LIFE CHANGING DIET SECRETS for FAT LOSS, ANTI AGING, SEX & More 🤯 Nutritionist Ryan Fernando Podcast

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Level Up With Karan Chugh
Mr. Ryan Fernando is an Award Winning Celebrity Nutritionist and the Founder of QUA Nutrition. He ha...
Video Transcript:
I run one of the most successful nutrition clinics on the planet over 100 dietitians yeah the who's who of the world the fastest 200 meter athlete in the world comes to my clinic yeah I won two Olympic medals with suil Kumar verat kohi has been my client fat cells reside in our body for 8 years but your stomach cells change every 9 days your skin cells every 7 weeks right your brain cells and your eyes are two guys that remain with you very long skeletal muscle 14 years blood every 3 months mons so now when
you're eating all of this raw material are you using it for proper cell turnover or construction everyone listening into this podcast more than 60% of them will develop diabetes in their life if they don't get smart about getting educated about what they put in their body half a time I'm swearing and abusing at what these manufacturers are doing because they're literally putting topy on all of us yeah exactly like like for example recently I saw somebody packet of rice gluten free hang on you're charging a 40% premium but rice is already glutenfree exactly right that
friend now how every 15 minutes that friend you're laughing you know that friend in your group okay then there's a friend he will eat eat eat eat and you have gone hitting the nightclub and everything one hour later he's just eaten like like like a wild Bo and his like stomach is empty that's called the satiety Gene this is the problem in this country every business person or entrepreneur or startup has thought that they are very smart in nutrition I know 20 30 entrepreneurs who started everything from protein powders to energy bars and I'm calling
you guys out you have no food science back what I'm going to say today is going to shock the industry yeah I've never said it on camera before hi everyone welcome to the flips side podcast today we have a very special guest for you we have with us celebrity nutritionist Mr Ryan fando Ryan has been the nutrition coach for the leading athletes and celebrities of the country to name a few vat kohi Anushka Sharma Amir Khan Shahid kapor yuat Singh shikar daan the list just goes on he has over two decades of experience and he's
the founder of quan nutrition in our conversation today I spoke to him about fat loss about anti-aging about reversing diabetes naturally and the conversation that we have had are consultations that would have charged anyone lacks of rupees but it's free for you so make sure that you watch till the end hey Ryan such a pleasure to have you on the podcast finally and I have so many questions to ask you but firstly how are you doing I'm doing super good and thank you for having me here today it's an absolute pleasure Ryan I wanted to
ask you about a problem that most of us experience I'm not sure if you've experienced that but uh most of us are have at some point in our lives been addicted to junk food we can't stop at that one chip or that one piece of chocolate can you run us through what actually makes that food so addictive see basically we have pleasure Center in our brain and a pain center now man is a animal of pleasure nobody will choose pain only these mixed martial art guys will choose pain but the rest of us a pastry
looks really good a donut looks really good now most of the wheat Dairy and sugar have molecules in it which Target a pleasure Center in the brain in fact when scientists did an experiment they gave people opium and they found out which part of the brain lit up and do you know that when you eat a Cossa or you have a pastry with icing on it yeah which is whipped cream yeah or you do plain sugar so all of your chocolates and candies the same part of the brain lights up oh so if that part
where opium gets lit up which is linked to addiction is lit up by food you're going to be addicted to junk food unless you have adults holding your addiction or you have a filter in your brain saying hey my body is the most expensive real estate I need to take care of it so like my sports stars and my celebrity clients who are really young they're the ones who like they want the six-pack they want to look good so they understand that junk food is going in it's addictive you keep cycling through it and it's
going to damage your body yeah there's a lot of extensive research I believe that food scientists are doing to make this very addictive and I think the right amount of sugar salt fat is being calibrated and then that's oh yeah yeah they they are like they're like agents that are discovering what will your taste bud succumb to what Temptation you know like for example the other day I just had a candy and I put it in my mouth cuz my kid was eating it so I don't deprive my 10-year-old kid but I teach him moderation
so if you're going to eat junk food one is to allow yourself moderation the problem is when you're are an animal yeah you have no control but if you can just evolve beyond your animalistic Pleasures you should be able to control yourself so those candies are designed with Umami salt sugar and even a little bit of spice in it so all the taste bu Sensations are firing you can't resist but I remember recently like I a few months ago I realized that my body is my biggest real estate and since then I've been very particular
about not consuming products that use palm oil and I was going around the grocery store and I'm like I really can't buy anything that I want to snack on and I used to snack on but uh now that I know of palm oil other than that you know are there any things that people should check in the nutritional chart or in the ingredients that before buying if they see this ingredient stay away so very very simple yeah if it comes in a plastic packet you should be a little bit cautious first so let's assume you
want to buy something from a plastic packet whether it's Biscuits energy bar an a rated beverage whatever it is they will have words written on the ingredient Karen if there's a chemical word in it even a Commerce student will understand it's a chemical word the only thing is not to be too intelligent about reading the label be intelligent about just saying it's a chemical and if I'm doing it maybe once or twice a month thumbs up yeah but if you're doing it every day so for example there is a health drink which recently went to
court by the government and they said you have to remove the health drink label on it and all the e-commerce apps have been asked to delist it and put it into a normal beverage category when I looked at this health beverage what I found out was it did not have chocolate in it it had chocolate FL flavoring so Curr one of the things that you can look for don't look for any exotic chemical name look for the word flavor if flavor is there you know it's chemical because if you want a chocolate you will get
cacao or cocoa bean right and that is very expensive that's the cost of a chocolate bar but when you look at something added into a milkshake or a beverage and it says chocolate flavor strawberry flavor I can bet my money that is just a chemical synthetic flavor so you're being corn you're being corned into eating something at a taste bud level yeah not at a nutritive level yeah so people need to figure out that hey if I'm constructing my body you know I I always tell people there's something known as cell turnover right so current
the body that you are sitting in this room with me and I'm sitting in this room is constantly being changed over fat cells reside in our body for 8 years but your stomach cells change every 9 days your skin cells every 7 weeks right your brain cells and your eyes are two guys that remain with you very long skeletal muscle 14 years blood every 3 months so now when you're eating all of this raw material are you using it for proper cell turnover or construction yeah the only way I can explain it to all your
fans and my fans very simple imagine you are a highend bungalow but every 10 to 30 days each room is being rechanged now will you use um CH raw material yeah you will choose the right raw material expensive raw material so think of your body as a very expensive real estate and the only thing that you should ask before even looking at a label is are you worthy to enter my body that's true it's so important that you say this because uh a lot of products now are being marketed as healthy but they're actually not
healthy so this will really help the audience understand what to go for and like you said if it's plastic and the flavors and all these actually if you had a camera on me and you were traveling with me half a time I'm swearing and abusing at what these manufacturers are doing because they're literally putting topy on all of us yeah exactly like like for example recently I saw somebody packet a rice glutenfree hang on you're charging a 40% premium but rice is already glutenfree exactly right so I think uh the good news is uh I'm
getting interviewed so we're calling out we're calling out people there are there are compatriots of mine out there who are educating the masses and I think it's very important for people to just say that oh you know I'm not going to put crap into my body you start at that level within a onee period you're already you're discovering what I can eat what I can buy what I should not buy for sure this is really important and we earlier touched upon palm oil and I understand that oil in general needs to be avoided as much
as possible but if there are people that want to use oil is there a way to possibly rank these oils in terms of health be it like sunflower oil coconut oil rice BR oil palm oil in the earlier years before I did genetic testing um I would always give a mixed basket it's like the IPL team right somebody is a middle order batsman somebody's a top order batsman somebody's a tail Ender but can really finish a match for you in the oils family you have mua Pua and saturated fat saturated fat is your butter ghee
coconut oil the thing is in today's world when we do the genetic test there are people that will have thumbs up for saturated meaning they can have butter gear and coconut oil and there are some people who cannot have it because it will create heart disease so as I've gone forward over the years I've kind of brought it into a very simple scenario don't have fried foods yeah because it's copious amounts of oil don't have fried foods that are made outside if you have fried foods make it at home why because oil chosen at home
will be of a better quality it will not be reused 15 times that restaurant out there has refried those banana chips 20 to 30 times today in that same oil exactly so it's actually more of engine oil actually than good healthy oil another thing Karan is if you and I existed 5,000 years ago you didn't ride on a horse and like Hey by ta because tail doesn't exist in nature does coconut oil exist in nature what exists in nature coconuts coconut so you have to put the coconut and you have to grind it out to
take the oil right so in the olden days you did it by hand today we have machines or chemicals to take it oil now why do we put oil in our food why do we fry it because of mouth feel taste Factor yeah so in these departments palm oil gives no flavor to the food so it's a preferred option by all rest and reers yeah the reason being is that look I'm from South India you're from Mumbai right somebody over here is from North India so North Indian guy will like sarok Cil South Indian guy
might like coconut oil yeah you might like ground nut oil yeah imagine if I made an omelet in s so palm oil is the most neutral people will go for palm oil also the cost of ghe is 800 plus rupees per kg the cost of palm oil is 150 to 180 rupees per kg you and I start a restaurant together current which oil will be used the cheapest oil so when you go into this hierarchy I tell people less oil don't fry food if you have money do a genetic test figure out so in me
mua which is mon unsaturated fats is not good so groundnut oil olive oil thumbs down but Pua for me is a thumbs up sunflower safflower corn oil but these also are known as vegetable oils and can be harmful so it's for me it's like which Cricket player do I choose if I'm the captain everyone has their strength everyone has their demerits so you make the best of a decision so if I go to an Italian restaurant I'm not telling that by by pasta coconut oil say B I'm telling him I will eat that olive oil
that day but it's not multiple exposures if you come to my house there's a bottle of two three oils so we also rotating the oil we using an oil sprayer okay so uh I don't know if you know this but um normally we use those pore bottles and when you do a single por you can get up to 2 tablespoons of oil going into a plant now current most of us in urban India when we live in our Metro cities we have domestic help helping us anyone who's watching your podcast most likely will have help
domestic help is not going to be like right yeah 30 ml of oil in there yeah so the game to reduce oil in a pan is an oil sprayer that's right so I bought a simple oil sprayer and I actually did an experiment and sprayed yeah and it's designated as half an ml so three sprays which is 1.5 ml versus 20 ml so you could win on the game by just buying an oil sprayer the problem is how many people cook at home and then the next problem that I face so the awareness of our
domestic help to using an oil sprayer because we get lesser quantity is the uphill task it's like you ask your mom this in the ' 80s and '90s domestic Heth still wanted to use ash to wash the dishes at home yeah whil your soap came in which powdered soap and uh your liquid soap so certain things will take time for people to change and utilization of lowering a portion of oil is going to be difficult with domestic Health which is why the younger generation needs to learn to get into the kitchen and control what is
going inside the food first and then what goes inside of them yeah but actually the oil spray idea is such a brilliant idea it's so simple but I think the impact is so large scale it's brilliant uh another Trend that I'm seeing it's not a trend I understand the moral concerns with which people are choosing this lifestyle which is a veganism uh while I understand the moral impacts of it are there any negative long-term impacts on one's Health after becoming vegan see basically in today's world there's a lot of fashionability around food so guys like
me or nutritionist and all we want to like create some fashion some drama you need to eat you need to eat your capacity you need to figure out what's thumbs up in your body and what's thumbs down now from an ethical perspective vegetarian and veganism is at the highest level of Ethics brilliant from a nutritional standpoint of view you need certain foods that may not come into your body now in today's day and age we Tom toming and beating the you got low low bone density low vitamin D low B12 I think if you went
back 200 years people wouldn't care are paining ear paining and then you die okay but in today's world longevity you want to live long so what is the thing with veganism when you don't have enough of dairy because it comes from animals or iron calcium protein B12 B12 is found only in non-v sources right okay so these vitamins and minerals will go into deficiency after 3 to 6 months of a practice if your mommy daddy then your genetic ability to absorb and produce could be higher you have no problem but there are many people who
come into my clinic and when we do the nutrition test of the blood uh which is the vitamins and minerals we do a bone uh mineral test we look at the muscle we look at the fat we find that after a few months of veganism they're a little bit on the back foot okay therefore I recommend that testing and nutritional supplementation by your family doctor or your nutritionist can help you get to the next level so with supplements it's manageable look supplements are a nutritional convenience for a nutritional indiscipline now in this case veganism is
not an indiscipline it's a fact of the matter that B12 is found only in non-v food and if you're a vegetarian whose microbiome the gut bacteria is not able to produce its own B12 you are going to have a vitamin deficiency which leads to a health problem so you're just being astute about it and hopefully you not get the problem understood right no I think um vanity also plays a big part because of which people are now choosing to work out and ideally you know the aim should be to get fit and Longevity for your
health um what can someone do to increase their life to be healthy in the long run just through diet the first thing I would say earlier would be um eat less fast and buy organic yeah to your audience who's much younger don't do that just get away awareness leads you to making better choices for your body yeah uh why would you work out you would work out because muscle is the only age reversible organ in the human body yeah so current there is this picture which I use in my clinic when I practice at the
quanan clinics when somebody comes in I show them the picture of the MRI of the quar muscle the qup is the muscle above the knee yes and there's a cross-section of a CT scan of it of a 40-year-old man M then they show off a 70y old man and you can see like almost 80% of the muscle detated mhm and then they show this 70-year-old triathlete yeah which is similar to that of a 40-year-old yeah so I always tell people that longevity and food the simplest thing you can do is to begin to weight train
m walk to burn fat limit the amount of junk food you put into your body now it's very difficult to do but have a thought process that if you're going to eat three meals a day into 7 days a week 21 don't do more than three bad exposures okay what is 10% of 21 2.1 10% okay fine take go up to 15% but Karen let's use logic if you have a group of friends right yeah and you invite them to come out with you every week yeah let's of 10 friends and for the next 6
months four of those friends never turn up that's 40% yeah right if they don't turn up then those friends you know you can cancel them off your list they're doing harm to your relationship of the friends yeah same thing with junk food right figure out the junk figure out the number of exposures then you can do even one thing even further you go out for a cheat meal yeah like tonight I'm getting back to my five star hotel guess what I'm eating pizza but my pizza has been constructed now to be gluten-free dairyfree has more
veggies than the pizza base on it and enough of protein because I'm a non-vegetarian enough of protein I've asked him for salmon I've asked him for chicken and I've asked him for uh uh vegan cheese yeah yeah so that's my cheat meal but I kind of made it a little bit doled up as You' call it I think cheat meals are also happening more now because it's a cultural if in the past I think people would go out more only on the weekends now people go out every second day or people were also used to
I believe eating breakfast lunch dinner now people are eating like four to five meals a day so is that also the reason why weight gain is happening so easily you already gave me the answer which is which is correct um the e-commerce app says the number one order ordered food in 2023 was Biryani the number two was pizza and the number three was noodles the noodle fact was so funny I started laughing apparently if you took all the bowls of noodles sold at position number three you could go 22 times around the earth so I
was like India is eating a lot of processed food okay I ate a Biryani this afternoon I asked the chef at Leela Palace could you make it oil free and dairy free and he did it for me wow there was only one problem the amount of Biryani he served me fed three people so the point over here is the portion when you eat out Karan you and I run a restaurant okay if I am in charge of the portion in your restaurant all your consumers and all your clients will throw stones at your restaurant yeah
yeah so what does a restaurant do we charge 100 rupees more yeah but we will give 200% more because the incremented cost of food production is already recovered in the first part of the portion right so by giving that incremented uh amount happiness comes in so feeling of Happiness now when the P you also using neutral oil neutral oil in terms of flavoring but it's the mostak oil palm oil I'd like you to do an experiment i' like everyone out there in your channel to do the experiment every time you go on ask and ask
him to bring the packet out to show you what it is so we are looking at eating the wrong Foods when we go out and that is where so these e-commerce apps have also brought in convenience of delivery to your doorstep after the pandemic which I think is a great thing the problem is the human race is also weak because there's instant gratification in pressing that tab I mean you and I can get a pizza here right now in under 15 minutes EAS right and if it's the end of the day and we are tired
when you're tired in a stressful mode resch is shown you gravitate towards making unhealthy food choices I've seen it myself I get back from the clinic and if the dinner's not ready when I walk in at 5:30 I eat early dinner 5:30 6:00 if I walk in and the dinner's not ready yeah I'm going to chuda my son's chips packet oh somebody brought jelly bees who brought and then you're oh my God I regret that I'm human I'm I'm first a human and then a nutritionist I have the snacking Jee inside of me all of
us have a snacking Gene satiety Gene and emotional eating Gene inside of us yeah so next time you go out Karan look at all your friends sitting in that restaurant okay and find out who's got the snacking Jean so that friend every 15 minutes that friend you're laughing you know that friend in your group okay then there's a friend he will eat eat eat eat and you'll have gone hitting the nightclub and everything one hour later by he's just eating like like a wild Bo and his like stomach is empty that's called the satiety Gene
basically his brain because when he was eating he was talking to you and his brain didn't register that you fed food and the third one is this is a lot of your friends in your group when the girlfriend has broken up with them or something or other they will start binge eating the emotionally eat or a guy is like boss is fired him and he's come out on Saturday night he's like just eating eating eating or drinking drinking drinking so we have this genes inside of us which kind of affect us when we do this
junk food eating but we spoke about fasting you mentioned that's one of the key things that one should also do but for example if someone starts and tries to do intermittent fasting for say 16 hours and if they eat their last meal at 10: p.m. and the next meal is directly lunch at 2:00 p.m. the so-called thing is at breakfast you know eat breakfast like a king is it okay to skip breakfast is that normal who taught us how to eat ancestors and like ancestors specifically in your family who's fed you first your mother mother
your mother right who's taught your mother her mother who has taught her mother yes eating has evolved based on the economics of where that societies at that point eating breakfast like a king was designed by the Industrial Revolution okay Kar imagine doing intermittent fasting and going into a factory where you to hammer you seen char chaplain where he keeps hitting that thing and he and he misses one and he go you and I are what we're DJs man we're just we're just this on the desk okay I ran today so I've got more than 15,000
steps but on a on a on a non-run day I've got about 2,000 steps yeah what am I trying to communicate to you is the fact that fasting from a Nobel Prize doctor's point of view called Auto Fiji does cellular cleaning simple mombay is kept really clean you have something known as a BMC why am I talking about municipality municipality is the clean up of the city you have a cleanup crew inside your body One Way by not feeding your body you allow the old cells to be killed yeah so current let's say there are
100 cells in your body yeah you do intermittent fasting three cells are old you don't feed them glucose you don't feed them protein body will go f get out you're old you're dead get out so 97 now are new three new cells coming so prevention of cancer Rejuvenation memory Clarity digestive system Improvement are all there yeah why did intermittent fasting become famous because of the pandemic pandemic this is what happened right we'll take this we'll pack in the fridge and then at 5:00 in theing we'll eat the other one right and then we were doing
some munchies and everything now suddenly we are bored and all in the morning scared let's start exercising we start exercising now when the pandemic lifted like everyone intermittent fasting now you come back to your question is it safe to do yes unless you're pregnant you have diabetes hypertension you have gastro problems which is the stomach problem then talk to your medical doctor your family doctor your specialist come to Ryan Fernando we do the complete screening so I'm a person if I do intermittent fasting yeah my body loves it my brain hates it M so my
team have actually seen me shut down because in intermittent fasting the glucose to the brain is lower yeah so every person is different color you need to figure out but it works on a blanket statement the human race is eating too much there is no harm in eating a little lesser yeah I think our bod is because we are used to eating so frequently now it's forgotten the feeling of what scarcity is like you know you're right because of all of the e-commerce apps and then the Industrial Revolution and just eating 9 to5 sorry not
9 to5 9 to9 like the biggest challenge on the planet today is coming from uh the uh Ott platform and the e-commerce food apps TV apps are not allowing us to sleep yeah and therefore we're craving more food or eating more food and if you look at the e-commerce apps uh you know you are just a click off button ordering the food so think about this okay when you leave home or you become 18 or 21 your parents can't tell you to not eat or stop eating or put a filter on you and what's happening
is students who go to college and then they come out and get their first job which is nowadays not equivalent of what your grandfather got paid yeah but triple or quadible amount so you have more disposable income to buying food where is a question of pity or scarcity unless it is acquired intellectually that's right so I think for a person to fast you need to be religious or you need to be intellectual and this is difficult in today's day and age with all the Temptation for sure another thing that makes me feel like why people
end up eating more is that if someone is trying to lose weight they think I need to work out a lot but does working out really help with weight loss specifically I know it's really good for your health for weight loss specifically because I believe the amount of calories that we end up burning in a workout don't add up to a lot and once the workout is done you feel hungry and you're eating and possibly you've eaten more than what you've burned so it's very very simple okay um the simplest cheese that anyone can do
is do 1 hour of walking and see what your exercise variable tells you my exercise variable for one hour of walking says 1 hour 23 calories M 123 calories yeah okay my pizza that I might have today will be close to a whopping 900 calories yeah right so when we look at energy expenditure I am looking at when people have put on weight when they come to me for a diet plan we step we stand them on the wing scale and they they have fat percentage 10 to 15% is what a male should have 15
to 20% is okay Beyond 20% is like you're abusing but that's half of the population today which has a higher body fat percentage in the male part same goes for the females so I advocate exercise but not the high intensity for weight loss do walking for weight loss okay and the one hour is not enough because one hour gives you 6,000 steps and the weight loss effect happens at in my experience around 15 to 20,000 steps a day Ken that is 15 to 20 km of walking tell me which person walks 15 to 20 km
and so if you do it in three batches in the Day post breakfast post lunch post dinner the frequency by which you do it yeah 45 minutes 45 minutes 45 minutes the next time you eat you're like dude I'm putting in so much of effort yeah I better hold this guy and what I put into my body right right uh the other thing is that when we eat the portions are being served to us and the calorie control is not in our hand so yesterday I did a podcast and they asked me would you like
to have lunch and I said no because I knew that the lunch that they would order me would be oily palm oil not the right ingredients and no matter their intentions to order from anywhere yeah um you're not not in control yeah and it is this not in control for a majority of the days of our life then you take into account your genetics you take into account your microbiome you take into account uh the problems that you may have hormonally etc etc and that compounds upon you are eating more than you require so this
whole weight loss equation of uh doing one hour of a spin cycle class which is 600 calories can be defeated by a South Indian Dosa yeah very easily so sometimes it's a no-brainer you know that if you if if nutrition junk food or eating out was a fighter and exercise was another fighter and you pit them against each other Hands Down Nutrition will win the battle of the Bulch for sure yeah Elon Musk recently spoke about using vigi if I'm pronouncing it correctly which is a weight loss drug and I believe other celebrities have also
been known to consume drugs I think glp1 is one among them do you think they are safe to consume and what is your take on these look Karen I've been a nutritionist now for almost two decades yeah um I've seen olestra come and go and me you know the pharmaceutical industry will spend a substantial amount of money trying to uh make these available now a lot of the billionaire clients and very very rich people obviously vanity is a key component yeah longevity is a key component I believe the bio individual data to them is so
powerful that they are able to take these drugs have the necessary medical support teams tracking them the necessary biochemistry analysis or diagnostic test to be done such that if it is harming the body they getting real-time data right but arm admy like you and me will take a product we're not doing that sort of monitoring that these high-end celebrities are using and so it comes to a conclusion that unless there's enough of statistical evidence so human trials what is the population of the human trial I don't know if you know this there's actually something known
as a drug genomic screening so now in India I do drug genomic screening okay so when somebody goes to take Statin and they have enough of money I'll say sir just give me 30,000 rupees I'll do your drug genomic scanning so for the rest of their life I can tell them a whole class of drugs that they can take or cannot take now where am I going with this on weight loss drugs we don't have these drugs insufficient statistical number on a segment of a population so they're now testing it in pharmacokinetic models and on
on um rat models and they're doing this tissue culturing model or genomic sequencing data model yeah I'm no expert in that I'm a simple logical believer of if it is not found on the tree or grown from the ground or found in nature you need to be cautious about it yeah yeah and if I'm not wrong please correct me uh but these are also diabetic drugs that are being used for weight loss right so like for example metformin is known to help you lose weight metformin is also known as an anti-aging medication much uh po
made Popular by Dr David Sinclair right but you know why would I take a drug uh to combat my weight loss I would do it because intrinsically at my mind level I'm lazy to do the exercise or to do the dietary control or I have a medical issue which then my doctor has prescribed it for for so when people take the shortcut into their own hands and try to Short Circuit a medical prescription towards a weight loss end goal I think you are going to meet with disaster at some point in your life for sure
yeah but I wanted to get into diabetes also because a lot of people are suffering from type 2 diabetes and I've heard that it is majorly reversible through diet itself are there any immediate actions that people can start taking if they're suffering from type two diabetes first thing do the glycated hemoglobin blood test which measures your hemoglobin and how sugar attacks your hemoglobin and it's a three-month rating so you can't be goody goody if you're going for a blood test tomorrow morning current because I've asked you for one and your fasting sugar level will come
back proper so it's a three-month indicator so that's a great test okay if you're below 5.6 you are a rockar okay 5.6 to 6 start really rning it's pre-diabetic above six you moved into the diabetic zone now they're changing the data and saying that even at 6.4 6.5 you're not a diabetic because I think the the whole point is that we want people taking medication I want to forecast a warning I want you to catch it when it's 5.6 because it is reversible with diet I vers 10.2 9.87 just with diet what is diabetes it's
a lifestyle disease you eat too much carbohydrate Indian diet yes has a lot of carbohydrates you're trained and I'm trained by my mother to eat rice so if you have diabetes and you take away the grain your hb1c levels are going to come down I got very angry one day with my father he's like my Sugar's under control I'm like Dad your sugar's not under control yeah no no no my h1c is 7.6 it's under control hey dude you're taking so many tablets and medications for diabetes which is holding it in control right my cholesterol
is in control people are saying to me no your cholesterol is not in control you're taking statins man your cholesterol and diabetes is in control when your food and exercise is the only medical intervention you're actually using and that is the Crux of the matter now I would like to make this prediction everyone listening into this podcast more than 60% of them will develop diabetes in their life if they don't get smart about getting educated about what they put in their body and how they work out so sooner or later you're going to spend a
lot of money on eating correctly or working out or you're going to spend triple the lots of that money in disease right Le it's so important for people to realize that it is reversible just with diet as well because I think most people live with the misconception that once you are diabetic then you have to rely on medicines I think a lot of people are very smart but they have this excuse syndrome in them what's the excuse syndrome I still want to enjoy my food I still want to eat Biryani which can serve three people
I still want to drink my alcohol which is going to send my sugar up I still want to have my chai coffee I'm going to get assassinated on the internet for this I am a huge Bel of black tea and black coffee because the moment you add milk and sugar to it two cups of milk tea or coffee per day over a one year is a 5.5 kg weight gain and what happens when weight gain happens in the Indian subcontinent fat percentage goes up as fat keeps increasing it deposits on your liver fatty liver disease
as fat increases on the growth of your abdomen insulin resistance meaning your insulin doesn't work well sugar level starts cling so all of this is related to what you put into your body in the younger years so as early as 18 to 30 I think the abandon that the youthful generation has towards ke just get a little bit intelligent that you have this only one body can you change your body right do you live in it as a landlord or do you live in it as a tenant ask yourself this question now when you put
that crossa 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 a month yeah then you're a tenant you one cross in a month two cross a month that's acceptable yeah so start with eliminating the bad foods yeah then start going into your good foods and seeing what has a high glycemic index who the glycemic index it's how much sugar is being released from a food yeah I I like to call it in the IPL word um like you have a very economic bowler like who's an economic bowler right now bumra right so bura get some
three four runs average in an over right so bura is like low glycemic index is like an apple glucose but you get a guy who is get getting hit for 22 runs every over that is high glycemic index lots of sugar released lots of runs given and that could be white bread white rice candy sweets milkshakes with sugar in it alcohol high glycemic index those are the things that push you towards diabetes no I think like you said the awareness of these things will automatically bring change because it just opens a door in your brain
and you're like okay now I don't have to do this I don't have to do that I think I think you're right because um like even the awareness of like skin care therapy right um 20 years ago teenagers did do skin care but the other day i' had gone to Kaya to do a facial to clean up my skin and um I saw many youngsters in there and I actually had a conversation with a youngster who was maybe about 22 23 I like why you here your skin is really beautiful she says oh I'm just
uh doing preventive maintenance I love that word preventive maintenance right so I think the younger generation because of the exposure to uh technology uh to education uh to experts uh to even content on the internet yeah uh is allowing them to consume that content and choose what they like yeah and then once they choose what they like they're like okay you know what maybe I think I need to uh do some changes yeah for sure another a report that I recently read which has actually taken the country by shock is that it's U in the
journal medicine that U shows that a staggering 70% of the 36 popular protein Brands had inaccurate protein information on them and some samples have also showed toxins and pesticides in those samples so right now I think the audience also is so confused as to which protein to go for there are so many protein sources be it like PE protein plant protein way isolate so which source is good and are there any recommendations that you have that you trust what I'm going to say today is going to shock the industry yeah I've never said it on
camera before when I was younger I worked for two supplement companies I travel the length and breadth of this country yeah to go and sell amino acids so I used to work for this very premium pharmaceutical company selling amino acids that could be injected okay so that level of Purity so we manufacture nutritional supplements in the form of sachet which you have to take only one or two grams of amino acid you need to understand why protein is being oversold yeah first of all how do I get you to consume something I create a fear
psychosis the Indian diet is very low in protein look at this fellow he's so skinny now he K protein Kik forget me ask the simple question Indians and this subcontinent has existed for Millennial protein powder time number one I'll still get trolled for this body does everybody on the planet need to build bodybuilding muscles is the question so how did this come about when Dairy began to get more valuable animal husbandry we had more cows what do cows produce milk does milk get spoiled better yes when milk gets spoiled what do you do you create
CD Now when you create enough of CD and you got five cows and you fed your whole village what you're going to do you start making cheese and so you have milk you have CD you have cheese right now when you make cheese or kurd when you separate kurd which is the casine what is the other liquid part whe so when cheese became its epitome in Europe and in America people were dumping millions and millions of pounds of whe into uh processing plants for switch or animal feed so over a period of time they started
dehydr the powder using it in animal feet and then subsequently as the world started getting on TV and advertisements and movies we started seeing that the more beautiful people the more well-built people the more muscular people began to to to want to build these bodies and they found out that in research whe protein has the highest protein digestible corrected amino acid score okay meaning way protein is at the level of a rro so have you said the tone now you know got an industry nobody's going to tell you that cow is bad and milk is
bad and because it's an industry once I have these tons and tons of way protein being produced yeah what I'm going to tell people you're not eating enough of protein right the next point because it's a food item in a pharmaceutical company because you spend billions of dollars to launch a drug not all companies do it so Karen if you have 20 lakhs and I have 20 lakhs let's start a protein supplement company protein supplement this is the problem in this country every business person or entrepreneur or startup has thought that they are very smart
in nutrition I know 20 30 entrepreneurs who started everything from protein powders to energy bars and I'm calling you guys out you have no food science background I'll give you a simple example yeah there's Amin acid called glutamine right all the science students who have done food technology going to start nodding their head in this podcast you cannot mix a carbohydrate with a pure amino acid because you get what is known as a myad reaction guess what all these donkey startups are doing they they're mixing amino acids like glutamine with glucose powder yes I'm calling
out these startups because they have no idea on food technology oh yeah yeah we'll recruit a food scientist now is that food scientist paid the highest amount of salary no because you didn't get funding as yet so you're doing Gage Dal chav Roy ban I'm sorry I'm being so uh rude but that's important yeah there is no system and I'm so happy with the government bringing the FSS act I am from the generation of the PFA act prevention of food adulteration that had so many loopholes do you know recently they took off all the multivitamins
put a gun to everyone's and said take it off the website you cannot give more than 100% RDA come to the point of protein powder yeah yes you can take a protein powder I'm glad they found out that half a dozen or 36 or whatever were junk I'm glad people in India have heard about this you do not self-prescribe protein trainers do not prescribe protein doctors can prescribe protein nutritionist can prescribe protein which protein to prescribe first of all ask this question can I meet my protein requirement for my diet right right and again people
will troll Me by first think about your health I run one of the most successful nutrition clinics on the planet over 100 dietitians yeah the who's who of the world the fastest 200 meter athlete in the world comes to my clinic yeah I won two Olympic medals with sushil Kumar Virat kohi has been my client why do they come to a professional nutritionist because we search for the right B of nutrition from Dal right then you bring a nutritional supplement yeah so now how do you choose a supplement do a food intolerance test am I
allergic to Dairy am I allergic to green pea am I allergic to soy protein am I allergic to um hem protein am I allergic to uh casine protein am I allergic to Chana protein am I allergic to now everyone will be like [Music] eat your normal food and the vegetarian diet is not lacking in protein there has been this Nexus of lack of protein lack of protein lack of protein by lack of protein no we don't have enough of muscle mass but have you measured your fat percentage and muscle percentage on a weighing scale for
the last 2 to 5 years to have establish your own trend line no you haven't yeah so somebody saying by skinny muscle but my genetics is different my mother and father is not producing you yeah my mother and father skinny now if your mother and father are fat you also going to have the fat Gene in you now if your mother and father is D Singh you're going to be Dar Singh yeah now people say a protein powder l so this Nexus of protein powder is because the entrepreneurs and the manufactures coming to it are
not the traditional guys you know what if people like say Pari or any big food company comes into making a protein powder they'll do it correctly process safety security it's because of these galala companies coming and I remember in 2004 or five we were selling these amino acids and I had gone to this furniture shop dealer uh in rotak harana side and in the back of the workshop they were packing these dubbas plastic dubbas digitally printing protein pow powder labels they were packing uh skimmed milk powder and they were crushing Deca duraball tablets and putting
it inside now because I worked for a very powerful pharmaceutical firm I came back and told my bosses that this was happening they said you don't do anything but what they did is they got a journalist like this article and the police to begin to start investigation in that part of the India so there's a lot of spous products yeah and even what is available on Amazon has an issue let me tell you why Karan you and I go on Amazon we are these Gunda type of guys are are this protein powder is selling four
crores a month what we will do we'll go and reproduce the digital label of that product yeah now Amazon doesn't have enough of a system to check that out so we will loaded on current iron store now you as the unknown customer see two of the same product same yeah Karan what we will do is Gunda guys we will put it at 500 lesser what people [Music] think so there is not much control in this so if you are buying a protein supplement try and buy from the manufacturer directly so go to the company's website
directly right but with regards to all of this not having the correct amount of protein and not having the other things I know where the problem lies all of these protein powder companies are marketing companies so if you're a marketing company do you own your manufacturing facility no where will you manufacture it third third party third party not second party third party contract markting now all the third party guys are going to put a hit out on me saying that how can you say that we manufacture with fssi this quality that quality this quality if
there was true quality in the Indian mindset think about how our roads are made today they're getting much better but there are shortcuts people who do the shortcuts even the system you visit any airport is the toilet kept clean correctly you visit any restaurant is it at the highest quality level no so the eors of our system to be perfectionist in whatever we do is not there and therefore in the food industry I'm very skeptical when marketing companies decide to produce food products exactly so what would I do I would buy protein powder from a
guy at the top of it if it says I am ABC brand manufactured at ABC's facility now why you can't do that because to launch a manufacturing facility in protein powder will cost you nothing less than 3 to six crores yeah but for you and me current to start a brand tomorrow morning yeah 1.5 lakhs investment lesser than an iPhone my God so this is when you start doing this and you don't meet the end consumer which is why people need to get their protein powders prescribed from a doctor or from a nutritionist yeah it's
so important I'm still stuck at you know understanding how we actually became mainstream and you know I think greed has taking over people's minds where see I'm not assassinating way whe protein is a brilliant medical bodybuilding product yeah provided it agrees with your body provided you're not meeting it from your dietary sources provided maybe you have that requirement like an athlete yeah or you're going for a six-pack in a movie and you need 1.5 1.8 2 G per kg body weight yeah but dude if you're a software engineer why the hell do you need 50
g of protein a day right you want to build a body then is your discipline of taking protein as equivalent as the discipline of your workout yeah so I I tell people that before you think of supplements as a nutritional convenience for your nutritional indiscipline look at your Dal chavel Roy yeah for sure no I think views also spoke about you know people working out and you know every it's become trendy to have a body and that's how people are getting into I'm not saying that's wrong it's good to to have a body but the
shortcuts in terms of I'm not going to eat correct food but cheat with a supplement yeah I'll get rolled for this also but do you know what happens in the background with athletes in gyms inms when people get frustrated that after one year of training they're not getting muscles what do you resort to copious amounts of overdosing of supplements at least that is recoverable to a certain extent then you get into chemical visit and that's a whole new podcast about steroids and XYZ but let's stick to the topic when we rely so heavily on food
um I was reading a BBC article recently where they mentioned that the nutritional value of our food crops be it the minerals and vitamins in it are depleting so we can't really consume more food right now overeating isn't an option so does everyone have to now rely on external supplements or how do we tackle this um I do a nutrition blood test of vitamins and minerals every 6 months okay in the last 3 years I can tell you just relying on the food chain and eating in a correct rainbow effect of balancing out all my
natural food which I try and at least 60% buy organic I don't have any vitamin deficiency except vitamin D which is in my genetic test okay and vitamin B6 is my genetic receptor on the back foot so the months I don't take a vitamin B6 supplement it drops but I know pistachos a high and B6 okay so the quarter in 180 days of two quarters if I eat pistachos for more than 90 days yeah then I know that King B6 is good but sometimes I eat so much of pistachios my body fat percentage goes up
why am I sharing this with you yes we know that the nutritive element in our crops is dropping because of constant farming yeah so farmers are using micronutrition in crops okay increase the iron content EG the Magnesium content like I do a little bit of uh vegetable growing on my Terrace M and I know that when the leaves turn yellow in color I need to include potassium I need to include nitrogen I need to include magnesium on certain days so and sometimes I use iron filings and stuff like that yeah that's micronutrition to the plants
so the human body will be deficient if your genetics inherited from a mommy daddy in the nutritional absorption micronutrient absorption is low but if you're lucky and you won the genetic Lottery mmy daddy uh and I think my mommy daddy so I don't have much nutritional micronutrient deficiency so I do not take a multivitamin okay so so the call over here as the world evolves will be you will be able to test rely on organic food eat to your heart's content current what's the size of your heart if your body weight is perfect between 19.6
to about I think 20.8 is supposed to be the good BMI if you see most Indians are above 21 BMI now people may argue with me and I'm not arguing with the fitness buff bade the crossfitters and the bodybuilders out there I'm I'm rooting for the arm admy yeah yeah the arm admy that is beyond 22 BMI then you want to be bringing that down uh because when you bring it down uh you will do it with lowered food yeah but when you do it with lower food you might be skipping out on the micronutrition
like a person overeating by the mere fact that they're taking extra quantity May top up the micronutrient level so it's a double-edged swad that you need to be looking for right so that way I think it can be managed the last thing that I wanted to discuss in the questions was the impact that food can have actually on our emotions in aayurveda and the yogic systems we've seen you know satk tamasik rajasic food and you know direct correlations between how that can impact your mood there's some negative emotions that maybe I can name and if
you can just help us with what they should eat to tackle these emotions so what's the like lack of concentration lack of focus especially for young kids and students omega3 because 50% of your brain is made up of fat sorry 60% of your brain is made up of fat and of that 60% 50% is the Omega-3s okay our Indian diet is deficient in omega-3 yeah chia seed flax seed walnuts are a good vegetarian source for omega3 taking a vegan algae supplement is good taking fish oil supplement or eating fish fish like mackerel sardines salmon and
chovies are really high in omega-3 so that works for your brain okay uh research has shown that the purple antoin and blueberries are really good I love our Indian amla but many children don't like the taste of that so make sure you get enough of fruits uh in the diet banana pomegranate watermelon watermelon has citrine malate and which is a precursor for arginine which does a lot of Vaso dilation pistach show have got high Arginine content dilates the blood vessels which means your brain gets more circulation of blood more oxygen more nutrition going to the
brain brain Fields thumb another one is uh I I heard you also mentioning that diet can really help with depression is that true yeah I always there's a joke in my house that I'm very insensitive when I when we see people talking about mental health and I'm very crash and very mental and my wife like constipation problem look anyone who's depressed they're not poting correctly I I'm I'm joking over people who are depressed out there please forgive me I'm I'm saying that your condition can improve with diet uh there was a study done in um
in the prisons yeah where there was Suicidal Tendencies and riots all they did was improve the multivitamin in omega3 and there was drop in violence and Suicidal Tendencies in the prison wow right so when you change your microbiome who's the microbiome the the good bacteria the bad bacteria in your gut so if you feed the wrong food then the bad Gunda guys Prevail and they eat that food and poop their molecules into your gut and those molecules go into your brain creating downers yeah so there are foods when taken positively to reach change of micro
can be uppers be complex deficiencies chronic be complex over years and months will affect your sleep currently if you don't sleep well for 15 days what will happen to you won't you be cranky won't you be aggressive won't you be angry on the other end of spectrum could you be also depressed yeah so people are not understanding that they are eating 24 bar 7 breakfast lunch dinner chalu Wala Ka taste part is not giving you T part body is giving you the tuot that's true you put crap into you and you think you're a Ferrari
or Mercedes-Benz there's this example know one day you see this guy driving a Zen Car and Ferrari sticker on it the Ferrari sticker doesn't make his Zen a Ferrari yeah yeah that's what people are doing today yeah depression gastro problem problem and doctors are also now realizing there must be something with the diet yeah so Medical College does not teach the doctors about nutrition yeah and the link between bad diet and causative medical issues yeah but what are all our diseases today lifestyle diseases what lifestyle not sleeping on time not eating the correct food not
being Physically Active yeah so your ayura and your ancient U uh Tibetan medicine Chinese medicine s Sufi medicine all of these went into the basic tenants of the body's balance in the universe in food plays a predominant Ro on how people should be eating yeah but we have lost the plot absolutely again this is something that many people don't know and I'm so happy you pointed that out for our last segment uh is just a quick answer round where I'll ask you a few questions and if you can just share a few hacks with us
so the first one is any three superfoods for the brain turmeric omega3 and with your nutritionist permission and prescription or doctor's ayic doctor's prescription yeah brahi ashwagandha Shankar pushi okay great uh any three mus do for good sleep the orange light that everyone knows the filter change your lights in the house to not have that blue Ting um switch off your Wi-Fi and your cellular pinging of the phone in your bedroom okay uh better is still after 10:30 11 you know you're not going to be using it put off the mains on your Wi-Fi router
I think that significantly helps and um you can have kiwi pistachos Walnut which have a higher source of melatonin which is an amino acid which helps in sleep about 1 to 2 hours before going to sleep or have a cup of chamomile tea research has shown it gives you a deeper sleep okay great um you've spoken about the benefits of drinking mineral water but if someone can't afford it on a daily basis is there any alternative to make water better simple just get good water filtered right uh what you could do is add a pinch
of Himalayan pink salt in it or Celtic salt or Curr if you remember the olden days we used to get the rock salt yeah yeah just cab looking salt just take two three crystals crush it up nicely throw it into your water it mineralizes the water to give you your electrolytes so that's what I feel that you can do people can do there's another one tip yes yes this is a Ryan Fernando original you know you get these earn pots the matkas start buying the matkas again filter your water put it into that every 1
month or so destroy this guy because it'll create all of the you'll get a like a um a green algae Moss film inside throw out that mka and start with a new mka that's a brilliant idea yeah uh any diet changes to help manage PCOS better the girls need to understand that polycystic ovine disorder is related to getting Cy or pimples inside of your OV pimples is a wrong term but I'm just telling what the audience needs to visualize and understand Cy can be as small as 1 2 mm and go and go up to
6 cm yeah why do you get this is because you do not eat correctly M because when you eat fried foods yeah it goes and does kuili to your hormones so when it does KU to your hormones you're going to have insulin resistance also okay and then you get sugar cravings when you get sugar Cravings you eat more what do you eat more of fried foods and it's a vicious cycle and girls get pcod between the ages of their first menstruation till 15 16 years of age also not eating a lot of food girls want
to with their figure so they starve themselves that can also affect the hormonal imbalance okay and so you got more cortisol more fat being stored into the body because of starvation conditions I think a combination of not eating correctly or starving is creating this conundrum of pcod conditions in thousands and thousands and thousands of women yeah and the fact that Indian girls do not work out as a statistical significant part of the population so we need more girls playing sports but not Sports to win medal sports for keeping good health keeping a healthier body weight
that's for the women now one for the men any testosterone boosting Foods uh broccoli white mushrooms uh pistachios and um High Omega Foods okay I've also seen that most of the people that come to my Quan nutrition clinics uh especially those who are the younger more astute intellectual guys um between the ages of say 19 and 30 the those that have a low vitamin D level will have a low testosterone level because vitamin D is actually the framework on which the vitamin D molecule is produced okay so uh you want to be looking at your
vitamin D as well M um any tips for better hair see hair is a function of a growth of what protein so when your diet is junk food bad yeah what is the raw material that's going to come out bad what is the hormonal effect bad so I advise people to go organic I advise people to improve the amino acid profile in their diet I do know that pumpkin seed oil and green pea shoot extract are good to help in hairy growth but a lot of times most of the male pattern boldness is genetically driven
if it is dietary related then look at your allergens of foods of what you should not be eating MH and you know what eating outside food is just not a great recipe for your hair that's true I think it's not a great recipe in general and the we've taken so much from you and I think you've advocated the importance of testing the you've advocated the importance of eating organic and have taken so much from you and from this podcast and on my behalf and on my audience's behalf a big thank you for doing this thank
you for being so gracious with your time would you have any parting words my parting words is always the same to everybody that I work with your body is the most expensive real estate you can change um your house your car your laptop your mobile phone you can change your job you can change your watches three things you can't change your sibling your parents and your body yeah right so you're stuck with these three uh so respect your parents uh keep fighting with your sibling keep loving your sibling I actually mentioned this in one podcast
you can even change your spouse but your body you can't change so your body is truly your life partner yeah yeah but you treat it like a a border in your own house so respect your body worship your body that's the most important thing don't go and buy that expensive uh uh 3 lakh rupee bag and uh Stupid shoes that cost 55,000 rupes invest 55,000 rupees in a trainer yeah in great nutrition for 3 months and watch your body change yeah such a beautiful note to end this podcast on more power to you and I
wish you all the success Ryan thank you so much thank you so much to our audience thank you so much for watching this episode I hope you got enough value from it and if you did don't forget to share this with your friends and family because this will help them a lot too don't forget to subscribe to the channel hit the Bell icon and I'll see you very soon in another episode lots of luck bye [Music]
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