here's what I want you guys to do I want you to stand up and I want you to help me welcome to the stage by far one of the best people when it comes to sales psychology webinars and selling as he says one to many ladies and gentlemen Jason [Applause] flatl oh come on you guys are too kind wo one to many I think somebody just did a launch like one to many challenge you guys see that good you didn't see that right cuz that's my [ __ ] offers and objections these are two things
that matter more than anything else in your webinars uh at me at Instagram I just started doing this stuff I made millions of dollars I got thousands of followers that's [ __ ] up we got to fix that okay I got 60 Minutes to spit as much game to you as I possibly can today it says 50 on the on the on the confidence monitor can we get that 60 would that be I I can't do this for 50 I got I got a I might be selling something today so I need those 10 minutes
to close the smartest people in the room it's about 40 of you the rest of you aren't smart enough to buy but maybe the 40 of you in the room are smart enough to buy so I got to do that too so we'll see if I can do it or not I'm going to teach you fill in the blank formulas I'm going to show you bonus hacks I'm going to give you copy in case closes I'm going to turn objections into Alchemy and give you the greatest cell sequence ever ever and don't try to take
pictures of these slides you won't be able to I have over 200 slides here today to go through okay you want the slides come up to me I'm a nice guy I'm handsome I'm charismatic I'm witty and I'll give them to you all right now where these secrets come from in brief I went through 32 different seven figure webinars I've wrote in the last 16 years if you know somebody who's wrote more than 32 s figure webinars let me know I will pay them whatever money I have to to learn from them but I don't
think anybody else has now uh Joe McCall is he here are you here two years ago I forgot about this in a drunken stup he says hey Jason if you put together your best webinar slide decks I would pay you a gigantic pile of money for that right he's like ah I totally forgot about that because then I did it and I didn't follow up and sell you sorry I will fix that here today okay uh I ran and pretty much masterminded and ran point on the biggest launch in internet marketing history $57 million from
scratch in 226 days Daniel Hall Ashley Armstrong they were part of the team that made that happen we all kick some ass together yeah yeah yeah yeah we did that and then we did that with $400 in advertising yeah stupid actually like if we would have spent money I think we could have made more but uh I'm a [ __ ] up in more ways than I'm brilliant I'm brilliant at a few things and I'm autistic at the the rest of my life okay so I do what I can with what I can right so
onik was telling about ASM this was the biggest promotion asm5 we did 9.8 million in eight days or as I prefer to say we did $7 million more than second place that makes me feel a little bit better about that that's why they kicked us off the leaderboard they said here's the first prize you get it now bow out of the competition now I remember I was really pissed about the kosaki deal because they're like kosaki is going to do bigger numbers than you because he has 4 Mill ion followers we had 40,000 followers right
um when we did the plan we had 200,000 followers so we're putting up numbers without Tony Robin Style 2 million people opting into a launch I know how to get a lot out of a little and I remember being so pissed off about what they said about kosaki that I'm like I'm going to help onic beat him just to prove it wrong I'm Petty like that just like anik is petty like that right one of the things I told anik it's a stupid idea but it works so well as I said if one webinar is
good just do two webinars to the same audience so sell them this way if they don't buy then sell them that way I don't know just seems to make a lot of sense to me but nobody was doing that back then we were doing three webinars cart open cart closed and somewhere in the middle and this kind of helps so I'm going to give you some secrets from that you might know this guy's name is Alex Heros he pays me for Consulting to help him with his offers and with his webinars and so these secrets
have been battle tested in varieties in different situations Zoom themselves have brought me in to help them and they're billion dooll companies so I think I kind of maybe can do a little bit of cool stuff here today you know what I want though what do I want you guys say sales right I want money more important than the money I want the result I want you to say a year from now two years from now six months from now 60 seconds from now I learned this thing from Jason I applied it it made me
a big amount of money and then tell me about it is that fair okay I've had people literally make over $100 million with my stuff and not tell me about it I it makes me sad CU I'm like am I really that good I don't think I'm that good I need your testimonials so that way I can continue to have this big ass ego that I have all right because I'm kind of a big deal all right my focus today offers and objections these are the two things that matter the most when it comes to
webinars the rest is just details this is the two things that matter the most now why do I say these two things matter the most here's the quick story of why this guy on the right his name is Dylan Frost he runs a program called the wholesale formula I write and deliver the webinar for it I'm the spokesman it's a great business model I do it two times a year I deliver the webinar I make a gigantic pile of money millions of dollars he makes millions of dollars we're both very happy Dylan says to me
if I get this guy to promote you will you do a new webinar training program this guy being Jeff Walker one of the finest human beings to exist in this business product launch formula Creator and and I said yeah I'll do it because I'm eight years overdue because the last webinar program I ever bought or created before that was genius webinars was is really good but it's eight years old I could fill six more books up in the time that I learned from 2017 when I created this product so I said okay let's do it
Jeff agrees Jeff promotes and I said if I'm going to do it this time I'm going to go back through every single webinar I've ever written in my life find every technique and every strategy that I can and put it in this training program so I did what's called A Hard Target search you ever seen the movie The Fugitive he goes we're going to look at every Penthouse every ous every Warehouse every dogghouse until we find the greatest webinar Alchemy that's ever existed that's what I did it was miserable I hated life for 50 hours
but when I was done oh my God I got some game I got some knowledge and what I discovered was two things became more clear to me than ever before some of these things I did unconscious they became conscious my best webinars were the ones where I crushed the objections and I crushed the offers I became convinced as I was looking at some of these webinars because some of these webinars that put up millions of dollars I was looking at them like these [ __ ] suck I'm like they're not very good I'm like I
I didn't know how to speak at a fifth grade level I was speaking like a college professor and I was making all these weird intellectual and obtuse arguments and I'm like this is stupid but then as long as they got to the offer it didn't really really matter what I said before then they're like this offer is so good I'll buy despite not because of you and I'm like oh it's just it's the objection stupid right it's it's the economy stupid that's why presidents get elected this is how products get bought offers and objections I've
coached more people on webinars at a higher level than anyone on the planet and I realize this no one does what I do with objections I will prove that to you for example 17 objections in the introduction most you don't even address 17 objections in the entirety of your webinar I'm just getting started right I intentionally create objections in the content you know what's the best objections to close the ones that you set up in advance so you ever heard seven plus or minus two so psychologist says you can hold seven bits of information in
your mind at once plus or minus two the smarter ones can hold nine the Dumber ones can hold five right okay how many fingers am I holding up if you f okay good good what about now nine some people will still say five like okay we know who's who so if I can give you the five to nine objections to hold in your mind I can control the objections you have in your mind and if I have the best answers to those objections and you can't object to other things I win so this is the
kind of stuff that we do Transition I actually create objections before I go into the sale okay what's the natural state of being when somebody hears an offer like emotionally physically how do most people feel when they hear an offer they're resistant towards it yeah so I just create the resistance for them and then I crush the resistance so I don't try to fight the resistance that's what rookies do I agitate the resistance I take the natural state they're going to be in anyway and I amplify it and then boom I close close off of
that we'll talk about that right and then when we close this is the offer what to speak of how we deal with objections in the offer which is what our focus is going to be on for the next 20ish so minutes so this is the bestselling book of all time on offers by Alex Hermos sold over a million copies and it's an interesting book because before he wrote this book he sent me this text message one day and it goes like this he says Jason Alex Heros here you may not remember me this is how
long this goes back but you changed my life says you came up to us and you said when it's easy is when you go hard so if you ever heard him referen that in his social media that's what happened I said when it's the easiest you can ever make money is when you should work the hardest most of you got it twisted you work hard when it's hard and then when it gets easy you take a break but that's where all the momentum is but then he goes on and says something else that I find
fascinating he says I just stumbled upon your webinar course this was genius webinars not goat webinars and he says it's the single best course on offer Creation in Persuasion and I've milked that testimonial ever since cuz if this if the bestselling author author on planet Earth if he says I have the best thing for it kind of a kind of a good point that he's making there right and I think I've done better since then but you know that was old news that was 2018 the world goes on but he said offer creation he pulled
what I taught about offers which was one section of webinars generalized it to all of marketing and sold a million books insane and he learned it from me so would you like me to teach you a better version than what I taught Alex yeah and then when one of you son of a [ __ ] write another book that sells a million copies just [ __ ] dedicate it to me okay I mean Alex quoted me in this more than anybody else which is nice every time he sells 10 books I sell one book so
I can't complain but hopefully you can outsell Alex with this offer has five parts at the end of the day the core of the price the bonuses the risk and the scarcity this is where gets exciting because we break it down to its first principles its simplest elements when you make the core part of your offer in your webinar here's what your audience should think whoa this will best help me do what you just showed me on the webinar so this is the extension of the content the core should be extension of the content you
spent 45 minutes teaching them something that got them excited and then the core offer is this is how you best utilize and use what I just taught you and that's what the core does and then when you reveal the price if you do it correctly the the person says wow what a great deal not oh my God that's a lot of money they say what a great deal and then you drop the bonuses and then they say oh my God now I must buy I was thinking about buying before but now I must buy and
then you show the risk and they say whoa it's actually more expensive not to buy big secret for you there I make more sales when people run out of excuses to not buy then have reasons to buy they say [ __ ] I can't I can't do it it's going to cost me more than not to buy and then they buy and then the scarcity says I must buy now so they go I should buy I will buy I must buy and I must buy now and that's how I think about it whenever I create
an offer for myself or for my clients you'll take in pictures put that [ __ ] away you're going to miss out on the game this is 2D this is 3D I want you to be immersive because I want your money or result uh both okay we'll call it both right now if you put it on a timeline timeline looks like this core price bonuses risk was scarcity sprinkled throughout like judiciously like a nice fine salt okay core 3 to five minutes price 3 to five minutes bonus 10 to 15 minutes risk 15 minutes to
four hours I don't know how bad some of youall want to make money right after we did the plan did the $7 million launch I get on with Evan Pagan he's got this group of people Ballers all of them he says Jason get on tell tell them what you did for the launch that was so successful I said let me tell you what I did for the launch right and then I explained to them how the average webinar was 4 to 6 hours long because the majority of it was dealing with objections and I'm thinking
the audience is going to be like thank you Jason for sharing this audience was like oh that sounds like a lot of work I'm like [ __ ] out of here with this right of course it's a lot of work everything's a lot of work there's just high paid work and low paid work but it's all work and then I thought about it again I said you know what good when you quit is when I take your customers so please keep thinking that because I'll please keep doing what I'm doing when anik and I are
on a webinar battling out closes and my my business partner will says it's not fair it's not fair a customer can't stand one good closer you put two closers against their biggest excuse and it goes away just like magic but this is typically the sequence of how we do things you want to break it down okay all right yes yes please okay this is some science for you most people don't get this they don't realize this I put the price up front of my offers I don't put it at the end if you're putting your
price at the end change that [ __ ] I promise you you will make more money I promise you you will make more money if you read it later in a book that Russell Brunson wrote remember it came from me first okay but it will make you more money I'm going to give you one frame I have multiple frame if you have one tool in the toolkit it only works for one job I would rather have multiple tools in the toolkit because then I could handle multiple jobs so this is just one frame that I
could teach you very quickly when introducing the core offer story assumption overview breakdown access even though this I think is incredibly simple I think it will be profound for some of you then we can build up on it maybe later story goes like this you were where they are so you once were them so they can see the journey at the beginning of the offer and then the assumption is they will do what you did to get to where you are what do they need to do as part of that to get to where you
are they need to invest right didn't you invest to get where you were at okay show me one person who didn't buy a course to help them get to where they are right now in this room did anybody in this room get success without first buying something no all of you had to buy something in order to transform sometimes you forget it and then you can't close on it because you don't think about it but I say what made the difference was when I made my first big investment to work with the right Menor who
gave me no other option but to succeed and I want to extend that beautiful gift to you as well this is how you close I said what is the beautiful gift that I'm extending to them what is it my offer right okay for the men in the room which is like 99% of you women what what's going on represent here you got you get close to right but let's just talk about the men if you have a hot wife do you hide her in the closet you show that you show that woman off everywhere I
was going to say something else but my my wife would hear it if I did right you show it off you got to treat your offer like a hot woman or if you're a woman treat her like a hot man right I don't know treat her like Denzel okay you got to extend the gift and then you give them an overview this is where people [ __ ] this up you if you can't sell your product in one sentence you can't can't sell it in 10 slides now you will do both but sell it in
one sentence because that will give that Clarity write your pitch with one slide on it that sells your entirety of your product in a single solitary sentence and then you run the breakdown breakdown looks like this three to five to seven components you reveal all major elements of the core offer this is the framework you can use headline three benefits proof in future Pace headline is what it is three benefits are the three coolest things that make it awesome proof because if you say it it doesn't mean it's true so if I say Russell has
learned from me I should play a video of him saying I'm the greatest salesp person in the world right and then future Pace what life will be like once they complete it if you can bring the future into the present it's is if they've already done it that's what you should do when you sell okay that's the element formula and then you have access I see people forget this every day your customers if they can't visualize how they get your product they're less likely to buy your product think of it like a kid underneath a
Christmas tree at Christmas unpacking it how do they actually get what you sell how is it actually delivered what are the logistics behind it people miss this all the time now this is boring this is why we put this up front to get it out of the way but it's necessary it's not sufficient but it's necessary and this is how you can introduce a core offer and if you did it right the audience is now dying how much is it and where can I go if I want to buy it and that's we give them
price next nobody can make a decision to buy something unless they first know what price it is until they know the price they can't decide if they want to buy it or not that's why I put the price up front so they can decide if they want to buy it or not and then we give them more reasons to decide whether they buy it after we give them the first one but let's talk price again many Frameworks I could teach you if you own all my stuff then you have most of them but here's the
easiest one I can teach you right now results compare normal and special so the results are your own results so if I'm selling an info product I say hey info products for me if I'm teaching people to create info products info products to me are worth 4 million that's a price anchor $4 million then I say I normally sell trainings like this if we were to do them in person for $5,000 then I say if you get it from the website it's about ,000 however if you act fast enough sprinkle the scarcity in you can
get it one time for $4.99 or three monthly installments of1 194 anchor 4 million down to 194 that sounds almost free doesn't it that's how you price anchor four million is where we started at and then we ended at 194 and then we add the scarcity now do people buy here some of them buy if you do what I just told you pick up the first wave of buyers congratulations you just got a C+ on your webinar you showed up I'm happy I'm happy for you you made some money congratulations but they ain't going to
roll out the red carpet for you you ain't going to Keynote webinar con 2025 yet okay you get the buyers everyone else gets now 80% of winning is showing up so when in doubt pitch something out that's not bad strategy but we want to do better do you want to do better yeah you want to break records all right good just don't break mine unless we're partnering together all right the bone B are what can make or break you when it comes to getting the extra sales that otherwise you would leave money on the table
with so every Market looks like this there's this uh 10810 rule 10% will buy no matter what they want it you just happen to be there in front of them they're like it's a sign from God here's my money 10% of them will never buy you say I don't want this Ferrari anymore I'm going to become a monk take my possessions away from me they're like I don't trust you and you can't give a Ferrari away to some people they just won't take it 80% of the market could go either way they're by something they're
by seexual they're by textual I don't know I haven't worked that one out yet right they will go either way they will or won't buy given the right amount of information and bonuses are one of the easiest ways to get them to buy so let's talk bonuses lots of different ways you can use bonuses oh my God there's so many ways you could use bonuses I know more about bonuses than I know about core offers I know more about bonuses than just about anything besides objections so I'm going to give you the quickest game I
can give you in the limited time that we have here today modalities objection scarcity andof modalities first simple thing you can do to massively increase the value of any webinar offer that you ever make what is a modality Jason a modality is the vehicle in which the bonus is delivered in so if I sell you a car and then say here's five more cars how much additional value is that no wrong you should F the shap I'm kidding right thank you for I mean you got one car how many more cars you need maybe another
one maybe another one I mean some of you rich [ __ ] you got like seven cars and you only drive one of them right so that's a vehicle but would you rather have six cars or a car a boat a plane a motorcycle an ATV a helicopter right this is different Vehicles each vehicle gets you from one place to another but they're different experiences what sounds better what more sounds more valuable six cars or six different unique specific types of vehicles when you give somebody multiple things it multiplies the value when you give them
more of the same incremental at best sometimes it takes away from it if I have the best clothes in the world and I give you 360 more closes you say if that first clothes was so good why do I need the rest right now you do need the rest but the perception if they're not understood you could [ __ ] up a sell that was closed you could close it so we want multiple modalities so when I sold asm5 when we did the $9.8 million this isn't even all of them this is just some of
them we have group coaching we have a live event we have software we have video training we have done for you we have an app we have a community this could literally be the same thing but just delivered in different vehicles and they say whoa I've never seen value like this before because they've never seen an offer like this before they can't compare it to something else they can only compare it to how well you sell so if you do nothing else add multiple modalities to your offers second create offer or create bonuses that kill
objections over half the bonuses I create are meant to shine a spotlight on one key objection and just destroy it so every one of you have customers who have this as an objection how long does it take before I see a result like yeah it's like oh let me get on my crystal ball and predict your future I don't know how long it takes Jesus Christ right how long long does it take to make a baby right two minutes right I mean we call that hyper efficiency right I can turn any objection into a benefit
all right that's why we create a bonus if it needs to be done fast because rents due by the end of the month and you ain't got the money well then you're going to want to use bonus number one and I always caveat it I say this is not the best approach you will cut Corners you will hate life but if you absolutely positively must get it done as quick as possible if you must cook the baked potato in 5 minutes in the microwave we got you and they say oh I can no longer use
that as an excuse anymore huh maybe I should buy and then somebody else will say well Jason what if I try this and I will and I screw it up what if I mess it up and I say cool I got eyes on you so when you do mess it up because you will I will tell you stop that and then I will unmess it up for you right and if by some small chance you actually do something right I will encourage you applaud you and tell you to do more of that and that's a
bonus the bonus is when you mess it up here's how I will stop you okay you ever seen those packages of peanuts that say warning may contain peanuts on them right that's because some idiot somewhere messed it up and they put the warning sign on it right hair dryer don't use in the shower right I will be that for you that's the bonus all right what if I can't get get started so most of your clients this is the thing that stops them not getting the end result doing the first step so you offer them
a bonus my favorite bonus is a done for you just for step one two reasons reason number one easy to fulfill it costs me very little I have to do all of it for them I just have to do the first step reason number two kills the objection I can't get started of course you can't get started I know you can't get started so I will break into your house I will grab you by the neck I will shove you in the shower put water on your face put the clothes on you put you in
front of the computer and Bang Your Head on the keyboard until it gets done they say okay I'll buy thank you right that's the attitude that's the objection okay scarcity and bonuses is the most powerful scarcity you can't buy this anywhere else at any price it's exclusive and it's free is it really free no if it was free they could get it but if they buy a and get B for free it's the greatest marketing of all time free is the most powerful word you can use in your marketing free has made me more money
than anything you can't have it but you can get it for free and they say cool they don't look about I gotta buy this thing anymore the focus isn't on buying it's on free I want free free free is this starting to make sense okay this is is where the money comes from this makes sense and it makes dollars all right proof you should prove everything as much as humanly possible you should treat your webinar like you're on trial for a murder you didn't commit and you have 27 witnesses that can put you at the
place that wasn't where the murder is at and if I was your lawyer and I said Hey listen you got 27 Witnesses let's just call two of them that should be good enough shouldn't it you'd be like [ __ ] get out of here right fire my ass right if you got 27 Witnesses you them all now the one area where people forget this at most is in the bonuses if they make a claim like oh this thing is awesome you got to bring the receipts you got to bring the receipts so once when Russell
Russell uh he acquired John Reese's traffic secrets that and he paid him a million dollars to acquire that IP and I told him this I said in your bonus say this bonus is worth a million dollars cuz that's what I paid for it and then I said show the wire transfers because ain't nobody going to believe you actually paid John ree's ass a million dollars so show it and he did so if you guys are running events that cost a lot of money show the invoices say this is how important your success is to me
that I'm willing to pay $562,000 just for the coffee because that's what it costs at events like this you know $75 cookies I've paid all of that in more right bring the receipts okay you guys want some hacks okay this is the [ __ ] where you can be lazy not really pay pay attention and still make a lot of money which is what I know most of you want bonus number one or monetize your bonuses hack number one not in some cheesy way we're going to do a coaching call psyche it's a sales call
got you not like that that's stupid okay not a discovery call where we discover how much money you have and how much you'll give to me right not that kind of call right you know what the best sales pitch in the world is it isn't a webinar it's your product that's the best sales pitch in the world and so what we would do especially uh bonus number three training with Ben Cummings this was a $300 a month continuity program we' give him two months for free that increases conversion and then we tell them on day
57 we're kicking you out of the program we're not letting you continue unless you ask us for a link to sign up and those first 57 days were so good so amazing that we made millions of dollars from this bonus it increased the front end and it made a badass back end everybody sees the ASM results which you guys don't know that 9.8 we made more than that on the back end we made a lot more crazy just don't tell my ex-wife okay I'm kidding my yeah anyway you guys ain't split testing enough let's just
put it that way so all of these in all of these in Orange are monetized in the back end we'll do your first product sourcing for you for free and then after that you got to pay us for more and they do because the first one was amazing uh third party software you can use a version of this for free but once you hit a certain level if you want to upgrade you can upgrade and we get a cut of that and I would tell those people when I sell it I hope all of you
upgrade but you'll only upgrade once you start selling products in Amazon and by that point I would rather have you upgrade from inside the house than have to go out and find software so I found it for you use it first when it's useful upgrade later and we made millions of dollars on the back of free bonuses this is how you make a killer offer it's hard to put bonuses in your offer because it's expensive to you it costs you time and money so how do you make the time and money to you so small
that you can put as much of this in as possible so you could create an offer nobody can match that's a that's a million-dollar Insight if ever there was one and then use third party bonuses you don't have to create them yourself so I go to software providers and I say listen I love your soft software here's what I need from you two things one I need to be able to give it away for free two I need you to change something about this software so it's Unique to me and then three give me an
exclusivity on it and I can do that without paying a single dollar for third party software you want to know why why do you suppose that is by the way yeah I say to them listen how much you guys pay to acquire a customer and they say what first of all I say I don't know most of the time right whatever right it's just business who really gives a [ __ ] about the numbers right and so you got to have this attitude it's like detached curiosity it's the best sales mindset you could ever be
in it's like I'm better to sell this thing you if you're smart enough you'll buy it if you're not smart enough not my problem right it's kind of that attitude but I go to them but I say listen it cost you this much these guys are going to be paying $3,500 to me would you like a $3,500 buyer for free and then as long as your software works they will upgrade for you and I will encourage them to upgrade does that sound like a fair deal deal to you and they say where have you been
my whole life now nine out of 10 of them won't get that because they're dumb we don't make our business by dealing with dumb people but we need to talk to nine dumb people to find one smart person but these days you could throw a rock and hit six guys that have a sass startup somewhere right so one of those six is not dumb enough to say no to free money the other five are so make a deal with all of them and get one of them to work for you this is what we would
do we put software into our stuff your customers are going to find other things they need anyway so a don't get any money for it and hope they find a good provider or B get money and put them with the best provider I don't know which one you should pick I'll leave it for you to decide right make one bonus blind don't tell what it is just tell what it does what is it you got to buy to find out that that Curiosity Factor alone we'll pick up another point or two in conversion another point
or two in conversion another point or two in conversion all right here's how you should sell if you've done it right when you introduce the product and then you said this is how much it is to get started they're focused on cost they say product cost a lot and they say oh and when you sign up you also get this bonus and you also get this bonus and you also get this bonus and you also get this bonus and now's where's the focus at value start on price end on value most of you got it
twisted you start on value you end on price you ain't got nowhere to go let's change that okay now we get into risk my favorite part of the webinar this is what separates the men from the boys the women from the girls the trans from whatever they are these days I don't know right we're not recording any any of this are we yeah and what and what you're about to see next will be deleted from the webinar con slide and that's when I sell you okay maybe I'll do that a little bit maybe I'll do
that a little bit all right risk you can do an unconditional guarantee which is for any reason or no reason at all if it's within the first 30 days if you want your money back you got it just email us at blah blah blah blah blah and that's okay yeah we do that sometimes not my favorite thing to do but it's better than nothing right I prefer if nothing else doing a conditional guarantee Hey listen just do the bare minimum and then after you do the bare minimum if you think it's worth anything less than
100% of what you paid if you're not 100% thrilled I'll give you 100% of your money back and you could do a conditional guarantee I like those better they net profit more you don't convert as much point a sale but who gives a [ __ ] you net profit more so you will take a small percentage decrease on conversion but you will increase the net profit of your clients with a conditional guarantee I much prefer a better than money back guarantee yeah this is this is the best outside of my own webinars I've every webinar
I've analyzed 0 one% of them use a better than money back guarantee I have to look at a thousand webinars to see one of them do a legitimate true better than money back guarantee this is insanity it's crazy you can keep it simple Vance and I were talking about this uh on day one when I came in so this is a $500 product and I say listen if you buy this product and you don't double your money in 60 days I'll give you double your money how's that for a pitch by the way right pretty
powerful I said here's all you have to do to qualify once in the morning and once in the night you got to create a Google Document share the Google document with our team so we you can't cheat it as the time stamps in it and then in the morning tell me what you're going to do that day with the product and in the evening document what you actually did that day do that for 60 days straight and if you do only that and nothing more and you don't double your money I'll pay you double your
money now who actually does that okay let me tell you a story those who do it don't need the guarantee because there's nothing more than consistency consistency more than anything gets the result how do you write a book one word at a time consistency I don't want to close every sale I just want to close the next sale that's every sale by the way did you get that some of you got that some of you drank too much last night some of you smoked too much last night right all right consistency if they do it
they don't need the guarantee if they don't do it they don't deserve the guarantee you get it it's called a double bind in in LP terms this is called a double bind whether you do or you don't do it I win either way and if you do it I win more I want you to do it this will increase the efficacy of your product you will get more success stories this way it also increases conversion this is a simple way now you can get Advanced with it warning you will try to phone this in when
will and I sit down and we construct better than money back guarantees it's a six-hour ordeal it's typically three two-hour meetings one to IDE ideate it one to kind of rough in the first draft and then one to finalize it it's six hours generally speaking okay it's high risk High reward but it looks kind of like this if I had to summarize it very quickly these eight steps do not take a picture just pay attention I saw you put that phone down right put that phone down I'll give you the slides right I'm an approachable
nice young man right first thing you do is object the objection the risk isn't the money that you put into the program that's peanuts the risk is all the other money you're going to spend you know some of you who get into yoga you don't just take the yoga class you're like a walking talking Lulu liming [ __ ] billboard right that shit's more expensive than yoga the yoga is like 15 bucks a class the Lululemon shirt is like $6,279 right so when somebody buys your product they start buying everything else related to you and
15 other idiots that are in the program right they buy everything so the real risk isn't them losing their money in the course it's them losing money beyond the course so you you mention that you actually bring that up and then you sell the outcome the outcome is you don't want your money back anyway because then you're back to where you started the customer doesn't want to get their money back they want to be further along than where they were started so give them that further along Target specifically this is what I will have you
doing by this date and I will remove the additional risk you have to take to go after the Target that I present and then I will I will in case of emergency break glass and give you an extra special resource I've held back only for people that are attempting to qualify for this better than money back guarantee and then if it still doesn't work I will throw you aside I will step in your place and I will try to get the result for you and then if I can't do that I'll just give you a
pile of money you ever sell like that no that's why you never got results like this yet this is how you sell for the big bucks this is big boy stuff this is big girl stuff you ready for Big Boy big girl stuff okay you ain't ready yet not yet not yet you you maybe two of you are okay I will teach you more you gotta prove it remember this you got to prove it so I said just in case I have to buy all y'all businesses I got a million dollars in a bank account
C asde just to do that because if you can't make it work I'll make it work and they go okay all right want to all right somebody serious today and if he's serious selling I'm serious buying if you ain't serious selling they ain't serious buying facts right there facts and then you you put the conditions you could be very thorough with the conditions I expect a lot from you I'm giving you a lot so therefore I expect a lot from you here's what you need to do so we typically make these consumption bonus or uh
cons consumption conditions just do these 34 things I mean you laugh but do you think like think about a webinar how hard is it to do a webinar it's [ __ ] hard I know more than anybody it's very hard why did we do them because it's because it's hard it's valuable the few of us who can do it make the most amount of money I sell I don't know if You' guys saw the goat webinars pitch that I do the the newest one but it's like you saw that right tell me if I don't
start off this way I say I'm gonna start off this webinar in a weird sort of way by admitting all the flaws challenges and problems when it comes to webinars I'm going to tell you all the ways in which webinars are hard and which they're tough and in all the different deficiencies related to a webinar I flat out start the webinar that way admitting all the flaws problems and challenges and then I say but before you know it I will have wrapped a net around you a buyer's net and by the end of this presentation
you'll have no other choice to buy than what I'm selling you today you'll have no other choice to buy it if you're the kind of person who blah blah blah you get the rest of it right so I say up front here's all the problems all the challenges all the issues and this is true with anything you sell there's a lot of moving Parts don't pretend there isn't but hey if they're enrolled in a better tomorrow they will do those moving parts so don't shy away from them make them your conditions and then hit the
objections hit them like a pro okay I'm going to give you the elementary version of doing objections which will probably be blow mind-blowing for you okay but it's like oh child you don't know you don't know yet you don't know what I can show you right I'm I'm like you don't know till you know it's like I'm Morpheus in The Matrix I'm like man by the time we're done I'm going to show you how to dodge bullets right now by the time we're done done you don't even need to dodge bullets does that make sense
okay some of y'all still dodging bullets when I'm closing I look at the bullets and say ha falls to the ground that's how you sell you want to sell like that [ __ ] validate reframe close again I could teach you many many many many models I could teach you a model that's the opposite of this and it still works the opposite of a thing is often as good as the thing so can I can teach a model where I disagree with them but that's advanced stuff we'll talk basic stuff right validate reframe close somebody
says it cost too much here's a really easy one for you validate it it's smart you're looking to get the most for your money right you turn it into a positive and then you reframe it in order for this to be the best purchase you ever made what would have to be true and they go oh because if you give somebody a Target they look at the Target if you give something to focus on they focus on do you see my point you focus on it right and then you close would it need to have
this or perhaps also this and what about this what if it had all of these things plus it had this and plus it had this and plus it had this then would it be good enough for you to get started today at yes which you will go to now and you get the rest right validate reframe close here's another one what if I fail yeah left to your own devices you'll totally fail you validate it right then you reframe it what if there was a way to ensure that you couldn't sabotage your own success
though H and they say what's that and then you close you say failure pisses me off so much that I won't let you fa on my watch which is why I put this in here which is why I put this in here and which is why I put this in there and my freaking product is on hands and knees begging you right now please buy me please buy me and if you're any kind of a person who's respectable at all you will go to right now and sign up and they're like okay and they
sign up not everybody but that's a tool and toolkit and then I take the next toolkit next tool and toolkit out and I try that one right this is basic stuff right validate reframe close I don't have the next I don't have another example but they say to do it in sets of Threes what's one more objection see you're all in a trance right now this is hypnosis right Eli taught you about it now I'm doing it on you right yeah yeah sh don't tell anybody right I gotta go talk to my wife you got
to go talk to your wife okay and when you talk to her what is the first three things you're going to say to her about how great this presentation is today it's Jason [ __ ] flin right and if Jason were to offer you Consulting to help you grow your business even further and it was the stupidest deal of the century and it made sense to you then would you say yes to it today he already did right validate reframe close you could do the opposite it costs too much of course it costs too much
that's why you're going to buy it because you don't buy cheap [ __ ] you buy the best don't you yes I do go here and sign up right now it's a tool got many of them okay you can also just read scripts this is Ben coming he did a million dollars in three days on his first webinar following and he says listen I'm just going to read what my mentor taught me and then he read all 53 of these why not right Zoom doesn't charge you by the minute PowerPoint doesn't charge you by the
slide right the reason most of you don't close much is because you you're either aill literate or you don't have the book so I don't think you're illiterate so you just don't have the book right I will give you one you want one of these closes okay you want it okay okay I'm not I'm the cow I don't give all the milk for free I just give a little drop or two you got to buy the cow to get all the milk right this one's hardcore some of you don't have the the guts to do
this yet I feel sorry for you I'd like to help you change that right but nonetheless here it is when you sign up not only going to get the best deal you're going to get something more you ever heard of the poem called Footprints poem goes like this man had a dream he was walking on the beach with God God and as he walked many moments from his life were shown in the sky and during certain moments he only saw one set of footprints and at other moments he saw two sets of footprints and the
man noticed something he said wow during the hardest points of my life there was only one set of footprints and this got the man upset and he got pissed and in his pissed state of mind he said to God he said God during the hardest darkest moments of my life you left me to walk alone and God said Son those times when you only see one set of footprints that's when I carried you and when you sign up at yes not only are you getting the best bill ever you're also getting the best support
ever and with me if things ever get hard and you need carried I will carry that ass I will support you I will be there for you so help me help you by signing up that example that yes you know what branding is right it's just repeated exposure to a concept until it becomes ingrained in your brain i Brand the URL you guys ain't branding the URL enough right the biggest problem with objections though is this you're only using them in the clothes I'm using them everywhere when we did this this was the script now
I've templatized it I am confident you could use this script in almost any offer and I will prove to you after I show you the script but pay very close attention and I I will give you the slides I will give you the slides so be present all right presentation that's what you should do when you present you should be present all right you guys ready ready okay let me set your expectation for today's webinar I believe it'll be the single greatest thing you've ever seen when it comes to insert topic here how's that for
hype by the way see when it comes to this I know you better than you know yourself I know your problems more than you know them over the last year and my hope is if I know your struggles better than you I can give you better solutions to them than you can find anywhere else and here are the things that you think get in the way you think that your money is limited you think that you don't have the time you think you lack confidence and skills and abilities and stupid stuff like that you're scared
to get out of your comfort zone plus if I had to guess you're overwhelmed by bright shiny objects and you let little things get in the way of making big decisions and you don't have enough support from the loved ones and from the other people in your life and most marketers who pretend to have a solution for your problem actually don't have a solution for you you face confusion and you face conflict on a daily basis and with that in mind I'm nervous your discount what I'm about to share with you today you'll think it
ain't worth replacing what I'm already trying to do to solve my problem Jason and you may think huh I don't even believe what you can do will work for me or you might think oh is this just another big setup for another big fancy sales pitch you may even think what I share is cool but eh it's not that good and you may even think you've tried already what I'm about to show you even though there's no possible way in heaven or Earth that you could have ever tried to do it the way I'll exactly
show it but if I don't address these issues up front then it ain't GNA matter what I do afterwards because if I don't share anything with you that first doesn't address these objections you will immediately reject it you will immediately kick it out our time today will be wasted if I can't get you to put your biases and excuses on hold for the next 57 minutes who cares then if I show you this great result or this great result or this great result or this great result or this this this and this great result if
I show them to you you may think oh well you got lucky or you may think I faked those that they're not even real that I somehow made them up where you may think it was a miracle or one in a million chance that no mere human could replicate however hopefully you're also possibly thinking maybe it is right with the right approach maybe I if I follow just some of that maybe I can get some of those results maybe it's worth me being at least open-minded for the next 57 minutes and that's all I ask
is that you just be open-minded let me show you the exact specific approach I've perfected to get the results you're so desperate and hopeful for I'll lay it out for you step by step and then you can draw your own conclusions does that sound [Applause] fair that's the first cell not buy my product does that sound fair okay sales are a series of that lead to the big yes okay run the numbers less than three minutes 42 slides 17 objections and oh by the way because I'm showing off now I snuck an eight proof elements
did you catch that most of you don't have eight proof elements in your whole presentation I snuck them in in the first three minutes right crazy [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] uh have chat GPT do that for you good luck right you don't need AI you need ji I got jokes I got jokes okay just don't tell Tony and and Dean this right because Tony and Dean just paid me $62,000 just for a webinar outline that's my rate just for an outline right just for the tip right same script same script listen listen
when you paint the Mona Lisa once you don't repaint it you just hand that [ __ ] out all right I'm handing out Mona Lisa some of you are art collectors some of you don't know where you're at right now hopefully you figure it out right once you figure it out though it's easy you install it done right objections are powerful in the intro they're just as powerful in the transition the transition is the bridge between the content and the offer if you saw this this was the biggest book launch of all time when Alex
sold his hundred million doll leads he did a webinar he paid me to help him with that webinar he used my two choices cloth before the presentation today I was faced with one of two choices the first one is to leave you on your own in a cold dark miserable existence the second option is to do everything I can to help you succeed lucky for you I chose the second option and when I did you'll be absolutely thrilled what I have for you today and that's an objection the transition goes from oh you're going to
pitch me something to thank you for making me an offer thank you for making me an offer that's how you should set up your offer and what about you should I leave you on your own in a dark miserable cold lonely terrible Str struggle to figure out how to implement what I shared with you today should I be that cruel and mean and heartless to you to let you try to figure it out on your own or should I make you an offer so stupid that you'll question my sanity should I make you an offer
yeah okay now I didn't know I could make an offer until last Monday it's like seven days ago or something like that they go like you want to make you want to make an offer Jason I'm like that's like asking a crack addict if they want some crack so I rewrote my whole presentation because everything I did was a setup to make you an offer oops right now what I'm doing is dangerous here I'm pitching a room full of pitch people kids don't try this at home this is walking the tight RPP without a net
okay I am teaching brain surgery to brain surgeons while operating on their brains this could blow up it'll be fun to see what happens right most of you are sellers but you're not buyers you see yourself as presenters but not attendees you don't go to webinars you do webinars I'm told this is the hardest audience to sell [ __ ] it let's see if I can do it right here's the thing though you guys are all really good I mean I tease you and I kind of get you going and all that but you're the
best of the best you guys are kicking serious ass here's what I've learned about clients who kick serious ass they get complacent they're okay with eight out of 10 they don't know how much money 10 out of 10 is the difference you know what eight out of 10 is it's 1.7 on a leaderboard you know what 10 out of 10 is it's 9.8 on a leaderboard the difference between amazing and one of a kind is inches it's not miles good is the enemy of great so most of you are really good and I can make
you great but you're the most resistant to great because you're already pretty good you're not like my young clients who are like I got to show Daddy that I can make it on my own he'll [ __ ] do anything I tell him you guys are like I made a million that's good enough right so let's see if I can help you okay of those that I can help the most in the world there's not a better room of people that I can help than you in this room right now that's a fact that's why
I'm doing this right so I'm gonna make you a once ever offer that only a narcissist wouldn't buy this is how you close how you close okay this is how you close okay I gave you just the tip today did daddy do good Daddy did good did he yeah just a little bit though I didn't give you the full total webinar knowledge that I could have possibly give because it's impossible to do it in 60 minutes I couldn't do it in three days okay I could give you go webinar some of you own it I
know you told me you owned it good for you smart that's it retails for about 2,500 bucks at go that has way more knowledge than what I talked about today okay this is a better course than the one Alex bought that he said was the single best course that he ever bought on offer in Persuasion this is even better than that okay I can give you my 32 best webinar slide decks Joe Mcall right these are the 32 best pitches of all time the Michelson twins uh took one of these slide decks and buil
a hundred million doll webinar out of it and it's 80% the same stuff I don't care if you steal from me as long as you pay me and give me credit okay once you're am my a client you can use my [ __ ] if you're not a client of mine I don't like it you're stealing it yeah here's my 53 closes you can take them and make them your own and you should or you can just read them okay get it going and then get it right I also could give you murder the objection
I did this in person it was 5,000 John Anderson who's part of a knowledge Source he actually attended this and paid this Mark Anthony Bates is another one who paid it I put Mark's invoice up here because he paid me twice the first half of the first day was so good he came up to me and he says can I give you another $5,000 and I said hm let me think about that for a tenth of a second yes of course you can right that's how good this training is so we talked about objections today
this is two days of me going into objection smashing these are the best of the best techniques okay um I have go offers I'm going to launch it next year and I typically charge 10,000 when I initially launch these courses this is going to give every little in insight and advice and if you hear a ringing then it tells you that this is absolutely a sign from God that you should buy this product it's true yeah opport opportunity Rings these days it doesn't knock and I'm going to show you how to do that in your
offers okay this has never been released before when I do trainings like this 500% increase in sale about 100% Improvement 102 sales on a webinar from 220 attendees 67 book calls highest show rate highest close rate some of you were in these trainings okay this is a typical customer result that went through my coaching when I did a webinar coaching program 420 calls book 540k in 4 days I could give you that I could also give you my automation software I guess the cool kids these days are calling it as if live I've never heard
that ter before I think it's pretty slick right this is as if software this allows you to do automated webinars and I could give you Consulting with me which is arguably the greatest thing because technique don't mean [ __ ] if you don't know the context in which to apply it in so my eyes on your stuff best eyes you could ever possibly have I charge $7,000 for two hours of Consulting some of you have paid me for that already awkward you see what I'm about to do next right yeah unlike some who price anchor
they say I'm worth this much but nobody pays them I am booked full at my rate of 3,500 bucks an hour aka the rate of eight brain surgeons that's what it would take to charge that much and some of you here have already paid me for that now this would be a stupid offer for me to put all this together and offer it up to you because not only am I going to do it at a huge discount from what it actually retails for for I got to split the money whatever I sell at an
event like this half of it goes to the organizers so I'm really working for minimum wage here this is not good for me it's good for you at the expense of me all right there are easier ways for me to make money so then why would I do it this way why do you think I would make this offer you're my people I care about you I care about you you're my people I know I can help you if you're drowning and I could easily reach down and pull you out it's my moral obligation to
do that if I can help you get to the next level I will help you get to the next level I will do that so here's the offer write it down I don't got much time to go through it I have a hard limit on this quick expiration two hours of Consulting with me you can do whatever you want with it it can be webinars it can be anything you want just fill out of form before each call so I can best serve you you get the recording you just must redeem this in 90 days
my calendar is literally book full so I need to know if you're in or out you get these book it in the next 90 days okay you get my go webinars uh coaching program single best webinar training I've ever done we've released it we haven't even really marketed it yet you some of what it includes is my 32 best slide decks and all my best webinar closes again you can just read these word for word okay you get the recordings to the goat coaching program which was $10,000 uh I know Manny you were in the
program was that like the best program you ever been a part of the greatest coaching program he's ever been a part of and Manny is a buyer all right so you should listen to him yeah just some of the results this is average results you get the recordings of that okay you get one year of our software we're going to retail the bottom level of that for $99 a month top level for $299 a month you get a whole year of that isn't released yet when it's released you'll get first dibs on that okay you
get the murder the objection training and then you get the goat offers we haven't launched this yet when we do off launch this you will get the recordings of this this is going to be eight weeks 2our sessions each 16 hours of me going through the very best of the best of offers because if Alex can teach it to you after he learned it from me I think I can teach it to you better so you get this as well this is an exclusive offer I will never make it again this is legitimately two-hour Consulting
$7,000 actual retail value not [ __ ] marketer value not fictitious it could be worth this much it actually is worth this much the go webinars program sells for this much $2,497 the recordings from our coaching when we did it is $10,000 program when the auto software is at least $1,188 murder the objection does go for $1,500 at murderthe objection. comom go offers isn't released yet what it is we'll do a $10,000 coaching program sell the recordings for $2,497 I'm not good at math so I had to add this up ahead of time 24,000 that's
not a [ __ ] number you get that right that's an actual retail value number webinar con only special pricing less than $3,000 that's half of one hour less than one hour of just my Consulting alone you get it all this is the QR code if you don't know how to scan a QR code this is the URL go weinar con we're going to lunch next after lunch I am telling my team take the offer down because as much as I love you guys if 40 of you buy this that's 80 hours of my
time that's [ __ ] insane right if 60 of you buy this I am going to question my choices in life right I don't know if this makes sense for you to buy it or not I don't know who will buy it I know some of you were already ready to buy told you no because I wanted everybody to buy at once because it's a nice dopamine rush for me right and it's good bragging later sometimes you got to do [ __ ] just to say you can do it so this is me making you
the mafia offer the best of all offers that I possibly can it is 100% limited though because my time is limited just as your time is limited so if you truly are committed to webinars I would love to commit myself to help you get to the next level with webinars my name is Jason flon has been an honor and a privilege to serve each and every one of you today I appreciate you and I'll be here for the rest of the whole time