8 Types of People That God Blesses | C.S Lewis 2024

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C.S. Lewis Legends
C.S. Lewis Inspired - Discover the 8 types of people God always blesses, based on Jesus' Beatitudes ...
Video Transcript:
we all wish to be blessed by God don't we we want the Lord to extend his mighty hand over our spiritual emotional and financial lives we want him to take care of our health our family and keep us away from Evil none of this is a burden for the Lord see what the Apostle Paul said and God is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in in every good work but despite this many people have lost blessings in their lives because they
have chosen to live far from God's presence people often prefer to continue in sin complaining about everything and disobeying the teachings of Christ there is nothing sadder than going through this world without experiencing the Lord's goodness to prevent this from happening to you in this video I will show you eight types of people that God always blesses these are eight characteristics based on the Beatitudes mentioned by Jesus in The Sermon on the Mount which is recorded in the gospel of Matthew Chapter 5 the first type of person that God always blesses is the poor in
spirit see what Jesus said in Matthew 5:3 blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven notice that Jesus is is not talking about financial or material poverty but who are the spiritually poor they are those who look inside their own souls and realize they have nothing to offer to God CS Lewis reminds us humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less these are the people who know they are sinners and they do not see themselves as strong and brave because they know they are weak and fearful
or they can do is ask God for Mercy Jesus loves these people because they recognize they cannot save themselves so they place all their hope in the Salvation he offers that is why they receive not just some blessings but the Kingdom of Heaven meaning the kingdom of God the second type of person that God always blesses is those who mourn in verse four it is written blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted this kind of mourning is not related to personal problems such as losing a job or the end of a romantic
relationship the mour Jesus refers to here is born out of repentance and the sorrow caused by sin not only our own sin but also the sin of our family friends and Nation CS Lewis wrote you can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change change the ending this is the morning of repentance that leads to change it is the pain caused by the injustices in this world and the suffering of so many brothers and sisters God Comforts and blesses those who suffer in this way because he knows their
hearts are like that of Jesus filled with love and compassion for others so if you want to be blessed you need to stop focusing only on yourself and your problems and start caring about those around you you need to look at your brother and feel sorrow when you see he is far from God if you struggle to have this feeling ask God to replace Your Heart of Stone with a heart of Flesh filled with love like Jesus the third type of person blessed by God is the humble but this time we are not talking about
being poor in spirit see what Jesus says in verse 5 bless are the meek for they will inherit the earth in this passage Jesus refers to those who even when humiliated criticized and offended do not allow themselves to be overtaken by anger or the desire for Revenge as CS Lewis puts it to be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you these people endure their struggles with patience and why are they blessed because they understand that God is the one who defends us and that none of his plans
can be thwarted in another passage in the same Gospel of Matthew Jesus said learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart we know that Christ was persecuted and humiliated but at no time did he retaliate or harm anyone instead he entrusted everything to God no knowing that True Justice comes from him therefore live in the same way and the Lord will never cease to bless you the fourth type of person blessed by God is those who seek Justice in verse six Jesus said blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for
they will be filled hunger and thirst for righteousness mean not conforming to the injustices happening in the world CS Lewis once noted if we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world this hunger is a desire for something more for God's justice to Reign the best way to fight this is by living justly the world offers us many Temptations to commit injustices whether in the form of bribes lies or false promises always seeking to take advantage of something or someone
in these moments we must remember that God is not pleased with Injustice because he is just so when we choose to do what is right even if it is difficult the Lord rewards and blesses us the fifth type of person blessed by God is the merciful in verse 7 Jesus said blessed are the merciful for they will be shown Mercy Mercy if there is one adjective that defines who God is it is merciful the Lord has a heart that sees beyond our sins and chooses to love and forgive rather than condemn us CS Lewis observed
a proud man is always looking down on things and people and of course as long as you are looking down you cannot see something that is above you when we show Mercy we recognize our own need for Gra Grace and stop looking down on others being merciful is being moved by another's vulnerability and doing what is necessary to help them whether by praying advising forgiving or evangelizing instead of pointing fingers and judging in summary being merciful is obeying Jesus's commandment to love your neighbor as yourself the sixth type of person blessed by God is the
pure in heart in verse 8 it is written blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God this means that those who have accepted Jesus and do not allow their minds and hearts to be dominated by malice and the works of the flesh will receive the blessing of seeing God at work in their lives c as Lewis once wrote Purity is not about suppression it's about transformation it is from a heart transformed by God that all goodness flows how can we avoid the evil thoughts and feelings that arise within us there is a
saying that goes we cannot prevent a bird from landing on our heads but we can stop it from building a nest this means we cannot stop bad thoughts and feelings from surfacing in our minds but we must cast them out before they take root so if you want to walk with God and be blessed by him seek to live in Holiness and stay away from anything that separates you from the Lord if you are still with us type in the comments Purify Me Father in Heaven as a declaration of your faith the seventh type of
person blessed by God is The Peacemaker in verse 9 Jesus says blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God being a peacemaker does not mean just having inner peace or accepting everything imposed on us without disagreeing with anything or anyone peacemakers are those who have reconciled with God by accepting Jesus as their Savior and after receiving true peace seek to live in peace with everyone moreover they promote peace among people by proclaiming the gospel CS Lewis know Ed do not waste time bothering whether you love your neighbor act as if you
did it is in the action of bringing peace that we live out our calling in other words they are recognized as children of God because they truly Fight For Peace not just their own but also for everyone around them how can you do this by helping to reconcile brothers who are at odds couples in marital crisis or parents and children who no longer understand each other in short extend a hand to all those who are living in conflict with others pray that God gives you wisdom and uses you in this troubled world if you are
willing to bring peace and the Lord's love blessings will never stop being poured out on your life lastly the eighth type of person blessed by God is those who are persecuted for their faith in Christ in the final verse about the Beatitudes Jesus said blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven since the beginning of the church founded shortly after Jesus's resurrection and Ascension Christians have been persecuted for their faith in the Son of God cus Lewis encouraged us with these words cage courage is not simply one
of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing Point persecution tests our courage but also our faith and perseverance the Apostle Paul himself persecuted many Believers before his conversion and after switching sides he became one of the persecuted because of his faith in Jesus however all the evil Paul suffered during his time serving Christ did not discourage him because he knew the promise Jesus made in The Sermon on the Mount to encourage his fellow Believers Paul wrote we must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God this promise is still
valid today as many Christians continue to face persecution however we tend to think that persecution only happens to Believers in countries like those in Africa or the Middle East but this is not true many of us will face persecution at work in college in Social Circles or even within our families because of our faith if this has happened to you do not be sad or discouraged on the contrary Rejoice because the kingdom of God belongs to you as we have seen in this video the Beatitudes of Jesus are a reflection of his own life while
he was on Earth Christ was poor in spirit meaning he lived in total dependence on the father Christ also mourned for the sins of his people he was humble never retaliating against the insults and slander directed at him he practiced Justice at all times and at the same time was merciful to the worst of Sinners Jesus had a pure heart uncontaminated by evil and sought peace among all people reconciling Humanity with God lastly he was persecuted and killed on the cross but the Bible says that God exalted him above all and today all who believe
in his death and resurrection and follow his steps are blessed and will receive eternal life with god let's take a moment to Bow our heads and go before the Lord in prayer as we've learned about these characteristics that lead to a blessed life it's important that we now ask God to help us live them out in a real and tangible way only by his grace can we become the people he calls us to be so let's pray together father God we come before you right now with Humble Hearts acknowledging that we need you in every
area of Our Lives we've heard your word today and it has challenged us convicted us and stirred something deep within our Spirits we don't want to be people who merely hear the word but fail to live it out no Lord we want to be doers of the word so right now we ask that you help us embody the characteristics of the people you bless as your son Jesus taught us in The Sermon on the Mount Lord We Begin by confessing that we are poor in spirit we recognize that without you we are nothing we have
nothing of value to offer that can save us that can make us holy that can draw us closer to you we are sinners saved by grace and we need your mercy every single day father remind us daily to seek you first to put you at the center of everything we do and to rely not on our own strength but on yours teach us to humbly depend on you in every moment of Our Lives for we know that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who recognize their need for you Lord help us never to become
self-sufficient icient or prideful thinking we can handle life on our own we confess our need for you today Lord be our strength be our guide and help us trust you in all things father we also come before you as those who mourn not just over our own sins but over the Brokenness of this world our hearts are heavy when we see so many people far from you trapped in sin suffering under the weight of Injustice Lord give us the Heart of Jesus a heart that is tender and compassionate toward those in pain help us not
to turn a blind eye to the suffering around us when we see sin and Injustice in our world may it grieve our hearts and may we be moved to action Holy Spirit convict us of our own sin lead us to repentance so that we might walk in the light and be instruments of your comfort and healing to others we thank you for the promise that those who mourn will be comforted and we ask that you use us to bring that Comfort to a hurting world next Lord we ask that you help us to be meek
in a world that values power pride and revenge teach us to walk in humility and gentleness Jesus you said learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and we want to follow your example give us the strength to turn the other cheek when we are wronged give us the patience to endure hardship without bitterness help us to trust you to fight our battles and to know that True Justice comes from your hand Lord we surrender our desire for control our desire for recognition and our desire for Revenge instead we choose meekness trusting
that we will inherit the earth just as you prom promised Lord create in us a hunger and thirst for righteousness we don't want to be satisfied with the temporary pleasures of this world we want to long for your righteousness to Crave Holiness to desire Justice in all things father fill us with a passion for doing what is right even when it's hard help us to resist the temptation to cut Corners to lie to cheat or to take advantage of others let us live justly love mercy and walk humbly with you our God and as we
pursue righteousness we know that you will satisfy us for your word promises that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled satisfy our hearts with more of you Lord father we pray that you make us merciful you have shown us incredible Mercy through your son Jesus Christ the though we were Sinners deserving of punishment you showed us love Grace and forgiveness help us to extend that same Mercy to others when people wrong us give us the strength to forgive when we see someone in need move us to act let us be quick to
offer help comfort and kindness to those around us and as we show Mercy we know that you will show Mercy to us for your word declares blessed are the merciful for they will be shown Mercy Lord May Our Lives be a reflection of your mercy in this world we also ask father that you give us pure hearts in a world filled with distractions Temptations and sin we want to live lives that are holy and pleasing to you purify our hearts Lord help us to guard our minds and Spirits from things that would lead us away
from you give us discernment to recognize evil and the strength to turn away from it Lord we want to be people who are single-minded in our devotion to you not divided by worldly desires we long to see you to experience your presence and we know that only the pure in heart will see God so cleanse us purify us and make us holy As You Are Holy next Lord help us to be peacemakers in a world full of division conflict and Str Strife let us be agents of reconciliation let us bring peace into our homes our
workplaces and our communities teach us to forgive those who have hurt us to seek reconciliation with those we are estranged from and to help others find peace as well let us share the message of your peace the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who are lost may we be known as peacemakers and in doing so be called children of God finally Lord we ask for the strength to endure persecution for the sake of righteousness we know that following you comes with a cost and sometimes that cost is rejection ridicule or even persecution but we also
know that you bless those who are persecuted for your name's sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven so Lord when we face opposition because of our faith help us to stand firm give us courage to boldly declare the truth of the Gospel even when it's unpopular help us to love our enemies pray for those who persecute us and trust that you are with us in every trial father we thank you for your word and for the example of Jesus Christ as we leave this place today help us to embody these eight characteristics of the
Blessed Life help us to be poor in spirit to mourn over sin to be meek to hunger for righteousness to be merciful to be pure in heart to be peacemakers and to endure persecution we know that in living this way we will experience your blessing in every area of Our Lives we love you Lord and we thank you for the promises of your word may your blessing rest upon each person here as we seek to follow you with all our hearts in Jesus mighty name we pray Amen Let us like CS Lewis said not settle
for less but pursue the greater blessings of God through humility mercy and courage trusting in his promises thank you so much for watching this video if this message touched your heart please give it a thumbs up share it with your friends and family and type Amen in the comments by doing this you're helping the message reach many more people who need it God bless you
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