English Conversation 20 | Everyday English

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English Conversation
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Video Transcript:
Ok, have a nice day. l'll see you later. Wait, wait, are you going to be home for dinner?
No. l'm going out with Sam tonight. Sam?
Who's Sam? Sam's my friend. ls Sam-antha pretty?
No, his name is Samuel and he isn't pretty. Do l know him? l don't think so.
Well, what does he do? Sam's a sculpture student at school. And where does he live?
He lives in Notting Hill, Ladbroke Grove. And where are you going tonight? We're going to the pub.
Ok? Does Sam have a car? Yes, he does.
Will he be driving tonight? No, he isn't. l'm taking my car.
Well, please be careful. Of course, l will. l'll see you later.
- Bye, Elena. - Bye! He's the youngest in our family.
l understand. You're a good sister. Thank you!
You're very sweet! Where can l buy a coat? l know all the best shops!
l can't spend a lot of money. How much is a coat? Don't worry about the price.
We will find you a lovely coat! l'm an experienced shopper! l'm very grateful to you for your help.
Sweet girl! Now tell me: what size are you? l'm a size 40.
Ok, l think that's a 12 here. l need a black coat in. .
. - . .
. in wool. Yes.
- Yes. Yes. And what about shoes?
What size shoe do you wear? l wear a size 38. l think that's a UK size 5.
But l don't need shoes. Every woman needs shoes! Lots of them!
Lots of them! Now, l'll call Betty. Betty?
My sister! She will want to come, too. Oh, good.
lt will be nice to meet your sister. Does she look like you? Oh goodness, no, no.
Betty has blonde curly hair and dark eyes. Here we go. Betty, hi sweetheart!
Well, we have an emergency. My Spanish friend, Elena? She needs a new coat.
Come over quickly. Ok, see you. She'll be right over!
l'm exhausted! Me too! Shopping is a big job!
Yes, it is. Shopping is very hard work! Would you like a cup of tea?
Can l have a cup of coffee, please? Coffee? Oh, dear!
l still haven't bought any coffee yet. Oh! lt's Ok.
Tea is fine. Ok. Oh.
Try on your new things for me. Oh! Ok.
Hello! Hello! Who is this?
Chang. . .
? Yes, this is Agatha Johnson. Elena?
Hold on, please l'll call her. Elena! Telephone!
Hello? Chang! Yes, it is very nice here.
You're back in London? Yes, on Saturday night? Ok, Ok.
Bye, bye. Who was that? Oh, Chang, he is back in London.
He is staying in King's Cross. ls he your boyfriend? Who, Chang?
No, he's my classmate. How delightful! l think we will go to see a film on Saturday night.
Oh! That will be very nice for you. How old is Chang?
He's 25. ls he married? No, he isn't married.
Does he have any children? No. He isn't married!
Oh, right, of course. You did say he is single. Come on!
l want a fashion show. Look at that gorgeous coat! ls it too small?
Too fluffy? lt's perfect! Are the shoes too high?
No, no, they're perfect! ls the dress too low? No!
Too tight? No, darling, you look fantastic! Thank you.
My goodness! ls that you, Elena? Hello!
What are you doing home? Sam isn't well. He has a cold.
l'm sorry. Let's get something delicious for dinner. Take away?
Yes. Fish and chips? Yeah.
Elena has a big date next Saturday! Oh, really? l'm.
. . l'm meeting my classmate.
Yes, her classmate Chang is in London! Does he look like Bruce Lee? Chang?
No, I'm not really. Well Victor, why don't you go along with them? Yes, you can come too!
l can't, sorry. l'm going away for the weekend. You are?
l am. Where are you going? l'm going to Boulogne.
Where is Boulogne? lt's in France on the west coast. Who are you going with?
l'm going with my classmates. Harry and John and Sam if he's better. When are you leaving?
We're flying Friday night. That will be nice! And where will you be staying?
ln a hotel? No. Harry's mother has a house there.
Well. . .
l hope you have a good time. Thank you, Agatha. l'm sure we will.
When are you coming back? We're coming back on Sunday afternoon. Marvellous!
l just had another great idea! What is it? Well, why don't you bring Elena along too?
She can still get a cheap ticket. But it's impossible. Yes, impossible.
Why is it impossible? You'll have a lovely time. Lots of fun!
l have to work on Saturday. And l am meeting Chang, too. Oh, that's right!
Drt! l forgot. What a pity!
Yes. Sorry Elena. lt's Ok.
Well, maybe next time. You are going to look spectacular on Saturday! Just spectacular!
Thank you. Oh, Victor, can you buy me some of that lovely Brie in Boulogne? There's this enormous market there.
. . Of course.
Anything else? Well, actually. .
. No, no, no, l won't have much time for shopping. What else are you going to do there?
We're going to see some buildings and galleries. And if the weather's nice, l'm going to do some drawing. l want to see your drawings!
Sure. l can show you the ones fromschool today. Tomorrow, please.
l'm very tired now. Oh! Sweetheart!
Go and get some rest. lt's a big day tomorrow. Yes, if you like, l can take you to school in the morning.
Oh, thank you, that is very kind. Ok. Bye!
Don't you say anything. . .
l can't believe. . .
Hello? Hello Harry! lt's Harry.
Hello sweetheart! Goodnight, Agatha. 'Repair teacups' .
. . 'repair', 'air', 'air', 'air'.
. . Hello darling.
What about the air? Air. .
. airline. .
. airplane. .
. Oh! These are new words you're learning at school?
Yes. We're learning words about travel. That's useful!
Are your teachers nice? Yes, they are very nice. Splendid!
What are you doing? l'm practising. .
. the airplane. You're pretending to be.
. . .
. . l'm pretending to be on an airplane.
Oh, that sounds like fun! Can l pretend, too? Please!
My teachers want me to practice. Ok. Well, l can be the glamorous lady at the check-in desk.
You'd be the customer. Uh-huh. Ok.
Next! Stand here. Can l have your ticket, please?
Here it is. And your passport. Here's my passport.
Thank you. Do you have any bags to check-in? l have this bag.
That can go with you on board as a carry-on. Ok. Carry-on.
Now darling, do you prefer the window or aisle? Sorry? Your seat?
The aisle or window? Oh! l'd like the window seat, please.
Alright, here's your boarding pass. You will be boarding at 10:20, gate 11 . Have a nice trip!
Thank you. Good girl, very good! Thank you.
Where is your trip to? Hum. .
. Los Angeles. Well, then l must be the customs officer.
Customs? When you arrive in Los Angeles, they check your passport. Oh, Yes, yes.
So, l'm the gorgeous customs officer. You're the traveller. Name, please?
Elena Fuentes. Can you spell that? F-U-E-N-T-E-S.
What's the purpose of your visit? Business or pleasure? Pleasure!
l'm here on holiday. How long are you staying? 6 weeks.
And where are you staying? l always stay with Brad Pitt. .
. Of course! You're ready?
Ok. l have not played the spectacularly beautiful air hostess! Good afternoon.
Welcome to Johnson Airways! What's your ticket number, madam? My seat's 24D.
Right this way, please! ls this your bag? Yes, it is.
Please place it under your seat. or stow it in the overhead locker. Now, fasten your seat belts.
Can l be the passenger? Of course! Excuse me?
Yes, madam? My headset doesn't work. Oh!
Have you got a newspaper? Excuse me, can l have another glass of champagne? Can l see the duty-free catalogue?
There it is! How much is that in euro? Sorry, can you speak more slowly?
l'm tired. Travelling is tiring. Let's check you into your hotel.
Ok. Good evening. Welcome to the Johnson Hotel.
Good evening. l have a booking for tonight. Under what name, madam?
Fuentes. No. Pitt.
May l see your passport, please? Here it is. Thank you, madam.
Here is your room key. Your room number is 217 on the 2nd floor. Thank you.
What time tomorrow. . .
? Check out is at 12 noon. l'd like a wake up call at 8.
30, please. Breakfast is from 7 to 9. Thank you.
Good evening. The TV doesn't work. Do you have a map?
The window does not open! . .
. Enough! Well done!
Thank you! Now let's get some supper! ls that Britannia Restoration shop?
Can you repair a ceramic vase? Oh, thank you! Where is your shop?
Could you say that again? 19A Britannia Street, near King's Cross. l'm sorry, what does 'tube' mean?
Oh, the train. . .
the underground! Yes. No, could you say that again?
Between King's Cross Road and Gray's lnn Road. Thank you very much. Oh.
. . wait!
Hello? Yes. What time do you close?
Oh dear. . .
6! Thank you. Goodbye.
l have to go there before my shift. Hello? Oh.
hello, Chang. Yes, l'm looking forward to tonight! Where do you want to meet?
Queensway? What time? That's Ok.
l will come from work. l finish at 7, yes. How do l get there?
Okay. l'll see you later. Bye!
Bye! You sound happy this morning! Oh, yes.
Good morning. Can l have a cup, too? Yes, of course.
Are you going to meet Chang tonight? Yes. We arranged to meet at a restaurant in Queensway.
Do you know how to get there? l'm afraid of the underground. Does the bus go there?
Yes, you can catch the 928 going towards Golders Green, and then at Notting Hill Gate take the 94 bus towards Piccadilly. And then you want. .
. That sounds very difficult! Are you coming home after work?
No, l'll go directly from work. l think you should come here and l will help you get dressed. And it won't take long from here.
We're meeting at 8. 30. Well, then take a cab.
A 'cab'? A mini cab. .
. A taxi? Oh, a taxi!
Taxi! Do you think Victor's having a good time in Brussels? Boulogne?
Yes, l'm sure he is. Boulogne! Yes!
l adore everything French. Harold and l have such fond memories of Paris. l would like to go to Paris!
You will! Maybe soon! For your honeymoon!
You know, Victor speaks fluent French. l need to find the right man! Well, don't look too far!
Ok, Agatha. l'm going to get dressed. Bye.
Bye bye.
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