He Was The Weakest Boy Until He Tamed 5 Ultimate Beast Girls | Anime Recap Documentary

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LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOYED! This is the tragic tale of Rain and the difficult life he lived,...
Video Transcript:
rain was an ugly poor neglected child who was forced to watch his family burned by the devil at a young age and was abused as a slave by the hero's party for the rest of his miserable life but even with all the bullying he endured the hero kicked him out of their pathetic party saying that he was as worthless as his cheating Mother after he blew her back out so when rain heard those words he punched aros's disgusting face telling him to never talk about his mama again like that and left their party because throughout
all those years rain had been deliberately pretending to be useless and had secretly concealed his cheat leveling system for taming all the ultimate species along with his forbidden ability to enslave the gods and destroy the entire world one day after finally making enough money to afford dinner for the first time in 2 weeks he heard the voice of a girl screaming in the distance and when he ran to the source he saw a hot cat girl that was about to get devoured by a dranked tiger as the Beast was about to slash her down rain
attempted to stab the monster's neck but his blade broke and half before getting launched to crash against the tree as the tiger began approaching him rain screamed for the girl to run away and prepared for his final moments hoping he would at least buy her some time to escape however the girl swore that she would use all of her strength and leaped into the sky before pushing herself to kick down at the tiger defeating it in that instant when he saw her broken physical power he remembered that among the four ultimate species known to mankind
there was one that was so rare it was only heard about in the Legends so when she told him that she was a cat Spirit the rarest species he ran to prevent her from falling inside of his arms her final words were that she wanted to devour his meat I beg your pardon a few moments later the girl began devouring rain's meat thanking him for filling up her insides because she hadn't eaten anything for days so she decided to introduce herself to him saying that her name was conid one of the last cat Spirits alive
and after rain introduced himself back she sat next to him saying she was glad an ugly guy like him saved her and asked him to tell her more about himself as they walked back to The Adventurous Guild rain told her about his depressing life story realizing she's the first person who's ever listened to him in his life once he was done with his story conid felt sad that such a kind person like him was treated like trash but he petted her on the head telling her that he was okay after stroking her she told him
that she was sure he was powerful but even though he said he was just a useless Beast Tamer she said that she was confident he could tame her because while he was saving her life she realized he might be the only human in the world who could tame a cat spirit so she offered to Be Tamed by him and Rain thought that he would be able to prevent others from dying with the help of an ultimate species however he realized that it didn't even matter if she was an ultimate species because he wanted to get
to know her more so he took off his glove and bit his finger releasing the blood into his hand as he extended it outward he began chanting The Taming spell and his magical seals began encircling con until a Sigil formed on her arm sealing their packed once she was done she saw the symbol binding them together and Rain couldn't believe that this wasn't a dream as she extended her hand and held his she began running along with him at The Adventurous Guild rain saw roxs in [ __ ] wrong show Ruby congratulated rain on completing
his first Quest and becoming an f-rank adventurer but wondered how an ugly smelly loser like him was able to talk to a girl but even though he had been paid 50 copper coins he realized that it wouldn't be enough to get a room but Ruby reminded him that no girl would want to get a room with someone that smelled like an anime convention anyway emotional damage however some worthless creep came up to them saying that he'd never found a cat spirit in real life before and told her to leave the ugly [ __ ] she
was tagging along with those words made conid scream at the man saying that rain was her hot Master but the man laughed in his face thinking that there was no chance a weak person like him could tame the rarest ultimate species but conid told him that rain was stronger than he could ever be so the man challenged rain to an arm wrestling match saying that the girl would be their prize realizing that refusing this match would allow the man to chase against conad again rain decided to accept his deal and grabbed his hand determined to
save conad from being in any danger as soon as the man announced the beginning of the match rain smashed his worthless hand into the table and conad announced him to be the winner as he graveled on the ground the man realized he wouldn't be able to have any more salty biscuit games after dragging the worthless spineless dweeb away rain wondered when he'd become so strong so conad told him that this was the side effect of his taming ritual when taming ultimate species their power is also transferred onto him so he had gained the broken physical
strength of cat Spirits after taming her even so she thought he was the greatest daddy for how powerful he looked protecting her and wanted to go on their next adventure already while they were gathering some grass because rain likes to eat ass conad heard heard the sounds of people screaming in the distance and when they got to the sight of the sound they found a bunch of Bandits attempting to rob a poor ugly old man seeing that they were part of the Shadow Clan conad told rain to fall back and get help first but he
knew they wouldn't have enough time and told her that he wanted to save the man he told her that he would distract them while she saved him and after jumping and running like weaves they began knocking all of them out while conad went to save the old man however three Bandits were about to kill rain but he managed to P them off and conad realized that rain might have been the only human able to tame a cat spirit so she would never regret becoming his servant but worried about her powers one day causing him to
self-destruct because of that she wanted to be the one fighting on the front lines but as she watched him Dodge the axe and knock all the bandits down her flood gates began to open all of the bandits decided to rush him at the same time and conad wondered why she couldn't take her eyes off him while he's fighting why her heart was pounding and and why there was water leaking from her P after clapping all of the bandits he wondered why her cheeks looked like they were the ones getting clapped but she told him that
she was just scared about him defeating them without a weapon the old man thanked them for saving him from grave danger but rain told him that his ugly ass should have already been inside of a grave after rain thought about how his life was at risk he decided to head straight into enemy territory and while they were walking he told conid that the Shadow Clan would begin targeting them soon anyway however conad thought it would be dangerous fighting hundreds of Bandits alone but rain revealed that he had a secret Ace up his sleeve after a
while of walking they made it to their Hideout but conad began crying because she was about to die before developing plot and while she was bent over she told rain that it wasn't too late for them to develop plot however rain revealed that his Ultimate Weapon was a bee and that he's tamed an army of them revealing that he wasn't only a beast Tamer but that he was also an insect Tamer this was the first time conad ever heard of a person in mastering two classes but rain told her to get reinforcements while he destroyed
all of the bandits and she wondered if she was really helping him as his familiar however she just wanted an excuse to get on her knees for him and ran off to the capital eventually the swarm of bees arrived and Rain Amplified all of their poison with his magic before preparing to send them away at the same time the hero's party had barely managed to escape for their lives however lean told Mina that it was all the new [ __ ] fault and began screaming at their replac bement Beast Tamer for not scouting the area
enough after pulling away Mina wondered if he really thought a single squirrel would be enough to study the area so leene told him that he should have tamed more than 20 squirrels to make sure they weren't ambushed after hearing those words the man wondered what the [ __ ] they were talking about because the overload of information from taming just two beasts would fry a person's brain lean wondered if rain had actually been stronger than they all imagined but instead she called the man a useless Tamer and a liar promising to burn him alive if
he didn't take blame for their party ditching the old man so the Beast Tamer ran away before they would kill him at the same time rain had managed to poison the entire Bandit Hideout and release the bees from their control just then the adventurers came with conad and they began restraining the bandits but their leader was shocked that rain can handle the entire Shadow Clan on his own after they went away rain began petting conad and she opened her mouth wide for him but an earthquake began going off in the cave and from the other
side a beast broke out of the prison and three King lizards came out the bandits revealed that they were waiting for this kind of moment but the lizard killed the bandits and began destroying all the adventurers as rain attempted to Shield conade he punched one of the king lizards and conad leaped from the back to kick the lizard away rain told the adventurers to take the bandits out of the cave saying that he would handle the monsters as he remembered how useless the old version of him used to be he realized that things were different
now and with Conor a day by his side now he rushed to punch the lizard glad that he'd finally found a companion because with her he was able to defeat all of the monsters in his way after a while rain came out of the cave and everyone congratulated him on defeating them so as he looked at conad he realized it didn't matter whether she was an ultimate species or not saying that with her by his side he felt like he can do anything and conad felt the same way later that night conad was glad to
finally have a nice bed but rain wondered why they would be in the same room room and the inkeeper wished the ugly virgin loser luck lasting more than a minute after defeating all the bandits rain was promoted to R Rank and with all the money he earned he decided to get them a room but never realized that they'd only have a single room available yes yes yes yes no no no F [ __ ] conid tried dragging him back to the bed but rain said he can't ever sleep in the same room with a girl
however conid told him that even though she was embarrassed she was sure that rain was just a worthless s who wouldn't even have the balls to do anything if a girl asked him to emotional Dam it however rain told her that she shouldn't be so quick to trust people but before he could leave conad told him that she doesn't trust anyone except him because after all he's already risked his life countless times to save others and said she could never let her master sleep outside so rain agreed to sleep in the room but when she
asked rain to sleep in the same bed as her he screamed that he'd never do that while he slept at night conad continued staring at rain realizing how great of a man he was and that for all the pain he'd experienced she wanted to be the one that healed his wounds promising to stay by his side forever a week after they had been together Ruby told them that there was a giant monster guarding the stride Bridge so because it was destroying all their trade she asked him if he would be able to defeat the Beast
saying that the reward was five gold pieces and rain's greedy ass accepted the quest immediately when they got to the bridge conid thought this bridge was definitely bigger than rain's millimeter Peter and when she wondered what the Monster was like a giant dragon appeared in the sky descending onto the ground as the dust settled a hot ass red hair appeared from inside telling him that her name was t one of the second greatest ultimate species the dragonoids she went on to say that she'd been looking for a strong opponent this entire time so she offered
to take them both on together however conid reminded him that she was also an ultimate species and as soon as the match began she rushed towards rain with all her speed but he narrowly blocked her blow his strength shocked her as most Adventures had already been wiped out by that single strike so she went on to give him the second test blowing a flame from her mouth that they nearly avoided even so con's tail had been burnt so she became mad and rushed towards T but before getting close she she ducked down and attempted to
kick her away but T evaded her attack and began launching her own attacks as rain stared he felt like it was cheating to intervene and leaped forward to attack her while she was distracted but Tanya managed to hold both of them down spinning them until she launched them into the sky realizing that they couldn't move in the air Tanya prepared her ultimate blow and launched her fire breath towards them but after the fog cleared she saw that they had somehow survived her attack because in the last moment they jumped off each other feet to evade
the fire anonia congratulated them on being the first adventurers to last this long this was the power of a dragon rain realized so he asked conid to buy him 3 minutes to execute his plan saying he's confident they'll win after running away conid leaped towards Tanya to battle against her but Tanya evaded her strikes and when kanad launched tens of strikes per second tanyaa was sure she'd run out of stamina soon however conid said that she was confident rain's secret plan would work out and he realized the [ __ ] was about to expose their
whole plan even so he tried focusing once more as he'd sensed a faint presence during their battle and located the bird that had been flying around so after he tamed it he asked for the bird to bring its friends after a few minutes of ConEd and T facing off rain told conad to leave the rest to him and summoned a swarm of birds to begin biting away at her their attacks weren't able to damage T so she knocked them all away saying that a worthless attack like that would never harm a Dragon but just then
she began getting dizzy and fell onto her knees realizing that she was paralyzed as the bird landed on his arm he told her that the birds were from the pedo species and released a large dose of poison that was enough to paralyze even the dragons after conad hugged on to rain to celebrate their Victory rain asked Tanya to come with them but when she thought he was going to sell her off he told her that he just wanted to talk with her however she wondered why he would only want to talk since he could do
anything he wanted to her right now and and thought he was the weirdest person she'd ever met so kaday began tickling her until she agreed to come along with them inside The Adventurous Guild Ruby was shocked that a pathetic adventurer like him was able to destroy the Bridge's guard dog and when she wondered if the girl was a dragon rain told her that she was just a weird ass cosplay girl however tanyaa pushed him away and said she was the queen of the Skies but before she could finish rain shoved something into her mouth and
began leaving the guild as they walked rain warned her that the town would be in Panic if they found out her identity but she began going around showing off her powers and telling the kids that she was actually a dragon outside the town Tanya apologized for exposing her secret to everyone so rain side telling her that she should get as far away from this town as possible however rather than finding somewhere else to train T said she'd rather stick along with them for her training and hugged on to rain saying that she likes him for
the way he protected her in the town when conid began screaming at Tanya to get off her master she wondered if she was jealous saying that no one likes girls who can't share at that moment he wondered if conid would be okay with them joining her party so although she was reluctant conad accepted after getting her approval she told rain to form a contract with her as well but as he got ready he never thought it would be possible to tame two ultimate species as he bit his finger the magical Circle manifested and Rain began
forming his bond with her the ceiling ribbons began engulfing her and after she agreed to become his servant The Taming sigil appeared on her hand and their contract was sealed conid told her to look at her hand and she saw the magical Circle thinking it felt warm to always be connected to rain however rain thanked his hand because all those lonely nights he spent with his hand were finally paying off T grabbed onto his face asking him why he was looking unhappy saying she was looking forward to being his servant that same night the hero's
party had wasted a week in the woods and all of them realized how how awful their lives were Without Rain doing all their heavy lifting just then arios realized that they should bring rain back after all he was a gullible kind [ __ ] so after they used his ass to clear out the Lost Woods he planned on abandoning him once again meanwhile the two girls began fighting over who would eat rain's meat while he slept so Tanya called her a flat board and conad called her an overgrown yuya disgusting fatel the following morning they
began their first job in the forest where they had to locate and exterminate all the slime s because while they were only f-rank monsters they were able to spread rapidly and Destroy farms and conad hated them because they always made her wet however Tanya promised to deal with them for her and rain was glad that they were already getting along after a few hours of not finding the Slime rain decided to look from above and when he found a bird he activated his magic to assimilate into it after a while his Consciousness left his body
and fell onto T's massive cannons but rain waved to them from the bird's body saying he transferred his Consciousness into the bird conid wondered when he would stop being overpowered but tanier realized she could enjoy his unconscious body when he asked what they were going to do to him they screamed at him to leave already and wondered when his abilities became so broken after a few minutes Rain Led them to the Slime Hideout but before conad could smash them T asked him if he was able to use magic however rain revealed that he was never
able to do anything but light a candle so Tanya told him to try casting a fireball towards the Slime and pushed him to get started already as he looked into his hand he attempted to remember the structure of the magical circles and Cast a Giant Fireball destroying all the slimes with a single blow this was just as T expected because when he tamed conad he was able to gain the physical abilities of a cat spirit so after he tamed T he was able to gain the magical powers of a dragon giving him the second highest
magical power in the world hundreds of other slimes appeared once more so Tanya told him that they would become his new targets for training saying that he needs to get stronger since he was their Master realizing that he can't look like a beta in front of the girls rain asked Tanya to teach him her magic and began casting Fireballs at the Slime what he didn't expect however was how awful she was at being a teacher but at least he managed to get stronger while completing the quests back at the guild rain had gained a massive
reward for Exterminating the slimes so they began going around town eating the best food and rain was glad that Tanya was able to keep her mouth shut but while at the restaurant both the girls began devouring his meat and Tanya shoved his giant sausage into her mouth before swallowing it after he realized he wasn't going to have a chance lasting longer than a minute the girls asked rain where he learned how to be such a great Beast Tamer begging him to tell them the story so rain went on to reveal his past 10 years ago
rain grew up in a village of Beast Tamers and his parents would always help him learn how to get closer to animals but those times didn't last as his village no longer existed hearing those words conad apologized for making him talk about something so depressing saying she just wanted to know more about him and Tanya told him that they would never force him to relive those moments however rain knew they were asking because they cared about him so he went on to reveal what happened when he was 12 years old his parents left him to
tame beasts on his own but by the time the night had arrived he saw a plume of Fire coming from his village so he began running and when he arrived he saw that his entire Village had been burned down and that his family had been killed leaving him as the only Survivor the adventurers took him in and began using him as a slave to earn his food and after a few years the hero arios invited him to join their party so rain agreed without a second thought after all he thought his life would get better
but he couldn't be further from the truth he became nothing but their baggage lifter and would never sleep to make sure they were safe eventually realizing that he was being used after telling his story he apologized for how sad his pathetic story was but conad held his hands telling him she's finally realized why he was always risking his life to save others it was because he truly wanted to help people and save them from the sadness he went through saying he wasn't pathetic at all T held his hand telling him that he's too kind for
his own good but thought that aspect of him was charming and that she was happy that he was her master hearing those words made rain realize that all his pain wasn't in vain but Tanya swore that she would burn all of them down for how awful they were along with her conid said the heroes party were the ones who were useless and told Tanya that she was nicer than she expected for a fatsa with massive cannons as they all laughed rain wished for them to stay together for the rest of time the following morning they
headed out to defeat a group of Orcs in the mountains and Tonia burned all of them with a single blow of her breath but rain told them not to let let their guard down yet however Tanya was confident she would defeat all of them without a problem and after kanaday crushed one of them with a stone another Goblin tried running towards T but she eliminated him with her tail from behind she realized that she forgot about one of them and as she was about to burn him down he held her leg down and brought her
to the ground but she managed to burn his face off however another Goblin appeared from behind so rain took the knife to his arm and conad kicked the goblin away elimin ating it from existence Tanya was worried about his bleeding but rain reminded her that he could heal and began repairing his wound until it was gone even so Tanya couldn't believe that she risked his life and while they started heading back to the guild she continued staring in shock after getting his reward from The Guild he wondered where Tanya had went off to so conad
revealed that she seemed a bit down all alone at the bridge she realized that rain was only worried about her but because of her arrogance and power she risked his life and wondered how she would ever be able to face him again just then rain appeared asking her why she was sad so she apologized for not taking his warning because while it was only a small wound this time she was scared of putting his life in danger but rain petted her head saying he's just glad she was safe and that she should be more careful
next time hanaday also came to hug on to Tanya saying she was glad she was fine and inside the Inn rain begged the lady for another room saying that he couldn't endure all the torture his body was going through every night while he slept on the hard ground Tanya realized how he let them sleep on the bed even though he was the one paying for the room and wondered why she couldn't stop thinking about rain and how there was a warmth in her heart she thought her feelings for rain were becoming dangerous but she lied
to herself that she wasn't in love telling him that she wasn't an easy hoe to get with keep telling yourself that darling before going to sleep she covered him up and wished him happy dreams the following day in the forest Tanya thought rain might benefit from buying a weapon and as conad was excited for her master to get stronger rain froze in his place before their eyes the hero party had appeared and Aros told rain that it's been a long time however rain decided to ignore them and keep walking away but Aros felt sad that
rain was treating his old comrades so coldly after Tanya asked them if they were the heroes party Aros realized he was facing a cat spirit and a Dragonoid and thought it was impossible for a useless guy like rain to tame them so he thought rain was their servant but screamed that rain was her master and Rain asked them why they wanted to talk so Aros revealed that investigating the Lost Woods was harder than he expected the longer someone spent searching for the destination the farther it became so he wanted to ask for rain's help in
exploring the forest and becoming their luggage boy once more the others told rain that he should be grateful for even getting another chance but rain told them to just ask for someone else but before he left Mina revealed that they were looking for a noble Relic because without it the demon king's forces would be able to destroy all of their cities and realizing that his past was about to repeat again rain reluctantly agreed to join them Aros said a worthless Loser Like Him should have agreed from the start and they all began mocking him but
Tanya and conad told them to wait saying that before rain could join them they needed to apologize to him she said that firing a man just to go and ask him for a favor once more deserved something better than a YouTuber apology and told them to gravel on their knees and if they weren't going to obey her commands she'd burn them all but didn't want to upset her master so she was willing to spare them the idea of graveling at the knees of rain made the hero scream and all of them rejected the idea of
ever doing anything wrong to him as Aros went to grab rain he told him to keep his pets on a tighter leash calling them disgusting filthy animals because even though they were good-looking they were still nothing but worthless beasts that's what I'm talking about that's why he's the MVP that's why he's the goat the goat the shock of getting clapped by rain started hitting arios and Rain told him that he'll clap him even harder if he was to ever disrespect his comrades again so to those words Aros said he'll give him a chance to be
a man of his words and challenged them to a duel after rain accepted all of them began facing off and conid had been paired against agath saying she was going to beat him to his knees and force him to apologize but agath said he would never apologize to a useless man like him so conad sprinted towards him and nearly broke his sword with her foot but began unleashing a barrage of strikes towards the man each one as strong as a hammer as he tried slashing her down conad evaded and agoth activated his secret Hellfire technique
to slash her down but she kicked it away like it was a toy saying that men who carry big swords and try to look like Johnny Sins are usually compensating for something that's not rid ridiculous that's not ridiculous to say that those words bothered Baldi so he swore to unleash all of his powers but Canada thought he was weak and said she'd been only using half of her power but told him that it was nothing personal if he got hurt as he realized she wasn't even trying the man began trembling and wondered why someone so
strong would follow rain in an instant she vanished towards him saying that rain was stronger than they could ever be and kicked him in the face knocking him unconscious and breaking the tree behind him with how bad L he was unconscious she wondered if she overdid it but thought it was only fair a man like him got his soul sucked out on the other side of the field Tonia faced off against lean and Mina and both of them began activating their magic blasts against T but with a single snap of her finger she neutralized both
of their attacks saying their power was as small as their chests both of them realized they were clapped so they decided to release their ultimate magical spells but T snapped her finger once again canceling their attacks this was one of of the Hidden Arts material cancellor and it is able to destroy the fundamentals of a magic blow and eliminate its effects saying they had no chance of beating her both them began unleashing all of their magical attacks but Tanya kept snapping her fingers while wasting their stamina and when Mina told her that she should bow
before the gods Tanya told them that rain was her master and could tame over thousands of beasts and might even tame the gods one day however lean and Mina decided to put all of their energy into their final attack but Tanya snapped in their faces once again telling them that they won't get to mock her master without a consequence from beneath her feet she began casting legendary level magic saying that she will make the heavens Crush their soul the sky began turning red and from above they saw hundreds of sigils had materialized as Tanya chanted
her ultimate end spell and told them to accept it they realized they were about to die so they began apologizing and begged for forgiveness no home [Music] that one there was a violation personally I wouldn't have it although she wanted to actually burn them she would never want to upset her master on the other side of the field Aros said it was a foolish Act of him to hit the hero but before he could finish his sentence rain rushed to strike his worthless mouth saying he doesn't want to listen to his [ __ ] however
Aros Unleashed his sword and began unleashing a barrage of strikes that rain barely managed to avoid even though he was the hero he wondered why his powers barely compared to the strength Tania had in their duel so he grabbed his arm asking him if this was all he had and punched him in the stomach to knock him down before he could wonder why rain was that powerful he smashed a rock with a single attack but Aros continued trying to slash him down however rain revealed this was the power of the Beast Tamer he mocked because
throughout his life he was able to study the way beasts moved in order to tame them so all that dedication has allowed him to see through his sword style and with his cat Spirit strength rain told him there was never a chance for him to win however Aros casted a lightning blast towards rain saying he also had the hero's unique Magic but as he launched his Giga volt towards him rain's Fireball canceled out his ultimate attack with T's strength even so the hero knew this was rain's only spell so he began activating all of his
other forms of magic to attack rain but he managed to continue evading all of them however rain hadn't used his own powers yet so his arios began rushing towards him he was frozen in space and wondered why his body was paralyzed after falling down rain reminded him that he was able to tame insects because while they were fighting he was able to locate and tame an insect using telekinesis saying that he's been defeated even so it was nothing compared to the Clapping rain was about to deliver for the way Aros disrespected his girls so after
remembering all of the hero's party abuse of him rain readied his fist and launched his attack towards him when the dust settled rain Reve revealed that he'd intentionally missed because a direct impact would have ended his life in that moment just then Tanya and conad came running back and hugged rain after all of them had won a few hours later they began exploring the Lost Woods but Tanya asked rain if she could just burn the entire place down however rain told her that they would be fine and began rubbing their heads saying he was glad
at how they protected him but he still wanted to help Aros get the holy Shield to save the world eventually he found a bird to assimilate into and began flying to find the center of the forest although the path was hidden he was able to find the directions they needed and for hours they began walking towards the location but realized they've been walking in circles the entire time still rain thought it wasn't possible since they were walking straight for hours so Tanya realized there was something off about the forest and activated her material search the
magical Circle emanated energy orbs to lead them away and they found a tree that was emitting illusionary magic to throw them off and the forest had kept changing to keep them away from the center as conid tried punching the tree for fooling her a voice emanated from the tree telling her to leave this place from inside a fairy appeared an ultimate species that hadn't been seen in 200 years and possessed magic powers greater than even the dragons when rain tried introducing himself she told him to get his ugly face away and as he kept trying
to speak she called him disgusting and promised to kill them if they wouldn't leave after a while of running Tanya wondered why she had been hostile against them but rain thought there was a reason she was protecting the shield of Truth hidden inside so he wanted to try talking to her once again when they got back he told her that he just wanted the shield to protect everyone from the demons but after she warned him that she'll begin attacking rain said he'll gladly take her attack if it meant gaining her trusts as she summoned her
magical arrows rain held the girls off knowing that risking his life for others is the best way to gain their trust in that moment the fairy fired her illusionary Arrow Rose towards him and was shocked that he wouldn't run away although she didn't understand why a human would act that way since humans had burned her Village and killed her people in the past rain swore that he wasn't one of those types and wished for her to trust him however she said he was trying to deceive her and fired her arrows once more but in the
last moment Tanya and conid stopped her from attacking their Master they tried telling the fery that rain had saved them when everyone wanted to use them and the spirit thought it was weird for two ultimate species to care for a human like him so as she extended her arm she asked him for his name and introduced herself as Sora saying she was willing to listen to him after explaining everything the fairy revealed she couldn't give them the shield because it was the only way for her kind to remain invisible to the humans however she decided
to bring it back out anyway saying that she wouldn't want humans to be killed by The Demon King and that the fairies had promised the previous hero to hold on to his shield until the Demon King was going to be reborn while they walked away rain not noticed the girl was feeling upset and turned around asking her if something was bothering her and if he could help her as she tried telling him the truth she realized that she might put them in danger but rain told her that even if it was dangerous he still wanted
to help her T told her that this was the kind of man rain was and conid said that they were stronger than they looked so they all wanted to help her because of those words the fairy revealed that she had a younger twin sister called Runa who was always protecting the fairy village with them but one day they had to leave the barrier and when they did a giant monster appeared before them but their attacks were too weak to stop the demon and it managed to capture her sister and when Sora ran to ask the
others to save her sister their leader blamed her for being caught saying no one would risk their lives for her useless sister those words crushed the fairy as she never wanted to lose her sister but rain wiped her tears away telling her that she doesn't need to endure her pain alone and promised that he would save her sister she hugged onto him finally released ing the tears she'd been hiding away a while later rain managed to locate the shadow Knight along with Run's trapped body and began counting down for their attack as soon as they
rushed in Rain launched his Fireball attack and although it was ineffective conad launched from above to kick him down while he was distracted and Rain punched him away in the stomach the Knight wondered if he was the hero but rain told him that was a disgusting insult saying he was here to save the fairy realizing he wouldn't be able to defeat them the Knight extended his sword towards Runa but Tanya managed to block his attack and freed Runa from her shackles after flying away kaday and Rain began attacking the Knight together but he was shocked
at how the night was still standing just then he began spinning around to create a tornado but rain told conad he had an idea for defeating him with a magic circle forming rain began searching the forest for insects and found a nest of bees that he began taming although the poison might have not affected him he knew it would buy him time by distracting him and in that moment rain activated a spell to Boost kad's Physical Powers with the Spell activated she rushed towards the Knight and punched him in the stomach creating a hole in
his chest and eradicating him from existence after he was gone conad wondered what that warm energy he poured into her insides were so to show her what it was rain said that he can pour His warm energy inside of her again at [Music] night back at the forest the twin sisters began and hugging one another and Runa asked Sora who this new man was saying she would allow him to tie her up and do whatever he wished to them after fighting with each other Sora revealed that they wouldn't be able to live in this Village
anymore especially since her entire Village abandoned her however she was worried about other demons attacking them in the forest so conid asked them if they would want to join their party Sora said that he'd already saved her sister and Runa loved the idea of feeling how strong his body was so she asked him if they would have them and asked him to form a contract with them realizing that no one's ever tamed a fairy in the history of the world T said that she knew her master doesn't give up so he decided to accept the
challenge before the tree he took up his glove and bit his finger wondering what type of magic he could use to tame them after analyzing all thousand forms of magic he raised his arm and began the taming ritual encircling both of them with the sealing ribbons and his magical energy flowed from his hand to theirs fulfilling The Pact both of them saw the p patterns on his hand but rain's energy had completely depleted and he nearly fell onto the ground before the girls picked him up saying they will always protect their Master back inside the
hero's Mansion the girls wondered why they needed to be hiding but rain handed them the shield of the truth and arios wondered how he managed to find the shield in 2 days so he accused him of bringing a fake at the table Mina began appraising The Shield realizing it wasn't a fake before leaving Aros wondered who those two girls were but rain told him it was none of their business hoping to conceal that he'd managed to tame fairies as he walked away with his 20 gold coins agoth asked him if he wanted to join their
party especially since they'd been struggling to do anything without him all of them agreed to his invitation and agoth promised to pay him better and treat him better but rain knew none of them had changed so conid told him to ignore the ugly Johnny Sins and leave with them because of that rain told him to shove his offer up his bald ass realizing that the only thing he' wanted in this life was people that cared about him and he'd already found them the rest of the party thought he was a [ __ ] for denying
to be part of the hero's party but after they were gone Aros couldn't forget about the humiliation rain put him through so he promised that he would kill rain inside the forest the fairies wondered what made the hero different so rain explained that the gods had blessed the hero with their blood giving him the limit breakability and allowing him to defeat the demon king this special power allows the hero to grow stronger without any limits but the girls wondered if rain possessed a similar power after all he was able to take kad's physical strength T's
magical powers and now he was able to use fairy magic so conad wondered if he would be able to keep taming ultimate species until he was able to defeat the demon king hearing those words shocked rain after all he lived his entire life as nothing but a slave so he never thought he would ever have people who believed in him so to protect them rain promised to defeat the demon king if he could but thought he wasn't strong enough yet however the girls promised to support him when the time came and conid reminded him that
they'll always be by his side the following morning rain realized that his room was getting packed and wished the other room would open up because he was a spineless [ __ ] who couldn't just [ __ ] clap some cheeks presenting themselves to him later that day the hot twins clung onto his arms while they traveled to the blacksmith and when they got there they thought the dwarf's ugly face was intimidating them however Runa found a whip and imagined rain dominating them in more ways than one but as Sor began beating her up Rain found
a dagger that he wanted to buy however he realized something was off about the materials that were used and just then an ugly [ __ ] asked the dwarf for the best sword in his shop before dropping all his money on the table when the dwarf picked the best sword he had behind the counter rain grew angry and although the adventurer thought it was a powerful sword before leaving rain wondered if that piece of garbage was the best sword the dwarf could create after all all of the swords in the shop looked powerful on display
but used some of the weakest materials in their core when he asked the dwarf if he was hiding something the dwarf smiled saying that rain had an amazing eye because all of his weapons were nothing but pieces of metal he forged in his spare time however he went on to show them the real swords he poured his soul into saying that these days all the adventurers believe that buying an expensive sword will make them powerful so when they're bored of his sword they throw them out as if they were worthless and to Donovan every sword
he created was like a child of his so he wished to only give the ones he cared about to those who will Val value his sword however the dwarf thought only a man as considerate as rain would be able to tell the differences between his swords so he promised to make him a personalized weapon but there was one issue and the dwarf revealed that he had no material to make them clapping rain's dreams of getting a small dagger like his small persuasion a few hours later all of them went to the adventurers Guild that was
packed but when conid asked Ruby why there were more people than usual she revealed that the hero was looking for supporting party members to recruit both of the girls noticed how rain looked upset but he patted them on the head telling them that he would be all right just then Ruby noticed the twins behind rain and wondered if they were friends of his but Runa told her that they actually sleep in the same room at night hearing those words Ruby wondered how it was possible for a disgusting loser like him to somehow become a great
Muslim man with four wives however rain tried telling her to do her worthless job already and asked her to approve their quest of mining for mithil this was the or the dwarf needed as it was one of the rarest elements that would create the greatest weapons but although the dwarf had an entire mind of it all of the ores suddenly disappeared so rain offered to find it for him Donovan agreed and asked him how much gold he wanted in return but rain said that the only thing he desired was the weapon he would make shocking
Donovan this was the first time anyone's valued his Creations more than money so he promised to create the best weapon he can a few hours later all of them began traveling towards the mine but Sora and Runa were too tired to keep moving forward after all they'd spent their entire lives like worthless loser Shu inss who never went outside and only watched anime yes just like all you losers watching the video right now you're a victim both of them were too tired to keep moving and conad Day thought it was a hot day after all
but rain knew there was water nearby and when they got there they begged rain to let them go swimming when rain accepted conad began stripping down in front of him but his spineless ass looked away and decided to leave them alone however he decided to tame two squirrels that would inform him if the girls were in danger and decided to take arrests Lake scene you know what that means plot plot and even more plot however con's tail Was Bitten and the squirrels weren't giving him any information so he ran to make sure they were okay
but saw all of the girls without any plot Armor after they screamed at him rain apologized and swore to do anything for them but when they heard him say those words they asked him to just keep being the way he is after after all he was the best leader they could ever want but they asked him to strip down and go swimming with them without any plot armor a few hours later they finally made it to the mithil cave but rain told the girls to stay hidden because the only way such a large amount of
mithil could disappear is if there were people stealing it from above them rain noticed an eagle that began alerting the bandits and when they came out rain told the girls to make sure they're still alive so he could question them however the [ __ ] knocked them unconscious and Rain realized he couldn't get information out of them but Sora said they would be able to peer into their memories to learn about what actually happened as they got on their knees the girls activated their memory search ability and inside of the Bandit's mind they saw there
was an entire group of them that were stealing the ores but the girls wondered if they were useful to him so rain said they were and they begged him to give them head Pats just like he did to T and conad so rain began petting them on the head and both of the girls wondered what else those hands can do after he was done caressing them rain told them that there was something off about the bird's movements because it was likely controlled by another Beast Tamer inside the Cave the group of Bandits wondered what happened
to their comrades but the Beast Tamer revealed that they were all beaten so they needed to hide before they were caught and ambushed them when they least expected as rain walked through the cave with the girls a massive Fireball appeared but the twins ran to deflect the blow the Mages tried to launch another attack but the girls wanted more head pads so they restrained the Mages and eliminated their ability to cast magic the two archers tried shooting them down with arrows but T burnt them down while conad knocked one of them out along with her
once they were tied rain faced off against the Beast Tamer and told him to give up his life of robbery however the Bandit tried rushing towards rain but he deflected his shot and knocked him down with a single punch even so the Bandit activated his most powerful summon and from the other side of the cave a behemoth appeared to crush rain down all of them realized it was a b rank monster and Rain knew Only the strongest Beast Tamers could control them but the Bandit revealed that he'd been training it ever since it was young
and Unleashed it towards them immediately rain evaded the first attack but the cave was beginning to collapse as rain continued dodging the blows with a single stare he signaled to conad to help the bandits Escape once the girls had taken the bandits outside of the cave conid wanted to go back inside side so T promised to watch them while she helped rain at the same time rain was struggling with all the falling debris but before the Behemoth would crush him conad took him away and said she would help him so rain told her that he
would distract the Behemoth while she restrained the Tamer since the monster would obey all of his commands as soon as they got up the Behemoth tried attacking them once again but rain continued distracting it and evading all of its attacks however the cave continued collapsing so rain summoned a fireball to burn the be Behemoth just then conad had managed to restrain the Beast Tamer but he told the Behemoth to continue fighting even if he was killed the entire cave continued falling as the Behemoth launched more of his attacks and his rain ran away he knew
that he would never let down his party and swore to unleash all of his powers to trust in them in that instant the Behemoth froze in space and the Beast Tamer wasn't able to control his monster anymore when he wondered what happened The Taming sigil on his arm broke apart and Rain revealed that he used his power to over over right his taming summon because even though it's impossible to overwrite one's taming sigil he knew that if he believed in the words of his friends he could destroy even the laws of taming however the Bandit
began screaming that he was the one who tamed the Behemoth and spent his whole life training it those words began to destroy the behemoth's mind so after he continued screaming at it the Behemoth started running to bite him down in that instant rain used all of his Mana in a fireball attack and killed the Behemoth seeing the crystal remaining once the dust settled this was the drawback of taming a monster because the taming sigil could only keep the monster's hatred of humans under control a few minutes later the bandits confessed that they all had something
in common and it was that they bought Donovan's half weapons so to take revenge on him they decided to steal his mithil ores and Donovan thought that this was his fault after all because he'd been dishonest with both his weapons and customers and realized he was a failure as a Craftsman rain said that he was indeed a worthless failure of a blacksmith damn but held his hand telling him to make it right and to only make the best weapons until the rest of his life those words comforted Donovan and he swore that from now on
he would only create the best weapons starting with rain's personal weapon and asked him what type he wanted the only thing rain wanted was a dagger with a gauntlet but whispered into Donovan's ears a secretive idea he had for creating them later that night the hero kept failing all the Beast Tamers saying to one of them that he was a worthless loser who can only tame a single beast and asked the man if he could tame an ultimate species however the man said that it was impossible for any Beast Tamer to tame one of them
after the man left minor realized that every single one of the people they failed were the strongest Beast Tamers in the nation but were all denied because they couldn't compare to rain and with rain being gone he was beginning to unleash his anger on all of them and told her to rest for the night but before she left she told him to rest as well since he needed to save the world but he knew that he couldn't save the world yet not until he used the Demonic ring he'd been hiding to kill rain the following
day rain was walking around the town with Sora and Runa while Tanya's massive cannons were asleep but as they walked they smelled something delicious and asked him if they could try it so after buying some they began swallowing rain's sausage and thought that his meat was the best thing they'd ever tasted once they were done they asked rain about the special ability he gained from taming them because conad had gifted him overpowered strength while Tanya gifted him near Limitless Mana so when they asked him what ability he gained from them he realized that he hadn't
gained anything however rain comforted them on the head telling them that he didn't need to gain anything from them because they were his precious comrades that were going to be by his side and that's all he'd ever wish for those words made them happy and they wanted to devour more of rain's sausage but as they walked to the shop a mysterious man told them to stop in their place and ask for the names of the girls however both of them were intimidated and tried introducing in themselves so the man began laughing saying they will become
his wives the twins thought he was disgusting but the man introduced himself as Edgar the son of the Horizon Lord so they had no choice but to accept his Royal commands as he snapped his fingers his guards circled around rain and he told him to hand over his girls but rain swore that he would never give up the friends he cared about after letting those words out Edgar told his men to attack him however they were all knocked out by rain and the guards warned Edgar that he wasn't a regular man so rain told him
to give it up already because he'd never give his girls up just then Edgar ordered his guards to point their weapons at the civilians saying that they're nothing but tools he'll be using to get what he wants as he assessed the situation rain realized it would be impossible to save all of them but the girls offered to save them with their magic however rain knew that having them reveal their fairy magic might cause them to be outcasts of the city and as he wondered what else he could do he realized that he'd gained a new
ability to cast multiple Spells at once so he summoned 30 different magical sigils and Unleashed his Fireball to burn all of the soldiers this was the special skill he'd gained from the fairies and he ordered Edgar to never show his worthless face again before leaving Edgar swore that he'll get his revenge and as his guards chased after him the fairies thanked him for saving them along with them all the other people thought he was cooler than the hero but an old disgusting hag told them that they should leave now that they're safe and go somewhere
far away from the distance the hero smiled as he pointed his ring at rain when they got back to their in Rain heard from the old hag that Edgar had been kidnapping any girl he thought was attractive and tortured them inside of his Mansion after all he was the Lord's only son so the Lord would silence all of the victims and kill them if they defied his orders but when Tanya heard those words she thought it was time to burn his entire Mansion saying that she wouldn't allow him to come after Sora and Runa or
any of the other Town's people again however rain knew they needed to be careful but wanted to save all of them still he knew he was nothing but a beast Tamer but conad knew that rain couldn't abandon this city anonia told him that they all know how he thinks and that he wants to save everyone he meets so they promised they would always support him and rain was glad to have the best comrades so he told them that they would be saving the city from their oppressive rulers later that night Horizon's Lord was going to
leave on vacation but as soon as he left Edgar ordered his strongest Knight to bring rain's head to him paying him hundreds of gold coins for his service once he was gone he remembered the humiliation rain put him through and rang his Bell for a small Beast girl to appear but as soon as she did he grabbed her and began beating her but all she could do was wish for someone to come and help her the following morning rain headed to the order of the knights and tried to report Edgar's assault on them the previous
day but as soon as he let those words out gillet appeared saying that there won't be any need for the knights to investigate it and said that accusing the Lord once again will have him inside the execution chair chamber a few minutes later while rain was walking with conid a hot night girl appeared from the alley saying that she wanted to thank him for his actions the Knight introduced herself as Stella the vice commander of the knights and said that she's heard about how he defeated the most dangerous Bandit group in all of the lands
but needed his help to bring order to her town all of the knights had become corrupted by the money the lord gave them and covered up all of the Lord's crimes especially gillet the commander of the knights so she knew that with their help there might be a chance to save the country but when rain wondered if they could trust her conid told him that she seemed like an honest girl so rain decided to believe her however they needed a plan to obtain evidence of their corruption so over the next few days the knights teamed
up with rain to execute their plans and he finally received the weapons from Donovan eventually they called for the knights to arrive at a mysterious building and Stella thought it was amazing that the knights fell for their trap the leader heard that this Warehouse contained proof of their corruption so he knew that they needed to destroy any shred of evidence and he told his Knights to destroy the target as soon as they located it as they entered inside the building one of his men were neutralized and the warehouse Gates were locked from the outside with
the twins freezing it down all of the knights continued falling down and this was the special Gauntlet rain had ordered from Donovan but as he fired at gillit he was able to slash them off in the last instant and saw that Stella had teamed up with rain however she told him it was too late as the entire order of knights were destroyed by Tanya and conade and she leaped down to fight him off alone before calling him a traitor that was destroying the city immediately he began rushing to slash her down but threw his sword
to distract her and punched her onto the ground saying he was the justice of this world however she couldn't forget about the man she cared for and rushed forward towards gillet slashing him down and saying that no Knight would abandon his duty for some money a few hours later Edgar began beating the girl after finding out that his corrupt Knights were arrested even so he knew that he would be able to destroy rain with his personal guards but the hero appeared in the window telling him that rain was far more powerful than he could imagine
and would be able to steal his lifestyle from him so he threw him a ring telling him that this ring can be used to kill off rain and would continue allowing him to rule over this land in whatever way he wishes inside of the girl's memories she remembered the happy orphanage she used to live in and how everyone cared about her but now she wish for someone to come save her a few moments later Stella arrived at the Lord's Mansion telling the guards that Edgar was under investigation for corruption however the guards screamed for backup
and their entire Army appeared to surround the girls from escaping at the same time Edgar knew that no one could breach his army but the girls blew his gate up as they entered inside and he thought it would be interesting to torture even more ultimate species underneath the chaos rain infiltrated the dungeon with the fairies and Sora activated her searching magic to trace the flow of Mana in the building but although she was able to find the location of multiple girls she found a single source that was on par with an ultimate species and Rain
wondered what an ultimate species was doing here so to find out if the source was an enemy he told the girls to save the humans while he looked for the ultimate species as the guards continued being clapped rain managed to find the room where the monos source was coming from but as soon as he opened the door he found a poor girl behind prison doors and realized that she was even stronger than an ultimate species because she was actually a demigod after healing her wounds he told her that he was here to help her and
tried comforting her asking her for her name the girl cried as she said her name was nah and hugged on to him in that instant she remembered the day she was kidnapped and how her Shield had prevented her from being harmed by Edgar however he brought out all her orphan friends threatening to kill them if she didn't come with him so she begged him not to harm them but in return he gave her a slave collar to wear and began beating her in front of her comrades saying she will allow him to obtain the power
of the Gods one day this was the miserable life she'd been living and rain tried saying that he will save her but she told him that her slave collar was impossible to take off however rain told her to believe in him and he realized that he could use his Beast taming power once again to undo the sealing powers of the collar but the backlash of breaking the spell began electrocuting him and Nina begged him to stop saying that no one would be sad if she was gone to those words however rain told told her that
he would be sad because even though they just met he knew that he would be able to overcome the pain after all this wasn't only his strength now but the strength of all the other girls and using it he was able to break the slave collar's magic freeing Nina for the first time in 3 years outside the building the knights continued destroying Edgar's guards while conad and Tanya played with them as if they were toys one of the guards screamed at the others to use the hostages as human Shields but from the sky hundreds of
fireballs burned them all down and Sora and Runa told the girls that they'd rescued all of the hostages now that they were all safe the girls decided to use all their powers and Edgar realized that his armies were being completely destroyed growing the curse on his ring inside of the mansion's hall the girls found rain carrying another girl and wondered how many more [ __ ] he would be picking up however conid thought her tail was Fluffy and promised to cuddle her every day but as they continued playing together the lord of the Mansion appeared
and wondered how they had already made it this far just then rain restrained the ugly fatel but after he fell onto the ground his son appeared summoning the [ __ ] Grim Reaper from his ring and killed rain in that instant this was all part of the hero's plan and he was glad to have rain die like the pathetic garbage he was before flying away inside the Mansion however rain was still alive and all the girls hugged on to him wondering how he was still fine after being attacked by an instant death status effect as
they wondered how that was possible Sora decided to cast the PO poison status effect onto him and thought she had accomplished her Mission all of the girls wondered what was wrong with her brain dead actions so she revealed that rain hadn't gained only one power from taming two fairies but instead had gained two abilities one of them was the multiple spellcast ability while the second one was the ability to nullify all special status effects cast onto him saving him from the Demon's attack as Edgar stared in jealousy at rain's herum he knew that he wished
they would all die but the Ring's vile Powers Act activated and began swallowing him inside as it fed onto his soul rain knew he felt that power before and casted a fireball with all of his Mana but the attack was unable to lay a single scratch onto the beast from inside piles of smoke began searing and a hand emerged to the outside the demon asked them if they were the ones who reawakened him and Rain knew the presence of this demon after all it was the same demon that killed his parents and burned his entire
Homeland leaving him stranded for his entire life it was the same Beast standing before his eyes and it promised to kill them in the most gruesome ways possible however he realized there were thousands of other humans nearby so he flew away and began preparing to hunt them once he arrived to the city the demon began blowing up all of their homes and burning down the streets but conad kicked him down from the sky and the demon saw that rain's group had managed to catch up to him as he stared at them rain swore to destroy
him and conade launched off a building to punch him towards T before she knocked him down while rain used his Gauntlet to restrain the demon from moving although it didn't have any effects on the demon it was part of their plan to distract him and the fairies launched a massive explosion to burn the demon down but when the dust settled the demon walked out of it unscathed realizing that he would need to call reinforcements to even the fight from the ground hundreds of demonic servants began rushing towards rain's party but the girls used their magical
abilities to eliminate them instantly although they were worthless the demon revealed that he can summon an infinite amount of them and reminded them that he was also able to attack them at the same time as the others ran to conid Tanya flew to the sky to destroy all of the worthless Monsters And while they tried to heal conad Tanya used her flaming breath to hold off the Demon's attack however it wasn't enough to stop the demon and after blowing her away rain ran to make sure she was okay but she got up and pretended she
was fine seeing how his attacks were ineffective the demon decided to unleash his magical energy to the sky raining down explosions to burn the entire city down this was the same scene rain went through all those years ago so he used all of his Fireballs to attack the demon while the fairies launched a Holy Light sphere from the sky to pierce his heart just then rain decided to insert his warm magical energy deep into the girls to overpower them and once it penetrated deeply inside the girls rushed forward to beat up the demon just then
the fairies activated their judgment ability and conad leaped from the sky to crush the demon down but once the dust settled the demon was still unscathed with a single snap of his finger he summoned hundreds of dragons and ground beasts but the real Target was the villagers of the Horizon City so as he tried to get away Tanya launched her fire breath towards him but he sacrificed some of his dragons to block the attack telling them that the battle was over as rain wondered how he could save all of the villagers and defeat the demon
Runa and Sora told him that they could finally be of use to him and that they would teleport all of the villagers to safety while they kept fighting fighting him at the same time Mina wondered if they should be fighting off the demon but the hero told them that their only target was The Demon King saying they wouldn't help any of them after all he knew that there was no chance for rain to survive this demon the same one that killed his family meanwhile Sora and Runa managed to find Stella and the Knights asking them
to bring all of the citizens back so they could teleport them away but when they were gone they told Nina that everything would be fine since rain would save them at the same time conad continued beating all of the demon while Tanya burnt them away and they told the others to get away safely on the other side of the city the guards had gathered all the remaining citizens but they realized that the girls were fairies and couldn't trust them since fairies hated humans however the man whose sausage they devoured came and he asked them how
his meat tasted when the girl said that his big sausage tasted juicy he was glad to hear that telling the others that they were just like them one of the girls and her grandma remembered the time they were saved by them and slowly all the others realized they could actually trust the fairies together they teleported most of the citizens away but just then the monsters had found their Hideout so Runa and Sora decided to split up their powers to teleport the others away as conad and T continued fighting the beasts the other adventurers arrived and
the Knights revealed that this was the orders from the adventurers Guild and when Ruby begged them to help ry's stinky ass and his comrads Donovan came with a crate full of weapons saying that his greatest Creations were going to be free as he had had a debt to repay to rain so the adventurers created a line for him to fight the demon and Rain thanked all of them promising to save the city now at the same time Sora teleported the citizens away while Runa burnt all of the demons and nah wondered how she could also
be helping them she'd been scared her entire life so she wondered if it was always okay to be the one getting protected and once Sora was done teleporting all of the villagers away she realized that nah had gone missing at the same time rain realized that the demon was still too far away way but T knew her Dragon form would only make her a Target to be instantly eliminated while the fair's teleportation magic would take too long to activate for rain to use it just then Nina ran to hug rain saying that she can't run
away While others protected her so she wanted to help them out both of the girls realized that she was the demigod they needed as demigods were the only ones capable of instant teleportation so rain asked her if she could help him and she promised that she would but just then a hord of beasts began approaching them so conad and T promised to take care of them while rain dealt with the demon however the demon thought rain was a foolish insect and tried to blast him before he Spiderman away and continued evading all of his attacks
with his Gauntlet once he got closer to his height the demon prepared his ultimate blow but nah teleported them away in the last instant together they began flying closer to the demon and although the demon realized they were using this ability to fly rain decided to boost his own powers but the demon told him that it was all already over for him as he Unleashed all of his dragons rain revealed that his boost could do more than enhance physical abilities and teleported closer to the demon sealing him with his taming bands however the Demonic Aura
began spreading to rain and as it swallowed all of him rain knew there was people who cared about him that counted on him so he awakened The Taming God Powers inside of him overriding all of the dragon's taming even in all the millions of years the demons lived this was the first time anyone's accomplished The Impossible and rain raised his hand saying that he couldn't do this without his comrades as the demon freed himself rain launched all of the dragons towards him as the demon was about to vanish he wondered what his name was but
rain said that he ain't no snitch and the demon vanished away however Nina's Mana was completely drained and they began Falling Towards the ground before Tanya managed to catch them at the same time conid and all the other girls were waiting for him and the sun began to rise after the evil was extinguished 3 days later the girls began helping the others in rebuilding the city and the store manager kept feeding the fairies his massive sausage after a few hours passed Nina told rain that she wanted to keep helping him on his adventures but rain
didn't know if he could even tame a demigod however all the girls knew he'd already accomplished far greater things so he took off his gloves before biting his finger and began the summoning ritual The Taming seals began surrounding her and after she said her name back to him the magical sigil bands began flowing into her hand sealing their contract as his new pet Candy was glad to have a new smaller sister but Tanya wanted to also cuddle her and Runa was glad to have a new younger sister that wasn't a grumpy [ __ ] like
her current one all of them were glad to have a new sister in the group and Rain smiled seeing how all of them were happy later that day at the adventurer's guild Ruby said that R was promoted to C Rank and that all of the adventurers agreed that he deserved to jump all the way from E rank directly when he heard that he was going to be a top G he revealed that their in was getting too small and wondered if there was a bigger room that their broke asses could move into but after hearing
that Ruby told him that it would be better for them to buy a home since she could use it to trap them in the city even so all the girls thought that it would be amazing to have a home where they could live together so rain agreed that they should all buy a house but after a while of seeing seeing dumbass looking homes they realized there might not be any homes for them just then however Ruby showed them the final home saying it was a beautiful mansion with a massive bathtub for all the plot development
they would want and was even the cheapest home in the entire nation however Tanya thought something was fishy and it wasn't the way Ruby smelled since this deal seemed way too good to be true so Ruby decided to reveal the truth saying that the house is haunted while the rest of them were fine conid screamed because she couldn't handle ghosts and when Runa wondered what the ghosts would do Ruby said they were awful they would flip your pillow over make bath water cold and even put Curry underneath your seat so it looks like you sh
yourself all of them thought this wasn't that serious but conid said she could just sleep outside if it was necessary however rain thought it was worth seeing how the house was inside before deciding and they all entered inside as they walked deeper into the house nah sneezing gave conid a heart attack but Tanya realized that the house was actually clean for how abandoned it was just then however all the furniture began moving and a woman's voice began screaming at them to get out before their eyes a hot maid appeared and the fairies thought they could
use their magic to make her disappear but she kept reappearing in front of them and grew angry as she screamed at them to leave when she saw that Tonia realized that the maid probably had no attack magic and although they uncovered her secret she saw kad's vulnerable ass and decided to bully her to get out but when she was cornered conid swore that she wasn't afraid and managed to slash down her magical body her fear allowed her to transcend the abilities of her ultimate species and she began using astral attacks while attempting to bite off
the ghosts at the same time the twins created an astral barrier so she would be unable to escape Antonia held conad off before she devoured the maid once they were Cal rain asked her if she wanted to talk now but the maid thought she needed to possess rain however he commanded her to stop and in that instant she froze in her place when she wondered how that was possible he revealed that an old man taught him about Phantom taming but when she asked him to go on he told her that was the whole story even
the ghost wondered how that explained his broken overpowered abilities but all the other girls were used to it with his powers he was able to push her to the ground so the maid gave up and told them to just burn her up however rain decided to introduce himself to her saying that he wanted to just talk after hearing those words she thought he was interesting and introduced herself as Tina holy a maid who died serving inside of this house when Tanya wondered how she ended up as a ghost Tina revealed that her previous boss was
a womanizer sist who killed her off so she became a ghost without even knowing it however she realized that it was time for her to move out instead of scaring them but rain asked con if she was still scared of her so she told him that she would be fine as long as all of them were with her as rain patted her on the head all of them smiled and he asked her if she would like to live with them after all her existence made the homes price cheaper so he wanted her to stay anyway
Antonia told her to just accept his kindness so he stood up telling her that he looks forward to living with her and she agreed to become part of his party back inside the guild rain signed the contract to own the home and Ruby thought it was amazing how he was able to add even a ghost to his party so Ruby welcomed him saying that Horizon was now his home but those words shocked rain and he was glad to finally have a place to call home at the same time in the city the hero approached a
shopkeeper demanding a week's worth of rations from him for free however the shopkeeper said he didn't have anything to offer to their ugly ass saying that they were a worthless party that couldn't care less about their city that was under attack hearing his insolence they thought about getting rations from a different shopkeeper but all of them swore that they wouldn't help a worthless hero like him and all the villagers told him to get his cowardly party out of their City seeing that he was cornered he slashed down the shopkeeper stand before leaving as he walked
one of the villagers said that the Beast Tamer was more of a hero than he would ever be and Aros swore to kill rain one day later that day conad was glad that rain would finally sleep on a bed instead of the [Music] floor ah [Music] that night Tina prepared A Feast for them with Runa and all the girls were excited to devour rain's meat just then nah thanked rain saying that she was finally not alone because of him after hearing those words he remembered how he had lost everything in this world and how a
hole had opened in his heart ever since although Tina thought they were lucky to be a family the girls said that she wasn't alone either because she was now part of their family as rain stared at them he realized that joining the hero's party was nothing but escapism from the void he felt while living alone but now that he had people who actually cared about him he finally remembered how it felt to have a family as all the other girls stared at him they wondered why he was crying and he played it off as if
he was just crying to eat the food already but deep down he knew that it was because of all the new bonds he' created on this adventure the new home he gained and the new family he can always come back to watch this next video till next time my fellow legendary plot Masters
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