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who is the woman the child and the dragon in Revelation 12 God revealed the revelation of Jesus Christ to John to show his servants what must soon take place John was the recipient of this Revelation from God this book is filled with mysteries about things to come the final warning is that the world will surely end and judgment will be inevitable it reveals to us just a sliver of paradise and all the splendors in store for us there Revelation 12:1 Amplified Bible and a great sign warning of an ominous and frightening future event appeared in
heaven a woman clothed with the sun with the moon beneath her feet and on her head a crown of 12 Stars this is the first of seven son signs that John reveals to us and it is one that is described as a big sign megason in Revelation chapters 12 13 and 14 the main figures of the Great Tribulation are described and this great sign introduces the first of the seven we read a woman clothed with the sun because John plainly said this is a great sign we don't expect this woman to appear literally Lally on
Earth God will use this sign to communicate something to John and to us we read a woman clothed with the sun this figure has been linked to a wide variety of different religious Concepts throughout history according to Joseph's dream the woman who was clothed with the son should be interpreted as representing Israel from a Biblical perspective in the dream Jacob was symbolized by the sun Rachel Joseph's mother was shown by the moon and the 11 stars were interpreted to be the sons of Israel who bowed down to Joseph Joseph is now included with the other
Israelites tribes in this constellation made up of 12 Stars Genesis 37:9 but Joseph dreamed still another dream and told it to his brothers as well he said see here I have again dreamed a dream and lo this time I saw 11 stars and the Sun and the Moon bowed down in respect to me in other passages of the Old Testament Israel Zion or Jerusalem are often depicted as a woman Hosea 2: 19- 20 and I will betro you Israel to me forever yes I will betro you to me me in righteousness and in Justice in
loving kindness and loyalty and in compassion I will betro you to me in stability and in faithfulness then you will know recognize appreciate the Lord and respond with loving faithfulness the woman gives birth Revelation 12:2 she was with child and she cried out being in labor and in pain to give birth we read being with child later in the video we will reveal who this child really is next a fearful Mighty Dragon appears Revelation 12:3 then another sign of warning was seen in heaven Behold a great fiery red dragon Satan with seven heads and 10
horns and on his heads were seven Royal Crowns diadems we read another sign appeared in heaven once again we are reminded that the creature mentioned in the text is a symbol it wasn't actually a great fiery red dragon but rather a representation of the person's nature and character the description of the Dragon symbolically suggests his Fierce power and murderous nature a picture of the fullness of evil in all its Hideous Strength in Revelation 12 the next sign is a great red dragon with seven heads and 10 horns the seven heads are adorned with seven diadems
while the horns symbolize power and the crowns represent Authority the image of the seven heads and 10 horns is meant to convey a sense of immense Power Authority knowledge and strength and is therefore quite terrifying it is important to note that the ter term diadems which is a transliteration of the Greek word diadema appears only in the Book of Revelation and not in any other New Testament book furthermore it is a distinct word from the crown stepanos mentioned in verse one the difference between the two terms is that the crown symbolizes a permanent Victory while
the diadem represents ruling Authority and power this woman is very different from the other women in Revelation we see other women in Revelation for example Jezebel Jezebel is associated with a religious system promoting false teaching Revelation 2:20 Amplified Bible but I have this charge against you that you tolerate the woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetes claiming to be inspired and she teaches and misleads my bond servant so that they commit acts of sexual immorality and eat food sacrificed to Idols we also meet another woman the great Harlot who is associated with false religion in
Revelation 17:2 Revelation 17:2 Amplified Bible she with whom the kings of the Earth have committed acts of morality and the inhabitants of the Earth have become intoxicated with the wine of her immorality we also meet the bride who is associated with the church we read this in Revelation 19 verse 7 to8 let us rejoice and Shout for Joy let us give him glory and honor for the marriage of the Lamb has come at last and his bride the redeemed has prepared herself she has being permitted to dress in fine linen dazzling white and clean for
the fine linen signifies the righteous acts of the Saints the ethical conduct personal Integrity moral courage and godly character of Believers now we see the dragon causing more disaster Revelation 12:4 and his tail swept across the sky and dragged away a third of the stars of heaven and flung them to the earth and the dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth birth so that when she gave birth he might devour her child verse 9 of the chapter explicitly identifies the dragon as the ancient serpent who is commonly referred to
as the devil and Satan he is known to deceive the entire world verse four further reveals that Satan is waiting for the birth of Christ with the intention to destroy him God never created an evil being instead he created angels principalities and Powers who were capable of experiencing immense joy and achieving great distinctions in his glorious domain however they were also given Free Will which was implicit in the creation of moral beings as a result they could exercise this free will to either their Eternal benefit or their destruction some have remained steadfast in their allegiance
to God such as Michael and his angels but others have rebelled against the rule of heaven and have become unrelenting enemies of God and his kingdom we read a male child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron this clearly refers to Jesus Christ the Messiah who rules the world with an iron Rod Revelation 19:15 from his mouth comes a sharp sword his word with which he may strike down the Nations and he will rule them with a rod of iron and he will tread The Wine Press of the fierce wrath of
God the almighty in Judgment of the rebellious world the Endeavor to devour her child was initially fulfilled by herod's attempt to kill Jesus as a child it was also fulfilled during the entirety of Jesus's life when Satan attacked him Matthew 2: 16-18 Amplified Bible then Herod when he realized that he had been tricked by the Magi was extremely angry and he sent soldiers and put to death all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that area who were 2 years old and under according to the date which he had learned from the Magi then
what had been spoken throughout Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled a voice was heard in Rama weeping and great mourning Rachel weeping for her children she refused to be comforted because they were no more the child Jesus's Ministry is described by its Earthly beginning and end she bore a male child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron and her child was caught up to God and his throne it is clear that the figure depicted in the passage is Jesus therefore the woman mentioned in Revelation 12:1 cannot symbolize the church as Jesus is
the one who gives birth to the church not the other way around hence the woman must represent either Mary or Israel the only two entities who could have given birth to Jesus further analysis in Revelation 12 reveals that this woman is indeed Israel and not Mary the Dragon Satan is attempting to Devour the child Christ however the Christ is born and caught up to God and to his throne Satan attempts to kill the Christ but Christ is raised from the dead and ascends to the Father the vital image to identify this woman is in describing
her labor pains this prophetic image is found in a few places in the Old Testament Micah 4:9 to10 now why do you cry out loudly is there no king among you has your counselor perished for Agony has gripped you like a woman in childbirth WRA in pain and labor to give birth oh Daughter of Zion like a woman in childbirth for now you shall go out of the city live in the field and go to Babylon there you will be rescued there the Lord shall redeem you from the hands of your enemies Micah prophesized that
Israel would be taken captive to Babylon experiencing intense pain like that of a woman in labor however amidst their suffering they would be rescued and Redeemed by God Mah continued to use this imagery a few verses later in his prophecy according to Micah the nation's suffering will continue until the remnant brings about the birth of the Messiah the prophet was a message of Hope as the Messiah will come and guide his followers with the strength of the Lord the prediction of Labor pain symbolizes the suffering of the physical nation of Israel which would lead to
the purification of its people Revelation 12: 6-7 Amplified Bible then the woman flared Into the Wilderness where she had a place prepared by God so that she would be nourished there for 1,200 160 days 42 months 3 and 1/2 years and war broke out in heaven Michael the Archangel and his angels Waging War With The Dragon the dragon and his angels fought the woman flees for protection in a place prepared by God the spiritual Nation the true people of God are preserved for 1,260 days this represents a specific period of time characterized by by distress
persecution and tribulation despite being under attack by Satan the people of God are spiritually secure it is commonly believed that Satan resides in Hell however currently he is not there although it is certain that he will end up there the popular image of Satan as a red figure with horns tail and a pitchfork is a far cry from the biblical portrayal surprisingly Satan can even enter Heaven as per Job 1 he may visit the presence of God a battle occurred in heaven where Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels the dragon
Was Defeated and cast down to earth along with his angels Revelation 12 describes a cosmic spiritual conflict where the devil and his minions march on Heaven despite their efforts the dragon was not successful in his fight the archangel Michael served as God's champion and was the Commanding General of God's forces this is revealed in Revelation 12:9 Daniel 12:1 now at that end time Michael the great Angelic prince who stands guard over the children of your people will arise and there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until
that time but at that time your people every one who is found written in the book of life will be rescued Michael and his angels succeed in throwing Satan and his people from Heaven to Earth the main way Satan attacks the people of God is blasphemy he is the accuser of our Brethren Revelation 12:10 then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying now the salvation and the power and the kingdom Dominion reign of our God and the authority of his Christ have come for the accuser of our believing brothers and sisters has been thrown
down at last he who accuses them and keeps bringing charges of sinful Behavior against them before our God day and night Satan will lose the conflict Revelation 12:9 and the Great Dragon was thrown down the age-old serpent who is called the devil and Satan he who continually dece leaves and seduces the entire inhabited world he was thrown down to the Earth and his angels were thrown down with him John then offers a simple strategy Believers Through the Ages have employed to overcome Satan's attacks a three-fold plan against the devil's assaults covering confession and courage the
effect of Christ's Victory on the cross over Satan and sin is declared in verse 10 salvation has come power has come Revelation 12: 10-2 then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying now the salvation and the power and the kingdom Dominion reign of our God and the authority of his Christ have come for the accuser of our believing brothers and sisters has been thrown down at last he who accuses them and keeps bringing charges of sinful Behavior against them before our God day and night and they overcame and conquered him because of the blood
of the lamb and because of the word of their testimony for they did not love their life and renounce their faith even when faced with death therefore Rejoice oh heavens and you who dwell in them in the presence of God woe to the earth and the Sea because the devil has come down to you in great wrath knowing that he has only a short time remaining the accuser Satan has been defeated by Christ's power shown through his victory on the cross Christ has exercised his authority and rule in his kingdom through his death and Resurrection
bringing salvation to all we are no longer subject to Satan's accusations because of Christ's redeeming work on the cross there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus Romans 8:1 the effects of this expulsion from heaven will be Illustrated in Revelation verse 20 we needed Christ's Redemptive work on the cross to defeat Satan moreover we conquer by our testimony but woe to the Earth for Satan is enraged and knows his time is short however Satan's time is running out because Satan's plan has been thwarted to destroy the Christ Satan turns his
attention to the woman Revelation 12: 13 to 17 Amplified Bible and when the dragon saw that he was thrown down to the Earth he persecuted the woman who had given birth to the male child but the two wings of the Great Eagle were given to the woman so that she could fly into the Wilderness to her place where she was nourished for a Time and Time and half a Time 3 and 1/2 years away from the presence of the serpent Satan and the serpent hled water like a river out of his mouth after the woman
so that he might cause her to be swept away with the flood but the Earth helped the woman and the Earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the river which the dragon had hled out of his mouth so the dragon was enraged with the woman and he went off to wage war on from the rest of her children seed those who kept and obey the Commandments of God and have testimony of Jesus holding firmly to it and bearing witness to him we were previously told in verse 6 that the woman would flee to the Wilderness
for protection during the tribulation times verse 13 picks up on this idea after noting the effect of Christ's victory over Satan Satan looks to attack however the woman was given two wings of the Great Eagle to fly to Wilderness for protection for a time times and half a time being carried On Eagle's Wings reminds us how the Israelites were saved in the wilderness Exodus 19:4 Amplified Bible you have seen what I did to the Egyptians and how I carried You On Eagle's Wings and brought you to myself Satan Rel relentlessly attempts to destroy the true
followers of God but his efforts are in vain as indicated in verse 16 however his failure only fuels his anger and he shifts his Focus to the other believers who kept the Commandments of God and holds to the testimony of Jesus as mentioned in verse 17 this reveals Satan's hostile attitude towards those who believe in Jesus the chapter provides us with a Time time frame for these events the woman represents the remnant of Israel who remain faithful to the Lord and bring forth the Christ Satan attacks the woman but she is protected all that is
left is for Satan to take his attack he is going to make war with the rest of her Offspring in Chapter 13 we will see how Satan plans to Target the church in the future despite his attempts to defeat Christ Satan was unsuccessful his next move is to attack the church specifically those who keep God's Commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus Jesus let us know the truth about the kingdom of Satan this occurrence happened after the Pharisees had blamed Jesus for breaking the laws of the Sabbath the Pharisees were noted for their love
of regulations and their knowledge of scripture they're breaking the law they exclaimed when they observed Jesus deciples picking and eating Grain on the Sabbath you couldn't work on the Sabbath according to Mosaic law but the Pharisees had added so many more restrictions and scenarios to the way the Sabbath was handled that they equated the disciples conduct to laboring in the grainfields Matthew 12: 22- 24 then they brought him a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute and Jesus healed him so that that he could both talk and see all the people were astonished and said
could this be the son of David but when the Pharisees heard this they said it is only by beel the prince of demons that this fellow drives out demons the Pharisees were unable to deliver the man but Jesus did their argument was that he worked via Satan's strength rather than God's they disagreed with Nicodemus ass ment of his miracles for the Pharisees slamming Jesus for keeping the Sabbath wasn't enough when Jesus healed a demon-possessed man and the people went crazy the Pharisees accused him of casting out demons using the power of be elel or Satan
the Demon's ruler Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them every Kingdom divided against itself will be ruined and every city or household divided against itself will not stand if Satan drives out Satan he is divided against himself how then can his kingdom stand and if I drive out demons by be El by whom do your people drive them out so then they will be your judges but if it be by the spirit of God that I drive all demons then the kingdom of God has come upon you or again how can anyone enter a
strong man's house and carry off his possession unless he first ties up the strong man then he can plunder his house Matthew 12: 25 to 29 Jesus observed how illogical their accusation was if Satan drives out Satan he's divided against himself Satan may be thoroughly evil but he's more clever than that he doesn't work against his own plan and the Pharisees knew it the only alternative was the truth Jesus had driven all Demons by the spirit of God to illustrate he spoke about tying up a strong man in order to steal from him Jesus was
saying that he could plunder Satan because he's stronger than Satan his kingdom power over the forces of Darkness have been displayed Before Their Eyes whoever is not with me is against me and whoever does not gather with me scatters and so I tell you every kind of sinness slander can be forgiven but blasphemy against the spirit will not be forgiven anyone who speaks a word against the son of man will be forgiven but anyone who speaks against the holy spirit will not be forgiven neither in this age or in the age to come Matthew 12:
30-32 the Pharisees were Amazed by jesus' power over the demon and he assured them that all sins and blasphemy could be forgiven given that's why he showe it up blasphemy against the spirit on the other hand shall not be tolerated through jesus' tremendous words and acts God revealed the truth about who he is anyone who rejects the holy spirit's power manifestation and blames it to the devil is rejecting salvation because Jesus had vanquished Satan the prince of demons he was able to cast out demons Jesus invaded Satan's kingdom defeated him and took his wealth the
spirit of God not the power of the evil one gave Jesus Triumph the kingdom of God has come upon you Luke 11:20 this signifies that God has triumphed over Satan and Mankind must choose whose side they will support compromise is out of the question either we are with God or we are against God make a tree good and its fruit will be good or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad for a tree is recognized by its fruit you brood of vipers how can you who are evil say anything good for the
mouse speaks with the heart is full of a good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him but I tell you that everyone will have to give a count and on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken for by your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned Matthew 12: 33-37 Jesus now goes on the offensive and declares with two scathing denunciations of the Pharisees the consequences of those
who oppose his Messianic Ministry first Jesus begins by throwing down the gauntlet he who is not with me is against me and he who does not gather with me scatters there is no middle ground with Jesus either he is or he isn't the Messiah because the Pharisees have already established that he is not they will oppose him as they have shown this saying however has a lot of meaning for everyone who hears it the multitudes have been given numerous chances to repent and enter the kingdom but their window of opportunity is closing fast refusing to
make a positive decision for Jesus is already a decision against him the problem is that many in the multitude will eventually succumb to the religious leaders persuasion and join them in demanding jesus' death the Pharisees have been mounting blasphemy charges against Jesus still now Jesus shows that all of their charges are blasphemy and so I tell you every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men but the blasphemy against the spirit will not be forgiven rejection of Jesus ministry is validated by the spirit is the same sort of defiant deliberate sin by attributing the work and
power of the spirit to Satan the Pharisees are displaying the highest dishonor to God to reject the evidence of exorcisms and healings and miracles is to reject the Kingdom's offer of forgiveness of sins as long as the Pharisees continued to reject that evidence they could not enter the kingdom and receive forgiveness he must confess his sins and come to Jesus by faith in order to receive forgiveness and the free gift of eternal life even the leaders who were accusing him were given this opportunity and they were invited to join him in taking a stand Luke
11:23 he who is not with me is against me and he who does not gather with me scatters the Apostle Matthew need Jesus after all he had accepted Christ's invitation to leave his life as a tax collector to follow him while the savior's pledge to speaking truth must have amazed even Matthew in a single day Jesus rebuked the religious authorities for their insistence on seeing signs he revealed his own mother that his true family consisted of of all those who obey God then he told a wonderful crowd of people some revolutionary ideas about the kingdom
of God this tax collector turned disciple remembered Jesus as the kind of leader who spoke the word of God with great confidence and control but who also spoke so that only those who truly desired to know the truth could sense his meaning he realized Christ as the kind of leader who didn't necessarily say what the people enjoyed to hear but one who always said what they needed to hear not everyone who heard jesus' words understood and applied them some eagerly acquired his truth while the hearts of others had grown too hard to hear him so
it was then so it is today however it is not the leader's job to prepare human hearts to receive God's truth and rather it is his or her responsibility to speak that same truth with all the Authority he has given his servants
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