the events of April 3rd kicked off with this frantic 911 call made by Courtney clinty oper the of your emergency 311 it's 13 ma'am listen to me you need to stop screaming on the line and give me the address I can't feel my arm 3101 I can't feel my arm what my boyfriend is dying a ma'am what is the address baby I'm so sorry ma'am can you hear me ma' sending help the operator never did manage to get the full address from Courtney thankfully someone else in the building had heard signs of a disturbance and
asked security to contact law enforcement City of Miami police 911 operator Dodge what is the address of your is emergency I'm calling because there's a fight is going on yeah there just there's a fight going on right now is it a physical fight yes not only did this caller share the full address but he also shared the specific apartment number where the altercation and apparent injury took place since this report matched the partial address Courtney gave the operator was able to confirm that this was likely in reference to the same incident now that they had
this information officers ra raced to the scene and wasted no time making their way to the apartment in question the scene they found was every bit as dire as Courtney's hysteria on the phone suggested police are here Poli are here come here come on come on come on come here get out get up get up right now you get up right now why you you keep him up right I just get up right now Mommy Mommy get up right now baby baby baby baby wake up wake up what's namey just keep him sitting upy listen
to me get up get up come on you got to get the dogs in okay okay please please go please get get up right now Dr floor I'll help him out get oh no no no no no no no I can't I can't let this wait it wasn't guys guys relx relax why no guys relax relax [Applause] relax what's going [Applause] on you relax what youing from guys relax down here okay okay okay down just let me okay okay okay baby come here just sit down sit down please just make make sure he's okay as
First Responders struggled to control Christian's bleeding and contain Court name the harrowing situation threatened a spiral even more out of control how old is he how old is he he's he's 27 he's about to turn 28 in like two weeks 27 years old we have his birthday planned for Barcelona come on come on stay here come back come get the dog out come here come here come here what's the dog's name come here rerer over here Rangers he that's hey it's like his dad so he's okay Rangers let go rer come on bab hey it's
like his I'm not going in I'm not going do matter you stay right here okay okay okay while officers inside raced to help Christian as they waited for Emergency Medical Services to arrive Courtney remained frenzied guys please tell me what's going on I just want to make sure that he's going to be okay please like tell me what's going on I'm I'm looking you the like I'm looking you in the eyes girl like please tell me if he's okay can I please stand up and see no ma'am it was no ma'am I'm covered in his
blood cuz I'm trying to understand trying to sa him I understand that and if I don't if I don't y can't then what will I do with that I need him he's like my other H things might have been quieter inside the apartment but the situation was growing more Urgent by the second hey fire resc is here to help you out relax boss hey you bleeding a lot from here man just like the officer said fire rescue arrived just seconds later and began working to stabilize Christian enough that they could move him out of the
apartment and into the ambulance waiting downstairs a task that turned out to be easier said than done hey relax man relax hey Christian oh Christian come on the EMS team was in for quite a surprise while assessing Christian is he under we don't know what we have but he has to go somewhere uh we no but he started moving so we don't know if all let me make some room for the stretch and all this stuff that's right the first officers to respond had actually handcuffed Christian as well as Courtney not knowing who the aggressor
was this would eventually become the main question of the investigation that followed we got take these we get these CS I mean you have the key I have the key yeah but I I didn't want him I didn't want him fighting so we we need to save I understand that both Courtney and chrisan would be closely scrutinized in the hours to come but for now medical attention took priority Christian was uncuffed and released into the custody of the paramedics however they ran into another even larger issue almost immediately upon seeing what was happening with Christian
Courtney who had been moved outside launched into a fresh wave of Hysteria that's not a body down body sit down sit down listen to me sit down sit down okay don't move from there why are why are you you're not helping anymore everybody's here to help him out let me that was not a body bag is it no it was in fact a body bag but not for the reason one might expect the hall leading to the elevator was too small for a gurnie not to mention crowded with people in debris the EMS workers were
forced to improvise and fashion to makeshift sling with the only item they had readily available only once they were out of the tight confines of the apartment were they able to get him onto a proper stretcher with Christian being rushed to the hospital the police were left with the only person who might might be able to explain what on Earth had happened in the apartment the still distraught Courtney listen the detectives are coming you want to talk to them and then you're going to explain yourself but I'm going to be covered in blood I look
crazy I was holding him while he was spurting blood trying to stop the blet I need you to be calm okay and explain to me exactly I'm I just feel like I'm going to throw it because I feel like he might I just need to know that he's he's at the hospital we don't know you okay I there's no way I can at the hospital right now no we're conducting investigation zero zero chance why why is that zero chance why is that because we need you here doing an investigation that's why we can all was
you we can do okay I know but please like you're making me look like a when I go in there can I please despite Courtney's pleas the only sanction change to her wardrobe was the addition of a robe when the detectives arrived the officers were instructed to take Courtney to the police station for an in-depth conversation can I say by can I say by to my I'll be right back boys I'll be right back okay give good I'll be right back rer rer I'll be right back dude I'll be right back her farewell to the
dogs might have been emotional but by the time she reached the Miami dat police station Courtney sounded far more collected and casual than one might expect wow this looks like the Ducker office look at that never been something like sh this is a oh it's supposed to be in Miami Police Department to make us make a joke instead of replying the officers escorted Courtney into an interrogation room to wait for the detectives I'm assuming I'm the blue chair yes just do this for so I can set that a paper towel or tissue or anything yeah
I've been crying a lot when she was left alone Courtney appeared to once again become deeply distressed please God please please God let me I talk God Christian you okay somebody yeah we're going to start talking now just getting everything set up sorry I'm not trying to be like I'm just like I I just cannot believe the way my day went yeah it's way worse I just really want to get to the hospital yeah what desperately want to the hospital right mean either way so you don't rush you know you still would be able to
see him at this point obviously you said what you wouldn't be able to see him at this point so that way you still working you're still taking care of him you know it's process so I don't want be there I can so yeah we'll talk we'll talk about it okay okay after receiving tissues and water Courtney was alone again to continue her emotional ruminations [Applause] working please God don't take your [ __ ] completely away from me we not going to work out God let me talk to him again let us both tell each other
that we're sorry after 15 minutes minutes she was joined by detectives who were eager to learn how on Earth the bloody scene in the apartment came to be my apologies for being absolutely covered in blood listen you don't have to apologize okay I completely all right things happened you can't control this Courtney shared some basic info about herself and Christian including the fact fact that his birthday was in just over a week once again Courtney became emotional I know this this must be very rough for you right now no we were supposed to go to
the park with my dogs today like I just did not how I explained this sorry how long have you guys been together um about two years how long have you guys have you been living here since um first or second week of January we moved here January this year together from h do you guys work here in Miami or do you guys have your own business or um I do social media so I'm influencer I guess is what oh CL yes influencer um and he does STS and in addition Christian sometimes helped Courtney create content
for her Instagram and only fans accounts in the interrogation room Courtney quickly succumbed to her emotions again as she described her future PL with Christian we have the dog pick out um golden retriever we're going to name mellow so we're going to get out so we can have a backyard cuz I have two dogs and then we're going to have three so we're planning on staying here for a while okay I just hope we get the opportunity to do that once again Courtney composed herself and return to the matter at hand thank you guys for
getting me water and TI is he okay he's there he's still at the hospital they're still you know monitoring him and talking to him so we're waiting oh my God so he's not even he didn't even have to have surgery well I don't know they're they're still they're still uh doing uh X-rays and stuff like that so I don't know yet I'm waiting to hear a response that's all I have to God Courtney sounded relieved but in reality Christian was far from being out of the woods only time would tell if he would Sur survive
his Grievous wound once we're done I'll go talk to them again and see what's what's what's the update okay hopefully hopefully I'm over freaking out and and like I'll be able to see him or whatever does he have any family he does he yes he yes um his mom and grandma he's most he's closest to Mom and Grandma mhm we here in Miami or they live in Dallas I think his grandma may they may still be in Nigeria um they visit a lot but I think that they're back in colge he has a brother that
lives in I do I think Houston I don't know where his sister lives you happen to know thought you had their phone number or um none of theirs no what's his mom's name you know he told me I I'm really I terrible I really that's like remembering and I met her multiple times I've been to her house and I still can tell you that's pretty bad I mean how many times have you seen four times so I got a chance to talk to Christian today to who Christian who Christian they haven't told me I'm the
victim he's definitely the victim what' you say Courtney then launched into her story of the leadup to the argument we just had just come back together I had broken up with him and then he came back the last like two nights and everything was perect and then start like to an argument and I end up getting scared and I think that I overreacted or not overreacted necessarily but reacted and I just didn't know exactly what might happen before anything happened we were going to walk my dogs down to this park over by like the Paramount
which has like the the um beach volleyball and basketball court and all that we're going to walk over there and let my dog R to play soccer that was my plan for the day at this point the detectives finally hit Paws and made Courtney aware of her rights would I be able to talk to my father cuz he pretty much acts as my attorney with like not like for stuff like this obviously I've never been in this kind ofu is he an attorney um no um he's just he's he's just we give you a time
if you were under 18 then yeah I would I would provide you a phone call to your father but you're over 18 so I don't feel like it like I mean I I I was sitting there in a freaking puddle of my boyfriend's blood begging him to like please not like give up on me like man like just serious my boyfriend is not dead is he well he can't talk to us right now either way he's from the hospital I want to go [ __ ] at the hospital they I going to be able to
do that so far right now I can't give you an answer okay we just have to go through everything cuz literally this this just happens after a bit more consideration Courtney decided to go ahead with the conversation the bloody tale she was about to tell was shocking but the most horrendous details would come from some unexpected additional sources you just have a history of domestic virence yeah how many instin you think you've had I don't I don't know but we shouldn't be together will you say one or two or just too many to oh my
God oh my God I haven't touched my ankle it's like what what I just want just want to take a shower god um okay no no no no no no we can we can I'm not trying to interrupt the keep this is absolutely the most insane that I think I have ever been involved in I think and anybody without after allowing her to dab away some of the blood on her leg the detectives gently steered Courtney back to the original question have you made a report before uh no you've never made a report oh I
did in um I did in Dallas actually about a year ago um and he was same what happened there um he push me in the um lobby but it wasn't like a big deal and they made it a huge deal um and he ended up getting taken to the hos or jail or something um which I don't think it was necessary but yeah and then also I I been arrested for as well in veg in August so he and I Le had one okay what happened to Vegas the incident in question took place almost almost
a year prior on July 27th 2021 fortunately the detectives didn't have to rely solely on Courtney's recollection as the entire call had been captured on body cam back in July when the police officer arrived at the hotel where Courtney and Christian stayed the pair had already been detained by security so Chris why am I here today tell me what's going on um we we're having a great day and we were supposed to go to dinner like 8:30 she uh goes to sleep I wake up at 5: morning on the couch has me to go to
the to the bed three times which I did and then he call security for some reason there's no reason to be here at all so obviously you're here because she code security why what were you guys arguing about started what's it called she asked me to throw bed you hate me I was like no I don't hate you babe just like disappointed but like we didn't do anything how this disappointment over missing dinner had escalated to an altercation worthy of police intervention remained unclear but what Christian said next proved that the situation was even more
serious than the officer likely suspected did anybody hit clunch fit each other TR was they my on my face when the officer went next door to talk to Courtney however she said that wasn't the case um things got blown out of ma we going back and forth like getting really loud and I decided to call because you were getting really loud it wasn't because I was scared or anything wouldn't hurt me but I felt that we were either going to get kicked out or wake people up or something because it was just like escalating okay
and I thought it was going to disturb everybody so I felt the need to have him removed from the room did you throw something did I yeah no did anybody throw anything no Christian's statement had once again suggested otherwise what trigger her to throwing in the glass at you I think it's my tone like she tells me to work on a couple things I my tell faal expressions and after she she threw the glass at you did you punch her hit her pull her hair spit on her anything like that so what do you do
one thing I like babe stop I like babe stop it I just don't want her to control like a l person much you know when he talked with Courtney the officer had presser harder about throwing the glass okay so when I go to the room and I see a broken glass on the floor where did the glass come from I don't I don't know I literally couldn't even remember how the fight started sure enough when the officer looked around the couple's bedroom there had been shards of broken glass amongst the mess based on this discovery
things hadn't looked good for Courtney did you remember throwing a glass no I don't but that sounds like me like I'm so foggy I've had hardly any sleep like I'm not even I'm not like drunk even I just really like not functioning does that Mak sense no not really did you throw a bottle at him or a glass at him you say before yes I know that he didn't do it because throwing things is my okay once again do you think you did it or you did it I did this admission had changed the situation
drastically which the officer had explained to Christian as he escorted him into the Hall I'm I try to make it as short as I can I don't want to give you a long speech here okay there's a lot of things that we have discretion with and there's a lot of things that we don't this is one of them you guys are in a relationship she threw a glass at you the glass is there she ad me to throwing in the glass when that happens I have to make an arrest I can't tell the judge let
me fin let me let me finish he doesn't have any price for that I don't think there going to be any issue however the state here puts anyone that is a suspect on battery of domestic violence on a 12h hour hold I can't let you hey no I don't have I don't have to do anything I'm all I have to do is what say I have to do the hotel staff had said they would allow Christian to collect his belongings from the room upstairs but after that he would no longer be welcome on the property
while security guards attempted to convince him to go get his things the officer had gone back into the office to break the news to Courtney as soon as she heard she was about to be arrested her story began to change all right courney this is the deal so the investigation shows that you threw a glass at him and that and the stat is considering battery and since you two are in a relationship I'm sorry that is considered battery of domestic violence is a mandatory arrest okay there's a lot that I didn't say because I didn't
want him to get in trouble like grabing me and pushing me down anything else that you tell me I'll be happy to put it on the report but at this point you're going to be transported okay may I may I at Le a a hug from my boyfriend before he's already gone Christian wasn't actually gone he'd refused to walk away from the security office to remove his things from the room and ultimately hotel security had made the decision to remove him there's a lot that like happened that I don't want to bring up let me
let me explain to you let me explain calm down for a second I haven't brushed my teeth I need to shower I let me explain to you how this is going to work despite her pleas the officer wasn't budging that hadn't seemed to dissuade Courtney from continuing her efforts though can I just walk peacefully out with you please I really don't go ahead and stand up face I need to go number two Courtney had been assured that she would be able to use the bathroom at the jail and was escorted to the transport vehicle waiting
outside even though this fight ended in an arrest this would pale in comparison to the events yet to come this runin with the law hadn't been enough to dissuade the couple from further altercations as the police now investigated Christian severe injury in April they searched Courtney's phone and came across a collection of appalling evidence with the potential to change the entire case first they found that Courtney had been keeping notes to herself about her altercations with Christian revealing some truly heinous conduct do not physically hurt him she wrote in November almost 5 months before Christian's
hospitalization stop spitting period Courtney further commented that she was just abusive and coming close to really hurting him shocking as this may be it was just the tip of the iceberg when it came to digital evidence of the couple's toxic Dynamic back in the interrogation room the police sought more details from Courtney about the couple's history of conflict how many times has the police been called to your apartment or you you called the police since January okay um police have been called once mhm because I called them because my boyfriend was threatened was theat I
I don't remember exactly what the situation was but he was um he had taken a knife um he grabbed it in front of my face and then I got scared and he was kind of waving it at me but it wasn't for me and then he took it into the extra room and slammed the door so I got really scared that he was doing something in there that I couldn't control so I called the cops and he wasn't very happy with me about that earlier just after Christian was found bleeding and unresponsive the apartment building
manager had confirmed that police had responded to multiple recent calls about Courtney and Christian police has came five times she went to five different times they were punching each other five different times and until this day this bad he's unconscious full of blood I have here significantly the building manager wasn't the only one to attest the Courtney and Christian History of Violence shortly after Christian was whisked away in an ambulance a man who lived across the street approached one of the officers to share more disturbing information we're on the 21st floor they're on the 22nd
I see him my girl saw too in that bedroom that's facing out to a street bam oh yeah hid her and I'm like holy I'm like babe look look look he saw us looking blinds go straight down all week we've been seen cops come to this building you know we're we're a big Community here so we're kind of like what's going on and then today I see you guys are all up there I'm like I got to go say while going through the couple's text message history the police found evidence that things were even worse
between Courtney and Christian than the witnesses knew for example they found an apology from Courtney dated February 5th 2 months before Christian's life-threatening injury that read you deserved better treatment in the days following and when I cut you I absolutely hate myself for what I did to you however they were fighting again almost immediately Courtney didn't seem to know but Christian had been secretly recording some of their more serious fights this one took place on February 8th just 3 days after Courtney apologized for cutting him proving just how incredibly volatile their relationship had been decide
whether or not you're done gaslighting me decide whether or not you're done I am mad that you told me to come decide right now that's a I asked you so many times that I don't know and I apologize but you hit me shut the up don't no physical violence was depicted in Christian's video but security footage from the apartment building told another story days later on February 21st police found this security video of an extended physical altercation between the couple unfortunately the security footage didn't have audio capacity and the reason for the argument remains unknown
even without sound though it was easy to tell that things were already spiraling out of control between Courtney and Christian the investigation would show that this sort of behavior was even more pervasive than anyone yet suspected and what do you guys usually argue about or is it always a different issue I don't even know do you mind telling us about those arguments or not I don't think there's a point I I I I I cannot remember everything so I'm not I don't want to remember part of it okay what you say it's jousy related for
sure for some of it yeah another argument recorded a month later on March 5th by one of Courtney and Christian's friends was clearly based on jealousy this altercation was even more aggressive than the one in February no like I was over for two weeks two weeks two weeks and now why am I not so cuz I'm you like you're hindering my progress you see instigative views no you're telling me I touched her yesterday when I you didn't I didn't say you touch you said I did you were leaning yo you were dumbest you flirting like
three girls what three girls what three girls you you are the most get the out of here this is new house not my house like you're not you're just like my boyfriend get the out of here I can actually get like done if you're not here get the out of here okay I'll remember that next time get out of no not this not going to be next time stop touching don't touch me again good then get out get out get out get out get out for I never want to see you again and yet there
were still worse incidents the police would soon unearth he ever put his hand on you before how many times take a two years you've been like five times I remember there was a time when he hit me really hard in the head and I was going to discombobulate but I can't even remember when it was it might have just been like when we were drunk but I know it happened so I'll just leave that out cuz I can't give you exact facts okay um and I don't want to lie about anything um uh the last
time was in salum um he grabbed me by my here or something we were both drinking um but there was a bench in front of our bed and he threw me against the bench and I hit the bench um my head at the bench and I fell on the floor um there was another time my mom was on the phone and threw me into the wall in the bathroom but um I mean there's I'm not I am certainly a crazy person too so there was that one um but the cops have been up there um
one other time yesterday M for absolutely no reason absolutely n the police's visit to Courtney's apartment the night before Christian was discovered in critical condition had been recorded on body cam this situation too appeared to have been more complicated than she was letting on she of yeah we had a domestic dispute okay uh can you please let me into my apartment please yes I hold on what's going on okay where's your apart you have a key you don't need to talk to what's going oning about where's your key Courtney explained that she was locked out
during the course of an argument with her boyfriend Christian the building security manager explained how things went from bad to worse when Courtney came to the lobby to retrieve the spare key this incident was eerily similar to a horrendous exchange that police uncovered between Christian and Courtney from months earlier on October 9th 2021 6 months before Christian was found in critical condition he messaged Courtney the following the crazy thing about this is that yesterday when you stabbed me in the leg and you saw how bad it was hurting me and I couldn't walk I couldn't
do and you were telling me I wish I could take your pain away did I make you feel like for stabbing me no I just sucked it up and hoped to tomorrow will be better that's right Courtney had apparently stabbed Christian before unfortunately no police report was ever made and the violence only escalated from there until Christian was found now on the verge of death back at the apartment building the night before police found Christian with harrowing wounds the building security manager told police what he'd witnessed our boyfriend comes charging towards her and we actually
try to get in in the middle of it uh the boyfriend actually came after her and Paul was walking towards there and then I I just said you know enough is enough police need to be called she said she said she don't want police to be called but when it's in a common area and something happened like that my safety is the resident first further investigation into the text messages surrounding the stabbing from 6 months earlier revealed that Courtney never responded to Christian's message the next day he sent another indicating that yet another physical altercation
had taken place he wrote hey I'm sorry sorry if it's okay can I come back up I know you said 5 minutes but I've been in the restroom my nose is bleeding and the back of my head hurts like really hurts I Decay if it was your hand or the phone but I'm really dizzy this time Courtney responded and told Christian I'm putting your stuff up you can come get it when I say you can go to First Aid the rest of the conversation would reveal a whole new level of Cruelty back on the night
before Christian's hospitalization Courtney was determined to share her version of of the story after hearing what the building manager reported what El you I was told I was getting get a chance to speak go ahead go ahead courney what's going on your turn are y are are you going listening listening been drinking today you hear all this the person on the other end of the phone call was Courtney's father who remained on the line for the duration of the police's visit during the similar conflict 6 months earlier Christian had continued to plead with Courtney to
let him back into the apartment revealing even more disturbing information in the process a few minutes after Courtney told him to go to First Aid he wrote can you please let me in and help me please I can't keep walking up and down when my leg hurts come on Courtney did not appear to have let Christian inside he contacted her again saying you hit me in the face with a phone then continue to hit the back of my head with the phone now I have a lump I'm bleeding throwing up I think I got a
mild concussion and have anxiety I slept in the restroom for 2 hours and I'm just lost beyond words finally Courtney apologized to Christian I'm sorry for hitting you in the face and the back of your head and spitting on you is it right no you just pissed me the off but I still love you all this and more would come to light as the investigation continued including the couple's apparent history of substance use however this was only the beginning as there was still more appalling evidence of the couple's violent relationship back on the night before
Christian was found fighting for his life Courtney was determined to make the police listen to her why do you have something against me man like I'm justs the officer Courtney had argued with stepped aside to talk to the security manager when talking with him and several other employees the officer learned that Courtney and Christian were actually in the process of being evicted for not paying rent Courtney didn't mention this in conversation with the other two police officers it probably didn't help their situation that allegedly residents as far as two floors above and below Courtney and
Christian's apartment could hear them yelling at each other and reported the disturbances what do you need what boyfriend any hold it down I broke up with him about a week ago I had my mom fly out she stayed with me for a week Tred to like get him out and he kept sleeping in the elevator inside of my like extra couch Courtney said that her mother had gone home that morning after which things with Christian had taken a turn for the worst again I stayed in my apartment all day I didn't take my dogs out
for like 8 hours because I was afraid that when I came down here was going to be down and when I did be down I walked my dogs and he told me he wouldn't leave me alone and then all of a sudden like he follow me the elevator and I said don't fall this guy said shoved him when I was upstairs and they shoved door I said I shoved him I said show me the video like I really got angry because I did not have it recent text messages between the couple indicated that they'd been
arguing almost constantly since April 1st two days before police found Christian in a critical state after ignoring messages from Christian in which he apologized for entering the apartment before her mom left and begged to have a direct conversation Courtney informed him you're like talking to a bag of rocks how this insult led to a knife wound remained to be seen the night before the stabbing Courtney continued to plead her case to the officers on scene I am right now like I have not always been a victim but like right now I'm freaking victim in situation
I'm scared to go downstairs want my dogs I just walked him and I told him you don't have a chance and now all of a sudden this is all happening so what do you what do you what do you want to I want a restraining order against Christian Elli additionally Courtney and the security manager had found some common ground when the police asked what they wanted to see happen both had requested that Christian be removed from the property for trespassing however just like every other aspect of this case things had not been that simple does
he have property in the room in the apartment with you a lot of property he said does is it he's been with you here for about two months right let me let me let me let you know something he lives here that person lives in that apartment with you okay we cannot trustpass anybody that lives in this place the police escorted Courtney back to her apartment and did a walkr of the complex but didn't find Christian he was clearly around however because when Courtney gave police consent to search her phone records showed that he texted
Courtney saying Courtney please I was downstairs and they're trying to get me for trespassing help please though he sent countless messages begging her to help him or talked to him her only response was you never loved me the police never did catch up with Christian and since there was no ongoing violence the officers departed they had no idea they would be back in fewer than 24 hours after the bloody culmination of the couple's fight in the interrogation room Courtney explained how their interactions had continued after the police left the previous night everyone I talked to
him I really let him have it over the phone and I let him come back and spend the night and then he explained the whole thing and I was like okay you know what let's agree we will never like touch each other again out of anger and he will never Gaslight me again those were the two like main things Courtney stuck to her story that things had recently changed for the better between her and Christian but this turned out to be little more than the eye of the storm because less than 24 hours later Christian
would be in the hospital fighting for his life he was happy to be back in the apartment and I was happy to have him back in the apartment cuz I missed him and been waking up telling me good morning I love you touching me like it's just I felt very very loved when I woke up this morning that's why I'm so like heartbroken and just like why the couple appeared to have gotten along for a short few hours after the police left but it didn't last long before violence erupted once again like I said a
little bit I was laundry mhm and watching a Christina Randall or listening to her Christina Randall video and tried to call my mom she didn't answer the first time and then he came back with a Subway sandwich before he left he recited exactly what I wanted I said I said let me I'll text what I want to you and he said I know what you want and I said no you don't he recited it to me before he left and you got it perfectly right um came back um and I said something about like oh
are you going to like reshare your location with me like you un share it and um said yeah yeah I'm sh and I was like oh when did you do that was the other day like when you were done with me and I was like okay well fair enough like re share it um and then he told I mean it kind of like turned into like a little like argument or something then he told me to reshare mine and I was like okay yeah I will and then I didn't do it immediately um they asked
me about it again um and I don't know what I was thinking but just said something about well what if I'm somewhere you don't want to be Christian captured footage of this fight too notably the precipitating arguments seemed to have gone a little different ly than Courtney told the detectives Courtney you're drunk right now and like it's hard to talk to you right now give me Al well you already don't get me don't get it go get it it got even worse when investigators made yet another shocking Discovery 3 months earlier on January 31st Courtney
texted Christian this heartless message hopefully this gives you time to think about your actions enjoy the hospital a little while later she checked in to ask you keep yup how does it feel it's unclear what sort of altercation led to Christian's hospitalization but further messages showed Courtney daring him to tell Hospital staff what had happened instead Christian said he would explain his injuries away as a football accident even this though was just a precursor of the horrors to come more of Christian's recordings revealed how bad things got in the leadup to his most Grievous injury
[Music] [Applause] okay baby get away in the interrogation room Courtney continued to downplay the confrontation thought I was like why are you doing this like I just because like I said that we're over blah blah and he was trying to talk to me and I just didn't want to I didn't want to talk to him I'm sorry a we are over okay no you're not stop it stop don't tou me no you're you know that according to the text messages from January sent while Christian was at the hospital 3 months earlier he practically begged Courtney
for help to no avail Christian replied I don't feel so good Court can you come same Courtney wrote back oh well Christian's next message read come I'm scared Courtney's callous reply was simply no you're not it seemed like the Ty raade against Christian never let up because on the day before Christian's stabbing Courtney once again took things to a whole new level hey let me help you additionally she happened to leave out another precipitating incident according to Christian's video he'd apparently said hello to one of their neighbors something he was apparently not allowed to do
you T you know damn well the right thing to do is to tell me yes and I am so sorry just shut up and let me slap you dumb you're not going to slap me give me my phone you have your phone I don't have it anymore find it and charge it like find it charge it I'm sorry I don't care find okay just stop don't me man yeah man oh cuz I'm telling you I'm sorry phone and charge it I need to find it cuz I had to go me again so to go out
no shut up just please shut up you want to go talk to her without talk I didn't go to go yes you did you always wanted I was told me about it and now like d what are you go to talk to I was going on a bike ride like what the get off of me me going to talk to this going to make you act like this you literally talk to her without telling me Courtney I was on a bike ride and she passed me and I said hi you and Courtney are having a
a live chat my bad I forgot to tell you that that doesn't make you an acting come yes yes thank you coming from Jordan thank you I want you to get away from me the screaming match kept going just like the shocking messages the last time Christian was hospitalized 3 months earlier Courtney stopped responding to his messages pleading for help and Christian became increasingly distraught when Courtney eventually wrote back it was once again with an apology that said I feel extreme regret sadness and humiliation and I am so so sorry for hurting you I hope
we can get through this but I understand if we can't your anger and pain is completely valid however during the fight the night before disaster struck there was no evidence that Courtney had offered any such apology me me me I'm sorry didn't tell you if you make one more excuse I will shut my ears I will never listen to you again okay you know damn what you don't need to scream I will you don't damn well you I my phone I need to go home need my CE don't touch me what is going on like
what are you are you going to get this mad at me when I'm apologizing to you but Christian's attempts to apologize seemed to have no effect and the couple remained headed towards disaster at the police station Courtney continued with her version of how the fight progressed and he ended up pinning me against the wall and then I mean I said like choking me on the floor this happened twice before where I couldn't breathe and I was on the floor I could not breathe and I don't think that you just trying to kill me but I
was scared he said why don't you got to find one of those one of the guys in you didn't cuz I said something about that when I broke up with him like a week ago out of anger I didn't say because I want that because I love him um but it was just one of the things that you said was that at the moment that he was charging you or earlier in one of the arguments it was before he choked me when I yes it was before he choked me so you told me you told
me that that he had you against the wall at one point right with the hands over your neck and what how did you end up from the wall to the ground dumy go let me go and then I started swinging on him because i' been against the wall okay I started trying to hit him yeah and then put he dropped the to what did he do like did he like lift you up or did he grab your hair did he just kind of like rotate you onto the ground I really couldn't tell you if I
could have like been given all these questions you know before I could be like hm may let me like think about it or when I'm trying to remember like a whole situation of where I was very upset about something yeah which I've learned this in therapy or whatever it's like right down like all the details so you don't forget at some point during the scuffle Courtney said that Christian Let Her Go however the peace had only been temporary I walked into the living room just on the couch didn't before walked in the living room like
I called my mom you could see I was calling my mom I made him angry I went in the living room took go sit on the couch he came in there to the phone out of my hand did he ever get the phone out of your hands or no no no um you just came over to me was trying like trying to get it so this happened like over by the door and somehow moved like over in the living room we was standing by um by the couch king toward the kitchen and I was in
the kitchen and then he just like I could see like all the whes in his eyes he was like like coming at me and so I grabbed I grabbed one of these knives and I was like I swear I swear to God I swear to God it was just like I I mean I I be like don't come anywh closer to me I had absolutely no intention of using it I'm on the phone with my mom and he's coming at me like he's going to grab either the phone or like the knife or something and
so I was just like I I was like don't don't come any closer it's coming at me and I threw it after some prompting Courtney estimated that Christian was about 10 ft away when she threw the knife this would turn out to be a critical and contentious piece of evidence in the investigation to come how exactly did you throw it like you threw it like this or kind of like you like kind of like flung it at him overhead or how how did that oh I just flung it you just flung it over your head
or from like like this so from like beside your head holding it yeah so not like okay like I'm holding it like this this is not the knife the the the blade right the blade I'm not I for dang sure did not stab him that would be insane I mean I didn't even think that this would touch him but I mean I thought that I would scare him I would scare him by just grabbing it I thought I would scare him by just grabbing it but that didn't work what did he do after after you
you flung The knic F did he walk around or did he fall right then and there or what happened you fell down you fell down yeah he didn't he didn't walk around or anything like that or still try and chase you or or what the police had to wonder if this was true because when Courtney gave police consent to walk through her apartment they found blood in countless areas of the house including the kitchen living room entryway and even the bathroom you know where the where the ne right here okay and um and what did
you do after EO um I just I ran over to him and grabbed him and like it just like a blur but I ran over to him and I grabbed him and I just said oh my God what do I do what do I do like I'm like the worst person to be around what do I do um and he said he said um you said call somebody and I was on the phone with my mom he said that um he said call he said just call somebody and I was like came on the I
said I said mom what do I do what I do she said call 911 I think I call 911 another officer came by to assure Courtney that her dogs had been taken care of and were staying with their usual groomer the doctor say I took them to the peace and love peace love H yeah where she answered and I told her it was an emergency were they still covered in blood uh not too much cuz it rain a little bit but I told her she's going to wash them and she has food there then Courtney
was again left alone and after some more praying and crying attempted to get get some sleep it was only when a third officer checked on her that she finally asked about Christian is there nothing on Christian I'll be to take his W right now is he okay uh we're going to check we're trying to reach the the officer at the hospital after 30 more minutes of waiting forensic techs arrived to collect evidence from Courtney including swabbing her neck and hands and photographing the many blood stains on her body and clothes do you have any injuries
I not really all over the place I think but I'm probably just covered in blood honestly usually there's just bruises like on my on my arms and my legs let me get the one yeah on your arm right here Courtney let the investigators know that she'd picked off several of her nails while waiting to talk to the police and indicated several other scrapes and bruises however when looking at Courtney's Instagram account these injuries were determined to be old possibly much longer before the fight that landed Christian in the hospital in fact they found found no
evidence of defensive marks that they would expect to be consistent with Courtney's story me we're SW just the area of your okay Courtney's clothes were also collected as evidence and she was given a hazmat suit to wear for the time being she was also introduced to her lawyer who accompanied her back into the interrogation room after she changed yeah what so you're living in a neare right now yes you know I will feel so much better once they just say he's stable yeah I've been asking I've been asking so much and that's what we're waiting
for okay I mean I feel like I mean if if he's not that's a lot worse for me but if he's not that's just a lot worse for everybody I I don't know what I'm going to do I don't know what I will do with myself well is not okay no matter I me I clearly we can't be together no matter what his condition is it's out of our control right we have no control what's done is done we cannot do it we need to move forward and my concern is you okay um I will
be talking obviously to your family um like I said I I still feel you know confident that um you're going to you're going home and straightforward with you there's some concerns about about your mental health to make sure that you're okay because this is very traumatic so there may be some steps taken there yeah come on in to make sure that you're okay and that's it but we're getting you home okay okay Courtney had a few more minutes to chat with her new lawyer but before long the detectives returned to the interrogation room with some
news that changed the entire case so we have to inform you that Christian did not make it okay um unfortunately the doctors did what they could and Christian is dead oh my God this is not real right okay no Kristen died can I please have a hug am I allowed to do that in here sure we fine no no no Cal down calm down [Music] take the breath you're going to be okay I I need I need to I need to hug my mom I'll talk I'll talk to your parents over I cannot be left
alone in like a room by myself you for this I just no that's not true that's not that didn't not that's not real right it is real Christian Christen is dead they not going to lie I know I just can't believe even before being taken to the hospital the First Responders were clearly aware that things had not looked good for Christian tragically Christian was pronounced dead shortly after arriving at the hospital during an autopsy the medical examiner determined that Christian's right subclavian artery had been cut causing him to bleed out but there were more characteristics
of Christian's wound that would raise question questions during the investigation to come take de breaths I've been crying so much can I just C right now no okay it's going to be fine [Laughter] no it's not oh my [Music] God I wanted to be at the hospital I if anything happened him I just wanted to be at the hospital I begs can I please go to the hospital I mean obviously they put me a com at my house but like I beg can I please go to the hospital oh my God friends our friends oh
my God I'm going to wake up tomorrow and it's going to be the same thing can know okay guys it's the last time I ever talked to him the last time anyone ever talks to him C the last thing he ate was suway what are I saying to that other room I said God forbid God forbid when like from the far away if if it what if what if I what if it had accidentally hit a little bit lower and he died that's what I said once again Christian secret recordings of one of their fights
reveal that this outcome could have been what Courtney wanted all along Corney I need your help Corney I know you care about my head right now the cops are going to take me to jail then that's cool I don't care Christian I don't care about you just stop it Christian I honestly like I know that like on your head is serious I told you to leave downstairs I told you I'm actually not having a good day where I actually literally want to kill you it seemed Courtney got her wish but whether or not this was
intentional remained to be seen the medical examiner stated that based on the angle and depth he believed that the injury could not have been inflicted by a thrown knife Courtney's intentions along with the method of attack would not be determined that night for now though the police did something unexpected I think the detective spoke to your mom she's trying to get a flight to get you um some support CU we just met an hour ago um we're going to get you some support okay I swear I was holding him for so effing long and I
the security lady was standing right there and I was like why are they taking so effing long and I was just sitting there bleeding and bleeding and bleeding and bleeding bleeding and bleeding bleeding take a deep breath be in here I need to be with my family against all odws Courtney was released that evening she moved back in with her parents in Dallas Texas while the investigation continued in Florida however the pending case didn't seem to be enough to keep her out of trouble for long on June 16th over 2 months since Christian's tragic passing
the police were once again called out as a result of a disturbance involving Courtney what ends up happening is she's like hey I'm drk walk me back home if you want I said yeah of course I'll help you get home on the way to Courtney's par parents house though things took a turn four different occasions she tries to kiss me make out no I I don't want to do that especially I'm 18 26 you're drunk I I don't want to part of that yeah so I just kind of try to leave walk around and then
she starts kind of like fing down the road uncomfortable the young man texted his father for help I'm like listen if I cannot talk to your parents you're aggressive you're acting aggressive I I got a call 911 actually I I dialed you and she freaked out Courtney's mother Deborah was already on scene talking with another officer but the police asked to speak with Courtney directly to hear her side of the story perhaps predictably by now her version went a little bit differently oh oh God no no no it's okay we just want to get your
side of the story Courtney claimed that there was no issue until the neighbor's father interrupted she said nothing about making romantic or advances in the end the situation was resolved without any criminal charges being filed however that wasn't the case when it came to the pending investigation into Christian's death after the runin with the neighbors Courtney enrolled herself in an inpatient treatment program for substance abuse and post-traumatic stress located in Hawaii it wasn't until 4 months after Christian died once all the digital evidence like text messages and videos had been thoroughly reviewed and prosecutors agreed
how to move forward that a warrant was issued for her arrest on August 10th the Hawaii facility was raided by a SWAT team who took Courtney into custody preparations to extradite her back to Florida were underway but Courtney chose to return voluntarily but that wasn't the only arrest that was made in January 2024 nearly 2 years since Christian's death warrants were also issued for the arrest of Courtney's parents Kim and Deborah there are warrants for you and your wife's arrest what I know Courtney's mom Deborah took the news even harder okay nobody I'm not okay
nobody's going to hurt you I understand what I mean phally she was persecuted by that mother she's getting she's getting persecuted now and now we're getting persecuted it came to the attention of law enforcement that Christian's laptop had been removed from the apartment police alleged that Courtney's parents had considered with her defense attorneys to remove incriminating evidence from the laptop before it could be used in court however there was no evidence found against the parents or the attorneys and ultimately the charges against Kim and Deborah clinty were dropped while the attorneys were never charged in
relation to these allegations but the same couldn't be said for Courtney she remains in jail without bond as she awaits trial for the charge of second-degree murder in her court appearance on November 15th 2024 the judge denied a bond again until the trial is complete we won't know what really happened to Christian abami or if justice has indeed been served it's important to note that all persons charged with a crime are Presumed Innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law