C*mming Dumbs Your Pineal Gland & Makes You Inferior (IN-JACULATION)

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Library of Tehuti
Uncover the hidden connection between ejacul*tion and your pineal gland's function. This 3rd part to...
Video Transcript:
listen what I'm about to say can not only change your current life but it can redefine your entire existence depending on how you use this wisdom this is about your pineal gland your Cosmic antenna and how you're actively sabotaging it whenever you carelessly spill your seed they're interl semen and pineal so let me tell you what's really going on within you right now and whenever you ejaculate the great king of Medicine of the Tang Dynasty The tost Physician Sun meow said if a man can go without ejaculating for a 100 days his body will be
light and his strength will be like that of a young man he can hear and see better and his memory will improve if he can go 1,000 days he will communicate with the spirits and his life will be prolonged take a deep breath close your eyes keep calm and look between your eyebrows feel that subtle pressure between them that's your third eye your gateway to higher Consciousness and you're slamming it shut with every ejaculation every time you come you're not just losing sperm you're depleting a complex mix of over 200 minerals vitamins hormones and life
force energy that directly interacts with and fuels your pineal gland iron magnesium tryptophan vitamins B12 folate selenium copper Chine calcium and much more these aren't just random nutrients they're the building blocks of your spiritual and physical Vitality they're the very essence of your Cosmic potential think you literally flushing your spiritual power down the toilet for what a few seconds of pleasure a moment of release that leaves you drained foggy and spiritually blind you probably feel sleepy after you let it go anyway either that or a little disappointed disjointed isn't that a major sign in of
itself that your body is showing you I'm here with a third part to our earlier videos on masturbation and I'm going to break down even further the mental Paradigm of thinking masturbation and ejaculation are beneficial in any other way than to create a child I got a lot of comments in the last stop coming video that requested I speak on injaculation more deeply what it actually is how and where and who to practice it with stay till the end cuz I'm going to finally expand on that and the microcosmic orbit like I said in the
last video this is not a about morality it's not about being a saint per se in the figurative sense but more in the literal metaphysical sense with those capabilities commonly attributed to them but again not about morality it's about understanding the true cost of your habits it's about recognizing that you're choosing to remain a slave to your base urges instead of evolving into the god you were meant to be and make no mistake you have God transforming potential within you we love the Skeptics and even with the link between these two esoteric Essences you might
not yet believe or know about the metaphysical power of semen or the spiritual significance of the pineal gland and that's fine but if you're serious about spiritual Ascension about tapping into the higher Realms of Consciousness then breathe and listen in our ancestors left us a road map ancient teachings and techniques that many mystical cultures still practice today science is only just beginning to catch up slow validating what the Ancients knew all along if you're ready for the science I'm about to break down then give us a like And subscribe it helps hold you accountable to
resist urges while you help us grow now let me talk [Music] science okay you need to understand the scale of what you're doing to yourself your pineal gland isn't just some new age concept it's a real physical organ in your brain that science is only beginning to understand this tiny pine cone-shaped gland produces melatonin regulates your sleep cycles and according to ancient wisdom and the brightest scientists in the field acts as an interface between the physical and spiritual Realms when you ejaculate you're not just losing fluid you're triggering a hormonal tsunami that directly impacts your
pineal gland prolactin skyrockets and dopamine plummets this hormonal chaos disrupts your pineal gland land's ability to produce melatonin the key hormone for Spiritual awareness and dream potency let me say that again prolactin increases and dopamine plummets which causes hormonal chaos disrupting your pineal gland's ability to produce two key spiritual molecules melatonin and DMT breathe there's more though your pineal gland is your body's timekeeper you're link to Cosmic rhythms frequent ejaculation especially at night throws this delicate clock into disarray you're not just messing with your sleep you're desynchronizing yourself from the universe's natural flow our body
tracks sun and moon cycles and many other rhythmic patterns that we are consciously unaware of it has nothing to do with our conscious mind today's studies tell us that semen retention can amplify your body's electromagnetic field I'm sure you know why that matters right because your pineal gland is extremely sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies by retaining your seen you're supercharging your ability to tune into subtle energies the Unseen and unheard frequencies to perceive realities beyond the physical first three dimensions and also the first five human senses breathe think look with every ejaculation you're ruining this connection
dulling and dumbing down your extrasensory potential and I'm not going to sugarcoat this you're choosing to remain blind to the subtle cues of the universe deaf to The Whispers of higher intelligence trying to guide you intuition you're essentially hiding from God think you have the power to change this clearly as your hands and urges are no one else's you must reclaim your spiritual Birthright cliche whether it is or not we are indeed Divine beings with the capacity for sage-like gifts like the christs and Buddhas that we rever so reclaiming our full spectrum of gifts is
important but it requires conscious Choice discipline and a higher understanding of your own nature I'm about to give you the bill for all the spiritual costs on your tab for each ejaculation here's the bill your intuition that's your pineal gland in action every time you drain your life force you're dulling this sixth sense if you're okay with five senses then I understand but just remember this is within every human's capacity to achieve your aura your energetic field we all have an aura it's a real thing we have them in varying degrees of power and res
an it's a measurable electromagnetic phenomenon Aura is always measured by the heart's electromagnetic resonance it is something scientists at the heart math Institute have the capability to look at right now with their tools frequent ejaculation leaves your Ora weak Jagged unstable and fractured you're more susceptible to negative energies and less capable of maintaining those High vibration states that attract success synchronicity and spiritual breakthroughs breathe feel feel ancient Traditions like the chitic nans followers of Tao and followers of Tantra among others understood a Mystic truth seman is a spiritual Essence that should be ejaculated and recirculated
when not intending to create a baby when they didn't want to create life seen in itself is a concentrated life force each ejaculation is a loss of this Divine energy a severing of your connection to higher Realms of Consciousness I'm now emphasizing the e in ejaculation versus the in when I say injaculation because these two are completely different things I'll explain more you're literally distancing yourself from godhood with every release comment below if you'll commit to reestablishing connection with your pineal gland and your Jing [Music] Essence I read the comments in the last video things
like but what about sex with my partner do I have to give that up listen closely semen retention isn't about abstaining from sex it's about mastering your Sexual Energy the ultimate goal the golden Power of Sean retention is seminal injaculation again yes you can have sex once you've mastered injaculation into circulation up the spine and down the front through the microcosmic orbit the best master teacher who's been teaching this for decades is Mr Mania you you must read his books on the topic and we'll also continue to cover the Mastery of injaculation this Advanced technique
allows you to experience orgasm while separating it from ejaculation you're not losing your vital Essence you're recycling it you're drawing that power back up your spine to your pineal gland through what's known as the microcosmic orbit then breathing it back through the front of your body you're converting sexual fluid into higher forms of energy useful for every aspect of your life it is a complex process but it is real and it gets the job done physician Sun simow also said after 100 days his voice will become clearer and more resonant after 1,000 days his skin
will become smooth and moist after 10,000 days he will achieve spontaneous levitation in broad daylight the teachings here aren't just about retention they are about injaculation and recycling of the energy through the microcosmic orbit they actually encourage sex and practicing injaculation with your partner skillfully and diligently through proven toist methods so no you don't have to give up sex you're just learning to have sex like a god not a mere mortal the ancient ktic proverb by the Intelligencer th the Atlantean also known as tahuti States gods are Immortal men and men are mortal Gods those
are ancient chitic Proverbs Kemet is the ancient indigenous name for for Egypt putting it bluntly tantricas believes seminal injaculation is a major key to Enlightenment and becoming a conscious Spirit able to leave the body and incarnate at will but that's another video I mentioned this before but here's my response to the question but doesn't ejaculation prevent prostate cancer so let me ask you this are you really masturbating for your prostate health be honest with yourself and regular ejaculation isn't necessary for prostate health injaculation allows for the benefits of orgasm without the loss of vital fluids
remember those fluids are needed to create life imagine all the vital life Essence within what you habitually eject recent Studies have shown that the link between ejaculation frequency and prostate cancer risk is far from conclusive in our community and through the wisdom we've studied it doesn't link whatsoever I'll probably get comments on this again but I'll just keep reminding you in hopes to shift the mental Paradigm your overall lifestyle diet and genetics play a much more significant role on prostate health breathe think Here's a thought that might make you uncomfortable maybe just maybe the powers
that be want you to keep ejaculating think about it a population that's constantly drained of its vital energy numbed out on cheap dopamine hits too foggy minded to question the world's obsession with sex and ejaculation that's a population that's easy to control are you really making a free choice with conscious intention every time you masturbate or are you just following your programming take a deep breath feel the weight of that idea I'm not here to tell you what to do but we want to guide you and help you realize and understand ancient wisdom that's why
we're bringing wisdom from tahou's Lost library in every video every choice you make is either feeding you you as the spirit or starving you I phrase it like this CU it's not your spirit you are the spirit itself in your body get the possessive pronouns right so here's what I want you to do one start paying attention the next time you feel the urge to ejaculate pause take a deep breath ask yourself is this momentary pleasure worth dimming my spiritual sight is it worth calcifying my Cosmic antenna calcifying my pineal gland think two begin to
see your sexual energy as sacred your body is a temple and your pineal gland is the holy of holies treat it with the reverence it deserves indeed three learn to transmute that energy when you're making love and you're nearing the point of no return and sex energy is rising hot and fast you've got to relax clench your keigle muscle hold it and visualize it rising up your spine and activating your pineal gland feel it illuminating your third eye this isn't repression it's control withdrawal redirection elevation and recycling your keegle muscle and mental discipline must be
extremely developed to do this successfully so don't expect to get it right on the first 10 tries without diligently studying mantak Chia or TAA or tantric techniques to train those things four support your pineal gland eat foods rich in zinc magnesium iron calcium vitamins B12 c e citric acid alkaline and fructose consider a fluoride free lifestyle to prevent calcification or to decalcify you're literally feeding your third eye nourishing your Cosmic antenna five optimize your sleep your pineal gland produces melatonin in darkness sleep and wake up at the same time each day create a sleep environment
that supports this crucial process you're not just improving your sleep you're aligning yourself with Cosmic rhythms remember this isn't about becoming some sexless monk it's about conscious Choice it's about valuing your spiritual potential over momentary pleasure it's about choosing to be a god rather than a slave to your urges you will face resistance your conditioned mind will Rebel Society will tell you this is unnatural but in truth their notion of natural and unnatural is a construct influenced by a destructive Paradigm aimed to feminize and weaken men the Warriors of mankind ask yourself who benefits from
keeping your pineal gland dulled and your spiritual senses muted definitely not you the power is in your hands literally as I said before Master this power wisely
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