before we pray let's listen to God's word and then we'll pray together let's reflect on Hannah's Prayer from 1st Samuel chapter 2 in verses 1 to3 Hannah begins her prayer with these beautiful words my heart rejoices in the Lord in the Lord my horn is lifted High my mouth boasts over my enemies for I Delight in your deliverance there is no one holy like the Lord there is no one besides you there is no Rock like our God do not keep talking so proudly or let your mouth speak such arrogance for the Lord is a
God who knows and by him Deeds are weighed Hannah's heart overflows with joy not because her life was free of pain but because she had experienced the Lord's Deliverance her prayer begins with Thanksgiving and worship acknowledging that it is God who lifts her up strengthens her and brings her Victory she boldly declares that no one is as holy as faithful or as steadfast as God he is her Rock her unshakable foundation her words challenge us to reflect on our own lives what does your heart rejoice in where do you turn for strength and comfort too
often we may look to Temporary things achievements relationships or possessions only to find they cannot satisfy the deepest longings of our soul Hannah's Prayer continues in verses 6 to1 where it says the Lord brings death and makes alive he brings down to the grave and raises up the Lord sends poverty and wealth he humbles and he exalts he raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash Heap he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of Honor for the foundations of the Earth are the Lords on them he
has set the world he will guard the feet of his Faithful Servants but the wicked will be silenced in the place of Darkness it is not by strength that one prevails those who oppose the Lord will be broken the most high will Thunder From Heaven the Lord will judge the ends of the Earth he will give strength to his King and exalt the Horn of his anointed in these verses Hannah magnifies God as the supreme ruler over all things he is the giver and taker of life the one who lifts up the humble and brings
down the proud she beautifully illustrates how God transforms the lives of the poor and needy raising them from the dust and seating them with princes this reminds us of his deep compassion and his power to change our circumstances in ways that we cannot even imagine yet she also speaks of God's justice showing that those who oppose him will not Prevail this is a sobering reminder that our strength no matter how great we think it is is never enough without him Hannah's Prayer calls each of us to examine our hearts and motives are you rejoicing in
the Lord and trusting him completely or are you seeking Solutions elsewhere her prayer shows us the depth of faith and humility required to walk closely with God it reminds us that he is both the loving savior who lifts Us From the Ashes and the righteous judge who weighs every deed this balance of God's love and Justice should Inspire us to live lives that honor him relying fully on his grace and guidance today I want to encourage you to lift your voice in prayer trusting God to stand by you deliver you and fill your heart with
his steadfast love now let us pray together Lord Jesus there is no one holy like you no one as perfect as pure as righteous you are set apart Lord above all creation reigning in majesty and Splendor there is no one else besides you who can save no one who can redeem no one who can restore you alone Are My Hope my refuge and my strength truly there is no Rock like you my Lord no Foundation as firm no place as secure You Are My unshakable Shelter my Everlasting Fortress and I take comfort in the knowledge
that you are with me always your word declares in Isaiah 45:5 I am the lord and there is no other apart from me there is no God I will strengthen you father these words bring peace to my heart they remind me that you are not just a God who watches from afar but a God who strengthens me in my weakness who lifts me when I fall who empowers me when I feel inadequate I confess today Lord that you are indeed the Lord of all you are the Lord over my life the Lord over my circumstances
the Lord over all creation nothing is outside your control nothing escapes your sight I declare that you are King Jesus my Savior and my everything I pray Lord that you would give me a heart that rejoices in you alone let my joy be rooted in who you are not in the fleeting things of this world teach me to find Delight in your presence to be satisfied by your love and to draw strength from your promises without you I am weak Lord without your guidance I am lost but with you I am strong with you I
am more than a conqueror you make me capable of facing challenges that seem insurmountable because your power Works through me Lord Jesus there are so many strongholds in this life fears that grip my heart battles that overwhelm my soul and burdens that feel too heavy to carry without your Mighty power I cannot break free from these chains without your intervention I cannot overcome the obstacles before me so I humbly come to you acknowledging my need for your presence and your help Stand By Me Lord strengthen my faith when it feels weak and quiet my emotions
when they threaten to cloud my judgment help me face the Giants in my life with confidence not because I'm strong but because you are with me Lord I bring before you every situation that feels too difficult for me to handle I ask that you hold me in your loving arms and Surround Me with your peace you are The Giver of every good thing the source of every Victory the one who grants the strength to overcome without your grace I am powerless without your favor I can achieve nothing of lasting value so I surrender all to
you Lord my heart my soul my mind and my body I submit myself fully to you confessing that I need you every moment of every day your word assures me in Psalm 37:2 I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his descendants begging bread father you are faithful you are the God who never leaves nor forsakes those who trust in you my prayer today is that you would stand by me in every season of my life Stand By Me When Storms rage and the Winds of Doubt try to shake me stand by me when I
walk through the valleys of life when I feel surrounded by darkness and fear Let Your Rod and staff Comfort Me Lord as you lead me to Safety Stand By Me Lord Jesus even in the fiery furnaces of this life when I feel trapped when I cannot see a way out remind me that you are the God who makes a way where there seems to be no way your word promises that when the enemy comes in like a flood you will raise up a standard against him and so I declare in faith that no Giant in
my life will defeat me no problem will overwhelm me because you my deliverer are fighting for me Lord I Thank you for your mercy and faithfulness when the odds are stacked against me when I feel like I'm standing in the Lion's Den I will choose to Delight in your deliverance you are a God who rescues a God who defends a God who never abandons his children thank you for always standing by me even when I feel unworthy thank you for your grace that sustains Me For Your Love That Never Fails your word reminds me Lord
that your plans for me are good to prosper me and not to harm me to give me hope in a future even when I don't understand the path ahead I trust in your perfect plan you hold my future in your hands and I know that you will never lead me astray when I have questions you have answers when I am unsure you are my certainty you are already there preparing the way for me and for that I am deeply grateful if my mind grows easy Lord help me to stay grounded in you if confusion clouds
my thoughts let your Holy Spirit remind me of your truth help me to rest in the assurance that you are a God who goes before me a God who leads me a God who makes a way even in the wilderness fill me with peace that surpasses all understanding and confidence that you are in control Lord I Thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty and precious name of Jesus Christ I pray amen if this prayer has touched your heart please type amen as a sign of faith I pray that every blessing in this prayer
is now upon you in the name of Jesus and if you need a special prayer feel free to let us know in the comments we would be honored to pray for you May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always