Create a Modern Living Room in 30 Minutes in Blender - EEVEE Next!

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🔹 Welcome to iMesh! 🔹 3D Assets - In this video, I’ll guide you through cr...
Video Transcript:
hello and welcome to this next imish video so this is a cool one Eevee which is blender's realtime engine has had a huge update in blender 4. 2 making it far easier to get far more realistic results in real time now I never used Eevee in the past because I always thought the results were pretty rubbish but that has now changed inside of Eevee next I'm now amazed at the results that we can actually get it uses Ray tracing it's far easier to get better results so I've put to get that how to guide on how to make this modern living room scene now this will be a half time-lapse and a half tutorial kind of video so I do expect you have some sort of basic knowledge inside a blender if you're new to blender then I do recommend you check out this tutorial series that I put together for absolute beginners to get you up to speed now after you've done that I do expect that if you have a few weeks of knowledge of blender then you shouldn't have any trouble with following this tutorial now this is quite fastpac but it does generally have a lot of tips and tricks throughout the whole video so I do recommend just watching the whole thing and soaking in as much knowledge as you can but if you do have any questions please do write them in the comments and I'll try to respond to everyone now I'm excited to teach you everything that learned with even X so far so let's jump straight in okay so the first thing I'm going to do is open blender 4. 2 and then going to add a plane and then I'm going to press n to bring up this panel here and then I can set the dimensions to be whatever I want so I'm going to set it to 13 and then 7.
5 M and then going to apply the scale before going to edit mode I can press e to extrude but I want to see how high so I'm going to enable Edge length display to enable this to set this to 6. 5 M tall okay so now I'm going to add a camera and from here I can change the rotation to be zero and then rotate it on the xaxis by 90° and then rotate it on the Zed axis by 90° to make sure it's completely straight then under the format settings I'm going to change the resolution to be this and then I can push the clipping in so I can actually push through the wall and actually see through I'm going to turn on the passer two so I can actually see what's going on and then change the focal length to be 55 mm and then I'm going to use some shift I might a little bit later but I'm going to just roughly put it about here and then I can add a loop cut which I'll use to cut out a new wall then I'm going to go to edit preferences in case you want to know if you go down to uh face orientation I always have a red wall and that show me the face orientation and I've turned the alpha right down I've also turned the blue one completely off that's so I can have the face orientation on all the time if you go to this button here you can turn that on and off but I have it on all the time so I can always see if my normal is facing and it's not going to Blind me so this is wrong so I'm going to flip it I'm going to rotate everything on 90° just so everything is on straight when I press one on the numpad and then I'm going to bring this wall out about one me one more meter I'm just trying to roughly get the camera into the position where I want it to be I think that these walls should probably come over slightly so I'm going to put it about here and then I can delete this face ready for a window I'm going to enable composition guys because it makes it easier to follow some sort of composition I'm going to extrude this wall out so I can make it sort of feature wall here and then add some bevel of course you should add bevel to all of your objects I'm going to do shade Auto smoo and then make sure under shading make sure you enable Harden normals I'm then going to add a cube I'm going to scale that right down and then this is going to be a step just pull this out on the X AIS and then bring this up on the Zed axis a little bit I'm going to pull it out a little bit further I want this to be kind of a feature element where it goes out into the outside as well but it does want to be a step so I'm going to add a loop cut here and then bring that up slightly before clicking on the bottom face and then press e to extrude that out and now I'm pressing 1 2 3 on the keyboard to do vertex Edge and face select let's bring this out slightly and then let's add another Cube here I'm going to scale this right down let's turn off this Edge length measurement now let's select this top face and press gz to bring that up on the Zed axis I'm going to press a to select everything and then SX to scale on the x axis before doing shift d x and then doing shift R to duplicate that action and let's make another Cube here for this top wall Fe feature not entirely sure what this is but it looks kind of nice in the render I'm going to add two Loop cuts on the bottom part here and then I want to extrude that out but let's just delete these Edge faces do shift G and select by normal and then I can select this middle face and do e z to extrude that through and then I'm going to select both of them and do copy modifiers you can do control L with that and then to bring that down down put roughly into position we're not going to see that part anyway but I think we might see some Shadows from that so let's bring that up now let's add another Cube this is going to be the window I'm going to try to make this window quite simple but I think it will be quite effective in the end so what I'm going to do is just bring this into position roughly into the correct height I will adjust this later but let's just select both of these faces press I to inser and then press e and then s x to scale them on the x axis and then press I again then press e and then SX again to extrude these through then I'm going to delete these faces then select these Edge Loops do bridge Edge loops and then do e and then alt s to extrude that out and then I'm going to do shift d and then press e alt s again then delete these faces and then select these Edge loops and press F to fill them in so now we have the window I'm going to click on both and do control L and then copy modifiers again so it has a bevel and then I'm going to select these bottom vertices just to make this kind of edge lip on the bottom of this window and then bring this over just so it's up against the step and then do duplicate this can do shift tab to enable snapping to bring that over and then I'm just going to make this kind of door handle element here it's just going to be a simple Cube I'm again copy modifiers to bring a bevel into this part as well and then just do shift d to duplicate that face and then press e to extrude that out again then do contrl a to apply that scale then I'm going to add a cylinder scale that right down and then rotate that and then go to the top view and then from this top view if we select this edge face we can then do control shift alt s and then we can try y if that doesn't work we try X and then we can press one to rotate that and then we can select this Edge Loop here and then control B just to add some bevel and then from here select the first one then select the second one and copy modifies again I'm just going to add another loop cut here and then from here I can do shade Auto smooth I'm going to scale this down a little bit so it's less thick but then just bring this out about and then from there what we're missing are some hinges so I'm going to add a cylinder here I'm going to scale that right down from there I can duplicate it down a few times just do shift R to copy that last action I can then copy and modifies again but that's too high so let's just reduce that a little bit and then do shade Auto smoo again then in edit mode press a and then do shift d to copy everything down I'm just scale them scale them up quite a lot and then just bring this bit up again so that should be a nice hinge length I'm going to select all of these and then do shift d x sorry shift d y and then do object mirror to mirror that so now we have two door handles these are a little bit too high so let's bring this down and then I'm going to copy this element and duplicate that up this can be this top window section top get select this top Edge and bring this right down and then what I can do is go into object mode and duplicate that and snap that as well duplicate that and snap that as well I can then duplicate this window as well and we're going to completely modify this one so it can kind of go around the step let's bring this element all the way over then in object mode I'm going to select both of these and go into local view so it's a little bit easier to focus press X to delete these faces then X to delete these faces as well then I'm going to select these edges and do s y0 and then I'm just going to go into the side view so it's a little bit easier to see what I'm doing then I'm going to do control shift alt s and then X and then one bring that over and then e z Zed then e y and then e z and e y then I'm going to extrude that out on the y- axis and then I'm going to do again Control Alt shift s and then X and then one and then what I'm going to do is to scale this up just so it matches this top element select these two open faces and do rightclick bridge faces and then do the same thing for these ones as well and then just select these two open edges here and click these and F to fill those in I think that wasn't 100% accurate but never mind I don't think we're going to see that element anyway let's just select all these windows and bring this over to make room for the new piece and then this part should probably be up a bit to match the other section as well and then bring this down to also match that section as well and then duplicate this element so we have this top window again let's just edit this so it fits then select all of these and then I'm just going to bring this part down because we don't need this bottom lip like we did on the door frames let's duplicate this part over then what I'm going to do is I'm instead of creating one myself I'm going to use a library and we are imesh we have our own library of assets so it's far easier now to just use these assets I'm going to add this door I'm going to scale this up and then just try to match it rough roughly into place I do have some sort of artistic license here where I can scale this ever so slightly and doors can be quite large in general anyway I'm going to add some Loop cuts to make room for the door and then I'm going to select this face and extrude it I'm going to extrude this part again I'm going to make a makeshift room so that there is some actual dark area behind the door then I'm going to do smart UV unwrap for this whole object and the same thing for this element here and then I'm going to make sure I have a bevel on that one as well it's a little bit too H so let's just reduce that let's select all of these windows and let's scale this down so they are roughly door width I'm going to make sure I go to item and actually scale this right down because doors are about 1 meter thick or 1 M wide so I'm going to get it quite close to that it doesn't matter if they're a little bit off and let's duplicate this over just have extra windows okay so now we have the windows I don't think it matters they don't go all the way across I don't think we see those Shadows anyway now let's just make sure we fix these hinges as they got lost also these got stretched a little bit so let's just unstretch these and put these back to where they were now I'm going to select all the windows and then do contrl J to join them and then I'm going to make a new material call that metal black then I'm just going to make another material call that one glass then I'm going to select all of the glass elements and assign that to them so let's select all of these faces and then do shift G select similar by area and then I can assign that to the glass material then do a and then shift n to make sure that all the normals fa in the correct direction then for the glass in the viewport I'm just going to turn this Alpha right down so we can actually see through it then I'm going to duplicate this floor element to make a rough floor area outside and then for this glass I'm just going to completely turn it off for now I'm going to make it an alpha I don't think we'll actually see the glass anyway so I'm going to try Alpha it if it looks good then I'm going to leave it like that because it should be FAS anyway for the lighting I'm just going to add a area light for now let's scale this right up so it roughly covers this whole area and rotate this downwards because the sky comes from upwards and then scale this down again and I'm going to set this to 1,000 Watts then I'm going to set this to Eevee turn on Ray tracing set this to agx under Ray tracing these values work for me but I will turn Max roughness to one as screen tracing I will set the Precision to one as well thickness to 10 m and then for the lighting make sure that you turn it to jittered lighting and then also make sure you set it to jittered Lighting in the render settings then I'm going to add now I'm going to add a gobo which is basically a transparent plane which has a shadow on it and you should be able to find some of these free online but you can of course get them from imesh so this will be able to quickly add tree Shadows into the seam this is actually animated as well so you can make an animation from these I'm going to put them roughly into place but I can't see the shadow so let's add a sunlamp and then I'm just going to rotate this into the scene roughly this direction here and then Under the Sun settings I'm going to change the angle to one so it's a bit softer and then strength 10 so we can actually see it and then the color a little bit orange would be nice if we can actually use black body inste of EV as well but there we go so now we can see the Shadows then I'm going to duplicate this over as well so we can add more trees and that covers the scene nicely I'm going to duplicate that and then I'm going to make that white and I'm going to set the strength to 20 and I'm also going to increase the angle so it's a much softer light but is still directional into the scene I thought this was a nice mix of lighting which I found then I'm just going to turn down the exposure and then this is the final look I think this looks quite nice and then also set them both to jittered and then under samples I'm going to set this at 32 you can increase this if you want to but it will increase the render time and then I'm going to select this bottom face do shift G select similar by normal and just make sure you dis select any that you don't want and then I'm going to separate that and then this will be the plane which I'm going to add the wood floor to it you can just add a plain wood floor material to that if you wanted to something like this which is also from imesh of course but we do have a wood floors geometr noose object which I really like because it is has a some physical geometry on it so some real bevel so I'm going to select the original floor and then I'm going to select the new wood floor afterwards do contrl J to join them then I'm going to go to edit mode and then select these edges and just delete that imported plane now we are left with a complete wood floor that we like I'm just going to increase the size I think these are these planks are a little bit too small and it's a little bit slow with this size so let's just do 2. 4 M and then you can actually type the calculation straight into here so times that by two to get uh 30 cm widths and then rotate these 90° now we have the planks and we can't see these inside of Eevee because there is a texture limit and these have a lot of textures so I'm just going to remove this node here I'm going to add a just principal Shader and this actually works so I'm just going to plug the base color into base color roughness into roughness and add normal into normal and then put the normal map node in in the middle now that works now that looks perfect nice and detailed wood floors now for the walls I'm going to add this concrete material from shared textures 1K or 2K is fine and I'm going to make a new material call that one wall and then with edit preferences and then I'm going to add add-on I'm going to type in node Wrangler and just make sure that's enabled if it's not there you might be able to find it in get extensions should be node Wrangler and then with that enabled I'm going to select the principal Shader and do control shift T and then select all the textures I want and then it'll automatically connect them all I'm going to set this mapping to four so it's a little a little bit smaller and delete this CU I don't want this and then also I'm going to remove the displacement cuz it's a little bit harsh and then going to add a hug saturation and turn it completely to no color because I think it should be closer to White and also set the value to two so it's a bit brighter and then maybe try a higher value because I think it might be a little bit too small again so it's just some subtle detail on this wall that's great now this has a little bit funky textures going on and I do find that is something to do with that value there so just delete that I don't know why it Imports with that but anyway just remove it and now I'm also going to bring that door down a little bit as well and bring this element down as well just so that it actually touches the top of the door and then let's bring this door over slightly so it actually goes inset into the wall it's a bit more realistic and it's not dark enough inside that wall so I'm just going to increase this room size and then let's select this floor and then we're just going to bring that out as well and just going to turn off bevel on this geometr system cuz it's a little bit slow let's bring that this out as well doesn't need to be exact we're not going to go in that room anyway then under the Shader editor under the world tab this is a huge mess so let's just delete this world currently I'm going to click new then I'm going to add a new environment texture and then I'm going to find one which I like and there is a sunset forest from HD Haven so I'm going to plug that into there I will put the link in the description I'm going to add a mapping node to that and then I can rotate that set amount if I wanted to and then I'm going to add a light path node I'm going to add a mix Shader and then duplicate that back background node and let's plug that H straight into that as well so now we can tell it that we want it to be super bright but we don't actually want it to contribute any lighting to the scene if we wanted to so this plug is camera plug that into there so now we can see it's much brighter and much more Overexposed exterior is a lot more realistic so I'm just going to decrease this value to 0.
5 I don't really want it to contribute any light to the scene I just want it to be nice in the background let's move this over slightly so it covers the steps a little bit more and now I am looking for a wood texture to go onto this element and I do know the name of it so I'm just going to search for it on this list and these are all the woods also available on Imes so let's just import this wood into here and then I'm going to Smart UV unwrap all of these and we can see that it has actually unwrapped under the UV editor let's just scale this up by two times and that should look good now scale it again actually I think it should be a bit smaller then I'm just going to copy these modifiers as well so this has bevel as well now I'm going to link material for this step so this is also wood we can scale that up two times and two times again just so the texture is nice and small don't scale it up too much until you can start seeing some tiling but that should work now I'm also going to unwrap that top element and give that the same material now let's add a plane now we're going to add a carpet so let's extrude that out I'm going to select these edges do b control B to Bevel that then I'm going to select this bottom part and bevel that part as well but I don't want any fur to be on the bottom so let's delete that bottom face now I'm going to add some Loop cut so it's nice and square then add a modify and search for displace make new set it to UV then unwrap this whole plane with just U unwrap and then I'm going to add a clouds as the texture go back to the modifier and reduce the strength I think that the noise is a little bit too big so let's just increase the size to something like one so it's a little bit wavy then with proportional editing I'm going to just bring up these corners because that often happens with carpets right then I'm going to add let's just maybe reduce these a little bit more then I'm going to add a shift a and then curve and then add a fur object now what I'm going to do is go to sculpt mode with these first selected then I'm going to click the minus button and then I'm just going to brush over the whole object until they all disappear here basically I'm going to remove these like little guides that are there these little white hairs then it's completely removed then I can add some myself so I'm going to click this and set this to Edge length to be 0. 05 and then I'm going to set the count to be 50 then I'm just going to brush over so there's a nice even amount of them this makes it easier to basically tell it where I want the fur to be facing and then I want much more along these edges because I want to fine-tune these edges a little bit later so adding more guides there helps the guide all these individual hairs and we're only going to see this front and side faces anyway so let's just put it along these edges then with the comb brush I can then just comb different elements you can set this to projected if you want to so then bring all of these up because the bits that go against the floor are probably going to be going upwards not through the floor so let's just pull these away from the floor a little little bit more then from the top view I can just comb just randomize this just bring these all in as if someone's walking over it and there's different on it and you know just make it random then increase the density to 2 25,000 and then set the minimum factor to 75 now the noise I think is a little bit too harsh so let's just reduce that and set the scale to be bigger and then do preserve length this noise is always a little bit too harsh also for Friz let's just reduce that a little bit then I'm going to go to assets and I'm going to set it to Essentials and then from here we have some hair Essentials let's drop in clumps and then let's also just reduce the factor something like that should look good even less then under the object Shader editor I'm going to do click use nodes and I think just the base principle Shader is fine for now I'm just going to add kind of kind of like this dirty looking texture but adding that to fur I actually find looks quite nice so I'm actually going to put a plug in generated here and now we have this kind of dirty looking carpet which actually kind of fits you can add some Sheen if you want to you can also add the principal hair but I do find sometimes that this actually looks perfectly fine now these Edge elements what I'm going to do is just brush these up even more I do want some facing the camera so it does kind of cover this front area because it was too exposed and we can kind of see the blanket underneath it so now now it's completely covered with Just Fur so that's good now let's add some seating we have all these sofas of course so let's just choose one that we like this one is perfect scale it up ever so slightly again we have some artistic license it doesn't matter if it's like 10% scaled Let's uh mirror this and bring that roughly into place and also scale this blanket over as well or this rug and then going to add a lounge chair this one works nicely but I don't want this throw on it so let's just remove that just going to roughly put it into place that I think looks nice then under the Shader editor this is kind of like a legacy Shader Editor to emulate the sheen but Sheen is now existent in the actual principal Shader so we can remove a lot of these nodes so we could just remove all of these then we have this like velvet or falloff Shader which is a custom one made by us and we plug that straight into Sheen and it makes a nice Sheen texture and then we can just plug the color straight in there so we can just ignore the all the old nodes except for the color and that Sheen looks really lovely kind of breaks it up a little bit we can choose like a nice orange color then let's just drag this color straight into this Sheen tint let's make it whiter or lighter and then desaturated something like that so that looks really nice and soft underfit details let's add some cushions if you guys want to see any tutorial on how to actually make any of these elements then please do let me know I do realize I am now using some assets at this point so uh please do write in the comments if you want me to do a follow-up tutorial on how to actually make some of these elements so with these cushions I'm just going to slide these ones over we'll come to these in a minute I'm just going to roughly put them into place they do look wonky from the side but from the front view you can't actually tell so let's just roughly put them into place and let's just put them through here we can use proportion editing to push it out of the floor if you want to then duplicate that over and roughly put that into place and I also gave them the same material as well I I want it all to be consistent throughout let's add this coffee table to the side here then let's add another one for the center item I'm going to pull it slightly out of the fur we're probably going to have to pull it out slightly even more when we actually turn the full the fur to full resolution then I'm just going to add some decorative sets these are really nice quick sets to decorate your scene of course if you're makinging a scene yourself you should be able to make some of these they're relatively quite simple they're usually just vases and cylinders but again if you want a tutorial on these bits I will do an extra tutorial just write in the comments and the ones which get the most votes I think I'll write do those ones for the actual tutorials now these wrinkles are a little bit too harsh on these so I'm going to go into edit mode going to go to UV editor and scale these down with 0.
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