Who killed masculinity in videogames?

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AndyPants Gaming
Live your life however you want. I literally don't care. But I'm tired of the masculinity being drai...
Video Transcript:
does anybody else feel like masculinity has slowly been drained from Modern video games I was looking at recent staff photos of Ubisoft and Halo infinite developers and it's all starting to make sense it's a bunch of fat white liberal women and white liberal women have no interest in masculine manly male characters they wouldn't even know how to write one if they tried this is why Rockstar a company founded by men that at least in 2018 was still mostly run by men created the magnum opus Red Dead Redemption 2 a game with a manly well-written main
protagonist Arthur Morgan if you want to see the seismic shift away from masculine characters honestly all you need to do is play a few games from 2006 and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about consider how many masculine military games came out in the 2000s Medal of Honor Call of Duty Brothers in Arms Gears of War operation flasho Rainbow 6 Ghost Recon Splinter Cell all of these games were starring men and had themes like Brotherhood Duty sacrifice honor almost all of these franchises have either been killed off turned into multiplayer games or went woke I
often wonder why so few modern games appeal to me and I think another big reason is this everything is just so gay now compare the games I just mentioned to the modern trash we have to deal with in OverWatch and Apex almost every character in these new games is either gay lesbian bisexual trans or something else like what happened to a masculine dude with a hot chick on his arm I love the idea of Xbox game pass but I swear every time I open it up and look for new games there's just so many games
that look gay now I refuse to play another cutesy 2D platformer or a game with a cutesy art style by some indie developer anymore I'm just done with these games if you want my 100% real thoughts on this I just think the entire video game industry has gone woke and gay and almost nothing they are making appeals to me in any way any so this is why I mostly play 20-year-old games on my channel because they were just better I was recently reading an Insider interview about what went down at volition Studios with the disastrous
Saints Row reboot from an inside source this Source said that the lgbtq community within the company was actually pretty small but they are the loudest and the most annoying and the company leaders ship chose to promote these people into key roles and that's how you get the absolute dumpster fire of a game that was Saints Row 20122 I think what you have at a lot of these game studios is about 80% of the staff is probably just hetero dudes trying to do their job but they're afraid of speaking up or saying what they actually think
and then you have the lgbtq folks making decisions about what kind of game to make and everything just ends up being safe and soft and sensitive because oh we can't hurt anybody feelings so of course you get these shitty dumpster fire video games that nobody wants to play after reading a lot of Insider interviews at these developers this is my sense of what has been happening I also feel like there's this kind of Unholy Alliance right now between games journalists white liberal women at game studios and the lgbtq community at game studios and they all
seem to be United around one thing they actually hate Gamers and who are Gamers overwhelming well heterosexual dudes like us of course this recent Reddit thread was written by an actual game developer and made me realize this it reads headline am I allowed to say this I kind of hate Gamers I'm a professional game designer and I'm worried that I'm starting to hate Gamers watching the gaming events on YouTube last month with the chat on was extremely disheartening experience every time a character that wasn't a sis hat white man appeared on screen the chats would
fill with messages calling the game woke are complaining about Dei every game that wasn't a shooter or a hyper casual competitive online game garnered Z and boring comments I've seen people implying that the MC and Fable trailers is ugly because it's a self-insert of some random level designer working at playground whom they deemed not [ __ ] enough I don't know it's just the internet magnifying negative voices I guess doing what it does Best But it's making me real tired of Gamers so at this point it seems that games journalists and all of the liberal
LGBT Mafia that work at game studios actually hate Their audience and this is a comment I keep reading from you guys again and again I swear they literally hate us they seem to be dead set on giving their audience exactly what we don't want how long is your business going to be open if you're dead set on not giving the customer what they want this is why when skanks like Alyssa marante are crying about Kotaku shutting down and losing their jobs and game studios are going under because they were associated with sweet baby Inc I
just laugh let them burn let all these companies burn who don't know how to give the a the wonderful irony in all this is that it's the very games that the woke cancel mob has tried to cancel that seem to do the best remember Hogwarts Legacy yeah men who dress in women's clothes tried to get it cancelled instead the game sold 25 million copies oops remember Elden ring remember how the woke mob tried to accused from soft games of having quote problematic depictions of women oops sold 25 million copies at this point making an offensive
game seems to guarantee that game success we could talk about Stellar blade pissing off all of the liberal progressives and yet everybody went out and bought it okay so in the rest of this video I want to give you four examples of a game or game series going from masculine to feminine or gay and it basically either killed or ruined the franchise number one Ubisoft and redstorm entertainment so redstorm entertainment was a video game company founded by the legendary Tom clany to make Tom Clancy video games he sold the company to Ubisoft in the year
2000 and Ubisoft in the 2000s actually had some balls and made some of the manliest games you've ever seen there were the Splinter Cell games the Ghost Recon games the Rainbow 6 games and the Far Cry games all of these games pretty much feature exclusively men and these IPS in the 20 had so much testosterone just a single glance from a woman in their direction would get her pregnant I mean [ __ ] Sam fiser come on the dude is the ultimate gigachad Scott Mitchell and Ghost Recon now you pick your own character in Far
Cry 2 but it's definitely a manly game that will put hair on your chest so what is redstorm entertainment up to today well I recently saw that Tom Clancy's The Division Heartland is being led by a man who dresses in women's clothes in his free time now look I don't give a [ __ ] if you want to identify as a dragon and go around laying magic eggs but can we agree that the least masculine thing on Earth you can do is dress in women's clothes Tom Clancy would be rolling over in his grave right
now if he knew the absolute disaster that red storm entertainment had become number two Wolfenstein so I was recently playing Wolfenstein the New Order for the first time which came out in 2014 and I have to say of all the games I was sure we're going to avoid woke Western and progressivism this game was pretty high up there the first three entries of the reboot were all fantastic they had the badass BJ blaskowitz an absolute unit as the main character ripping apart entire armies of Nazis with the sexy and smart Ana as his arm candy
and wife machine game's first three Wolfenstein entries which came out in 2014 2015 and 2017 are all great they have normal men and women doing normal [ __ ] in them awesome but of course the woke mob had to get involved somehow so you have a beloved series with a beloved tough male manly main character do you suppose it's a good idea to kill off that guy and replace him with cringey girl Boss characters Wolfenstein young blood came out in 2019 and it's an absolute toned deaf disaster so many modern video games I find myself
asking who wanted this who asked for this I often ask the same thing of the new Star Wars shows by Kathleen Kennedy as well the Wolfenstein reboot had the perfect Synergy of story and gameplay you are BJ blaskowitz unleashing his rage on the Nazis for killing everyone he loved you see this come across in his brutal assassinations like sticking a rusty pipe through the eye socket of an SS Waffen Commander but the setup to Wolfenstein young blood is incredibly cringe in it you play as BJ's daughters and they're honestly nothing like him the first time
you kill somebody they don't really want to do it and when they finally kill the guy they have to to have lattes and talk about it afterwards young blood is a perfect example of how a cut scene can go so so wrong in a game BJ's setup is perfect and explains to you why you're doing the actions you're doing BJ's daughters however are acting like they're in an episode of Big Bang Theory the whole time but oh yeah they just happen to be killing Nazis and haha isn't this so funny it's tonally all over the
place and just so full of cringey and awful cinematics which is ironic because the cinematics in the first three games were were like so good and short and they got to the point and they were really emotional and impactful example number three Gears of War for a full explanation of how the woke mob girl bossed Gears of War see my video on that game but I'll keep this short the first three gears games are an incredible Trilogy focusing on the bonds and Brotherhood between men they're incredibly masculine games focusing on duty and sacrifice and Military
orders and I know some of you hate this but for 10,000 years it's only been men fighting Wars sor the first three games focus on Marcus Dom Cole and beay and tell a masculine story of Brotherhood well the progressive woke mob somehow got to Gears of War and gears four and five are about Sisterhood motherhood being a traitor and what it feels like to be a woman they introduced the character of Kate Diaz who I don't think anybody gives a single [ __ ] about what they should have done is put Kate in a spin-off
game not a Mainline gears entry but here's the problem of course nobody nobody would have bought it so unfortunately gears four and five are basically girl boss feminist Gears of War and any masculine story about men is put on the back burner of course the games include be and Marcus in them but they're really on the back burner and gears is now about Kate Diaz who I've never talked to a gears fan even cares about moving on example number four the Saints Row reboot Saints Row spent 10 years building up characters and building up a
very distinctive and edgy and male sense of humor it's the kind of stuff you and the guys would laugh at some of the recurring characters in Saints Row are Johnny Gat Julius Aisha Shaundi and several others in these games the men are men and the women are women Johnny is edgy and hilarious and always has a hot chick on his arm the humor is crude and hilarious and the Saints are always getting into trouble so what went wrong with the reboot well the woke 2022 reboot thought it was a good idea to kill off every
single character from the old Saints Rog games and I guess they thought we would be cool with that but don't worry all of the Beloved characters you've come to know and love have been replaced with tokenistic characters from a literal seminar on diversity you've got the gay Asian man the girl boss lesbian another girl boss lesbian and the gay black guy the lgbtq mafia didn't just kill Saints Row They Crucified it on a rainbow flag and this is what you get guys this is what you [ __ ] get for supporting these people they turn
out shitty shitty games that aren't funny that aren't cool that aren't masculine so stop hiring these people game developers need to stop putting gay stuff in games and they need to fire every liberal white woman if they want us to ever buy a game again CU I'm serious we are done with this [ __ ] we're not buying these games like Phil Spencer is out here complaining about how people aren't spending as much money on games anymore I guarantee if you give us hetero dudes hot chicks in games again in manly men you will see
sales go through the roof bring back the Glory Days of video games I have this theory that in a few years we're going to see a turn back to the Golden Era of video games and people are going to start buying games again I recently saw this crazy chart from 2023 that basically showed that people are only playing old games these days days nobody wants to play anything that's new out right now because it's all woke and it all sucks so bad so anyway guys let's all hope there's a return of masculine characters in games
again at some point that we can relate to all right I'm out
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