Buddha was born wealthy Christ had abundance wherever he went and the prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him became wealthy and extremely resourceful and Krishna was known for his opulence my point being spiritual make it seem as if being wealthy and rich is diametrically opposed to being spiritual but I want you to take a look at this list some of the world's most profound authors of spiritual literature became wealthy or were born even wealthy even think about Moses Moses was born into a wealthy Egyptian household my point being this video is going to be for those
who want to attain material wealth understanding that that is a reflection of the abundance of the Creator now if you're one of them that want to play the apathetic game where you pretend that being spiritual you know I don't care about money and being money it's not about then leave this video cuz it's not even going to make sense cuz you're playing a fake game and what you're really doing without realizing is operating out to the frequency of apathy based upon the condition that most people go through economically within our reality right they end up
deciding that wealth isn't for them so on and so forth and they attempt to spiritualize Poverty there's nothing Noble or spiritual about being poor and I want you to understand that and by the end of this video you're going to understand how you need to be wealthy in order to activate the god M the only way that you will be able to activate the god mind is by being as Rich As now it's very important for you to understand that typically whenever you see people in the realm of spirituality they like to play the game
that they don't care about money so on and so forth and if you're one of those people who feel like money is opposed to spirituality then by the end of this video I'll actually convince you why being rich is actually one of the pathways to successfully activating the godm because the chances are you live in a society where money is something that matters so let's skip the games of pretending that they don't care because it's just it's just ridiculous to me whenever I see one of them spiritual talking about they don't care about money so
on and so forth I just know you're lying because you have to care about money especially when you find out how money is actually linked to your State of Consciousness now AJ was just telling me that supposedly your ad Revenue goes down the more you cuss well I hope you understand by now that I really don't care about that I'm just going to give you the information regardless of however you find it and someone actually commented something along the lines of you know how are you able to just talk for 40 minutes with no Cuts
it's because I really know the stuff I'm talking about like I really know the stuff that I'm talking about now I want you to understand this when we're talking about what's considered to be the godm another way of saying this is the most high but people never actually conceptualize the most high what but it's actually the most high frequency another way of saying that is the highest level of Consciousness now this is a frequency that you can tap into at any given moment but based upon the way the world is set up especially Society from
an economic point of view more people are often towards the lower end so if I make this the highest frequency and for here we can just call this survival paradigm which is the circumstance in which most of us actually grow up you can see these are really and truly opposite frequencies so what's considered to be God the most high the most high frequency Enlightenment is the complete opposite polarity of what we consider to be survival mode now you have to understand this and this is why I say you know you need to skip all that
all those games and you do need to care about accumulating as much money as possible because when you're living in a survival Paradigm and you know maybe you didn't grow up in one but for those of us who grew up in one you know the only thing that you're concerned with in survival mode is surviving and surviving comes with a particular type of frequency and that is a frequency that's considered to be low it is quite literally the opposite of the highest frequency which is God so how could you possibly tap into God while you're
surviving struggling to pay bills thinking about how you're going to feed your family thinking about how you're going to make it through the month how is it possible to tap into the godm when you're struggling financially so you need a complete Recreation a reconstruction around money and I'm going to deliver that to you in this video the pure metaphysics of money so you can actually shift your frequency so you can actually have the capability to be so free from paralyzing thoughts about finances and making it buy so you can actually tap into the highest level
of Consciousness because I always say spirituality without the ability to control your reality is Vanity and if you want to control your reality why wouldn't you want to make sure you're as abundant as you can possibly be this is why I don't buy into the games when people want to play and act as if oh I don't care about money you know I'm just doing this because I it's just nonsense it's complete nonsense and it's so it's so fake it's so fake it's funny you have to care about these things for most of us in
this realm of knowledge we like this knowledge because it helps us evolve our state of consciousness and if you want to raise to the highest levels it's going to be pretty hard to do that when you're worried about Bay lifts at the door or debt collectors trying to take things away from you so you truly do have to master this energy that we're talking about when we speak of money Spirit spiritual are hilarious man they're hilarious guys anybody who makes spirituality their personality get away from them because the personality comes from the eological origin of
the word persona persona meaning mask it's just the mask it's just the outfit that they're wearing and if you buy into that you're unfortunately going to fall into the religion of spirituality which is involving a whole bunch of stuff that me personally I'm not down for when you grow up when you grow up broke the last thing I'm going to do is go back to being broke that's the last thing that I'm going to do real now we need to entirely reconstruct the way that you view things because unfortunately you've been fed whether from religious
indoctrination or spiritual indoctrination that money is opposed to spirituality and I want you to understand this which is something that you probably never heard of and it's completely you know contradict to everything that you could possibly think but here's the thing and make sure you're taking them notes and leaving them in the comments because I can guarantee you you're about to hear things you've never heard before money is spiritual who's ever told you that money spiritual your mind is probably like what this doesn't make sense but you have to understand that spiritual is a word
that has become loaded with all these pretentious meanings and here's the thing people think that spiritual means holy or good and guess what oh and guess what it's neither that's not what spiritual means which is why it's funny when people do all this Mass and act holier than now I'm not here to act holier than that I was drinking last week way way more than I should have way more than I should have now what spiritual really and truly means is simply the Unseen it is the underlying energy behind reality that's all spiritual means so
when I say to you money is spiritual in your head you're thinking money has something to do with being good or bad and that's a whole bunch of programming that you've received which you have on an unconscious level which is actually blocking you from being able to absorb the universal flow because if we're going to be real let's not play the games if the Creator whether that's God Allah Jehovah Yahweh whatever you want to call him or not really him but whatever you want to call that particular form of energy if that Creator is an
infinite Creator then abundance is an aspect of infinite so if you're not having abundance how could you think you're possibly aligned with the Creator how could you possibly think you're aligned with the universal flow understanding what I'm saying spiritual doesn't mean holy or good it just means unseen it just means energy really and truly and here's the thing about reality reality compris of particles particles compris of subatomic particles and as you go into the realm of quantum mechanics you'll discover that subatomic particles are comprised of what's considered wave potentials wave potentials are simply waves of
energy without form I want you understand that really and truly this is all reality is nothing more than wave particles and then if you look into a quantum mechanical experiment called the observer effect you'll see that it is actually your attention your Consciousness that causes these waves to solidify and slow down their vibration to then materialize into reality by becoming particles than subatomic particles and then eventually matter so when I tell you that money is spiritual what I really mean is money's energy and until you learn to master the energy of money you'll never experience
it to the way that you want and I promise you you're going to learn so stick around you're going to get some no Diddy you're going to get some in fact you're going to get a whole lot more than some it's going to be coming like crazy PS now like I just broke down on a simplistic level money is Just Energy and the more that you're able to master this this Energy of Money the easier it will be for you to have the potentiality to tap into the god M the god frequency how the hell
you're going to tap into the god frequency and you're struggling to pay bills it doesn't even make sense which is why what I'm about to tell you will help you change all the struggle that you've been going through financially financially and this doesn't just stop at what's considered broke people you know I have clients who have eight figure companies and seven seven figure companies that struggle with cash flow sometimes so these are things that we all experience no matter what level you're on of course the scarcity is relative but understanding this energy is going to
change everything now what is money what do you think money is what is money numbers on the screen is it cash well let me guess you one of them you're one of them smart that said money isn't real I know you man neither they all or wrong all of them now of course we can go down into the origins of how the banking system is complete falsehood by going into the creature of jco Island when some of the world's most powerful families created this maging system but for the purposes of pure metaphysics I'm helping you
have the ability to control your reality to create your reality without all the woo woo fluff and all of that stuff I'm not with all of that I'm sure you could already tell that in the first couple minutes of seeing me now now what is money you should be saying money is energy that's what money really is so I need you to step away from the way that you've been taught conceptualize money and see it for what it really is which is energy because once you see money as energy and you understand that you are
energy so long as you're able to align yourself with the flow of money why do you think money is called a currency and a current is a flow of air or water specifically let's take the concept of water the side of a river is called a river bank where does Money Stop Money stops in Banks money is supposed to flow you're supposed to flow your energy is supposed to flow but when you're struggling to accumulate one one type of money or another what that really is resonant of is that there's a blockage somewhere more than
a blockage you're stopping the currency from being being able to flow and that's exactly what I'm going to tell you how to master here so stick around now I just told you money's energy and you're like huh what do you mean money's energy or you're one of them smart that like I already knew money was energy but let me explain how so you can actually understand it in a way past being able to be a smart person so a way that you can actually use it man I got all these pens this is cool so
money is energy why is money energy well money really and truly is an exchange of value and value is the most important word here money is an exchange of value and what's all value based upon whether you realize this or not all value whether you realize this or not and listen to what I'm about to say all money or value is based upon emotion now I want you to start for a moment think of a single purchase you've ever made in your life not Desiring some type of emotion why did you buy that te t-shirt
because you like the way it look it would make you feel different why did you buy those socks in your mind ahead of time you knew they'd give you a level of comfortability why did you buy those sweets from the shop because you had a particular craving that you wanted to satisfy why did you buy that burger because you wanted to eat something PA to feel a different type of way why did you buy that MacBook because you're a fake PC user and MacBooks are terrible Windows forever but anyways you get the gist of what
I'm trying to say say here every single thing that you buy even something as small as a toothpick to a toothbrush to a car to a house to some shoes to some shades to a phone each and every single purchase has always been Reliant upon emotion whether subtle whether obvious it's always Reliant upon emotion whether implicit or explicit and what is emotion ladies and gentlemen energy emotion that is why money is energy there's not a single purchase that's made with money that's not an exchange of value value is always Reliant upon emotion I just I
just explained that to you so now in your head you should be having a light bulb moment ah I understand why money is energy nuro but how do I actually put this into practical terms so I can use it to align myself with the universal flow so I can actually absorb that abundance that I want stick around you're going to get some understanding that emotion is energy emotion and energy emotion always emits an energetic signature that we call a vibration and then that vibration then becomes a frequency that frequency then becomes a reality it's important
for you to understand that the entire game of money the entire game of money is a game of emotions what do you think markets comprised out of why why do you think there's something called a fear and greed index when you're looking at the Market or crypto Market it's because these markets are reliant on emotion why because emotion means the market because money is energy and energy in the context of money is an exchange of value and an exchange of value is always emotion always always so then I'd like to ask you a single I'd
like to ask you a question and this question will be very revealing this question will be very very revealing and I already know what your answer is somebody said it feels like I'm reading you guys' Minds I'm a sidekick I'm joking I think it's mad cringe when walk around saying their Sidekicks and clo and stuff like that I don't know though that's not to say that that stuff's not real I just feel like the overwhelming majority of people it's like it's like how it's like how every Pastor speaks tongues but I've never heard of somebody
who translates tongues just it just doesn't make sense but anyways if we understand that money is an energy an energy that is resonant of emotion and I'll write that here so you don't forget then that would mean that the flow of money that you experience in reality is largely based on your emotions and when you're in a survival Paradigm it feels like money is beating you up it feels like money is the worst alive you don't even want to think about money because the emotions that you experience within a survival Paradigm which I want you
to remember if we conceptualize the god mind or the god frequency to be at the top of the scale and I'll get AJ to pull up the level of Hawkins um levels of consciousness scale by Dr David R Hawkins and we imagine the complete opposite of that to be a survival mode Paradigm which you'll see in the image right there's three aspects spiritual Paradigm um God Consciousness and then finally at the bottom survival mode one thing that I want to emphasize about survival mode from a physiological perspective is when you're acting from survival mode you're
acting from a part of your brain called the basal ganglia the basal ganglia is the oldest part of your brain it's known as your Primal brain this is why in the Bible they say the mark of the beast will be in the head because the mark of the beast is the aspect of you representative of your animal self your lower self this is why survival mode when you're operating in survival mode and you just focus on paying your bills and just barely making it by and getting to the end of the month you're operating physiologically
from a point of your brain known as the basal gangle which is the Primal brain which is associated with your animal self so if we're going to tap into the god mind you have to understand that uphold these two being complete opposite frequencies if you need to be as rich as possible to have the ability to be free from worrying about paying bills and stress and so on and so forth then you need to be as rich as possible before you have the prerequisite to tapping into the godm because like I said you know unless
you're living in the Amazon forest you need money you know what I'm saying like and if you're watching this from the Amazon forest then I'm amazed and I'm really amazed I'm really impressed but going back to what I was saying if money is energy and energy is emotion the flow of money that you're experience in reality is largely dependent upon your emotion I want you to think about something the largest transfers of money billions are made via satellite Communications satellite Communications utilize radio waves radio waves are a form of manipulated energy that are passing through
you right now where I'm sat and where aj is sat right there there's radio waves passing through us right now which means there's billions worth of money and energy passing through you right now the game is helping you redirect that energy towards yourself instead of it passing through you in the same way a pastor tells or the church members to do one of is toward Wards the crowd without realizing that when your hands up like that you projecting energy from your hands why do you think when pastors touch people's heads some people think is because
energy dissipates here and it slows down here and when you touch somebody's head well there you go but anyways understanding what I said if you do not have the ability in fact before I go there let me ask you this question very very very revealing question and I want you to write this down because this will help you understand why you're experiencing the things that you're experiencing when it comes to money and this will actually help you get onto the path to being rich as possible to tap into the godm simple question how do you
feel when spending money I'll tell you right now growing up in a survival frequency I hated spending money it was the worst thing ever if I had to pay to eat I'd be like sometimes I'd be like should I even eat right now should I just save the bread light is it even worth it and I can almost say certainly that you hate spending money and this is something that I get all my clients to think about especially when they're paying their employees or they're paying contractors because the most important word in this entire question
is how do you feel when spending money because here's the thing if we understand money to really truly at the heart be a form of emotion then how you feel while engaging Money Matters more than you'll ever know because how you feel that emotion releases a frequency and the frequency that you feel when you experience money is matched to money and that frequency affects money's ability to circulate to you if you're spending money and you hate spending money it's the worst thing ever and even taking money out your hand is like this then of course
those particular form of emotions are going to project themselves onto the energy that money is and that energy of the frequency emitted from your emotions is going to affect the vibratory rate of that money and when that vibratory rate of the money is slow down it affects the currency's ability to Flow To You how do you feel when you spend money if you could simply make yourself and simply decide to feel amazing when you spend money whether you're paying for petrol whether you're paying for food whether you're buying sweets at a shop whether you're buying
a bottle of Henny or rare nephews if you can make yourself feel amazing each and every single time that you're spending money then the emotion that you project onto the money is going to alter the vibratory rate of that money to make sure that it flows straight to you but when you're stressed and you're worried and you're anxious you're thinking oh my God this couldn't have come out worst time you know man I really don't want to spend this money right now what you're doing is affecting the energy of money and when you affect the
energy of money you affect the currency and when you affect the currency you affect how it can really flow to you in a way that will sustain the life that you want to create and I remember I was going through this thing where the universe would just take money from me and here's the thing if you're ever going through that thing where you feel like the universe is just trying to take your money you get a parking ticket for no reason something breaks someone needs to borrow money so on and so forth what that is
is nothing more than the universe trying to bring you down to the energetic equilibrium of the state the Universe has an indication that you are of what I mean by that is if you're somebody who the universe has calibrated to make a certain amount of money once you've approached that threshold and you're going Beyond it the universe will do its best to pull you back down by causing all these particular events of emotional frustration and through that emotional reaction it will bring you back down to that level because even though you're making more than you
should in an instance or you make more than you normally do the universe has you registered at a certain level it will do its best to bring you down to that level you need to be as rich as possible and I'm going to keep saying this I'm really going to keep saying this over and over and over again cuz to be honest if you're if you're one of those people who are like oh money is not important and I'm just going to go live in the forest and do all of this extra silly then I
don't even know why you're here to be honest because my only aim for this entire video is to put you in the point or a level of Consciousness like the prophets in the bible who went up onto the mountain before they saw God Genesis 32:30 for the face that for the place I have seen the face of God is called pineal all of these prophets whether Elijah Jesus or Moses before they encountered the most high frequency they went up onto the mountain the mountain is representative of having an elevated perspective which is exactly what I'm
giving you for money because so long as you continue to see money as numbers on a screen or cash so long as you begin to experience negative emotions when you're exchanging money you're going to put yourself in a position where you're in survival mode and so long as you stay in survival mode the complete opposite direction of the god M how can you truly ever elevate I'm diagnosing you right now this is what you're suffering from a money guilt complex I'll prove it to you I want you to say right now I like money say
you probably felt really a saying that it almost felt wrong you've almost felt a bit criminal for saying I like money you felt like it's something that you really shouldn't say it's not really a good thing to say and I have to get you to understand that guilt is a corrosive frequency well it's a corrosive emotion and it acts as a repelling frequency and the spiritual community and the religious community have brainwash you into adopting this guilt money complex you feel bad for it you feel wrong for even saying it but I'm going to need
you to break past that so I want you to comment I like money there's nothing wrong with liking money now in the Bible it says For the Love of Money is the root of all evil which isn't true because there's plenty of evil things that have nothing to do with money that I would speak about but a ain't trying to get shut down on YouTube but you can understand what I'm saying if you're a smart person those type of crimes have nothing to do with money that's just sick individuals so that's incorrect In the Bible
but see even you thinking that the Bible is wrong in that sentence it's almost like is that is that really no money is not the root of all evil sorry the love of money is not the root of or evil evil and money have nothing to do with another money is simply an energy an energy that you control and here's the thing about money it will always reflect your state of consciousness and I actually believe it's the lack of money that is a root of evil not all evil but more evil than than the love
of it and here's the thing they're brainwash you into thinking the people that like money are evil as opposed to the people who don't have money because they know you're probably somebody who doesn't have the amount of money you want to experience so it's easier for you to project that blame onto other people but I need you to understand so long as you have a money guilt complex the frequency of guilt is exactly what's repelling you from money and you need to break this by understanding this this is the most important thing while abundance was
sold to you as a privilege only for some whether your parents said oh that's not for that's not for people like us or you know those those people you know those things for them abundance was sold to you as a privilege but it is your Birthright it is your Birthright abundance is your Birthright abundance is your Birthright I'm saying it to get it into your head that you have to understand that when it comes to money and having a particular form of an abundant life it is your Birthright it is not a privilege so long
as you see as a privilege based upon the frequency of you believing that it is a privilege then you'll be experiencing your reality as a privilege if you're going to see money as a privilege then you better start seeing yourself as privileged if not then you have to see as your Birthright because you deserve to be rich now don't ask me I'm broke you know what I'm saying before start saying oh you're I'm broke don't don't don't don't don't say anything to me all jokes aside abundance is your Birthright you deserve to be rich and
this is something that you're going to have to wrap your mind around because until you can do that you're going to be plagued by the money guilt complex the money guilt complex has a particular form of a repelling frequency that repels you from money how can you in one hand and this is the thing I grew up seeing this all the time in the churches I grew up seeing people pray to God for money and I was one of those individuals we would pray but then we would have this particular State of Consciousness and what
you have to understand about prayer is that prayer they lie to you prayer isn't a verbal thing they told you that prayer is you talking out loud and asking to God no prayer is a mental declaration of your ownership that's what true prayer is that's the esoteric prayer and here's the thing you can pray for money all day but what are you mentally declaring and more often than not we're mentally declaring ourselves to be in a state of poverty now I'm going to break down from I'm going to break down multi dimensionally right now how
you can begin to experience more money in your reality because here's the thing if money is a particular form of energy and we understand energy or the universe to be comprised of matter and matter is comprised of particles and those particles are compris of subatomic particles which are comprised of wave potentials and wave potentials are nothing more than unmanipulated energy so long I so long as I can get you to manipulate that energy you're going to experience the money that you want damn I was cooking man and call me Gordon Nero Ramsey now the cherry
on the cake as you can say of everything that I just spoke about is understanding multi-dimensionally how to shift your frequency into a state where you can experience more money because without this every if if if you don't listen to what I'm about to say in the next couple of minutes everything that I've said prior to this will be for absolutely nothing so don't waste my time and don't waste yours and someone asked me why don't I ask you guys to subscribe because the truth is I don't care that's the truth which is funny considering
that I've grown to like 30,000 followers in the space of two weeks subscribers in the space of two weeks but the reason I don't care is because I know for a fact that those who are serious about controlling their reality without all the fluff and New Age stuff and expecting me to have vegan sandals and 10 ANS and 50 crystals and dreads I know the people that are just down for the knowledge with the filtered stuff which is why I talk on a whiteboard I know they will subscribe so if you're one of those people
then I already know you're subscrib and if you're not then I don't I don't know what you want me to say you have to understand on a multi-dimensional level and when I say multi-dimensional I'm referring to reality being comprised across three planes but for the purpose of what I'm about to say I'm going to split it into two particular planes so if we look at a multi-dimensional explanation of money if we look at a multi-dimensional explanation of money you have to understand that there's three planes and this is the foundation these are the principles of
reality not techniques I'm not about to tell you about the 369 method and how to do your vision board and the best way to say affirmations and subliminals I'm giving you principles not techniques the universe isn't software that has updates and this is the latest method that works and no what will work and as it says in the Bible he is has he is as he was yesterday as he is today and it's because Consciousness never changes Consciousness is eternal and the way that the way the way that Consciousness moves will always be in the
way that I'm about to break it down to you so there's three planes of existence physical plane mental plane and spiritual plane understanding this a multi-dimensional explanation of money you need to make sure that you're lying across all three planes so what most people do in the first category 98% because that's just the number they use in typical spiritual literatures 98% of the world work hard they work hard while Desiring to make more money they work extremely hard 60 and this is the type of thing I saw my mom experience growing up you know single
mom nurse you you already know the picture she's working extremely hard one of the hardest people I've ever met and in this particular plane people typically work hard while having the mental attitude of poverty mental attitude where that's comprised of beliefs identity thoughts emotional conviction and attention as mentioned in my other videos so if you haven't watched my other videos go back and watch them because they're not blowing up for no reason now understanding mental attitude mental attitude emits a frequency so a lot of a lot of people will work extremely hard while having a
mental attitude a frequency of poverty and here's the thing what matters more than the physical work because physical work is the lowest level of Consciousness I'm going to say that again physical work is the lowest level of Consciousness an animal can take action I'm not saying you're an animal but I'm saying you're acting like one now understanding that the mental plane is where fewer people actually exist now the mental plane is actually the cause of reality one thing I didn't mention about the physical plane is that it's the realm of effect it's effect it is
effect it is effect it is effect the mental plane is the cause of Realm what most people try to do they try to change Reality by changing reality does it make sense to change an effect by changing an effect no that doesn't make sense if you want to change the effect you must change the cause and the cause is always going to be the mental ATT attitude that you begin to adopt on the physical plan so let's say you're making let's say you're making 30k a month you're making 30k a month and you want to
start making 50k a month well the first thing that you need to do isn't to work hard and try new more strategies and systems the first thing you need to do is adopt the mental attitude of somebody resonant of the reality that you want at 50k per month and this works on all levels I don't care if you're making 1K a month 2K a month $500 a month whatever it is that you want to aain you first need to be before you can become you be first by adopting the mental attitude and deciding mentally that
I'm already making 50k don't worry about everything else because your mind is finite your mind being finite means it cannot conceive of the multitude of ways to which your manifestation can unfold but the mind of God which is infinite and within you can worry about the way that these things are going to unfold the path walks the path illuminates as you walk it so don't worry about how you're going to do this and how you going to get there the first thing you need to do is to prioritize the mental plane which is the cause
around by adopting the mental attitude of what you want when I'm saying mental attitude I'm just going to break it down even though I broke down a 100 times because I want you to understand beliefs identity attention thoughts and emotional conviction once you can adopt for whatever level that you're at the target of whatever you want to be first and tick off each one of these factors and then do the work physically that is how you multi-dimensionally elevate where you are so financially if you want to attract more money you need to decide you are
more money and this is something I said to a you know what I'm saying I I won't get into bro's finances cuz I ain't trying to get bro in trouble or anything like that but he came to me at a point where he wanted to make a certain amount of money and I told him you are more money and we had to prove that he literally told all his clients that he he's doubling his prices and they all left him and I felt bad for like I felt bad for like two days but then now
he's doubled and maybe even tripled the level he was at only a couple months ago because you first before you can become even look at the word become pause is first be you need to be before you can become and the way that you do that is by adopting all of these things adopting the mental attitude the frequency of the financial level that you're at or you want to be at and then taking the work physically so instead of trying to change an effect by changing an effect like everybody else does you change the cause
first which is the mental plane always which you do that by changing the mental attitude beliefs identity attention thoughts emotional conviction then you take the physical action and that is how you break past whatever Financial level you're ever going to be stuck at so before thinking I want to attract more money actually make sure you've ticked off each one of those things because I can guarantee you these are the things that output to your frequency your frequency is a product code for the reality that the universal Amazon warehouse is going to send to you you
cannot have more money before you be more money you need to be rich before the world proves it to you and don't take my advice I'm just a broke what would I know now going back to this you have to understand you really do have to understand what abundance is you have to understand what abundance is because everybody wants abundance but nobody knows what it is and here's the thing you think you know what it is you think you know but don't worry I'm going to break it down for you why cuz I like you
you're still watching I like you I don't know how many minutes I am into this video but somebody said how do you just talk like for so long without realizing that you're dropping All These Bars and it's because for me this really feels like 5 minutes I I feel like I've been doing this for 5 minutes cuz I genuinely love this information because I feel like within the spiritual community there's just so much BS like as you can see I'm not your typical spiritual archetype of what you think but best believe show me another niggaer
that can talk in front of a whiteboard for however long this is maybe 30 40 minutes maybe and for the people that are offended that I say I'm sorry in fact I'm not sorry that wasn't a truth I'm not sorry just pretend you don't hear that and if that if that word affects your ability to take in information then you shouldn't even be here to begin with you really got to bypass small things that affect your ego like that like why are you offended by that why people are more offended them black people that I
love them now what was I saying yes what is abundance what is abundance now AJ at the same time you're going to we're going to say an amount of money that's abundant to both of us 3 2 1 10 billion he said 100 Mil I said 10 billion my point being typically where we see abundance as a number it clearly can't be a number because he said a different number I said a different number and if you go out somebody else they're going to say a different number so if abundance isn't a number which you
think it is then what can it truly be abundance is a state and it is a state where you are free from worry you desire nothing you're in a state of peace state of bliss but more importantly you have more than enough that's what abundance really in treaty is abundance is a frequency now in your mind you think I need to make x amount of money before I can feel a particular way but what I'm going to tell you is that it's actually that feeling how you'd feel in all of these things that is actually
what will allow the abundance in your life to flow and the first thing that I do for my clients when we start working together by the way if you're an entrepreneur who's stuck at a revenue ceiling and you want to two to 5 extra Revenue in the next seven weeks Link in the description what I do for my clients immediately is the first thing that I do is to get them into this state right here where they're free from worry they desire nothing they're in a state of Peace Bliss and they're in the the feeling
that they have more than enough because this is exactly the frequency that's going to admit abundance unfortunately you cannot have material abundance before you have vibrational abundance I'm going say it like this before you can have anything physically you must first have it vibrationally and this makes sense because when you think about what money is what is money money is energy LGE largely dependent upon your emotions so it only makes sense that abundance is a particular frequency resonant of feeling a particular form of emotions so if you can allow yourself and I say allow yourself
because in your head you think I need to achieve this so I can feel this that's not true what you need to do is feel this and then you will achieve this that's how how that's how the real game works that's how you truly alter your reality financially because if you want to tap into the godm you first must transcend money the way that you've been taught it which is what I've spent this entire video you're discussing but then you need to gain the ability to allow yourself to just be peaceful to feel like you
have enough and you think that you need materiality to feel like this but this is what it means in the Bible when it says be absent from the body and present with the Lord absent from the body absent from the third dimensional realm that you think is going to make you feel a different way and you need to be present with the Lord which is the highest frequency which is to exist in the desired reality that you already are abundant by allowing yourself to feel peaceful doing things that make you feel peaceful being free from
worry which is something that you think is random but it's not it's something that you can control by having this mental Paradigm and understanding this will put you in a much different position so with that being said I ain't got anything else to say I'll see you in the next one