7 Signs Someone Is Lying To You | STOIC PHILOSOPHY

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James The Stoic
#stoicwisdom #stoicism #innergrowth Are you being lied to without even realizing it? In this video,...
Video Transcript:
let's be real people lie more than you think and it's not always the strangers you suspect it could be your friend your partner or even someone in your family we like to believe we're good at spotting lies but the truth is we often ignore the red flags because we want to trust the people close to us I've been there I used to think I was a great judge of character until I found out someone I trusted had been lying to to my face for months the problem wasn't that I didn't see the signs it's that
I chose to overlook them they were right in front of me those tiny shifts in their behavior the exaggerated explanations the sudden defensiveness but I convinced myself it was nothing the truth people lie all the time and the sooner you accept that the quicker you can start seeing through the facade so if you're ready to strip away the Illusions and face reality here are undeniable signs you're being lied to brace yourself because it might hit closer to home than you think un quick to change the subject ever had a conversation where someone dodged your questions
so fast it felt like you were playing verbal dodgeball you bring up something important maybe a topic you're really invested in and suddenly boom they're off talking about something else entirely it's like they have an escape routee ready at all times and the moment things get too real they disappear into the safety of a completely unrelated topic let me share a personal story I was once in a relationship where this happened all the time and honestly at first I didn't even notice it whenever I'd bring up future plans something as simple as where we wanted
to be in a year or how we'd handle tough situations they'd instantly steer the conversation towards something completely irrelevant like what we should eat for dinner or what random thing they saw on Instagram that day it was subtle almost sneaky and I let it slide because I didn't want to push too hard I convinced myself they just weren't ready for the conversation or maybe I was being too intense but here's the thing they were never ready and that was a sign of something much deeper than just avoiding a topic it was avoiding responsibility this brings
me to the controversial Point people aren't just changing the subject because they're forgetful or distracted no they're doing it because facing the truth is uncomfortable and many would rather avoid it than confront reality and we let them get away with it because we don't want to seem like we're pushing too hard we prefer to maintain the peace even if it means letting lies slip through the cracks but this is where we go wrong dodging a tough conversation doesn't mean avoiding conflict it means inviting dishonesty now here's the deeper message when someone is quick to change
the subject it's not just avoidance it's a refusal to engage with the truth a sign that they value their comfort over your Clarity and what does that say about the foundation of your relationship whether it's a partner a friend or even a colleague a lie doesn't always come in the form of a blatant falsehood sometimes it's as subtle as a change in conversation we think the only lies worth calling out are the ones spoken aloud but the lies left unsaid those are the ones that erode trust slowly Peace by piece I realized this the hard
way every time I allowed the conversation to shift I was silently accepting their avoidance giving them a pass to keep me in the dark I wanted to believe that things were fine so I let the subject change but that's the danger of letting people steer conversations away from the truth it's not just about the topic being avoided it's about the relationship's Integrity being compromised so here's what I've learned don't let people off the hook when they try to change the subject it's not about being confrontational it's about setting a standard for honesty if someone values
you they'll face the hard conversations headon no matter how uncomfortable it is and if they don't maybe it's time to ask yourself what kind of relationship you're really building because truth however difficult builds stronger bonds than any carefully constructed lie two listen to understand not to respond listening is one of the most underrated skills in the art of charm yet it's the foundation of making people feel truly special the problem most of us don't actually listen we wait for our turn to speak we're so busy crafting our next brilliant response that we miss the chance
to really hear what someone is saying and that's the fastest way to make someone feel invisible here's a controversial truth if you're not listening to understand you're wasting your time I've been guilty of it myself sitting in conversations nodding along pretending to be engaged but internally preparing my next point and guess what people feel that they know when you're just waiting for your turn to talk it doesn't make them feel valued it makes them feel used that's not charm that selfishness but when you listen to truly understand not only are you showing in that person
respect but you're also building a connection that's deeper than surface level chitchat you're giving them the space to be heard without the pressure of a back and forth debate I remember a time I was having a conversation with a colleague who was clearly going through a tough time my natural instinct was to jump in and offer advice to fix their problem but instead I stopped myself and just listened no interjection no advice just pure attention and you know what happened they opened up even more because they felt safe by the end of the conversation they
told me I've never felt so heard that was the moment I realized Sometimes the best thing you can do is simply listen here's the deeper message in a world full of noise genuine listening is a rare gift people don't want constant advice or opinions they want understanding they want to feel like someone gets them and when you can give that gift you instantly stand out as someone who cares that's real charm so stop listening just to reply listen to understand that's how you make people feel truly seen and valued and that's where the real magic
of connection happens three defensive without cause ever ask someone a simple harmless question and they respond like you've accused them of a crime it's like hey did you grab the last slice of pizza and suddenly they're launching into a whole monologue about how they would never do something like that and how dare you even suggest such a thing it's a wild overreaction like they've been caught doing something way worse than just eating the last slice That's What I Call getting defensive without cause a massive red flag that screams I'm hiding something let me tell you
a story I was once in a group project situation and one of my teammates started acting all weird whenever I asked for an update on his part of the work I'd ask hey how's it going with the report a pretty normal question right but he'd immediately go on the defensive saying stuff like why do you always always think I'm slacking off I've been working really hard I don't need to be micromanaged this was the same guy who spent most of our meetings scrolling through his phone mind you it wasn't long before we found out he'd
barely done any of his share and was trying to cover it up the whole time here's the controversial part people who get overly defensive when they've got nothing to worry about are usually the ones guilty of something it's the classic hit dog will I've learned from experience that when someone reacts this way it's a good time to take a step back and look at the bigger picture what are they so desperately trying to protect because if someone is truly innocent or has nothing to hide they won't feel the need to turn a casual question into
an attack on their character honest people are calm and straightforward guilty people they're on high alert like they're waiting for the hammer to drop the Deep message here is about understanding human nature when people act defensive without a real reason it's their guilt talking not their integrity and you've got to be bold enough to recognize that their overreaction isn't about you being out of line it's about them trying to keep you from uncovering the truth they're like a house with all the doors locked but pretending nothing's wrong meanwhile you're holding the key and they're hoping
you never try to open the door and here's the real kicker when we ignore these defensive reactions we allow lies to thrive we teach people that they can get away with deception by making us feel bad for even asking but it's not about being rude or intrusive it's about valuing honesty over Comfort people will twist themselves in knots to avoid being caught in a lie and defensiveness is just one of their tactics so the next time someone gets ridiculously defensive over a question that doesn't warrant it don't back down stay curious push a little harder
because nine times out of 10 their reaction is a smoke screen to cover up the truth and you deserve better than to live behind that smoke four over poolish details you ever hear someone tell a story and it's so perfectly crafted that it feels like it was rehearsed for an Oscar worthy performance every detail is perfectly placed the timing is immaculate and the story flows so seamlessly that it almost feels too good to be true well guess what it probably is I've run into this more times than I care to admit there was this one
guy I knew let's call him Jake who could spin stories like no one else I'm talking about tales that had the kind of cinematic flare you expect from a Hollywood script one time he told us about this supposed business deal he closed and he described every moment like he was giving us a play byplay from a James Bond movie everything was just so smooth down to the exact second he signed the contract and how he sealed the deal with a firm handshake gazing out over the city skyline you could almost hear the soundtrack swelling in
the background the problem reality is messy life doesn't follow a script and when someone's story sounds like they've rehearsed it for a TED Talk your lie detector should be going off it turned out Jake had exaggerated half of it and straight up fabricated the other half but here's the controversial bit most people don't want to call out overp polished details because let's face it we like a good story we love hearing tales that are neat engaging and Matic so we let it slide even when our gut tells us something's off and that's exactly how Liars
get away with it they rely on our need for a tidy narrative we want the story to make sense to be clean and easy to digest the messiness of the truth that's inconvenient but life doesn't come in perfect packages and when someone's story is too Smooth you're probably hearing fiction not fact now here's where it gets deep when someone over poolish the details they're not just trying to impress you they're trying to control the narrative they want you to believe a version of events that is precisely crafted to benefit them it's like they're the director
the writer and the star of their own movie and you're just the audience expected to clap along without question but that's where you need to step back and realize that perfect doesn't exist in real life I learned this the hard way when I started digging deeper into Jake's stories whenever I'd ask for a little more detail things would start to unravel the crisp edges of his narrative would blur and suddenly what had once been a Flawless tale of success turned into a patchy awkward mess that's the thing about liars they can rehearse but they can't
handle the follow-up questions real life details are chaotic and when someone's too smooth it's a sign they're crafting a fantasy rather than recounting the truth the Deep message here life is complex messy and full of imperfections and that's a good thing when someone tries to present you with a story where every detail is perfectly aligned where nothing goes wrong and everything clicks into place they're selling you an illusion and if you buy into it you're doing yourself a disservice because real connection real trust and real relationships aren't built on fairy tales they're built on Raw
honesty even when it's uncomfortable so the next time you hear someone give you a story that's a little too polished don't just sit back and enjoy the show ask questions dig deeper real truth is messy and if someone's not willing to show you the imperfections they're not showing you the truth at all remember like life doesn't need to be perfect to be honest and anyone who pretends otherwise is probably hiding something they don't want you to see five body turned away from you you ever notice when someone's body is angled away from you even if
they're talking directly to you it's like their words are saying hey I'm engaged but their body is screaming I'd rather be anywhere else right now it's one of those subtle almost sneaky signals that people don't think you'll catch but trust me it speaks volumes let me give you a real example I once had a friend who whenever we got into deeper conversations would subtly shift his body away at first I thought maybe it was just how he sat maybe he wasn't comfortable but the more it happened the clearer it became whenever we touched on something
personal or uncomfortable his body would start turning away like it was trying to physically escape the conversation I didn't need a psychology degree to figure out something was off eventually I found out he had been lying about a few things nothing major but still enough to break some trust his body knew it before his words ever let it slip here's where the controversy kicks in a lot of people will brush off body language as unimportant or overthinking but that's where they're wrong your body doesn't lie the way your words can when someone turns their body
away from you even just slightly it's like their subconscious is trying to distance themselves from the truth and the worst part most of us ignore these signs because we don't want to deal with what they could mean we convince ourselves it's just a habit or no big deal but let's be real if someone's physically distancing themselves from you it's a red flag maybe it's not always about a massive lie but it's definitely a sign that something's off and here's the deeper point when people can't face you directly it's not just about Comfort it's about confrontation
they don't want to confront the reality of the situation and their body language is betraying them before they even realize it I used to ignore these signs thinking maybe I'm reading into things too much but after seeing it play out time time and time again I've learned that when someone physically turns away from you mid conversation they're not just doing it because they're Restless they're subconsciously trying to avoid being fully seen Because deep down they're hiding something the real message here is that body language doesn't just happen in a vacuum if someone's body turns away
from you while they're speaking it's a signal that they're uncomfortable with what's being discussed they might be be trying to Shield themselves not from you but from the truth they don't want to reveal it's like they think if they turn away maybe they can escape your ability to see through them I'll tell you what I've learned from all this don't ignore these signs sure it might feel awkward to notice and even more Awkward to bring it up but body language is one of the most honest forms of communication when someone turns away from you they're
creating distance emotionally mentally and physically and if you don't address it that distance only grows so the next time you're in a conversation and notice someone subtly angling away take it as a cue maybe it's time to ask the tough question they don't want to answer maybe it's time to probe deeper and figure out what they're hiding because honesty doesn't turn its back on you and neither should the people you trust six laughing off serious topics you ever try to have a serious conversation with someone and they just laugh it off like it's nothing you're
there trying to talk about something meaningful maybe a personal issue or something that's been bothering you and they hit you with that awkward chuckle brush it off and move on it's like they're using humor as a shield to dodge the truth at first it might seem innocent maybe even Charming but trust me when when someone's laughing off serious topics it's often a sign they're hiding something here's a personal story I was once in a relationship where I'd try to bring up important issues you know real talk the stuff that matters I'd say something like hey
I've been feeling disconnected lately and the response a laugh followed by oh you're overthinking things relax that laugh wasn't just a casual response it was a way to dismiss the conversation and avoid dealing with the issue and guess what over time I realized that any time I tried to address something serious it was met with humor sarcasm or a quick joke what I learned that laughter was a way to dodge accountability and avoid facing uncomfortable truths here's where it gets controversial we've all been conditioned to think humor is a good thing right it lightens the
mood diffuses tension makes everyone feel comfortable but when someone constantly uses laughter to sidestep Serious topics it's a red flag it's like they're trying to smuggle lies past you disguised as jokes and here's the kicker most people will let them get away with it because no one wants to be the buzzkill who presses too hard on a topic after someone's turned it into a joke people laugh off serious stuff because they don't want to deal with the weight of the conversation it's an Escape Route plain and simple they want to keep things light and Breezy
so you don't dig deeper but here's the truth real conversations the ones that matter aren't supposed to be easy or light all the time they're supposed to challenge you to make you think to push you toward honesty and if someone can't handle that you have to ask yourself what are they really hiding behind those laughs there's a deeper message here about emotional maturity when people laugh off serious topics they're signaling that they're not ready or Worse not willing to have an honest conversation it's like they're putting a shiny jokey facade over something they know they
can't explain maybe it's fear of being vulnerable or maybe it's because they know if they actually talk about it they'll expose the truth they've been trying to bury I've seen this pattern over and over again people use humor to deflect to make you feel like you're the one taking things too seriously but let me tell you there's nothing wrong with taking things seriously especially when it comes to important matters and if someone laughs it off don't be afraid to call them out why is this funny to you is a simple question that can expose the
underlying discomfort they're trying to hide the real issue with laughing off serious topics is that it shuts down the conversation before it can even start it's like putting up a giant no entry sign on the road to real communication and if you don't address it those critical conversations you need to have about relationships trust accountability never happen everything stays on the surface and nothing gets resolved here's the deeper message honesty isn't always fun it isn't always light-hearted and it's not something that should be laughed away if someone can't take serious things seriously it's not just
about them dodging one conversation it's about them avoiding real connection and truth and if they can't face those tough topics with you how much trust can you really put in them so next time someone laughs off a serious conversation don't let it slide ask the hard questions press on the uncomfortable truth because laughter May lighten the moment but it doesn't erase the weight of what what's really going on underneath if they're not willing to drop the act you've got your answer they're not being honest with you seven vagueness when pressed for specifics have you ever
had that moment when you ask someone for details and suddenly they turn into a poet full of ambiguity and grand gestures but no actual information you press them for specifics dates names facts and they give you a bunch of fluff circling around the point like they're dancing in a fog it's one of the most frustrating things but it's also a massive red flag if someone can't give you straight answers when pressed they're probably hiding something let me give you an example from my own life I once had a coworker who would always talk about these
big Deals they were closing but whenever anyone asked for more details like what companies they were working with or how far along the negotiations were it became an art form in evasion oh you know we're just in the early stages some really exciting conversations happening can't say too much right now but it's huge weeks would pass and we'd ask again and it was the same song and dance eventually we found out that Not only was the no deal but he'd made up half the conversations he was bluffing hoping nobody would dig too deep now here's
the controver IAL part when someone gets vague when you ask for specifics it's not just that they're being secretive it's that they're lying let's call it what it is vagueness is the Liar's best friend because it allows them to escape accountability it's like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands you think you're getting somewhere but they keep slipping away with half answers and its complicated responses they're betting on you being being too polite or too distracted to push them harder here's the thing people who are being honest don't need to hide behind vagueness they
can give you clear answers because they have nothing to protect if you ask them for details they'll give you the information straight up no dance no smoke no mirrors but a liar they thrive in the gray areas they know that the more vague they can be the harder it is for you to pin them down it's classic avoidance behavior and most people fall for it because we've been trained to not push too hard it's like we don't want to come off as rude or needy for answers now let's be real for a second we've all
been in situations where we've been vague ourselves right maybe we weren't prepared maybe we felt cornered or maybe we just didn't want to admit that we didn't know something but here's the difference someone who's honest will own up to that I'm not sure right now or I need to check on that is a whole lot different than giving you a bunch of fluff just to sound like they're in control the problem arises when people deliberately use vagueness to avoid being caught there's a deep message here about integrity and Trust when someone won't give you straight
answers they're undermining the foundation of trust in your relationship whether that's personal or professional and the worst part they're relying on your good nature to not push them too hard they're banking on the idea that you'll let it slide because pushing for specifics feels awkward but here's the thing when you feel that awkwardness creeping in that's the exact moment you need to double down and ask for clarity people who can't handle being specific when asked directly are people who aren't comfortable with the truth and that's the controversial truth most people won't tell you they'll say
oh maybe they're just bad with details or maybe they're too busy but I've learned from experience that real honesty doesn't shy away from specifics if they care about being truthful with you they'll be clear if they're dancing around the question that's them signaling they've got something to hide I've stopped letting people off the hook with vague answers if you want to know if someone's being straight with you watch how they respond when you ask for specifics do they get uncomfortable do they give you a bunch of broad sweeping statements without any real content that's your
cue to dig deeper and if they still can't give you a clear answer take it as a sign that they're not being honest here's the deeper takeaway honesty isn't always convenient but it's clear it's direct it doesn't hide behind ambiguity when people refuse to give you specific specifics they're afraid of what the details will reveal it's like they're building a wall of vagueness to keep you from seeing the truth and if they can't tear down that wall for you then you've got to ask yourself why they're building it in the first place so the next
time someone gives you a vague answer when you're pressing for specifics don't back down you deserve Clarity and anyone who respects you enough will be willing to give it to you because vagueness might feel like a small thing but in the grand scheme it's a big sign of deeper issues issues that can erode trust faster than any lie ever could all right here's the bottom line lies don't always come wrapped in obvious deceit sometimes it's the little things the vague answers the polished Stories the awkward laughs that give it all away if you start paying
attention to these subtle signs you'll see the truth that people try to hide in plain sight don't don't be afraid to ask the hard questions and don't settle for half truths at the end of the day you deserve honesty and the people who can't give you that they're the ones you need to let go of stay sharp stay true
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