These 14 Webinar Steps Made Me A Multi-Millionaire (And Changed My Life)

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Jason Fladlien
In order to influence your webinar audience, you first need to grab their attention with your one ch...
Video Transcript:
my name is Jason flatland they call me the best in the world at webinars and I'll try to prove it to you today in this video here on YouTube so let's break down the 14 steps step number one hook what is a hook a hook is a way to get somebody's attention cut through the noise a hook needs to not only get attention because you could just say free beer come here oh now that I got you that's a disappointment we want hooks that both increase attention and either overtly or covertly increase demand desire of
ownership and so I'm thinking when I'm doing anything on a webinar what's the one most powerful thing that I can do to draw in the widest number of qualified prospects and predispose them to want to invest in what I have to offer at the end of the webinar so before I do anything on a webinar I got to come up with the hook the hook will influence everything they influence the introduction where you only get one chance to make a first impression it influences the landing page where you would register to show up to the
webinar it influences the advertisements and the emails that would encourage people to go to the registration page to register and attend the webinar you want to hook so powerful that people can't resist it they'll stay up at night saying I got to know the answer to that so a large portion of what I do on my webinar is come up and try to figure out what that Hook is so that's the first step step number two pain this is the thing I think I've contributed the most to in the webinar space in terms of how
I do webinars differently than everybody else I am a firm believer of wake them up from The Nightmare Before you sell them the dream or provide a path Out of Hell before you show them the path to Heaven people tend to come to webinars because they're suffering and they want to alleviate suffering it's for the same reason they do therapy nobody goes to therapy saying man life is great let's make it better they go to therapy because they say life sucks and I want it to suck less and so when I hook somebody that just
gets them to show up and that gets them to pay attention long enough so I can talk to them for a few minutes before they decide whether they're going to stay on the webinar or not and this is how we talk to them we talk to them through pain and so we address what we think are the limitations constraints excuses and limiting beliefs that that market has these are the pains that they say I can't do blank because of an insert excuse here I can't be successful because I can't concentrate I can't get rich because
I lack opportunity time money belief capability etc etc so I want to know in anything that I'm teaching on in a webinar and selling on what are the false beliefs that people have that have real consequences that keep them stuck cuz in the introduction I'm going to bring them up right away I'm going to say on this webinar here today I'm going to show you how to deal with blank how even if you have blank that this will not be a limitation if you understand how to approach it differently how if you are thinking this
thing is stopping you think again I'm going to show you how we can unlimit that for you with this unique way of demonstration on the webinar today so on and so forth and that's the second thing is so we hook them in and then we bring up the pain number three we tease so this is the gain portion of it by the end of this webinar you'll be able to do X you'll discover how to do y you'll know once and for all how to do Z you'll see unveiled right in front of you a
b c and d and this is one of my favorite parts of the webinar to create cuz I create it last I write all of the webinar first first and then I go backwards and create little teasers of what's coming up these are also technically known as open loops and open Loops are very effective persuasion tool because people once they hear the beginning of something they want to resolve it and get to the end of it so this increases retention on the webinar and it also creates more of Desire of I got to know what
that is number four excite excite is different than teas teas gets them kind of almost agitated like I got to find out the answer to that I can see that there's possibility here but excite is really the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you're able to follow this and if you're able to totally unlock the full potential what I'll show you today then these are some of the things that might await you in your future these are the outcomes that they desperately desire these are the things that they think about night
and day and obsess over that they want more than just about anything in the world and we put those in there too so now we have the ability to look forward to the mystery of what's going to happen on the webinar we have the pains these are what you're dealing with so I have rapport with you empathy that can show you that I understand you and the premise and promise of I will be able to solve these pains for you so I'll be able to improve the pains and improve the gains and this is what
makes such an incredible powerful webinar introduction it doesn't just relate to webinars every presentation that I do I try to put some of that into it number five position this is where you have to position yourself as the person that is more qualified to help them with the specific promise that you're offering up on the webinar than anybody else on the planet positioning is so so so important it is an overarching theme in every marketing campaign how you position something is more important than the thing itself so if you look at standup comedians where do
they position their best material they position it at the end so they build up to it and then they reveal it how do they set it up they set it up that's how with a punchline is how they deliver it but they can't just go to the punch line there needs to be a setup first and so this is you setting yourself up this is you showing and juxtaposing how you're uniquely qualified to teach a very specific aspect that nobody on the planet can match because if you can pull off that position then people conclude
I either do it through you or I don't do it at all but until you pull that off there's going to be two push backs to anything that you teach the first one is I don't necessarily believe you know what you're talking about and the second one is yeah what makes you special there's 15 other people that I could go to instead and I'll go to them later so I won't buy from you today I'll just take whatever you have for free and that be the end of it so positioning is very important how can
you demonstrate that you are qualified Beyond anybody else when it comes to what you're teaching and showing and demonstrating on the webinar number six Paradigm Paradigm is the oh this changes everything moment that you want your audience to conclude once they hear that they have a massive shift of Paradigm oh what I once thought was a limitation is actually a huge advantage that's a common Trope of a paradigm that I use very often sometimes the Paradigm is normally I wouldn't even allow you to consider doing this because it's not for you but because of these
weird circumstances that are not normal it's kind of forced me to have to show this to you and that's a really exciting Paradigm because it's like oh I shouldn't be able to even do this but because of this weird setup now I can do this when we started selling Amazon many many years ago the whole Paradigm was obvious and this is why so many people did so good on it we were teaching information product sellers to start selling physical products that's a tough sell but we were able to break that Paradigm through by demonstrating for
all of these people that had limitations related to uh information products I'm not an expert I don't want to put myself out there I don't know how to drive track traffic I don't know how to create conversion funnels and all that nonsense physical products are like oh we just have to rank on Amazon so the big paradigm shift that we really pioneered was Amazon as a search engine just like Google the difference with Google is you're searching for information on Amazon you're searching to purchase products and there's a way you can rank brand new products
on Amazon it's easier to rank on Amazon than it is on Google and it's so much more profitable and that was a huge Paradigm Shift we've had Paradigm shifts in the funnels space where the Paradigm is listen you could funnel hack everybody else's funnel to death but if you don't have their proof elements and you don't have their offers and you don't have the other content to talk to specific audiences that are different than everybody talking to the same audiences then you don't have anything you have a pretty dress with nobody to wear it essentially
so the AHA was let's put the things in there for you that you can license and leverage so now you can have the best of both worlds you can have a better chef and you can have better ingredients so that is a paradigm and if you notice I use a lot of analogies and analogies are super helpful and all forms of persuasion they're extra helpful when it comes to the Paradigm Shift when we got into the crypto space we did it completely differently than everybody else did so everybody else was essentially sell go to the
Moon you know get rich or die trying and a lot of people died we were showing that there's a different alternative path that wouldn't make you be able to fire your boss overnight but but it was a way for you to play the game so you weren't sitting on the sidelines eliminate most of the risk and yeah you're going to top off a lot of The Upside but not all of it and so you can dip your toes in the water be relatively safe experience a new type of investment vehicle so you're not left on
the outside and do it in a way that makes sense to you because it's not so foreign and different than what you're already used to experiencing so that was the premise of how we developed that Paradigm and it shattered all sorts of records and the good news is is it didn't put clients in a position that was Ultra Ultra dangerous so you know perception in reality and marketing perception is more important than reality for the sell reality is more important than uh perception for the Fulfillment reality creates an enhanced perception for the next thing you
sell so it's good to be amazing at both perception and reality but we have to sell perception that's the only way we get people to buy and to try it out in reality and the Paradigm is what's the one thing that if they understood it would change everything and so we focus on setting that up that's where we start really the content portion of the webinar number seven mechanisms so the old 8020 rule that everybody knows but nobody truly seems to understand is that a few of the inputs gives you a majority of the outputs
20% of customers buy 80% of the stuff that exist out there which makes the webinar really effective by the way because they go after the 20% by Nature those are the people that are looking and will spend two hours on a topic to get just a small Advantage out of it that's your 20% so when it comes to teaching any Paradigm there are generally three to five elements three to five inputs that will get the output of that Paradigm so out of the thousands and thousands and thousands of things that are important what are the
vital three or vital four that's what I try to hone in on so if I can only teach these things and teach nothing else about the topic could I get somebody reasonably successful could I get them to the out come that they desire and that's what I focus on with every single webinar I'm not a three Secrets kind of guy I'll leave that to Russell I think secrets are kind of cliche and at the same time Secrets can be limiting structurally so sometimes my three things are a step-by-step process other times they're not they're just
these are the considerations other times they're the they're the components sometimes they are the secrets I I don't really get too caught up on what is and isn't a secret I just say if I had to make a majority of people the most successful at this particular topic and there's only three to five areas I could focus on to teach them this what would those be and then that becomes the whole focus of the webinar content portion the training portion if you follow that you will train better forget selling for a second if you just
chopped off the pitch at the end of these webinars and just did that for your training content you would see a significant increase in satisfaction towards your content then once we teach the mechanism so it's essentially the formula for the mechanism so this is like AB c d so on step a ABCD we introduce each mechanism we explain why it's important why it's considered so valuable as an input then we Define it what it is exactly and what's involved with it then how to use it and that's really important we don't just say here's how
to use it without the proper context most people will be stuck doesn't matter what you teach them they're not ready to get on the bus and go into that world yet so more is important on here's what it is here's why it's important here's what's involved and then how to use it if you do those other things the how to becomes obvious like if you can tell somebody hey sleep is the most important thing that you can do for your health so let me just show you how to sleep you forget even saying that it's
the most important thing you say here's how you sleep better step one you do this step two you do this step three you do this you lost it but if you really break it down and at first you set it up out of all the different things that you can do to influence your health there's one thing that you can do that is more important than everything else it is the one thing more scientists agree on than anything else that ever exists it's something that you have a dedicated portion in your house where you do
this on a nightly basis hopefully it's called sleep now here's what's involved with sleep and you see what I'm doing here and then you get into here's how you use it and we teach each mechanism that way here's the first mechanism here's what it is here's why it's important here's what's involved and here's how to use it and we try to not get too much into the howto one really good Insight is more important than 10 decent insights one amazing aha I got this is more important than 100 yeah that's pretty cool so we want
ahas we always want these ahas and these different mechanisms that we're teaching we want ahas in the Paradigm number eight commitment we should be doing micro commitments throughout the webinar but we want to get commitments on each each one of our mechanisms so we show the first mechanism then we say something along the lines of so when are you going to commit to start using this to make a difference in your life and the more specific you could get the better I'm just speaking in generalities here on the second one you would say do you
see yourself being able to use this right now for an effective change the third one is if you could do this and felt confident doing this when would you first start doing this and again I'm just making these up these are just examples to illustrate the point there are significantly better tie downs and the more specific you get a tie down is just another way to get commitment here's what I'm showing to you now let's tie it down to make sure you got it and you're committed to following through with it otherwise you can teach
till your blue in the face but if you don't get commitment back you probably ain't going to make change this is why commitment is so important so I commit in multiple different points and times in the webinar I get commitment I get massive commitment though when I show the full here's the Paradigm here's the mechanisms here's what it looks like high level here is all of the moving pieces now that you've seen it all what are you going to do with it and that's when we get a very specific commitment that they're going to be
able to use this the goal in any webinar if you're really doing it right is you get somebody to the point that says I'm absolutely committed to doing this and then the question becomes do I do it by myself and spend time only or do I do it with you and spend money that's where we want the person to be at we want them sold on doing it now we just got to determine whether they should do it with us and spend some money or whether they should do it on their own and that leads
us to number nine here which is the transition it is tough to go from teach teach teach teach teach to sell those are two different contexts and so if you don't have a bridge that you build between one to the other it will be jarring when you switch it'll be like a Dr Jackal and Mr Hyde hey what the just happened there I'm freaked out all of a sudden right now and so it's kind of tough for a lot of people to make a transition and so I recommend what you do with a transition is
you call back to all the the cool amazing things that you have done thus far up until the webinar this does two things one it helps people remember consciously all the cool stuff cuz they forgot most of it anyway unconsciously they feel really good but consciously they're like I don't remember most of the stuff that happened it's also good for you because it reorientates you to all the value you've provided which should put you in a good mood look at what I've done for these people without asking anything in return and that put you in
a really conducive state to sell so recap I call it 60 minutes and 60 seconds we run back through the 60 minutes and in 60 seconds so so far on this webinar today you discovered this and I showed you this and remember when this happened and can't you believe that now that you understand this what you can do and boom boom boom boom boom boom and that's the first portion of the transition then the second portion of the transitions it says was your time worthwhile on this webinar today did you learn stuff you didn't know
before can you see yourself doing things you didn't know you could do before these are micro commitments so we get that yes momentum as I like to call it yes yes yes yes yes and then we do the two choices now this isn't the only one I got like 15 different ways to do all of these different things that I'm talking to you about here today I'm just giving you examples of each of these my favorite transition is so if we parted ways right now and you were left to your own devices to go off
and do this on your own it would be a worthy ideal to pursue if that were your only option but it isn't there is another option there is an option where we could work together where I could have a vested interest in your success where I could arm you with every great resource I have to give you an advantage when it comes to blank and I chose the second option and when you're going to see it you're going to get very excited and be glad that I did choose this option here's what it's about and
that's the end of the transition so we have framed you want to talk about positioning we have positioned the offer so magnificently as this great service that we've undertaken on behalf of the person so they're not left only to do it on their own they can and we've equipped them with enough Insight on the webinar at that point that they certainly could go off and do it on their own but it doesn't have to be their only option so this is how we ju tost it and then we go into presenting the offer and that's
step 10 offer now I have a controversial take on this everybody disagrees with me but I make more money than all these other webinar folks and so I think I'm right is an offer has two major components to it it has the core and it has the bonuses the core is what they pay for and the bonuses are what they get for free and and every really killer offer that I've ever designed or consulted on for other people we spend far more time on the bonuses than we do on what they pay for so we
want to position there's that again position the offer of this is the thing you pay for and I want to show them as little as possible of what they pay for before I ask them to pay for it and then I want to show as much as possible of all the cool amazing things that they get for free so generally the flow of the offer goes like this in terms of the product what I'm selling here's what it is the name generally here's how it's delivered to you the mechanisms like what's involved with it is
it modules is it physical components is it soft Ware so on and so forth high level right here's what it is here's how it's delivered to you here's what's involved with it here's how awesome and amazing it is with some very quick proof elements and some wow kind of money shots as I'd like to call them look at this thing look at that thing look at this thing you're going to get all this stuff this is going to help you with this this is going to help you with this this is going to help you
with that but I'm not spending more than two to four minutes most cases on here's what I'm offering you today and that's the first part is the core portion of the offer now we go on to Step 11 which is the price and I want to link price to the core portion of the offer so I don't spend a whole bunch of time on that as I've discussed and then we immediately go into the price so we start with the anchor here's what it's worth to me then we go one down here's what it's worth
to other people that I showed this to and then we can go one down here's what other people would charge for this and it would be okay cuz the value would be there then you go down here's what I normally charge for this and then here's your your special deal cuz you showed up to this webinar here today so for the next X number of hours days or whatever you can get it for this so this is you start high you end low it's cheesy does it work works very effectively because it takes the least
amount of effort for somebody to understand what the true value of the thing is and then we do a call to action so go here now to sign up for it to get it or whatever you know go to yes or some URL that you can very easily say out loud and people can spell and now we're really going to actually be in a position to start to sell because anything that is a significant investment that's not an impulse purchase people are programmed a majority of them will say no the first time they see
anything and so we have to get the no out of the system we also have helped them understood that the value is related this is what you're going to pay for and now we're going to spend a whole bunch of time on the bonuses which is Step 12 so here's what you're going to get for free exclusively ideally make them exclusive so they're not available anywhere else they're only available with this package and you can't buy them anywhere but you can get them for free if you act fast enough when you go to blah blah
blah now the bonuses are beautiful because they're like spotlights so bonuses there's a whole bunch I could talk to you about bonuses I'm not going to get into the weeds today that's a YouTube video for another time but a bonus should ideally do one of the three things it should kill an objection so if somebody says oh my God this program looks amazing but it takes so long you have some sort of shortcut bonus that can get them there faster a cut the corners bonus or if they're really really worried about man there seems like
I have to invest in a lot of stuff you have the shoestring bonus we're going to specifically focus on how to do this if you don't have more than two nickels to rub together right so those are killing objections so that's one of the things that a bonus can do another thing that a bonus should do is just some dramatic demonstration of some amazing value that you can offer to them there should be some of that in the course as well but it should also be pulled out and put put into a bonus that can
be dramatically demonstrated so when somebody sees that in just a few seconds they say oh my God I got to have that that thing is freaking cool and so that's a second bonus the third bonus could be around a proof element and so you show how good something is because you validate it with a result so if you have some really good results you should turn those into bonuses themselves so I could create a bonus on webinars of how I got over 200 people to spend $5,000 to buy a digital product that they already owned
so if I was teaching on webinars or I was teaching on persuasion I could do that and that would be my proof element if I was selling something to coaches or consultant I could do a bonus specifically around how I got Alex Heros to pay me $25,000 to help him with his big book launch that happened on YouTube recently at least when I'm recording this and that could be a bonus uh so you want to consider either kill an objection have a dramatic demonstration and or have a killer prooof element around it doesn't even necessarily
have to be yours if you can license something from somebody or interview them and use their proof element as a bonus those are way that you can make bonuses really incredible and attractive and we typically want five to seven bonuses I like seven as long as they're really amazing and we want to have a high retail value Associated to those bonuses that far exceed the price of what they'll pay to get the whole package and they should be so cool that people would buy the whole thing just to get one of those bonuses save the
best bonus for last start with the second best bonus and then you can tease that like so far you've seen all these bonuses but I've saved the best one for last and even before you start introducing the bonuses when you sign up you're going to get these special exclusive bonuses I'm going to show you a lot and just so you know hang in there because the very best one I've saved for last but let's check it out here's the first bonus boom and then you start talking about these bonuses and you typically will spend two
to four minutes per bonus and you should do a call to action after each and every bonus so now that you've seen bonus one doesn't it make makes sense for you to go to and get signed up right now and in addition when you go to to get signed up right now you're also going to get and then you introduce botus number two now Step 13 risk interesting Lucky 13 risk Friday the 13 risk I don't know how it plays out that way risk should be sprinkle throughout a lot of these things you
should sprinkle them throughout but if nowhere else you want to put it in after you show them everything you know here's the core offer here's the offer here's the price here's where you go to get it here's the bonuses if you act fast enough to get it and then here's the risk involved and here's how we mitigate that risk so you can do money back guarantees you could address other risks Beyond just the money in terms of time risk in terms of other uh objections people may have what the risk is involved and why it's
not actually a risk or it's more riskier not to buy the thing than it is to buy the thing so you want to spend a lot of time here focusing on risk mitigation very specifically extra credit if you do better than money back guarantees which all of our biggest campaigns have but the whole purpose of it is some portion of your webinar after you've made your offer has to focus Focus very heavily on what's the risk involved and here's how it's not actually a risk here's what we've done to deal with that risk on your
behalf and that's number 13 and then step number 14 is scarcity now it's not something you just tack on to the end it's something you also sprakle throughout as you've noticed I I talk about exclusive bonuses it's better to have bonuses that people can't buy anywhere because then there's scarcity related to those bonuses those bonuses are attached to the offer and the offer expires at a certain period of time some of your bonuses may be extra exclusive they may be quantity limited or date limited for reasons that are ideally beyond your control hey I was
only able to talk to this vendor over here he wasn't able to give it to everybody because that would be insane because it's like a $2,000 piece of software but he did say that I could give it to the first hundred people that invested and that's very powerful scarcity so you'd put that in the bonus but You' also remind that at the end you would emphasize that that fear of missing out account you have to these days because there's 6 billion offers that somebody can pick upon so if there's not some urgency to make a
decision then the default is to make no decision so we want to put those in place we want to have a reason why for the scarcity it can't just be like buy an hour or this Bunny's going to get shot right it's got to be uh legitimate it's got to be believable it's got to make sense it's got to be like oh yeah it it can't create an additional objection so when we launch group coaching programs the scarcity is very obvious I start training and coaching on this day so the bus leaves so if you're
on the bus you're with us and if you're waiting there we got to go at some point in time we just can't sit around and wait for everybody and that's really powerful scarcity all scarcity absolutely should be true you're an idiot if you use fake scarcity ethically legally pragmatically all of the above stupid stupid stupid so find ways to make scarcity legitimate and then really Hammer at home because it is the strongest motivator for taking action that exists on planet Earth but that's the 14-step process four webinars I could spend days and days and days
upon it but if you need a quick start and you want to go somewhere just go down this list and make sure all of these 14 components are in your webinar and let me know your results and I'll see you on the next video
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