namaste this is ali and welcome to your yoga nature practice could you take the next few moments to get completely comfortable in your cozy yoga nidra nest make sure that your body feels completely supported and as you settle in taking a deep breath into the nose out through the mouth and let your whole body soften and sink into the support beneath you allow yourself to settle into the natural rhythm of your breath and take a moment to consciously soften the muscle of the tongue all of the little micro muscles around the jaw around the eyes
the whole face and scalp you might imagine each hemisphere of your brain like a muscle that you could soften relaxing open and presence drawing downward into the center of the chest the heart space taking a moment here to welcome your cencopa you might repeat it mentally or simply feel it if you don't have a sencopa that you're working with at this time you might simply welcome i am resting deeply within myself beginning rotation of consciousness starting at the mind's eye center the center of the forehead the tip of the tongue the root of the tongue
the center of the throat the base of the throat center of the heart right side of the chest right shoulder elbow wrist center of the palm tip of the thumb tip of the first finger second third fourth back of the hand wrist elbow shoulder shoulder blade center of the heart left side of the chest left shoulder elbow wrist center of the palm tip of the thumb tip of the first finger second third fourth back of the hand wrist elbow shoulder shoulder blade center of the heart center of the soul reflexes the space just beneath the
navel the base of the spine the right hip knee ankle sole of the foot all five toes ankle knee hip left side hip knee ankle sole of the foot all five toes ankle knee hip base of the spine feel the naturally occurring rhythm of breath as you focus attention on the base of the spine the tailbone on the next inhale might you imagine breath and energy rising from the tailbone up the spine on the exhale energy breath flowing down towards the tailbone inhaling up the spine by exhaling down gradually the energy flows all the way
up the back body towards the crown of the head and then imagine exhaling down the front body like a waterfall of energy flowing down towards the tailbone inhaling up the back body exhaling down the front body and releasing that and taking a moment to imagine yourself in a beautiful lush garden surrounded by trees ponds waterfalls magnificent flowers of all kinds hummingbirds and butterflies welcoming any feelings of peace and serenity as you explore this beautiful garden noticing aromas down the emotional tones that are invoked when surrounded by the beauty of nature imagine yourself here basking in
the warmth of the sun and could you welcome your senculpa back mentally stating it or simply feeling it i am resting deeply within myself and taking a deep breath in through the nose out through the mouth begin to feel the support beneath your body begin to touch the thumbs to the first finger and then move in through each finger one by one gradually bringing more movements to the body as you're ready perhaps a big stretch or a yawn and allowing yourself to bask in all of the beneficial [Music] biochemicals you've created throughout this practice allowing
yourself to simmer in the feeling tones and the deep sense of rest and might you make a vow to yourself to carry any peace that you've created forward into the rest of your day thank you for practicing with me today again my name is ali as always i love hearing from each of you here in the comments on my youtube channel really makes my day to hear from the community of souls across the world that practice here on this channel with me if you have any desire to dive deeper into the teachings of yoga nidra
with me please know where to find me on my website i'll post some links below and i look forward to hearing from you and practicing with you again thank you for being here with me namaste