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$500 a day with affiliate marketing? It's actually a lot easier than everyone thinks. In today's live training, I'm going to show you a step-by-step, paint-by-numbers, foolproof system to make money online. We're going to be using AI, affiliate marketing, and my secret fast profit method. Yep, that's right! After doing affiliate marketing for over 25 years, I've learned a few shortcuts that can help you make money a lot faster than what other people are teaching, and this stuff works like crazy. In fact, today we're going to be looking at one of my students, Clive, who set
up one of the simple strategies from a previous video and is now getting a bunch of users and traffic. While he has made a little bit of money— I think a couple hundred— we're going to show him how to turn this simple little business around to make as much as $500 a day or more. Now, I’ve got to warn you, this is going to take some work, so if you're not willing to work, you might want to go watch one of those "$500 every 10 seconds" watching ads videos. Yeah, we all know those don't work,
but this strategy is something that works time and time again. I started using this about 24 years ago, and I was shocked at how fast I was able to make money. It was virtually instant! But like I said, it does take some work. However, how hard is it to sit behind a computer and answer a few questions? Yeah, it's a little bit harder than watching TV. And did I mention the student we're going to be helping today doesn't even have a website? He was able to get traffic and make money without even having a website,
which for so many people is where they get stuck. And for those of you who are thinking I'm doing this just for the views and to sell a course, yeah, you're right; this is a business— that's exactly what I’m trying to do. However, my goal in this training is to show you step by step exactly how to go out there and make money without buying a course or anything like that. That's right! I've had many students who have made money online using the exact free videos you have access to right here, right now. You might
be saying, "Well, you're just doing this so you can make money on the views." Well, last year, the money I made on the views was less than 5% of my income, which means 95% of my income came from product sales, affiliate marketing, and all kinds of different businesses that I run. In fact, a lot of people don't know this, but I didn't start teaching affiliate marketing until 8 years after starting my business, and in those eight years, I already made millions of dollars. I had websites in hundreds of different niches; I made money without websites.
I used forum marketing; I even dabbled in video marketing. It was almost like everything I touched turned to gold. You might be wondering, "Marcus, I've heard about affiliate marketing; maybe I've tried affiliate marketing. Why don't I have that Midas touch?" Well, in today's live stream, I'm going to show you exactly how to get the Midas touch right here, right now, live, and we're going to put this to the test. I'm going to show you how I do this for my students, how I do this in my own business, and how this one simple strategy took
my struggling teaching business, where I was selling DVDs and courses online, from a measly $200 the first month to over $10,000, $30,000, and eventually multiple seven figures. And before you go thinking this only works in the make money online market, this is something I've done in virtually any market—from beta fish to cable TV, moving expenses, mortgages, web hosting, software, AI, and more. And today's strategy is so simple that you can use free AI tools to make this a reality. So if you're serious about making money online and you're like me 25 years ago when I
knew for a fact I could make money online with affiliate marketing, and you just want someone to point the way and show you how it works, well then smash the like button because we're going to hop into the live set! I'm going to break this down step by step and actually show you exactly, with nothing left out, how to go from $0 to $500. How I would go from $0 to $500 a day with affiliate marketing, starting right now! Maybe you're like me, and you're a little impatient—you don't want to wait 6 months, or a
year, or several years to make your first dollar. Well, you're in luck because what I'm about to show you has made me money in less than 12 minutes. And don't worry, I wouldn't believe it if it didn’t happen to me personally, but I'm going to show you beyond a shadow of a doubt not only how this works, step by step, how to do it, but also why this works. So sit back, relax, get your notepad ready, and let's dive into the world of making money with affiliate marketing. All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the
show! We had our hiccups, we had our tech stuff, but we are going to talk about affiliate marketing and how to make money online in a super simple way. So if you're excited about this, let me know by smashing the like button. Now, what we want to go over today is a very simple, straightforward way to make $500 a day. I’ve got to tell you at the outset, I’ve used this many times to make lots of money. Lots of other people have used it, too! This, to make money, I think it works like clockwork. However,
the results are not typical, implied, or guaranteed. The average person trying to make money online, unfortunately, makes nothing. But what I'm going to show you today is a straightforward way that I believe can help you get ahead of the game. If you think that by watching this video, magically at the end, you're going to get $500 a day for doing nothing, maybe this isn't the right video for you. If you're willing to do the work and you realize it's a business, I think this is going to work in a very, very good way. Here’s what
we're going to do: we're going to talk about how to make money online fast and easy. We're going to go through and look at these in a very strategic way because here's the deal—I want you to answer this question for me right now. There are people online doing lots of things. There are a couple of hundred people watching this video, there are a bazillion people on Facebook, there are lots of people watching their videos, there are people searching Google, and there are people all over the place, even on old TikTok, because they are watching that
right now. The odds of being able to make money instantly are actually pretty high. This isn't like when I first started, and you set something up, and six months later you got a result. This is something where you can actually make money very fast, and we're going to talk about how this works so that you can understand it. Now, this is a recap of the video and a deep dive of the video that we put out Monday. What we're going to do is go through that video, look at the comments and questions on that video,
and we are going to answer them live on the video for you. We’re going to show you exactly step by step how this whole thing works. If you're excited about that, let me know. I'm going to pull up that other video here in just a minute. Let's see if we can get that here without it actually playing—mute it—there we go. Okay, cool. So that should do the trick for us. Right here, we have this video and we have the comments and everything like that, and we're going to go through and look at this in a
real-world way. We're going to give practical ways that you can make money, regardless of who you are and what you're doing. Now, we've got a lot of questions and comments on this video, and we'll be going through them as well. It's going to be a very, very strategic way to go. Okay, so really good stuff. We're going to take a look here. Now, what we're going to look at is a custom solution to a problem. So what we're going to do is take a look at something that is going on right now, instantly. Now, in
order to do this, you do not need a website. In all of my videos, I usually tell you to get a website; it is recommended. In this strategy, you do not need that. This is a strategy that you can use without having any money, without having any website—simply with an affiliate link and the ability to help other people. Now, if we were to do this, let’s say, five or ten years ago without the use of AI, most of us would not be able to do it because a lot of people don't know how to research.
They don’t know how to get the content and the stuff that is going to help people. Okay, so what we're going to do is look for a very specific thing. Now, Derek says, "Will this work if you're trying to offer a service to local business?" Yes! The example we're going to use today is where a person went through and made a custom GPT. That is the example of how it works—it works instantly. You can see a student doing that. There are lots of other students in here that I've talked to personally who have made this
stuff work as well. So what we're going to do is take a look at what people are doing online and how to get in front of them. We need to realize that there are lots of people with lots of questions about all kinds of things online—from how to make content to how to fix a car, to how to buy a car, to how much a mortgage is, and everything like that. These questions are the solution to everything. Now, we have to look at this and understand that Google is asked a lot of questions every day.
People go on Reddit because they have questions about things. People go to Facebook groups because they have questions about certain things on Facebook groups. Now, when we start to look at this, we're going to see these Facebook groups right now that have followers. What does this mean? Well, this means we could get in front of people right now. Now, the problem is all the other gurus out there are telling you to post regurgitated content or copy-and-paste videos and put them everywhere. This, ladies and gentlemen, is known as spam. Nobody likes it, nobody wants it. It
works because of sheer volume, but it's not a good practice to do, right? Spamming is not a good thing to do. However, what we are going to do is focus on help first, okay? We're going to focus on helping people. A lot of people… Talk in the internet marketing world about, um, what value is. Okay, what is value? Just provide value and you'll make money, right? That's what Gary Vee says all over; that's what all the gurus say. Everyone says provide value, but no one talks about what value is. Well, that's because either they don't
know, or value is different depending on what it is people want. Okay, if I want to know how to buy a car and save money, that value is going to be different than someone looking for a fun video that entertains them. Okay, value is in the eye of the beholder. How do we know the value? Well, you get involved in the group or wherever people are. If people are watching videos, we could go through and look at the value. If we're looking for Facebook groups that are talking about car sales in Florida, what would value
be for that? Okay, what would that be? They're looking to buy and sell cars, so maybe I can make something that will help them buy and sell cars. Okay, now again, having a helpful PDF and putting it in the group is not really going to work that well. A lot of you guys have tried that; you're like, "Okay, I've tried doing that." So what we're going to do is we are going to go above and beyond. Okay, we're going to go above and beyond what the average person is doing. And what are we going to
do? How many of you guys are like, "I would do extra work to make money"? If that's you, type "extra work yes" or something like that. Let me know in the box and in the comments that you would do that because if you would go above and beyond to make this guy happy—there he is, he's happy, right? And if you would go above and beyond and do a little bit of work to help this guy out, I think that that's going to put you light years ahead of what other people are doing. This is very
key. Now, what we're going to do is we're going to find custom solution-based products. So we're going to go over to ClickBank, we're going to go over to OfferVault, we're going to find things of value that are going to help these people out. So if I do like car buying or something like that, I can see—let's do maybe auto; that will probably give us a better route. So if we do auto, let me just make sure it's clean here. Yeah, so there's car stuff on here. Okay, so if we do auto and we look at
OfferVault, we can see like, um, insurance, auto insurance, car finance, and then down here you'll get to like, um, car buying and different things like that. Okay, very, very cool. We can also go over to ClickBank; we can look at different VIN number stuff. We talked about this in the other video. So what we're going to do is we're going to look at markets that have solution-based products. Okay, these are very easy to find. Obviously, if we have car prices, we've got all kinds of affiliate offers for VIN numbers and how to buy used cars,
different things like that, car loans, car buying services—tons of things. If we're doing marketing or SEO, like the person said in the beginning, we are going to look at that and we are going to say, "Okay, I can do SEMrush, I can do SEO products, I can do local marketing products, I can do all kinds of things there." Okay? If we're doing business plans, we could go out there and help them with a business plan. The example we're going to look at in just a minute is exactly that. We are focusing on helping them and
going above and beyond. We're not talking about a PLR eBook or something anyone can create in five minutes with Chat GPT. We're talking about something of value—learning about the market, understanding the market, and building a real business. If you're interested in that, let me know by smashing the like button. We can also see loan options, merchant account options, real estate investment, credit repair—all different niches like this that have lots of money: tax planning, all different things like that. And now I want you to think about this for a minute because if we go out there
and we go above and beyond, then that is going to put us in our own competition, right? There will be no competition. There was someone here earlier that said there’s a lot of competition; there’s not for people that go above and beyond. This is something I did years ago, and I still do this today. It works every single time I do it. And even, uh, the last time I did it recently, we had like 109 people test it out, and that will make me money when I respond to them. Very, very cool. The idea here
is to get people who are interested in something that leads to something else, whether it’s, um, you know, blogging, home renovation—whatever it is on this list. And again, this list will be at downloadnotes.com. What we're going to do is we're going to see that market that has the money in it; then what we're going to do is we're going to locate affiliate offers for them. We're going to look at OfferVault, we're going to look at ClickBank, we're going to look at all different kinds of things like that. Okay? Very, very cool. So if I go
over to ClickBank, let me load this here, and we'll look at the affiliate offers for some of these just to show you how this works. Very simple, it's very easy. Anyone— I think there's a couple of countries that don't have ClickBank, but most of them do. Um, if you're in one that doesn't, just find some other affiliate offer that works for you. Um, if you are, which 99% of you guys are, that's what we want to look at as well. So, looking at ClickBank, what we're going to do is try to find something that pays
a lot of money. Okay, we want an affiliate offer that pays $100 or more for a sign-up, for a lead, or whatever it is. If it's not exactly $100, that's fine; we're just going to have to do the math there and understand, "Okay, here's where we have to go." Okay, so if I go through and I do something like car buying or VIN number or something like that—here's government auctions for car buying. Um, some kind of electromagnet thing—I don't think that fits. Let's try maybe VIN number, something like that. Okay, we're going to go through,
and we're going to have all this stuff here for VIN and things like that; maybe even used cars, something like that. Um, there's a government one again, so we have a couple of things there. We have some on-off rail as well. Now, going through, we can take another one; maybe we'll go through and do like gardening. Okay, Urban gardening—maybe we'll go through, type in gardening, see what kind of affiliate offers there are for this: survival garden, medicinal garden kit, home designs with gardens, sheds— all kinds of things like that. We want to find something that
is directly related to whatever it is they want. For example, one of the ones we're going to be looking at today is a guy who is doing social media marketing. Okay, so he's teaching people how to start an SMMA business or social media marketing. So here's like a fan page thing; here's some other social media biz op—$340 per sale, link collider—$69 a sale—and on and on we go. So, there are a couple of things; obviously, it is our job to make sure they are good, make sure they fit, and make sure they have our client’s
best interest at heart. Here's some other stuff here you could do, like tiny homes or DIY different things like that—drone photography, right? Help people find the right drone—different things like that: writing and editing services, college application—you could do like scholarship. I'm not even going to try to spell that scholarship right like this. Um, or maybe we'll do like college—there we go. Um, and you could see, "Okay, here's a college offer," and different things like that. Okay, um, you can also do, if you were going to do this one here, you could do like edu college
scholarship, different things like that. Okay, very cool, so we're going to look at that. Um, let's try another one—I'll do scholarship—or let's do student debt. If we do student debt—did I spell it right? Let's do college. Yeah, so college has a couple of them there that are paying, you know, $20, $15, stuff like that. Scholarships will have them as well. So, what we're going to do is we're going to look at that in a real-world way. Someone says, "How about house cleaning?" If there's a good offer where it's something like, "Okay, yeah, we can get
them into, you know, maybe an expensive product or a service," this needs to be something that is a very expensive one because there is going to be time involved in making the sale. What we're going to do is we are going to help people, and we are going to intersect the sale. Okay, now for those wondering if this works, if my traffic strategies work, different things like that—what we're going to do is we're going to look at custom GPTs. I made a video about this. If your market can have a custom GPT, this is a
fantastic way to go about it. So, again, think about this in terms of, "Can I make something helpful that people would want to use?" One of my students made one, which is coming up for social media marketing and things like that. Um, he's actually ranking very well for this; he is number one right here, and he is swamping the competition. He started with nothing; dude doesn't even have a website—he just made a cool GPT to help people with social media, and now he has 10,000 plus people using his social media GPT plugin. Now, when doing
this, what you're going to notice is a lot of these things are very niche and specific. Okay, now his, with social media marketing agency business, this leads to something that has a lot of money in it, right? People looking to start a social media marketing agency, they pay a lot of money. There are courses that are worth a lot of money; there are all kinds of things there. Now, what he's going to do—I mean, think about this—this is one of our students; he's in front of 10,000 people right now. How much did it cost him?
Oh yeah, free—literally nothing. It was free. All right, so very important. Matt's here; he does this stuff all the time. It is a very specific thing. Now, here's where people waffle it because we look at this, and you're like, "10,000 conversations, things ranking at the top," dude should be making a lot of money. Unfortunately, he's not; he's making, I think he's made like maybe $200 or $300. Again, don't quote me on that; results are not guaranteed. Typical implier: guaranteed, most people make nothing. Okay, so he made a couple hundred bucks—cool, great, wonderful. But we want
to make more, obviously. $300 ain't going to work that well for most of us, and you know we got to get the traffic. So what we're going to do is we're going to intersect this traffic. Now, we could do this several different ways. All right, we can go in there. We can locate the affiliate offer; I could stick the affiliate offer on there and say, "Click here to sign up for the affiliate offer." Okay, that's okay, right? Like click here with an affiliate link, and this is what everyone's teaching you to do: spam your affiliate
link everywhere. Okay, how's that working for you? You guys probably wouldn't be watching this video if that worked and you're retired. Okay, there are some instances where sharing just an affiliate link can work, but again, it’s going to get diluted. And what I mean by diluted is you’re going to have, out of these 10,000 people using this tool—okay, this is like, um, how many of you guys have heard of Linkin bio or Linktree? Okay, Linkin bio and Linktree, these, in my opinion, are very terrible ways to market because what you’re doing is saying, "Click up
there, then go to this list of links, and maybe you’ll click on one that might make me five cents." That’s not what we want to do; that’s not direct response marketing. I remember years ago when I first started this. Um, I actually learned this business offline. All right, I had a bunch of people who were interested in network marketing, and they were in this company called Big Planet years ago. And, uh, they wanted to get people to sign up as reps, right? Because that’s how they got paid—they got paid to sign up reps. Now I’ve
taken a different turn; I’m not a big fan of network marketing because, oftentimes, it doesn't focus on the product; it focuses on the recruiting. That’s what they were doing back then. So what they were doing is they’d get these business cards, they’d go out there, and they’d run ads that would say, "Hey, join this company," whatever; great. Okay, what I did is I said, "Forget all this, we’re going to run an ad in the newspaper, and we’re going to say, 'Here is this job, here’s the opportunity, here’s how it works. I’m going to give you
a free report on if it’ll work for you; you’re going to call me, and I’m going to give you the report directly.'" So what I did is I intersected the people. You want to make money? You want to make money quick? What you need to do, in my opinion, is focus on intersecting and being direct. This is going to put you light years ahead. So what does that look like? We know what it looked like with the magazine ad and the network marketers; it actually worked really well and, uh, got them a lot of sales.
Now, what does it look like for someone like this? Are we going to go through—like right here, he has his LinkedIn. Okay, do people want to go to his LinkedIn? Probably not. So what if instead, this guy was like, "Hey, wait a minute, we’re talking about high-ticket affiliate marketing." Okay, how many of you guys would do three hours of work today if you could get a $1,000 sale? Okay, three hours. You’re like, "Yeah, I would; I’d sit there three hours to get a $1,000 sale or even a $500 sale or whatever it is," right? I
mean, you’re just sitting there typing and talking anyway. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to say, "Okay, it might not take three hours; it probably would take a couple of minutes if we’re honest with ourselves." Right? What we’re going to do is we are going to intersect that market. So we have people here looking at his chat GPT, custom GPT. Okay, instead of saying, "Go to my LinkedIn, go to my LinkedIn bio, go to my website, opt in, blah blah blah," I’m going to say, "Hey, you want to start a social media
agency? What I will do is I will hand-select, based on your criteria, a good starting point." I mean, how many of you guys would do that if you came in and you’re like, "Marcus, will you give me a free niche idea?" How many of you guys would be like, "Uh, yeah, I would sign up for that in a second," or how many of you guys would go and email someone if they would help you with something specific? Right? It’s like, "Okay, email me and I’ll help you with whatever you’re struggling with making money online." Okay,
what does that do? It adds the personal touch, which is what everyone wants. Personal—right? Everyone wants the personal touch; they want someone to help them directly. So what we would do is we’d take the chat GPT and say, "Hey, email me your top SMMA social media marketing agency questions or niche ideas you’ve looked at," or different things like that. What does that do? That is going to get you an email, which is going to skyrocket your conversion rate. A lot of people are saying landing page, opt-in page—nope, we don’t even need that. Everyone knows opt-in
page. Who’s going to win? If I’m here and I say, "Hey, just email me and I’ll help you," and you’re over here, and you’re like, "10 ways free PDF, whatever," I’m going to win. And guess what? You spent all that time making that opt-in page; it’s going to alienate a lot of your audience. All I’m doing is like… Hey bro, check this out. Just email me; I'll help you out. Here's how I'm going to help you. Then, what you do is you do the work to help them, okay? Let me show you this in a
real-world way. We'll go through the notes here, and we'll talk about how this works in a real-world way, okay? So, we locate the offers, then we're going to make our custom lead bait. What is lead bait? Let me show you in a real-world way. Let's say there is someone out there and they want to buy a car online, and apparently, it's like a weird Volkswagen Bug car. Okay, that's the best I can do. All right, the drawings are free, but we have this, and they want to save money and not get ripped off. How many
of you guys have bought a car and you're scared to go to the car dealer because everyone knows that most car dealers are not looking out for your best interests, from what I understand? Okay? And I know because I've tried to buy lots of cars, and most of the time, there are junk fees, there are scams, there's all kinds of junk, and people get ripped off. Nobody wants to get ripped off; that makes you feel bad, right? Feel real bad. So, what if instead I said, "Hey, look, you guys are looking for info on whatever,
the 1985 Toyota. Maybe you want to be like, uh, on Back to the Future, and you want the '85 Toyota." Okay? And we're going to go through and say, "Okay, what I will do is I will find you a target price." Find you a target price. Hey, wait a minute, so you're going to find me a target price? Automatically? I don't have to do anything? Don't have to pay it, don't have to opt in, nothing? How many of you guys would take those apples? You'd be like, "Hey, yeah, totally, I would do that in a
second." And then they email you, and you email them back. You actually do a good job; you go to CarMax, you'd go to this, you'd go to that, you'd find them a good target price. There are tools out there if you spent an hour or two going out there and finding the tool, or you just go to ChatGPT. You can even make a car price finder GPT tool and then just put your email on there. So, we're going to go through, and we'd be like, "Okay, what are some top websites I can use to price
out a car to make sure I'm not getting ripped off at the dealer?" Okay, there we go. Very simple. AI is going to help you do the work. Look at the sites, learn the stuff, then all you do is you sit there and you go, "Okay, what does he want? 85 Toyota Corolla? How much does it cost here? How much does it cost there? How much does it cost here?" It's a very simple process. I've done this a bazillion times. Sometimes our employees here have asked for help in car prices because this is something I've
done many times, and I use these sites to find the price. It's not hard to do; you bookmark them, and the service that is offered is a game changer because this person's going to be like, "Wow, that guy helped me out! That's pretty cool." And then you can have your affiliate links in the email, or in the PDF, or whatever it is that you create for them. It's a very, very simple process, and you've opened a dialogue with them. Now, this is a super powerful strategy, so make sure that you do it ethically, honestly, and
always look at the interest of the user and focus on what's going to help them. So, what we're going to do is we're going to create a lead bait. What is the lead bait? Well, let's go through a couple of these and show you what it would look like, okay? So, let's say we had podcasting. All right, maybe podcasting can be ways to promote your podcast, right? So you would go out there, and you'd be like, "Okay, let's say we have a new person who wants a podcast, and that podcast is about gardening." Okay, what
would you do? Gardening. Okay, what would you do? Well, I would go through and I'd be like, "Okay, let's get these people." And my lead bait is going to be a custom list of 25 podcasts to market on, or 25 places to market on. It's not hard to do, right? Go through, I'd be like, "Okay, new chat GPT. If I wanted to promote a podcast about marketing," and you can make a GPT if you want to make this easy, "or about gardening, what are some other podcasts I could align with or blogs I could guest
blog on?" Okay, so all I'm doing is having chat GPT do the work for me. Okay? How many of you guys are like, "Dude, this is a game changer!" So, you got "Joe Gardener," "Epic Gardening," you're giving them the list of the stuff, then you could say, "Now please put them in a table with the links to the guest blog site or sign-up page." Boom! Now it's going to put them in a table in a very simple way, okay? And you do the research, make sure they're good. There's his link, there's that. Bing! Boom! How
many of you guys are like, "Dude, this is pretty cool?" TC says there's no value in this presentation. Well, I don't know what you're trying to do, but I... Mean, if you do this, it seems like pretty good to me. I mean, I don't know; I've only been doing this 25 years, so I don't really know that much, but, um, you know, I think this will work pretty good. So let's take a look at this, and I want you guys to throw me some niches, and I'll show you how this works. Right? You could do
the same thing with gardening; you could do the same thing with car websites. Maybe there are people out there—how many of you guys have a website? Okay, you can have ChatGPT help you understand ways to promote a website. I have a website about, um, let's pick another niche: green energy solutions or home renovation or whatever it is, and we're going to go through and look at that. So let's say we have self-publishing. I have a lot of students who go into this niche. Let's say we want to do self-publishing. I could say, um, I have
a book about how to travel to Portugal. Okay, there you go: travel to Portugal. I don't know how to spell that right. How to travel to Portugal. Where could I promote this? Please make a table of websites, blogs, and places I could get traction—even some Facebook groups, right? How many of you guys are like, "Yes, if I was trying to promote a book on how to travel to Portugal, this would probably be a very, very good place to be?" Right? There you go, pretty cool. And bada bing bada boom, you would send this out. Or
there's someone saying, "What about the home security niche or the septic tank niche?" Right? The septic tank niche can work good. What we would do is we would do, um, a report. So I would go out there and find Facebook groups for, um, septic tank people—people who have septic tank businesses, okay? And then I would say, "Okay, here is my, you know, free guide or PDF or whatever." I'd have a screenshot of it and say, "By the way, if you want me to show you how to market your specific one—alright, you're like septic tanks in
Alabama or whatever, right? What I would do is I'd show them where to get backlinks." So you would go through and you'd be like, "Okay, um, I have a website; I have a septic tank business in Alabama. What are some good sites I could get backlinks on?" You're going to give this report to them. What's going to happen? Okay, let me let you in on a little secret that lots of marketers know, that some people don't, and that is that 95% of the people don't want to do it. They don't want to go get a
backlink; they don't want to make content; they don't want to do this stuff, right? So all I would have to do is say, "Here's your list of backlinks. By the way, you want me to do it for you? Pay me X amount." Okay? Now, if you don't want to do it, maybe you're like, "Guy, and you don't want to do it either. You just want to get money." Okay, you could drop service to Fiverr and make money, or you can be an affiliate marketer and promote a local business promotion service. Okay, how many of you
guys are getting this so far? Only one person said there's no value in here; I think everyone else is kind of enjoying it. So we'll see how it's going there. If you do this, it absolutely works. Um, it's always funny how the people who complain about the content never follow up. They say, "Hey, this stuff doesn't work," and I say, "Be specific. Tell me why." They never comment. You'll see them everywhere, um, which is funny. I don't know, maybe they just need to be heard. But at any rate, we like them too. We like everyone
here on the old Affiliate Marketing Dude, and the Affiliate Marketing Dude is a little bit old. He's got some gray hairs coming in. But what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at this and say, "Hey, wait a minute; this works." Right? Fitness training—okay, maybe there's someone with, you know, specific fitness goals or whatever, and we would go out there and do this very cool. So now, with the SSMA guy—SMMA, something like that, right—social media guy, we're going to go through, and we're going to take his free GPT, okay? Free GPT.
And we're going to put that to an email. "Hey, you want this? Here's how it works." Or, for me, I have a content business; we build content for people, right? I already go through and do a content strategy. How many of you guys, if you got a content strategy from me and I said, "By the way, for only $25 per article," or I think it's like five or ten bucks per pin, "we'll do it for you," they're going to be like, "Of course, I'll sign up right now!" The conversion rate will be absurd. I mean,
I've been doing this a long time; it works. Stock market niche—yeah, you could do, like, um, based on your budget, I will send you the top stocks or whatever, or the top new cryptos or whatever it is. Now, again, be ethical. If you don't know about the stock market, I—I would not do it. If you don't know about medical stuff or health, I would not do it. Pick something easy. Like, there's tons of stuff out there, and I think oftentimes we get wrapped up in what the gurus say is a good niche, and you don't
think about... Like, well, what's a niche? I want one that'll work for me. Uh, just recently, we did one for compression socks, which is a good one. We can help them find the right socks or whatever it is—pillows, mattresses—whatever it is, right? So we start to look at this, and we start to understand, "Hey, wait a minute, this is something I could literally do right now: real estate flipping." Okay, right now, here in Florida, there's a bunch of YouTubers that are making content about real estate, and they are getting absurd amounts of views. Watch this:
Florida real estate. So here they are, and again, instant traffic. So here are all these guys making content about Florida real estate—5,700 views, 348,000 views—on and on we go. So tons and tons of traction about Florida real estate, and they're getting a ton of views. So what if you made content, and you're like, "Okay, well, I can make an AI video; I can make whatever video." Okay, very, very important. So we're looking at it, and we're like, "Okay, now I can make this content." Okay, and we're getting ahead of ourselves here; let's go back to
our notes. Okay, we're going to go through, and we're going to create the custom lead bait. So what would be a custom lead bait? If you could get Florida—come on, what's this little thing here? Florida. There we go, real estate. Okay, people looking for Florida real estate—not to be confused with free. We'll put some dots there just to get rid of the confusion. Okay, so you have this content about Florida real estate, and instead of like a link in bio or whatever, okay, you got videos, you got Pinterest submit; that's going to be a deal.
What I would do is say, "Hey, you know what? If you email me your details, I will give you a property report that says 'Property Report—Custom for You.'" How many of you guys would be like, "So I get this realtor who comes to my door and is like, 'Hey, you want to sell your house?' and I slam the door because I don't want to sell my house, but I know there's a crash coming, and there's this dude just helping me by giving me a free report? Yeah, I'll take that!" How many of you guys would
be like, "Yeah, totally, that's pretty cool?" And since he's the guy in the video, you kind of already have some trust, right? So, very, very, very important. Um, now Allan says, "How do I make this into an affiliate link?" So the affiliate link, obviously, check with your affiliate network, but nine times out of ten, this works. Okay, affiliate network: what you're going to do is you are going to do a good job—go above and beyond—spend time, give them the custom report on their property; do a good job. So, like, I go through, I'm like, "Hey,
we checked Zillow, we checked Redfin, we checked these in your area, we checked what the trends are like, and last time this happened, it was 2008. Here's what the trends look like." You do a good job; you're like, "There you go. You want good content? There's good content. You ain't going to beat that content." Why? Because it's custom for you or this guy. All right, then we go through, and we're like, "Hey, check it out. Here are some helpful links." Okay, if prices are about to crash, one of the best things you can do—I've learned
this recently—right? One of the best things you can do is refinance. All right, refinance. Let's see here: cash out $30 a lead. Now I know there are some that pay even more than that. Uh, mortgage, yeah, like these here—American Funding, 33. You can find them for around $100 on a big form. So what you would do is you'd say, "Hey, check it out. Right now, Florida prices are high. Did you know—obviously check with lenders and everything; this is hypothetical—this seems to check out from what I found: if you refi, you get that cash out tax-free.
Again, talk to your accountant; this is just hearsay; I'm not a tax person. But you get it tax-free, and now you have secured the money in your house. Now, you do have to pay a little bit more, but this is a way to take your equity and save it for a rainy day. Had you done this in 2008, here's what would happen. Second option: downsize and get another house. Third option: start a 401(k) with your refi money or whatever it is, right? Obviously, I'm not a financial expert, but how many of you guys are getting
the idea there? Let's take a non-financial market and show you how that works as well. Okay, let's say we were going to do, uh, pick a market. Let's see. Let's say we were going to do something here. Well, let's pick a ClickBank product. Okay, so let's do—let's just go here, and we're going to do these by price. There we go; we'll do, um, rank conversion high to low. Okay, so we got "Money Magnetism," "Free Backpack," okay, weird, just survival. Okay, so survival stuff—"Never Lose Him." Okay, so this could be one, right? Maybe people are afraid
of losing the guy, right? They're like, "Hey, my guy is not how he was; you know, he's got a mustache, and he didn't have a mustache, so I think he might not like me anymore because of the mustache." Right? I don't have a mustache; I still like you. You know, not that there's anything about that; it was a joke. The jokes are free, but he's got a mustache! And she's like, "Hey, he knows I don't like mustaches, so he must not like me anymore, okay? Or whatever." This product pays $1,200. What if, instead of just
having content, you were like, "Send me the last five texts that he sent you, and I'll tell you if he's still interested," right? And you go, "Chat, youp!" and you're like, "Here's the last five texts. Analyze these from a psychological perspective, and bada bing, bada bang, there you go." Now, obviously, watching for privacy issues and things like that, which is probably why I wouldn't do this niche. Let's do another one. Okay, let's say we had the crypto code. Okay, cool! So you could do, you know, an analysis of the crypto you're thinking of looking at.
You submit the crypto, I'll do the research to make sure it's legit, then you disclaimer it, say, "Hey, here you go!" Or maybe you have something like, um, let's see: "Save my marriage." There you go, there's a good one, right? "Send me the top three problems you're having in your marriage, and I'll tell you how people have gotten out of them." Right? How many of you guys are like, "Whoa, wait a minute, this seems pretty good?" Now, there are some other bonuses that you can look at that make this work for me. I was using
AWeber, so what I did is I had an AWeber form, okay? So I would get them in, I'd say, "Email me for this stuff." Now the form worked good. Let me see if I can find it here; I think I put it on the last... yeah, so I put it on my last video. So basically, it looks like this: "Hey, write Marcus directly. Put your name, email, your info, share your story, what courses you have, and different things like that." Now, I know that looking at this, I can kind of diagnose what people struggle with
just by reading the responses. Like, it takes me a couple of seconds, because I've been doing this so long. Then all I do is I take that email form, right? It goes to AWeber, which now becomes a mailing list. Obviously, you disclose that it's going to be a mailing list, and then I email them back directly my response to what they have. Nine times out of ten, I mean, come on, let's face it, most people with affiliate sites... There was one that I was talking to recently, and he had bought this affiliate site about... let
me see if I can find it. I don't know if I saved it, but it was an affiliate site that was a cookie-cutter website. And I was like, "Okay, yeah, number one, you need to just not have a cookie-cutter website; you need a good one," right? And that's what we were talking about. The content was cookie-cutter; it was just garbage. But what I was doing is I was like, "Okay, email them back directly," which will usually get you a good conversion rate. I see that on a website; you're usually one out of 100, which is
a 1% conversion rate. Using this method here, obviously results not typical, apply or guarantee. The average person trying to make money makes nothing, but using this method for me, I was 30% on the low end to 70% on the high end. This is something I also did with webinars, where I was like, "Hey, get on a webinar; I'll help you out." There was a one-on-one webinar, one person with me, and the conversion rate was like 90% to a product of $1,000 or more. Going the extra mile and understanding that, you know, all of these people
who are looking at funnels and all this stuff, what they're doing is they're putting the cart before the horse, and they're not proving concept. What this does is it proves concept. At the end of the day, I'm going to have all this info from my users in their own words of what their struggles are. How do you think I'm able to write sales pages that convert like crazy? I've had people come to me and say, "Marcus, you know, I've read your sales page; I listen to your story, it sounds like you're talking to me. It
sounds like you wrote this just for me." And you know, as much as I'd like to say I'm just a genius and I know things, which I'm not, I literally just read the answers and put them into the sales page. What's happening is you are learning about your market more than people who are not, right? And when you do that, your conversion rates are going to go through the roof, and you don't need much. This is how you bootstrap a business, right? Bootstrap it. There you go. Alright, let's say you get people that are looking
for... let's find another product here. Saving the marriage, right? If you did that, you're going to learn about these people. Astrology, you're going to learn about the people. Maybe you go through and you say, "I'm going to find the top astrology stuff for you." What are you doing? You're playing the lottery. You're born in January, whatever. I don't know about astrology, but you get the idea, starting to look at this and understand, "Okay, now I have all this stuff that can work." Here's one about, you know, meeting girls. There's one about different things like that.
"Follow your true calling," right? Here's one where people want to follow their true calling or their spirit animal or whatever it is. Manifestation, right? Maybe they... Tell you what: they want to manifest, and you help them out with it. So what you're going to do is create a custom lead bait based on what they want. Think, "How do I help them directly that no one else is doing?" I did this in the beginning, and it worked like crazy. What I would do is I wanted to get clients who wanted to market their website, right? I
said, "Okay, email me your info. Tell me your story about your website, and I will run a site audit." Okay? I just went to whatever and did a site audit. You can get an Ahrefs account, a SEMrush account; you can use free tools. Never underestimate the power of free tools! On Friday, there's going to be a video I'm going to come out with about a free tool that you can use to help people. I'll give you a little hint about this tool: what it is, is it's a YouTube tool. On YouTube, what is the goal
that people have? They want more views. Most people don't know how to do it. Here's the deal: 90% of people out there looking things up don't know how to do it! Okay? What if I had a list of 5, 10, or 25 tools that I could go and say, "Hey, you're going to have a good chance of getting more views and making more money if you try these three videos?" Next, I will give you a report based on data backed by science of the three videos you can publish that will help you. Do you not
think when these work this guy's going to call me up and sign up for my help? Like, of course he is! He'll probably even do it before that. Or here's the next five blog posts you need to make, or here's how to tweak your one page to grow in the search engines, or here's how to write the next text to get your girlfriend to like you again, or here's how to save your marriage, or here's how to do this. You go through and you do things in a specific way while learning about your market. This
is probably, in my opinion, the fastest way to make a couple hundred a day as possible. This is why we clean says, "How do you have time for all this?" It depends on what your time's worth, right? So if I could do this, let's say I sit there all day and let's say I'm like Clive. All right, Clive's got these people coming from his custom GPT. Right here he is—what was it—SM something like that? So here he is, he's got these people coming in. Now, right now, he ain't making much, but let's say he said,
"Okay, you know what? Forget it. I'm gonna have them email me their number one question about starting a social media marketing agency." Okay? They tell you their struggles. All right, now realistically, if you sit down and know something about it, right? If you have never been married, you probably wouldn't go into the marriage market. If you are doing SMMA and you don't know about it, it will take you longer. But we have ChatGPT, so it's going to make it easier. I would say a maximum of 15 minutes per email, and I would say if you
did this 10 times, you'd probably get a conversion. Okay? So that would be roughly—uh, two hours would be $120. So you're looking at around 2 hours and 30 minutes—approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes. Again, this is hypothetical, but let's say you got one conversion out of 10. I think if you did it right, I don't think that'd be too hard to do. That would be, if it was $1,000 per sale, roughly, what—$460 bucks an hour, something like that? Does anyone not have time to do that? Right? You've got to look at it and be like,
"Hey, there we go! What am I willing to do?" Now, as you do this longer, you will get better, and you will learn. All right, very cool. Now, a couple of questions are coming in, and we want to get to these questions. How do we get the emails? You tell them to write to you, or you can use AWeber and make a form like this one here. Okay? So you could do a form, or you could just say, "Hey, email me." Okay? Very cool, very easy. What I would do is I would just put it
on whatever I'm doing, so we're going to go through and we're going to come up with whatever it is—our custom personalized, this is a key personalized email list. Okay? Email—email bait. So the custom thing would be something simple. All right, for Clive, it'd be, "I'll show you how to start this. Okay? You're struggling with it; I'll help you." Maybe you're out there and you're in the franchise market, right? I will help you discover what the best franchise is for you. Obviously, franchises pay a fortune—you can help people! Or maybe they're in the marriage market and
they want to buy a gift, right? This is something I struggle with. I never know what to buy for anniversaries; I'm terrible at it, right? Then I usually rely on sentimental stuff, and it seems to work so far. I've been married a while now—24 years! So we're looking at that—23 years. So we're looking at that, and we're like, "Okay, what could I do?" Well, I could go through and help them with gifts, so they could email me. Email me three unique things your spouse likes. Email me how long you've been married. Email me, uh, what
your last date was like, okay, or whatever. And you go through and you find them a very simple, uh, hey, here you go. Here's the best gift or whatever it is, okay? So you look at that, and it's like, okay, very simple. Now, um, what we're going to do next is we're going to promote our custom lead bait, okay? So now we have our bait: best gift, how to save money on a car, real estate, the guy with the marketing agency, whatever it is, okay? Then we're going to go through and we're going to make
something of value for these people. So let's say we wanted to go into, like, a Facebook car-buying group. Well, I can make an infographic or a text post about Florida car buying. There we go. Here are tips on Florida car buying, and here are the laws that are in your favor to save you money. Here are the rates, here are the top places to go, and here's what you should have, okay? On your infographic, just put "Contact me," and then you put an email, or you'd put the website if you're doing this method right. But
you're just going to say, "Hey, custom! There you go, very simple," right? And then you post it in the group. Um, and again, focus on helpful. This infographic or text post should stand on its own. People should be like, "I like that. Thank you for that." Because if they say, "Thank you for that," then they're going to want more info, right? How many of you guys right now are like, "Hey, this video was helpful. Thank you?" Well, if I had a way to get you more info and help you out personally, I would get flooded
with leads right now instantly. I wouldn't have to wait; it'd be right now, okay? And that's how this works. So you're going to put that in your promotion method, okay? Would the group kick you out for advertising? In the group? You're not advertising. If you think this is about advertising, you're wrong; that's not what this is. What it is is sharing. You are going to share tips about how it works, okay? Would they allow advertising? Some do, but that's not what we're doing, right? What we're doing is we are making good, helpful content. What do
you think's going to happen if you're in a Florida real estate group on Facebook? Let's do Florida group real estate Florida. What if you're in this group and it's like investors and all these things, and all you do every day is you're like, "Hey, today, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to find something helpful." Alright, I'll go through and I'll say, "What are the current Florida real estate trends?" Right? So we're going to go here, and we're going to make it very simple. There we go; here are the trends. Then I could
say, "Now list the top 10 sites to find these trends," okay? And it'll go like this: boom! Now I can make a little post. I'll be like, "Hey, here's a post! I'm just helping out. Here are 10 websites to look up the price of your H, your house, property thing, right? Help, help, help! That's what they want; they want help." Then, if you help them, they will want something custom. Very simple, okay? Helping them and going the extra mile is game-changing if you do it right. So, what we're going to do is we're going to
have affiliate disclosures and everything like that on our site. This is what a lot of people miss. They are trying to teach you, or maybe you've tried it. You're trying to take affiliate content, take the affiliate link, and you're wondering why you don't get sales. You're like, "Well, I put it on Facebook. I put it on blogs. I might have even done paid ads. Maybe I've even done it on my own Facebook page," and you're doing all this stuff, and you're wondering why it's not working. Because people don't want to do that. If you turned
on the TV today and all it was was commercials, would you watch TV? No! But you sit through the commercials because you like the program, okay? That's what's going on. If the program was just commercials, you'd see right through it; you'd stop watching TV, okay? This is what people are doing. They are trying to force people to look at offers and ads that they don't want. This is the old style of marketing. This is back when TV was the only advertising. Billboards were the only advertising. Newsprint was the only advertising. And what happened back then
was they came out with something called an advertorial, okay? An advertorial was mandated by the FTC or whoever it was back then, the ad people. It was mandated that you had to put "advertorial" at the top. Why? Because what these people got really good at was making ads that didn't look like ads. What are you guys doing? "Oh well, you know, some guru said make a blog, put some ads on the blog." Okay, so you stick a Zou, you put the AdSense, you put all this, and it's like, "Okay, yeah, you're going to get, you
know, 0.2 cents per click at best," okay? At best. So, if you want to do that and you want to make $110,000 a month, let's do 10,000 over, uh, two cents, 0.02. So that would be, you would need a half a million visitors to make 10K a month. It's why you're not making money, because if you post it on Facebook and nine people click... Well, you got a few more clicks to get to a half a million. That's a lot. So what I'm saying is forget this model; it's bad, it's outdated, and it's a terrible
way to monetize. Instead, what if you focused on helping people? Instead, what if I had my blog, my Facebook post, my video, or whatever it is, and I genuinely said, "You know what, guys? Looking for loans, I'll just help them." This is something my dad taught me back when my dad was alive. He was a really good realtor, and he had a motto towards the end of his career where he said, "You know, I'm just going to help people. I don't care. I've been doing this for 35 years." He always liked to help people, but
he actually started making it his motto, teaching other people. He said, "You know, people come to me, and whether they want a house I have or not, I'm going to help them with their situation." They come in and say, "Well, I'm upside down on this mortgage, what can I do?" He would help them, even if it didn't benefit him. Most people wouldn't; most people are like, "No, I just want money. That's all I care about." He didn't. He said, "I'm going to go the extra mile," and because of that, he was a very good realtor
and made lots of money. That's what I do; I learned it from Dad. I learned that if I just help everyone, I'm like, "Hey, you know what? I'm going to make good content, I'm going to make good stuff, and I'm going to forget about what I want, because if I do a good job, I will be compensated." I'll be compensated also because I know that's going to be a lead. Dad wasn't just out there completely altruistic; he did want to make money, and he knew that by helping people, it would lead to money. Because what's
going to happen when they do sell the house? They're going to call him. Why? Because he helped them selflessly. What's going to happen when people are ready to buy a high-ticket niche? They're going to email me because they'll be like, "Hey, you know what? You helped me out; this is good." Okay, very important. Paul says you could upload a custom video to the group that answers some relevant questions. Skip that. Do a custom webinar, right? Go on there. Go in Zoom webinar. I actually was contacted by a student of mine—we talk about her often here;
Kim—she wants to do more webinars, and we promoted just in Facebook groups, just by helping people, we promoted a course, and I think it did $100,000 in like three weeks or something. Now, it was our first trial at it, so the amount we actually kept at the end of the day wasn't near that, but it was good, right? For that amount of work, I think a lot of people would be like, "Yeah, that was pretty good." I think I pocketed like 30 or something like that. Not my finest hour, but hey, it was free traffic
from Facebook. What happened was we just focused on helping them. We're like, "Hey, you guys want to learn about this? Here's how we do that. You want to learn about that? Here's how you do it." Now, you could upload a custom video that is probably going to scream advertising, right? If I saw a video in there, I'd be like, "Yeah, that's not it." If you had an infographic that led to a video, that'd probably be better because what we need to do is take the sting away. A lot of people—let's just face it—when you first
started watching my videos, if you're new here, you probably sat there and you're like, "This Marcus is probably just trying to sell me something." It's probably how you are; probably like, "Marcus is just trying to tell me stuff." Therefore, I'm going to watch this not even with 10% of what I got, but my hook drew you in. You're like, "Hey, affiliate marketing $500 a day, easy method," that draws you in. Okay, did I deliver on it? To be determined, right? You could let me know in the comments. And so people are like this, but what
if I took the defenses down? I said, "You know what? I'm Marcus; I've been doing this a while. Tell me your struggles." Guys, I don't know if you've noticed, but listening is the key to selling. A lot of people think talking and presenting and all of this is the key to selling. It is not! If you close the old mouth and listen, people will sell themselves. Guys, you just say, "Hey, what is your struggle? I know you got this house, I know you're upside down on your mortgage; tell me what's going on." As an affiliate
marketer, it doesn't matter what I point you to; I can make money on all of it. There are programs for everything, so all I'm doing is listening and providing a custom solution for them. It's literally it, right? How many of you guys are like, "Oh, this is game-changing"? Nobody teaches me this; they don't talk about this. Why? Because this doesn't sell courses. If I tell you to listen to your market and sell courses, yeah, well, there was one person who did that, years after I started doing it. I think—I don't know—he might have done it
before me; I have no idea. We used to do this back in the day. Actually, I built a business on this when I first started marketing. Cigar website: my brother worked at the cigar place. We built them a website; um, they had a bunch of cigars that they just couldn't do anything with. I said, "Well, what if you had a form that was like: 'Tell me about the cigars you like, and we'll send you a free pack of whatever,' right? Or whatever it is." Thing went like crazy; they built their business on it. Why? 'Cuz
they just listened. What do you like? Well, I like these. I have five a day, so, you know, they can't be $10 each, or whatever it is. And we listened. If you listen, people will sell; they will sell themselves. You don't have to do anything. You just go there, and you listen, and you help, and you genuinely think about how you can help them. Um, you know, maybe you go through. Maybe you're like Matt. Matt's out there; he's got a podcast site; he's making money. It's one of the sites he got from us as a
high-ticket niche, and he's struggling on one of his pages. That is a page that's doing really well about how to name your podcast. What if, instead of just having the thing where they choose the name, he was like, "Hey, I know how to do this; I will pick five names for your podcast"? Pick five names for your podcast. What if he also, like, got him a domain name and hosting? "Hey, there you go! We'll get you a domain name and hosting." The hosting company pays $150; they need it anyway. Like, what good is a podcast
name if you don't get the .com for it? It's not good, right? Then you say, "Well, you want me to build the site? I'll build it for another $300 for you. We'll embed your podcast; we'll make it cool." I mean, this stuff isn't rocket science, but I think that there are so many things out there that it seems like it's too easy. Like, how many of you guys are like, "This seems a little too easy"? Like, I put some stuff on Medium, Pinterest, Facebook groups, GPT stores, forums, LinkedIn, YouTube, whatever; that's what I do. Then
I lead them to the lead bait. Don't even need a website! Then I respond and sell it to them—very simple. Now, going through even more detail, if we were to take a look at the example here with the social media one, right? I could go through. I actually got him, so when you're doing this method, if you're going to have a website, it's very recommended. I mean, unless you can't afford it, if you've got a little bit of money, trust me, get a website; it's going to help you, all right? You could do that at
gohubsite.com; that's my affiliate link. It's got web hosting on it, but there's instructions on how to do it, okay? So, you could go there and learn how to do it with this guy. What I wanted is I wanted a small, short URL. Okay, now I can go through and redirect that URL to a Weber form; I could redirect that URL to an email; I can do whatever I want—super easy! Okay, so what I did is I said, "I need something easy that if he's doing a video or something, they're not going to mess it up."
Like, if I got Marcus's tools or something like that, they're not going to know if there's two S's or one; they might spell Marcus with a K. There's all kinds of things, and if people can't spell it, they're not going to go to your sites; you're not going to make any money; you're not going to get any emails. So, what I did is I said, "Well, let's do smmafast.com." Cool! I got this domain for 10 bucks; I think it was actually $9.99—full transparency, right? And now, on his page, instead of "Link in bio" or something
silly like that, he's going to say, "Go to my site, and I will give you a custom report based on the social media marketing agency you want to build." Then you can use AI and say, "Okay, what would this work? I want to build an SMMA agency for limo company owners. What can I do?" And it'll give you the step-by-step on how to start building this, where to get your customers, and different things like that. You start to realize, wait a minute, I could sit behind the scenes and know how to do research that other
people don't know how to do and make money in the process? Yes! There are lots of sites that do this. There's, uh, let's see if there's one there—question and answer site. I think it was like "Answer Me" or something like that. Um, it was a big site that was based on—well, let's use ChatGPT. Here we go; we'll use the old AI there, right? Um, so we'll go ChatGPT, or like this: "What are some sites where people answer questions directly for a fee?" Just answer—that was it. So here's all these sites that do that, which is
showing this works. If "Just Answer," their business model is about answering, right? Their annual revenue is $168 million a year, and I don't know how recent that is, but let's take a look at what their stuff looks like. Guys, this is a game changer; this is showing people want to talk to a person—right? Very, very, very important. Um, how do you contact support when you don't have an email with the word "support"? Um, on our support site, like you could go to our support site—just go. Here, go to affiliatemarketingdude.com right like this: click this button
here. You'll get our support live; we have live support on our chat right here—this button. Okay, so affiliatemarketingdude.com, click the button. Tina's probably there right now; you can click it, talk to Tina, and she'll help you with whatever you need. Live chat is something that is a game changer for sales if you're willing to do it. A lot of people don't; they're like, "Oh, we'll just automate it," or whatever. I don't. I literally go out there, and I learn about my market, and I make money doing it. Like, how would you like to be a
better salesman in your market and get paid to do it? This is game-changing stuff for a lot of people. Justanswer.com, let's try this one. They're ranking for 9 million keywords. They actually haven't been around super long; see the peak there? It started in 2022. Let's take a look at what keywords they rank for, and you could use these as markets, right? It's not that hard to do. There's some weird stuff there, so I'll just read them for you. They have rankings for different dishwasher models, rankings for all different kinds of how to secure your computer,
and things like that. Think about that for a minute. What if you did one where you help people back up their data or something like that? All of those lead to affiliate offers, and it's something that can work in a super, super simple way. Yeah, did you know? I just told you how to get support. If you ever have trouble with support, it's all over all the emails and everything, but you can click this button here and that will get our support. Very simple! Okay, so we're looking at this, and we're like, "Hey, check this
out." This is something where we could go through and get in the gap where people are struggling. We can help them out and say, "Okay, now I have this thing where I can help you." Same thing I'm doing with the content business. We did an offer a while ago that went so well it was hard to keep on top of where we offered one free piece of content for everyone who was on a webinar. People were blown away with it, and the upgrades were absurd. Now I'm starting to look at this and starting to understand,
"Hey, how can I do this?" in a real-world way and then respond and link to the offers—right? Very simple. We respond and link to the offer. Today's question day; you can ask a question here if you like. Yeah, we'll go another half hour if you guys have questions on this method. But again, looking at this, what's going to happen is you are now going to have all these questions people are asking, and these are worth money. You could do this on anything. Let's say, you know, you want to go out there and say, "Hey, I
know about live streaming." Church live streaming! A lot of people want to know how to set up church live streams, how to live stream a church service, how to do this, how to do that. You can sell them the services, or a kit, or something like that that would work. How would you do this method in the clip art niche? I would not. That's one that people probably don't have questions about; they just want clip art, so I don't think that's what I look at. Okay. Let's see. Yeah, so go ahead and type in your
questions there, and we'll take a look at those. If you were to go into this method, it could work really well with the church live stream, or you could do something with generating leads. Maybe people want to do leads, and you could show them how to do that and then sell them a course on how to generate leads—different stuff like that. Again, you're going to see that a lot of this stuff is very competitive. That doesn't matter because we're not trying to do SEO. We are going to go in groups; we're going to meet people
directly where they're at. Does starting with a Gmail address hinder sales? No, I think it'd be fine; just make sure it matches all the stipulations of that—like you would want to make sure that you're not stepping on the toes of what their terms and conditions are. Okay, yeah, there you go, Matt. I would probably just, you know, you could use any website. Can it work with Titis? I wouldn't do that one because unless you're an expert in health and Titis, I wouldn't do it. A lot of the stuff here—this list is a good list for
it—like car restoration, personal styling, right? Like, "Send me your photo; I'll tell you the best hairstyle," and different things like that. Then what you would do is you'd sell them, you know, hair care products or whatever that pays you well. Podcast monetization, drones—I'd sell them drones. You want something that's very high profit margin, right? Something that's going to pay really well, something that's going to get you like $100 or more. This list is available at downloadmynotes.com. So if you want that list, we posted it last night; it is there. Would I do that in the
CBD market? No, I would not. Did you know? I mean, contact support—like, I don’t know. How else to help you? Like, the link is literally right here. Um, but yeah, he's disappointed because he can't find the link. So, I really can't help you if you're not willing to click the link or go through support there. Um, but it sounds like you didn't get anything there. It sounds like you're just in limboland. Um, which in that case, if you can't find the support link and I can't find your name, I don't know who you are. Um,
but go there. You know, we have lots of places. I mean, people can figure out how to get support. If you can't figure out how to get support, you probably shouldn't be doing internet marketing. I'm just saying. Um, because, I mean, if you can't, you know, click this button, you just click this, it'll pop up, and there's the support there, right? Pretty simple. All right, so good stuff there. All you got to do is put it to the test. I mean, there are lots of markets you can do this in. Let's take a couple other
questions. Um, building a real estate website, besides the listing, how can I monetize it? Well, I mean, what type of real estate website? Like, are you looking to build a real estate website for your real estate sales? Is it an info site? What is it you're looking at? Okay, make actually sounds like this guy is not legit. Okay, uh, let's see here. Yeah, give me info on that real estate website, and we'll help you out with it. And then any other questions, we'll go a little bit longer if you guys have questions. I think there
were a couple on the video as well. Um, let's see. Yeah, this guy has mentioned those. Those are still ranking, which is cool. Uh, let's see here, it's about selling real estate and renting in El Salvador. So, what you would do is you'd probably try to help them find a place that works for them. What about doing this for romance novels? It's too low profit. This is something you want to do that is like service-based, big profitable stuff. Okay, cool. Uh, let's see what else we got here. Um, other questions. Okay, so yeah, some of
the other niches you can use this in. Um, if you need help, you could just go to ChatGPT and be like, "What are some high-profit affiliate niches where I can answer where the market has a lot of questions?" Right? Very simple. We just go through and do this, and bada bing, bada boom, there you go. Yeah, so here you got like Financial Services. That's probably one of the better ones. Health and wellness, stuff like that. What about real estate investor courses? Dude, totally! Like, that would be a perfect one. Um, because you could go through
and be like, "Okay, give me the market you're trying to invest in." Right? So, I would go and say, "What is a good formula for real estate investing based on house price and rent?" Right? So you would look this up for them, and you would help them, and then you'd give them the courses that would help them further. Very simple. Uh, if I wanted to help a local business with their Google listing and improving local SEO, what's a good custom lead bait? So, what you would do is you would do the places they should go.
Right? So, you would do custom lead bait. That would be, "Here are 10 places to list your local business." Okay? And it would be custom for them. So, you know, if someone has a restaurant, that's going to be different than if they have a real estate business. Okay, very cool. Uh, let's see, how about weight loss? Weight loss can work. Again, you know, be careful with medical type stuff. Uh, what about offline marketing? I mean, this is online marketing, like I don't really get into that. Um, have you made a living with low profit? It's
like 15 to 40 commission. What's your experience? Um, I've made a living with multiple. So, I've made a living with 70 cent conversions, um, I've made it with $100 conversions, and I've made it with $1,000 conversions. And even, I have one right now that I promote that makes like $9 commissions and makes them over and over. I get them every day. Um, so yeah, that can work. Uh, Billy, I don't go into that just because of regulations, so I'd watch for that. Will this work with non-medical natural health remedies? It can. Um, but here's the
problem: if you are replying direct, you are posing yourself as the expert. This is what a lot of people don't get when it comes to blogging and videos and stuff like that. If you're posing yourself as the expert and you are not an expert and they take your advice and something happens, that could be a damaging thing. Um, especially if you're replying directly because then there's like a paper trail of, "Oh, this person said this." So I would keep it above board, very generic. Um, because you know, you don't know. Like, it could be, "Oh
hey, you know, figs and thistle work for this," but that person might not have it. Um, would affiliate programs in courses like yours and others? Yeah, that's exactly what the SSMA guy is doing. He's promoting one of our courses with it, um, and that's what we're going to help them with. Does this work mostly for selling services or D2C as well? You could do D2C, yeah. So like, if you do direct to consumer, think... Like mattresses where, um, they pay $450, $250, $180, right? You could go through and say, "Okay, um, email me what side
of the bed you sleep on. Do you sleep on your side? What time do you go to bed? Do you like a firm mattress or a soft one?" and we will find the best ones for you. So it's more of a custom solution rather than reading a blog, which you know you email them and you're like, "Here's what I think is the best one for you," um, and that can work or, um, even, you know, products—here's the best live streaming equipment, here's the best computer for a dorm room or whatever—all kinds of different things. Uh,
let's see how to assume which lead bait is for which niche. How do you decide that it's something that they want? So if you're going into the niche of, um, laptops for college—okay, I think I spelled college right, right? Best laptop for college—okay, your answer would be, your lead magnet would be, or your lead bait would be, "Tell me what your major is, tell me if you like Apple or PC, tell me what your budget is, and I will find you the best price and the best laptop." There you go. Give them the link to
buy it. Super simple; obviously, have disclaimers that you are an affiliate. What lead bait can I use to attract people whose marriages ended due to economic migration? Mine ended. How do I help others? Uh, well, um, you would have to think about what that is like. I don't know that market, but you could go through and say, um, when a marriage ends due to economic migration, what are some things people need help with? So we can kind of go through here and see how it's working: emotional support, legal assistance, financial planning. Okay, so what you
would do is you would try to find one of these that's going to work and stand out really well. I would probably do, like, financial planning, and you can do, like, "I'll find you custom resources," and if they, you know, say they're in California or whatever, you send them a California resource. Very simple stuff. Um, as a published research registered nurse, I'm in the wrong, I don't know. Joe, you should probably go with that niche if that's what you are, um, because that would be a better niche than other stuff. I would always stick with
what you know to use this method, and I think it'll help. And then the bonus is to create an FAQ. So you're going to get all the questions, you're going to hear all the answers, you can create an FAQ, put that on your blog, and then after they read that, you could say, "Email me for more questions," or load that FAQ with affiliate links. Okay, very simple to do. All you have to do is go out there and be willing to go the extra mile. Um, how do you start or what is the process to
start? So what you're going to do is you're going to find the market. So the first step: find your market—and these notes are over at downloadnotes.com. You're going to start by finding your market, what you want. Okay, find a custom solution. What is something people have a solution about? Okay, if you're stuck on this, use this list; there's a bunch of stuff there. Then you're going to go through, locate the affiliate offers, create the lead bait, right? It's like, "Okay, high-end audio equipment. Send me a picture of your room and I'll tell you the best
audio equipment to get," or whatever. Okay, um, personal branding—I'll show you how to personal brand, or we'll make you a free logo with, uh, ChatGPT or whatever it is. Okay, very simple. Um, then you create the lead bait, you promote it. Okay, so you're going to promote that on the medium, Facebook groups, and stuff like that, and, um, that should get you some traction. Of course, it's not guaranteed; nothing in life is guaranteed, right? Um, but looking at this, you should be able to get some kind of response, and the idea is going for the
response. If you can get a response, respond back, help them out; you can make it work. Uh, how would you make it for Law of Attraction manifestation products? So you could go out there and say, um, you know, custom LOA (Law of Attraction) journal. Okay, and you would ask them questions on that. So you would just go to ChatGPT, "Um, if I wanted to make a custom Law of Attraction manifesting journal page, what questions could I ask the person to make it really good?" It'll show you that, right? And then you ask the questions and
you make it work for that. Um, this probably wouldn't work with print on demand. I mean, it could, but the profit—it doesn't make sense to do it with that. Um, it would work with teaching people print on demand, right? Like, you could go out there, "Watch this. Okay, guys, want a game changer?" So everyone's talking about print on demand. What I would do is I would do the business side of it. So what I would do is find people who want to start in print on demand. Okay, so you want to get started with print
on demand? Tell me, um, some things about yourself: hobbies, beliefs, um, ideas, whatever. What we want is we want them to be like, "Oh, you know, I like the Bible, I like this, I like that," and then we'll come back with a list on print on demand ideas, right? So then you could go... "Through, be like, okay, um, see here, here it is. For the, uh, Law of Attraction, I could go through and say, 'If I wanted to make custom print on demand business ideas, what could I ask the user to help them find the
best POD business to start?' It'll ask the questions you go through; you make it work, and then I would just use this as the template, right? Just copy and paste this. They put their info in; I put it in here, I fancy it up a bit, make sure it's legit, I send it to them, and then I'm like, 'By the way, here are the places you could start your print on demand business.' Um, it's a very custom solution, and I know this works because we have our high-ticket niche program where people want me to find
their niches, and it works like crazy. People get good results with it because what we're doing is we're listening to you, we're finding a niche that fits you, and we're showing you how to start it and set it up. It's very simple, very straightforward, um, and it works really, really well. I'm in Africa; I want to help those whose spouse has relocated to decide they then want to divorce. I don't know; that might be too difficult of a niche. I mean, it's very specific. You can do it! I mean, try it out, see if people
respond. The key is finding out if people respond because a lot of affiliate marketers are out there trying to do affiliate marketing, waiting for people to click banners and links, which, I mean, most people are doing this wrong. I don't know why a banner has a die on it, but there you go; they're doing it wrong. What I want is I want a response. When I run an ad, I want to know someone called or emailed or filled out a form. I want to know people are doing things and interacting. If I do a Facebook
post, I want to know if people are responding, right? Very simple. So I'd go through, and I'd be like, 'Here's my Facebook post. If you like this, comment whatever, and I'll send you the place to get the free report or whatever.' Very, very simple. Alien says, 'What's the quickest way to make money without any cash?' This—what you just learned—um, very cool. Reptile says, 'We got 87 people on the SS— the waiting list for his chat GPT.' Excellent! This works; that's a response. It's telling you people are interested in that. And, I mean, you could create
a custom GPT; I put the link down below. This is something that works in a very, very simple way, okay? So we got to look at that and look at how it works. Um, email says, 'Would you be willing to partner with me to offer loans to students?' I would rather students that have no money use the stuff and build something and then come to me. Like, if you're truly broke, go do stuff, um, make it work, right? But we do have a cheap course at blogprofitnetwork.com, which, like, legit, it is super inexpensive. Um, and
that's where I would start for most. But start small, get some results. Um, build! We have lots of people who do these free methods and get results. Does the average person? No. The average person makes zero. Um, that is a fact. But what we're showing you is very specific ways to go out there and get a response because, you know, if you're waiting around for people to click things and hope that it sells, why not go out there and intersect and sell it yourself, right? Why not be the middleman and provide something of value for
being the middleman? Because most people are stuck; they're trying to get a bunch of traffic. We showed earlier most people need a bunch, right? Matt says he's been watching my video for like a year, and then he decided to join later on, and now he's doing really well. Um, seems like this could work best for doing something small, bite-sized, so that you can sell high-ticket services. That is a good way, right? Looking at that and understanding, hey, we can make that work. This is not guest marketing. We're going out there; we're getting a response, and
we're basing everything on that response, which is very, very specific, and it works. If you do it! Again, for those of you who are like, 'Is it guaranteed?' Of course, it's not guaranteed. The average person trying to make money online makes zero. But I think understanding how business works—right? This is why it irritates me when people are like, 'That method doesn't work.' Well, you didn't really try it, right? A lot of people don't try it, okay? Or they don't give it a fair shake; or worse, what people do is they hear a method from me,
and then they pair it with something they already know from some other guru that doesn't work, and they wonder why it doesn't work. No, no, no! You need to do it strategically. You want to get results? Get people to respond to an ad or an offer or whatever it is, then sell them something. This will outweigh so many other things that you do. If I did not do this, I would have lost money, and I would not be in business today. This is how I started my business, and when you understand it's about direct response,
I'm a big fan of direct response marketing. We're going to call it direct response affiliate marketing, or DRAFF for short. What is direct response marketing? Well, most people go out there, and they're like, 'Well...'" Marketing is like Coca-Cola does, and they market it on "What's that show? The singing show, American Idol." They're hoping that enough people watch American Idol and drink Coke, and they're probably right. But if they're wrong, they can afford it, right? They can afford to be wrong because they make billions of dollars selling sugar in a can. We can't; we need to
do something direct. We need to say, "Here is my content, my giveaway, my thing on social media. Now, contact me, and I'll sell you stuff." I remember when I first started teaching back in 2008. I was working out of my garage. It was really hot because we didn't have an air conditioner in there back then. I decided for Simple Sites Boot Camp, which we actually have going on right now—if you're interested in that, you can contact the team. We were selling boot camp, and boot camp was like a—I think it's still the same price it
was: $12.97 back then. We haven't raised it because, you know, inflation and all that; I want you guys to be able to still afford it for those that can. So I thought to myself, "What if I got an 800 number and just told people to call me and I just listened?" Most people signed up. Why? Because nobody else does that. In the age of the Internet, actual people are hard to find. I'm going to give you a story. All right, here's a story—a true story from last week. I was flying to Colorado because we had
a tragic issue in the family, and I had to go really quick. While I was traveling, there was a storm headed for Florida—a big storm. You would think the airline would say, "Well, you know, Marcus, we're probably not going to fly," and they would know we're not going to fly because the storm is huge, right? It was literally like this: you had the state of Florida here, which looks like a peninsula kind of thing with a thing up here—that's great Florida, isn't it? And the storm was huge. I would think, "Yeah, you know, if my
plane needs to get here, we're probably not going to go anywhere." But the airline decided at the last minute, after I went through everything, to tell me, "Hey, you know what, buddy? We're going to cancel the flight." This happened three times! I went through check-in three times. I walked there and back three times. I drove; my cousin picked me up a couple of times. It was crazy. So one of those times, I went up to the kiosk for the airline, and there was this guy standing there—true story. You guys are going to love this. So
there I was, standing at the kiosk, and I'm like, "Hey, my flight was canceled. Can you help me?" I kid you not, straight in my face, the dude says, "I'm sorry. Here at this such-and-such airline, we don't do customer support," and he handed me this card. He was like, "Here's a QR code." I’m like, "Okay," so I just take a picture. He goes, "Sir, you don’t take a picture." I said, "Okay, I know what you mean. I'm not going to take a picture of it." She was very rude. So I walk away, I try to
get this app to work, and it says to call the people. I tried to call the people, and it just disconnects on me. The people at the podium are not going to give me help. I'm stranded in Colorado. The people at the phone thing—the app—are not going to give me help, so I'm walking around with my bags; I’ve got to have multiple computers because, you know, that’s how we roll, and it's heavy. I get to another kiosk and I see a guy. I'm like, "Oh, this guy seems friendly," and I go up to him. I
was wrong. Boy, was I wrong! He's like, "We're going to close up this jetway, and then I'll come back and help you." So I come back, or the guy comes back, and he's like, "Okay, what did you need help with?" I'm like, "Oh, my flight." And he's like, "Wait, wait, wait. I got to do a lot of stuff; we're not doing support." I'm like, "Okay, take your time, buddy. I got no hurry." Then he looks up at me, grabs the microphone, and yells at me through the microphone that such-and-such an airline does not do support.
I paid $1,500 for a first-class ticket, and they're not going to support me? Their app doesn't work, their agent yells at me. I'm like, "Wait a minute! How many of you guys just felt the sting of what I just said? You're like, ‘Hey, yeah, same thing happened to me with a cell phone company, a rental car company, the mortgage company.’” If that happened to you, type "no support," or don't type that. Let's type "frustrating," or something like that. Type "me" or whatever, okay? If that happened to you and it frustrated you, I want you to
think about that and feel that. Why? Right? Sky says he went to the store to buy a vacuum and they said, "Go to the website." Another person says, "Welcome to Corporate America." This is the reality. He'd like to know which airline—it's one of the big ones, right? It happened to you several times—frustrated! How? Many of you guys, if I was like, "Whatever airline doesn’t give me support," what if I intersected that as an affiliate and helped people out? Who do you think is going to be the king, right? How many think, like, this is the
world we live in? I remember one time, years ago, we bought cell phones from a major cell phone carrier. You know, I don’t look at my bill; I just pay the bill. It’s automatic. Three months later, I figured out we had been paying this bill $400 more per month for four lines that these assistant — and we should probably abbreviate that because that would be more accurate: sign-up lines so he could get paid — it was their error, it was fraud by their support person. And she says, "Well, we can't cancel them; we can't refund
them. You're stuck. You have to pay $400 a month for the next two years because that’s what they signed up for." And I was like, "Wait a minute, that’s it?" So I talked to the manager. The manager was like, "Yes, here in Corporate America, you just give us money, and we don’t do anything for you, right? This is the world we live in." And so we go there, and I said, "Okay, well, how much is it to cancel them?" At that time, I had four plus two business lines plus four other lines. She’s like, "Well,
it’s $175 to cancel each line." I said, "Sign me up." I paid $1,750 so that I did not have to pay for their mistake. How many of you guys are like, "Dude, I feel this way," right? Call your health insurance company; it’s a joke. It is a complete joke. This is why this method works, and if you don’t think it’ll work, you are not paying attention. This works because everyone is as frustrated as you. How have I built my company? Big, big, relatively, okay? I don’t do a lot of advertising; I don’t do a lot
of stuff. What do I do? I talk to you. I help you, and you reward me for it because that’s what you want. How many of you guys are tired of gurus that are like, "I’m the guru, I’m the king on the hill; here’s his king hat," right? And he’s like, "I’m the king on the hill." He takes your money; here’s his hand taking your money, right? And you can never contact him. That’s why I’m frustrated by that comment in there because I’m like, "Hey, our support is second to none. We help, and by helping,
this makes all their advertising obsolete." Because all I do is say, "Hey, you want to talk to me? Get on a Tuesday call in Blog Profit Network. You want me to help you find a niche? Go to HighTicketNiche.com," and we go through, just like Jerry Maguire, exactly help people out. And you start to think about it, and you’re like, "Wait a minute, that’s all I have to do?" I mean, the airline makes insane amounts of money. I’m going to do a video on Friday where we’re going to talk about YouTube and YouTube stats and things
like that. Right now, there’s a lot of drama about a certain YouTuber, and I was looking at it, and he gets around 1%, a little bit less than 1% of the daily views of the entire channel or the entire YouTube. This means there’s a lot out there, which means with these companies, there are a lot of gaps where there is no support. It doesn’t take much for us to make money, right? How many airline tickets would it take to make money? How much software would it take? I mean, you look at software; like, I legit
pay $33,000 a month for a certain type of software. Their support is impeccable. I’ll give them that, but it’s very difficult to get help sometimes, right? Like hosting companies, and things like that. That’s why we stopped using a certain host that we used to use because the support was bad. This is where the money’s at, and it’s going to get better because nobody wants to do anything; nobody wants to talk to people; nobody wants to go on live chat. Did you know this? Here, what do you think? I want you to type it in the
box. What do you think the number one asked question on my live chat is? Okay, so you go to my site, and you’re like, "Marcus, I need help." You go to the site, you click this live chat right here; it's on all of my sites right there, okay? What do you think the number one question people ask when they can talk to me direct, right? What do you think the number one question is? Okay, we’re going to wait for some answers. I want to show you something very, very important, and this will give you an
"Aha" moment. "Do I need a brand new social media handle to run my affiliate business, or can I use my existing one?" "Get a different one." There you go, Patty! Okay, a lot of people say the number one question is, "How do I make money?" Patty nailed it on the head: "Is this you or a bot?" You know what’s funny? Sometimes people argue with me, and they’re like, "No, you’re a bot." I’m like, "Okay, well, you would know, not me sitting here. I wouldn’t know. Is this you or is this a bot?" Number one question,
hands down. Why? Because people don’t believe. People want to help them, and if you go the extra mile—I mean, if you want to make a living, this is the fastest way to do it. Do you always have to do live chat? Do you always have to talk to people? No, later you can scale, but if you start here, it's going to be a game changer, and that's where the rubber meets the road. Cool, so that's the way the cookie crumbles. If you want to work with me, check out blogprofitnetwork.com or highticketnit.com. Both of those are
great offers. And if you want notes from this video, check out downloadnotes.com. But remember, if you interact, and you build and grow, and you actually care about helping people with whatever it is, you can do this—and it will far out-convert anything you will ever try to do. Much like we saw with this guy, his conversions are already up with his new GPT. Why? Because he's actually going out there and trying to help these people. Like, it's not hard to do, and the world is a big place. Right? If you look at how to start a
social media agency, you're going to see there are about 450 people searching for that a month. Now, most people are going to take those 450 people and they're going to get maybe a 1% conversion rate if they get all the people. I'm not going to do that. I'm going to get them in, and I'm going to actually interact, get in there and mingle. Right? It's like they say on Dumb and Dumber: "Feels good to mingle with these laid-back country folk." That is what's going to work because I'm going to learn about the market in minutes.
I'm gonna learn what they want—very, very key. And we start to look at that and we're like, "Hey, now I can make it work." Showing you, okay, Clive set this up; he didn't pay anything for traffic; he just set it up, did it right, and bam! There you go! This stuff works if you do it. Now, full disclosure: he's only made a couple hundred bucks. We're going to help him with that, but starting to understand exactly how that works—yes, traffic's there. You're not making money with your traffic because your conversion is terrible; you're just relying
on run-of-the-mill affiliate offers and banners and things like that. When you could be just going out there and getting in there and selling. And again, we have the word "sell," but I'm going to replace that with the word "help." Just help them out, point to things that make you money, and you'll get a sale. Thanks for being here! Smash that like button. Hopefully, I'll get a video out for Friday, and we'll see you in the next video. Thanks, guys!
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