before we pray I'd like to share a short message and then we'll pray together our future is safe and secure because we have a loving God who is always in control of Our Lives he cares for each one of us deeply and wants the very best for us this assurance is mentioned in Hebrews 9:28 which says Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many he will appear as second time not to carry sin but to bring Salvation to those who are waiting for him this verse reminds us that Jesus made a tremendous
sacrifice for us by taking away our sins and he promises to return one day when he comes back his mission will not be to deal with sin again because that has already been taken care of through his sacrifice instead he will offer salvation and eternal life to those who have been patiently waiting for him with faith and Trust Jesus Took upon himself all of our sins and bore them on the cross even though he himself was completely innocent and without any wrongdoing imagine carrying a heavy burden that you did not deserve that is what Jesus
did for each of us he took away our pain the hurts we've experienced and the shame we might feel because of our mistakes or the mistakes of others he did all of this this purely out of his immense love for us by enduring the suffering of the Cross Jesus opened the way for us to be forgiven and to receive eternal life his selfless act shows just how much he cares for each one of us wanting us to be saved and to have a relationship with him today I want to offer you some heartfelt encouragement to
patiently wait on the Lord waiting on God means trusting in his timing and believing that he is working in your life even when things seem uncertain or difficult God is the source of our Salvation he rescues us from sin and offers us a new beginning salvation is something deeply personal it's a choice that each individual makes for themselves it involves deciding where to place your hope and trust you can choose to put your hope in God believing in his love and his plan for your life or you might choose to seek hope elsewhere which can
lead to uncertainty and dissatisfaction accepting salvation means listening to Jesus's call in your heart and choosing to live your life in a way that honors him it involves a Daily Commitment to pray to communicate with God and to seek his guidance and presence in every aspect of your life when you choose to seek God each day you are nurturing your relationship with him allowing his love and wisdom to shape your decision decisions and actions this personal choice to follow Jesus leads to a life filled with purpose Direction and the peace that comes from knowing you
are loved and saved by God ask yourself this important question are you among those who are patiently waiting on the Lord waiting on the Lord means having faith that he is in control and that he is guiding you even when you can't see the whole picture it means holding on to to Hope and believing that God is leading you toward a bright future take some quiet time to consider where you are in your spiritual journey are you actively trusting in God and waiting for his promises to unfold or are you feeling unsure or distant from
him this self-reflection can help you understand your own faith and encourage you to deepen your trust in God's timing and his unwavering love for you the Bible offers us powerful encouragement in Hebrews 12: 1 and 2 which reads therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and sin that clings so closely and let us run with urance the race set before us we do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus the Pioneer and perfector of our faith for the joy that was set before him he
endured the cross scorning its shame shame and now sits at the right hand of God's Throne this passage reminds us the importance of keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus Jesus is described as the Pioneer the one who leads the way and the perfector the one who brings our faith to completion just as Jesus endured the pain and shame of the cross for the joy that awaited him we too are called to persevere through our own challenges and hardships knowing that there is is a Greater Joy and purpose ahead by focusing on Jesus and his example
we can run the race of Faith with endurance and hope trusting that he will guide us to the Finish Line lastly we can look to Jesus as the one who began and will complete our faith Journey Jesus is not only our guide but also the one who perfects our faith ensuring that our spiritual journey has a meaningful and glorious ending now let's take a moment to come together in prayer Lord Jesus you are full of mercy and love thank you for your word that gives me hope and secures my future in you even when I
face trials deep struggles or difficult Seasons help me remain committed to you teach me to be a faithful servant always seeking to honor you in everything I do when I feel lost or overwhelmed guide me back into the safety of your loving arms and the promises found in your word strengthen my faith so that I can continue to trust you wholeheartedly even when I am tested or challenged by others I ask that you remove and Destroy anything that may hinder my walk with you take away every barrier obstacle and hurdle that tries to slow me
down or prevent me from doing your work remove everything that tries to keep me from living fully for you and help me to trust you with all of my heart soul and mind father I pray that you crush every attack sent by the enemy against me help me to be obedient to your call and sincere in my prayers grant me humility and a willing Spirit to be used by you in any capacity you choose Holy Spirit strengthen me from within so that I can persevere in prayer build my faith and move toward the purpose you
have set for me in this world help me to be a living witness of the Gospel not only by knowing your word but by reaching out to others and sharing your goodness and Truth in the powerful name of Jesus I speak against anything in my life that tries to block my progress or hinder my growth as a Christian I pray that whatever it is it is destroyed in jesus' name just as Hebrews 12: 1 to2 encourages Believers I pray for the grace to lay aside every weight that hinders my faith help me to let go
of anything that pulls me away from you whether it is m material desires or worldly concerns I choose Jesus over all Earthly riches because my love and Trust belong to him alone protect me God so that I do not fall into the sin of unbelief prevent me from faltering in my faith and remove anything within me that does not come from you including seeds of doubt and disbelief shake off everything that in snar and hinders me Lord Jesus because I want to pursue you with fervency and pure passion when I face Temptation or challenges give
me the strength to overcome them let nothing from the enemy entangle me or distract me from my path in the name of Jesus I refuse to be fearful because your word in 2 Timothy 1:7 says for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind may I continue to grow in knowledge and understanding of your promises deepening my relationship with you Lord the more I know you the more grounded and unshaken my faith becomes leaving no room for fear to overwhelm me May the blood of Jesus Set
Me Free from everything that tries to choke my faith and may your Holy Spirit flourish Within Me filling my life with your presence glory and Power Fill my life with blessings from Heaven God plant seeds of love and peace in my heart so that I can reflect your goodness to those around me I confess that greater is he who is in me than any fear in the world instead of living in fear I choose to live by faith to walk by faith and to place my complete trust in you thank you for never giving up
on me and for continually drawing me closer to you in the mighty and precious name of Jesus Christ I pray amen if this prayer has touched your heart please type amen as a sign of faith I pray that every blessing in this prayer is now upon you in the name of Jesus and if you need a special prayer feel feel free to let us know in the comments we would be honored to pray for you May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always [Music]