's transfer him to a new one ahead of the trial they're going to try everything they're going to try to transfer him they're going to try to get him out you know in a normal case where it's a high-profile person or a well-funded person the prosecution and the judge is a little bit more concerned about a wrongful prosecution because people that are mad that they're being arrested for a crime they didn't commit can turn around and file for malicious
prosecution it sounds like there's enough evidence there that they can argue with a straight face that we had a basis to go forward right there's so many people coming out of the woodwork um that no one's going to say that they were malicious about this they went after him without any evidence without any basis for it whatsoever um but certainly there are things that can be done you know but the truth is every jail is bad and some jails are worse than others and the problem again is if you move him why is he getting
special treatment and maybe he's earned special treatment maybe what he's done maybe he's given so much back to his fans and to the world a charity that maybe there's a way that it plays out in the end but again to go into court and say this jail is bad moving to another jail is not your first argument that's sort of the everything else failed judge let me at least earn my keep and get something better for my client than this horrible place that he's in and they are going to be saying it over and over
and over innocent till proven guilty you're putting an innocent man not just in jail but in a place that's not just a holding place it's a place that's terrible especially for him but for anybody right now Diddy is in a protective care unit of this jail because he is a high-profile name what do you think though if he was moved to general population would he actually be at any sort of risk there's no way they can't move him to general population and would he be at risk sure he'd be at risk there's so many people
that have nothing to lose right they're going to be in jail the rest of their life they've got nothing El they want their 15 minutes of fame they they were friends with Diddy or they hurt Diddy or they killed Diddy or they did I mean there's so many you know people in jail that would this would be their moment you can't put them there plus do you want to be the judge that makes the decision or the prosecutor that makes the decision or the law enforcement officer or the warden that makes the decision to move
him out of isolation and into a unit where there are other people and then something bad happens can you spell lawsuit I mean that person aside from all the public anger and anxiety I mean clearly there'd be a lawsuit against the person for doing that they'd have to defend themselves even if they win lawsuits are expensive they're costly get you the kind of media attention you don't want I I just don't see how they put him in with general population or other inmates at all obviously Diddy wants to leave jail because it's not a desirable
place to go but as he's preparing for a future trial because he has pleaded not guilty to these charges does him being behind bars make things a bit more difficult because his defense can't just drop over to his house or he can't FaceTime them with more info it kind of adds a layer there of difficulty yeah Logistics are are important I mean it's very hard to work with a client who's in jail to try to help them prepare for their own defense you're always worried about people overhearing things You' got to schedule it the lawyer's
got to get through the security mechanisms to get into the jail you don't want to trust the telephone line so you've got to be in person much easier to prepare your own defense and there was a case you may recall the Young Thug case in Georgia where the lawyer actually got held in contempt and put in jail and he said I want to be in the cell I want to be in there with my clients so we can at least be preparing together you know there's something about uh being able to prepare and why should
the client the innocent until proven guilty defendant have to prepare on the state's terms you know if you're going to prepare defense you should be able to do it where it's best for you where it's most comfortable for you um and that is a big Hiccup and I don't know that that it's an appealable issue because you got two competing claims one is the right to a proper defense but also you got to make sure that the person doesn't escape justice so um but certainly that's another arguments argument the lawyers are going to make um
even if it's just a Furlow even if it's just sometimes out of jail for the ability to prepare his own defense um that's maybe an option they're going to come up with maybe there's some hybrid um Compromise result for the new bail hearing you also mentioned phone calls and phone lines which got me thinking because oftentimes in cases we do hear in court some recorded Jail phone calls whether it's with the family members or a friend someone and there could be some sort of incriminating information that was revealed on these phone calls or we also
hear about a cellmate or someone in jail who overheard or read a diary things like that so do you think the prosecution is going to be keeping a close eye on Diddy while he's Behind Bars to see if there's anything that could help their case absolutely and people as careful as they are often let things slip they might say I can't really talk because I'm on a recorded line but I want you to know you know whatever he says is dangerous and I was his lawyer I'd say you don't talk on the phone much less
talk about your case or your situation it's just dangerous dangerous dangerous to do that um you know even and and he should be able to talk privately to his Council to be able to say no it might look like I did something wrong because I was in this place at this time well if he doesn't Testify the prosecution would never know that if they overhear that if he has to say it through a phone line that could be recorded uh it it's just it's putting a real you know hardship on the defense team it's interesting
to hear your side of the story too because we've heard so much from the prosecution about all of the evidence they have against Diddy and not as much from the defense but again you bring up a good point he is innocent until proven guilty so right now he is an innocent man but as far as the evidence that the prosecution does have these charges that they're claiming they have a lot of evidence for testimony from Witnesses do you think they have a strong case sounds like they have a strong case but whether you have a
100 pounds of evidence or one ounce of evidence he gets the same rights he doesn't get he shouldn't get treated differently and left in jail because there's more evidence against him than there is to the next guy on the next sale a sale I mean I'll tell you prosecutors shouldn't good prosecutors aren't going to bring a case that they don't think they can win you know when you have a celebrity it's a double-edged sword right on one hand you know they everybody wants to be the one that that prosecuted the guy that nobody could take
down and they did it and they brought down the king and maybe that's something for somebody's ego you would think hopefully instead the prosecution is thinking not only do we have to be careful that we don't ever convict or prosecute an innocent person if we prosecute this innocent person and we're wrong there's going to be payback and it's going to be bad and we're going to be held accountable you know there A lot of times where prosecutors could say I could flip a coin I'm not sure we could convict or not but even if we
try to try this case what's the harm they shouldn't think like that they should think we can win this Beyond A Reasonable Doubt and I'm hoping that these prosecutors are thinking with the evidence we have certainly we can prove this Beyond A Reasonable Doubt a jury could do anything a jury could say that they don't believe us or they don't want to put him in jail they don't want to find him guilty but it sounds like they have enough from what they're saying to everybody but again you know we're Monday morning quarterbacking we're looking from
the outside you really can't judge a case unless you've been in the courtroom seen the evidence through the rules of evidence and then make a decision so I'm I'm not going to comment on do they have a good case do they have a bad case I'm hoping they're doing their job and they're not bringing a case that they don't think they can win it's important to note that P Diddy has pleaded not guilty to all the charges against him and after his arrest his attorney Mark nifo released released a statement reading in part quote sha
Diddy Colmes is a music icon self-made entrepreneur Loving Family Man and proven philanthropist who has spent the last 30 years building an empire adoring his children and working to uplift the black community he's an imperfect person but is not criminal to his credit Mr Colmes has been nothing but Cooperative with the investigation please reserve your judgment until you have all the facts these are the acts of an innocent man with nothing to hide and he looks forward to clearing his name in court did he is due back in court next week for an upcoming hearing
reporting for long crime I'm Sierra gaspie
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