this was a recent coaching call that my guys found extremely valuable so I thought I'd share it with...
Video Transcript:
it's called incubating success so my biohacking coach has coached Iman gazi Charlie Morgan other guys who we don't even know their names because they're that high up and after our call today I was thinking and I sent him a voice note and I said dude you know you've coached all these people can you tell me any variables like can you actually tell these people apart from your other clients like me who are only doing you know six figures what sets these really s tier people apart from a people and so he told me some characteristics and it's kind of what along the lines I was thinking but he really gave me some really good insights and I kind of want to Riff on that today because I think this is really really important because tactics at the end of the day don't matter they will never matter they will never make or break whether you succeed or not no one with long-term success has ever gotten there and said you know what it was because of a funnel except for who Russell Brunson who sells clickfunnel so of course he's going to say that right but is no there is no funnel there is no marketing hack there is no one tip that's going to make you successful but there are traits that do and so I want to talk about one trait today so these guys here we've got Michael Jordan we got Steve Jobs we've got Kanye we've got Elon Thomas Edison these guys are successful extremely successful in all their own rights like s tier of s tier these are the names that will go down in history Thomas ason of course has already gone down in history um same with Steve Jobs rest in peace but these guys are legends and I want you guys to think what is one trait that they share that led to their success I know type in the chat everybody type in the chat don't copy others don't look at others just type one thing Innovation level three entrepreneur consistency failed a thousand times delusion passion creativity resilience hard work mindset Tyler my boy Obsession what's funny is all these things you guys just talked about comes from Obsession think about it read the chat again hard work creativity resilience delusion passion failed a thousand times consistency Innovation all of these things come from Obsession because if you have Obsession what do you do you fell a thousand times and you keep going you keep innovating you keep trying you don't care what people think like Obsession leads to success so like before there is Success wild success there's almost always Obsession and what was the funny thing about when I asked um Billy this question at the end he kind of laughed and he's like you know what all these people are just nerds he said they're massive nerds like these guys that I coach who are doing $15 million a month are all nerds and you think about it so are these guys right Elon massive nerd Steve Jobs nerd Tomas Edison huge nerd Michael Jordan I would argue is a nerd in his own right if you go and watch you know all of his stuff like the dude only cared about basketball and what's funny is all these people failed like pretty hard in their Journeys we know the story about the light bulb Steve Job got fired from Apple Michael Jordan didn't make the team his first year like when he was doing JV Kanye good Lord is just a cycle of failure all right all these people failed but because they have the obsession they kept going and so I kind of want to show you this like obviously I'm in nowhere even on the in the dirt compared to these guys but a year ago I made my first online dollar not a year ago it was like two years ago but I posted the video a year ago and then nine months I made a message to My Future Self I was failing I could not I'd been making the same income for a year straight i' only increased it by like a thousand and I was going hard like hard in the paint and I started a challenge road to my first 100K you only do this if you're those things you were talking about right delusional people look at this and like oh this is delusional but it was because I was obsessed and that's what led me to eventually make 10K and keep going and so what is Obsession I like to look at it like this as it's all consuming and you have an above average interest into something does anyone know why Obsession leads to success like the core of obsession is this it's just focused energy if you think about it that's all obsession is Obsession creates this energy for something you have way more energy about one thing than other people do and it's focused Obsession means that you have horse blinders on like this one thing is all consuming and so you guys know by now how important focus is to success and obsession is channeled focused energy and this energy can spawn out of obsession I want you guys to think about you wake up at 6:00 a. m. when you were in second grade to go to school how miserable you were I don't know about you guys but I was miserable I like hated waking up my dad would bang on the wall he'd be like get down here and I just could dude I could not stay and wake up in the morning like I would rather die than get out of bed and go to school but on Christmas morning at 6:00 a.
m. I was wide awake no alarm nothing I was bouncing on my parents bed like waking them up like hey it's Christmas like bro when you have Obsession energy just manifests out of you and when you we when you're obsessed you're naturally focused on something so it's like Michael Jordan focused on basketball focused on his goal Steve Jobs focus on the goal of like creating this computer in the giving everyone a computer pretty much same with these guys of course like Elon is now focused on his mission to Mars so let's talk about like why do why do average people have no Obsession I want you guys to think about this for a second why do average people have no Obsession for the most part weird aren't [Music] committed want to be normal can't focus lack of purpose unaware that they change they are afraid dreams have died too early have a clear goal yeah you guys are all really on point with this one no desire to improve Clarity environment it's one phrase I've been thinking about this a lot like why what made me different from my friends my friends are all still making like less than 4K a month and I'm doing 60 and I'm not any smarter than them like these guys are smart why am I making so much more is because of this phrase that's dumb this is what I've simp simplified it down to this is why normal people have no Obsession the second they start becoming obsessed in something or might get obsessed that's dumb and what I want you guys to remember is this this doesn't come from other people it can like 10% of the time some somebody will say hey dude that's dumb but most of the time this is coming from your own head the minute you start thinking about something you immedi I want you guys to catch this because right now it's subconscious you're not you're not aware of it when you become aware of it it goes crazy let me admit Mo and Christian Christopher there we go yeah so this is why people have no Obsession and this is what's limiting your guys' obsession is because as soon as you start thinking about something you go Ah that's dumb I'm not going to do it you have to kill this voice anytime you ever hear that's dumb in your head you have to kill it you have to kill it and this is why people have no obsession is because either someone tells them that's dumb at an early age and they just stop being obsessed in it or they say this to themselves which is 99% of the time so that's why people have no Obsession do you think these guys care about what people really say Elon is trying to go to Mars do you know how many times people publicly have called him an absolute idiot and a waste of time and a waste of billions of dollars of him going to Mars they're like that is dumb that is stupid that is dumb why not do all this why not do XYZ that is dumb but the dude is so obsessed that he doesn't care like he has obsession over his mission and he does not care who thinks is dumb not even himself he just keeps going so I want to show you guys what the obsession Tim like timeline looks like so if you learn how to harness obsession you will have success I'm G say it again because Griff Griff just if you learn how to harness Obsession you will have success I've seen this in every single aspect of my life because I'm a pretty obsessive person by Nature just because I really don't care that much what people think I just like freak it I'm just going to do it because I like to feel Obsession and what you guys will come to learn is that if you let yourself go if you really let yourself get deep In The Weeds on something and get completely obsessed that will be the most fun most fulfilling thing you you ever do and I felt this when I was playing Counter-Strike even when it's with goals that aren't like not even what you really want to do like I was getting obsessed with Counter Strike I was learning the spray patterns I was practicing an Aimbot I was trying to get my milliseconds down I was buying different types of uh mouses with different weights like dude I was obsessed even when I was in Middle School I was trying to if you guys ever trickshotted you guys ever watch trickshotters please tell me somebody in the chat please just make me feel better did you guys ever trick shot on mod Warfare 2 or Black Ops 2 all right you guys are my boys ph up baby pH up I was a trick shotter on Black Ops 2 and ghost I was obsessed bro I was obsessed really obsessed to the point where I took a part in Xbox controller this is Middle School I took a part in Xbox controller I learned how to to solder and I was trying to solder the left bumper where the right bumper was so that I could essentially cheat these trick shots and do a Sim Tech swap instead of a a um shock charge do you see what I mean like obsessed bro I was obsessed but most people they they chops off before it ever gets to those read the chat the chat's going that's dumb exactly Max bro I disregard your dumbness bro I disregard it I say that was a cool trick shot it was a genius idea all I'm close the chat I focus but this is what it usually looks like Obsession timeline this is where you start to become obsessed with something so maybe you know for my instance it was I heard about copyrighting from watching One YouTube video and I was like hm that's interesting this was in I guess September of last year I was like hm this is interesting I might need this to write videos this could be uh interesting but right here it was very easy to kill it's like a plant very very easy to just grab it and it's dead all the growth is gone and the issue here with this obsession is there's there's almost no visible growth there's nothing happening and it's very very easy to kill now this is where most people just die so someone comes along they say that's dumb they they think about in their head like oh what you know what this cting thing like this is stupid all my money is stupid no one ever works this doesn't work it just pick it up gone it's dead obsession dies there that is the end of the story back to 95 that's it or maybe they try one thing they send two outreaches get no responses and they just quit bro this happens every freaking day I get comments and Instagram DMS of people saying like hey I send three outreaches and didn't get a response what should I do and like I'm just like I don't even know bro I don't know what to tell you because there's no there is no there is nothing to tell you it's easy to kill most people will just pick it up gone next stage is you start feeding obsession we're going talk about feeding Obsession in a second but you continue feeding Obsession and some things start happening so you start taking some action you start getting a little bit of movement in the right direction so for instance for me this was I had a video that got a thousand views I was posting on YouTube every single day and I felt like an idiot my wife probably thought I was an idiot I wasn't getting any views and one video randomly happened to get a th views overnight just randomly and but there's still no fruit like there's no money being made there's no lasting success it's just there is something happening and this is honestly where a lot of you guys are at right now so like you're working hard every day you're getting some positive replies here and there you're getting some views like stuff is happening but there's still no fruit like you're not at 10K month you're not consistently printing this is where a lot of people give up it's because all it takes is like one person to come along and just kick this thing and it's over it's lot harder to knock off than this but it's still easy like someone could just come and uproot this very quickly I could just kick this thing over and it's done and this is the hardest stage because you're working hard but there's still no fruit it's just like this one there's just no there's no fruit here but this is you keep feeding Obsession and then we get down to the final stage right where an actual tree grows and the yield is like 100x and it grows fruit for Years bro years all these guys up here this stuff did not happen overnight in fact it happened in like decades this was like Decades of being stupid this is why I really feel like some of you guys are just not comprehending this yes we want to get you results as fast as possible and I'm working myself into the ER to make sure this happens right but real success I mean lasting success where you guys can just basically become a money printer does not happen in months it happens in years years and I feel like one of the only reasons why I succeeded so fast with copyrighting is because I was already just ridiculously obsessed at all kinds of other stuff I had all these other things my beliefs were in place I mean everything was ripe like I was right here I just didn't I didn't have a a really tangible skill and even so how many of you guys when you started your journey um let's check this out how many of you guys went and read 23 books on copyrighting in a month and a half maybe you have but like this is what Obsession looks like I wasn't sitting here watching YouTube videos on how to do a copywriter I watched one twoh hour long video from one of our everyone's favorite uh copyrighting lad and then that was it I was like well looks like I'm learning on my own because I was like well this isn't going to make me any money I was that I I was smart enough to know that wasn't going to make money so I was like you know what freak it I'll just go read a million books and see what happens like there was no plan it was just let me just find every every piece of information I can and just consume it this it's all consuming and so this is just an example and I don't want to on you guys but I show you my stuff to show you that I stand on proof like I what I'm teaching you guys is only things that I've learned from my life and I have tested so it's like you have to become obsessed where the point where you're making a library and you're rating it by tears and you're describing it and top like it's just stupid no one like even looking back at this it's kind of dumb but I didn't care bro when you when you when you turn the cap off of how obsessed you can be you turn the cap off on how successful you can be my tattoo that so some of you guys are capping your success because you're capping your obsession you're not letting yourself just go all out bro just get lost in the sauce on on all this stuff it's epic and so during this time like you you know I'm making this notion thing and there's no success like I just look like an idiot part of me thinks I'm an idiot my wife probably thinks I'm an idiot I'm not making any money I just spent like 4k on a thing that didn't help me we were in debt so I look dumb I look dumb so I was I was right here but I didn't let people freak with me I just kept going bro there was something happening no one else could really see it but I could there was still no fruit and look where we're at now right 60k a month for the past three months you live 100x growing fruit for years and like this is just the start Lord willing my plan on doing 250k I plan on just destroying the market because my product is so so much better and this Obsession that you have will literally help you in every single thing you do so if you guys haven't noticed yet I've transferred all my obsession to now like General business principles and product like I'm in the nitty-gritty I've bought like I bought this tablet so that I can draw out like things while I'm at walks and then I can instantly get it on my computer like I'm just going obsessed on creating a product now I show you guys proof this is from the um uh where is it at wait this is it this is all all my notes from this I was walking around today and just writing this down and then transfer it over here so it's like no matter what you're doing obsession is the key all right you guys get it this is the point how do we do this how do you feed Obsession because this is how you win right how do you actually grow this tree no matter what you're trying to do no matter what kind of success you're you're going for in our case it's copyrighting how do we feed it first you have to constantly be feeding pulling weeds out constantly and not be boxed in so this is kind of the the gardening analogy is you're you have to feed this thing that you're growing you have to be pulling weeds constantly and you can't box it in if you were to put this tree in a box it would never become this this is kind I mean with you you guys capping your own success because you're capping your obsession um this one I don't know why I came I came with this quote I don't know if it's good or not I just like I thought about it genius ideas are born from the dead bodies of a thousand stupid ideas it's like there there are no natural born Geniuses I'm really convinced of this like Michael Jordan was not born a basketball player why because basketball is not inherent in the universe we created that junk a couple hundred years ago so he's not just born to play basketball the dude got obsessed yes he has natural inclinations to play like he's tall and athletic but like he still channeled his obsession all right going back to this genius ideas born for the dead bodies of th stupid ideas you could replace this with anything like incredible outreaches are born for the dead bodies of a th stupid outreaches is it wrong Matthew booked that call today or right after the group call after we just roasted his terrible Outreach bro imagine if we did that a thousand times right like if you guys really want longl lasting success it's it's just not going to happen the first try it takes a thousand tries thousand all right so that is kind of like self pitch on Obsession let's get tactical here so you guys can actually take away something from this so the key if we want to be successful obviously we have to be obsessed but how do we feed Obsession how do you guys actually start becoming more obsessed and letting it drive you to success in life first one obviously is belief right Jesus said it if you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you this is why people don't have obsessions because they don't believe there's no faith bro it's a faithless generation no faith and once again I only say this look I started a road to 100K series when I when I had I think I had like $700 in my bank account and I was only making 3K a month that's when I started it you see how stupid it looks like now you guys are oh yeah he just back then bro it was dumb like I want you to really think about this back then I was making no money I was not I was saving $400 a month and I was trying to save up 100K in a year and what's funny is I was even going to say that if I didn't make it I was going to have to apply to Wendy's for one month but my wife like she just she got so mad and she wouldn't let me put in the video but that's how much faith I had and I I believe it's 100,000% from God so that's why I highly recommend you guys read the Bible right I think all my faith I know all myi comes from God and so I feel like I have a superpower because other people who are just doing it on their own accord just I don't think they can ever have as much Faith as that anyways belief if you don't believe you're going to do something well dude good luck ever doing it right so going back and going through um this right here going through the driver module learning how to shape your beliefs becoming aware of what you do beliefs you can actually change it right go through driver belief next thing block and disregard all negativity so if you have something you're trying to grow if you just let the weeds completely eat it up it's never going to grow it's just going to kill it it's like some of you guys have this belief that you're trying to fostering you're trying to grow your obsession but you're still letting all these people just dump negativity on you like that's dumb that's stupid you're never going to make money online all this garbage nonsense block and disregard all negativity once again live example nothing here go to Charlie Morgan video click on it I can't see the comments I don't see comments because only wackos comment usually unless it's like a really ra all Channel videos you guys com I love you guys but like if it's just a random person on a random video only Wacko's comment right so block all the negativity this is just one aspect like you need to yeah block everything next childlike curiosity do you remember when you were a kid and you picked up a stick and you just looked at it you're like damn that's a cool stick like when's the last time you did that right you have to pay attention to the details so for instance spoiler alert by the way I'm cooking case you haven't spotted it yet I started relas releasing High AR 2.