I grew my Instagram theme page to over 900,000 followers made over $100,000 from it and then sold the business for a very nice amount and now today I'm going to walk you through exactly how I did it and how I would go about doing this today so you can help apply it to your own accounts now as I've now sold this business I'm going to give away all the secrets that I can give you in this video so I can help you the most is there's no reason for me to hold anything back now what
a theme page is for those of you who are new is an account on Instagram based around a specific topic that you can grow to tens if not hundreds of thousands of followers and in some cases Millions without showing your face or sharing your name or filming any content yourself now these Pages can in some situations turn into a very serious income with some of them making crazy amounts of money although that's definitely not the average but it's entirely possible to make a good side income from doing so now I'll throw some examples on the
screen for you but probably the most prominent theme page sale was actually a collection of meme Pages which sold for $85 million do I believe it was Warner Brothers now to get started with one of these you're first going to need a theme this could be your favorite sport a hobby you love an industry you're interested in or anything really and once the theme page could be about anything you want to find something that you're highly passionate about if you want to grow it fast and a demographic who are willing to spend money on the
niche if you are wanting to monetize it well now good niches that combine both of these are typically in the subcategories of health wealth relationships as well as things that people spend a lot on such as fashion or certain Sports and hobbies now as mentioned if you're really passionate about the niche you'll put in the time and care to grow it you'll give it the attention and you'll research it if the people who follow this account are willing to spend money on it you'll be able to sell something and then make an income from it
or partner with companies who can do it for you that gives you a rough idea what you want to create the account about so you want to have a think about that write down a few ideas maybe sit on it for a couple days and then come back to the rest of this second you want to create the account now the fundamentals here is to get a username that represents your brand without it being too long and avoiding numbers dots and underscores wherever possible you can use a username generator online to put in a keyword
and find a name that hasn't been taken on socials you can use chat GPT or AI however I personally think it's just worth taking time to think about your brand thinking about your positioning then try and choose your own name from here you want to go into canva and design a simple logo that is bold easy to read and most importantly represents your brand your name section is in all about SEO you already have your brand name as a username now you want to include keywords for SEO in your name for example if you have
a golf theme page you might include golf news highlights and tutorials this way when people search those keywords your profile can show up to finish off setting up your profile you want to look at your bio now the opening line should be the key reason people should follow you maybe use the best golf clips from around the world posted daily or some sort of unique value your page brings now this is really important to get clear on in general so that you know what sets you apart from the rest of the accounts on social media
understanding your unique value will come into play for every area when it comes to building your brand online now the rest of your bio should back up this initial statement provide more context and relate to your dream audience now further down the line we will use the final line of your bio as a call to action to push traffic to an offer but for now don't worry about that as we more focused on growing your account you can monetize your account further down the line that takes us on to step three which is to start
creating content and get it out there now this is what will make or break your account good content means everything else will work 10 times easier average or below content will mean even the best growth strategies are tough now I'm just putting that out there as something to remember because I don't want you to get too stressed out about that and then not post content because when you start is when you've got the best ability to test stuff because you don't have a large audience and you don't have the risk of messing something up so
start posting content but keep in mind that you always want to be chipping away at making it better and better and better because that is what really makes the difference especially as a theme page you need to find a way to create content that is valuable insightful relatable sharable educational or a mix of them all now I see a lot of accounts that will go out there and just find other Pages bigger in their Niche and simply repost their content to grow Their audience now whilst this can work and it can build a following quickly
it usually means the page lacks any Community because your content is simply all reposted there's no branding to it there's no Nuance to it and it's kind of all over the place so it's totally fine to and leverage other content that is shot by other people that is performing well however you want to find a way to put your own spin on it or edit together a bunch of different pieces of content to create something fresh add your opinion add some context and so on if you are using someone else's video find a way to
add a new hook or like I said provide more context whether it be in the video itself or down in the caption the theme pages that build the strongest brand typically take the time to learn how to create great content right rather than just reposting other people's content it may slow you down in the short term because it takes more time takes more skills and you have to build these things but it will pay off massively for you in the long term I will link below previous videos I've made on this channel that go more
in depth into content creation for theme Pages if you need more help around that but make sure that you are posting ideally sort of anywhere from 1 to two maybe three times even per day I would say start out with once a day and then build it from there as you can that's crucial to get enough practice to create great content maximize your chances of something going viral and grow your page at the fastest I will say if you're creating really high-end content and it takes a ton of time to create maybe you drop this
down to posting every second day because you don't want to rush your stuff out there but often times that just comes from people procrastinating and they don't actually need the extra time and they could get it done much faster once you've got that sorted the fourth step is going to be focusing on growing your first 10,000 followers now like I've mentioned a few times throughout this video the Kyo growth will be the quality of your content because if you're posting great stuff then people will want to follow you they'll want to engage with it these
factors will lead to the algorithm pushing it to more people who then want to follow and engage which will lead to your account blowing up so first and foremost before worrying about your growth strategies take that extra bit of time on your content because if you do invest your time effort and money into creating the best stuff you can it will pay you back in saying that there are ways you can speed up your growth and one of the best ways to do this is by leaving genuine comments on other posts within your Niche this
is something I'd spend hours per day doing when I was really trying to grow aggressively I probably wouldn't be doing it that much if you're starting out because your time's valuable but you do want to spend some time doing this now we're going to run with the golf example again and if you have a theme page all about golf chances are you love golf and already consume lots of content about golf so now simply make it a habit that when you do consume this content comment on it leave your opinion on different memes or different
courses or techniques or players or events or news or rule changes or whatever it might be that you see come up and this works because it puts your comments in front of heaps of other people who love the same topic some of which will check out your profile and follow you and if you're commenting on 50 different pieces of content per day that each get 100,000 views because I posted on bigger accounts that's 5 million views collectively on the content that you're commenting on now of course it's only going to be a tiny percentage of
people who view this content that then look at the comments that then see your content that then go through to follow your page but even if it's a fraction of a percentage of people who do so you can still gain 10 to 100 highly targeted followers every day by doing this especially if the content you're posting is on point these followers will then engage with your stuff and Instagram will push it out to more people who are similar to them and who will follow you as arguably the best free growth strategy you can use that
will always worked this worked when I was growing Pages back in 2015 16 2017 right through to today and it's never going to stop you just need to make this a habit as the majority of people already consume plenty of content in their Niche if it's a niche that they like so the only switch you have to make is instead of just consuming it you also leave a comment on it now the other powerful way to grow is collaborations find accounts in your Niche who have a similar sized audience and find ways you can collaborate
on content together so you can each grow for it now the third factor that comes into your growth is compounding if you do everything right for the next 30 days you could go from 0 to 1,000 followers if you do the exact same thing every day for the next 30 days you could go up to 5,000 followers and then the next 30 days you go up to 20,000 followers and then the next month and the next month and the next month becomes bigger and bigger and bigger and the only difference between you gaining 1,000 new
followers in the first month and 15,000 in the third is because of your compounding because as you keep getting better at making content the algorithm better understands content you have more of an audience and you have a better understanding of what's working and you've got momentum which is a massive factor in the algorithm everything starts to accelerate now a great example of this is Alex hosi everyone loves the guy real popular online 3 years ago in June of 2021 he gained 860 total followers on Instagram for the month but if you look at the last
30 days he's gained 91,000 followers now if you want to look at an even shorter timeline a few months after June of 2021 where he only gained 8800 followers he was gaining thousands per month that had tripled or quadruped or even more so in a space of a couple months after posting content for over a year because of his momentum now sure his content is way better and he posts more but that's only because he let his efforts compound initially and jumped on that momentum so you want to build momentum and let your actions compound
to see the true growth on the other side of it too often I'll see people go for a couple months stop when more often the not if they just stuck at it they would still get results now that your audience has grown we want to begin monetizing the page which is the fifth step now I will say Do not focus on this too early again I see people try and do this from day one and it's just not worth it because when you're account is new all of your effort should go into creating better content
nurturing your community and learning how to grow do not split your focus in attention into monetizing your account a lot of people at times have thought putting a link in your bio and doing stuff like that slows down your growth and if you choose to monetize earlier it's going to hurt your growth because of the algorithm and while some of that stuff might have a minor impact the main thing is it's just your attention because all of a sudden instead of spending all your time trying to create better content grow your audience and nurture everyone
you're spending half your time now trying to make sales and trying to learn about that new skill and therefore you're spending way less time doing the stuff you used to that was growing and so you want to make sure that until you've got really good systems in place and you're growing really fast and you've got a good understanding of that you put your attention there however once you've got all of that sorted you can begin spending some of your time thinking about monetizing your account there's lots of ways you can do this but really there's
three key ways that most people do and that are pretty effective and will sort of always work the first one is going to be sponsored posts where you get paid per post by a business or account to promote them the second one is affiliate marketing where you get paid a commission for generating sales for a business and then the third one is going to be starting your own business now I have rank these three in order of easiest to hardest but equally least profitable to most profitable now starting out with sponsored posts this is where
someone will pay you to promote their page or business on Instagram typically a low fee these could be anywhere from $10 up to since some accounts charging over $11,000 per post on a theme page but often times it's leaning towards the lower end of that unless you've created a really strong brand and loyal Community now this is a good way to make some income but more often than not you're still leaving a lot on the table because chances are whoever is paying you to promote them is making considerably more so that they can afford to
pay you in keeping the difference themselves so yes it is a good way to start but then you want to learn what the person paying you as doing so that you can get paid more for your efforts now to start selling shoutouts or brand deals you first want to establish a price and put together a short PDF which has your reach and demographics that's in it to show people along with your price this way when someone asks you can send it to them they've got all the information within this you want to include prices for
story posts feed posts and then bulk packages of each of these of 1 3 five and 10 posts then you want to adjust your pricing based on demand if everyone is saying yes and you get too busy increase your prices if no one is buying because it's too expensive look to drop them a little bit and keep going with that until you find a good equilibrium and then you can just slowly increase it along with your audience size now the next level up from this is affiliate marketing where you promotee a product in return for
a commission and this done wrong can be a massive waste of time because if you choose a bad product and Market it wrong you could do 10 posts in a row and make no sales whereas you could have made $30 per post for each of them and be sitting with 300 bucks however if you choose a good product with a good way of converting people into leads and leads into customers and you Market it correctly over those same 10 posts you could get 10 sales of a product that pays $90 commission and then all of
a sudden you've made three times as much as you would have with sponsored posts you can even do more there's many opportunities that pay much better but the key here is you need to find a product that really fits your brand and has a smooth sales process because if it doesn't align with your audience no one will buy it and you're just going to massively hurt your reputation and your growth and even if it is good if there's like a terrible sales process in place you probably won't convert many people either so what you want
to do is really understand your audience understand their paining points and find something that actually helps them and actually fits us in a good way and can convert attention into sales and leads now I would say affiliate marketing is a really good sweet spot of being on one hand well paid but on the other hand reasonably low effort once you've got it set up because you can often earn 20 to 60% commissions on a product whilst not having to build any funnels develop any products create a brand handle payments fulfillment email support refunds sales Etc
now there are theme Pages out there that are making crazy amounts of money through affiliate marketing uh and you'll see some people flashing online massive numbers but it is still reasonably possible to earn a few hundred to a few thousand per month with this now the third way that you would look to monetize your account is to build your own business on the back end of it you identify a paying point in your audience create a solution and sell it whether this is a digital product in the form of an ebook or a course maybe
a physical product you have sourced or created maybe it's a software product or a service that you may sell such as Consulting video editing or a done for you service now the reason this makes you the most is because instead of charging $50 for a post you could do a post and get three clients who pay you a few hundred a month each for some kind of service however whil this is the most profitable it's also the most effort because first you need to build that skill that you're going to sell create the offer test
the offer and then spend time effort or delivering the product or service which is a heck of a lot of time and effort you have to keep tweaking all of this stuff now the way I would go about monetizing is I would suggest you initially start out with sponsored post to get some guaranteed income and start to understand what offers and ads convert well once you have made some money from that and understand what converts I would move up the ladder to affiliate marketing where you are paid on performance and you can increase your income
because you have an understanding of what works well if you then want to take things up a notch again you can then work towards your own products or your own business in the background but again this takes a long time to sort of develop test and then launch but often worth it in the long run and then finally the sixth step of this process that I followed is outsourcing your page so for many years prior to when I sold the business I had someone else running the account and this meant that I did nothing on
the account day to day yet post kept going out the profile kept growing and revenue kept coming in I had multiple different people over the years doing this but the key ke few things to keep in mind here is obviously you need high levels of trust to have someone else managing your profile and having access to this information and I would typically suggest also creating a deal that is part retainer and part Performance Based this way they are paid per month for creating and Publishing content managing the community and all of that and then they
are also getting a percentage of the revenue that they generate this is a way to lower your fixed expenses making it more profitable for you and meaning you take less of a loss a month where maybe no income comes in while also rewarding them for performing well so everyone wins now doing this contine your profile into a good passive income stream that can produce income every single month and makes your business more salable as well if you choose to do that because a business that makes slightly less per year in profit but only requires a
couple hours of a month from the person who owns it is worth a heck of a lot more than one that makes slightly more but requires the owners being all day in the business so step you want to do here is first create a document and write down everything you do to run the page daytoday how you find the content ideas how you edit them how you publish them how you grow the brand this becomes a manual that the person you hire can follow to replicate your results then you want to create a second document
about monetization how you monetize the page step by step whether it be how you sell brand deals how you promote affiliate products or how you generate leads for your business this will help them continue to bring in Revenue for your business and in doing so you'll make things really smooth as a transition from you running the page and getting results to the person managing the page and getting results both of these guides should be put together after you've spent tons of time and effort refining all of this refining the way you find content ideas refining
the way you produce it refining all of these different aspects so that you're getting the absolute best results and have a stepbystep system same with monetization try all of these different things get really good at it refining your system and then write down the exact steps that you use you do this and then this and then this and then this and then that'll make it much smoother to transition that's it for today's video but if you want more free game on how to grow your audience and generate income from Instagram go check out my free
course link below I also send out a weekly email and I'll see you guys in the next one