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C.S. Lewis Legends
Inspired by C.S. Lewis - Discover the powerful signs that you're marked by God and how this divine m...
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imagine for a moment that God placed a special Mark upon your life a sign that you're his child ensuring that no evil can Beall you CS Lewis once wrote The Real Son of God is at your side he is beginning to turn you into the same kind of thing as himself so what are the marks that The Real Son of God is at your side what would that Mark look like would it be a physical Mark or something only you and God could see as a child of God you're marked by him chosen set apart
and called to a higher purpose there are certain signs that make it evident there's a Divine mark on you before we continue if this is your first time here please subscribe if you want to understand how and why you're marked by God stick with us to the end the idea of God marking you who knows might seem abstract or difficult to grasp but it's a powerful reminder of his love and grace for his children it reassures you that God has not forgotten you even when it feels like he has CS Lewis wisely noted though our
feelings come and go God's love for us does not Psalm 139 14 says I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made your works are wonderful I know that full well have you have you ever wondered why God created everything before he created man on the sixth day he meticulously prepared everything making the garden perfect for man to dwell in this demonstrates the depth of God's love for us he created you uniquely In His Image distinct from all other creatures unfortunately man's fall distorted God's original plan for Humanity even after restoration not everyone returned
to God's fold as a result there is a Mark that distinguishes God's beloved from the world even in the secular World certain things set one country apart from another likewise when you go to the store to buy fruits the first thing you notice is their appearance but in this case your physical appearance doesn't prove you're marked by God to confirm that you bear this Mark here are the signs you should look out for number one Divine protection and preservation have you ever imagined what it would be like to have God's protective blanket wrapped around you
keeping you safe from harm it's like having your personal guardian angel watching over you the Bible says that the name of God is a strong tower the righteous run to it and are safe when you experience God's Divine protection and preservation it's a sign that you're marked by God CS Lewis remarked there are far far better things ahead than any We Leave Behind Psalm 91 3 says surely he will save you from the fower snare and from the deadly pestilence God's promise of protection isn't limited to physical dangers his Divine protection extends to physical spiritual
and emotional attacks he said the sun won't harm you by day nor the Moon by night when God places his mark on you it means you're the apple of his eye as a result before anything can harm you it has to go through him first the psalmist said that even when he walks through the valley of the shadow of death no evil will overtake him do you know why because God's Mark is on him if God said no one should touch his anointed ones or harm His prophets s what do you think that means divine
protection and preservation of course David experienced this Divine protection throughout his life as a Shepherd God protected him from wild animals on the battlefield God shielded him from Goliath even when King Saul sought to kill him God preserved his life these are testimonies of God's protection over those he sets apart consider Daniel who was taking taken captive in a foreign land despite numerous conspiracies against him God's mark on his life protected him even in the Lion's Den God shut the mouths of hungry Lions they saw him as food but couldn't touch him this is what
happens when you're marked by God those who seek your downfall end up disappointed as a parent would you allow your child to be bullied by stronger children of course not so why would God who loves you even more abandon you when you wake up every morning unharmed do you think it's just because you locked your doors what about the spiritual attacks the devil launched against you while you slept have you heard of people who go to sleep and never wake up despite having security remember demons don't need a physical door to reach you the Bible
says it's because of God's mercies that you aren't consumed his compassion never fails if God isn't watching over a city The Watchmen watch in vain no amount of security can protect you if God's hand isn't on you he Shields you on paths where others encounter danger not because you're smart but because his Divine Mark is upon you have you ever applied for a job and being rejected without them even looking at your documents you might have asked questions questions but no one cared to answer even after praying you weren't called back don't be upset if
this has happened to you you weren't rejected God was protecting you maybe that wasn't where he wanted you to work and he removed you from that place to preserve your life it might seem unreasonable but these things happen thank God for his Divine mark on your life because of this Mark you're assured of divine Health even when doctors say there's no hope Gerson God's healing power restores your health your safety is a testament to God's love and mercy so if you've ever attributed your safety to luck change that narrative today you're protected because you're marked
by God number two Supernatural provision and fruitful Harvest Supernatural provision is like God dropping unexpected gift gifts into your hands when you're marked by God you experience Supernatural provision in miraculous ways God knows what you need even before you ask you serve a god of abundance who owns Everything Seen and unseen so why would he withhold anything from you look at the birds in the air and the fish in the sea they don't earn a salary or plant crops yet they always have what they need because God provides for them CS Lewis once said God
doesn't give us everything we want but he does fulfill his promises now imagine how much more valuable you are than those birds if God has placed his mark on you it shows your immense value to him God's provision is like that of a loving parent who knows their child's needs and provides for them when you're marked by God you can trust that he will provide for you in unimaginable ways the these Provisions can be spiritual physical material or emotional Psalm 3725 says I was young and now I am old yet I have never seen the
righteous forsaken or their children begging bread imagine a child of a wealthy man begging for food from a neighbor that's Unthinkable the Bible assures us that God will provide for your needs according to his riches and Glory this means that lack has no place in your life be it food clothing shelter or finances God will provide it all remember how he provided for the Israelites in the wilderness they journeyed through a Barren land with no food or water yet God sustained them he rained down Mana from heaven and caused water to flow from a rock
this is Possible only with God when you carry God's Mark he gives you a Bountiful Harvest even on Barren land when others struggle to get by you'll have more than enough number three Divine recognition and favor Divine recognition and favor are like receiving special treatment from God when you're marked by him people start noticing you and showering you with unexpected favors it's as if you suddenly become the star in a place that isn't even your own doors open left and right and everyone wants to be part of your story this kind of recognition and favor
is a clear sign that you carry God's Mark Deuteronomy 32 13 says he made him ride on the heights of the land and fed him with the fruit of the field he nourished him with honey from The Rock and oil from the flinty Crag now personalize this scripture as someone carrying God 's Mark do you know how difficult it is to get honey from a rock as sweet as honey is you might not want to go through the effort to get it but when you're marked by God he nourishes you with honey from The Rock
what does this mean you begin to receive things that are usually beyond your ability you gain access to what others struggle to obtain but fail the promotion others have been chasing for years comes to you effortlessly the scholarship that seemed impossible is now yours this is how God nourishes you with honey from The Rock he lifts you above limitations and grants you favor in all areas this was Joseph's testimony people recognized and favored him wherever he went his father loved and favored him within his family in slavery he found favor in potier house and potier
put him in charge of everything in prison his ability to interpret dreams earned him recognition which eventually led to a position he didn't even qualify for how else can you explain this other than God's handywork consider Abraham Isaac and Jacob wherever they went favor found them the blessings God bestowed on Abraham passed down to his descendants as a result every land they sowed on yielded more than the previous one beloved if you find yourself receiving unexpected favors and recognition it's proof of God's mark on you but don't let Pride creep in this was King Nebuchadnezzar's
mistake instead of giving God the glory for his achievements he took the credit himself to teach him a lesson God humbled him don't put yourself in such a situation CS Lewis reminds us humility is not thinking less of yourself it's thinking of yourself less one of the greatest things about having this Mark is that you don't need to seek recognition from the world It comes naturally but that's not all keep watching as we reveal more signs number four profound peace joy and comfort do you remember how safe you felt running from bullies into your parents
warm embrace that's what God's peace and comfort feel like only better it brings a sense of Joy that's hard to explain this is another sign that you're marked by God it's as if God has placed a shield around you protecting you from Fear worry and anxiety allowing you to rest in his peace CS Lewis captured this beautifully when he wrote God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from himself because it is not there there is no such thing when these three elements peace joy and comfort are present in your life no challenge can
weigh you down it's as if the world slows down and moves at your pace you feel secure knowing that God is in control you're confident that no matter what happens he will never leave or forsake you this strengthens your faith in him you start to rely more on him because you understand that true joy and peace come only from Above This peace and joy also stem from answered prayers whether it's a simple request or a long-standing issue God moves swiftly and decisively leaving you in awe as he answers your prayers you realize that he's not
just a god of power and might he's also a god god of love and compassion he cares about the smallest details of your life and fills it with Comfort number five evidence of a Victorious Life when God's Divine Mark is on your life you experience Victory after Victory a Victorious Life is a powerful Declaration of God's goodness and faithfulness despite the challenges you face you see God turning your defeats into triumphs a Victorious Life is isn't just about achieving success it's also about overcoming obstacles and challenges that stand in your way it's about fulfilling God's
purpose for your life Romans 8:37 says no in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us this scripture reminds us that success isn't achieved through strength alone it's only possible through the power of Jesus your identity in Christ guarantees your triumph over every obstacle and opposition that comes your way throughout the Bible God gave his people victory over their enemies as a sign of his mark on them he fought for the Israelites and gave them Victory Time and Again David experienced victory over every challenge that threatened his Destiny the same
was true for Joseph through these victories they were able to fulfill God's purpose for their lives CS Lewis once wrote hardships often prepare Ordinary People for an extraordinary Destiny fulfilling your destiny is like following a treasure map that God has drawn for your life when you're marked by God walking the path he has set for you becomes easier that doesn't mean everything will be smooth sailing you'll still encounter ups and downs but the good news is that God will be by your side guiding you number six your relationships reflect Christ's nature another clear sign that
you're marked by God is the overflowing love that fills your heart spilling over to others God's love is poured Into Your Heart by the Holy Spirit empowering you to love forgive freely and show compassion to those in need a Christ centered relationship is like a flower planted by the Riverside beautiful and and rare when you're marked by God his love and divine nature shine through in the way you relate to others you're able to love freely and live at peace with everyone imagine if everyone in your neighborhood knew you as a troublemaker could you draw
anyone to Christ with that kind of reputation Jesus lived an exemplary life while on Earth the Bible never records him getting into a fight with anyone instead he brought reconciliation to every hopeless situation he encountered in a Christ centered relationship you don't love someone because they're beautiful good or easy to be with your love for them isn't even because they love you in return you love them because you recognize that they are made in the image of God if Jesus had waited to be loved first he would never have died for the world sins remember
the Bible says to live in peace with all men that's a command and you must follow it no matter the circumstances number seven boldness and confidence boldness and confidence are evidence of the holy spirit's presence in your life the Holy Spirit can only dwell in your life if you're marked by God the first manifestation of the Holy Spirit was on the day of Pentecost when he came upon the disciples giving them the boldness to start their Ministry when the Holy Spirit resides in you boldness naturally follows CS Lewis encouraged Believers saying courage dear heart when
you're marked by God you're confident that he is with you this confidence isn't arrogance it's a humble quiet strength that comes from knowing god is your source and shield you're unafraid to take risks or step out in faith because you know God is working through you to bring glory to his name when you're marked by God boldness and confidence aren't just fleeting feelings they become your way of life proving that you are his child Chosen and destined for greatness with this assurance you can step out in faith knowing that God is with you and for
you dear child of God embracing the reality that you carry a Divine Mark is essential it's a reminder of your unique identity as a child of God Chosen and set apart for a special purpose this Divine Mark distinguishes you from the world and empowers you to live a life reflecting God's love Grace and Truth as you enjoy the blessings of carrying this Divine Mark always remember to thank God CS Lewis pointed out the task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts apply this to your spiritual life nurturing the
Divine Mark with Faith and Action 1 Peter 29 says but you are a chosen people a royal priesthood a holy nation God's special possession that you may declare the Praises of him who called you out of Darkness into his wonderful light do you regret leaving the darkness always thank God for placing his mark on you for good remember God also placed a mark on Cain after he took his brother's life but it wasn't for a good reason God marked Cain so that he would wander the Earth without being killed this was his punishment imagine if
God placed a mark on you as a punishment how terrible would that be always remember that God's Divine mark on you serves a good purpose it's for your benefit and His glory this Mark isn't permanent its duration depends on you it's like a contract if you break the terms you lose the benefits God never intended for us to suffer but man's Disobedience removed his shield from Humanity your ultimate goal should be to remain marked by God in all you do living a life that reflects his character and glorifies his name to achieve achieve this you
must prioritize three key aspects of your life number one make Holiness your lifestyle the Bible States clearly that righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to retain God's mark on your life you must live a holy Life as a Believer you know that God despises sin he calls us to come out from among them and touch no unclean thing this means you must must avoid anything sinful the moment you start embracing sin you distance yourself from God making Holiness your lifestyle is like choosing to live in God's love and grace despite the temptation
to sin when you consciously choose Holiness you draw closer to God this means aligning your thoughts words and actions with his word it's about seeking him in everything and rejecting anything that would separate you from his Pres presence in the end you reflect Christ's character in all you do remaining focused on God isn't easy with all the distractions in the world but if you're determined to live for him you'll rise even when you fall how can you do this pray regularly Apostle Paul wasn't wrong when he urged us to pray without ceasing and Jesus wasn't
wrong for asking his disciples to pray in the garden of Gethsemane he said pray that you won't fall into temptation did they listen no they slept and when the time came to defend their faith they failed this highlights how crucial prayer is in your journey toward Holiness you must also study and meditate on God's word let it transform your mind heart and entire life as you do this you'll be better equipped to practice obedience and self-discipline you'll be able to say no to sin with conviction which qualifies you to remain marked by God strive for
Purity in all areas of your life let the world see God's transformative power through you number two Let humility be your watch word humility is the Hallmark of Christianity yet few Christians truly practice it humility doesn't mean timidity the two are entirely different humility is about setting aside Pride arrogance and the need to always be in control the Bible says God gives grace to the humble but resists the proud if you're full of Pride God can't work in your life let alone place his mark on you remember Pride LED King Nebuchadnezzar to attribute his success
to himself beloved Jesus Christ was the embodiment of humility he wasn't arrogant he endured everything the world threw at him and corrected others with love if Jesus the son of God could be so humble why can't you letting humility be your watch word means making it your mission to put others first just as Jesus did humility is a powerful weapon against the enemy's attacks when you remain humble you resist the temptation to think too highly of yourself depriving the devil of the chance to seow Pride in your heart humility allows you to see yourself as
God sees you you must speak cautiously and guard your heart against anger if you want to remain marked by God number three continue relying on God the Bible tells us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and not lean on our understanding relying on God is the foundation of a life that he truly marks this means total surrender to God's Will and guidance it's like saying God I can't do this without you it shows you recognize him as the source of all good things and are willing to surrender your all to him as
you rely on God surrender all your fears worries and anxieties to him trust that he is in control imagine giving someone money to keep for you then when you need it they refuse to give it back back how would you feel your Reliance on God is like obeying his call to cast your cares on him your life isn't yours so why not hand it over to the one who knows what's best for you as you continue to rely on God you'll see him move miraculously in your life dear believer in all you do make sure
your spiritual antenna is tuned properly otherwise you'll miss the signs God is sending your way when you finally recognize these signs in your life act accordingly if you're marked by God it's for your benefit but if you choose to walk away from that protective shield you'll face the consequences your actions determine where you stand so which path will you choose let us pray dear heavenly father bright and Morning Star I rever your name because you are God thank you for your lordship over my life I am grateful for the gift of this day thank you
for shielding and protecting me from my enemy plans I acknowledge that I am still alive because of your mercy thank you for the special Mark you've placed on my life I Lift Your Name forever merciful god please have mercy on me for every sin I've committed let your mercy overshadow judgment in my life please cleanse me and qualify me to be yours once again thank you for your forgiveness I come before you with gratitude for your love and grace thank you Lord for marking me as your own thank you for choosing me to be a
vessel of your love and grace help me live a life that testifies to your glory let every word I speak and every action I take reflect your goodness and mercy thank you for the presence of your Holy Spirit in my life I am grateful for all the blessings he brings daily Lord I pray that you continue to guide and Empower me to walk in the fullness of my identity as your child may your presence be evident in every area of my life thank you for revealing the signs that you have marked me I know these
signs are not just for my benefit but for the glory of your name help me recognize and embrace them whether they come as blessings or challenges Lord let my actions and words reflect your love and grace let everyone I meet know that I am chosen by you help me live a life set apart from the world been drawn closer to you I pray for the strength and courage to Proclaim your gospel and share your love with those around me May my life be a living testimony of your faithfulness help me live a life of Holiness
and to total obedience to your commands may I not falter on my journey to Eternity keep my focus on you and help me remain steadfast wherever you lead me may I follow without doubt I Surrender my will and desires to you lord your plans for me are greater than anything I could ever imagine let your will be fulfilled in my life above all thank you Lord for marking me as your beloved child may I always walk in the confidence and Assurance of your love knowing I am set apart and chosen by you thank you Father
for hearing and answering my prayers in jesus' name amen if this video blessed you please like comment and subscribe see you in the next one
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