5 Things You Should Know About The NEW Moon (Nov 1st, 2024 in Scorpio)

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Victor Oddo
November New Moon - You're Going To LOVE This! Learn To Coach - https://www.fulltimepurpose.com/ccc...
Video Transcript:
hey what's going on my friends and welcome to my YouTube channel my name is Victor and today I'm going to share with you five things I think you should know about this amazing and uplifting and empowering New Moon we have here on November 1st 2024 now I know you might not feel very confident empowered expansive at this moment but what these powerful energies tend to do is raise to the surface through our awareness through synchronicity through us being hyp sensitive to our own feelings it raises up all these old energies old beliefs outdated irrelevant not
compatible with the person we've now become and it can kind of bring it to a head and as this is happening we feel heavily influenced by all of the old stuff and temporarily out of sorts doubtful down in the dumps in a myriad of different ways but it's a cleansing it's a healing and the result is going forward in life devoid of all this baggage so in spite of how you might feel as you're going to soon see this energy reading is extremely positive there is no Doom and Gloom it's all uphill it's finally about
really reaping the rewards of all the different seeds you've sewn and the the work you've done the Deep Shadow work it does eventually start to pay off not only in your outer life which of course is very nice but also in how you feel how you look at the world how you look at yourself anyways that was obviously a bit vague I'm going to go ahead right now and break it down into five more specific themes that you can look forward to for this new moon number one maybe the main thing I think a lot
of people are experiencing right now is this opportunity to transform their self- opinion your self-image the way you see yourself is often times completely distorted from who you are and even how other people see you when I run Retreats one of these things we'll do is this exercise called the I see you as exercise it's really cool we do it always at the end of The Retreat when people have kind of gotten to know one another a bit better and basically you split all you split the group up into into groups of like five or
six people and you sit in a circle and you have everybody take turns going in the middle of the circle and the person in the middle of the circle has to sit there while everybody goes around and says something along the lines of I see you as and then the people take turns sharing nice things I see you as a very powerful person I see you as very kindhearted loving I see you as very courageous I see you as a heart hard worker I see you was all these nice things and the person in the
middle has to just kind of like take it and it's so funny because often times the person in the middle becomes uncomfortable with all this praise all these nice things being said about them and you can you can watch their body language and they'll be like you know they're like squirming trying to get away from all the nice things being said to them and sometimes they'll interrupt and and and laugh about it and kind of play it off deflect why would they do that wouldn't you want to have a bunch of nice things said to
you you might think so but the reality is all those nice things start to conflict with bump into all the negative things that people say about themselves me included we all do it we're all very negative and most people I know are very hard on themselves have expectations higher than they would Place upon anybody most people treat themselves in a way they wouldn't dream of even treating their enemies let alone their friends and loved ones and it's time for that to go this new moon is coming in saying this is enough you're just making yourself
miserable you're making life harder than it has to be you're limiting yourself there are things you could could have been pursuing for years that you're stopping yourself because of these ridiculously embellished and distorted false beliefs about yourself that come from all over the place they come from childhood they come from maybe unfortunately if you had parents that were real critical grade school school things like that and what you might start to experience is catching yourself you might notti this might be happening a lot right now this negative selft talk these emotional responses to various challenges
in your life that just don't make sense or very again over the toop like uh I I spoke about this recently where like one of my things was when the landlord has when I have to tell our landlord we're renting our house if I have to tell them that oh you know there's a leaky faucet or something um I'll feel really bad about it I'll feel like oh God he's going to hate me I'm I'm burdening him and luckily i' I've moved through that nicely that was like last month but the point is it's out
of place I'm renting it's this guy's house I have the right to say there's a leaky faucet obviously see but but like me in this case you might notice your own emotional responses are not really in harmony with what's going on you might start to see this more clearly but again in sort of the vein of how you see yourself a quick example I've been doing a lot of new things lately I've been I I'm a part of now two Jiu-Jitsu gyms I've been meeting a lot of new people and I've been finding that because
of this I've been living kind of like a Hermit for a while but now I'm going out there and seeing people it's really showing me just how in my head I am and how how judgmental I am and how weary I am of people not liking me judging me you know that kind of thing and it was funny I was on the way to class uh two days ago and I was driving down this pretty quick moving Road it was like 50 60 M hour speed limit maybe and I was switching lanes and as I
was switching lanes which you normally would it's okay to do obviously there was this really old kind of a funny looking character onest this old guy not to judge old people or anything but he was like probably 75 80 years old and he just I don't know he looked like a character from a movie I I've seen regardless he was walking across the street and then as I was turning Lanes he noticed me changing lanes and he started yelling at me and and like making all these crazy like wild gestures of just almost like thrusting
anger and negativity my way but he was jaywalking he was the Looney Tune freaking just slowly crawling across the street but it was so obvious that this guy was May maybe mentally ill unfortunately ly um but it made me realize that my concern for what other people think of me is based often times from people's opinions like that meaning one of the things I do is I'm a coach I'm a business coach and I help people grow YouTube channels and and social media followings and things like that and there always comes a point where you
start to get negative comments and these negative comments can really mess with your head I I have them and I I get get this and it can really just upset you and make you feel like you shouldn't be doing this you could have 10 nice comments and one really mean one and you're you're up at all night thinking about that mean one but that mean negative comment what kind of a person does that people like that dude walking across the freaking Street Looney Tunes people who are off The Rocker people who are so consumed by
their own pain that they're just projecting it onto random influencers unconsciously so would you know would you would it make sense to take that type of thing to Heart of course not Bashar always says if someone comes up to you and says oh wow how ugly your green shirt is you know bashar's a Channeler but you're wearing a red shirt are you going to be like really in your head about it or concerned no because you know your shirt is not green my point is you might start to see the way you think about yourself
the way you talk to yourself it's it's based on conclusions made at a very young age and maybe even labels that you've allowed into your psyche that have no business being there and are not at all representative of who you are in fact I'm reading this book right now it's really good actually I like it a lot it's called Limitless this really this cool guy named Jim quick I've just recently heard about him and what this book is real quick it's about like uh improving your your brain learning faster speed reading things like that and
this this sweet little kid when he was young he was at he was in class one day he was like probably I don't know six s years old and he was in school right and a bunch of fire trucks stormed up to the school and the whole class got excited all the kids they wanted to rush to the window to see the uh the fire trucks and as they were doing that most the kids like him were too short they couldn't really see over the windows so kids started grabbing chairs and standing on chairs so
they could see the fire trucks well as Jim did this he saw other people doing it someone ripped the chair out from under him and he fell and he he cracked his head really badly on this this generator thing and he was rushed to the hospital and then after that point he was never the same unfortunately he he learned slower he was kind of like chronically depressed and just really uh self-conscious and his he had like a brain fog and of course just made school really hard for him things that he used to be able
to do and things normal kids do like read and right were like really really challenging for him and not only that but he had a bunch of you know bullies that would sort of make fun of him for it and things like that and one day this teacher this teacher Jim was asked to read in front of the class and this teacher became so frustrated with him that she said oh there's Jim the kid with a broken brain broken brain stuck with him it became who he was for quite some time luckily Jim LED himself
to some good influences that allowed him to transcend that but many of us are going through life limiting ourselves with these false beliefs given to us by people who have no business labeling us or judging us and it's influenc and it turns into how we see ourselves he started to identify with the guy with a broken brain why because I'm angry disgruntled freaking underpaid teacher having a bad day and and said something very mean and nasty and then that becomes his definition of himself where are yours who has shaped your own inner critic your own
selft talk where does that come from is that how you actually feel about yourself is that how you would treat a friend or a a family member or a child probably not and this new moon is going to help you finally to kind of wake up and smell the roses and realize you're not so bad you're actually a pretty good person you actually have done a really good job throughout life life is hard we all make mistakes obviously but it's time you start supporting yourself and seeing yourself more clearly when you can do that even
if it's challenging even even if you're attracting circumstances that are bringing these things to a head imagine going through the rest of your life finally with like a congruent understanding of your true self your true potential it's going to be a it's going to open up many doors for you number two is a great time to embrace new projects and it makes sense to me anyway why the first thing I spoke about is happening because these new projects maybe are things that you have toyed around with or wanted to do or thought about doing for
quite some time and maybe it was these false definitions about yourself in the end that have stopped you in one way or another sometimes these false beliefs can play out in a lot of different way self- sabotage perfectionism all these different things and as this as this fog about your self-image starts to finally dissipate and you realize your true potential you might find yourself once again being pulled into a like a familiar project I would say something that you've always wanted to do but never have like for me playing guitar I picked up guitar actually
for the first time back when I was like 23 or four years old and I had these beliefs I'm not musical I'm toned deaf which I actually kind of am toned deaf um sort of um anyway I had all these beliefs and and I became frustrated and put it down for for like a long time and now I'm finding myself picking it back up and I think for me it's one of my catalysts that's making me realize all of these sort of dysfunctional ways I have of relating with myself I'm I'm kind of going through
this my own way with guitar as an example but the thing is I'm aware more than Than I Used to Be Where I'm not letting this energy and this resistance and things like that uh control me I'm still kind of forcing myself to play guitar and kind of embracing this new journey and I'm having these successes and high points and it's been quite a ride um so my point is it would have been a shame if I just never picked up the guitar again because of my former relationship with it because already it's brought me
so much joy and growth and excitement it's it's really good for me so what new projects are calling to you I ask a lot of you might have to do with your life purpose something that you're you're like meant to do but don't feel worthy of don't feel ready to do don't feel capable don't feel credible all this nonsense it's a time to do that and also to be to to understand I just I was watching this this YouTube video the other day when I was frustrated with guitar and it was about like when you
still suck a guitar or something I was like man I felt like I suck a guitar still and this one guy made this this video where he talks about people who are really good at guitar have to be willing to suck at it for quite some time so just because you're not good at this new thing right away doesn't mean you can't become good at it and what I've learned is that as long as you're just persistent I have luckily been persistent with certain certain things in my life and I've watched myself grow into the
role and I I know it's possible and I I hope you do as well because this new thing that is calling to you just might be one of the best things you've ever done it might it has that sort of gravity I feel like right now the world needs people really stepping into their purpose and stepping into their potential stepping into their Destiny so it's a good time to to go forward with that sometimes the energy is suggesting it's good to kind of be patient wait for the right timing things like that this is more
of like just go just go this the you're only stopping yourself there's no one stopping you but you and now it's go time you might find number three a you're having a tough time staying grounded there's an energy I would say of forward movement of action of expansiveness of breakthrough and even though it's kind of interspersed with heaviness and and big emotions and things like that it's kind of like kind of it's like comes and goes I would say and anyway this expansive type of almost electrical energy that can fill your body and your mind
up and your Consciousness up it can be ungrounding you might feel ungrounded you might feel like it's you're floating in the clouds in your brain you're you're you're speeding up you're you're racing around through life and you don't have like your footing um it's a common thing and and often times it's a it's an opportunity to dial in your routine better cuz there are certain things that might make you feel like not even ungrounded but like uncentered not at peace not calm things like that so are there anything in is there anything in your routine
your daily flow that you know is like not not working for you like for me for example I realized I had to recommit to meditating for at least like a half hour a day if I don't do that and it's just me I am very ungrounded I get very ungrounded and then my kids get ungrounded and my whole house is a mess it's a mess of ungrounded people bouncing into one another but I know okay because it's gotten so intense I have to meditate I rarely want to meditate it's not very fun for me but
I need to and it helps me what is it for you my friend maybe there's something you shouldn't be doing it's something that's not really working for you anymore or maybe it's something you could include now is a good time to do whatever it takes to to just stay centered and focused and grounded number four it's a good time to just accept that you might be an outlier a lot of people who watch my channel a lot of people who find themselves going through a spiritual awakening after a kind of a short while they find
that a lot of people have fallen out of their lives friends even family um and their whole life kind of rearranges itself and in the end even if things are sort of less toxic and better there's a loneliness quality there's like this feel there's like this yearning for I know for me I I I kind of like sometimes look back and and and feel like I miss having a huge group of buddies I used to have a lot of friends in high school and uh it was just very fun you know but but now I'm
kind of like a I I have a few select people I I I'm sort of close with I would say but for the most part I am kind of an outlier and the more I go into public the more I go into do things like go to jiu-jitsu classes and things like that the more I realize that it's just who I am and uh it took me a while to finally accept that to accept that I I'm not different not special but just I kind of and you as well I'm I'm into things that not
everybody is into I'm into spirituality I I don't drink I don't smoke I'm really healthy I'm really like to live a very clean lifestyle I don't really watch sports except UFC and anyways like I don't have a lot I relate with people on come to find and I used to try to force it I used to think there was something wrong with me but uh I the the as the years go on and I bet you're feeling this too it's one of the things I had written down but it feels better just to like be
myself there's a spiritual connectedness that brings me peace and wholeness even though it's sort of different on the surface even though it does leave me having less buddies than I once did I'm now finally embracing the fact that I am kind of an outlier and I believe a lot of you are as well that's why I think people come to this channel because they they interact with the comments and they see that there's other people that are having the same issues as them that have the same dreams as them that have the same challenges as
them and uh it feels very nice it feels very nice to know that you're not alone even though we are sort of spread out in a way um but I I really have the strong feeling that good not only good things are coming but there's going to be I think in the near future more more of a obvious role for for people like y'all who right now feel like for years you've been kind of just preparing for something but you don't know what it is and it can still seem very far away this big Awakening
this big shift on the planet a lot of us have felt it off and on in our bones in our soul for quite some time but you look out in the news and you see what's going on and it feels like to it ain't going to happen it feels like it's a Million Miles Away um but just as things can shift with you very quickly on a dime in fact one Insight one little breakthrough can shift everything have you had that I believe that can happen also with the planet and I think a lot of
it has to do with uh maybe extraterrestrials that that might be I'm going off on a whole thing now but that's also kind of another theme right now I would say is people starting to become aware that they're not alone here and this could be even with like your Spirit team and things like that like your Spirit guides you know my my wife's brother just passed away recently and and her other brother is keeping an eye on his house he's going to fix it up and sell it he's got all his cameras in this house
right and then every like every like week or so this other brother the one who's living sends my wife Patty these videos of orbs like pretty crazy things like one time we saw this video he he post them into like little YouTube videos these like orbs that are just visiting this this empty house basically and the other day we got sent this thing where the whole a whole light turned on and off like an actual like kitchen light or a d like a foyer light or something it it literally came on and came off it
sparked the alarms of these different cameras and and anyway my point is this uh this other brother of hers he's not as into spirituality as Patty and I but this is like his version of of like of of realizing there's something more there there's something more that that that meets the eye there maybe there is something to the spirit world maybe there is life after death and I'm seeing people who are not normally into spirituality having these pretty mindbending experiences and it's a good sign to me what what really feels like it's happening and this
is going in a totally different direction right now is the sort of the big wakeup calls that you may have had maybe years ago to show you that there's more of reality than you formerly thought I see like lots and lots and lots and lots of people going through it now more than ever before it was like this slowly slow expansion and now it's like everyone's in it and you might notice this by people feeling like a lot of almost everyone you know you might might be going through some heavy stuff right now and it
on the surface it looks bad but if you look deeper and if you recollect how that affected you when you went through that heavy stuff it it it leads to an Awakening it leads to a shift in Consciousness that the planet needs so in spite of what I what what's seeming like is going on on the surface all I see is my own my very own process playing out now in the collective scale something I've been through something you've been through and finally number five I'm gonna have to steal this cool sing from my buddy
Heather Hoffman from activation vibration she would always say this thing she would always say everything is always working out best case scenario that's a very hopeful thing to say Obviously everything's always working out God is always providing for me life is working for me not against me that kind of thing but I think what is happening now is people are really starting to see the truth of that it's something you can really get behind something you may have already witnessed probably countless times in your life over the years of your spiritual journeying these problems that
lead to changes modifications Transformations healing shifts and perspective that leave you off much better than ever before and then the problems once they're no longer needed are gone how are your problems helping you w right now you know what we just found in our house recently it was sort of a a start a startling Discovery but we just discovered that we've been living with lots and lots of black mold in our ventilation system for like a year in fact this one dude he was my my AC's like right in the Attic right over there and
I was sitting here on my computer and when he was looking he said he said he looked over at me from there and he said I've never seen this much black mold in my entire life I was like Jesus you're kidding me come to find we we have another AC and then when when he checked out that one he said and this one's even worse than that one okay great and and as he said that I realized that's why I've been feeling like crap I thought I was just getting old my the whole family's been
like like fatigued and not feeling well thinking it was allergies or something for the longest time and anyway we didn't know about the black mold well we're not mad about it you want to know why because because of this black mold negatively impacting our health it's forced all of us to dial ourselves and even my children my my son Lucas the other day he's 11 he wants to wear the the red light blocker the blue light blockers so we can sleep better my wife my my daughter she gets up early and goes to the gym
she eats healthy she reads my book she's completely shifted her life and me as well we have all upgraded our self-care dramatically because of this horrible infestation of black mold and now that we've done that we're kind of established the black mold is gone it's like the guy came and dealt with it like one day and we're we're feeling so much better we're sleeping better and everything is sort of happening but what's stuck with us are these new habits these new self-care habits and I am grateful for that black mole that might I might not
have had the incentive to make all these changes or my my beloved family members it's it's it's only when you look back can you see the benefits of these problems obviously but what I always try to do is whenever I'm struggling with something I sit down with my notebook and I ask myself what am I learning from this how can I positively adapt myself to this and every problem leads to positive change if you see it that way and then over time it does become kind of a belief I would say for me for me
anyways everything is always working out for me and best case scenario as Heather said whether that's right or wrong it's a much more empowered way to go through life it means that there's nothing that can stop you it means that you always have the ability to roll with the punches in life and bounce off of anything in a positive way like a trampoline there are things that fall into your life that bring you down but if you don't complain about it you don't play the victim you can bounce up higher than ever before and regardless
I think you're going to find generally speaking to tie all this in this new moon even though it's going to be bringing stuff up for you and it probably already is and even though it might be throwing certain challenges and Cat growth Catalyst into your life what you're going to find is that you're going to come through this sort of window of time way more confident way more self-aware way more supportive of yourself maybe even with some really nice momentum into your very very bright future where you can be a leader where you can be
a an example of the just like this guy that it doesn't matter what's happening with your life doesn't matter where you're at you can always come out of it you can always transmute it and you can always end up better than ever before and if the more people like you start doing that me as well it's going to I think accelerate this positive wave of change that I think is happening underneath the surface on planet Earth here and by the way I forgot to mention um I was going to mention it earlier in the video
if you're still watching and it's going to be kind of random but if you want to be a coach it's kind of a random thing if you have ever wanted to be a coach for the very first time ever my myself and Aaron dowy another YouTuber and coach we're going to be training people how we coach how do get results the things that are present in all of our things our Retreats our online programs everything there's a method to what we do a system of transformation we've been using for years and we're going to be
teaching it it's called The Selena process it's for free if you want it's a free training for coaches who want to get really good results for their clients I'll leave a link down below at the top of the description also a comment if you want to sign up we're it's going to start on November 8th it's again it's free you don't have to do it of course but if you want to real easy to sign up there's a quick application process and then we'll be seeing you live it's going to be a bunch of live
trainings with us starting November 8th with that said thank you for watching my friends God bless you all and peace
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