the business book is how to become successful how to come back from adversity how to handle adversity [Music] they have trending they always put me trending they'll give you 25 things that i've done over my life they make it negative always negative trending [Music] [Music] so and i went to a great school business school some of the really great geniuses they didn't make it nearly as big as others because they didn't know how to win [Music] we grew up in a very racist family my grandfather was both was racist anti-semitic and was and a misogynist
so that was fun um so donald grew up with these things being second nature and um i often heard racial slurs anti-semitic slurs bandied about you know very casually in my family [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] good we eat our pizza the wrong way crust first [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe in fact it is time for a businessman to be president maybe someone should be watching the bottom line of the real big company called the united states government the way they watch the bottom line of a business maybe that should be happening you're fired [Music] [Applause]
why doesn't he show the birth certificate and why is he spending millions of dollars in legal fees to get away from this issue and let me tell you he doesn't like donald trump and the last guy in the world that he wants to run against is donald trump no one is happier no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the donald trump and that's because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter like did we fake the moon landing what really happened in roswell and where are
biggie and tupac [Laughter] when mexico sends its people they're not sending their best they're not sending you they're not sending you they're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems with us they're bringing drugs they're bringing crime they're rapists and some i assume are good people [Music] [Music] we will make america great [Music] again [Music] so this was tough this was tough this political stuff is nasty and it's tough so i want to thank my family very much [Music] so [Music] i will say it's genius on the other side maybe even
more so because they took nothing and brought me to a final vote of impeachment that's a very ugly word to me it's a very dark word very ugly but now we have that gorgeous word i never thought a word would sound so good it's called total acquittal if i lose to him i don't know what i'm gonna do i will never speak to you again you'll never see me you