Welcome once again to home economics, today we will continue with the free course on business economics. In this chapter we will talk about the functions of human resources management The human resources department is one of the most important in any company, especially if it is in a growth phase . To take advantage of its full potential there are certain functions that the human resources department must carry out within any organization 1.
Administrative personnel management It consists of carrying out administrative tasks related to personnel management, such as salaries, social security, contracts, processing of sanctions, dismissals, control of schedules, etc. 2. Recruitment of personnel This is a set of procedures designed to attract competent candidates to the company.
These recruitment techniques can be internal, if they consist of obtaining applications from people who are part of the company's staff, or external, if the applicants come from outside the company. 3. Personnel selection This function is very important, since one of the determining factors of the success of a business activity is the correct choice of the people who will work in the company.
Once the staff has been recruited, a complete analysis of everything that the candidate brings to the job must be carried out and for this they must pass a series of selection tests. These tests are intended to validate the aptitudes and attitudes of each candidate according to the position for which they will be selected. Everything can be done from the company itself or resort to an external company such as an ETT or Human Resources consultancy to support us in this process.
Finally, once the candidate has been selected, he or she will become part of the company, giving rise to the fourth function of the human resources area 4. Training and professional development The training of employees allows them to adapt to the changes that occur in the company, as well as technological advances. In addition to adaptability to change, the company must provide training for the specific task that it must perform in its workplace according to its objectives and plans.
Workers are required to be 100% efficient, which means that workers must be properly trained so that they can perform their tasks successfully, avoid accidents and reach their full professional potential. There are several situations in which training by the human resources department is necessary , such as Incorporation of new employees Promotion or promotion of employees Updating and recycling of staff knowledge 5. Labor relations The human resources department is also in charge of resolving conflicts that may arise in the company and negotiating collective agreements.
The main objective is to promote communication between the company and its employees through the use of social partners, such as works councils, workers' delegates or union representatives. 6. Occupational risk prevention (ORP) The company must carry out a series of activities that imply compliance with current regulations on the prevention of occupational and environmental risks in order to avoid occupational injuries and illnesses that are related to work .
The study of working conditions and related occupational risks precedes the application of prevention and protection measures to maintain the health of the people who work in the company 7. Performance evaluation It is important to supervise the work carried out by each of employees and check if the applied policies are correct. This task is carried out with all the employees of the company, by department and under the supervision of the head of each department.
This process includes: the collection of information about the position and the employees, the personalized and individual observation of the employee and the interview with him. Based on the information gathered, an improvement plan will be developed to optimize performance and solve existing problems. 8.
Social Benefits Addresses issues arising from the social benefits granted to staff. There is no explicit regulation in this regard, so each company decides whether or not to provide them and under what conditions. When we talk about benefits or social benefits we are talking about topics such as private health insurance, childcare service, restaurant tickets , physiotherapy services, etc .
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Staff planning It consists of planning staff based on the organization of the company, design the appropriate roles, define the functions and responsibilities, anticipate the needs of personnel in the medium and long term, analyze the internal reward and promotion systems and manage the shifts, vacations, leaves and absences of our staff, among other tasks . 10. Job analysis It consists of carrying out a detailed study of each job with the functions to be performed, the qualification that the person who is going to perform it must have and an assessment of the risks of each position.
All this work is carried out with the aim of complying with regulations and optimizing performance per job. 11. Description of the position and remuneration By preparing a technical sheet for each job based on your previous analysis, we will determine what your remuneration will be.
In this way, if the company is going to hire someone, it already knows the maximum or minimum amount of money it has to offer as well as the right person for that position. 12. Career plans and professional promotion Together with the heads of each department, the human resources area will design career plans for the different positions in the organization of the company.
Likewise, it will also identify the people with the greatest potential and professional progression within the organization. 13. Work environment and satisfaction: It is necessary to determine the level of satisfaction of the organization's employees and the reasons for dissatisfaction in order to apply corrective measures.
One of the factors that most and best influence the achievement of a good work environment is the reconciliation of work and family life With all this I say goodbye for today, if I have helped you and you want to continue learning I leave you two videos for you to click on them based on YouTube recommendations. On the other hand, I would appreciate it if you would subscribe to my channel if I have been useful to you by clicking on my logo on the left side of the video. As always, any questions or suggestions please leave them in the comments so I can answer them.