Law of Attraction. - The Best most powerful motivational speech compilation | Best motivational vide...
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if you can see it here and you have the courage enough to speak it it will happen so a lot of times people believe in certain things but they keep to themselves they don't put it out there if you truly believe in it if you become vocal with it you are creating that law of attraction and it will become reality make this note don't become a victim of yourself forget the thief and the alley that's after your purse what about the thief in your mind that's after your promise there's this thing about people and they talk about manifesting it'sing real man manifesting is real when you figure out who you are and what you want to do and you devote your life to it like a maniac like you're all in on this thing and you manifest most of these people end up you know doing what they say they're going to do and being who they say they're going to become it's real it's and there's no excuses there's noing days off there's no everybody's against me and this didn't happen for me because of this and that and all this whining it's these people who dive in and they're hardcore and they're focused and they know what they want they know who they are and they lay out these short-term goals and this road map on how to get there most of those people make it he's the biggest man I've ever seen I wouldn't want to fight him that's that's why no one will remember your name there's people like us we we're crazy in the sense that we believe to be it's almost delusional sometimes you like what's the one I've heard this quote on the JRE before it's like greatness and Madness and next door neighbors and they just borrow each other sugar once in a while I can manifest like a mother everything comes from the imagination everything comes from the imagination so the power of the Mind people don't understand we still don't understand I still don't understand how powerful it is I'm still learning but I know one thing is I can make things happen I can go to levels I just can't tell the world but like these levels that like I've manifested things that I'm just like I still shock myself like how the did I make that happen and this is not even to do with fighting this is to do with my personal life and I'm like I made that happen and this is through this like manifesting subconsciously as well just years of something just manifesting manifesting and boom it's right there I'm just like sh I really made that happen it's scary man two years in the gym true true wins true losses true life I just realized that if you say it to yourself and you look yourself in the eye and look yourself in the mirror and truly truly believe that not a man alive can beat you then that that is the way it is and and just through hours in the gym and preparation I feel that I am untouchable right now I want to reassure you that no matter what the night no matter what the storm no matter what the difficulty there isn't anybody here that can't figure it out find some things to do step at a time yes minute at a time yes day at a time yes week at a time yes but there isn't anything you can't walk away from there isn't any challenge you can't overcome I want you to have that kind of belief in yourself maybe it was your time to lose you didn't think so lose I don't lose I win I win that's my job that's what I do if a person would sit down and let their body relax totally relax okay and then start to visualize in their mind see themselves the way they want to see themselves see how you'd like to live your life see yourself living it that way now understand that that's a picture in your mind take that picture and describe it write it out in the present tense I am so happy now that I see myself and write it out start to read it and read it and read it and read it every day carry it around and keep reading it the one point that all the great teachers all down through history have all agreed on they've been in complete unanimous agreement on it we become what we think about now it may be fantasy at first it might even appear to us as being a lie but if you read it often enough you'll start to believe it I watch people in the personality change right in front of my eyes and all they're doing is is starting to see thems different they're starting to think different CL N I feel confident cuz I'm the best player in the world that's simple you can have anything you want if you want it badly enough you can be anything you want to be do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose if you want revenge for the bad things that have happened in your life start with the version of you that hasn't lived up to your potential Connor in February of 20 13 we spoke for the first time you didn't have a car you didn't have a pot to piss in all you had were blueberries now here you are with the Undisputed gold enjoy it my friend you deserve it you called it yeah from nothing to something to everything you know two two years ago in um you know I had the goal in my head that I'm going I'm going to be the best player in the league uh you know I Believe In The Law of Attraction it's something that it's like an internal belief I just feel it in my whole being that I'm the best fighter on the planet I honestly have convince myself that I'm not designed to lose power of the mind and I believe that um that you can speak things into existence and I believe that um on you when you know where you're going and you know what you want uh the universe has a way of stepping aside for you the first step before anybody else in the world believes it is you have to believe it and I've always had visions of better I've always visualized better and in times of struggle I driving around driving down in a banger of a car that I had to push start I'd be still driving a soft top an around beautiful California in my head and lo and behold now I am driving a beautiful softtop B me around California so I always visualized good things I always visualized Victory success abundance I visualized it all and it's all happening around 2010 2011 um I went through this huge spiritual thing where I um I became obsessed with um the power of the Mind meditation visualization and just realizing how powerful our minds actually are like how we really do paint our world with our thoughts and and our level of self- belief so I took myself from being very average minded to actually believe in that I was the sh and beli in that I could be the and that I could be the goat and be the greatest and never lose and to like I took myself to a different place mentally and a lot of it came from um mental practice and and meditation and visualization and just seeking Knowledge from people who are strong Believers I knew I was going to be the person to bring martial arts to the public eye and now it's happening you know what I mean there's two things I've learned from all from these past seven months number one is the hard work pays off and number two is that dreams come true and that's what's happening everyone is jealous of what you've got no one is jealous of how you got it people see the trophies but not the training ground everybody wants the view but no one wants the climb a negative mind will find any way to make the world fit his priors right so if you go into a situation mhm adamant that this is that you are unlovable unwanted broken flawed insufficient MH you will manage to warp reality to be able to fit what you already believe that you used to go up on malland drive and Park every night and visualize seeing yourself as yeah I would visualize uh yeah I would visualize broken poor right having directors interested in me and people that I respected uh um saying you know I like your work or whatever that is and and uh I would visualize things coming to me that I wanted or whatever this was in like 1987 85 yeah and I had nothing at that time so it was like it but it just made me feel better it made me at that time all it really was for me was kind of making me feel better I would drive home and think well I do have these things and they're out there I just don't have a hold of them yet but they're out there it's a beautiful feeling when when preparation meets opportunity you know nothing nothing is impossible you know what I mean you can you can achieve anything that's how your mind works 247 it never turns off you have got to change the way you think it is the whole determining factor of where you go in life we are all where we are today because we thought oursel to this position yes if you don't like the position think yourself out of it all the matters as hell you see yourself if you see yourself as the king you know you see yourself with all the belts and all all everything and no matter what no one else says as long as you see that and really believe in it then that's what's going to happen being realistic is the most common traveled road to mediocrity why would you be realistic what's the point of being realistic just put up a bar yeah I'm going to do it it's done it's already done the second I decide it's done it's already done now we just got to wait for y'all to see is there any limit to your ambition no or any limit to what you think you can achieve well no cuz I think right now if I was to quit rapping and I say I want to go to the NBA I would be in the NBA no you wouldn't yes no you wouldn't yes I would no you wouldn't yes I would why would you think you could make it to the NBA cuz I think I can do anything you need to tell yourself if you're going to win or L there is no opponent there's no no one you're against yourself I believe in myself so much that nothing is going to stop me the sky is a limit and as a kid growing up I believe that I believe that whatever I put my mind to and if I was willing to make sacrifices and I was dedic at that I could achieve absolutely anything because despite of my situation at the time I always believed that I don't know uh why but it seems like I had some voice in my mind who told me that it's going to happen how I don't know but it's going to happen then I'm like yes I'm going to do it and that was just like 6 to 7 years ago you um your words were your destiny you spoke out your reality when you said I'mma do that Conor you've been dreaming about this moment you've been talking about this moment Honestly though does it feel the way you thought it would yeah it does it feels beautiful I dream this so much so clearly so precisely and so frequently that it has manifested itself into reality and that's what we are that's what I am feeling right now it's it's a dream come true I have been feeling like the UFC world champion since the day I arrived here did you have faith maybe back then that your time would come and that you would be able to explode onto the scene as you had if I didn't it wouldn't have happened say I had to believe in it I had to feel it I had to have faith in it for it to happen I fail to be at the Pinnacle of any game and any whatever you do you've got to be a little bit gone to it you're not all there you've got to be almost insane to your craft not a lot of people can understand that that's why I don't know about nothing else I do not pay attention to nothing else but there's 24 hours in the day where you're alone in this brain and your brain is talking to you in all kind of ways and it wants to control you and pull you in these different Pockets if you can't control your own brain and your brain controls you you're you got to tell your brain where you want to go and how you want to go and how you want to get there you got to control it if not it's over when I was a kid I used always visualized Stadium something and like even when I was playing football I'd kick the ball against the wall and I and pretend I scored a goal and I'd run off and I'd be raising my hand and visualizing a Arena full of fans and that that was something I done as a kid out out on my own I like just run around kicking the ball so I always had these visions of something but I just didn't know what it was there's another thing what what do you want to be you know I don't I don't want to be anything I I am I am everything I want to be I'm already there I don't I don't want anything people say people say like I want this I want I wanna I want to do this and I want to do that but the vibe your cor now is want you're always going to want I always have the attitude that I have I want to tell you something that I learned that changed my life I was reading a book one time they had a quote in there from Albert Einstein and Albert Einstein said imagination is everything it's the preview to Life's Coming Attractions if you think about that that's a really really true statement because everything you see in this world came from somebody's imagination everything and he said now don't you ever tell me it's something that you can't do you know I heard a quote one time from Vincent Van go that really rang true he said he has dedicated his life to his art and he has lost his mind in the process when I sat and I thought about that it sounded very familiar I have given every single thing every ounce of my life to this craft to perfecting my craft and I continue to do so and in the process I have lost my mind but in in in a good way to regular Society to people who wake up at 900 a. m. Who clock out at 5:00 p.
m. they would look at me and say I've lost my mind but me I have found it almost me I want what's coming to me oh what's coming to you the world CH and everything in it um and you know what it is no matter how many times people put you down and write you off in life never pay attention to it because it doesn't mean anything cuz I prove as just a a normal normal looking man Average Joe that any anything is possible no matter where you are in your life how dark of a place you're in it doesn't get any darker than committing suicide now is there um to come back to to lose all that weight to lose over 10 stone in weight and get back mentally well again and regain the crown jewels um in boxing it's been a fantastic career and you should never let anybody uh crush your dreams because anything is possible and I'm definitely Pro that that it's true thank you like if you have a clear picture in your head of something is going to happen then no nothing can stop it you know mean it is destined to happen so I think a lot of us have the the battle of the other self that we're the the Lesser version of our s that we're trying to kill every single day and so a lot of times we have this desire to point the blame finger externally but wherever you point the finger of blame power follows and so whoever I blame for the life I have is the person who I give all the power over my existence over my circumstances and so it hurts but if you turn the finger inwards and you start saying huh I don't like my life the person that I need to punish or get back at is the real person who got me here which is me make a choice like you just decide what it's going to be who you're going to be how you're going to do it just decide I done everything I said I was going to do I was allow laugh that I was literally laughed at to win that second world title to when I first came in to I was going to take these two world titles down laughed at that's never going to happen an Irish man even winning the UFC when I said that I was laughed at so I said I was going to win the two World titles I won them I done everything I said I was going to do I every every move is a calculated step make no mistake about that what do you think the Sport's going to be you know when UFC 200 rolls around and where where do you think you're going to be 9 years from now 10 years from now I'm hoping to be a champion I'm hoping to be a champion I'm believing that I'll Be A Champion um you I would love to grab the belt and hang on to it and uh you know be the next ESP or be the next Sila and uh you know keep the fans excited the UFC is growing it's just a tremendous thing to be a part of it's changed my life and and I uh I embrace what it is this is the law of attraction I mean you have to in the struggle you know when when things are going good and you visualize these good things happen you visualize more good things happening that's easy what's not easy to do is when things are going bad and you're visualizing the good stuff and that that was what I was able to do but for the most part I don't I don't live in a space of I can't I live in the space of I I feel confident that if I put in my 10,000 hours that I can I can achieve anything he who says he can and he who says he can't are both usually right and and I I genuinely believe that I can do anything and um I went from a very average thinking person like just like just average 19-year-old yeah when I really dug into the power of the mind and how important it is to to uh look at yourself in a higher regard and to believe that first you can and uh yeah that's that's when I started to fly greatness is not this um wonderful esoteric elusive uh Godlike feature that only the special Among Us are will ever taste you know it's something that truly exists in all of us it's very simple this is what I believe and I'm willing to die for it some gains and some moments you're getting a little bit more upset for example after the to eliminate penalties against friends take two days because it's a special moment pressure but that's it listen third day anything you want you can get period and you got to wake up and tell yourself that every single day look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself what you really want you're the one and when you realize that but I'm telling you going to be very powerful cuz you can control what you can control the world is in your hands and we just waiting to see what you're going to do with it I want to represent an idea I want to represent possibilities I want to represent the idea that you really can make what you want I I believe that I can create whatever I want to create you have to start with action it needs to be okay what would have had to have happened in a week's time for me to look back on that week and find pride in myself okay maybe stop breaking promises to yourself when you say I'm going to wake up tomorrow at 7:00 a. m.
and when the option comes to hit the snooze button don't do it there's one win that you've got for the day that's action I think that there's a certain delusional quality that all successful people have to have you have to believe that something different can happen I think of one at a time a minute each I see and feel something in my life that I'm really grateful for I do little things and big things so you don't have to have a giant thing to be grateful and then I do three minutes of what I call you know three to thrive I think of three things I want to make happen outcomes results and I don't sit there and beg for them or pray for them I see them as done I feel them I celebrate them as done cuz when your subconscious mind believes it's done it makes it happen so it's kind of programming it the whole thing only takes 10 minutes tired 14 days 13 days whatever the hell it is don't mean nothing tired is only in the mind you tell yourself you're tired you're going to be tired I don't get tired I can't discipline is doing what you hate to do but doing it like you love it I love that quote yeah and that's what you have to do to be the best do or do not there is no try everybody asked me the question they wanted to know what kind I know he's going to R out I know he's going to do something crazy everybody want to know what I would do if I didn't [Music] win I guess we'll never know how do I gain more confidence it starts with yourself man you got to start diving into those things that you are afraid of you don't gain confidence by going to the spot that makes you feel good it's could be a false reality what gives you confidence not being afraid it's overcoming the fear I to stutter severely bad so right now I don't know how many people are going to watch this you know what gives me confidence is KN I no longer care if I sin start stuttering to you yeah that's what gives me confidence is facing these things overcoming them and maybe not overcoming them every day but facing them and facing and facing them pretty soon like this you know what man this is where it's at it's not in that comfort zone it's in the discomfort Zone the only thing that you can do is win so big that all of them constantly compare themselves to you and then you'll forget they exist success is the only Revenge he's like it's not the best revenge he's like it's the only one there's no other other Revenge cuz everything else is petty everything else does show that you were thinking about these people all day long which means they win by default few weeks ago I was in the gym working out but this NBA player walks in with this trainer I can tell by the exercise they were doing he was used to doing just 12 reps cuz when the trainer said let's do 15 today he got a little attitude it became very clear to me on why he was a bench warmer having that bare minimum attitude would keep me out on that bench it motivated me though it was locked in my brain still there now on how we sounded it kept me the gy two hours the thing about it is this it's not just the three reps that he failed to recognize it's what happens to those three reps that make you better never do the bare minimum stay hard cuz I want to be great and you're not I want to be one of the crates people want to know where I find my strength at where I get my strength I get it from a lot of places but right now this morning I'm getting it from there's not a mother that's up there's not a car there's not a person everybody's in their bed sleep dreading that it's a Monday hate it's a Monday and I'm loving it I'm loving that where everybody is getting weaker I'm getting stronger it's not about the running the swimming to push-up the situps it's about what those things do for your mentality you don't get better on the dag on couch you get better by coming out here and getting the after every dagone day Connor in February of 2013 we spoke for the first time you didn't have a car you didn't have a pot to piss in all you had were blueberries now here you are with the Undisputed gold enjoy it my friend you deserve it you call yeah from nothing to something to everything man bro when you really want something you going to find a way ultimately and it might not be today or next year or 5 years or 10 years but this thing takes priority and precedent over all other things and even then in this life it's not necessarily guaranteed that that that you'll get there but I know what's not guaranteed is you being comfy and getting there that's not greatness is not meant for a few chosen people it's it's meant for those who persistently pursue their dreams every day and make that choice when they wake up so um just a mentality really aspirations uh come from people that do amazing things but they're really Ordinary People just waking up every day doing it um doing the little things that other people aren't doing so so gu just passed me he said go just be average today some of you just don't understand some of you been average for so damn long you don't know what it is to do hard work but there's a lot of you out there who want to be much more than average but just don't know how to do it every single day the grind and you find someone to oil those ears up so check it out this is a mindset maybe it's true maybe it's not but this a mother out there who wants what you have who wants the physician you are who wants to job you have who wants the wife that you have or the husband there someone out there hungry and wants everything you can have maybe it's true maybe it's not but if it is it's going to be your so make that a motivation for you stay hard we're not on this stage just because of Talent OR ability we're up here because of 4:00 a. m. we're up here because of two a days we're five a days we're up here because we had a dream and let nothing stand in our way if anything tried to bring us down we used it to make us stronger we were never satisfied never finished we'll never be retired my high school English teacher MrFisk he had this beautiful quote and and it read rest at the end not in the middle and I took that to heart I believe there's time for resting at the end but for me that time is not now my next dream is to be honored one day for inspiring the next generation of athletes to have a dream sacrifice for it and never ever rest in the middle why do we [Applause] fce so that we can learn to pick ourselves up we will win sir cuz we will hit all game sir we are motivated we are dedicated we will win we are the best on the field could you do me a favor stop being scared to be you stop being you f with they say you keep oh they going what they going to say start being you listen before you know life is going to be over and you want to say to yourself I didn't live my life I'm seeing too many people out here being clones of people that they never met just because they seen them on social media and they put this whole show on this whole show this production of their life is so great that you don't even want to be you that you abandoned yourself I ain't going to never jump outside of myself and be nobody else I'm going to be me stop being you and stop being a by him stop being scared what's the least amount of sleep you play the game on story where it's like you know no one knows about what you went and played a game and it was so insane for whatever reasons no sleep you played the game with zero sleep zero sleep zero sleep it's like you know um kids you know Natalia had a certain you know Health situation what have you and you stay up all night and then uh you got to go out and perform because fans don't know no teammates don't know nor do they care nor should they that you've been up all night you got to perform right and so um you just got just got to go to work man I'm obsessed with finding myself now after and and not having to prove anything to anybody other than myself you see this guy here is staring back at you yeah at your toughest opponent every time you get into the ring that's who you're going against I believe that in b and I do believe that in life my hero that's who I chase now when I was 15 years old I had a very important person in my life come to me and say who's your hero and I said I don't know I got to think about that give me a couple of weeks I come back two weeks later this person comes up and says who's your hero I said I thought about it you know who it is I said it's me in 10 years so I turned 25 10 years later that same person comes to me and goes so are you a hero and I was like not even close no no no she said why I said because my hero is me at 35 so you see every day every week every month and every year of my life my hero is always 10 years away the way I look at it within myself why not why can't I be the MVP of the league why can't I be the best player in the league I don't see why why why can't I do that be the guy who Embraces the ugly the miserable um be the guy who Embraces hard work work the grind don't be afraid of being hurt don't be afraid of a sacrificing some blood and there's only two types winners and losers winners don't make excuses when the other side plays the game yeah I I he you know I heard a quote one time from Vincent Van go that really rang true he said he has dedicated his life to his art and he has lost his mind in the process when I sat and I thought about that it sounded very familiar I have given every single thing every ounce of my life to this craft to perfecting my craft and I continue to do so and in the process I have lost my mind but in in in a good way to regular Society to people who wake up at 900 a.