"Equipe E" - Episódio FINAL - O Segredo Na Floresta RPG

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Cellbit Lives
Tudo tem um começo e um fim... e esse é o fim de O Segredo Na Floresta. 🔗 REDES DO CELLBIT 🔗 ...
Video Transcript:
GM: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the last The Secret in the Forest session, for the very last time we will gather here to tell this story of investigation and horror. An RPG, if you don’t know, it’s a type of game in which the goal is to create an interesting story. I’m its narrator, I interpret all the universe and the characters in it, my friends are the main characters of this story, they’re responsible for dealing with all the problems and conflicts I throw at them. It was a long journey ‘til here and I didn’t
come alone, I was always with them. How are you, ladies and gentlemen?! Heyyy! Luba: Hello friends, how's it going? (Leo: Hi, good evening, is everything good?) Luba: Better now. (GM: We're all...) ...They decided to do a surprise today for you guys. They’re all in cosplays! Unfortunately, I couldn’t cosplay. I can’t dress up as the whole word, but I’m with the Ghoul on me, so it kinda counts somehow, I can’t show… Hey Ghoul! How are you doing? (Luba: How pretty bro, where did you buy?) GM: On osegredonafloresta.com.br! Talking about it, this is one of the ads,
so let’s talk about it, since you mentioned. The hoodies were sold out but I got in the shop’s ass and asked them to re-stock some of them, so right now they're back in stock. You can buy it now if the one you wanted was sold out, they’re all back! With that being said, I’m really happy and excited, how are you guys? Calango: I’m “nervousus”, I’m “nervousus”. (Luba: I’m really anxious too!) Leo: I'm really anxious bro. Gabi: My hands are all sweaty already. GM: It will be a crazy-ass journey! Man, the cosplays are so cute, dude,
they’re much better then how I thought. When you said you wanted to do cosplay, I didn’t think it would come out that cool, it’s really nice. Look at Calango’s hair man, it’s cut, really cute. Calango: I want to make clear that I cutted it myself, that’s why it's good or bad, depending on the point of view. If I do like this... (GM: It’s great, it’s great.) ...it seems good Guaxi: Yeah, I cut mine too. Leo: Man, I’ll have to put my bear down later ‘cause it’s falling a lot. GM: That’s it, we’re in the end
of The Secret in the Forest, today... it will be over. Thanks a lot… Before starting, I want to thank you all, players, for all you’ve done to make this project how it is now. Guaxi: Stop it, I’ll… I’m emotional. GM: It was one of the coolest things I’ve done in my whole life, if not, the most enjoyable one. I'm really happy to do this with you. With that said, let’s go, for the last time, to the opening. When we come back, we’ll go to the world of The Secret in the Forest. [Opening TSIF] GM: It
was a long way until here. A journalist, a forensic scientist, a stuntman, a hacker, a gymnast and a guitar player. This group makes no sense. You suffered a lot, you lost friends, family. But you also earned a new family. Together you initiated an investigation looking for team Kelvin, the Ordo’s most qualified team, that went missing in Rio Grande do Sul while investigating a mysterious spiral symbol. When you arrived on the small town of Carpazinha, you met the Scoundrel Vultures gang, local bikers who seemed rough and aggressive at first, but actually hided an enormous heart. Meeting
them made you go to a sanatorium, where you discovered that 100 years ago two women, somehow, were exposed to that symbol. While investigating, Thiago was captured by a giant with the symbol on it. He was used as an energy source by it, making it get bigger and with huge proportions. Christopher, Cesar’s father, sacrificed himself by jumped on the spider to save Thiago's mind in the process. After on, in the investigation, you went to an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere and you found registers of scientists that were making experiments with that spiral symbol and
then, you had to deal with the consequences. You defeated the Ghoul, but not for free, All of the Scoundrel Vultures members, including its leader, Brúlio, were brutally murdered. Leaving only Arthur, Brúlio's son, Who accepted joining the investigation, honoring his gang. In that house’s basement, on an insane man’s body, you found a map to a cave in the middle of the forest. The cave that, somehow, made those women have a vision of the future more than 100 years ago. Following this map, looking for the cave, you found an entire village hidden in the woods, named Holy
Cradle. Where all the locals had gray skin and completely black eyes. After getting in Holy Cradle, murders started happening, always, somehow, related to that spiral symbol. Then you finally found out the truth, The Gatekeeper, who’s the village’s leader’s son, was just trying to rid his friends from the pain they could feel when the Dimension Parasite, hidden in the village's center, is destroyed. Time passes differently on Holy Cradle, a year in it is a day in the real world. This time distortion is fed by the Wellsprings, people locked in white cells for all their life, having
their lifespan parasited by that symbol. The Gatekeeper was one of those Wellsprings when he was a kid and he wants do free his siblings from this torture that they don't even know they're at. But to get in the center of the Endless Maze a sacrifice was made. All the people conected to the Holy Cradle will perish once it's destroyed. And Thiago had to carve the spiral symbol on his own body to cross the maze, while The Gatekeeper sacrificed his own life to cause a distraction, allowing Team H to get in the cave. Now, while Thiago
tries to resist the symbol's power, his mind is slowly erasing itself. Inside the cave, you met Kenan Thomas, a member of Team Kelvin, the ones you were looking for since the beginning. He spent 36 years locked in this cell. He reveals that Miguel Cariad, another member you were looking for, and was gone too, actually betrayed his own team and turned into The Blacksmith, Holy Cradle’s leader. You see yourselfs freezed in a white cell that held Kenan for several years. A sound... echos by the cave's wall. [tutum] [tutum] A black sludge drips from it. L: Hold
on. (T: Guys…) L: Kenan! K: Hi. L: If everything you said is true, I will believe it. K: No, it's true, I' m sure, I can remember things. L: If everything you're saying is true, all 4 of them have Lusidii form already, they've exposed to the spiral hypnosis for too long. I don't know why, I don't have it yet, but... That means that from 2 options, 1 is correct: either Miguel surrendered to the spiral hypnosis and turned in one of them, or… Gabi: I look at Thiago. L: It was the symbol on his chest that
made it... and... (A: You don’t want to punch us, right, Thiago?) T: Of course not, I just want us... (J: But Liz…) ...to hurry up. J: Have you tried to turn into a Lusidius? L: I don't want to... I won't... J: Ok. L: But... Guys... you having a Lusidius form can mean that when we try to destroy this place, you might not have enough strength to do it, you will have to fight against it. Ce: We've fought much worse things like a door. L: You haven't fought against your own mind. A: But we're not fighting
alone, we're all together. J: True… Mr. Kenan?! K: Hi! J: Nice to meet you. Do you know if there’s anyone in the other cells? K: Yeah… Some weeks ago... Actually, your visit I kinda… I was expecting it to happen, I just didn’t know when, but... A few weeks ago, everything was weird. Miguel, I mean… The… That thing was... acting different. He would always come talk with me, but in the last weeks... He was... closer. He was... I don’t know, thinking we were friends again, just like before, many years ago. But... Then he started to talk
to me, until one day he opened the door to chat and I... I managed to escape. But when I was about to run I saw all those cells around here and I... I knew there were more, I felt that. When I opened, a weird being got out. He looked like a beast, feral, he didn't seem like a human. He seemed to have been completely eaten by whatever this fucking symbol... Leo: I point to the walls. K: ...does to people. L: But wait, how… how did you not transform with all this time locked in the room
with the symbol? How aren't you a part of the Holy Cradle? K: You mean this gray thing just like Mr. Veríssimo here? Leo: I point to Thiago. (L: Yeah…) K: I...don't want to. You think I will transform into one of these things? I think I could. J: Don’t zium. K: No, I refuse to do so. Ce: Well, but the other Wellsprings had that beast-like behavior that we saw because, as the Gatekeeper said, they've been here since birth. and they don't know how to socially behave, is that it? L: Yeah, The Gatekeeper was the only who…
who was withdrawn from here by the Last Blacksmith, right? K: I think that… I don’t know. L: Well, we found other Wellspring in its perfect form, but he still drew the symbol on things repeatedly, he had pages and pages of the symbol. So they can’t completely separate from the symbol. Maybe we’ll have to destroy them to completely disconnect them from the symbol. Ce: Guys, I had an idea, tell me what you think From all we've seen, this symbol doesn't seem totally efficient if there's something wrong. Maybe if we, I don't know, burn a bit of
what we did on Thiago's back, maybe he will disconnect a bit from the Holy Cradle. T: Guys... Literally our last hope now, in my opinion, is to follow what I’m hearing. Really, you don’t need to worry about me. (A: But we’re listening now too...) ...We're listening to the heartbeat now. You are the one that doesn't need to worry. Your goal was to bring us here. (L: But Cesar…) Ce: Are you feeling something different, Thiago? GM: You’re still… For exemple, you almost can’t see Kenan, Thiago. You see him as a shadow, you can recognize his face
a bit, but he has no texture, nor color. It’s like they're talking with a moving object. A completely white object. T: I’m fine. J: Guys, I’ll watch the door. Luba: Joui goes to the door just to see if someone is around. L: Cesar… GM: You see the cave’s wall with sludge dripping down and 6 doors... 5 doors actually, you're in one. Luba: Ok. GM: They’re all closed the same way, with an iron bar in front. L: What if when we disconnect Thiago from the symbol the Holy Cradle reacts? ...Like, try to kill us again (Ce:
You think so?) A: Yeah, I think it wouldn't, Liz. I don't know, it just reacted when we used fire. I think that if we do that, it won't change much I think it is better for us to try than Thiago turning around and trying to shoot us like that guy did. Ce: Yeah, I also agree after listening to that story... (L: Let's do it.) ...I don’t want to see Thiago with that symbol. L: Thiago, take your shirt off. T: If you try to remove the symbol from me, I don’t know what the Holy Cradle might
do. It might attack you guys. We don’t know how it works. A: We might not know what will happen when we burn the symbol but we know what will happen if you keep it. L: Thiago, I’m not leaving this place if we don't save you. Luba: Joui looks back, gets a bit closer and says: J: Sensei, please, give it a chance for… for us to stay together, following this path. T: We can do that later, really, this isn’t a priority. If you want to do that now, if you're not feeling comfortable, afraid of the symbol
or of the Holy Cradle entering the team, ok. But it's not a problem for me, we can do it later, I know we can. J: So let's hurry, I’m not happy, we need… I don’t want to waste time… the more time sensei is like that, the worse it gets. (L: I agree with Joui.) Ce: Yeah, I don’t know... Anyways, we can’t force Thiago, dunno. A: Yeah, OK, let’s go. Rakin: OK, I take my shirt off, after what Joui said. (GM: OK...) ...you raise your shirt, you take off the belt that it's holding it, you pull
it a bit to the right, you can’t exactly take it off… It's a big... It’s a big shirt, but you can expose the symbol on your back. It's lightly glowing red. T: Just be careful, I'm still burnt from that fucking rock that goddamn worm pushed me against. Ce: Liz? Gabi: I take my tweezers that I use to hold the little green crystals. L: Can you give me a crystal, Cesar? Ce: Yeah. Calango: I hand it to her. Gabi: I take a red crystal with the tweezers, I get close to Thiago’s back I get closer to
the little symbols around the spiral and I, slightly, undo one of them. GM: You can’t undo it. Gabi: I, I... I alter it, like, I scratch one of them. GM: You start to scratch it, you see the scar from the burn forming. It hurts a bit, Thiago, on your back. You, Liz, go on burning and it forms a scar and the symbol format continues to shine. the format of the symbol still shining in red but now it has a scratch that doesn't shine, crossing it underneath, like it’s overlaying the scar you just made. T: Guys,
we don’t have time to waste. (J: It didn’t work?) T: Honestly, let’s just go. I swear it's the only difference we can make now. (K: Guys, if you…) ...If you want to take that off, maybe the solution is to take a part of his back's skin off. It’ll turn into an ugly scar but… L: The light... J: What do you mean with “taking a part of his skin off”? K: With a knife. Gabi: Master, we see the shine coming from his skin or from inside it? GM: It’s shining on the skin, it’s like a part
of it it’s shining. You can't tell if it's from the inside or not, you don't know. You know that the symbol is perfectly shining on his back. Gabi: I return the crystal to Cesar (A: What if Thiago...) ...gets out of his Luzidii form? (T: Guys, we don't have time…) A: Will it change something? T: If you want me to try it, I can do it, but I think we don't have the time. Like, relax dude, I’m fine, oh, look Big T here, chill. A: Do you remember my name, Thiago? (T: Just to make your conscience
light, Arthur, I can change.) Rakin: I try to change to my normal form. GM: You can do it, you can press the button there and change. The symbol continues to shine red on your back. A: Are you seeing me differently? Here. GM: Everything's the same. (T: Do I see him differently?) T: It’s the same, darling. GM: You can click on your sheet, Thiago, to change back... (L: Guys!) There's the button under your photo. Rakin: Fine, I will click it, I was saving an object. GM: Nice one. L: Guys forget that... A: OK, so, let’s go.
L: I'll take care of Thiago. Gabi: Master, I want to take my little green crystal and start to rub it on my neck, because I have that injuries from the cave's bat. GM: Half of the crystal, right? Gabi: No, I have it whole, I got it from the Blacksmith. (Guaxi: Mine is the one in half.) GM: Oh you have the whole thing? Gabi: Yeah. GM: Ok... GM: Roll a d6 then. Wait, you got bitten by what? Gabi: The cave’s bat, I got bitten twice. GM: The wounds are too small to heal, you didn't lose hit
points from it, you can’t heal it. Gabi: I did lose. I lost HP in the cave. GM: From the bats no. The bats didn’t make you lose HP, did they? Gabi: Oh, OK. I lost 1 in the cave (GM: They made you lose like 1 of HP.) and someone hit my nose with their elbow. GM: OK, you lost 5 from the elbow hitting you, you can heal it. Gabi: OK, so I put it like this, on my nose that was broken. GM: Yeah, it was broken, it was crooked and bleeding, sometimes you would clean it.
Then you feel the bones [crack crack] kinda solidifying, you put your nose back in the right place to solidify right, you can now roll a D6 of healing. Gabi: I got 5. GM: You heal 5, there’s still 1 in your crystal. Gabi: OK, I put the crystal in my bag then. GM: It stills shines slightly, but relevantly. L: Thiago, you walk behind me now, ok? T: OK, but I’m seeing well, I can see the whole cave, I can get out easily. A: Want to hold hands? T: I’m fine Arthur, but thanks. Rakin: I caress his
hand. (A: I want...) L: Hm… Kenan. K: Hey! L: You mentioned a bomb and explosives, didn’t you? K: Yes, in my backpack, I left it somewhere in the cave but I don’t remember. They brought me here when I wasn’t woken. Luba: Joui goes running to Kenan. J: You have explosives? K: Yeah I do, I have a backpack full of them, I’ll find and show you. GM: Ah Kenan, you don’t need to hold the character,... (J: How cool!) ...just to not overlay and stuff. (Guaxi: Yeah, keep the little hands out.) L: Kenan… J: When you find
it, can I see it? [whispering] Can you give me one? K: I’ll give you one as a gift, OK? J: Yey! GM: You see Kenan... (K: Give me a hug!) Leo: I hug Joui. GM: You see that when Kenan chats, his face spasms a bit he doesn’t look like the world's most sane person. J: I liked you, Kenan. K: I liked you too, what’s your name? J: Joui, nice to meet you! L Joui, don’t stay too close to him… (A: Did you like me too?) J: Ah, he has explosives, Liz. L: Kenan! K: H-Hi! L:
Do you know if even after 30 years, the explosives still... explode? GM: Give me an Explosive test, Kenan. Leo: Oh, now I’ll shine. (J: We can try exploding!) Leo: The best status on my sheet… Extreme! I told you I would shine. (GM: Ok...) ...you remember… As it is your last memory before being in this cell for 36 years, you remember with extreme precision what was inside the backpack. You remember you had... some ingredients to make molotovs, there were some grenades, some C4 electronic explosives that need some time to be installed and prepared to explode. Leo:
But can they explode after all those years? (GM: Possibly...) They probably work if they weren’t modified... ...and if they’re in the same place you left. But you aren’t sure ‘cause you don’t know how they are. K: Girl, if nobody touched them, if no one got their nose in my backpack, I made explosives good enough to explode after all those years. L: Seems good for me. (J: That’s so cool!) Ce: So, the next step is to explode this shit? (A: I’ll ignite it! I said it first.) J: Hey! I’ll ignite the second one! K: I, I…
(J: Can I shoot…) What would happen if I shot my Shotgun at the "explotives" explosives, Mr. Kenan?! (Gabi: I leave the room.) T: If you are close enough to shoot with the shotgun, you will probably die. J: Oh, true. Leo: I know if it explodes or if is just a movie thing? GM: What? Ah… Leo: If someone can shoot the explosives. GM: If you shoot at the C4, no. You have to prepare it. K: Boy, you’re watching too many movies. You can’t make an explosive explode by shooting it. J: Ah, ok… A: But here it’s
a different place, maybe you can. OK, let’s go. J: True, Arthur. Ce: Guys, do you think we should check the other cells? Gabi: I’m outside already. K: I would like to do so. Rakin: I’m with Liz. GM: OK, you see... They’re exactly the same, all the doors are made of iron. Ah... When you leave the room you realize that the soundproofing inside it was wonderful, it seemed like there was no echo. You were talking and it seemed that you were talking at each other’s ears. And when you leave to go to the cave, your voices
echoes and you can hear [tu tu tu] echoeing through the walls. It seems that the walls are making this [tu tu tu] around you, all the walls pulse and move, you see little black tentacles going around you. K: [whistling] L: Ugh, look at the walls. J: Be careful, Liz. GM: [laughing] Guaxi and Gabi: [laughing] GM: Are you going straight through the doors? Gabi: I’m going... (Guaxi: Are the doors down there?) ...I'm looking at the doors like this... (A: Ah, here they are.) GM: OK, do this. Gabi: And trying to hear something... ...OK, I was afraid
to reveal something. GM: No, no, no. J: Guys, there’s a door here. (GM: You’re seeing this hallway.) A: Wait! Dude! J: Here on the back! (A: Dude!) T: What door are you seeing, Joui? GM: Yeah, there’s a door. J: Liz! A: Kevin! GM: Liz went so far you can’t see her anymore. (Leo: I’m looking up.) Gabi: Ok. GM: The mist is too thick... ...The only one that can see her is Thiago. T: Liz! Wait, there’s people behind, wait, wait. (L: Ah…) Gabi: Master, from where I am, ... (T: Let’s go together.) ...can I hear any
sound coming from the door in front or behind me? GM: Absolutely no sound, you presume from the previous cell’s soundproofing, there could be a person screaming desperately and you wouldn’t hear. Gabi: Uhum. But like, I can’t even hear the door knocking? GM: You can’t hear a thing. Gabi: OK, perfect. Leo: Yo master, this infront of me is a cell too? GM: All of them are, all these 6 doors. Leo: So as soon I get out I will try to open it. A: Wait, Mr. Kendrick! K: Hey! GM: This was the door you opened when you
ran from The Blacksmith, you open it… (Leo: So I open another....) GM: No, wait, you… (Leo: OK, I didn’t know it was the same but fine.) GM: You open it and... You pull it back... And see a cell exactly like yours, completely empty. A: Where did you see that being you told us? K: He ran away from here, this room, I opened the door for him. Ce: And he ran away? (Guaxi: I step back.) K: He ran, he ran. L: It’s the guy from the forest, right? Ce: Yeah, probably. T: Probably. K: Ah, is he
ok? L: Hehe, long story, right?! (T: I they leave them here...) Gabi: I go to the other door. J: I don’t like this. L: Can you all prepare your weapons, please? A: Ok. Gabi: I try to lift the thing alone. GM: Umm… Roll me a Strength test please, Liz. Luba: Joui’s with the Shotgun prepared. Guaxi: I’m with the “grock”. Gabi: Hmmm… Wait I think I got regular… Regular. GM: You can do it with difficulty, [creck] the door’s stuck… The bar stuck a bit, it’s rusty ‘cause it’s old, but you [tch PLOW] and put it aside.
The door is now open. (L: Ouch!) L: There! Hm... Ready? Gabi: I push it. GM: The door [pum] doesn't open. (Guaxi: Step back.) Gabi: I pull it. (Guaxi: Step back!) GM: When you pull it… You... Cesar, right off the bat, see a silhouette on their knees, on the opposite side of his, close to this hole. It’s a gray figure, on their knees. He seems to wake up as soon as you open the door. And you see a man with long hair, about 20 years-old and with a long black beard and hair. He looks at you,
he has a strip crossing one of his eyes, he looks at you with an indescribable face of fear, he throws himself back: Wellspring: [desperate screams] GM: And closes his eyes. J: What’s happening? Wellspring: [screams] (J: What’s in there?!) A: Close the door! (Wellspring: [screams]) T: Guys close, close the fucking door, please. (Wellspring: [screams]) A: There, closed. Wow… He didn’t like Cesar, I think. Ce: He looked like the one we saw in the forest... T: He looked like that beast. (Ce: The same human-like form, but...) ...savage. Ce: He probably grew here his whole life. J: A
Wellspring! (L: Guys…) ...Guys, we’ll have to destroy all the Wellsprings. I think... it’s valid, if we succeed... We'll kill them all at the same time. ‘Cause, outside, the Holy Cradle’s residents will hear that horrible sound, thet we heard when we killed the Wellspring. And perhaps the Blacksmith knows what’s about to happen, what’s happening inside, just from hearing the sound. (T: But…) ...I think we can… (A: You want to kill the Wellsprings?) L: We have to, right? (GM: [POW]...) ...He opens the door with all his strength and runs through you. GM: Roll a... Calango: I want
to hold him. GM: Yeah, roll a Strength test... ...if you want to hold him. Calango: Strength? GM: Yeah, Strength. Calango: Oh, ok. My sheet crashed bro. “You’re logged”, I’m clicking F5 and it doesn’t… GM: Yeah, try to… Close and open the same link. Calango: Still… Rakin: Open it in incognito mode. GM: Yeah… No... (3x) (Guaxi: I'll roll a Dexterity test.) ...that happens sometimes, you have to… do like this... Hm.... Cesar, put… Are you seeing that in the link’s end there’s a number? Calango: Uhum. GM: Put another one and the same after. Calango: Still the same.
GM: Press ctrl F5. Calango: Still the same… GM: Hold on… Luba: Hm… Leo: Unplug the moden. GM: It’s ‘cause… Ok (3x). See if you’re in the same link, ‘cause sometimes you can be with a different domain link. Calango: It’s fine now, it opened in the incognito mode. GM: OK, go. Rakin: Ctrl Shift N. Luba: Anonymous. Calango: Uh! It was good, wasn’t it? It was good. GM: Cesar having computer problems is fucked up, bro. Calango: Damn. Guaxi: So… Gabi: [laughing] (GM: What happened?) GM: You got good? Calango: Good. GM: The Wellspring passes you and you [ugh]
hold him and he goes: Wellspring: Ah, ahh! he tries to push and scratch you desperately. Ce: Guys, someone help me here! J: Hey, hey! Calm down! Luba: I try to talk to the creature. GM: He's screaming... (J: Do you understand what we say?) ...He's screaming, he's desperately trying to get away from you. J: Do you understand what we say?! GM: He's going to... Ce: He won't understand! GM: One more Strength test, please. Calango: Ah.... Gabi: Damn, Arthur's on the side. (Calango: Wow, I got 8, man, extreme now.) GM: Okay, you can handle him. Are you
just holding him? What do you do, how do you handle him? Calango: I'm trying to stop then from struggling too much, like this. GM: Okay, no, but how are you containing him? (J: Cesar!) Calango: Uhh ... Ah, I'm holding his arms close to their body like this, like hugging him with his arms like this. (GM: OK, you're hugging, got it, you hugged him, okay.) He's really skinny. And he's completely naked, obviously. Gabi: I aim the glock at the Wellspring. (J: Cesar, do a sleeper hold!) Ce: Bu- GM: What? What will you do? T: Guys, just
try to pass him out. (Gabi: I aim at the Wellspring.) GM: Okay, you aim the glock at the Wellspring. J: Liz, not yet! (Ce: Liz, but the Holy Cradle!) J: Pass him out, Cesar! Calango: Man I'm going to try… I'm going sunk a rear naked choke on him. GM: Strength test. Calango: Holy shit. Oh, I failed, obviously. GM: He's ... he's, he's ... Wellspring: [screams]. GM: He's able to let go of one of your arms like this, He can't let go, but you... can't pass him out, you're too weak for that. Leo: Can I try
to punch him? GM: You can... For sure, you can try. Leo: Okay, I'll try. Hmm… [cleans throat] I got... Good. GM: Roll the damage. Leo: Yeah... Hold on... It was 6. GM: 6? One roll? (Leo: Uhum.) GM: He's screaming, he loosens a little from Cesar, Kenan despite being very skinny and old, is still very tall and he still has good muscles. He just turns around and [POW]. The Wellsping was desperate, and then [puf] on his chin and he blacked out, and is passed out on Cesar's arms. K: Uhul! (T: Guys, let’s put him back in
his cell.) K: Damn, I missed that! Wow! Calango: He didn't die, did he? GM: You still feel him breathing. He just passed out. L: Throw him inside the cell. (Ce: He didn't die x2) J: What do you mean by "throw him"?! Put him inside the cell. A: Lets tie him up with... We have nothing! Ce: We just have to lock the door again, we should've locked it! Calango: I say that while dragging him into the cell. GM: Okay, you drag him into the cell, you throw him out like this. Calango: No, I put him down
carefully. GM: Okay, you put him down carefully. You see him: Wellspring: [grunts]. GM: Talking like.... Random grunts. And you drop him on the floor. Calango: I now close the door and put the bar back to lock it again. GM: You lock him inside the cell. A: Good, Cesar! (L: Ok...) K: Hey... hey lady! (T: Guys...) T: Like, I'll... (L: Huh?) T: I'll be honest... (K: You said that...) ...You said that you had found the guy that was in the cell on… on… on... You found him. What did he d... He can't get out? Can't we
let him out? Can't we let them try to save themselves in some way? L: They have no salvation. GM: Joui, you don't need to select the gun, okay? (A: Do you guys have...) GM: Arthur and Joui, it has some bugs. (Guaxi: Oh me too, I'll deselect it.) GM: Yeah, you don't have to select it. T: Guys, like... (Luba: Hm...) According to what the Gatekeeper said and everything we studied... These... These people are going to die. There's nowhere to run. J: We still don't know that, actually. T: They are the ones who give strength to this
place, like... L: Kenan... T: They are literally the ones who give life to the Holy Cradle. T: They need to die for Holy Cradle to die. (A: Yeah, that’s what The Blacksmith said when he was our friend until 2...) ...minutes ago. K: He was my friend 30 years ago too... Good times, huh? A: Good times. Gabi: I see them talking and I'll go to the next door, man. GM: Okay, you raise the bar and the door is open. But you didn't open it, it's just unlocked. It opens more easily. Gabi: Okay, I... Pull it back
a little bit like this... GM: You pull slowly and when you pull, you see that closer to the door, compared to the other, there is another silhouette of a person… Another completely naked person, the skin of this Wellspring is dark gray, their hair is very white, very white, his beard is also very white and his skin is all wrinkled. He's like lying very weak and skinny, he seems to be at least 80 years old. They look at you like this. Wellspring: [strange grunts] GM: And slowly starts to go back like this, scared but with a
tired expression. L: Poor people... J: Who did you find there, Liz? Luba: Joui approaches. L: Look for yourself. There is almost no life in that… poor... being. A: Let me see! Luba: Joui enters. GM: Ok (A: Joui!) Luba: Joui comes in, doesn't get too close, gets down, stays on one knee. GM: He leans against the symbol like that, they put their hand on the symbol like this and start looking at the symbol and doesn't want to look at you anymore, he's like this: Wellspring: [grunts] J: Sir? A: Joui, leave him alone! J: Just wait a
little! Sir? GM: He doesn't want to look at you, his face is completely turned to the symbol. He turns around completely and stick his hands and arms on the symbol and lean their face against it. Luba: Joui... Joui looks down and just says: J: I'm sorry. Luba: And turns his back and leaves. A: Sorry, man, wrong way. I was looking for the bathroom. Guaxi: Then we close the door... and lock it. J: Arthur? The bathroom is outside. A: Joui, it's to not make him angry! (Gabi: I start to walk away.) J: Ok. Ce: Look, are
we really going to open… them all? We already know what's in them. K: But what if there's someone like me? Ce: Do you think so?! K: We have to try to save everyone we can. Gabi: I start trying to force this door here. GM: It's a little tougher than the previous one but you can still do it without any tests. You open it... and pull… You will pull, right? You already open the door, right? Gabi: I'm pulling. (GM: When you open it,...) ...you see another man who seems to be an elderly, but he is not
as old as the others, he looks about 50, 60 years old. His beard… His hair is more voluminous. His skin is much lighter and he only has a strip that goes through both eyes. He looks at you, he's crouched, he looks at you and with a serene expression, he stares at you. Just staring. Doing nothing, without moving. Without doing anything, he is just staring at you, expressionless. Gabi: I step forward. GM: He's staring at you. J: What happens if one of them sees Thiago-sensei with... the symbol on his body? L: Don't try this, Joui. A:
Aren't they addicted to the symbol? Are you crazy? I think they’ll just run. T: They are just victims. They are victims. (Gabi: I'll..) ..Step back, close the door and put the lock again. (GM: You see him following you with his eyes,..) with a serene expression. You feel like... You can't read nothing in his expression, it's very disturbing actually. He's looking at you, you only see his face disappearing while you close the door and he didn't move an inch. J: Maybe they see... us as Thiago-sensei sees. T: But I see you well. A: Yeah... The way
you see Kenan. Ce: Yeah, you… Can you see him? T: I see him as a black figure. Rakin: Right? GM: Yes. Not black, everything's white. (T: I can’t see anything.) You see... Like, people you can tell they're people. They have a kind of shadow shape but it seems that... They all have no texture or color. They are all echoes, shadows, they are more feelings for you. T: Yeah ... Maybe they see us quite differently, guys. But hey, they are not guilty for all of this, imagine living locked up for all your life, they basically served
as fuel for this here. Whoever did this is a monster, we have to destroy it as soon as possible. Ce: Yeah. Yes, this is tragic in a way. Gabi: I'm unlocking the last door. GM: You open the last door, and see... (J: Watch out Liz.) With their back turned a Wellspring with light brown hair, looking at the wall, He's close to the corner, and when you open the door he looks at you. Wellspring: [scream]. GM: And he comes running towards you and... K: Close it! GM: ...jump on you. Fight back or dodge? Gabi: I'll... I'll
fight back. GM: He seems to be like 20 years old, 19 years old. Gabi: Uhum, I'm going to fight back. And... Damn... I got normal. GM: He jumps at you and punches you in the face, you take... 1 damage point. Wellspring: [scream] [pow] [scream] GM: He looks around. Wellspring: [scream] GM: And tries to run away. Luba: Can I get him? GM: You can try. (Rakin: I will try to catch him too.) Luba: I want to try to hold him. GM: Okay, if you're all going to surround him, each of you has 2 advantages. Guaxi: Ihul.
Rakin: Okay. Luba: Is it Strength, Master? GM: Strength. Luba: 19, good. GM: Good? Okay, Joui holds him as soon as he leaves. Joui grabs him... Let me just see if they haven't gotten an extreme. Guaxi: I got extreme. GM: He didn't get extreme. You hold him. Wellspring: [sounds of despair]. GM: He's desperate. Completely scared around you. Luba: I want to try to do a rear naked choke. To pass him out. GM: Strength test. Luba: I failed. GM: You can't do it, you're holding him by the neck like this but he's... Wellspring: AHH! AHHHH! GM: Trying
to take your... He holds your arm, you can't choke him. A: Kenan, help us black him out! (GM: He's not an old lady.) Rakin: Can I calm him down, master? (Luba: Joui keeps apologizing to him.) Rakin: I just want to stare at him and see if it calms him down in any way. GM: He's desperate, he's... No, he doesn't even look at your face, He's just completely desperate and scared by the situation he just saw... He's looking around as if nothing he's seeing makes sense. Gabi: I try to hit him with the gun on his
neck. GM: Attack. Gabi: Is it Fighting? GM: Fighting with an advantage because he's being held. Gabi: Yay! One advantage? GM: One advantage. Gabi: I got good. GM: Damage? Gabi: Pistol-whip is a d4, right? GM: 1d4 it's fine. Gabi: 3. GM: Okay... You hit him, his head starts bleeding but he keeps screaming in despair, you didn't pass him out. Luba: I'm still holding, right? GM: Now... you need to roll one more test because she hurt him. He went into total shock and is... using all the strength he has. Luba: Got regular. GM: He escapes. He lets
go of you, and tries to run, he passes by the side to avoid Thiago and passes Arthur. Guaxi: Okay, can I try to hold him? (GM: Arthur, you can roll a strength test.) Guaxi: Okay. Good. Rakin: You have to spin 180° to hold him, dude. (GM: Good?) Guaxi: Aham. GM: You hold him, what do you want to do? A: Help, help me here! Calango: I will help because he has only one arm holding him. GM: Yeah, it's true... You had to... You caught him from behind, you held him from behind because you don't have one
arm. You should've done with a disadvantage actually. Roll again. Guaxi: Want me to roll again? GM: Roll again. I forgot about your arm. Guaxi: 008, extreme. GM: Okay, you can do it (x3). You hold him with just one arm, But he's almost escaping, Cesar is coming... (Calango: I'll help.) GM: Okay, you can handle it. (Leo: I'm coming (x2) GM: You two can hold him. He's bleeding, completely desperate, it's a horror feature. J: Sensei, try talking to him! Ce: Isn't it better for us to take him to the cell first?! [struggle sounds] J: Sensei, try to
calm him down! (Wellspring: [screams]) GM: He's very desperate, screaming more than the first one. T: Try to put them in the room and lock it again, guys. L: Thiago, take off your shirt! Ce: Show him the symbol Thiago, I don't know! T: I won't take my shirt off! T: Just put him back in the cell and close it! Ce: OK go Arthur! A: Okay. GM: Every session is an excuse to get Thiago naked, man. Calango: We start to take him. (Rakin: I can't stand being naked anymore!) Guaxi: Let us see him naked! Calango: We start
taking him back to the cell. GM: You can do it, you throw him into the cell and when you throw him... He crawls back, looking at you, and leans his back on the symbol. Wellspring: [more screams] GM: He covers his eyes so he doesn't see you. (A: There! Stay!) Guaxi: Then I go outside and close the door. Gabi: I help Arthur to... (Ce: Did it lock?!) GM: Roll a sanity test for me Arthur. Guaxi: Ah man… What do I have to do? Wait, I got... (GM: You gotta get one better.) Guaxi: I got 002, I
have to take more than what I have right? (GM: Okay, you passed..) ...So you can't... Make jokes about these things, it's terrible, it's a horrible view. (Guaxi: OK ok.) GM: If you had failed I would have made you lose your sanity for making fun of a horrible situation like this. Guaxi: Hail Mary... Oh Master, you should've said that before so I’d prepare myself. GM: No, it's just for you to understand, like… A person... Y'know? (Guaxi: No, I understand.) You should have... empathy for the creature. Guaxi: Okay. Rakin: Poor little creature, dude. Give me sanity master.
(J: Sensei,...) ...did you see that he purposely dodged you in a strange way? J: It's like he knew you. (L: Thiago...) GM: It wasn't like that... He dodged because Thiago was on the way, he went for the easier path, yeah. (Luba: No?) Luba: Ah, ok. I was waiting for you to react to see if I was talking nonsense or not, thanks. GM: No, it was just… yeah. Just to describe. Like, it didn't look like he looked at Thiago and avoided, he just... saw the open path and went for it. Luba: Oh, ok. Luba: Ok (5x).
L: Thiago... T: Hm. L: I think it would be a good idea for us to... Test the reaction of that old Wellspring to your symbol. He's too old and he wouldn't attack you... (T: But he has a giant one on the wall.) L: But... Maybe he sees your shiny symbol differently, I don't know. Maybe he'll follow you in some way. (Ce: But what would we gain from that?) A: Yeah, it wasn't going to change anything. L: What if he... (T: I don't see a reason to have him close.) L: But what if they are attracted...
to follow Thiago because of the symbol? (T: But, Liz...) T: If the Holy Cradle has been affecting them the way it’s trying to affect me... And they’ve been here all these years, I'm sure they won't hesitate to attack us, we’re an enemy, they will only disturb us. GM: Thiago, the whole world goes [tu tum]. Everything goes white, you lose 1 sanity point. You don't see anyone else and then [pum] you go back to the reality you were in. T: [sigh]. Ce: Thiago? (T: Guys,... x4) ...we have to go. Ce: Why? T: I don't have much
time, just... Let's just go, please. The more the time passes, more... (A: What do you mean?!) T: The more the time passes the more difficult it becomes to stay here. Let's go, please. L: Yeah, we’re going to have to destroy these Wellsprings anyway. L: Let's see what we find. (Ce: Okay, let's go.) A: Okay, but if we destroy the Holy Cradle, aren’t they gonna die? L: No. The wellsprings feed... (A: Do you want to kill one by one?!) L: Arthur... (Ce: No, if we blow up the cave everyone will die Arthur!) L: The Wellsprings feed
the Dimensions Parasite... (A: Oh let's go then.) It is probably in here... And we cannot face this parasite in its full power, it needs to have its power reduced. If we don't kill these Wellsprings we won't get out of here. A: I didn’t get anything. But let's go. (Ce: Okay, let's go.) Gabi: I'll to go a little further. Is the sound coming from here? (Ce: Arthur, get behind me.) GM: The sound is echoing all over the cave wall, you don't know exactly where it comes from. Gabi: Okay. I’m going slowly forward. GM: Okay. Luba: Joui
is following. (Calango: Do two people fit here? Like…) GM: It fits, it fits two by two, yes. You all go ahead then... And we go to the second map of this region... There are two maps. Players: [excited] Luba: Master, meanwhile, a question. GM: Yes? Luba: I forgot to ask before. As we no longer have medieval weapons, we had taken the point of fighting to put... GM: Put back what you had, yes... It wasn't supposed to be taken exactly. Guaxi: Yeah, I didn't take it either. GM: It was just that the Fighting point was the maximum...
(Luba: Ahhh, okay.) What you had in Fighting was the maximum you could have in Sword. But you are back to having the Fighting you originally had. I will put you here. Thiago, after that... I forgot to say, but go back to the Lusidius form. When you blacked out, you [pluf] went back to being Lusidius. Rakin: Got it. GM: Wait a minute. Okay, all of you are here. Luba: Man, it's gigantic. (GM: You continue...) ...You continue to see… (Leo: I was very far, here.) GM: You can move forward. So you see, the cave continues... It's very
dark, only Thiago can see where it's going... You have flashlights, I presume, to be able to see. The walls... You notice that the floor is getting darker and more grayish and the walls start to get more and more... gooey and… You already begin to notice that on the floor pass... Wait a minute… On the floor, around you, you see small tentacles [wet noises] Emerging from the stones next to you in that hallway. And the further you walk, you can go now, you can see more and more tentacles... And more visibly the sludge move and the
[tu tum] gets louder. L: Guys, wait. I don't think we should go here. Not yet. (J: Why?) L: I have no idea what the Dimensions Parasite is, but look at how this sludge moves. If this thing is somewhere, it's here. And if we are going to face it, it is being fed on PE's, it is being fed by the Wellsprings. It’s very strong. We need to take away its strength before destroying it. T: Do you want to kill the Wellsprings? L: They are the energy source of the... Dimensions Parasite, everything we found, Eric's research... J:
I think we don't have to kill them, so just let them go... J: They are only Wellsprings... (L: No!) and have their energy supplied while they are in these cells. [some strange noise] GM: What was that? Leo: Wow, yeah. A: Mr Kelvin, do you know if this is where your backpack is? K: Ah, me?! Am I Mr. Kelvin?! Uhh… Leo: Do ​​I know, Master? Or I have no idea? GM: Wisdom test, please. The same number is...? GM: The same number is what it’s, if it's the number you got it. (Leo: I got...) I got extreme.
GM: Did you get extreme? You’re sure you didn't go this way 'cause the cave walls had no tentacles visible like this ones. You didn't leave your backpack here. K: Look, I don't think so, honestly, because there were no disgusting things on the floor like these. L: Guys, let's recap... (A: We have to focus on finding the backpack first.) L: Let's recap. Spiral hypnosis keeps people hypnotized inside the Holy Cradle. The Wellsprings feed the Dimensions Parasite and the it provides the life that this place has... But it only provides it because it is being fed. If
we cut off its food, it will become weaker... And it will probably take revenge on the people who are outside, or try to use them. I don't know. Ce: It will certainly notice that we did this, what if it reacts? L: But... If we attack it, it will react too. T: But wait, hey. Didn't that man say he had molotov in his backpack? L: Hey Kenan. (T: Explosives?) K: Hi! GM: You see Kenan looking at the walls like this, the tentacles moving and he's like... “Haha! Haha!" "Ah!” he looks at you again. K: How cute…
How cute this is here… ...Hi Hi! What is it? L: Your backpack. K: Yes? L: Let’s find it. K: Okay, I know it’s not that way. So... L: So let's go back. K: Okay. GM: You guys decide to go back then, I'm going to pull the map again. Gabi: Sorry, master! (A: I'm after you, OK man?) K: I'll protect you boy, relax. GM: I'm going to pull… we’ll just ... (A: Joui is in front of me!) GM: Let's just "reexplore" everything you've done here. If you want to move the players to help me, quickly. Leo:
Osh, but I don't remember where... Oh yeah. GM: Wait, no!(10x) Wait wait. (Guaxi: No, no, not everything.) GM: Only the cells, only the cells. (Gabi: Weren’t we supposed to clear the way...) ...that we went? I was clearing the path that we made to get here. GM: There. No, the path was already open. Done. Gabi: No, I don't see the way... to the door. Gabi: To the door, to the door. Leo: Yeah, they came here to the right, didn't they? From the right. (Gabi: It's the way we came from, that's what I wanted to say.) Leo:
I mean... It's Leo saying that, not Kenan, I don't know. GM: It's safe (x2). OK. Let's go back there, let me show you the screen. It's all right, right? Guaxi: Aham. Gabi: Yes. GM: OK. Guaxi: You had done something, hadn’t you? GM: No no, nothing happened. Okay, all right, let me put it here... Done. L: [sigh] Guys... How are we going to find this backpack? We don't even know the size of this cave, where it opens, where it goes... J: We don't even know if it's still there, it has been 36 years. Ce: Let’s take
a look. Calango: And I say it while walking. [everybody saying they'll go with Cesar] Ce: Time is running out, let's walk... GM: You walk, you hear the [tu tum] [tu tum] you go on... you go back the way you came... And you arrive at those various forks. Ce: OK, does anyone remember from where we came from? I don't remember anything. L: Hm. GM: You don't really remember the cave, although there are only a few entrances on this map... It has several small entrances and some that enter and close... It is very easy to get lost
in here, precisely due to the mist and darkness. Ce: Wait, calm down, if we came from here... I remember I wanted to go this way. Remember Liz? Before we got to the cells I said I wanted to come from the left and you said: "no no no", and then we came from the right, we did the eenie meenie, right? I remember that, what if we came here now? L: Hm. GM: Roll a luck test, Cesar. Calango: Couldn't you tell it apart like I said? GM: Yeah, but roll a Luck test (Guaxi: I think the eenie
meenie was with Mariana and Cariad.) [everybody making fun of Calango] Calango: Damn bro... Sorry... GM: Roll a luck test, if you get… (Calango: Failed it.) GM: Failed? So to prevent metagaming you got little on Luck and you go the wrong way... Calango: No, if you want to consider I didn’t even say that. GM: No, you didn't, you didn't, because you were confusing the characters. You didn't say that... And because of the test you're going up. Calango: Okay. GM: You know where the backpack is, but the characters can't know. (Ce: Come here, I'm almost sure it
is here.) Guaxi: Okay. GM: And the only one who would know is Kenan but he was passed out and doesn't remember... But you got extreme on Wisdom, right, Kenan? Leo: I got extreme... GM: Roll another Wisdom. Guaxi: Double extreme, double extreme! Leo: No, it wasn't extreme. I got good. GM: You got good? Leo: Yeah. GM: You don't remember. Leo: I come here, I pass by and I say: K: [gasp]. What a cool stone! Leo: And leave. GM: You... Ce: Look, but we will only find out if we go walking, let's go. Gabi: I'm going after
Cesar. GM: You go up and... You see that the wall at this side has more sludge and... And you arrive in a slightly open space with another fork. Ce: Damn. L: Ah... Ce: OK, now someone chooses here. L: Too much sludge. (J: Jokenpô!) L: Hey Kenan. K: Hi! L: Was there so much sludge on the walls when you first came here? I think it's been a while for you, but... you would remember, wouldn't you? K: Uh… there was, there was… We… There was a time that I... When I lit my molotov, remember that I told
you? L: Uhum. K: Everything went like [kraa] and some shit around it as well. GM: When you say to look around, you see that... The sludge around you starts to make [blum] some strange waves [blum]. [blum] The walls start to get thicker and black waves pass through. L: We cannot continue, Cesar. Ce: Why? L: Not here! Ce: But... What? The backpack is somewhere in this cave, if we keep going to a place and returning because we cannot go further, it will be infinite. L: But… Did you not pay attention to anything that we read in
all the documents, in the research? Eric? Did any of the investigation mean something to you? GM: Find test everyone. (Ce: It does, but...) Guaxi: Ah man... Calango: Holy shit. Gabi: I failed. Calango: Oh, 17, good. Rakin: Do I roll it even if I'm blind? (Luba: I failed.) GM: You can roll Thiago, because you can see the cave walls. Leo: By one I got normal, man, by one... Guaxi: Find, right? I got extreme. (Rakin: Extreme.) GM: Everyone who got extreme, in the middle of this discussion you notice that these waves [blum blum] start to slow down
and suddenly... A bubble appears inside the sludge [krr]. It starts to take a hand-like shape and... [frr] [frr] The sludge starts to... A person starts to come out, all made of sludge from inside the wall. (T: Guys, get out fast!) GM: And it is emerging between Kenan and Arthur. Guaxi: Ah man, you want to kill me, right? GM: You see... what looks a lot like the shape of a Blood Zombie, but it is totally made of sludge, it [PFFFFKRRR] appears between you. (K: Wow!) Calango: I don't see it, right? GM: Hmmm... You don't see it
at first, but... Those who noticed can position themselves correctly, those who got good and extreme. Leo: Ah... by 1 I can't, man. Calango: I got good (x2) Leo: I got regular. GM: But since you were looking at him, you can eventually see it, Kenan. GM: He [puf] falls from the sludge... It goes up [krrrr] and comes up to attack you. Everyone rolls Initiative, please. (K: Wow!) J: What was that noise?! Rakin: Who's seen it before has an advantage in Initiative, Master? GM: No. Luba: Initiative is Dexterity, right? I always forget. GM: The advantage of seeing
was to be able to position yourself where you wanted. What? Initiative is Dexterity, yeah. Luba: Regular. Rakin: Got 4, extreme. Guaxi: Good. Leo: I got... (Gabi: I got normal.) GM: List time! Extreme? Rakin: Me. GM: Character name always. Thiago. (Rakin: Thiago.) GM: Good? Calango: Cesar. (Leo: Kenan.) GM: Cesar and Kenan. (Guaxi: Hm...) ...And Arthur. GM: Regular? (Guaxi: Arthur.) GM: And Arthur, okay. Arthur starts because he has more dexterity. Regular? Gabi: Liz. Luba: Joui. GM: OK. Thiago starts then. Rakin: Hey master, can I have my shield and gun in hands? GM: Gun? Yes, no need to
check. Rakin: OK. I have the shield and gun in hands. GM: You can uncheck the gun so it doesn't flash. Rakin: Can I uncheck it? Nice. I want to come here and I want to get Kenan... away. T: Kenan come back. Rakin: I just want to position myself to protect him. GM: Okay, you pull him back, put the shield in front... Rakin: And the gun like this, I literally have the shield like this and the gun here like this. GM: Okay, what's your gun again? Glock, right? Rakin: Desert Eagle. GM: Desert Eagle, OK. Now it's
Arthur. Guaxi: Hm... I'll... step back. A: Liz, do I shoot? What do I do? Do I have to shoot? L: I told you, I told you not to come here! Ce: Is it a good idea for us to shoot? GM: That was the line, decide. Guaxi: I'll just... I'll pass. Luba: Shoot! GM: OK, Cesar? Calango: Ah, is it me already? GM: Yes. GM: You spent your free speech action in this round. You still can talk a little bit more... But it's... one free speech action per round. Calango: Oh, for now I'm going to get near
it and I'm going to punch it, man. GM: Are you going to punch? Okay. Calango: Punch. And I will probably miss it. Obviously I missed it. GM: Okay. Uh... It... When you try to punch it, you miss... And it: [krrr] tries to bite you but you passed through and it can’t. Now it’s Kenan. Leo: Uh... I raise my fist and go: K: Punch it, punch it! Leo: That’s it. GM: Okay, now it’s it. It will... take advantage that Cesar went to punch it and will try to hold and bite him. Cesar, fight back or dodge?
Calango: One question, if I dodge it’ll... It’ll get near... It’ll be where I am right? GM: Yes. Calango: But it won’t attack someone else? GM: No. Calango: OK, so I'm gonna dodge. GM: Go on. Calango: Good. GM: You dodge it, (Calango: 19.) GM: you jump back really fast [viuf], it passes [craw] and goes back to where it was. Now it's Liz's turn. GM: It's Liz's turn! Gabi: Wait, I'll... Gabi: I’ll shoot it with the glock. (J: Liz, shoot!) Gabi: I'll shoot it with the glock. GM: Go on. Gabi: And… Gabi: Oh, I got good. GM:
The damage is…? Gabi: Glock is a d10 and I got 3… GM: 3 of damage? Gabi: Yeah. (GM: OK.) GM: You shoot, a bit of sludge comes out. and when you shoot, the gunpowder burns and you see around you. [PRAW] a lot of little tentacles [praaw] vibrating. The walls start to move a lot faster, the monster goes [ARGH] and turns into something, it vibrates, the sludge vibrates disgustingly. and that's it, that was your turn. Now it's you, Joui. Luba: Joui’s going to shoot with his Shotgun! GM: You will hit your friends. Luba: Fuck! GM: How
much shotgun ammo do you have? Luba: 11. GM: You bought… OK. Luba: Hmmm well, I take a… Can I throw that knife I got from the Blacksmith's table? GM: Roll me a Throw test with disadvantage because there’s two guys infront of you. Luba: Careful huh, team… 19... Oh, OK. Oh. Disadvantage right? I got 4. GM: Disadvantage, OK, let’s see. Guaxi: He’s gonna get 5 now. Guaxi: 100! Luba: 99. Leo: Oh God! (Calango: Wow.) GM: Cesar, please roll a Dodge test, please. Calango: Yo... (Gabi: Oh no!) Calango: He's giving back the scar. Calango: 91! Leo: Holy
shit! GM: What’s the knife damage? Gabi: Oh noo.. Luba: What’s the damage? (Rakin: My god…) GM: It’s a… The knife damage is a d4, a d4. Luba: A d4? Rakin: Starting with the right foot. Luba: It was… 1, it was 1. GM: One? OK. You... (Luba: Wait!) Luba: D4 is this one, right? GM: The little pyramid, yeah. (Leo: The little triangle) Luba: It’s the number up here, right? In the middle. (GM: Yeah.) GM: You throw the knife (Luba: Yeah, it’s 1 then.) GM: and it hits [tchiu] Cesar superficially, it cuts a bit of his ear
like this and [plim plim plim] it falls in front of him. J: Cesar-kun, I’m so sorry! (Ce: What the fuck?!) Ce: OK, it’s fine, it’s fine. J: It was supposed to hit the… Sorry, sorry. GM: Thiago, is you. (Ce: It's fine!) Rakin: OK, I saw that Liz was “de buenas” with the shot, so I aim with the gun on top of the shield and [tey] I shoot it. GM: Go on! (Gabi: "De buenas"…) Rakin: OK… Wow I missed shooting, long time no killing. GM: Hitman, the famous Hitman. Leo: The famous. (Rakin: Where? I’m looking here.)
GM: Try to move your camera to the side so it doesn't cut out your face from the frame when you’re close to it. Rakin: Like this? (GM: To the front a bit, yeah, perfect!) Rakin: OK, I got... I got regular. GM: Regular? You hit it, what's the damage? Rakin: Oh yes, wonderful, I missed this. (GM: Ah you're) GM: you're… I presume you all are here on the front, right? Rakin: I’m in front of... GM: (So you have advantage.) Leo: In front of me (Rakin: Advantage?) GM: 'Cause you're close to it. (Rakin: Can I roll again?)
GM: Yes, yes. Rakin: Let's see if I can get an extreme. GM: You can try Rakin: No, it was regular also. Leo: He’s going to fail…. Ah. Rakin: OK... Rakin: Regular... (GM: No, advantage you roll twice and use the best,) GM: disadvantage you roll twice and use the worst. (Rakin: It was regular.) Rakin: OK. Let’s see the damage… Holy shit, I got 10! GM: 10?! Rakin: 10. GM: The creature was getting a shape from when (Leo: Wow.) GM: Liz shot it, you aim right at it and [POW] you blow the monster's head [plash] it explodes
all over the place and it [pff] loses its’ human form. It turns into sludge completely and starts to [fush] crawl back to the walls. You see that now the walls are [pu pu] [pu pu] [pu pu] aggressively. T: Guys, we have to go. Now. L: You still want to follow the sludge? (T: We have no time.) Ce: OK, let’s listen to Liz. Calango: I say it with my hands like this on my ear. L: Guys… We just have to... find a way to weaken the thing before fighting it. Eric left all his studies and… T:
Guys, no matter what we will do, we have to decide now. Please. A: Go on, I'll go... (L: I don't want to follow the sludge.) Gabi: I go walking to Thiago. (T: So we will go back.) T: We can, but it has to be now. J: Cesar-kun, forgive me for... Gabi: I start going here. (Ce: Joui...) Ce: No need to worry. GM: That's the way to leave the cave. Gabi: Do I notice that it is the exit? (GM: Yes.) Calango: I do this to Joui do the little punch with me. L: I think we came
from here, then we went straight ahead. Luba: Master, on my way here I grab the knife on the floor, OK? GM: Ah, OK. Nice one, I wouldn’t let you have it if you didn’t do that. L: Is there something here? No, just a wall.... GM: Kenan give me a Wisdom test please. (Gabi: I’m going.) Leo: Oh, please, please... Wait that my number was good… Yeah, just good. GM: While walking, you have a flash [pshi] of the moment Miguel shot Mariana in the head. You are in the exact same place where it happened. You realize the
path you have to follow, the path you ran. Leo: When walking here I, I knee down, like this, and I say: K: Guys… I... think that's the way... I'm sure it is... (L: Guys…) K: I remember this place, I'd remember it like it was yesterday. Ce: OK, Ce: do you think your bag is this way? (L: We’re with you.) K: I know it is. Leo: And then I go. GM: OK. GM: You start following this path, (A: Cesar…) GM: you can chat GM: while walking. (Ce: What?) A: What's the guy's name? Ce: I don't know,
I think it's... Kelvin. It's his team’s names, he might be the leader. J: Guys, it's Kenan. How rude of you. Ce: Ah, yeah, that one. (A: Why is it rude?) A: We're just asking. Leo: Can I go on, master? (GM: Yeah, sure.) GM: The walls get darker and with more sludge as you keep walking and you remember running, you can't recall why you were running desperately when you were here, but you remember little by little until you get in this open place. (L: Kenan, wait!) Leo: I'm walking really fast, even though she told me to
wait I’m like… y’know? I'm not thinking much. Gabi: I stop walking ‘cause I see the sludge on the walls. GM: It was there the whole time. Gabi: It was, but now there's more GM: Yeah, there’s more, it drips a bit to the ground as well. Gabi: Is it vibrating like the other walls or not? GM: It hasn't stopped pulsing since you killed… since you started shooting. It's still [tu tu] [vum] [tu tu] and the waves of black sludge passing by. GM: You can see it all from here. (Gabi: I step back then.) GM: You remember
this area. Leo: Do I recall where my backpack is? GM: Roll me a Find test please. Rakin: I’m always close to him, this figure I can’t see. (Leo: I think I failed.) Leo: No, I got regular GM: You got regular? GM: You see... (Leo: By one!) GM: Kenan looking for something, in several small places “Ah it was here!” while he searches... K: Where, where, where? (GM: You see once more [puf]) GM: [puf puf] and a bubble shows up. Similar to the one you saw before, but now it's faster and more aggressive. Quickly, you don't even
have reaction time, [RAUH] jumps a... Sludged Bestial Zombie. GM: between Arthur, (Luba: This thing…) GM: Joui and Thiago. GM: The initiative I will consider from last time. Leo: OK, do I see it too? GM: You all do, it makes a [growl sound], GM: Thiago is first. (K: This one is yours,) K: 'cause I'm searching (Rakin: I shoot it twice.) GM: Two shots? Rakin: Two. (GM: Both with disadvantage, go on.) Rakin: OK, first got regular and the second one was good. GM: The damage, please. Rakin: Noh! (Calango: Wow.) Calango: Dude's about to blow that thing up.
(Rakin: Yo, it hurts) Rakin: Wow, it hurts. Rakin: The first one I got 12... (Guaxi: We needed a Lusidius version of Thiago to hit it.) and the second one I got 12. 24 of damage in total. Calango: Holy! (GM: You see this creature) GM: arise quickly, Thiago with his badass reflects turns and [tchu pow pow] he shoots twice, one goes in its’ head and explodes it, the other explodes the inferior part and instantly [plash] it just spreads as sludge and goes to the other wall. In just one movement it jumped, was shot twice and turned
into sludge. Ce: What was that? J: Sensei, that was so cool! [UNCLEAR] GM: When that happened, Kenan, you looked back scared with the shots. The sludge once again [growl] made a kind of weird and disgusting sound. The little tentacles passed around you when that happened and later it started coming back and now you can see what you believe is the tip of what you think is your bag. In a hole, but it's covered by sludge. L: What happened? I was back there. (Rakin: I reload my gun) GM: OK. Rakin: Done. J: It was one of
those strange zombies, Liz. J: But Thiago-sensei… (L: We have to get out of here.) J: ...destroyed it Relax, Mr. Kenan is looking for his bag. Leo: Are there any sticks on the floor? GM: There aren't any, it’s a cave. GM: There's a lot of sludge. Leo: I say: K: Guys, guys, guys! Look here, I think that’s my backpack. Leo: I point where it’s full of sludge. GM: Yeah, you see a shape, a kind of weird rock covered in sludge. Now that you look at it, you realize that it might be a backpack. Luba: Joui gets
closer. J: Ah, do you need help grabbing it? K: Be honest, you want to take the explosives, don't you? J: I do. K: You have to shove your hand into the sludge, I dunno do you think it'll be a problem? If you do, I'll do it. J: I'll try, I'll try it! (L: No!) Gabi: I get closer to Joui and hold him back. J: Liz, let me get the explosives! L: You're putting your hand in the sludge? (A: Pull it with the knife.) J: No, I'll get it really fast! A: Where’s your sickles, Liz? We
have a lot of tools. (K: The kid's idea is good,) K: stick a knife in before and see how to do it, the kid is smart. (A: We have a sword,) A: we have a lot of things, why don't we try something? (Luba: I take it with the knife) Luba: I take it with the knife. J: Guys, wait. (GM: OK, you grab it) GM: you start to touch the sludge like this. Roll me a Sanity test please. Luba: I knew it, fuck. I have to fail, right? No, I have to get less, I always forget.
(GM: You have to get less.) Luba: OK. Rakin: My friend... (Luba: Ops, it fell.) Leo: It’s less than the sanity number you have or your total? (GM: Yeah.) Luba: I failed, master. GM: You failed? Luba: Yeah. GM: Roll a Finding test, Liz, please. You notice that Joui is sticking the knife and he kind of loses interest in doing that starts to move his hands in the sludge's direction. Gabi: I got good. GM: You can notice that's happening. Gabi: I hold him by his shoulders and pull him back hard. GM: Roll a Strength test. Gabi: I
got regular. GM: OK, you pull him back. L: Joui! T: Guys... L: What did I tell you? (J: Sor…) T: What's happening? (J: Sorry...) J: Liz-senpai I couldn't help it... Sorry. L: No, no “Liz-senpai” now. T: What happened to Joui? J: I tried to grab the backpack. L: He stuck his hands in the sludge. J: I stuck the knife in the sludge. T: Liz, it's not his fault... that's what the Holy Cradle does. Let me try to grab it. A: What if we… What if... (Rakin: I have my gloves on, I'll try to grab it.)
A: If we put a lighter close to it, wouldn't it change something? Don't they have… Wouldn't it change somethingw GM: You're getting closer while Arthur says that. Rakin: OK, I try to grab it. GM: You stick your hand in it, roll a Sanity test please. Rakin: Even with gloves? GM: Sanity test. Guaxi: He just tried with the knife… Rakin: [UNCLEAR] Ops. Hold on, I rolled two dice, so… Leo: Holy Thiago... (Rakin: Failed.) GM: Did you fail? Rakin: Yeah. GM: You once again stick your hand, hold it and you pull the backpack, you see it dripping
sludge [puff], It drips from it. You can now see... A backpack... all... Hold on... GM: Let me just… No, no, I know what happened, I know what happened, Hold on.. Done Here it is... You see a backpack covered in sludge, really dirty. The sludge keeps dripping. And Thiago, once more, [tu tu], see all white. You feel the symbol trying to take over your mind, you're fighting fiercely and it takes another Sanity point. Rakin: OK. T: [sigh]. Rakin: I wobble a bit. GM: But you got it and the sludge is dripping a lot and it's not
covering all of the backpack. Rakin: OK. T: Guys, let’s go. Here's your bag. K: My backpack! I missed you! Hi, how were you, baby? After all those years. L: Thiago, you good? (Ce: You got the backpack?) T: I'm good,... T: ...I'm good. (A: Where's the explosives?) Leo: I put my backpack and say: K: In here. Leo: Then I take it off and open. (A: Don't we have to do it now?) K: What do you want to do with the explosives? (Ce: Hello!) Ce: Did you get the backpack? K: It's here. it's here. Leo: I swing
it like this, to the kid. (GM: Cesar is in the back here.) Calango: I'm looking to see if… I'm here K: What do you want to do? Leo: I look at the girl. L: Don’t look at me, I... (A: Do a “molocotov” cocktail.) L: I know everything from Eric's studies, but just that. K: I thought you were the one who did the planning. Leo: Then I turn to the guy. K: So it's you, Mr. Veríssimo, what do you want to do? Rakin: Can I hear him fine? GM: Yes. T: Just prepare the maximum of fire
you can. We will need a lot. K: OK. Leo: Then I open my back... (T: Did you say you had a molotov fucktail?) A: I want a “molocotov”! K: I don’t have it… Leo: Do I, master? GM: You have 3… You have the ingredients to craft 3. You have 3 bottles with a lot of alcohol and cloth. You open the bag and you see you have a ton of explosives, but most of them are covered in sludge. You still have some C4 that might work but you have to place it and set them on the
place you want them to explode, you can’t set them before and put after. Leo: OK, here's what I'm gonna do. I'll look at them and… Can I tell which won't work and which will? Then I can have just the ones I think will work. GM: Ah… Explosives. Leo: Failed. GM: You failed? (Leo: Wait (4x).) Leo: Failed. GM: You can't tell, there are tons of dirty ones that look like they'll work, it's hard to tell. K: I don't know how much time... After so long which ones will work. Let's just take all of them, then I...
Light them and hope for the best. GM: What you can see is that you've separated them by type of explosives. You have two hand grenades that seem to be intact, they're resistant just like the war's ones. Leo: OK, I… grab a grenade, I hold it and say: K: Who wants it? J: Me! K: I hand it to the boy. A: I said it first! (L: Joui!) L: Be careful. J: It 's OK Liz-senpai. A: Humpf. Guaxi: I get angry. Leo: Do I manage to make a molotov in the meanwhile? Can I do it quickly… GM:
Ah… You can set it… It’s kind of pre-setted, but you do it. Just to make it clear: The grenade and the molotov, in combat, take 1 round to take the pin off or to light it up and another round to throw it. So you need 2 rounds to use these items. Leo: OK fine, OK. Luba: What did I get? Molotov or… (GM: Grenade.) Gabi: Grenade. Leo: Can I get the backpack and walk while I do that? while I set the molotovs. Guaxi: Don't want to talk, master? GM: No, OK, yes, I thought you were asking
them as a character. Leo: No, no, to you, to you. K: Let’s go guys, let’s go, I’m setting the molotov here. Mr. Veríssimo, you asked for molotovs, do you want one? T: I don't… Don't let anything dangerous near me. (Ce: He's giving molotovs there, Arthur.) A: Ah, he didn't want to give me one. J: I accept one more. L: He just offered you a molotov, Arthur. J: I accept one more, Mr. Kenan [whispering]. (A: He said it to me? Didn't he say that to Thiago?) Gabi: I walk away. (K: OK, let’s go.) GM: You then
go back to the path where you came… Leo: Should I leave the backpack, Master? GM: What? L: Should I leave it? GM: Yeah, you can bring it with you, look how cute. You bring it. You then go back without any problem and when you arrive, almost finishing it, you see, at the end the forking you were. Now, you choose where you’re going. Guaxi: Oh, dude! (Gabi: Oh man,) Gabi: why tho? (Guaxi: Damn!) Gabi: He has no motives, no motives. (Guaxi: I hate this man bro.) J: Can someone go in the front? I would like to
talk with Thiago-sensei. Ce: I will, I'll go ahead. GM: You're going back. Ce: So what now? A: Where are you going? L: Do you think it's a good idea to try this way? Ce: Which one? L: That we came before and we met the first creature. Ce: So I don't know, Liz. Both seem equally terrifying for me. GM: [tu tu] [tu tu] [tu tu] GM: The walls still beat. (L: I still think) Liz: I still think we have to destroy the Wellsprings. Guaxi: We still hear the heart, right master? Guaxi: Like, from this hallway. (GM:
Yes, yes, yes,) GM: from everywhere, all around you (Guaxi: Oh, everywhere?) GM: Uhum. Guaxi: Oh, OK. L: Do you remember that The Gatekeeper made it clear for us that his mission was to end his siblings' suffering? He was going to do the same thing he did with The Helper and The Collector. J: Yeah, but they died without feeling any pain, they were under anesthesia with the green crystals. Opening those doors and shooting them, is murder. They are innocent. L: Not doing that will be the murdering of everyone here. A: Ah, I don’t know, Liz, we
have (J: It must have another way.) A: a lot of things with us here, grenade and molotov. I don't know if opening the doors and killing them would be a nice thing. L: Joui, you're being irrational. A: Have you seen what happened with the scream? Like, that noise when The Gatekeeper died… What do you think it will happen here? L: We have to destroy them all at once and face the Parasite, it will be weaker, it won't have anyone to feed on. A: Ah I don’t know.... really. L: On the paper it was said that
the Parasite is The Holy One, and The Gatekeeper mentioned The Holy One was Holy Cradle. If we kill the Wellsprings, the Parasite won’t be feeding itself anymore and we will be able to kill it. With that, Holy Cradle dies. T: But what if the Parasite is using all the people from The Holy Cradle as food? The Wellsprings are not the only ones, are they?? All of Holy Cradle is food. L: No, the Wellsprings are the source of PE, the source of potential energy. With no energy, the Parasite gets weaker. J: But they’re Wellsprings while in
there, The Gatekeeper... found a way to... stop giving that much energy when he left the cell and stopped drawing or looking at the symbol, right? L: But if we free them, they will find the village or maybe The Blacksmith… What if he comes here? Gabi: I glance at Kenan. (T: Guys...) Guys let's do this, then: Just a opinion,‘cause we don’t have time. Kenan, do you have explosives that activate remotely? GM: The C4 yes, you can activate remotely but not in a long distance, mainly in a cave. K: Remotely is not much, but you can get
a distance. (GM: You can activate it) until the distance of about 10 meters. K: I have a C4 which explodes until about 10 meters away. I'm not sure if will be the same in the cave, though. T: I don’t know… Let’s use this as our last hope, Liz, please. They're going to die anyways, in the end. Along with Holy Cradle. We just have to... Face it... We don’t have time, every minute I pass here in Holy Cradle I feel something getting weirder… Soon, my hand won’t be my hand, the cave is going to be our
enemy… We have to leave now, please, we can’t argue. A: The more we’re here, don't you think.. The shots, the things we did here, didn't it change something there? Did we bring the night, like yesterday? Rakin: I start to walk, I start to walk. J: Sensei, I will go with you. Luba: I wanted to talk about something with sensei. Gabi: I’m more behind. (GM: OK, you see Joui,...) ...going to his side. Do you want everyone to mute or not? Luba: No, no, no. J: Hm, sensei... I wanted to apologize for something, that day we were
choosing weapons in The Blacksmith’s house... I said I had a samurai ancestral and that was why I wanted the katana. But you wanted too… Well… I don’t have a samurai ancestral, I wanted to apologize for that. T: No problem Joui, I like the shield. Luba: Saying that, Joui feels really relieved and his conscience clean. Leo: Oh no, look what he’s trying to do. Luba: He breathes deeply and feels so good that he admitted... (GM: Joui...) ...I will give you a d3 of Sanity. But not for that, for defending the Wellsprings. Guaxi: OK. Luba: Wait, a
d3? GM: Yeah. Luba: Oh, a d6. OK, I got 1, I’m already happy. Rakin: Divide half of that sanity. (Guaxi: “Arthur, you too”,...) ...OK, Master. Rakin: Oh. Leo: Oh. GM: I’m just putting you on another map ‘cause you’re walking. Let’s go, it’s there. Gabi: Wait, we’re past the Wellsprings? GM: You did, you said you didn’t want to go there. Do you all want to? Luba: No, no, we’re past them. (Guaxi: I will follow Thiago and Joui.) GM: OK, you walked past them, if you want to go back I can put you there. Guaxi: Ah, I’m
following so… (Leo: For me, I’d pass too.) Guaxi: Yeah, Thiago passed them, Thiago is like the leader of the pack. Rakin: I’m not a leader, I’m just dying. (GM: You pass them?...) ...You’re walking by the doors now. What do you do? L: Guys, the Wellsprings! GM: I will go back. Leo: My god. L: Guys! Leo: Poor Master. Gabi: I see them going. (GM: No, I just have to do this.) L: Guys! T: Liz. simple, if you want to kill them, then do it. I won't participate in that. Just do it quickly, please. Leo: Oh, oh
but... T: I don’t think you’re right but you do what you want to. Luba: Joui looks down, he’s kinda lost. He doesn’t know what to do. L: The Gatekeeper helped us and said how to destroy this, he said he needed to kill the Wellsprings to get the plan go as planned. A: He said killing the Wellsprings would free them from suffering, he never said that. L: But the Wellsprings feed the Parasite, you’re going to the monster's mouth. L: No, you didn’t pay attention to anything. J: If we have enough green crystals for them to die
without suffering, it's fine. Either way, I don’t want to participate. L: Guys, the Parasite creates that beautiful environment out there ‘cause it’s being fed. It maintains all those people out there, hypnotized. ‘Cause they’re carrying the Parasite with them. If we destroy the PE sources, it makes sense that it’ll get weaker. Ce: Yeah, based on the studies, the Parasite gets stronger with the PE sources so it'll... Hm... It'll make the hypnosis stronger, I guess. L: Then it feeds that world outside. T: But it was also said that it was just in the center, just around the
Wellsprings. Why not just free them? J: Actually, the document said it was just for time distortion. Ce: Well I... I honestly don’t think we should kill them here but... If it’s what everybody wants I will participate. A: I can’t participate. (Leo: I...) ...I’m in the back setting the molotovs and say: K: Girl, so why don’t you kill Mr. Veríssimo that's right in front of you? Leo: I point to Thiago He’s feeding Holy Cradle as well,... (L: What?) ...everyone here is a victim, everyone. L: What, what do you mean? K: Everyone is a victim, you wanting
to kill the people wouldn’t be different from killing Mr. Veríssimo there. Ce: It’s true. Kenan you… (L: But he’s still the same.) Ce: Kenan, do you have a symbol on you? K: No. I would never have this disgusting symbol. Ce: You were being used as a Wellspring. K: [chuckle] I... I lost my whole life while locked in that cell with the symbol, so... yeah. Ce: That 's it. Kenan was someone just like us, he was being used as a Wellspring while being here and being next to the symbol. I don’t think they are the PE
source just by being Wellsprings, everyone here is giving PE in some way, I think. L: Dr. Eric’s studies clearly said that the PE feeds Holy Cradle and the time distortion. Luba: Joui gets close to Liz, looks at her and asks: J: Liz-senpai, you’re going to shoot Mr. Kenan too? He’s a Wellspring. K: When he says that I pull my shirt down showing my chest so she can shoot me. K: Everyone here is a victim. If you kill them, it makes no sense not killing me or Mr. Veríssimo there. T: We’re basing all of this in
a study of people who made the entire project go wrong. GM: [tu tum] Everything turns white. You lose 1 Sanity point. Leo: Holy shit. T: We gotta go. GM: You see Thiago talking [weird sounds]... (T: I don't want...) ...He’s fighting against something in his head. Everytime, this [tu tu] takes more time to go away. Before it was like half a second, now it’s like two seconds. Leo: I... I finish the molotov, I grab one, walk trough here, next to them, and hand it to... Arthur and say: K: Let’s fight this asshole, I’ve waited years for
this. Leo: And I go on. A: Liz, I... You can do what... (Gabi: I stay back.) ...you want but I can’t do this, I can’t. I can't. Guaxi: Then I leave. GM: Everyone goes, just Liz and Joui stay. (J: Don’t stay here alone, please.) L: Joui, Dr. Eric died in the Ghoul’s hands to show us how to get here and leave us the bunker’s key. He protected that bunker with his life, he destroyed all the other keys so no other doctor could go in that bunker. He left us the key… (J: I won’t kill innocent
people.) L: He did all of this to leave us his studies,... (J: I won't.) to show how things worked here. J: Not for us to kill people. That’s not the right answer. L: This world wasn’t created in the perfect-world model, Joui. It was created by psychopaths, by esoterrorists. (J: We were...) ...We were created to do good things. That’s not good. I’m sorry, but can’t follow you in this. Gabi: I walk to the door of the old Wellspring. GM: You open his door, you see he’s in the same position as before: kneel down with his arms
up. With his face against the symbol, he's very weak. You can hear... (Gabi: How's...) ...him whispering, him saying thing like: Wellsping: Alabalah bolala bolala. GM: Maybe a language invented by himself. (J: Liz, please don’t.) J: Please don’t. Rakin: Are we hearing something? The people here in the front. You’re just hearing the echoes from them. (Gabi: I...) Rakin: Can we hear something from the arguing? GM: Do you want to? If so, yes. Rakin: I want to. GM: OK... you heard. L: Joui, we need to know if this is going to work or not. Gabi: I turn
and start walking inside the cell, to see how he reacts. Rakin: I go back. (GM: He’s not moving, he’s stuck here,..) ...glued to the wall. He doesn't even look back. J: It’s not the right answer. GM: You notice he’s saying... the only two words he made up. Wellspring: Alabalabada, adabaladala, adabaladala, adabaladala. GM: He’s just saying that, non-stop. The two words he probably made up in his head. J: Liz, that’s not what you teached me. L: You should've heard Thiago more. I am not a good person and I didn't grow up under the same circumstances as
you. J: You... (L: I was taught to destroy everything I dislike.) J: You can tell yourself that as much as you want, but everyone here knows that you are a good person. L: After all, Joui, Alex was right. I never needed my heart at all. Gabi: And I point the gun at the creature’s head. GM: Are you really close then... (Rakin: Do I see that, master?) GM: You can see it. Rakin: Do I get there on time? (GM: If you shoot it’s instant death...) you don't even need to roll. Rakin: I want to run and
take push gun away of the creature's head, dude.... Her gun. GM: Roll a test… Okay, you can do it, I'll ask for a test only if she resists. Gabi: No, I'm not going to fight against him. T: Liz, listen to me. What is the name of our team? What is the name you gave our team? Tell me. Team Hope. I hope that those studies may have a loophole. I hope that even with this symbol on my back and connected to whatever the Parasite is, I can still be alive here. I hope that these four Wellsprings
that have nothing to do with all of this, that are literally victims of a fucking plan those scientists created, can get out of this. That they can have a normal life, that they can be educated, that they can get out of this world, they can leave this. I know... (L: Can't you see Thiago?) T: I can! I can see! (L: Everyone is going to die!) T: Yes, I see everything! If there is a 1% chance for us to get out of here, for me to get out of here, for you all to get out of
here, for them to get out of here fine. They're literally victims. I want this 1%, I will continue for this 1%, I will not give up. And I ask you not to give up, I want you to literally have what our team's name is: hope. So please, come with me. L: How can I have hope if every second I watch you losing your mind?! I don't even know if you will survive, if I lose you, what will I have?! I don’t have anything else! T: You still have us, so come with us. You are not
all that you say, you are not a monster. You do all of this because you care about us, and that is the truth of it all. And if you care about us, you can trust us. Put the same trust that we have in you, in us. Everything will be fine, okay? Rakin: I hug her. Gabi: I hug him back. Luba: I hug them both! Leo: Are they inside the room? GM: Thiago, you recover 1 sanity point. J: Liz... you will always have me, always. L: Okay, guys. Let's go then. (J: You...) ...You are the only
family I've ever had. L: You are my family too, Joui. I'm sorry for every complain I said about you. J: I learned from them all, thank you. Gabi: I nod and leave. GM: Then you go back to the cave Hm... and close the door where that Wellspring was... (Luba: Lock it.) Gabi: Lock it. GM: Okay. He continues the same way, just saying those two words from no language. And you go back to the cave's hallways. Luba: Load the map there, Master. GM: Now you want to pass? OK. Let me load it. You can talk while
you walk, you keep going, you enter it, The tentacles, the sludge becoming stronger, you hear the pulsations louder than before [tu tum] [tu tum] and the cave walls are vibrating and moving more and more, and more and more. Some tentacles look like they're trying to reach you, coming out of these walls. Luba: Joui pulls out his little knife, holds it by the blade, gets close to Arthur and touches him twice, you know? On his arm and say: Hey, I… I owed you a knife. A: I think it’s better... (GM: You can move.) I think it's
better if you use it. (Gabi: I move back.) A: I have one here too. GM: You can walk now. (J: You got one too?) GM: You can walk on the map. (A: I did!) J: Ahh! That’s cool! Look at that! Luba: Then I'll show him the grenade. A: Look here! Guaxi: Then I get a molotov. J: You have a molotov too?! A: I do! GM: Thiago jumped the gun, careful not to go over the wall. Rakin: Didn't mean to GM: Alright (x2) (Rakin: My keyboard slipped, my hand is sweaty, I'm nervous.) Leo: Can we go,
master? If I should stop, say it.. (GM: No, no. Go on.) GM: You walk slowly while chatting. You see that the cave is getting darker, more grayish, more sludgy. The sludge is mixing with the dirt and the ground. You are so far from each other, you can't even see yourself, hold on. Slow down. GM: Liz's completely behind. Gabi: I'm going slowly. GM: Yeah, go slower. GM: You guys are a little too fast. Again... J: Liz?! GM: Okay (x6)... ...You are far ahead. Go slowly, just so you don't run away. Like that. (Gabi: Okay, I was
way behind.) GM: You are in such a hurry. (J: Got scared!) Gabi: Yes... GM: You start feeling this pressure, this strange presence as if someone is watching you, as if you are entering a place that shouldn't exist. You are breaking into someone's home who shouldn't be here. You shouldn't be either. Nobody, nothing should be here. Something is very wrong. K: Come on. Luba: Joui takes Liz's hand so she can walk a little faster. J: We better not separate from the others, come on. L: Joui? Leo: The moment they are far behind I stop and wait,
okay? J: Yes? L: Joui? You... Gabi: We're walking in the meantime. L: Do you remember the document that talked about the Dimensions Parasite. Eric mentions that it gets stronger with the proximity to the rupture? J: Yes. L: I have no idea what the rupture is, but the only rupture I think of in this context is a rupture between the normal and the paranormal world. J: It makes sense. L: Yeah... I don't think we will see anything good here. GM: Kenan is going alone. (Gabi: I squeeze his hand.) Calango: Kenan doesn't wait. Leo: Everyone arrived, I
kept going. A: Hi guys, I was waiting for you. GM: You walk and the sludge... You can hear it louder and louder and now it doesn't seem to be just coming out of the walls anymore, you are hearing it from somewhere [tu tum] [tu tum] [tu tum] Getting closer and closer. (Rakin: Hey master,...) ...since everything is white, can I see better? GM: No, you see the cave perfectly. You all see that the tentacles coming out of the ground aren’t “little ones” anymore. They are getting big, bigger and bigger. The size of human arms, moving like
that and [fuuuu] trying to reach you. Sort of responding to your presence here. K: Where to now? Leo: I turn to… to… GM: You hear [tu tum] loudly, very loudly, coming from the left, from above. Gabi: Master, I put away my glock and I hold the flare gun on one hand and the cartridge on the other. GM: Okay, it's two rounds to use it anyways. Gabi: Okay. GM: You can prepare before, but then you have to reload for two rounds, the first one I’ll let you have it. K: I'll follow you there… Mr. Veríssimo. T:
Okay. J: It seems to be louder from here, right? GM: You see that now in front of you there is an elevation. The place is upwards. It is a slight climb... to the side where you are going. Rakin: I already hold the shield. I'll have the shield prepared with the arm in the other hand. Ce: Arthur, stay behind! GM: The chamber is getting darker... (A: Okay.) ...and further up this elevation you see thick tentacles, the size of tree trunks, rising from the ground, on this elevation in front of you. You see a big entrance to
what looks like a bigger area. And I'm going to ask now... You go up... I'm going to ask you now to press B. Luba: Oh. Guaxi: B? Rakin: Oh no, come on! Guaxi: Ah man… GM: Has everyone pressed it? Guaxi: Yes. (Rakin: Yes.) Calango: Yes. Leo: Ah man... GM: You… Rakin: Goddamn B. GM: You go up this hill and the more you go up, the more you see this big area, the cave walls seem alive at the point that you are. Moving violently, pulsing. On the ground, there are large black tentacles that intertwine. And walking
down the path, And the view from the bottom up reveals little by little a huge entrance completely covered by countless tentacles and sludge. This area, unlike the rest of the cave, is not dark, it is well lit. Very well lit by a strong red and macabre light... Creating... You can see again, press B... A huge spiral symbol, on the ground, of more than 10 meters. And on top of it an inexplicable vision of terror... A kind of giant organism completely black and disgusting... Beating like a demonic heart [tu tum] [tu tum] It is suspended by
the sludge itself, which continues to move with each beat. The center of this aberration there is a point, which seems to be the spiral's origin and this madness'... Which somewhat visually resembles bizarrely and grotesquely the very symbol that originated it. Ce: Guys, are you seeing what I'm seeing? J: Unfortunately.\ GM: Sanity test. (T: Can't not see it.) Leo: Damn it... Sanity is the... what you have or the total? (Guaxi: I failed.) GM: What you have. Gabi: Uhhh... Leo: Damn... Gabi: I passed. (Luba: I failed.) Rakin: No way. Calango: I failed. GM: Who failed... Rakin: Hey,
if I get 9 and I have 9, do I pass or fail? GM: Pass. Rakin: Wow... Leo and Gabi: Wow. (GM: Who failed..) is frozen in terror... (Leo: I failed by a lot.) ...and loses 3 Sanity points. GM: It's a horrifying sight, who failed is frozen in terror of this demonic presence. You cannot describe the sentiment of death that is within you. Gabi: I start to walk a little closer... I go through them here... and look at... (Rakin: I look back...) ...I see how everyone is doing... I can't see if it's scared, right, Master? So
for me it's just a figure? GM: No, you can, you can. Rakin: Can I? Calango: I'm shook. T: Guys... L: Thiago... I have no idea. I have no idea how we are going to do this. T: We will need to stick the backpack to it and blow up everything inside it... It's not possible that a gun kills it. L: I... I still have this. (Gabi: And I show the flare gun like this.) T: I don't think that will be enough. Ce: Guys, anyways, I think that's it. L: What?! Gabi: I go towards Cesar. Ce: That's
what we have to... Isn't it ?! (L: Cesar?) Gabi: I give him a nudge on the back. L: Cesar? Ce: Isn't that what we have to set fire to?! L: Cesar?! Ce: What?! L: Everything will be fine. Gabi: And I squeeze his shoulder. Ce: I hope so. L: Hey, come here... Look at me. We didn't come for nothing, we will do something, and we will make it work. Because we have to, we have no other option. So pull yourself together... and let's think. Ce: [sigh] OK. Yeah, but... but I think that's it, there's not much
we can do. Calango: The heart sound is very loud here? GM: OK, you can see, with each pulse of it [lup-dup] you see all the sludge around it.. The tentacles moving like a wave [woosh] and you understand the waves you saw in the cave... With every pulse, [lup-dup] [woosh], [lup-dup] [woosh], [lup-dup] [woosh], And all tentacles move in response. [barking] That sound wasn't here, don't know what it is. Gabi: I don't know. Leo: It was my dog, sorry. GM: Ah, OK. L: Joui? J: Yes? L: Stop looking… at... that. J: It is so horrible. GM: You
feel a strange urge to put yourself in your Lusidius form, Joui... You resist... (J: It's like it's...) J: It's like it's calling for me, it's like... I wanted... (GM: Whoever failed felt it, sorry to interrupt.) Luba: Yes. J: It's like I... Like I wanted to turn myself in my Lusidius form again. A: I do too... J: It's also so horrendous... Gabi: Wha... What? Calango: I thought it was my Lusidius form... Wait, let me get it. (GM: Oh, you want to get it?...) ...I’ll pull it. Calango: I want to turn. Calango: I have it. GM: OK,
good. You see Cesar changing into his Lusidius form. J: You felt it, Cesar? GM: You can use it on the sheet too. Ce: What?! L: Cesar? Ce: Ah... Yeah, I felt it, I think. Did you... Did feel it too? I didn't even realize it. GM: Put the Lusidius form on the sheet. Calango: I will. J: I want to, but... I don't think it would be a good idea. J: I think... Calango: I don't have an option. GM: No? Calango: No. GM: I'll do it. J: Actually, what I want the most is to shoot this. L:
Joui... not yet. J: I know. Leo: When he turns, Master, I keep talking like: K: No, no, gray person bad, gray person bad. Leo: Then I walk in circles, scratching my head. K: Gray person bad... Gray person bad... L: My god... I have no idea. I... I have no idea. A: Is it time to use the “molokotov”? L: We need to prepare a plan. GM: Kenan, roll Explosives. Leo: Roll what? GM: Explosives test. Leo: OK. Fuck y... Regular. GM: OK, you can do it... From your life-long knowledge of explosives... You believe that with the amount
of C4 that you saw in your backpack... it's enough to blow this up and just this. There's no way you can use it anywhere else. If you want to destroy... If you want an explosion big enough to destroy something, it will be just that. Leo: I... When I'm running, I stop, I open my backpack and start: K: A C4… Leo: Then I look at the cave, point to points, looking... K: Will do, will do, will do. Guys... L: What will do? What are you saying? K: I think we can blow this up. I think. If,
if... If I remember well, I remember, I remember, I remember! I haven't forgotten, I haven't lost it yet... I can do it, I can blow it up... I can blow this up with what we have here! L: But if we explode where are we going to run to? K: Then I get the C4, I can blow it up from a distance and then the rest has a solidary explosion and it'll all explode, it'll work. L: How far? K: About 10 meters. GM: The distance that you are now from it. K: From here. J: Well, if
we explode we will have to run out of the cave, it can... We don't know what can happen to Holy Cradle while it explodes. Gabi: Is this place higher than the rest? GM: Yes... it's huge. Gabi: We can see that it is above, right? GM: Yes, yes. L: Guys ... (K: Actually,...) ...Actually, only one person needs to stay to detonate the explosives. GM: Ah, but the place isn't… Hm... Like, you went down a lot on the way here, so it's not a mountain, You're still underground. Gabi: Yes, yes. But for us to leave here it's
downwards, right? GM: It is, yes. Gabi: OK. L: Guys, the chance of this collapsing and starting to fall on us is very high. A: It's the only option. What do you wanna do? We've come this far. L: But... Is that the Dimensions Parasite? This... thing? Ce: Let's set it on fire. (T: If it is not ...) T: If that isn't the Parasite, we are very fucked. Because that is huge. L: Kenan. K: Hi. L: Do you need help installing the explosives? I can help you. K: I... I think that... I think I can do it
by myself. You should go, I’ll stay. (GM: You're here.) T: Hey Kenan, what if I… Gabi: OK. T: Someone needs to put the C4 in it, right? K: Yes, I'll do it. Leo: I'm going to get the backpack... GM: Its height... ...It’s almost 2 meters. Luba: It’s suspended, right? GM: Yes, 2 meters up in the air... But you can climb it, especially Kenan, who's tall. K: I... I can put it, guys You should get out of here. T: No, there is no need for that. I'm connected to the Holy Cradle. K: Someone is going to
have to stay to... ...light it up. A: Wait, wait. GM: It'll take a while for you to set up the explosives. You can even talk while you get everything ready, on the spot. (T: Prepare it already.) GM: You have to prepare it and set it on the spot. K: OK... (A: Being here to explode does not mean he is..) ...going to die. He still has a chance to run and get away, so we don't have to get desperate now. We have to... (K: I'll...) ...be able to. (...do it.) Leo: Then I go to get the
explosives ready. (GM: You pass by...) Leo: I'm trying not to step on... GM: You can't avoid it. There's sludge and tentacles everywhere. You step on it... (T: Wait!) ...you try to avoid as much as you can, some tentacles try to pull you. You pass, the sludge responds to you and you get closer and closer. And the closer you get, the more grotesque it is, the more details the more small tentacles you can see from this nasty ball of black sludge. Rakin: I’m aiming the gun, I don't know what will happen, I'm alert, dude. Leo: I'll
go until I arrive ... GM: You arrive. ou arrive.... (Leo: Can I...) GM: You can reach this big tentacle that is almost a path that goes up to the big heart. Leo: I have to get on it, right? Can't I stretch, since I'm tall, can't I stretch my arm and throw the backpack? GM: You start... No. I presume you have it on your back and you start to climb. Roll a climb test, please Leo: The C4 I already set it up GM: No, no. Gabi: No. GM: It has to be set on site. Leo: Don't
I need to do just put in and press the detonator? GM: No, you'll spend a few minutes setting it up. Leo: Yes, OK. GM: You climb... (Leo: Climb?) GM: Yeah. Leo: I got extreme, I got 2. Won't even open my sheet. GM: Extreme? Leo: Yeah. GM: You climb the tentacle with ease. you go... Y'all see Kenan going up very quickly. Calango: Just like a climber. GM: Just like a climber, exactly! And when he’s halfway there, you hear, from behind you. ???: I can't let you guys do that. GM: And you look back, and you see
a huge silhouette, and white hair... Blacksmith. With a serious face. And here is our break, we go to today's first break. Luba: Pee! GM: We'll see where this goes. Rakin: I have to piss! GM: 5 minutes break and we'll be right back, hold on [TSIF Break] GM: We're back! We're back... (Luba: Hey.) Leo: Welcome. GM: We are... (Rakin: My God, there is so little left.) ...at the moment of truth. (Luba: Welcome!) GM: Welcome back! (Luba: From our break.) Leo: I'm the world. GM: Thanks everyone watching now, everyone following. It's been great, but now we are
at the moment we're supposed to be. You, in front of this huge beating heart, were going to prepare... the explosives to try to destroy Holy Cradle, are surprised by this huge, manly figure, behind you. Blacksmith, stepping hard, clearly angry, his muscles seem much bigger He sees you going towards the Holy Cradle. Bs: I can't let you do that! Do you know what you're doing?! I know who you are, I know why you are here. L: And we know who you are, Miguel. Bs: Ordo’s job is to save people's lives and stop esoterrorists. You understand? We've
already lost! There're no more esoterrorists here! They all died many years before we arrived. Destroying Holy Cradle won't save anyone, it's murdering many innocent people, with families, with friends, feelings, wishes, dreams, a future! Nobody is dying in Holy Cradle, people are happy here! The Doctor, The Hotelier, The Tavernkeeper, The Farmer, The Weaver. Are you willing to kill them all? Why?! (J: Was your son happy?) Bs: He just... The Gatekeeper didn't know... He shouldn't have been taken out. The Wellsprings don't suffer, they don't know the outside. (J: Was he happy?) Bs: He wasn't happy because he
was taken from the symbol, he was a Wellspring. It was my and Last Blacksmith’s mistake. A: It must be happy to stay inside a white cell forever. Bs: You don't understand, you weren't close to the symbol. You don't know how it's good for you. L: He is not a gatekeeper!... ...He is not a Wellspring! He is your son! Bs: He maintained it, with all the other Wellsprings, the life and happiness of everyone here. Kill him, kill Holy Cradle, it's what you want... is to destroy... Many... (J: You killed him.) Bs: It is cold-blooded murder of
an entire village. You are here to save lives, if you destroy Holy Cradle, you will kill dozens. You will cause more suffering than you have ever seen. I cannot allow that! I cannot allow you to destroy my village. Please think! Think for a second! You saw how happy Holy Cradle is! T: Not really, it's an ilusion. (Bs: There's no right side!) L: Miguel, Bs: There's people's lives. L: You said the Doctors were dead, why was Eric Jour in Carpazinha? Were you after him? (Bs: What?...) ...Eric? What?! L: Eric in Carpazinha! Bs: I don't know what
you mean, I thought that all the Doctors died here dozens of years ago! L: No, he didn't die in Holy Cradle, he was trying to destroy it. He realized that the God, the Saint, wasn't a Saint, it was a parasite! And fought the others to try to destroy this place but failed! (Bs: And the difference?) Bs: They created the village, these lives are already connected to it. You're willing to kill dozens of innocent people, people who grew up here, they don't know it exists. A: You killed innocent people. (Bs: We hide it...) ...so they're happy.
(L: The difference...) L: Miguel, is that he wrote in a paper that this thing is close to a rupture, and if this thing stays here, the membrane that separates reality and paranormal will break and all of Ordo's work will go downhill. Our world will stop existing (Bs: You don't know that!) L: And do you? Bs: Please, please! GM: You see him starting to cry. Bs: Don't do this. Think for a moment. You met, you stayed in Holy Cradle! You met us! (T: Blacksmith...) Bs: They are innocent! They don't deserve to die. Nobody here deserves to
die! (Ce: You're so stupid!...) You're stupid! You're... You fell for the false happiness Holy Cradle gave you and you can't see anything else. This is all fake! BS: What's... What's fake, what's real?! If everyone here is happy, why is that less real than the outside world?! L: Because, Miguel, the whole world is going to die if the Parasite breaks through the membrane. BS: You can't be sure! There's no way you can be sure. L: We are. We were in that bunker. You know that... trapdoor you tried to open in your house? Bs: I thought The
Miner would have kill… Would've... brought you. I thought he would make you all understand this beforehand... L: No. Miguel, what was in the bunker was Eric Jour's studies and all he wrote said that this place is going to destroy... (BS: I don’t care about Eric Jour!..) He's responsible for connecting those innocent people's lives! We lost. The Ordo lost. No one can win, no one can be saved. There's how to avoid those people's death. and that's what you want, you want to murder every single one of them in cold-blood. Innocent people, that's what you want. I
can't let this happen, I won't let you destroy my village! Ce: Good luck trying! Gabi: I pull out my glock. Leo: Meanwhile, did I... (Calango: I aim for him too.) ...set the explosives? (GM: Initiative.) GM: You aim for… When you pull the gun out, you see that he already got in a different posture… Now you all have to roll Initiative. Gabi: Oh damn. Guaxi: Oh god… Luba: Regular. Rakin: Regular. GM: Let's go, extremes? No one. Regu… Good? Gabi: Me, Liz. (Leo: Kenan.) Rakin: That guy’s like Toguro 90%. (GM: OK. Good is Liz and Kenan,...) Who
has the higher Dexterity? Gabi: How much do you have, Kenan? Leo: I have… Agility, right? GM: Yeah. Gabi: No, Dexterity. (Leo: Dexterity, sorry, Dexterity...) ...Hm, I have 75. Gabi: Me too. Mestre: Choose then. Leo: You can go first, Liz, you can go first. Gabi: Ok. GM: Liz, Kenan… Regular? Guaxi: Me. Rakin: Me. Calango: Me. GM: Arthur, Joui... Cesar... Calango: I have more Dexterity than Joui, I think. GM: Ok... Arthur... Cesar, Joui and Thiago. Rakin: My dexterity is the lowest bro, you can… GM: I got extreme. GM: You pull out the glock, Leo: Holy fucking shit.
When you... When he sees that you were pointing the gun at him, he comes running towards you, Liz. [tu] [tu] [tu] and he'll try to punch you. Gabi: Fuck. Rakin: One punch… Gabi: I'll try to dodge. Oh, he got the metal die, I heard it. Leo: It's the death die. Gabi: Can I try to dodge? GM: Yeah, you can. Gabi: Wow! I got 4, it's extreme! GM: You needed to see if it was extreme? OK. Gabi: Yeah, no, it's because I don't know how much Dexterity I have. Dodge, sorry. GM: The Blacksmith runs, you see
him lifting a punch, his hand is the size of your head, he [POW] punches the ground, the sludge raises [splash] and you jump to the side. He's crouched like this. Bs: Think for a moment about what you're doing! GM: Now it 's Liz. Gabi: OK, is his back turned to me? (GM: You're with… You pulled a glock, right?) ...You were holding a flare gun. (Gabi: I drew the glock.) GM: OK. Gabi: I got the glock because I was with the flare gun… Actually, I was with the flare gun and a capsule then I drew the
glock. Can I shoot with the glock or do you want to penalize me for a round? GM: No you drew the gun and he tried to punch you. Gabi: OK... OK, I'm going to… He's with his back turned, right? GM: No, he's… you jumped to the side, he's kinda on diagonal. You jumped here, kind of… Gabi: I'll shoot him in the head. GM: OK, every time you shoot, you aiming for the head. Gabi: Ah, I don’t know... GM: Unless you specify you don't, y'know? Gabi: Yeah, OK. I’ll try to shoot his head and I got
good. GM: The damage is…? Gabi: Wow, I got it, then? GM: You can't dodge bullets, you have advantage actually, advantage. Gabi: With advantage? Hold on... GM: Yeah, ‘cause he's close and he's big. He's huge. L: No, it's good and I deal... 8 of damage. GM: 8? Your shot hits the armor and [pim] you feel that it goes in and hurts him a bit. BS: [Ugh]. GM: But... But it didn't hurt much. GM: Now it's Kenan. Who's up there setting the explosives. Leo: While they were discussing, how much I progressed with the… GM: You're still going
there, it wasn't that much time You’re still climbing the thing, it’s really big… like, you're climbing a tentacle that's 3 or 4 meters long. You're [effort sounds] and it's sticky. You almost fall and then you get back. I'm not asking for more tests ‘cause you got an extreme first, but you're climbing. Leo: I'm… I'm a climber. (GM: Just to make it clear...) ...each round's about 6 or 10 seconds, you guess it will take about 5 minutes to set the bomb, the battle will be over by the time you finish. You don't have time to set
it during the battle. You can try. Leo: I will continue to climb until I get there, I will set these explosives, fuck it, I don't have anything else to do. GM: OK. Leo: I don't say a thing, I'll just keep going (GM: Arthur.) Guaxi: OK. Gabi: Master, just a question; I have a move on my turn too or or did I do a movement? GM: You can move. No, no, you can. But... (Gabi: I want to step back...) ...after the shot, just a step GM: OK. GM: Arthur? Guaxi: Can I? OK, hmmm… I'm with the
glock or do I have to draw it? GM: You're... I think you all were holding your guns down. (Guaxi: Yeah...) ...yeah, that's what I thought. OK, I'll find a good angle here and try to shoot him too. GM: Do you want to say something? Go on. Guaxi: I don't, I'm mad. GM: OK. Guaxi: Hold on, I got regular. GM: What's the damage? Guaxi: Hold on, let me remember the glock's damage… it's a D10… GM: Just remember, see the gun's fail ‘cause if you get the number that's on the gun's defect, it'll jam. Then, you will
have to spend rounds fixing it. Guaxi: OK, let me check here but I probably got it, OK. Hm... The damage is 8. GM: 8 damage? Guaxi: Yeah. GM: Once more, almost like the other time… His armor is really resistant, he's a blacksmith, he knows how to do a good armor. He spend years and years improving, his armor is fucking awesome. So [tin] and you feel it went in his belly a bit, he: Bs: [heavy sigh]. GM: But he's still fine. Guaxi: OK. GM: Now it's Cesar's turn. Calango: Shit. My bad, my die fell... (Guaxi: That
was his action.) ...hm, I'll shoot. GM: Go on. Leo: Shoto. Calango: 20, good. GM: Damage. Rakin: Homeboy be tanking bro. (Calango: It’s a D10 and a D6..) ...Wow, 6 + 8 bro! 14. GM: 14 of damage? Rakin: Add more 3 if it is [UNCLEAR]. (GM: Your bullet...) Calango: 17 man. GM: 17 of damage? Calango: Yeah. GM: OK... ...you hit him right in a crack on his armor, it goes into his shoulder, like in his collarbone and goes through. You see it going through and falling on the sludge. A lot of blood splashes, he goes: BS:
[rage sounds] Motherfucker! GM: It hurts. Calango: I run backwards. Leo: Big brain time. Calango: Big brain time. GM: Now it 's Joui. Luba: Hm... Joui points the shotgun while stepping back, the maximum he can while aiming. He won't shoot. GM: OK. J: Blacksmith, Miguel! Bs: [anger noises] J: Don’t fall for their lies! (BS: You’re killing…) J: Don't fall for their lies! Bs: Their's? You're lying to yourselves, you're... murdering a whole village. J: We don’t know what will happen… Maybe they will go back to normal, maybe Holy Cradle will disappear but they'll be alive. You just
think they will die because it was said it to you. Don't fall for the Doctors’ lies! BS: Don't you feel?... ...Don't you feel you're going to die? J: No! BS: I do! J: Because you're hypnotized! BS: I am not, I was... I'm in the Ordo… I was in the Ordo for more then 15 years, I know how it feels to be hypnotized. I know when I'm deciding what I'm doing. No one is hypnotized. The place, the people are happy here, they're happy! GM: The round is over, Thiago's turn. Rakin: 2 shots! GM: You’re shooting twice,
go. Rakin: Yeah, let's go. The first one, I got good. Wait... good, good. GM: Two goods? Rakin: No, it was good, good. Wait… So it’s good. Good with good turns good. There's a fail, right? Gabi: “Good good turns good.” GM: But are you in front of him, you're really close? Are you close? Rakin: No... Rakin: No, I'm here. (3x) GM: OK, that's far. Rakin: Yeah, I’m here. So, 2 shots. One was regular and the other was good. GM: Damage please. Rakin: Ah! GM: Wow. Leo: Good. (5x) Rakin: [UNCLEAR]. Rakin: After a whole year with that
rusty sword. Guaxi: Yeah, he's giving us hope. (GM: Tell me the damage of each one separately.) Rakin: I will, wait. Wow! I blew him up, 15 Leo: Wow!... ...“I blew him up”. Rakin: 7. GM: Hm, OK. Your first shot hits, taking a piece of his cheek, like [pshiu]. It starts to bleed a lot. The shot might have hit a bit of his skull but you're not sure. His face is bleeding like hell! How much was the damage? Sorry, again. Rakin: It was 6, 6… Gabi: You said 15. GM: The first one. Rakin: I said 15?
Or was it 16? Rakin: I think it was 15 man. All I know is that the last one was 7. GM: You rip off a good chunk of skin it bleeds a lot. And the second one hits the armor [tin] and bounces to the ground, it doesn't even get in. Now it's his turn, you see him raising his eyes. He looks like a demon, all red. He's putting on a lot of strength keep standing up. he [huff] [huff] [huff] goes in your direction, he grabs you by the shoulders but he doesn't hit you. Bs: Think
about what you're doing! You're gonna kill everyone! Everyone you've met! Don't do this! T: Are you literally trying to sustain an illusion fueled by your own son's disgrace?! Bs: All happiness is a lie. GM: That was his turn, Liz please. Gabi: I will get to him and shoot him once more. You know what... No, just one shot. Do I have an advantage for being next to him? GM: Yes... ...One advantage die. Gabi: Yey! I got extreme, I deal 10 of damage with my glock. (GM: You got an extreme?) Gabi: Yeah. GM: You get close to
him, he’s like, talking… He's holding Thiago by his shoulders, you put your gun against his neck and [gun sound]. Thiago, you see his neck exploding. [exploding sound] Bs: [cries in pain] [cough] GM: He falls [pleesh], dead, in front of you. Gabi: How sad. GM: In the middle of his speech, he was talking to you and suddenly you blew his neck up, he stopped talking and died. Luba: Joui gets close and... Joui crouches and honors his death. He stays kneeled down for a while. Ce: Guys? Leo: Did I see that? GM: You see... Joui. You kneel
down and you look at...) his face. Luba: Oh! [robotic] GM: You see that... Hello? Calango: Hi. Gabi: Hi. GM: You notice he died... crying. He died with despair in his eyes. He wasn't angry, he was desperate. He was trying to save the ones he loved. Calango: Luba disconnected? Rakin: Luba disconnected. GM: We'll wait, hold on... We'll wait until he's back you guys can roleplay while that. A: Liz... ... you don't want to talk to me? (Gabi: I turn my back...) ...and I start to walk, to… Rakin: Is there blood on me? GM: Yes, a lot,
there's blood all over you. Ce: Thiago, are you OK? Rakin: To try to wipe it off,... ...I desperately try to clean the blood off my face. GM: You see that every time you shot, the sludge and tentacles around you [pshiu] ran away. And now that The Blacksmith's dead, you see the heart [loud muffled noises] [PU] [PU] [PU] Kenan, roll a Grasp… A Climb test again, please. The heart is [PU PU PU PU] pulsing, almost blowing up [TU TU]. Oops. Gabi: Hey. GM: Wait. Leo: Hey. Rakin: Heya. GM: Wait, let me see if this works. GM:
Hold on... Rakin: The heart exploded, yoo! Luba: Hello? Everyone: He's back! Leo: Hey! Gabi: Yey. GM: You see the heart [PU PU] pulsing like crazy, waves of sludge exploding around you [TU TU] [VLUF VLUF] waving, the tentacles and you feel… Everybody, roll a Paranormal Exposure, please. Rakin: My time to shine. Luba: Guys what happened?... (Guaxi: Failed.) ...Sorry... (Gabi: Failed.) ...my power just… (GM: You saw...) GM: You just saw that The Blacksmith died with a sad look, desperate. You realize he died trying to save who he loved, he wasn't angry, he was desperate. Rakin: I got
good. Guaxi: Failed. (GM: Good?) Gabi: Failed too. (GM: OK.) Rakin: You gave me 80 of that. Luba: I got regular. Leo: Oh Master, the expo… (GM: OK, who didn't fail...) GM: Paranormal Exposure is in your skills, you have to get less. Leo: No, I meant like,... ...I got regular on it but you asked me to do a climb test before. GM: OK, uhum. Leo: Failed. GM: You fall. Due to the intensity [pu pu] and the backpack falls with you, you're with it on your back. The heart keeps pulsing [PU PU]. To the ones who got
good on the test. You have the feeling... You know that Holy Cradle is afraid, it's desperate, fearing you. You feel the sludge running away and the tentacles are [fush fush] desperately, like it's... having a crisis, desperate. T: It’s feeling cornered. (J: Guys...) ...In the end he was just a victim aswell. GM: [tu tu] [tu tu] [tu tu] [tu tu] [tu tu] The heart doesn’t stop. (T: We have to destroy it.) Ce: I’m not sure of that, Joui. T: Kenan,... ...we have to help Kenan, wait! (Gabi: I...) ...reload my flare gun, I put the cartridge in.
(GM: Kenan...) ...You feel you can't climb any further but you think you can set it under it, a bit on the front. You didn’t need to climb to set it. Leo: When... ...When I fell, I stayed in a kind of fetal position on the ground, I'm sort of weeping. K: [Cries]. T: Liz, I think he's hurt, come here. K: [Cries] L: I don't care about this place anymore, Thiago. T: We have to destroy this place, not care about it. Gabi: I'm with the flare gun in hands, reloading. T: We need his explosives, this tiny pistol
won't destroy a thing. Liz, please, help him. Gabi: I begin to walk slowly to Kenan. K: [Cries] J: I can help too, guys. L: Kenan? K: [Cries] K: He didn't need to do that, he didn't need to. Motherfucker, fucking piece of shit. L: Kenan, he wasn't Miguel anymore… K: You're not… [sniff] Leo: I get up and hug Liz. K: You weren't wrong. Leo: Then I hug... I kneel down crying a lot, a lot. I start to set it where I think it can be set down there. GM: Roll an Explosives test, please. Explosives test. Leo:
I failed, fuck off. (GM: You can...) ...But you can… Just roll a test… OK, you failed? It'll take a while. (Leo: I really failed.) GM: No, it’s OK. How much do you have on Explosives? 80%. Leo: I have 80, I got 94. (GM: You failed...) ...Dude, how many times did you fail on explosives? You have 80%! OK. Leo: No, do I have to roll once more? GM: No. (5x) GM: You see Kenan shaking, crying, trying… He misses some wires, he tries again, he’s really nervous. He's taking some time, he's going slowly, setting it and he
separates the detonator, a controller with a red button. A: Cesar. Ce: Yeah? A: Do you think... The Blacksmith had any green crystal with him? Ce: Yeah, we can take a look, good idea, let's check it out. Calango: Let 's search the… (GM: Roll a Finding test.) Calango: Both of us? GM: Yeah. Guaxi: I think I failed. Calango: I got 13! (GM: Just remember...) ...that during all this, the environment isn't chilling. the place is like [puf puf] all the tentacles are moving very fast, it's not nice. GM: 13? Calango: OK. GM: You... put your hands in
his pockets and you feel 2 glass bottles [tririm], they make some noise. You pull them out and there are 2 intact green crystals in it. Ce: Here Arthur, one is yours. A: Nice,... ...OK. Guaxi: OK, I keep it. A: It's kinda weird, it looks like... it feels like we're in an ocean of sludge, it's disgusting. Ce: Right? I don't like this, Arthur. To be honest, that giant meatball gives me goosebumps. I dunno. (L: Kenan.) A: I can't even look at it. GM: Kenan is halfway through. K: Go on. L: Kenan,... do you... need something? Some
help? K: I... No, I'm finishing it. You guys should leave. Ce: Thiago. T: Yes? L: No, I will... (Ce: For you.) ...wait for you until… (Calango: I hand him the glass with the crystal.) T: We need to keep that in case you guys get hurt. Ce: It’s OK, you can keep it. (GM: Roll an Explosives test...) ...just for one other thing, Kenan. Leo: Ha, I did well this time. Ce: I found it on The Blacksmith's body. Leo: Hold on... T: I don’t know how to use this. Leo: I got good, almost extreme, but it was
good. GM: OK. You... Like I said, this C4 won't make the cave collapse it won't even get to the walls here. It will just affect the creature, So... You can... You can explode it while in the cave, just a bit far away. Leo: No one... The explosion won't affect us? GM: No because this thing is big, do you see it? Leo: The thing is like containing it. GM: This circle has 10 meters, so going sort of close to the Blacksmith's body, a bit to the front, will be fine. Leo: Great. A: Thiago, I think it’s
a good idea to put this on your burn, you fell on that red crystal, your back must be fucked up. T: You can try if you want, Arthur I just don’t think it will work for you then. (GM: Thiago...) ...you feel, looking at the desperate heart, [puf] everything turns white once more, but now... it’s like it’s screaming, you feel like it's screaming… It’s almost like it’s trying to somehow communicate. You spend 5 seconds seeing just white and [puf] come back. You lose 2 points of sanity. Leo: Wow. (L: Thiago?...) ...What were you saying? Thiago! T:
Nothing, I don’t need it. I don't need the crystals, keep it to yourselves. L: Thiago? Ce: No, I already have one, you can keep it. L: You stopped in the middle of your sentence, what happened? T: Nothing, nothing. I'm fine. We just need to destroy this quick. L: I give Joui a look like this. J: Mr. Kenan, are you done? GM: Almost, you say that and [pi] he connects the last wire, and grabs the detonator. K: Just finished… We should try to get this boy out of Holy Cradle, Mr. Veríssimo. J: From the cave or
from Holy Cradle? K: No, from his connection, his connection. Ce: We already tried in that cell, remember? K: Does someone have a knife? Guaxi: I take mine off. K: Can you give it to me? Ce: OK. Calango: I give him mine, it's a CS: Go knife. (Guaxi: Suspicious.) GM: A CS: Go knife. Do you have it there? No, show it, in real life. Calango: Ah. GM: Where? Calango: It’s not here. GM: Oh, fine. Calango: It is, actually. Leo: I... say to him: Guaxi: It’s a karambit, actually. K: Where... Let me see your back. Rakin: I
take my shirt off. GM: Do you show the symbol? (Rakin: The belt too.) GM: You take your belt off, it opens... (Rakin: I show it.) ...you see that the sludge [VLUSH] starts to react. Trying to reach, [fush] rising [fush] and going down again and The sludge reacts weird when you do that. and the symbol is shining brightly red. Leo: I want to... I want to try to cut, with the knife, his skin off I want to cut his skin off. GM: Roll me a... (Rakin: Holy fuck.) ...Roll me a Dexterity test and you’re dealing damage
on Thiago. T: Wait, what are you trying to do ? K: You want to take this off? T: I don’t think that’s going to work. Ce: Lend me the green crystals, Thiago. Leo: Then I hold the knife and say: K: You can not try, we don’t know how it’s going to react, I’m connected to this as much as you but you have something we can try to remove. T: No, I’m OK. (GM: You feel connected...) ...You feel connected as well with this thing, Kenan. You know... You have this feeling that if this thing dies, you’re
going with it. T: Just… let’s hurry, We have to destroy this. Ce: Lend me the crystals, Thiago While he's... cutting you I’ll heal you. GM: [tutu] [tutu] [tutu] [tutu]. T: We don’t have time, let’s just destroy this. Rakin: I put my shirt and belt on again. T: Let’s go, we don’t have time to do this. Leo: While he’s putting his shirt on, I say: K: Are you dumb, boy? Are you dumb? You have the chance to survive, you’re connected because of the symbol, it could be just that, why don’t you want to take it off?
You don’t need to die here. T: The more we're discussing this chance, the more chances of us dying here. A: So take it off, go! Rakin: I take the belt off and... T: Go, slice it off! GM: OK. Describe what you're doing. K: I'll… I… GM: You don’t need a test, just say what you’re doing. Leo: I press the knife and I'll cut. I don’t press much, just enough to take that first layer of skin, y'know? Like I’m cutting leather. (GM: You take 1 of damage, Thiago.) GM: You pull out his skin [fshiu] and see,
shining on his flesh, the symbol, untouched. A: The crystal! Calango: I hold it with my shirt and I place it where it cut him. GM: OK, you... Roll a D6… (Rakin: On the burning, on everything?) GM: You heal 1 point, Thiago Your skin closes [fshhh] and makes a new scar in the shape of the symbol that is still shining. Calango: I keep the crystal. (A: OK, I think that… ) T: Let’s go please. A: Let’s try... Do you want to try taking Thiago out of Holy Cradle, in some way? L: Guys. Ce: Well, we’ll need
to do it soon, we don’t have much time. Luba: Joui, he... GM: It has a radius of 10 meters. (Calango: I run.) the detonator has a little bip, it kinda stays here. On his direction. Luba: Joui goes back but he's upset. Leo: Be... Before pressing the button, I kneel next to Miguel... I... Gabi: I go back to the symbol, and drag Thiago here. Rakin: I was in shock, I couldn't move. GM: Thiago is always forgetting, talking to the backpack! Leo: I... I... I kneel next to Miguel and… K: Why did you do this with me?
Leo: I stroke his hair, I turn and... GM: You’re with the detonator, right? Leo: I am. GM: Are you going to press it? It has to be around here, about 10 meters. You're... Leo: OK, I... say: K: Guys, stay back. L: Wait, Kenan. K: Yes? L: Thiago, come here. Gabi: I pull him back. L: Yeah, I don’t know what’s going to happen, but... Thank you for all you’ve done for us, and for me, mainly... since last mission. Ce: Hey, this isn’t a goodbye, right? T: No... When I leave here you’re paying me a beer. (Ce:
For god’s sake.) GM: [tu tu]. L: All the beers you’d like. (Ce: I share this same idea, Big T.) GM: [tutu] T: That's it, guys. J: We can play more "Never have I ever". T: Yeah, we will play more "Never have I ever". A: And we can smoke after leaving here. J: Ew. Ce: Liz, T: By the way, do you have a cigarette? A: Ah, I think so. Guaxi: Then I take a cigarette and a lighter and I hand him. Rakin: I’ll light it. GM: You light the cigarette, the last cigarette. Guaxi: Why last? (GM:
When you do...) ...You light the lighter put the cigarette, and you... get 1 Sanity point. You feel normal. For, at least, a last time. Normal, without this thing. (Rakin: I give a last puff...) looking up [fuu] exhale. T: Blow this shit up, Kenan. Leo: I turn and say: K: You had cigarettes, wouldn’t you have a “coxinha”? A: I have two, here. J: No Mr. Kenan, sorry. GM: You want it, bro? Gabi: It’s not possible, bro. Leo: Oh, fuck off. Luba: The sludge brings you one. Guaxi: The sludge. Gabi: What were the chances? GM: The sludge
brings it and says “here!”. Leo: The tentacles hand me one. Ah, I say: K: Ah. Leo: I inhale and chuckle. GM: You all, then... Prepare yourselves looking at that giant heart beating Kenan with the detonator in hands. Do you say something? Leo: No, I just press it. GM: OK, We’re going to the break now, but... Rakin: Are you '4Head' bro?! GM: Wait, wait… Before the break, wait, we’re going to a 3 minute break but before that… You look at the detonator on your hand and when you’re about to press it, you have a strange feeling.
A shiver, the feeling that that’s not going to work. You know that the sludge is sensitive to fire, you know the explosives are going to explode, but, at the same time, inexplicably it’s not going to work. You lift your eyes, and look at that big black heart which was beating furiously and it stopped. It’s completely still. It's now, that you notice the movement of the cave walls. The sludge, the tentacles moving... Holy Cradle wasn’t afraid of you, it wasn't running away. It was changing. The whole cave seems to crawl to a place, a space, right
next to you. A place where a body is, the body that once was The Blacksmith’s. The sludge drips on it, going up, climbing through the fingers and penetrating his wounds, from burns, on his enourmous arms. [tuf] [tuf] They start to move, pushing him up, the sludge climbing his legs, and flowing up to his chest, going in all the side cracks, it seems to look for something inside his armour... And then, with his huge black hand, he removes the armor, revealing, the big, red spiral, shining on his chest. The sludge goes up his neck, tearing and
pulling what was left of the face of The Blacksmith. revealing only the exposed skull, still with the black stripes. The sludge crawls up the skull, like black tears filling the empty eyes. That's when you're sure: What's in front of you, is not The Blacksmith. You have just conjured the God of Death. [Playing: Heilag Vagga] GM: We are back. Rakin: Ah, that's okay. It should be fine, right? GM: Oops. Rakin: Is it okay? GM: Is everybody here? Leo: Everybody. (Rakin: Yes.) Luba: Everybody’s here. GM: I'll ask you to roll a Sanity test first. Luba: Sure. Rakin:
We already started being eliminated, please don’t fail. (Leo: Oh man.) Luba: I failed. Calango: I got 99, man. Rakin: I got 13. (Leo: Wow, I got…) Leo: I got 96 bro. (Guaxi: I got 11!) Leo: I failed but with style. GM: Okay, who failed takes 4 Sanity points and is in shock and can't roll Initiative. They will be the last. Guys, who passed? Guaxi: Me. GM: Okay, Arthur starts in between you then. Gabi: Me too. GM: Arthur and Liz go first then. And now the rest... Leo: 4 sanity points, Master? GM: Uh, wait. You lose
4 sanity points and are completely in shock for what happened. And now, roll initiative to see who will act in the next round. You missed the first one. Calango: Ah, OK. Rakin: Damn, that’s a hell of a creature. Calango: I got regular. GM: OK... Uh... Wait, extreme? No one. Good? No one. Only Cesar got regular? Guaxi: Did you roll Initiative, guys? (GM: Who lost...) Leo: No, do I have to? (GM: Look who...) GM: ...failed Sanity (Guaxi: Yes.) rolls Initiative. And now.. (Rakin: Wait, who lost Sanity, rolls?) GM: Yeah, the ones who lost... but it's for
the second round, you lost the first one. Leo: Okay, okay. Hm... Luba: Regular. Leo: Regular. Rakin: I got regular. GM: Okay, so let's go. Everyone got regular? Dexterity, in order. Luba: Sorry, I failed. (Rakin: I'm the last.) GM: Okay, so: Cesar, Arthur, Thiago and Joui. Let's go. Hm... Gabi: But wasn't Arthur the most skilled? (Calango: Arthur has more than me.) GM: Yeah, sorry. No, I just want to know who… It's missing... Leo: Kenan got regular. GM: Kenan, yeah. Okay, okay, let's go. Hm... Starting then, Arthur, you get scared by what is in front of you
and you can act while he's getting up. And the sludge is still going up and pulling the Blacksmith's skin. Guaxi: I want to step back a little bit and grab... and get my molotov from my backpack. GM: You get the molotov, okay. Hm... Next one is Liz. Gabi: I had the flare gun in hands hat I had reloaded. GM: No, you didn't... Okay, okay. Gabi: I reloaded it (2x). I'm going to shoot. (GM: Go on.) GM: Okay. Gabi: And... I got good. GM: You got good? Roll the damage. (Gabi: Good.) Gabi: Hm... Where is it?
Wait, sorry ... A d10 plus a d3 plus burn. I dealt... 7 plus... 3. 10 plus burn. GM: 10 plus burn? Okay, You feel that your shot goes kinda in his shoulder and the sludge starts to spread and burn like: [crrk] He doesn't even move. He just: [crrrr HIU] Turns his glaze to you. And walks towards you. [tum] [tum] You're frozen... (Gabi: Can I step back?) You can't walk backwards. You are completely frozen by fear. He just slowly reaches to you and holds you by your shoulders. Roll a Constitution test, please. Gabi: Dang... His hands
are huge, he holds you with one hand by the neck but he’s not choking you, he’s lifting you. Gabi: I got good at Constitution. GM: He lifts you and something happens. He's holding you up in the air, he looks deep in your eyes, you see the emptiness of death, and suddenly... Everything stops. You look around, everything is still. He's still, the sludge is frozen... Time has stopped. All your friends are still. (Gabi: Huh?) Nothing moves. L: Huh? Gabi: Can I move? GM: Yes. Gabi: Can I look around and…? GM: You can move. You feel that
he grabbed you in a way that his fingers are pressing on your shoulder strongly, it's very uncomfortable and you're on... like... You're holding on to his hand, trying to let go but he is very strong and nothing moves. Gabi: I... I... Can I kind of move the gun that I'm holding? GM: You can do what you want, you can. Gabi: I take another cartridge out of my pocket, put it on the flare gun. GM: Okay. Gabi: And I press it against his chest. GM: You can't reach it. Gabi: I point to the symbol as straight
as I can, with my arms like this... (GM: OK.) And I shoot. GM: When you try to pull the trigger [krk]. You just… Nothing happens. You press [tss] the trigger kind of freezes and nothing happens. Liz, how old are you? Gabi: 28. GM: You try to let go, you try everything. You can't do it, you spend an hour trying to get out, and you can't. You spend a day, a week, you can't get out. You don't feel hungry, you don't feel thirsty, you don't feel tired. You're stuck, and you spend 15 years trying to let
go. With everything around you frozen. You realize time wasn't frozen, it was going very, very, very slow. People surrounding see Liz very fast. She moves [sound of moving quickly] she's doing a lot of thing you see her screaming in despair. It's like she's a figure, and he's holding her. Liz, choose... you have to take 10 points from your Strength or Constituition, because you've aged 15 years. Gabi: I'm going to take it from my Strength. GM: And now it's Cesar. You see Liz as a figure [sound of moving fast]. And Liz, for every year that you
got older you lose 1 sanity point. You're going crazy. It's... It's an absurd concept, you can't accept that you're trapped for years in this demon's hand. You lost 15 sanity points. And now it's Cesar. Calango: Okay. Ce: Liz?! What the fuck?! Calango: I shoot. Got regular. GM: Damage? Calango: Hm... 12 plus 3, 15. GM: 15? Calango: Yes. GM: You shoot, the bullet goes into the creature's head [plush] [slurp] and it consumes your bullet. You feel like you've damaged the skull a bit, but he's fine. Ce: Guys, I have no idea what's going on! GM: You
see Liz... It's horrifying, you don't know what's going on. He just grabbed Liz and suddenly [tzzzz] she started to become an absurd figure. Shaking her head: L: [scream]. Is a scene from a horror movie, an indescribably bizarre scene. You all roll a Sanity test as well. Luba: Wow, I passed! Rakin: I failed. Calango: I failed too. Leo: I failed and I'm with 0 now. Whatever happens, because I just have 1. GM: OK. Kenan is insane. And has gone completely mad. Rakin: I have 4 points and I failed. GM: Let’s go... You lost 3 points, Thiago.
Rakin: [sigh] Oh, stop. Calango: Who failed loses 3? GM: Yes. You glance at Liz and foc... and you can't see her. But she is getting older and it’s haunting. Hm... Kenan? Leo: Uhum? GM: I'll ask you to do one last action while you're sane. It's the last thing you can say or do before you go insane and I take control of your character. Leo: Care for him. Gabi: Am I visually old already? GM: Hm... Your hands have wrinkles, your skin is wrinkled, hair turning white... But you are 45 now, right? No, not yet! You're not
that old yet... Leo: What should I... Do ​​I do what I choose to or are you going to ask me to do something? GM: Hm... You choose, Kenan is yours, you make one last sane action. Leo: Can I only ask one thing then? Uhh... The... What was behind us, the giant meatball, did it stop pulsating? GM: I stopped pulsating. Leo: I will... Can I run and try to collect the explosives that I put in my backpack? GM: You can do that. Leo: I will. (GM: You arrive...) ...You pick it up, look around, and realizes. You
saw your friend coming back from the dead, completely deformed like a god, like death itself. You break, you start to laugh, you start to go completely.... (K: [laughs].) ...insane. (K: [laughs].) GM: And you have... (K: [laughs].) ...A backpack with explosives and a detonator in hand. You put on the backpack, giggling, laughing… K: [laughing]. GM: It's Thiago. Rakin: Do I miss a round due to shock? GM: You did, yes. Calango: Jeez, I missed it too. GM: It's already done. Joui? Luba: I had also missed the round. GM: Arthur, you again. A: Mr Kelvin, blow this shit
up! Guaxi: I'll start lighting the... molotov. Guaxi: I place it on the floor. GM: You light it up, perfect. GM: I'll put it on you. You have it. (Guaxi: Yay!) Luba: Nice! Guaxi and Leo: How cute. GM: Liz, roll Constitution. Gabi: Oh! I got extreme! GM: OK. Time doesn't come back, it's still that same torture. Everything’s frozen. You see their position changing over the years. You try to focus to see if any of them move, a hair strand moves a little, very fast... I mean... slowly. It's not enough to keep the sanity, this is not
enough to keep anyone sane. You age another 7 years. Gabi: For God's sake. And I lose 7 Sanity points? GM: You lose 7 Sanity points. And let me do something here. Gabi: Damn, I'm fucked. GM: Elizabeth… Liz, now you can remove your wig. Your hair is all white, your face is wrinkly. And this is you now. Guaxi: You laugh? (Luba: I'm going crazy!) Guaxi: Oh, OK. GM: You see your hands, you look at them, they're no longer young hands... You think of all the life you could be having now. Everything that you could've done your
whole youth... 30-something years is nothing, you were a baby. You lived more in that moment than in your entire life. All the dreams you had, what you wanted to do... It's all gone. It's maddening. And we go back to Cesar. Calango: I'll shoot. (GM: You see...) ...Liz's hair color, even in this figure, you can see her hair color shifting to white. Ce: Guys, Liz is different, I don't know if we can get her out, we have to do something! Calango: I shoot... and it was regular. GM: Damage. Calango: Damn, 4 plus… 7 of damage. GM:
7 of damage? Your bullet goes in, hits his shoulder [fshh] it's absorbed, he felt nothing. He didn't even... He's just [fshhh] Just holding Liz, staring at her. It's… Kenan. Kenan is laughing, he has the.. the detonator in his hand, he comes giggling...: K: Hehe! ...and hopping. K: Anyone has coxinha? Just one coxinha? I'm hungry, I'd love to eat a coxinha! GM: He's coming and the backpack is ready to explode any moment. He's hopping towards Miguel. K: Miguel! Give a big hug here bud! GM: Now it's Thiago. T: Let her go! Rakin: I turn and shoot
twice... Thrice, fuck it. 3 shots in the chest, dude. (GM: Go. 3 shots with...) a penalty each because you are very close to him and he is huge... Bigger than Blacksmith. Rakin: The first… I swear I got extreme, because I got 17 and 18. GM: OK. Rakin: The second, 48… 40... 30. Regular. The third 70 and 46, regular. Extreme, regular, regular. GM: Deal the damage and say how much is extreme. One at a time. (Rakin: 19.) GM: 19 first. (Rakin: 19.) GM: OK. Rakin: The first is 19. I swear, I'll take a picture to... Bro…
16 on the die, 19 again. GM: OK. Rakin: I swear to god! I took a photo. GM: OK. Rakin: No, it's impossible. Leo: I love being carried by Thiago. (Rakin No, no, no, no, no...) ...I swear, I took a photo of this. And… the next to compensate I got 6. GM: 6? Rakin: Yes. GM: OK. GM: The first two shots hit the skull. [pssh pssh] You see the skull cracking, [pssh] a piece of it falls. After that, he looks at you [growl] and lets Liz go. Liz, after a torture of... how much have you aged?
Luba: 22. GM: ...22 years, you come back to reality. You see... You saw the bullets coming slowly, one came in, [pssh] another came in. [pssh] You watched it for months waiting for the moment. You felt release little by little and [woosh] came back to reality, after a long, long, long time. The relief you felt now is indescribable. You see his skull squirting sludge everywhere, covering an entire part of his face. He's leaking a lot and he looks at Thiago [growl] and he goes... It's not his turn actually, it's Joui's. Luba: Joui will shoot him with
a shotgun. GM: Joui's first shotgun… No, it's the... ...second. (Guaxi: He shot the old man.) GM: He did. Luba: Good, Master. GM: With advantage. Luba: It was regular, so it's good. How many, one? GM: Just one, since you're... near. Luba: Good. GM: Good? The damage. Luba: So, I'm less than 10 meters, so it's 4d6? GM: 4d6. Luba: 6… Leo: Nice one... Luba: 5... GM: Sum it up and tell me. Luba: 1… OK, 12… Leo: 12. Luba: Oh, it fell. 18 in total. GM: 18? OK. Leo: Wow, bro. (GM: You...) ...Do you wanna say something? J:
Don't touch her! Luba: And shoot. GM: You... You... You see him walking towards Thiago, you aim on the symbol... [POW] The symbol [plursh] bursts almost completely, you see through him. He stops for a moment and begins to slowly [frsh] restore himself. Luba: I step back. GM: Now it's Arthur. He kneels down and he's recovering [growl] A: Get away! Guaxi: OK, will somebody... Will someone go away? GM: OK, now it's… Thiago, Joui, Arthur, Liz. First action in years Liz. Gabi: I've waited 22 years for this moment. Luba: Not funny, sorry. Gabi: I step back and I
point the flare gun that was in my hand for... 22 years at the giant meatmall. (Guaxi: Uh, wasn't it me?) Gabi: I pull the trigger. GM: You shoot... you see the flare gun [pshh]. It even mixes with the red light from the symbol... Your shot goes in [pshh] and is absorbed. Nothing. Uh... Gabi: You’re kidding me! I waited 22 years for this! Calango: Did Arthur act? GM: He stepped back and said something. Guaxi: No, I just stood up with my molotov and told them to get away. But can I do my action now? Was my
action to talk? (GM: You can...) ...Yes, it can be. You can delay your action to go after everybody else. Rakin: Can I walk in reaction to that? GM: Hold on, yes. Just wait and he goes after you guys, then. Now it's God’s turn, the God of Death, he is... He's [grrr]. You see his chest closing and the symbol is coming, he's recovering... In this round he is just standing still and he starts to get up slowly, like this. And you see the symbol almost closing but not totally, he spends the round healing. Now it's... Cesar.
Calango: Man, let's shoot then. Wow, I got 15, this is… Ah, it’s good. GM: 15? Deal the damage. Calango: 6. GM: 6? You try to aim at the symbol to prevent it from healing, but you hit the shoulder and it's absorbed. It's Kenan… Leo: Yeah… GM: he keeps walking, humming and goes towards it holding the device. Luba: Can I hold him? GM: You can sing as Kenan, Leo. You sing what he wants, he's crazy. K: Lalalalala... Miguel! Long time no see! Luba: I can't hold him? GM: You can try. Your action. Luba: I will... ...when
he passes by me. GM: You see that he's like holding the device... (K: Hey!.) ...and humming Luba: Can I hold him then? GM: Roll Strength. Luba: Fail. GM: You try to hold on, you can't. GM: He laughs at you and keeps going. K: [laugh] (J: Mr. Kenan!) K: He is my friend! My friend is there! GM: Thiago, your turn. Rakin: I'm going crazy, man. 3 shots again, pissed at the creature. GM: From there? Rakin: What? GM: From there, you'll... (Rakin: 2 shots.) Rakin: I pull the trigger until I unload the gun, I only have two
bullets so just 2. GM: OK, you try to shoot 3 times but you shoot twice with no disadvantage, so it's 2 regular shots. Rakin: Two regular? OK. Regular... and regular. Two regular. GM: You hit, deal the damage. Rakin: OK. Wow… Got 9 dude... 14. GM: OK. Rakin: And 11. GM: You see that he's recovering, you aim right where he's healing and... [bang] [bang] You shoot and this delays the sludge, he symbol tears a little. He's trying to get it back and he's just... [hiss] You see the sludge and the small tentacles entering him. Rakin: I'm
just shooting, standing still. Next round too. (GM: It's Joui.) GM: Joui tried to grab him, and failed. Luba: It was my round? GM: Yes. You spent it trying to hold him. But you can move. Luba: Ah, I was going to try to get him again then, I'll... step back a bit more, then. GM: OK. Luba: Closer to Liz. GM: OK. Hm... Arthur, your turn. A: Guys, I want to throw the molotov but… Kenan is there! GM: Decide now. J: He lost it GM: You said that and that was it, you can throw it or not.
Guaxi: I'll wait, nothing to do. GM: You’ll wait? OK. Liz, it's your turn. You see everyone walking away and you see Kenan rambling with the device and his backpack prepared on his back. Gabi: I stay silent, I just put one more cartridge of the flare gun and point it at the creature. GM: OK. Hm... Gabi: And I step back a bit, I move away from Joui, I don't… GM: OK. J: Liz… GM: As Thiago’s shot prevented it from healing, he continues, and looks up, he's in a more... Upright posture again, he's not crouched anymore. Not
kneeling down. And he's looking at Kenan who's coming, almost there already. Cesar now. You see... You know that Kenan will blow himself up and he'll drag you with him. Ce: Guys, we have to run away! He will explode himself! Calango: I run. GM: You're the last... OK, I'll give you a second chance. You're last before he explodes. He's next. Calango: Man... ...I'll shoot Kenan. GM: Advantage, because he's going slowly. Calango: Regular. GM: The damage. Calango: Damn... Yeah... here. It was 3 plus 8, 11, plus 3, 14. GM: You see Kenan,... K: Falalalala. ...he'll push the
button... [PLOW] You shoot him in the eye, and [plush] falls to his side. Roll a Sanity test, Cesar. Calango: Fuck, my mouth is dry bro. 16, I failed... Almost got it. GM: You had to kill Kenan, you didn't want to, you lose 4 sanity points but... He dropped dead and he let go of the... detonator. Now it's Thiago. Rakin: I want to scream for them. T: Run!... ...Everyone just run! GM: What do you do? Rakin: I go there. GM: You go towards him? You can. Rakin: I want the device. GM: You can come here and
get it, that's your action, okay. Rakin: Yes. GM: Joui. Luba: Is it safe to shoot while Thiago is there? GM: He bent down, it's safe. Luba: So I shoot again. GM: Go. Luba: My god. I failed. GM: You are desperate, you just saw Cesar killing Kenan, you know why he did it... Even then it is difficult to... to... process. You [POW] shoot, you hit but it's just a scrape, it hits a tentacle... It heals. It's Liz. Gabi: I... I'll shoot the creature and run away. GM: Go on. Gabi: And I got good. GM: The damage.
Gabi: A d10 plus a d3… I dealt… 9 of damage plus burn. GM: 9 of damage plus burn, OK. You hit the eye, the one that wasn’t destroyed, you hit it, you see that... The inside the skull starts to shine even brighter because of the flare, and it… You hear the sludge evaporating inside his head, [flrr] he remains standing and the symbol [fsh] finally regenerates. He's standing in front of Thiago. Gabi: And I run out to the side like that, how far can I go, Master? GM: OK. Thiago took the device. Standing in front of
him, he's already recovered... and he will grab Thiago by the neck. Thiago, Constitution test. Rakin: Regular, dude. GM: You got regular? You... Leo, a noise is coming from you... Thanks. You freeze. It all stops. You hold the device. You see your desperate friends around you. You see the skull glowing red inside. You see them running away. You know you can press it at any time, but they are still close. They'll still be... The only one that may not be… Liz will still be hurt but less than the others, they will face an explosion since the
backpack is under you. You have time to calculate, time to think. Time does not pass. You age... Behave, die! You got regular, yes? Rakin: Uhum. GM: 36 years. Rakin: I’m 69 years old. GM: You spend 36 years waiting for your friends to run away from the backpack, with the detonator in hands. Your beard grows and becomes long, you see your skin wrinkling, but you keep going. This is your last action, the last thing you can do. Your sanity drops to 0 and that's your last action as a sane person. Just waiting, It’s all you can
do. Now it’s Joui. Sorry, it was him and now it’s Cesar. Calango: My eyes start watering, I just saw what happened, I run to...towards the exit, hesitating, looking like I'm doing something I don't want to. GM: You see that, in contrast to Liz, who was moving fast, since he was grabbed, he’s still. He sometimes he turns his head to look and then go back. He’s still waiting for years, and years, and years with the detonador in hands. It's Joui's turn. Luba: Joui realizes what’s happening, he puts the shotgun down and runs to Liz. He holds
her arm and runs forward. I pull her with all the strength I have left. J: Liz-senpai, don’t look back, we need to go. (L: Let’s go). J: We need to go now. (Gabi: I’m pulling too, he’s pulling me and I am too). GM: Arthur. Guaxi: I’ll do the same thing, I just start running and... A: Shit! Shit! GM: You all run to a distance of 10, 15 meters You, Thiago, saw every single one of them, for years, looking at you in despair, crying and running, pushing one another. You waited for more... 15 years. How old
are you now? Rakin: 84. GM: At the age of 84, your skin is completely wrinkled and skinny, you feel that they’re finally in a safe distance now, You look at them for the last time. What do you do? Rakin: I smile, close my eyes and press the button. GM: You press it, you see, for some hours, the backpack lighting up in a big explosion until it reaches the God of Death in front of you. And [VUV] emptiness. You all see Thiago being consumed by the flames with the God of Death. And the cave starts shaking,
with the sludge [agony sounds] dissipating around you. Gabi: I turn and start to walk. GM: You notice the tentacles disappearing, Kenan’s body was also consumed by the flames. Rocks start to [tuf tuf] fall. And, little by little, the sludge evaporates. While you walk, you feel that the cave can collapse on you at any time, but you don’t have the strength to run. Thiago, can you set your HP to 0 and put yourself as unconscious, please? Thanks. Ce: Let 's go, guys. L: Cesar? Ce: Yes? L: From which side did we come from? I don’t remember,
it’s been so long. Ce: From here. GM: You walk for what seems like could be ages or seconds! You can’t say exactly, time isn’t working as it should be. While the cave contracts and expands around you, you’re too busy to think about it. The cave is almost collapsing when you finally arrive outside. You see the whole Holy Cradle burning. People screaming desperately, it’s a vision from hell. And traumatizing. The sky is burning, bright orange. The desperate screams echo... everywhere. Let me put you all here. Cesar, Arthur…That's it... and Joui. Luba: Master… GM: You see all
these people running desperately, screaming, and you can’t even process that. The trees are burning, the Lusidii try hopelessly to find a way to put out the fire that grows on themselves, on their own existence. They’re empty trying to find a purpose while their Saint was ripped from minds... They scream and punch themselves. The ground... Dozens of innocent people screaming, while they burn in agony it’s maddening. If hell exists, that’s the closest image you will ever see. Running In front of you, you see the Hotelier’s body totally burnt, screaming his last cries for help. And only
you stand there while everything around you burns. The fire consumes everything. (J: What have we...) ...What have we done? GM: I will ask you all to roll a Sanity test. First because of Thiago and… I will put both in one, actually. Calango: I got 5. Guaxi: I failed. Gabi: Wait, I don’t know how much I have left. Wow, I got it. Luba: I got Thiago’s age. GM: Joui,... (Luba: I failed.) you take... How much Sanity do you have? Luba: 6. GM: Man... they were 2d6, I got 4 and 1. Guaxi: Damn. GM: You lose 5
points. Guaxi: Everyone that failed loses that? OK. GM: Yes. Ce: Let’s leave, I’ve seen enough. (GM: You see...) ...someone that you can’t quite recognize anymore, burning. Maybe they’re the Weaver or the Doctor, punching Cibele’s corpse, that wasn’t burning. But in the middle of the flames and chaos, she was completely disfigured by the madness of this place. Kenan, can you shut your camera, please? Just cover it. Thanks. Luba: Did Cibele die? Like, we didn't... (GM: She did.) GM: You just see her body completely disfigured on the ground while you walk towards the exit. Ce: Let’s get
the fuck out of here, I can’t stand it any longer. GM: Holy Cradle burns while you abandon it. Everything was destroyed. L: How nice it is to see trees again! J: There’s nothing good here. GM: The trees are all burning. L: Even though, it's nice to see them. GM: You leave the village, but that spiral path is still in flames around you, but the mist isn't there anymore. It’s a big tunnel of fire that leads you outside of the forest. You follow it, feeling empty. You made it, you destroyed the Holy Craddle, but you lost
too much while doing it. J: This is not right, it shouldn’t have been like that. L: I thought about every possible way this could end. All the possible scenarios... How we started... I thought about everything. And the truth is, Joui... In the end, he was right, The Blacksmith. He dedicated all his life to the Ordo, but why? At what cost? His life’s? Because that’s what has costed us. Gabi: I start to walk. (J: If that...) ...If that was the end, it means that we haven’t thought about everything. It can’t be like that. L: Believe me,
I thought about it for long enough. Gabi: Then I leave. GM: You finally get out of the forest and you see that little… Guaxi: What? GM: Who did that? You still see that little blue car… Rakin: Sorry, my bad, sorry. GM: It's fine. GM: You still see that little blue car parked, with all of your things in it. When you're leaving it, you see a car coming and parking, then Victor Rott, from the PD appears. Vic: Guys, it’s burning… What's happening here? What... What happened to her? GM: He points to Elizabeth. Vic: Did you set
the forest on fire?! Ce: Mr. detective, we just did what had to be done. Can you please take us back? GM: He looks at your state, you’re all bathed in blood and hurt. Arthur with only one arm... He just nods, confused, and takes you guys to the airport. You go back to São Paulo, all together, and you have a mission to complete. Mr. Veríssimo contacts you and arranges a meeting in the same tower where it all started. You... The next day, you arrive together. Arthur, do you stay? What do you do? Guaxi: Uh... I... When
I arrive in town, I want to... talk to Ivete. GM: OK. So, before the airport, you get in Victor's car and he asks: Vic: Where do I head to? A: Uh... Can you go to... my mom’s house? This is the address. GM: He takes you to Ivete’s house. When you arrive, you see Ivete crying because of Brulio and the gang's death. Then she looks at you with an indescribable face of concern. Ive: Arthur?! For God’s sake, boy, what’s happening? What happened to your arm? Guaxi: I hug her. GM: She's crying: Ive: [sobs]. GM: She hugs
you back. Ive: What’s happening? GM: She looks at Elizabeth. Ive: What... What… A: It’s hard. GM: She’s speechless. A: Ivete... I'll... now it’s over, nothing more will happen. I will go with them, uh... finish a thing. I'll... I’ll be back. Don’t worry, it's over. I won't... I will be back. GM: She’s shook, with her mouth open. Ive: OK, OK. [sobbing] GM: She’s crying a lot, she hugs you tight. (A: I love you.) Ive: I love you too Arthur, I love you. J: Joui gets closer to her. J: Ms. Ivete, I wanted to ask a favor.
Ive: Ah yes, go on. What... J: Can we make a grave, next to the Scoundrel, by your bar? Ive: Of course, of course, we can go there now. We can go there now... GM: She gets in the car with you and you go to the Ashy Armpit. Let me place you there... in the right spots... Liz... It's right, I think. Joui’s missing. Done. You’re all in front of the 5 graves. Cristopher’s, Bruilo’s, Gregorio’s and the gang’s. Luba: I want to dig 2. GM: You look at Cristopher’s grave... (J: For Kenan and...) GM: And the golden
pocket watch, from Thiago's father, is there. Luba: Joui wants to dig 2, Uh... one for Kenan and one for Thiago. GM: Let me just get Ivete... She’s with you. Then you all, with the shovel, from the bar, dig two new empty holes, Gabi: I kneel in front of Cris’ grave and I take the watch. GM: You see Thiago’s father’s picture. A man that resembles him a lot. A man who would do everything, and did, to save others, just like his son. He died as a hero. Luba: Ah… In Kenan’s grave, I want to bury the
grenade he gave me and in Thiago’s I want to bury the bracelet that Joui has from his friends. He wants to honor this death and say thank you for teaching me what a real hero is. And that he was the best teacher ever. Guaxi: I get close to… (Ce: Arthur.) A: Huh? Ce: Do you have a cigarette? A: Yeah, that was what I was going to do. Guaxi: I get close to Thiago's grave, I take a cigarette, I throw it there, then I take one, put it in my mouth... A: [sigh] No problem, we can
share another one. (Ce: Can you give me one too?) A: Are you sure? [snif] Ce: I am. A: OK… Take it. Calango: I take the cigarette, then I cough. [cough] Ce: How did he enjoy this shit? Gabi: I go to Thiago's cross, I wrap the pocket watch cord on it and let it hanging there. L: I'm sorry, friend. Gabi: And I take a few steps back and kneel in front of the hole. GM: You all... (Ce: A...) GM: Sorry, you can go on. Ce: Hey Big T, it’s your fault kicking the door now will never
be the same. Thanks, brother. Calango: I squat, put out the cigarette on the grass, leave it there and step back. GM: You… finish... (Guaxi: I will...) GM: Sorry. Guaxi: I'll go to the Scoundrel, to the 5 graves there. GM: Uhum. A: What's up guys? I think I failed again... I lost one more. Sorry. Guaxi: Then I get up. Gabi: I'm still kneeled in front of Thiago's grave. I run my hand over the dirt... as if I am finally feeling something different. L: I will honor your death, my friend. All those years that I spent looking
at you, I thought about how many times I didn’t tell you how important you were to me... and I never did. I’m so sorry. Gabi: And I get up and go to Cesar. Calango: I'm standing still in front of the Ashy Armpit's door. GM: You look at the door... (Guaxi: I want to...) GM: That door that started the bond you had, a strong one. You realize that it was really impossible to kick that door, because it opened to the outside. Ce: Wow, how stupid we are. Calango: That's all I say. Gabi: I look at Cesar
saying that and I go towards the officer's car. GM: You then go back to the car. Victor isn't even with you anymore, you are with your own car. Guaxi: Master, I wanted to interact with Ivete… GM: Go on. Guaxi: I just wanted her to hear… (GM: Uhum.) Guaxi: I don't want the others to listen. GM: OK. Do you want me to mute everybody? (Guaxi: Yeah.) GM: Let me do this. I’m going to ask you to mute yourselves, otherwise we’ll lose a lot of time here. Then I’ll make the signal. A: Uh… Ivete… Iv: What now,
Arthur? A: Now it's over. Now... there won't be more suffering, I hope. Iv: I have no idea of what you've been through. A: [sigh] Uh... I'll explain it to you, I just have to finish this. Now it's really over, we're just going to finish everything. I wanted to ask you something... Uh... Do you know if we still have any Scoundrel’s T-shirts back there? Iv: Yes, yes... There's a lot, we didn't get to do the show, remember? A: Okay, I'll pick up some, can I? Iv: Sure. A: Oh, OK. Guaxi: You can unmute them if you
want. GM: Only Calango unmuted, you can go back. You see Arthur talking to Ivete, and then he passes by you and enters the Ashy Armpit. After a few minutes, he leaves again. A: Shall we go then? Ce: Are you going with us? (Guaxi: I'm with a box.) A: Uh... I... thought... Can I? Ce: Of course. A: I... I… Okay. GM: You see Ivete is still looking at the graves, she turns... she turns around like that. Iv: Arthur! A: Hi. Iv: Y... You know that wherever you go, I’ll go with you. Ashy Armpit no longer exists,
I can continue the bar but it's no use. I don't want the Scoundrel's death to be in vain. Whatever you are going to do, I want to be a part of that too. You are the only thing left in my life, Arthur. Guaxi: I give her a hug. A: Uh... Uh... Guys? Is it okay if she comes with us? Ce: Of course, it's fine by me. J: If this is what she wants... She's more than welcome. Iv: Give me just a second. GM: Ivete goes in... in the Ashy Armpit, she goes behind the counter and
she comes back with a backpack with a shotgun in between. Iv: Let's go, it's São Paulo, right? Ce: Yes, it is. Iv: Let's go. J: That is a beautiful gun, Miss Ivete. Iv: Thanks. Thanks. GM: You get in the car and head to the airport, you meet the Ordo’s agent there who passes your weapons and equipment, you go to São Paulo and finally you have the meeting scheduled with Mr. Veríssimo, who was very concerned about you. He sets up the meeting in that same room, at the Alfa Tower in São Paulo on Avenida Faria Lima.
Ivete and Arthur rent an apartment in São Paulo and Ivete doesn't go to the meeting, she stays at home. You arrive together by the same time... and take... the elevator. It's been a few days since everything happened, what did you do in that time? Guaxi: I want, when we have a moment just between us, I want to sit with them. A: Uh... Guys, it is… Guaxi: I'm pretty flushed. A: I wanted to give you something. It's not a very cool thing, but... here... Guaxi: Then I take a bunch of Scoundrel Vultures’ T-shirts out of my
backpack. A: Uh... Take it. J: Thank you Arthur. (Ce: Thanks.) A: I don't know your size, so I got two of each, three, sorry. J: Does this mean that we are in the same gang now? A: Yes, if you want. Ce: Do I have to go to the gym? Everyone was very strong. (A: No.) Ce: Okay. (A: It's a secret, later I'll give you the recipe.) J: I can teach you some exercises to do with your own body, Cesar-kun. Ce: [giggling] Okay. Gabi: Hmm... (A: Liz?) L: Uh? Gabi: Liz is visibly drunk. Guaxi: I'm giving
you the shirt. A: Hm... L: T-shirt from... from... Wow! A: It suits you a lot. L: Uhum, thanks Arthur. GM: The elevator opens, you arrive on the floor and you see that hallway, that room, and Mr. Veríssimo in a suit, with a white, thin beard. His hair well cut... He waits for you at the door. Calango: We already see him, right? (GM: Yes.) Calango: I frown and go in wherever he is, without saying anything. L: What's up buddy? Mr. V: Welcome. Hmm... L: Do you remember me? Mr. V: What happened to you? We have a
lot to talk about. (L: [laughs]) L: Oh, we do. Mr. V: Please... (Luba: Joui comes in and bows to him.) GM: You see that he is visibly shaken, with a swollen face, enormous... dark circles, he is awful. From a distance he looked fine but when you got close, he looks completely destroyed. L: Have you been crying my friend? (Luba: Joui bows to him at the entrance and goes in.) Mr. V: Please, Mrs. Veríssimo. L: You shouldn't be crying. You haven't aged that much, have you? (Mr. V: Please, Mrs. Verissimo!) Gabi: I go in. Calango: It's
the same room as the first time, right? (GM: Yes.) Guaxi: I'm… I'm shy, I'm just with them... I'm very close to Joui. (Mr. V: I assume you are Arthur.) A: Yes, nice to meet. (Mr. V: Welcome...) Mr. V: Hm.... If you could sit [cough] GM: He coughs and enters the room. Calango: I've already sat. Mr. V: Cristopher, he... GM: He looks at you waiting for an answer Ce: Yeah, he’s dead. Mr. V: I imagined. What do you have to report about the mission? Ce: Thiago as well. Mr. V: I know, I know. GM: You see
that he's struggling a lot on the inside to look... as strong as he always did, but he's as open as a book. You see a broken man. Gabi: I pull a paper out of my pocket and throw it on the table, and say: L: Take this shit. GM: He takes it. (L: And please...) L: Don't contact me anymore. Mr. V: I understand. Things are not... things are not going as well as anyone wished. All my life I have fought against the paranormal. We've always sacrificed ourselves in Ordo for the others, and everything is falling apart.
There is something going on in the world. All of our missions are failures. I'm losing... everyone who is important to me. GM: He realizes that he's opening up too much. Mr. V: [sigh] Team… Team H? Is that what you are called now? Ce: Yeah. Mr. V: Well, I can't force you to do anything Elizabeth, or any of you to fight for Ordo. I understand your pain, and believe me, I feel it too. But if we weren’t here, something much worse would happen. My whole life... (L: If you want me to...) GM: Go on. L: If
you want me to keep fighting for Ordo, you will try to find out what that is. Gabi: Along with the paper I gave him is that little paper that had the symbol of Holy Cradle and the symbol of the school that I attached along with the report I made. Mr. V: For my whole life, Ordo was just about fighting the possibility that our reality can be invaded by these laws and irrational and tormenting monsters. But... something is very wrong. Something much bigger is working. I've never seen it before, Ordo is completely broken. GM: You hear
a office phone next to him, saying: ???: Mr. Veríssimo, she’s here. GM: He responds. (Mr. V: Send her in...) Mr. V: Something much bigger is working, and Ordo needs to adapt. If we even dream about the chance to save more lives, we can't continue the way we were. We need to play with new cards. GM: You hear footsteps coming from outside, and suddenly, the door opens up and through it, limping and with a smirk on her face, 15 years old at most, with short black hair, she wears a black eyeliner on her eyes, accompanied by
heavy dark circles and a penetrating gaze. She wears wide black pants with some chains and rips. One arm is completely filled with tattoos that you instantly recognize as several esoterrorist symbols. The other one is full of scars. On her fingers there's several black rings with red symbols. She also wears several bracelets, full of esoterrorist symbols. She holds a large, dark leather book with a scratched cover. You instantly recognize her Liz, this is Agatha. She looks at you, looks at everyone in the room. Agatha: What's up? Did you miss me? GM: And this... is where we're
going to finish The Secret in the Forest. Thank you very much to all of you for an incredible season, I will see you in the next season of Paranormal Order. It was a unique, absurd experience, I am very happy with the result, I am very happy with everything that happened, you are incredible and I can't wait for the next seasons of this story. Luba: Master, only answer if we got the bad ending. GM: There is no bad ending. You guys got... (Luba: Ah, OK.) GM: The ending. (Leo: The true ending.) GM: There is the ending
that happened. Guaxi: Bad ending was going to be us blowing up. (Luba: OK.) GM: The bad ending would be you all blowing up, that's true. Thanks to everyone for watching. Thank you for being part of this and we continue! Guaxi: And props to the art team, for God's sake. GM: Totally! No,... to the entire team. GM: The whole team that made this possible, artists... everyone's name will appear in the credits. That was the biggest project of my life to this date and I'm so proud of doing this with you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Luba: Congratulations to everyone. Guaxi: Congratulations everyone... Calango: So, let me say it... (2x) GM: Sure. No, wait, wait, wait! Next week we will… We will... Guaxi: The last one! GM: We will meet here next Saturday to have a chat, it won't be a session, it'll be a chat about everything that happened. What will happen to each of the characters and I will reveal some of the various mysteries that you never found out. Luba: OK. (GM: About...) GM: Holy Cradle and everything else that's it. (Luba: Rafael Montes.) GM: Come on, one last time to the end...
Calango, go off. Calango: Fuck off! All: [cheer] [Outro TSIF] Translated, Transcribed and Subtitled by Equipe T (@Equipe__T on twitter)
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