[Music] when you're running you run for hours what days I'm like I I have to ask this guy like I I have to understand like why he he works like that right so after the game I'm like hey Co like why why were you in the gym for so long he's like cuz I saw you come in and I wanted you to know that it doesn't matter how hard you work that I'm willing to work harder than you Rachel Olive all this it's it's not me it's inside I am I am more if you believe
it if you really believe that you could be something if you have that little voice in your head saying Hey You Got Talent you could do this then follow that voice you know people get up every day they do the same thing tell himself they're going to change their life one day and they never do I'm going to change mine join the 3% here's my advice to you today walk away from the 97% don't talk like they talk don't act like they act don't go where they go don't specialize in what they specialize in throw
away the blameless they cling to start You a New Life switch gears switch language switch ideas switch strategy start with the simplest of disciplines and don't be mean any of these disciplines the small smallest of discipline starts the process of life change and if you'll invest in this thing called discipline you can have whatever you wish it's called the beginning of a miracle most men live lives of quiet desperation it's one of my favorite quotes ever because it's true and I've been that guy you're just in this world where you just can't wait to just
run away but the only way I could be this person now is if I took that chance when I was 21 when I was dead broke and had my cars repossessed and all that stuff that's the only way you you ever get where you want to go you have to you have to take a path it's dangerous and most people want to take the safe path the safe path leaves you stuck in quiet desperation almost every time it's hell so whatever you're doing you have to do it like your life depends on it which would
be worse to live as a monster what to die is a good man sometimes I get up and run I see guys and I like to hang out I see people in the car they they party it came from partying hanging out wow they having fun there see got his girl back they C this guy they having fun I'm running it's time to stay focused it's time to decide clubs partying trying to fit in and socialize rub elbows with everybody so people can stop calling you weird why are you so antisocial because I'm trying to
get it why are you staying on the basketball court so much because I'm trying to get it why are you out there practicing in the hot sun when ain't nobody else out there because I'm trying to get it why are you not clubbing like every time I text you and invite you to go do something fun and cool you always studying because I'm trying to get it remember this is that people are time wasters and the great majority of people have no goals they have no priorities they have no plans they have no concern about
becoming successful and they think that you're the same they think because their time isn't worth anything that your time isn't worth anything also reminder that if you want to be exceptional you're going to be different from everyone else that's What Makes You exceptional you can't fit in and also be exceptional both have discomfort when you fit in you have internal conflict because you're not being 100% you when you're exceptional you have external conflict because everyone sees you as different pick one when your friends start to say you've changed remember it's because they don't know how
to say you've grown the S is in the old wall and saying the first human being to Run 2 hours or under 2 hours will be in the year 2075 but I have proved them wrong the first man to run a marathon in under two hours one final lung busting stride for Kip chogi one giant leap for human endeavor and you know kogi was right no human is limited everything is possible in your life when you believe when you believe everything is possible you have a tool hands I mean everything is possible and taking whatever
we want to do you want to see if you're a brave person what they call the 4:00 in the morning courage wait when things go completely to Pieces when things are the worst when your very best deal falls apart and your rent is late and you're tired and you're sick and everybody's mad at you and your car doesn't work then it's the person that picks them up and says nothing is going to stop me you know you know the best quality in the world that you can develop and I give it to you is to
develop the quality of being Unstoppable develop the quality of being Unstoppable say in yourself that no matter what life throws at me it'll never stop me no matter how rough it gets I will never quit and nothing will ever stop me make the decision that you can be tired you can be worn out but nothing is ever going to stop you that's a wonderful decision because then no matter what life throws at you you pick yourself up and you say okay nothing is going to stop you who are you on those days you don't want
to do things it's easy to conquer but it's good weather you got good sleep you feel great your body's not injured those are the easy days to conquer but who are you on those days when all Hells broke loose your body up you're sore you're depressed if you let them there's a moment when every boy realizes no one's coming to save him and that's when he becomes a man and some boys never get there and stay children forever this is why I say stay hard because when you weren't given the gifts the only thing you
can do in life is stay hard this is is all you can do there's no magic pill or a magic potion all you can do is outwork the man that God created in you the biggest key to success in anything you do is you got to have an unlimited supply of you this drive and passion and it and it may come from nothing like for me there was no passion no drive no nothing but I had this fire that I'm going to be somebody and it has to be there because on all those bad days
on all those days you don't want to do you have to be your own motivator your own coach your own your own trainer your own everything so to do that you have to come into work and work is whatever your work may be ready to go and what that means is you may have failed miserably yesterday but you come to work like people like man you just lost lost everything how the hell are you just fing damn motivated cuz this is what it takes reality that gets you motivated whatever get you motivated it's got to
be here at the tip of your brain at all times cuz in those dark moment see that's powerful that could be the day that turns your life around the world has a strange way of stepping aside when somebody says I'll do it or Die the man says I will climb the mountain they've told me it's too high it's too far it's too too Rocky it's too difficult it's never been done before but it's my Mountain I will climb it pretty soon you'll see me waving from the top or dead on the side cuz I ain't
coming back when people don't understand you anymore you're in that spot of obsession and drive where people like what the is wrong with this guy I don't want to talk to you man cuz you're not going to get it I would like to know when you're in that moment failing M and you have to keep going what do you say to yourself what if a lot of times I'll be in a 200 mile run or something like that and I'm all jacked up body's broken mind's broken spirit's broken I start to say what if I
can pull this off when I first walked into the Navy SE recruiter's office he looked at me and said there's only been 35 African-Americans in 70 years make it through you know I said to myself what if I can be the 36th what if I can become someone that no one thinks I can be what if I can be that guy that people who called This and That learn to say you to the world every once in a while you have every right to just stop thinking worrying looking over your shoulder wondering doubting fearing hurting
hoping for some easy way out stop it and just do I'm astounded by how many people want to be spectacular in life but also want to be normal by being normal You Are by definition aiming for average normal people get normal results exceptional people get exceptional results you literally can't do what everyone else does and expect to not get what everyone else has got by doing what everyone else does you guarantee average results that's not normal cuz you don't want to be normal normality is what weak people call living I call death will break up
any type of normality that you might fix in your head or also P you pass what you currently thought you could do giving you confidence and you know what I'm selling myself too short I'm capable of more I just saw something happen there I I like that taste I want see more of that taste why not you you've got the brains you can make decisions why you think you keep imagining opening a business why you keep imagining graduating getting a better job why do you keep imagining buying a house why do you keep imagining driving
a really nice car why do you keep imagining getting rich one day why do you keep imagining that you got to start believing in your imagination you can study the plan you can change your life you can grow immensely in the next few years you can make your dreams come true you can build a financial wall around your family nothing can get through you can become healthy you can become powerful why not you know what's crazy you know you could be the one if you really wanted to right you know that right L see you
keep playing a what if game what if it don't work out this what if it don't work out that [ __ ] what if it do what if it do work out then what you going to be happy right you can't say you want to win but then you scared to lose what kind of sense does that make if you put your head down and locking on the vision how could you not win only thing that's going to cause you to lose is your mentality but that's between you and you though if you want to
be ordinary you ain't even got to listen to me just go on about your business if you think ordinary is cool ain't no problem it's some really really wonderful Ordinary People but if you are sitting in this room and and you have extraordinary aspirations then you going to have to do extra you put extra on top of extraordinary and you come up with extraordinary it's no other way I'm sorry but here's the fact all of you have extraordinary capabilities all of you you have to decide if you are willing to do the things to put
you in that category everybody says discipline is so important but they never want to tell you why I'll tell you why discipline is so important it's the strongest form of self-love it's ignoring something you want right now for something better later on discipline reveals the commitment you have to your dreams especially on days where you don't want to the Future you is depending on the current you to keep the promises you made to yourself yesterday how bad do you want it there's two options to continue forward pushing upward and if you do that dream is
given birth and forever you will live in the reality of it if you stop quit throw in the tow I promise you there's no distance you can travel far enough or find that dream again for it's dead and in its death is replaced by regret right now it's your choice don't complain don't murmur don't talk negative that's a average people talk normal average people talk problem the great talk Solutions average people use their time to whine and complain average people say it's their boss fought is there Mother's fault is there average people I used to
be average I used to say when is my daddy coming to get me when is my biological father going to come in my life and while I would talk like that I end up getting kicked out of school and while I talk like like that I end up being homeless and while I talk like that I was broke and then one day I woke up and said Eric nobody's coming to save you because they're not like you you know they they don't have your family they don't have your temperament they don't have your troubles they
don't have your abilities the only person that has those is you compare yourself to who you were yesterday and not to who someone else is today and see that's a game you can win strange different that's your source of power which is similar to occupy your Niche embrace your strangeness identify What Makes You Different fuse those things together and become an anomaly there is no one like you there has never been anyone like you there shall never be anyone like you therefore know yourself be yourself authenticity is everything to all of you watching here come
close to the screen and listen people don't have to like you people don't have to love you they don't even have to respect you but when you look in the mirror you better love what you see when you're built different than everybody else and you have this desire for more and this desire for achievement and this desire to win everybody El looks at you like up and they'll tell you that too you know what wrong with you like why can't you just relax why can't you just comfortable with yourself regardless of what everybody else around
you is doing you have to be that to be that they're all crazy yeah everybody's the best of their game they're all they're all crazy no matter what you do I say that Madness and genius are nextd door neighbors and they borrow each other sugar you have to be like literally up almost every other why do Fighters do that because I don't want to do it you have to discipline yourself to do things that you don't want to do I I want to get a for and [Music] run success isn't built in the spotlight it's
built in silence in the moments no one else will ever know about what people see is just the tip of the iceberg but what they don't see is where the real story lies it's not just about showing up when Everyone's Watching it's the grind in the dark work the hours spent mastering the smallest details and the discipline to keep going even when it feels pointless so put in the work when no one's looking because that's what separates those who want it from those who make it happen everything changed for me when I understood this philosophy
you can have more than you've got because you can become more than you are till you locked in your genetic code and then if you put yourself in a new situation then then the stress that's the situational stress that's produced by that particular situation unlocks those genes and then builds new parts of you and so that's very cool cuz who knows how much there is locked inside of you doing the thing in spite of not wanting to do the thing is discipline right you don't need motivation to get yourself up to go and do a
thing make the promise small have it never miss two days in a row most things that I've learned over time is that almost all like truly exceptional and mentally strong people have been through hell it's it's very few that put themselves through hell when life is great you just got to grind yeah I I feel like this this next Generation that's coming up and I don't I don't mean to smash all of them but they seem like a bunch of to me if you're a Savage and you get out there and you grind hard and
you want it bad enough you can run all these guys over man the for the small group of savages out there run these kids right over man that's it and that that was always my mentality nobody's ever going to outwork me so it should be yours you out there that are listening right now there's never been more opportunity than there is today do you know what the difference between winners and losers is one of the differences winners take the first step losers always have an excuse winners say okay I'm going to do it and they
do it they take the first step that doesn't mean they jump off a cliff it just means they take the first step and if you take the first step the Second Step will appear and the third step will appear you want to become best you want to become champion and now you want to say like you tied who cares you TI it or not nobody care about you you know these guys sort of don't they all think they have this illusion of choice like I can do whatever I want to do so they have this
illusion that they have all these choices but the fact of the matter is is if you want to be good you really don't have a lot of choices cuz it takes what it takes you have to do what you have to do to be successful so you have to make the choices and decisions to have the discipline and the focus to the process of what you need to do to accomplish your goals let me tell you something else the comfort zone is dangerous when you're comfortable you are at most danger your the comfort zone is
somewhere you need to you should never feel comfortable you should be happy and dissatisfied whatever time that you have you have to attack like you're trying to save the world you're trying to save your life you don't want to drown that one and a half hours a day that you have to write godamn you better be caffeinated and motivated you got to go you got to get after it and you got to have discipline that's most people don't have those things most people don't understand what it's like to to really go for something and to
know that the consequences of not doing that are horrific the hardest part about change is not not making the same Choice as you did the day before and the moment you decide to make a different Choice you're going to feel uncomfortable cuz you're stepping from the known into the unknown the small pitfalls in life the um deaths in families or a girl breaking up with you getting fire from a job losing your money these are all lessons they really are they're just the present in a way but it's the perception of how you see that
present do you allow it to destroy you or do you allow it to change you is it a wakeup call saying hey got to get off this path or something else you need to wake up and understand that your family your future wife and kids their future depends on the decisions that you're making right here and now and I can't allow you to throw away your whole life and the potential that God gave you it's time to wake the hell up many many people that have just put their foot down and said enough I'm I'm
going to change my life and they they don't take any excuses and they feel way way better we're men because we Face the battle and we stay in the battle when we feel like we're losing and we feel like we're getting beat up but we stay in there and we keep fighting and we plant our feet give a man a purpose and the ability to achieve it and he will crawl over broken glass with a smile and I think that feeling capable and powerful and competent and respected and admired is something that will get a
man so far mhm you give a man those things and he'll deal with suffering until the ends of the Earth We're designed to do that we're designed to suffer we're designed to deal with that suffering Here's To The Crazy Ones The Misfits the Rebels the troublemakers the round pegs and the square holes the ones who see things differently they're not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo you can quote them disagree with them glorify or vilify them about the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things
they push the human race forward while some may see them as The Crazy Ones we see genius because the people who are crazy enough to think think they can change the world are the ones who do the mentality of a warrior is very different than normal mentality you must be that person on that door getting ready to open it thinking to yourself if I die so be it you ever anybody ever tell you be hey hey look you know what just be satisfied with what you got don't believe him get them away from you that's
good you should never be satisfied with what you got because the the attempt to get more makes you into something better all the time don't let anybody tell you hey man you know you should just be happy with uh no you should double your business come on triple it you always have to be the person who roots for you before everyone else does and it's usually a single clap in the auditorium for a very long period of time it is a slow clap that's just you rooting for you people struggle to do things alone and
the path of the exceptional person is one of an exception which means that you are not with other people and rather than fighting that or bemoaning it see it as an indicator that you're on the right path because if everyone else were cheering you on then it means you're not in the right place because it means you're just like everyone else and that's not where you want to be your laziness is something that has to do with you you're not connected to something deep enough you don't feel the necessity you don't feel the devil at
your heels you don't feel the fact that you could very well die tomorrow and the human animal the way were created is when we feel pressure we feel the necessity to get things done we can move mountains and we have plenty of examples of that in history but when that pressure releases and we don't feel the need to get something done we could become incredibly lazy because there's no necessity so so you have to create necessity in your life you have to create the need to get things done you have to give yourself deadlines you
have to remind yourself I will figure what the I can do and do that that would be my new 100% you must continue to find your new 100% whatever life throws at you you must find what you can do now if your 20s do all of that work day and night really do as many things learn as much as you can fail as often as possible what about work life balance in your 20s okay because that's the time to put in the hard work I'm sleeping at 4:00 a.m. you're working out so talk about that
okay so if if if your job is to try to be the best basketball player you can be right to do that you have to practice you have to train right you want to train as much as you can as often as you can so if you get up at 10: in the morning train at 11:00 right 12:00 say 1200 train at 12:00 train for 2 hours 12: the two um you have to let your body recover so you eat recover whatever you get back out you train start training again at 6:00 train from 6:00
to 8 right and now you go home you shower you eat dinner you go to bed you wake up you do it again right those are two sessions right now imagine you wake up at 3:00 you train at 4:00 you go 4:00 to 6 come home breakfast relax slow slow now you're back at it again 9 to 11 right you relax and now all of a sudden you're back at it again two the four and now you're back at it again you know seven to nine look how much more training I have done by simply
starting at 4 right and so now you do that and as the years go on the separation that you have with your competitors and your peers just grows larger and larger and larger and larger and larger and by a year five or six doesn't matter what kind of work they do in the summer they're never going to catch up cuz they're 5 years behind right so it makes sense to get up and start your day early because you can get more work in imine talk to the creator of the universe before birth and pick the
person you get to become you say I want to be the most courageous the Creator replies and says well then I will give you monsters to terrify you so that you can conquer them and you say well I want to be patient well then I will make you work harder and longer so you can learn to wait I want to be wise and the Creator replies then I will give you failures that will crush your spirit so you can learn the value of judgment you then say sounds like a rough life can you give me
a good life Creator replies just like we measured the quality of a blacksmith by the strength of his steel I measure you by what you are at the end not the fire and the hammer it took to make you a good life isn't a life that's easy a good life is a life that makes you into a good person and that my son is a hard life the key to everything in life is knowing what you really truly love what you were meant to do why you were born why you're a different individual you the
way your brain is wired the way your parents raised you your early experiences you are unique and so that is where your power lies and connecting to that is is is the source of everything in this world so if you connect to it if you know who you are you know what you love you know what you were meant to do then that persistence will become an actual positive thing in your life because you'll know accepting you have to first accept it before you can fix it a lot of people walk around oh man I'm
good I'm good no you're not you have to accept what you're not you have to and people don't want to do that that's only way you can fix it you have to accept it first before you can go on the journey a lot of folks never even start the journey man they never start the journey because they're living this fake life that who they want to be they act like they are but they're not because they haven't fixed all this stuff yet you got to fix this first before we can start our journey in life
so that's why I haven't make this list you fix these problems now your journey can begin cuz you no longer care about how people are judging you when when you care more about how someone's judging you you're going to stay right there don't be afraid to fail big to dream big but remember dreams without goals are just dreams and they ultimately fuel disappointment so have dreams but have goals life goals yearly goals goals monthly goals daily goals and understand that to achieve these goals you must apply discipline and consistency in order to achieve your goals
you must apply discipline which you have already done and consistency every day not just on Tuesday and miss a few days you have to work at it every day you have to plan [Music]