The Complete Second Coming of Christ Timeline

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Here are the seven signs of the second coming of Jesus Christ on a timeline. 👉🏼FREE END TIMES TIM...
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this is Jesus 2,000 years ago he came to Earth died on a cross rose from the dead and promised he would come back a second time except this time to judge the Earth so the question is when before Jesus returns the Bible tells us that these Seven Signs will occur let's see if we can place each of them on our timeline to find out exactly how close we are to the second coming of Christ starting with sign number one when asked by his disciples what would be the sign of his coming Jesus told them something
that is going to blow your mind Nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there will be famines pestilences and earthquakes in various places all these are the beginning of Sorrows this phrase is a Hebrew idiom that means the entire world will be at War nothing like this war had ever been seen if defied prophecy it had escaped from the control of man only 100 years ago people experienced the first ever World War and almost 2,000 years before that Jesus said when you see the entire world at war with one another it is
the beginning of Sorrows the word Sorrows here literally means birth pains or birth contractions a woman grows a baby for nine long months inside of her but when the contractions start it's only a matter of hours before the baby is born Jesus was saying when you see a worldwide war this is the beginning of the end sign number two Jesus said that the next thing you will see is Christians being arrested persecuted and killed he said you will be hated all over the world because you are my followers did you know that more Christians are
persecuted today than any time in human history and that's not just my opinion more than 365 million Christians face high levels of persecution and discrimination that's one in seven Christians globally in places like Iran and North Korea House churches are seen as a threat to the government agenda and if caught Christians can be arrested or worse this shouldn't surprise us because Jesus said that is exactly what would happen shortly before he returns sign number three directly following a rise in Christian persecution are false prophets who will deceive and Lead many away from Jesus I want
to share with you a prophetic word that the lord gave me I received this message between the hours of 130 a.m. to 2: a.m. I had a couple Visions one on each day and then the Lord spoke to me very specifically about some things that are going to be happening in the next month or so with the rise in social media it's never been easier for these guys to grow massive followings of people who hang on their every word rather than God's word okay before we move on you you need to know something the next
four signs we are going to look at are not agreed upon by all Christians there are actually three different views on the second coming of Christ every Bible believing Christian falls into one of these three camps and the biggest difference between these groups is what they believe about sign number four throughout the Bible there is a prophecy given that the entire world will experience a thousand years of Supernatural peace prosperity and righteousness it's going to be so peaceful that even animals who would normally eat each other will cuddle Instead The Book of Revelation refers to
these 1,000 years as the Millennium but like I said not every Christian agrees on when this Millennium will happen the first Camp believes that this Millennium is not a literal 1,000 years but is actually an allegory that refers to the spiritual Prosperity us as Christians can experience in Christ right now they believe it's started after Jesus died for our sins and will continue up until Christ returns this Camp is called a millennialism the second Camp also believes Christ will return after the Millennium but that the Millennium is not just a spiritual allegory they believe the
Millennium is a literal time of peace and prosperity on the earth that will begin as soon as the church is able to spread the gospel across the world after the world has been christianized the Millennium will follow and then Christ will return this Camp is called postmillennialism the third and final Camp also believes that the Millennium is a literal physical time of peace and prosperity on Earth but they don't believe that this will happen until after Christ returns once he comes back to Earth he will rule Earth for 1,000 years before one final Judgment of
all things after this he will destroy the Earth and make a new Heaven and new earth for all eternity I'm going to tell you which Camp I fall into in a moment but first let's take a look at sign number five this sign is different than all the other signs because it happens gradually the post-millennial camp believes that the evil in the world will decrease the closer we get to the second coming of Christ they believe that social conditions are improving when women seem to have more rights than they did 500 years ago and Christian
Charities are in almost every country today they believe we can determine how close we are to the second coming of Christ based on how christianized the world becomes don't believe that the premillennial and a millennial Camp would say these two camps believe that the world will actually become more evil the closer we get to the coming of Christ they believe that any improvements to the world over the last 2,000 years have have been overshadowed by even greater evil they point to verses like this which say evil men and Impostors will grow worse and worse they
also point to the first three signs we've already discussed which indicate that the world is getting worse not better sign number six is one that is almost never discussed and it has to do with Satan okay this is super interesting the Bible says in Revelation that Satan is going to be thrown into the abyss and locked up before the Millennium a Millennials believe this happened at the cross and that the passage is not saying that Satan is literally locked up but rather his powers have just been restrained post-millennials believe that Satan will be bound by
the church as they usher in the Millennium and premillennial believe that Satan is locked up after Christ returns to establish his 1,000-year kingdom on earth now before we get to our last and final sign of the second coming of Christ I want to let you know that you can download all three end times timelines say that three times fast end times timelines and time it's free in the description below and let me know in the comments which timeline you believe is the most accurate I'm going to share which Camp I fall into in a moment
but first let's take a look at our last and final sign of the second coming of Christ sign number seven the Bible mentions a man of sin who will claim to be God and convince the world world to worship him before Christ returns and destroys him this man of sin has often been referred to as the Antichrist most am Millennials and post-millennials believe the Antichrist is a figurative Spirit who will deceive the Nations While most premillennial believe the Antichrist is a literal person who will bring a false peace to the Earth and Usher in seven
years of trouble and suffering in the world right before Christ returns they also believe in something called The Rapture of the church but that's a topic for another video so which timeline do I believe is the most accurate well I believe we should interpret the Bible literally not figuratively which is why I hold to the premillennial view of the end times and yes I believe there will be a literal Antichrist revealed to the world very soon to find out who the Bible says this anti-christ is check out this video here it's not Elon Musk
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