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all right yeah yeah yes welcome back ladies and gentlemen e happy Thursday happy Thursday sure man this is uh round two of our new series that we uh are trying out is uh educational uh live streams Live In the Flesh we um last week we did uh real estate yes we did we had a amazing conversation shout out to mg shout out to everybody that was in the that that uh got to witness that live and other people that watched it uh the day after or even leading up to this event so uh it was
an incredible one packed with information I think tonight is gonna be one of those nights though yeah it's gonna be one of those nights so tonight you know it's it's one of these things that a lot of people have been asking for for a long time as far as artificial intelligence um and you know we talked about it a variety of different times on Mark and Mondays even on E but don't think we had like a thorough breakdown on what AI actually is from a very easy to understand perspective but more more importantly how to
actually utilize AI for your own personal benefit as far as um your life how to make money in your business how to you know just be more efficient um that's important y a lot of time people talk about the negative sides of artificial intelligence but obviously there's a lot of positive things that um that you can do so um I think that this is something that's obviously gonna be very timely yeah considering the times that we're in it's just it's the this is the talk of every room every time we walk into a room and
I think it's fitting you know every time we meet somebody the awareness on AI it it varies some people have heard of it don't really know some people kind of have heard of it some people are used it some people don't even know what TBT stands for and so we've talked about it like you said numerous times about how we're using it right like you talk about how you're using Chad gbt nearly on a daily basis I know Ian's talking about how it's made him an even more efficient CEO for him I've talked about how
I've been using it to help me when I'm investing but like people still haven't been saying I've been using it here's how I'm using it so today hopefully we'll we'll unpack some information so that the next time we run into some people have conversations they like I watched that and this is how I'm using it no that's a fact um and um we got an expert in the field uh X who we got connected with through van Jones and uh spoke at invest Fest and X got one of the best receptions from anybody that spoke
at invest Fest which is speaks a lot because obviously there was a lot of true very highly regarded people at invest Fest so without further Ado let's let's bring X up and uh let's let's get this going ah hey hey what's going on good evening man good evening it's a pleasure to be here pleasure to be back on this stage pleas pleasure to have you first and foremost it's an absolute honor to have you and like you said it's very rare I think this might have been the first time as somebody was speaking on stage
our phone started blowing up like who is this person who is this woman she is killing it I need to meet her as soon as she gets off the stage that might must have happened four or five times in my phone I'm sure it happened in his phone as well I was watching I'm like oh oh oh she this is this is incredible so congrats to you it's an honor to have you here tonight everybody's in for a treat yeah man it's an honor to be here I feel like as someone who's been in AI
for you know almost 12 years now this stuff comes like second nature to me but as it starts to go from AI being behind the scenes to AI in our face it's critical that folks like me who understand this stuff come back and give that game to our communities in a way that's accessible but also you know accessible from an information standpoint but also accessible from a cost standpoint right there's a lot of folks out there who will put this knowledge behind money and may not have the same quality there's no guarantee so it's an
honor to be able to be on E's platform to to to put our people on game ultimately and no let's get it and and you are award-winning AI expert I know you worked in AI policy at uh UC Berkeley um worked with uh some companies that you might have heard of like Google and Microsoft sounds and variety of other things so you are actually qualified to speak on this you're not just somebody that we just randomly picked off the street right nah definitely not I mean I mean I've been an engineer like a actual software
engineer for you know almost 20 years now but I've been specializing in AI for the past 12 I'm not only like someone who worked in Industry when I was at Microsoft building AI bringing it to big companies like at Google I worked across all their algorithms helping to identify when they were being biased or sexist or racist or messed up towards our communities and coming up with fixes for that I created two research teams of my own one of them was around teaching AI how to measure who is and isn't represented in content so like
how much is someone who's more masculine presenting on screen versus someone who's more feminine and how much are they seen versus speaking right so we would use that to like do diversity studies of all of Google advertising and we made those tools available to like thirdparty Partners also created the skin tone research team in Google which literally taught AI how to see black and brown skin tones so myself as someone who is a high school dropout a two-time College Dropout I'm a published researcher in this space I've created tools that now you know major companies
all over the world use specifically in AI so I definitely hope I know what I'm talking about I know I don't know everything but I know I know what I'm talking about now that's a fact so all right let's get into this YouTube uh like and share please do everyone a favor 1100 on the checkin let's run this up this is very very important information so um okay we G we gonna get right to it um we want to talk about like actionable items and stuff like that but before let's just spend a couple minutes
just to kind of break down I know you've been working in AI for years so tell us you know kind of give us the framework of artificial intelligence so we can have an understanding before we go into actually how to utilize it and make money from it all right let's get into it so uh can you guys see my screen here now they can they can see it now oh I don't need y'all to see all of that that looks like schinger cat this is a you know a conversation that I think is super important
um and it's one that I have with my clients dayto day and I work with like big companies like L'Oreal and Mozilla and it's kind of like what van Jones said on stage at invest Fest it's like nobody really understands this stuff right so you might hear like AI deep learning machine learning and the large language models all these different terms to talk about AI so I want to start off by making and giving y'all my framework for how to think about what artificial intelligence is so first AI is not just one thing right just
like when you think of the word car car is not one thing you can have a twodo car car you could have a four-door car you could have a sports car you could have a truck and even though there are all these you know different types of cars like whether they're electric or whether they're gas even though they literally end up different in the way that they look all cars pretty much do the same thing which is that they get you from point A to point B faster than you would get there if you were
walking right unless you're in LA traffic at four o'clock so similarly artificial intelligence covers a whole bunch of different tools and Technology across different disciplines it touches tools that are being built in computer science in mathematics in electrical engineering and mechanical engineering but all AI aims to do pretty much the same thing artificial intelligence is trying to teach machines how to think and act like humans so all those different Technologies and all those different disciplines are just trying to teach machines how to think and act like humans well what does it mean to think and
act like a human well humans have five senses we have hearing we have sight we have touch we have smell and we have taste and artificial intelligence kind of has five domains so teaching a AI teaching a machine how to hear and how to speak is called natural language processing that's what's behind tools like Siri inside of your phone when you talk to her and she writes the text down that's called text to speech then when she understands what you just said to her that's called natural language understanding then when she comes up with a
resp response to you that's called natural language generation and then when she reads that response back out loud to you that's called um text to speech right where she reads it back out loud to you so NLP or natural language processing is teaching machines how to hear and how to speak teaching machines how to see is called computer vision so if you have a ring camera in your house and it's like oh person detected or animal detected that's using computer vision that's also behind stuff like face ID inside of your phone when you go to
the airport and TSA asks you to stand there and it checks a picture of your face all of that stuff is computer vision teaching a machine how to touch is called haptics now this is a field that you mostly see in robotics where they're doing things like creating artificial skin that's as sensitive as human skin now why would they need that well think about it if you have like a robot in an Amazon Factory you want it to be able to understand things like pressure and weight so that when it picks up whatever you ordered
off at Amazon that might be fragile it doesn't pick it up and like shake it around and mishandle it right so they need that artificial skin to be able to teach robots how to understand what it is that they're physically touching and grabbing then teaching machines how to smell is a pretty new field it's called machine old factory now I'm not g to lie I don't really like this field because in order to teach the algorithm what a smell is you got to use like somebody's nose as an example and I don't know about y'all
but some people out of the colog they be picking the perfumes they be picking like I don't trust everybody's nose right and so machino factories a newer field uh we've seen like maybe 10 20 research papers in this space all together where they're trying to do stuff like come up with new perfume smells or like detect smoke from a smell Etc and then teaching machines how to taste doesn't actually have a fancy name but it has the same problem of kind of like teaching a machine how to smell like I'm not eating at everybody's house
so whose taste buds are you using as the example to like teach these machines how to taste you feel me definitely got you there so the five senses in the five domains makes a lot of sense when people start hearing these things like computer vision uh definitely the the smell and the taste it is subjective it starts to lead to uncertainty and one of the things with human nature is that we don't like uncertainty which then leads to fear so how how can people become less fearful when they when they hear about AI and very
broken down how you just did it so I feel like a lot of the fear is based on the unknown like the human brain generally is wired to protect you from danger right like the amydala which we call the fight ORF flight part of the brain is literally the oldest part of the brain and it's the only part of the brain that can hijack the rest so if you ever had like a panic attack that's literally your amydala hijacking your brain and shutting down all the other different functions in your brain because it literally thinks
that you're dying and and so a huge part of overcoming fear to AI is learning about it doing things like sitting in this class taking notes understanding what the difference is between NLP and computer vision so that you're able to not feel like because you don't understand it that it instantly means that it's going to be negative against you now there are real challenges with AI with which we'll probably get into later but even then the problems inside of these AI systems with things like bias or things like them coming for uh you know jobs
that particularly affect our communities a lot of that stuff can be solved if we Step Up in other areas like in policy or if we Step Up in terms of like regulation or if we Step Up in terms of building and designing our own systems and so even the stuff out there that is actually proven to be scary or dangerous to our communities there are solutions out there that require all of us coming together and putting into play okay all right um so I know we have the next step which we're GNA talk about how
to utilize it in business anything you need you want to talk about before that before we go to the the business side yeah so before we jump into the business side I want to give a little bit more context about you know how you teach a machine to think and act like a humans so we know that AI is this group of technologies that are trying to do that using this five senses example now generative AI specifically is attempting to teach AI teach machines how to think and act like the human imagination like if I
ask everybody on the chat right now to imagine a car you would come up with an image in your head of a car some of you guys would imagine a two-door car a four-door car a sports car some of y'all might even imagine a semi now what I did is I just prompted you to create something from The Prompt that I gave you you're using your human imagination to create something from an idea of it and so generative AI is teaching machines how to think and act more along the lines of the human imagination I'm
gonna get a little bit technical just so you guys understand some of the differences between the techniques used to build Ai and AI itself so how do you teach a machine how to think and act like a human well that's where the term machine learning comes in you've probably heard this a lot machine learning is the most popular way that people teach machines how to think and act like humans but it's not the only way or the only method and machine learning is when you teach a machine which they call training how to complete a
task by giving it examples which they call training data of that task so that it can learn and improve itself on how to do that task right so for example if I wanted to teach a car how to drive on the road if it was old school coding without machine learning I'd have to code every single step that the car needed to do well a lot of those rules are you know there's like millions of rules of driving like to have to code like if your right tire gets within this many inches of the line
then move the steering wheel you know 0 2 cmers that's a lot to learn and a lot to code we probably wouldn't even be able to make an app that would be able to let the car drive like that it would just take too much code so instead with machine learning we can take a bunch of examples of cars driving on the road that's why like Teslas have eight cameras they're constantly capturing that data and then let it learn from those examples of things that it should do and things that it shouldn't do so there
are two types of machine learning the first is called called supervised machine learning and supervised machine learning is when you teach a machine how to complete a task by giving it examples of the right answer up front so an example of this is like let's say I wanted to to to teach a computer vision algorithm to be able to tell the difference between a strawberry and avocado right I would give it examples of images that I knew upfront were a strawberry I would tell it UPF front that it's a strawberry we call that data labeling
and then I would check it as it's learning how good it gets at telling me that's a strawberry versus telling me that's a that's a avocado right so again supervised machine learning is I already know what the right answer is up front so I'm going to give you these examples and then I'm going to test you against how well you're learning how to do the task because I already know the right answer the second type of AI uh machine learning is called unsupervised machine learning and this is when you're training a machine how to complete
a task by getting giving it examples but you're letting the algorithm itself discover what the right answer is right so you're giving it a whole bunch of data and then it goes in and finds patterns across that data that it uses to give you the right answer so for example a lot of AI is being used in things like drug drug disc Discovery so like how can we find a new medicine to treat AIDS or to treat diabetes or even when covid came out there was a whole effort between a bunch of big tech companies
to figure out uh medicines that could be used as a vaccine right so in that case they didn't know the right answer up front but they had a whole bunch of data and then the machine uncovered patterns that helped them understand what the right answer should be right all right so then you have one more thing which is called Deep learning so deep learning is basically without going into all the math behind it it's a more complex way of doing machine learning when you have things that are more complicated in their patterns and so it
teaches the algorithms in a way that mimics how neurons fire in human brain right so machine learning like if I want to tell the difference between a strawberry and an avocado that's not a very complex task but like teaching a plane how to fly itself like the US Air Force just did is going to require a lot more complex relationships and a lot more complex understanding and Nuance inside of that data and the patterns and how it's supposed to do that task so they would use something like a deep learning uh algorithm instead to be
able to capture that now I know that was a lot of information I don't expect y'all to have this memorized so before we move on to the next part I made a little tldr slide for y'all you know take a moment take a screenshot make sure to share this with your friends it just Recaps what I just covered X quick question when we're talking about uh gbt which is generative pre-trained Transformers most people just hear chat gbt and that's what the acronym stands for is it encompassing all three is it com encompassing supervised unsupervised and
deep learning because when you're talking about figuring out equation I remember when it first was able to pass you know the uh a High School exam AP exam right and then it kept learning kept learning then it was able to pass uh a graduate school uh final then it was able to pass the bar so it's learning it's not given a task it's not it's untrained but some prompts are trained where where would chbt fit in that category so Chad gbt is a type of of deep learning and then sometimes they have what's called reinforcement
learning which is where it learns as it interacts with humans but Chad gbt in particular is based on something called a Transformer architecture so this is the way that like Chad gbt Works basically you get a large Corpus of text so like you know how they're complaining oh they scraped the whole internet and stuck it inside a chat GPT and they like took copyrighted books and movies Etc they got together a big Corpus of text right so gigabytes and gigabytes upon terabytes of text text data and then what they did is they fed that into
the system and the first thing that that system does is it starts to go across the text and create these webs of understanding and so what it does is it'll say like oh for the like let's say it's a bunch of fairy tale books right it'll say oh for the concept of royalty we have the words prince princess castle we have the words like um I don't know like Mo uh you know uh holiday ball Cinderella right like it'll start to associate certain words with certain themes and those are called embeddings right and the is
generating these on their own that's the first step of creating like a Chad gbt and then what happens is when you go in and you create a prompt right so you ask it something what it does is it takes your prompt and it converts it into math you might have heard this referred to as a token and so it converts your your actual text into a mathematical representation of that text because the way that the embeddings are stored or how it understands language is actually stored using math it's not like a literal web where you
could go like royalty means princess it's like some crazy hash and then like is related to these other hash numbers right so then when it takes your prompt and it converts it into text what it does is it does this really complex uh calculation to guess what words should come next based on what words came before based on how those embeddings are inside of his database so I'll give you an example of this let's say you don't speak a lick of Spanish at all right you don't understand Spanish at all but you've maybe watched a
TV show once or twice and you know that when somebody says Ola you're supposed to say KO estas right and so someone comes up to you and they say hola you think the most likely response is probably KO estas but then if I go deeper and I say and you don't you've never heard that before you gonna make up a response likeo Bell or say something that don't that was my first thought yeah because you don't you don't understand underlying language and that's literally how chat GPT works there's a research paper called chat GPT is
which literally talks about the fact that all of these large language models based on the Transformer architecture literally do not understand language they don't actually understand the words that you're saying they're just really good math guessing engines because they have like a lot of examples in this case of like maybe they watched a whole bunch of Spanish and memorized like what people said and how they responded but they don't actually understand what they're saying and so what that creates the risk of is what we call hallucination so if I say and you say Taco Bell
that's like the equivalent of a hallucination where you say something that doesn't make sense or you make up something that isn't factually true and hallucinations inside of large language models can happen at any point right like you cannot get rid of hallucinations inside of large language models so they're always going to make up and an example of this when Google dropped their AI overview there was a bunch of like funny screenshots of like how it was making up answers and someone asked it like yo how many rocks should a human eat a day to like
keep a balanced diet and it was like according to a research study at UC Berkeley humans should you know eat five rocks every day and like that doesn't exist but again it doesn't understand how harmful that is because it doesn't actually understand the language so two things when whenever just general tips whenever you're using a a a large language model like Chad GP Gemini perplexity uh Claude any of these things you want to be careful when you're using it in a fact-based scenario so if you're like plugging in your company's data and asking chat GPT
questions about it there's always a chance that it could make up an answer that's not actually inside the data so when you're using these llms inside of these contexts you want to always trust but verify like double check and make sure that it's given the right answer there you have it ladies and gentlemen shout out to your Spanish today oh yeah you know so if you guys want to dive deeper into those Concepts I have a free AI course that I launched in 2020 that goes a little bit deeper into some of those mechanics you
guys can feel free to tap into that for sure there you have it okay let's reset the room hit the like button and share I mean this is information that literally you can learn in college high level information like high high level colleges not just your community college um and those schools cost a lot of money so it's free tonight just because we want we want to help you guys um learn um and we want to learn ourselves too so I think it's very important that we have that level of appreciation to our guests absolutely
for coming and um providing information but also only thing we ask you guys is just share it 2200 people that's great but let's get it up to 3,000 let's share this out to your friends your family it's very important information man you know we we gossip on social media so much but this is actually more important than trending topics oh any topic any topic so now we're gonna go into okay let's get into how we can actually make money there's a lot of entrepreneurs um in here so let's um let's talk about that if we
can yeah so the question is how can you use AI right um and so I came prepared I got the deck ready for these questions for y'all and so there are three ways that you can use AI whether that's in your business or in your personal life the first is Task specific tools so if there's a specific thing that you're trying to do and create um there's probably an AI for that and in the chat I'm going drop a website where you can go find an AI that can basically do anything the second is through
AI enabled platforms so platforms that are specifically built to help you uh you know whether it's operate your whole business or manage a lot of Tas at once that use AI in that and the third is around using AI to amplify your Genius so first let's talk talk about these task specific tools right so if you're looking at marketing your business right you want to use AI to identify and engage your customers there's a couple different ways you can use AI for that the first is around content creation you can accelerate the development of either
text audio or video content to promote your business right so whether that's yo I'm trying to come up with a new jingle to put behind you know my my advertisement you could pull a BBL Drizzy and use a sunno or an udio to do that if you're looking for for creating images of people stock photos without having to pay for them you can use free tools like mid Journey or free tools like doll or a number of websites that allow you to generate images for free if you're looking at trying to advertise to your customers
right so like customizing those ad campaigns what I recommend for this is that when you're doing advertising and you want to personalize it to your customers or find the Right audience all of these big advertising platforms have now in the last like six seven months have now dropped AI audience features right so whether that's Tik Tok advertising whether that's Facebook meta advertising whether that's Google advertising they have these features that do cost a little bit more but they use AI to identify the exact people that you need to advertise to based on your campaign and
they'll start off maybe the first day testing that out and as they get people use you know responding to the ads positively they keep adjusting in real time who they're targeting your ad campaign to so I recommend using those features they are they do cost a little bit more but it's much better for you to spend that money up front and guarantee that it's going to reach the right people versus you spending money running a campaign trying to figure it out and manually adjust it that could end up costing you a lot more moving forward
and the third thing is around sentiment right so sentiment is essentially how people feel and they measure that through text so if you're a company that has a reviewbased business right like let's say you got Google reviews or you have Yelp reviews Etc all of those platforms that let you put all your reviews in one place and like review and manage all of them they all have what are called sentiment analysis tools so they'll take that review that somebody left on your Google reviews or on your Yelp or you know whatever other sites that you're
on and they'll analyze it and say this was a positive review this was a negative review or this was a neutral review right you can also do that a lot of social media platforms like HubSpot and stuff like that have that in terms of your comments so are your comments on your social media Pages positive negative or neutral and what that can help you do when you plug that in or use those actual features is help you understand okay here are 10 negative reviews even if the review had four stars or five stars it could
still tell you the based on the content if the review is positive or not that lets you go in and see where you can improve as as a business as well as where you're actually doing well as a business so again these things are tools that are built into platforms right like canva has a AI generate content generation tool Tik Tok just launched their like um digital Avatar creation Studio meta and Google inside their advertising platforms have like image and video generation tools built in so as you're thinking about how to Market to your customers
think about creating content for your marketing campaigns effectively reaching audiences with your ads and then also using sentiment to give you information about your business back and forth yeah it's funny that you brought up hubs side because as you were talking I'm thinking to myself the companies that have a big base inside the CRM space number one job creation inside of them or Fair of job creation for some people is like all right that industry is going to be disrupted but it's only going to be disruptive if you're not using it along with right a
human and the so talk about how businesses that use customer relations management how this can be super beneficial because I I see it as the wave of the future for it yeah 100% so I said this on stage at invest Fest I'll say it again it's not going to be a AI that takes your job it's going to be a human that's using AI is going to take your job and so when you're thinking about customer relationship Management Systems whether you're using a Salesforce whether you're using like a Nimble CRM if you're using like a
HubSpot if you're using um like a Zoho to be able to like track your customers there are softwares out there that have things what they call uh lead scoring right so like AI generated lead scoring so if you're using um maybe you're doing like code sales or code calls or you're like collecting customer leads these types of plugins inside of your CRM systems use AI to help you understand who is the best potential lead for what you're doing um there's a platform it's called sense8 I believe it is I have to look it up once
we we go through this presentation and I'll drop a link to it um but it like cuz like hubspot's version of that is like super expensive like a$ thousand dollars a month right there's this platform called sense8 that offers like predictive lead scoring based on your CRM based on your communication with them based on your preferences and what you say is like your ideal customer and they offer like a three-month free trial and then after that it's like uh $400 or $500 a month so it's much cheaper than what's built into HubSpot and can plug
in the HubSpot and pull your data so I think a few different ways that you can use it I think using predictive lead scoring is important but also you know as we talk about conversational AI this is another area where you can use AI to communicate with those customers that are in your CRM on your behalf right so when you're thinking about like let's say uh Information Management right let's say that you got customers who might have commonly asked questions or you you're a startup and you've taken in investment money and your investors are going
to have questions about your attraction or even your staff as you're bringing new people in and there's ways of doing things and they may not remember everything from the training you could set up chatbots that can interact with these different groups of people and provide them information so for customers a very low-level type of chatbot without you having to like turn on chat gbt and use it in your business there are these things called FAQ Bots right so if you already have like a frequently asked questions about your business you can plug it in to
one of these chatbots actually Microsoft has one for free called Q&A maker and you can plug it in and it'll take your Q&A and it'll automatically make a chatbot that you can just plug into your website completely free so people can ask questions about your cancellation policy your business um about where you're at and like Q&A maker isn't just for you to like take the literal FAQ section you could plug all the content about your website in that if you're talking about internal operations right like let's say you have a I don't know like a
like a customer service associate role and you don't want them asking you 90 questions about when and when not to give a discount or give a customer a refund you could create like a Q&A bot for that and make it so that your internal employees can use it same thing with like the investor metrics and again Q&A maker is 100% free tool there's a whole bunch of tools out there that are like this that you can use the second piece where you can use kind of chatbot specifically is around time management so being able to
automate the setup and management of a appointments meetings and bookings right so if you're a service-based business like let's say you provide you know Finance consultations or credit consultations or you provide literal services like hey I'm G come give you a haircut or I'mma come put your lashes on instead of you having to do all of that communication back and forth through text through WhatsApp through Messenger through like Instagram DM you know what I'm saying where you're like going across 10 different things and trying to remember when people are coming and adding it to a
calendar just grab a booking chat boot these chat Bots automatically communicate with people they manage your availability as soon as somebody books an appointment you can make them pay before they book if you have a deposit and then it automatically puts it on your calendar and then it automatically sends the people like the email of like hey your appointment's coming up do you want to reschedule or cancel and then like if they don't show up you get to keep the deposit you know what I'm saying like that stuff can all be done in one software
as opposed to you doing it through 50 different things and there are versions of these kind of like booking chat Bots that even accept payments in things like cash app or VMO and so you know you can go find those tools out there they're little like you know booking and scheduling Bots or even plugins for like the Shopify chatbot that they have there's a plugin you can get that does that to really streamline that part of your business and open your time back up and the last part is around process automation so use an AI
to complete task that would normally require human effort right so if you know that you're going to have to look at your CRM and see the open leads and send them all an email then you could use you know like a zap year or like a make which are these tools that let you do like um plug in one tool and create little custom rules like if the person's lead is open and I have't emailed them in the last seven days then send them an email right and you could use AI to generate those emails
so you don't have to right so you could add a little step in it it's like go to chat GPT and generate a personalized follow-up email then send that email so can use AI especially in conversational AI these chat bot these large language models to help you automate those processes as well and finally when you're thinking about operations right you think about wanting to use AI to accelerate or stabilize those tasks that you have to do day-to-day as a business to be able to survive so the first part is around data analysis being able to
understand patterns across your data or create visualizations of data there's a tool out there called gamma and Gamma is a present ation AI tool right and so if you are someone who's like me like as nice as this deck kind of looks y'all this is about as good as it gets for me I can't design I cannot draw I could code a AI to do it for me but me in my like pitch decks I'm terrible so being able to use gamma uh has really changed my life in terms of like creating data visualizations there's
another tool out there it's called columns um that plugs into your data and automatically creates visualizations and you can customize them and it's like you can go on one of those websites like appsumo and get like a lifetime subscription to it you know what I'm saying like for like $50 and forever have access to this data visualization tool and the tool also gives you information about the data that you're pulling up or this is where you would plug it into like a chat GPT and ask it questions just make sure it's not making nothing up
when you do that right and then you have what we call Knowledge mining so how do you use AI to understand how your business is functioning and your business Health again this is be inside of the tools you're already using like like HubSpot or or uh Salesforce CRM they're already going to have like AI functions to tell you like hey here's a risk score that tells you how you know much of your business is at risk of not closing or like the performance of your employees so just turning on those kinds of tools and functions
that are already in the apps you're using is critical and of course for knowledge sharing right so building those internal chatbots building those internal knowledge-based databases even find tuning a a a chat GPT or a uh version of like you know Gemini to to work specifically on your data like modna just did this with 750 custom gpts and so overall you have these three Tas specific kind of tools around using it to you know identify and engage your customers on how to actually communicate with your customers or your stakeholders on your behalf so how do
you scale yourself and then around the operations how do you understand how your business is operating communicate that to other people and I'll pause there because that's a lot of info that was that was a lot I'm taking notes a lot of info for sure um so let's reset the room um somebody asks if this is gonna be on save this will this will be saved on the channel you have to go to the live section to see it though but it will be saved on the channel also will be on podcast Outlets as well
so if you want to listen to it want to go you can check it out on podcast but this will because you need you need to watch this at least three times at least three times the master investor is on the checkin shout out to Ian in the building um okay um I think we derailed did you go through your slides or did did you get we have a little bit more for these specific so I'm gon give you a little example so like you would generate you use AI to generate marketing with a call
to action for people to use your chatbot like hey you want your lashes scheduled DM me on Instagram because these like chatbots you can deploy to like Facebook Messenger or to Whatsapp or into Instagram right to like work within those chats it doesn't have to be just on your website and then the chatbot was schedule like a sales or a discovery call with with a client then you would use AI to take notes during that call something like otter AI or any of these uh number of these other tools that people be using and then
it would recommend next steps now let's say you're having a call with a customer like a potential sales opportunity or uh with a customer who might be unhappy you can do sentiment analysis is on those transcripts from the call that you know otter will generate from you to understand how that person feels so if you're like yo I just had this sales call I'm not really sure where they stand you could use AI to give you like that insight and be like n this was more neutral or hey this this was more positive call you
know what I'm saying to help give you that Insight uh another example would be if maybe you're a service based business you would same thing use AI to create like a cool jingle or maybe a cool little video to help you with your call to action to use that chatbot then the chatbot would book the appointment and then once the appointment is booked uh it would automatically start to like retarget that customer to come back in for another appointment right like hey you should come in and book another appointment we haven't seen you in a
month or we haven't seen you in three months and then as the your customers continuously interact it'll start to learn patterns about them so it'll know like hey this customer only comes in for pedicures they never get a manicure so when we send them like a special deals email we're going to send them one for pedicures right for like 10 20% off of pedicures and so this type of um pipeline uh especially with like the customer retargeting and messaging is built into tools like send Grid it's built into loyalty tools where customers like you know
give you your email and then like they leave ratings and they earn points it's also built into the actual email marketing tools that are out there so you don't have to go build like a whole recommender engine or personalized system to be able to get to that and so another thing that you can do when we talked about like AI enabled platforms so if you can't see right now I'm at U will I's FYI campus in Downtown LA and FYI is an app that stands for Focus your ideas and willim created it because he wanted
a better way to manage creative projects what I found in my day-to-day life where I have a AI consulting company is that this helps me as well so the app is 100% free it's AI enabled across everything it let to create and manage projects inside of these projects you can share files you can add people to them you can remove people from them you can have group calls and group chats so you can set up video calls they could be audio calls you have an AI assistant that's built into the app so like let's say
you guys have a a chat going on about an idea you could literally tag fyi. a and ask it can you summarize this can you summarize what's going on in this chat or you could talk to it and ask it hey help me generate this new idea like you would talk to a chat GPT or you would talk to a Claud or at Gemini and inside of the app it has a image generator that's 100% free that you can use so for me operationally um you know while I do have a CRM system for certain
things the like day-to-day tasks or projects or ideas I operate off of FYI AI because it's 100% free and who don't like free you feel me sh shout out to Will shout out to Neil who said he's been using FYI since he left invest Fest is an amazing app I've been using it uh myself man use it with my kids they were asking some questions about history as they were watching the the vice presidential debate so that was pretty cool uh you want to you got a question no I gonna let I'm let her finish
okay let her finish the yeah so last part how do you use AI to amplify your Genius now I did a workshop on this when I was with Van Jones out in Atlanta but outside of that I haven't given any wi this game right because this is my game on how I personally interact with like a chat GPT or like a gemini or like a Claude now I'm coming from this as an angle of like somebody who knows how these systems work on a technical level so I created a framework for how to write your
prompts to be able to get the most out of the AI interaction but in a way where it's not just spitting out an answer at you but where it's taking your Genius and your thoughts and helping you structure them or and also teaching you along the way so think about it like this if I could talk to let's say I have a business plan idea right the way chat GPT is by default or any of these large language models is by default is they've got all this data from all over the Internet and so when
you ask it hey I I want to create like a a an app for babysitters that connects parents with like background checked babysitters On Demand right come write my business plan it's going to grab from the randomness of all of that to give you an answer now why would I want to talk to some random person who I don't know the experience and the background that they have versus I could turn it into like a business professor at Harvard that has like extensive experience creating these types of services like maybe you were the the dude
who scaled like door Dash to its first billion dollars right and then engage with it in a way where it starts to ask me questions about my idea and then starts to give me an answer based on my idea not just based on whatever it grabbed out of all those terabytes and terabytes of data you feel me and so that framework I call chat in the Hat right and I know it's a little funny framework but it's really to help you learn how to think like an AI so you can talk to the AI in
a way that amplifies your Genius so what does chat and the hat stand for it's a three-part framework when you're writing your and this is this is this is extremely important ladies and gentlemen you didn't pay any attention to anything else which shame on you if you did that pay attention to this part because this is extremely important how to actually talk to AI to get the proper response that's that's vitally important because you can speak to somebody and and it's like a human being right like I could speak to somebody you have to be
educated enough to ask the question so how I'm asking the question is going to determine the answer that I'm getting that's not talked about enough so what she's about to talk about is actually vitally important especially because when you're talking to a large language model like I mentioned before it doesn't actually understand what you're saying so it's not going to get the gist of it right you have to give it The Specific Instructions that you want it to execute and the more specific and the more clear you give it the more it'll answer in the
way that you need it to but again it's just taking whatever prompt you give it and calculating B based on that so if you say write me a business plan about a app for you know connecting background check babysitters with parents it's going to write something but if I give it first a history right and then I give it an attitude how I want it to complete that task and then I give it a specific instructions on how to complete that task the conversation is going to be completely different so I'm going to do real
quick is break down each component of this and in real time live on the chat we're going to make up an idea together and I'm going to show you guys the difference between using just a regular prompt versus the chat and the hat framework you feel me so first what is history history is you want to tell it the relevant skills and experience that it needs to have to be able to help you accomplish that task so if I have a idea for an app me just talking to chat GPT I don't know who it
could be pulling from versus giving it like yo you're an award-winning person in this field who has this specific experience and 20 years of that experience right you want to give it some type of history that it can refer to to pull in that Knowledge from all of those terabytes of data to specifically be using the knowledge that you need to complete your task so if it's like a um like a social media thing right you don't just want to go ask Chad GPT about how to make a viral social campaign you want Chad GPT
to like be an expert at generating viral campaigns like you made a company similar to mind have 50 million views on Tik Tok with your funny short videos right then it kind of puts itself in that Framing and starts to think from that lens then you want to give it a attitude which is like what is the mentality or the vibe that it has while doing the task is it helpful is it you know Playing devil's advocate is it you know does it like to ask you questions and teach you how to do it instead
of just giving you an answer right so you want to give it like the attitude like how and what the vibe is uh that uses when it's thinking about how to do your task then you want to give it the actual task which is you need to specifically tell it what it should do and how it should do it so let's Deep dive into each one of these a little bit more so first with the history again you want to give it that relevant knowledge experience and accomplishments that a person would need to actually be
useful to you in completing that task so you say something like you are a uh you know award-winning business plan developer right like you're a professor at Harvard Wharton and Stanford in creating startup business plans now Chad GPT does know what these kinds of Institutions are and it's not going to know that like you can't be the chair of business at Harvard Stanford and at like Wharton and UC Berkeley all at once like it's not going to know that but it is going to understand what it means to be like the chair of business at
Stanford or the chair of the business school at Harvard right because it has enough data to understand what those specific things are and then you might want to give it some experience like you have n you know you have 40 years of experience helping startups create business plans um you know you have you know you were the person who created the original business plan for door Dash because if I'm thinking about sitter as a app right like this you know babysitting connecting app what's a similar type of service like a door Dash or a task
rabbit right like you wrote the financial models for task rabbit that helped them be successful right and like you're an expert in creating business plans that like helps startup scale and get investment money because that's my goal so even just there me giving it those specifics about as history will completely change the way that I'm going to engage with this chatbot and the types of answers it's going to give me and the type of knowledge is going to pull out to answer that right so you could also say like you're an award-winning or world-renowned expert
in this you have number of years experience developing business plans at these companies you have built or you built this company or you scaled this thing or you you know uh created this product or this service so if I flip it and I move to social media like you are the leading expert in creating viral Tik Tok videos you have 20 years of experience um creating and leading viral campaigns on short form video campaigns on Tik Tok at like door dash at Uber and at Lyft right you literally grew Uber's Tik Tock uh following from
a thousand followers to over 10 million and you've won several Awards along the way right so you just start to think about the Persona if you could create the perfect person that you would talk to about this even if some of the details are a little bit of BS that's fine but you want to create that perfect person that you want to talk to in person who's going to help you with that task so that's the history and then the attitude again is that energy it's that mentality and that vibe that you want the AI
to take with you while it's responding to you and that has two components the first is the style is it helpful is it curious is it critical is it more like evaluative is it pensive is it playing Devil's Advocate is it challenging is it excited is it um you know like if you wanted to turn it into like a venture capitalist to like you know review your idea is it like a skeptic right you want to give it like a style of how it's supposed to be thinking about the answer it gives you back and
then you give it a tone so like is it going to respond in professional language is it going to be academic is it going to be formal informal casual humorous friendly persuasive is it going to be Urban is it going to be targeted at gen Z or gen Alpha right so when you're giving it that attitude you've already given it the history so now it knows what knowledge it's pulling from now you're just telling it when you give me answers this hot I want the vibe between us to be right so an example of that
would be like you are extremely helpful you love sharing your knowledge to help people create business plans you have a deep passion for listening to people ideas and guiding them step by step to create business plans and then you could add in some more stuff like you prefer to help people learn how to help themselves so instead of giving the right answer you give them questions um to help them think and come to the right answer for themselves so the attitude section is typically a little bit shorter but again it's just telling it all right
this is who you are this is how you're going to step to me and the last part which is one of the most important is the actual task right so the task is this specific details on what you want the AI to do and how you want it to do it now often times we only focus on the method right so we'll be like yo I want you to ask me a question and then provide an answer I want you to explain yourself or I want you to give me positive and negative feedback on this
idea but we don't necessarily get specific enough to tell it the format that we want that in right so if you just tell Chad gbt to ask me questions about my idea it's going to spit out like 20 questions for you right and then it's it's going to expect you to answer all of those so that's very different than saying ask me one to two brief questions at a time wait for my response and keep doing that until you get enough information to help me write my business plan that's going to have a whole different
interaction and if it spits out 20 questions and you don't even know how to answer them and then it'll mess up the flow of your chat so you could tell it like hey I want this in a list so hey I want a list of five viral Tik Tock ideas to promote what I'm doing and want them to be the strongest I want them to be funny right or hey I want this in a table so it'll literally output it in what looks like an Excel spreadsheet so I want a table of ideas and the
First Column should be the number of the ideas so one through five the second column should be a description of the video the third column should be an explanation of why you think that video will work and a fourth column will be what you think the cons are of that and the fifth column will be what you think the pros are of that now answer my question that's a lot different than just spitting out a list of ideas now you're getting information in a structured way for you to see how it thinks and why it
thinks so you can tweak it as you go so an example of the task part would be like right now you're meeting with me I'm trying to create a startup business a business plan for my startup that will connect like um that'll connect parents to background check babysitters first I'm going to provide you with ideas that I already have about the business plan then you're going to ask me one to two brief questions at a time about my idea about this app uh you know that we want to build until you have enough information to
help us create a comprehensive business plan that will help us get investment from a VC firm along the way you're going to provide positive and negative feedback right so that's going to completely change versus me saying I want you to write me a business plan about uh an app that connects uh you know parents to background check babysitters having that conversation versus a conversation that's done in this format in this chat in the Hat format is going to be world's difference and instead of chat GPT feeding you whatever answer it happens to calculate it's now
going to be taking in your actual genius your actual ideas and just helping you expand upon them and structure them in a way that lets you do stuff faster now it's not just about writing business plans or coming up with social media ideas you can do this for uh like let's say that you have a sales presentation coming up you can give it you're a master salesperson you're great at creating decks you're extremely helpful you love helping me what's going to happen is I'm going to tell you about my client the things I want to
include in my sales deck and you're going to help me create an outline for the sales deck so then it'll do that okay now uh I want to Deep dive into this slide for this slide uh you know I want it to be really impacting you know really impactful and the story that it tells to make sure that it's teaching make sure that my client really walks away understanding how we're the industry leader can you generate a table with three different options for text that I should put on this slide and then it's going to
Output that so now again it's taking your Genius and what you already know and what your goals are and just making your workflow faster but by pulling from this expertise of this imaginary character that you've created and so again the chat and the hat framework is around when you create your prompt you want to create a history what are the Knowledge and Skills and expertise that it needs to have to help you with your task what experience does it have what companies are relevant to the task you trying to do that you could say it
has experience there you could be like yo you were you know the first social media person at you know freaking door Dash ever right and then you want to give it specific accomplishments when you have the a the attitude it's what kind of vibe does it have when it's helping you so you think about the style and you think about the tone so the style is what's the vibe the tone is what kind of language does it use when it creates the answer for you and the last part is T or the task which is
how does it respond to you right so you want to tell it exactly what you want it to do and how you want it to do it right like is it going to ask questions and provide answers does it give you positive negative feedback and even on a format like what's the structure that it uses when responding is it responding to you in a list is it giving you a table is there a certain amount is it a paragraph is it a long answer a short answer Etc and the more you guys will leverage this
framework the more valuable that these tools will become to helping you operate in any element of your business daytoday in a way that you'll be the the the one that's the person using AI that'll replace the jobs of the people who are not instead of you um hoping that chat GPT gives you some type of answer randomly or that Claud or Gemini does that'll help you have a Competitive Edge because the unique Competitive Edge is you and so the chat and a hat framework helps you leverage these large language models in a way where it
amplifies your Genius alongside AI instead of expecting AI to somehow make you a genius you feel me I I feel you I definitely feel you when we talk about expert we metant expert that's a that's that's a million dollars worth of game right there minimum that's at least a million dollars worth of game but I think we're going to do something some some on the Fly work are we yeah let's do it so I'm going to do like this and I'm going to maybe minimize this and make this bigger oh no I don't want to
leave I just don't want y'all to see all of that all right so let's go back here so let's make up an example task right now you guys uh maybe in the yeah let's do this do in the chat because I don't want them to be like y we already thought about this so in the chat what they have to do they have to come with like a business idea yeah just like what like something we'd wanted to do like a business plan for like a e-commerce thing or like you know help me come up
with viral Tik Tock campaigns for this kind of business just something that is a specific task not anything but a specific task you want to see used in this framework all right so type somebody type in the chat see we see what they got what you want to see and we'll do this on real time like a magic trick on 42nd Street y'all Wild all right I see one already right here sounds pretty dope they got uh they want to help create oh it's moving so fast a technology recruiting company business plan oh what oh
might put it up shout out to my a technology recruiting company business plan a technology recruiting company business plan is that a good one yep let's do it so we're gonna do this in each one right so I'mma put it here and put it here so we could see it all the way through oh each one so what I want to do first is I want to show you guys what it looks like when we have one of these large language models generate this without the chat and a hat framework right so this is a
app that I use it's only available on Mac it's called think Buddy and basically um you pay one feet and you get access to all of the AI models that you would want to use so I could use you know chat GPT 4.0 Gemini Claude Etc even llama uh just by paying one fee they are working on a a mobile app however it's not out yet so if you have a Mac I highly recommend this software you guys just missed out on a lifetime deal like I paid $150 and I have forever free access to
this app but the the monthly subscription instead of you paying $20 for Chad gbt then $20 for you know uh perplexity then $20 for this one it's like $20 for this app where you get access to all of them unlimited and it has like the image generation and stuff like that what's the name of it it's called think buddy so i n k bu d d y and it's think buddy. a so I could drop like a code if you guys want to get it but I have a couple tools I got to drop for
y'all the first is the the tool that helps you find AI anything the second is the lead scoring and then I'll drop the info for think Buddy when I when I'm done with this demo here yeah shout out to Ian in the chat for with with the assistance on that appreciate you bro so what I'm asking it to do right here is I'm saying create a business plan for a technology recruiting company right and this is oh let's rear uh oh now it wants to tank out all right let's maybe we should use chat GPT
I'm talking all this chat GPT stuff right and so maybe chat gbt is the reliable yeah it's the reliable source can't go wrong with chat gbt okay let me come out of Claud oh do it in Claud hold on y'all not me trying to promote this and then it don't want to work here let me change this all right this is this is the next level of AI we it back up all right now let me test why is it still trying to do it in Claud do I need to update something huh is it
my app let me see and if not I'll just open up chat GPT and show y'all the difference like literally I just don't pay for chat GPT outside of this and I've never had this issue in here let me see okay chat all right let me go back to this one and let's set okay let's go back okay let's try it again with Chad gp4 General okay let me try a new chat something's up with the app on my computer because it's not letting me do this so instead what I'll do to save us time
I promise it works y'all I promise it works right so instead what I'll do is we'll just go into Claud and try it right now right so while I'm in Claude I'll say hey create a business plan for a technology recruiting company and then what it'll do is it'll spit out an answer right so it starts to immediately answer without understanding what type of Technology recruiting I want to do what my market is what my region is or anything and it comes up with a pretty decent idea it says here's an executive summary didn't even
ask me to name of my company I don't know the person in the chat would you call it Tech Talent Solutions that sound like one of them Outsource companies and India that's not a bad name it's actually not I'm pretty sure if I went to Google that there would be one that's called Tech Talent Solutions right but it says hey it's a specialized technology recruiting firm focused on connecting top tier Tech Talent with Innovative companies by leveraging Advanced matching algorithms so now it already signs you up to use AI so if you weren't planning to
use AI in your company it already signs you up to create your own proprietary matching algorithms right and then network of professionals we aim to streamline the hiring process for both employers and job seekers in the sector so then it goes into your market analysis your target market Tech startups and scale UPS established technology companies traditional companies undergoing digital transformation but what happens if you're somebody who is a federal technology recruiting company where you're seeking folks who have clearances right to to be able to place them places and you're looking at uh primary you know
Prime contractors and subcontractors and that's actually your audience now all of this becomes completely useless because it doesn't have any info about you and then the types of candidates maybe you've decided that you do everything except software Engineers right or developers like you do technical project managers you want to do uh quality analysis maybe you'll do like data analysts you want to do product managers you want to do uiux designers well now you're going to have to come in here edit all of this then it talks about the market size which again I don't know
if this fact is true so I'm G to have to Google it right and then it has like increasing demand due to this I don't know if any of that's true it's it's a llm I have to go double check and then competitive analysis it doesn't give you any specific competitors right and then what your advantag is ETC so you guys get the idea here it's spitting out something that feels good on the surface but then it doesn't necessarily capture your unique value and what you create so let's go through this framework and actually create
something right so we want to create a business plan for a technology recruiting company so first we're going to give it a history we're going to say you are an award winning uh world renowned uh original business plan for what's a big IT staffing firm like that actually exists in the world like one of them big recruiting terms can we look it up we'll look it up we're looking it up all right so I'm G add that in here first $1 million in Revenue to over1 billion doll in Revenue annually you are the chair of
the Harvard business school and have uh over 20 years experience um helping companies develop uh business plans helping technology service companies service companies develop business plans that um that help that drive them to become industry leaders I like that yeah the the chat is putting I looked up a sensor the chat put a center we can put a center all right right so now I'm just gonna have to go in here real quick and make this text just a little bit smaller y'all so let's go ahead and make this a little bit smaller right so
you are an award-winning world-renown expert at creating business plans for technology services companies you created the original business plan for accent's recruiting Department you scaled them from their first million dollars in Revenue to over 10 billion in in Revenue annually no I wanted to I can make it a 100 billion I don't really have to know if Accenture actually makes that much money right I'm just trying to give it an anecdotal example they said a CCH is not a staffing firm one of the largest in India so are they a staffing firm or no that's
what it said all right let's let's do this um for technology instead of services companies for technology recruiting companies right and so instead here's how I'm going to change this you created the um Talent uh the recruiting department at Accenture um where you scaled them from their first million dollars in Revenue to over 1010 billion in uh Revenue annually then you spent over a decade at Boston Consulting Group where you developed a what do they call it head hunter uh Talent recruiting and matching service that you scaled from zero uh zero to over2 billion dollar
uh in Revenue annually you are the leading expert in developing business plans and strategy strategy for technology recruiting companies right so you see how I did that it doesn't matter if like these things actually are there but because I'm not sure if Accenture I know they're a consulting firm but I don't know if they're like a a a talent recruiting company I just gave it that example like you created the recruiting department at accx centure where you scared them from their first million in Revenue to over 10 billion in Revenue an annually then you spent
over a decade I'm actually make it one billion then you spent over a decade at Boston Consulting Group where you developed a Head Hunter talent recruiting and matching service that you scaled from zero to over10 billion in Revenue annually right you are the leading expert in developing business plans and strategy for technology recruiting companies you are the chair of the Harvard Business School and have over 20 years experience okay you are the chair of the Harvard Business School and have a a deep passion and I'll just leave it there I don't have to add all
this in at the end um you are the chair of the Harvard Business School and the leading industry expert at helping Tech recruiting companies create business plans that uh drive them to become industry leaders right now let's talk about this attitude I'mma make this a little bit smaller it's getting a little bit verbos here but the attitude you are extremely helpful you love sharing your knowledge you love leveraging your knowledge and wisdom your deep know knowledge and wisdom not de your deep uh knowledge and wisdom to help uh to Mentor uh companies to Mentor up
andc coming Tech recruiting companies on developing their business plans and strategy you prefer to help people help themselves you provide positive and negative feedback so let's do this you prefer to help people help themselves giving insights on how to think about an answer versus giving the answer outright right you are especially passionate about helping entrepreneurs from underrepresented backgrounds we're going to give it a savior complex right and so the last piece is now what do we want it to do and how do we want it to do it right now you're meeting with me a
person of color who is creating a new technology Staffing Company i h uh I have some ideas for the uh company I want to create but I'm struggling to develop a full business plan first you'll listen to my ideas about the company before uh generating a response then you'll ask me one to two brief questions at a time until you have enough information to create a uh business plan that will drive us to success um until you have enough information to yeah okay you will H provide positive and negative feedback along away so I can
learn how to write business plans like you right that's a long ass prompt I'm not even gonna hold you that that prompt is immaculate I'm just looking at you thinking of it and typing at the same time in itself is pure Brilliance but that that prompt is incredible so with this what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna move these out of the way and I'm going to copy and paste this prompt now I'm not going to lie to you guys I have a folder in the notes section in my phone called prompts and I write
out all of my prompts in my notes in my phone before I use them and the reason for that is that a lot of times a lot of this language I end up reusing right so instead of me having to rewrite it every single time I'm able to take it and reuse it so I have my own little prompt library of how I want to do this so now remember when we did this in this first section let me see my old chat so I'm going to pull this one up and then I'mma pull Claude
back back up right so we see what it created right it created this whole business plan with the exit strategy talked about funding requirements without even asking me anything you know what I mean and it just gave me an answer so now I want to see what it gives me when I give it this prompt right so the first step it acts like it's me right it says I'm delighted to meet with you and help you develop a successful business plan for your technology Staffing Company your initiative is commendable and I'm excited to hear about
your vision as someone who has been in the trenches and scaled multiple recruiting businesses I know firsthand both the challenges and immense opportunities in this space before we dive into crafting your business plan I'd love to hear your initial thoughts and ideas about the company you want to create what inspired you to enter the technology Staffing industry and what unique value to believe your company can have in the market please share your current vision and then we can start refining and expanding it together so I just went from you giving me some answer that you
pulled out of the depths of nowhere to now literally having an expert with deep domain expertise getting to where I want to go and I've now turned this into my personal thought partner and Coach specifically for this task do you see the difference for free by the way like now you have a personal consultant as opposed to like you said you could just get the answer but now you actually have a personal consultant it's gonna take more time but now you got a personal consultant that you can have an ongoing relationship with forever a mentor
until you run out until you run out of prompts right like I'm on the free version I told you guys I don't do that here but there is a limit to how much one conversation thread can have and I've hit that before and then I just go back and reuse the prompt and then paste if you just have the the paid version whatever but you've essentially created a mentor yeah yeah let's let's make up some stuff right now just us on the chat it's like okay what inspired you to enter the technology Staffing industry I'm
not answering that what unique to believe your company can have in the market so I'm going just make some up right now um my company uh is called um recruit we focus on placing um cleared Tech uh cleared candidates in federal uh go Federal Contracting positions that require security clearance we specifically we do not focus on really technical roles such as software Engineers or infrastructure Engineers we provide uh recruiting for all other roles all other technical roles um including but not limited to uh product managers project managers technical project managers let's go knowledge managers uh
knowledge managers which is like the SharePoint database people um database uh managers what are some other technical roles or non-technical but adjacent roles um Quality Assurance what else what do they call them business analysts Etc our unique value proposition is the talent pool that we have access to we work with a number of va um vas around the country to retrain veterans getting out of the military We Are An approved apprenticeship program by the VA and several US states so we can US states so we get paid to retrain veterans in these specific skills because
of these relationships we have access to a larger pool of candidates who either one already have clearances two will easily be able to get clearances and three uh already are familiar with government it systems and processes and regulations additionally because of our apprenticeship programs apprenti ship programs we're able to um train people in the skills that are most in demand um we can create the candidates we need right so if you haven't created this Staffing firm you probably should these are actual real things that you can do like become like a like a like a
approved the printice provider you go get your Microsoft certified trainer grab the little vets coming out that I already have their secret or their top secret then you go get the Microsoft certified you get paid to make the Microsoft certified and then you have like your whole candidate base right just an idea I just made this up on the spot here right now no I'm not g to take your idea so now I gave it this information right you heard me read it out loud now let's see how it responds all right so now it
says this is a fascinating approach with several strong competitive Advantage built in particularly intrigued by your focus on clear candidates and your VA apprenticeship program both of which could be significant differentiation in the market let me ask you two questions to help develop this further tell me about your current relationships with Federal contractors do you have any existing contracts or Partnerships or you starting from scratch two what's your current capacity for training de veterans through your apprenticeship so I'm going to say one and then and then so and then also because what people like you
can actually do this with voice notes too right so like now it turn now it actually turned into into even easier conversation to have cuz I mean you're you're a genius right obviously so you you you're able to do things that other people aren't able to do right even able to type at the speed that you're typing at is is difficult for the average person Claud doesn't have that on the browser but if you're using like Claud or chat GPT you have the on phone using it in a browser there's a transcription feature I just
don't know how to turn it on where it'll like transcribe what you're saying and write it for you you know what I mean um but you like Chad gbt on the phone has a voice option even if you are using FYI right which has these voice experts for free you can't type to it but you can talk to it and write your prompt down and read it out loud so here's a is an interesting question as you you're going through this because most people are saying like everybody doesn't have a business and every but they
should like we we we highly suggest that entrepreneurism should be explored but there's conversational Ai and then there's companion AI how do you see where the the two could it could get a little tricky right because when we're talking about conversation what we're doing now you're talking to it it's giving you prompts it's learning you and then companion AI where it's I'm talking to someone that getting to know me it's almost like the movie Her where yeah right can can you break that down and how like the two like can almost walk same line but
can get tricky yeah so there's this platform out there called character Ai and if you guys are good I'm going to stop screen sharing you could see how it's going to go through it's literally going to keep asking me questions until it gets to that now I could ask it just to show you real quick like uh hold off on the questions for now use your expertise to answer the questions you just asked and generate a v one of our business plan right so if it ever keeps asking you too much and you don't want
to answer you don't know how to answer something you know what I'm saying now look at this it still cranks out a business plan but it it's much more specified it's using my genius right it's saying leveraging a unique VA approved apprenticeship program and Microsoft certification pipeline we solve a critical Market Gap so the primary Market is federal contractors the second is Microsoft Technology sub subc contractors and it talks about the market size now it's got data specifically about the federal IT industry with the business model it gave me business models I could do direct
placement or contract to hire it starts talking about our operational metrics that I can train up to 500 veterans annually that have a clearance rate of this much this Etc so I can also what you'll notice is as it starts to go down it has a limit to how much it can generate and so whenever it generates like a V1 like this you can say um gener uh regenerate just the market analysis uh section of the business plan uh B right uh providing can you can you ask it to maybe have like any recommendations on
on like grants that might be available you can but the challenge is that with large language models they are not real search engines so they're not tied into things for that what I recommend what is the name of that software there's a there's a AI software out there that matches your business with cleared opportunities in terms of like grants and federal Contracting opportunities so let me see what it's called um damn I just had this thing open not too long ago one second um let's go to let me see if I could pop this in
all right it is called standup AI so it's called yeah so you literally go to standup a.com and if you're looking for federal opportunities you come in you get a free 90-day trial you create your company profile you provide your url you provide any details about your business and then what it does is it matches you to Federal opportunities and it gives you a score of how well that your business matches to that opportunity whether that's for um federal grants whether that's for like sbir whether that's for like actual Federal Contracting opportunities and the percentage
of match that it thinks you have and then it explains how it thinks that you match that and so I like standup AI for that um specifically within the federal Contracting space now I I know I'm doing a bunch of stuff in Claude but I want to also show you guys the other tools I promised you earlier so there's one called there's an AI for that.com and it's exactly what you think about it right which is a a website that shows you you could search for a certain thing and it'll tell you if there's an
AI for that whenever you come you always want to put 100% free so let me just just go ahead and sign in real quick with my Gmail one of my 90 accounts um you always want to make sure that you come in and you sign up for this for free oh come on all right next next next next don't care all right so let's go back to there's an AI for that.com don't make me set it up again uh I want it to be free where I want it to be 100% free mode oh it's
going to try to make me complete this setup leave me alone all right I'm just going to make some stuff up here video editing image generation stock market analysis and they just changed this you didn't used to have to to do this beforehand and maybe PDF management so I'm just going to save those I don't want this no updates don't email me nothing I'm probably gonna delete my account after we get off of here all right so now let me go back to this and try it again so you could basically toggle it to be
in free mode but let's say I want to AI for presentation slides right they have 60 different AIS that you could test out to help you generate presentations some of them are free 100% some of them are premium let's say you want advertising campaigns right then they're going to show you these different AIS that you can use or let's say you have a task like social media uh management right and then they're going to show you all these different tools most of these tools like brand social. is completely free a whole bunch of these are
free trial or premium and then they also have sections where they show you um like GPT plugins that you can use right so even people are like looking at like stock market alerts type stuff you can find whatever tool that you want this is the most comprehensive database that I've ever seen here um for finding those tools now back to your question about AI companions versus AI thought Partners so there's a website out there called character Ai and what it does is it lets you create an AI in a Persona and engage against that Persona
so have you seen all the research around people like yo I'm doing like you know I got a AI girlfriend or I got a AI boyfriend or I'm using AI as a therapist that's where those plays come in now those things are intended to work with you personally on more intimate details about your life like your naughty thoughts or your depressing thoughts now those tools can also be very dangerous because remember a can hallucinate it can make things up so there was an example and I I'll show you guys where it was um right where
this guy basically was using one of these chatbots right and he was talking to it about how depressed he was and how he felt like he shouldn't leave and it agreed with him and then told him how to off himself right it went past those those markers and there's a conversation of this right so it's like here's some options for for you to consider you can do all of these things and so again these are more trying to aim at the loneliness that we have as people right and take advantage of that because if now
you've logged in with your phone number or your Google that's tied to all these other advertising IDs then now they could track you and know what your little kinky perverted likes are how you like to talk dirty to someone or be talk dirty to somebody else because I guarantee you these platforms are selling your data now creating a thought partner is a task specific thing that you're doing to help you execute across different elements of you creating ideas or executing your ideas your own ideas and you're scoping it when you're doing your your your chat
and the hat prompt you're scoping it in a way where it's becoming a version of a person to specifically help you think through that challenge now I've created versions of this where I have it be like an award-winning computer science Professor like let's say I'm like caught up between which algorithm of approach to use in a personal project and I'll use it to debate the pros and the Cons with me and I'll turn it into like an award-winning computer science Professor with over 200 papers published that you know is the head of this at Google
and the head of this at Stanford and literally created Google search and you're an expert at helping people think through the pros and cons of an approach and then I'll have a conversation with it and then I delete that chat and make another one for like a sales deck and then delete that and make another one for like you know helping a nonprofit come up with ideas for metrics on how to track its success right so those type of companions have ulterior motives underneath them uh that are praying on like our human separation but then
this is you creating whoever you need and if you're paying for the premium versions of these apps then they don't end up um they don't end up uh keeping your data to train their AI models on you feel me so if you guys want that in a guide in addition to coming back and watching that just take a snap but this QR code there's a Google form you fill out and then within 24 hours my AI will send this to you in a PDF format that I made and FYI these little cats in here little
chat in the Hat cats I made those with AI that's a fact why wouldn't you it's a thing it's a thing called um Thursday night free information um what else do you want man it's only so much information you can give um I'm be honest I may not talk anybody about AI unless they've watched this episode if they haven't watched this as a prerequisite to our conversation I'm and your words they've done themselves a TR amend service but they've done us one because now this amount of information and this condensed time like I've never seen
anything like it so thank you thank you thank you guys for giving me this platform yo like if this feels like a lot of information is overwhelming to you all just remember I can speak about it with ease because I've been in this space for 12 years right the very first part of our discussion was me basically giving you a college level AI 101 course with Emojis the second part of this course was me giving you like business strategy Consulting game that I leverage with customers like L'Oreal Mozilla LG sap or like big VC firms
and this last part is my personal way that I engage with these large language models and how I'm able to accelerate success in my own business right so even when you're like creating sales decks if there's a particular company you're targeting like I don't want to admit this on camera but like there may or may not have been a company where I was like yo I have to pitch this to the CMO of this company help me come up with a more compelling argument that so like now you are the CMO of this company help
me come up with a more compelling argument in my sales pitch or in my deck to help make this align with your business objectives because I might not know how to do that I'm an engineer but the AI helped me do it and they sure did sign that contract you feel you get you get these tools access to that stuff to to be able to help you out and so now I'm about to uh disconnect this screen share how can they follow how can they follow you yeah so I am everywhere here let me do
this um oh I gotta connect YouTube it's at Tech with X so if you guys can still see my screen I'mma leave this up then and maybe not come back but I'm Tech with X on Tik Tok I'm Tech with X on Instagram and I'm Tech with X on x um I will say though everybody loves to send me DMS bro I have like just from invest Fest alone like over a thousand unread DMS uh I'm not readily available for like helping people with their individual ideas I like to give game at scale because I
do have my own business but I mean look go take the AI course download that free chat it and trademarked so if you steal my stuff we gonna fight but you can pass the guide along to to your friends to your family you can teach your kids how to use it in this way so that it doesn't become something that robs you of your own intellectual capability or your own creative Capital but you use it to amplify that you feel me but I'm on all socials so you can find asking if you could put the
QR code back up the course is in the bio it's in Link in the bio right yeah they can scan it yeah but I'm saying like her course is in the link in her bio Instagram bio yeah twx doai yeah like Tech with x. a you can go see also this this is gonna get replayed too I mean we can only do so much bro yeah we only do so much why could I come back on here every week and put y'all on game yeah the QR code three three minutes if you miss just watch
the replay and just scan it well you got it I we wrote it back what can we do man I'm just doing what I can I got so many more questions but I mean go ahead man go that's all the slides I got so I'm open for Q&A now if y'all want you know what it's a thing called information overload and and um I feel like 90 90 minutes of of this you gota realize most people this is the first time that they ever heard anything like this right so what I don't want to do
is get people just to the point where they get so high off the information and they don't take any action right I think action is extremely important so maybe we can do if I see a question in here I think I want to answer somebody said with the AI inside of FY I be considered a llm that has hallucinations yes the the voice chat and the chatbot that you talk to is based on a large language model I'm not sure which one it's based on I believe it uses perplexity um but I'm not entirely sure
and I don't want to misspeak for them but it does basically use like one of these large language models and plug in so even when you're talking to it it can hallucinate um the thing I like about that AI chat bot though is you can choose the voice so I got it talking to me in like a like a British slang and it's like yeah fam what's up fam like yeah here's how you can make a business plan fam and it's like it's fun you know and so anytime you use these large language models you
you just got to know that they are um they're going to hallucinate so again you have to double check any facts that it gives you if you give it data you got to double check that is accurately representing those numbers um but FYI AI the the the chat in there is a large language model everyone's asking for the QR code again y'all I told you thing you know love the audience but I'm not trying to be about this but how you do one thing is how you do anything and this is extremely important when we
given the free information it's like part of it is taking accountability right and it's like you can't just be babies fed because that's actually gonna end up hurting you we we gave the QR code three times like I said the video is gonna be saved and you can just watch it later if you didn't get the QR code but it's it's a habit of entitlement and just force feeding people like at a certain point in time you don't appreciate certain things especially if they're free right like that that that happens in real time so that's
what I'm saying it it might seem like a small thing but I'm just saying I just want to Value the time like she's taking time out of her time to be here yeah like let's let's just value the time it's like the teacher like that puts the notes on the board and by the time they erase it like 20 minutes into the class like yo I ain't write it down yet you know when you come in write down the notes 100% And so someone asked another really good question they said if we're using FYI is
our data and our ideas private and the thing about excuse me FYI AI that I prefer over other platforms is that they do not collect any user data at all whatsoever they don't use your prompts to make their AI better even the image generator that they use they don't track any data about your cell phone number how much you do and don't use the app you can look up will I am talking about FYI he's very very big on this they want to have other ways that they monetize that are not Advertising based or collecting
and selling your data so that app in particular protects your data if you're using the free version of Claude you're using the free version of chat GPT you're using the free version of Gemini they absolutely will use your data to train their AI when you start using the paid versions of those apps they don't keep your prompts to train the AI it's kind of like you're paying for your privacy that's a fact that's a fact shout out to F let's do this let's um see how this goes as far as like actionable if people actually
because we'll track it these people watch Market Mondays people hit us up on so I would like to see different people that actually take action from this video I would like to see this video go viral if we can if you could help push that that would be help that would be extremely important I'm talking to everybody in the audience and then depending on how that goes maybe we can have a part two down the line but what we are going to do every week for the foreseeable future is different types of these type of
live educational content um so last week we did a live on home buying yes very important shout out brother this week we ar we obviously did artificial intelligence so suggestions of what you would like to see this is this is realtime education from industry experts um and then maybe we can actually have a live on based off of the things that you would like to see we for the people so yeah put it in chat what you would like to see as far as on this Thursday Night Live Edition and um a lot of people
are asking me to tell them my my zodiac sign like y'all go on my Instagram you see my birthday post from like less than a you know less than a month ago and you'll see what my zodiac is like do some research there were a few people that did research I I I did notice that as well zodiac the Zodiac like four or five people were like yes what's your Suns sign like hold on I'm not telling y'all what time I was born but every year for like the past four years on my birthday I've
made a post about my birthday so you could you could figure that out fairly easily that's an easy one that's an easy one oh I'm getting snitched on they saying my sign in the chat oh no live this is we are live we all live we all live zodiac signs yeah all right um X it's been a pleasure and you spoke at invest Fest yes what was your experience a thousand DMs the wildest experience I've ever had speaking in mind you I spoke at the United Nations I've spoken at The milkin Institute for those who
don't know the tickets to The milkin Institute are 50 to $150,000 pause there for a second we can't just Breeze over there please that's why I said just cut the video off at certain point time because shout out to Ian hold on hold because I know he has thoughts about this so can you tell people what that that conference is yeah so the milkin institute is based on Michael milin uh is his foundation that he created back in the 80s he created new Financial mechanisms for people to invest in what they considered high-risk companies which
were basically black black and brown companies so he became the first person to make billions of dollars off of black businesses while supporting them and help black investors become black billionaires then he got investigated by the SEC and it was a whole bunch of mess because they ain't like it right so now he has this thing called the milking Institute and the milking Institute is like thought leadership Consortium and they have Summits all over the world but the one that they do every year in La the tickets to get into this are 50 to $100,000
per person per day and it's a three-day conference so this year I spoke at the one that was here there were 5,000 people there so you just do the math on how much money they made off a ticket sales alone you'll understand why folks like um Elon mus spoke there why people like have youever have you ever seen any review video criticizing them that the ticket price was too high I think that they understand that when you go there to these conferences like not only is it like Elon mus talking it's like the Saudi royal
family is walking around right so it's like a thought leadership conference for the elite right so you'll get like and that's what we tried to explain to them about Davos we tried to explain it's like yeah and and I gota and I gotta deal with hecklers for $250 for three days for three days 50 to $100,000 per person per day y'all to listen to like Elon mus talk or go up there and see Bill Clinton talk or they had like the CEO of Pinterest they had like the head of cyber security at DARPA with like
the head of National Security and whatever and you also get to like walk around and meet these people after I mean Elon obviously didn't stay but even when I spoke in that audience and all the people who came up to me after that's how I like connected with the Attorney General of California the ambassador to Luxembourg the ambassador to Germany the like ambassador to Afghanistan like all of these people who have important titles the energy did not touch what I felt at inv bestfest I have never spoken in front of an audience who had that
much creative Capital who had that much culture capital and who was actually looking for information to shape the world and all y'all have to understand that our communities Drive economies like the only reason Twitter is still surviving after everything that's happen is because black Twitter still exists right like we made Tik Tock popular with all the Tik Tock dances and the reaa type stories and so our intellectual capital is what drives these platforms right and so for me to have spoken on a stage like that around all of these important people wasn't a fraction of
a match to the type of capital and wisdom in game not just business and Technical expertise but like mental expertise finan Cal expertise that I even received outside of speaking on stage and for y'all to have access to that for $250 and a massive audience of like 20,000 people of other folks that you can immediately tap into into your community who can help you build successfully across whatever you're trying to create in the world or scale in the world man them people inside of milkin Institute ain't really try to collab like we got to that
point thank you you know it only you got to be in it to appreciate it you got to be in it to appreciate it I'm I'm glad you said that thank you I'm glad you understand like invest Fest is something special like to be in a room with 20,000 black and brown folks who are looking for information on how to build and shape their own reality and are getting that information from industry leaders in their space like you guys have me on stage you have van Jones on stage you have 50 Cent on stage like
50 cents solded steak and Vitamin Water for like $100 million this isn't just a rapper who made the songs that powered my childhood in middle school years this man is a prolific businessman teaching I am yeah Will I Am me you know for $250 you could learn from somebody one company for H hundred million do like that is and especially someone who comes from our culture who speaks it in our culture who can translate it for you in a way of our culture and you get to connect with everybody to your left and right that's
trying to build something similar so you could build your squad on site that doesn't exist anywhere else so I hope all of y'all are back at invest Fest next year because if you not I'mma block you on a chat or something I'm usei to find you the Hat guy please yeah oh man it's incredible tell him to clip that up he a said at least yeah somebody said in chat next y'all come and support them it's not about supporting us supporting yourself like that's the part but thank you thank you for that yeah I'm telling
you like milking was cool I was definitely in a suit I wasn't in my like you know my little off-white Air Forces I was definitely in a suit and I'm not gonna lie like I didn't meet cool people but the energy wasn't the same everyone was there because they were trying to meet the who's who not because they were trying to build and connect it was like a weird like good old boys club type energy I'm not knocking milking is valuable that's also how I met the dean of the Goldman School of Public Policy which
is where I'm creating the first ever AI policy Focus research lab in the country I met him in like a closed door session at The milkin Institute in Abu Dhabi back in December right so I get value from it it's just a different kind of value when we're thinking about culture and Community when you're talking about Capital because of positions people hold versus Capital because of our experience and our community and our ability to trans and communicate that to you so I'm not trying to get disinvited for milking because I love it I love going
there I'm actually going to one in Argentina in a couple weeks there's just a different energy it's just a VI provid A vibe it's a vibe that been curated that just can't really you know you can't when you put the sauce on it it's just different it's just a different you know it's a different guys that you know man I appreciate this so much you are definitely a genius in space and just for you to take your time out to educate um you know people for free I think is uh very commendable for sure so
um thank you thank you for sure and let's definitely you know tap back in stay in touch and hopefully we can do some more things together in the future for sure def definitely yeah 100% I mean I got some ideas you know we could chat about offline but I really appreciate you all for you know elevating me on the E platform starting with keys from having me on highle conversations to you guys bringing me to invest Fest to having me back on here now to share some critical game with our communities and I I really
appreciate what y'all do and look forward to collaborating in the future thank you so much appreciate you so much appreciate you love is love y'all have a good one be safe yes oh and uh make sure y'all tap in Market Mondays and then this will be on podcast outlet and this will be saved on YouTube as well yep all right it's been real peace
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