so you've just got your new iPhone first of all congratulations today I'm going to take you through the first 50 things that you should do to get the most out of your iPhone 16 16 Pro or any iPhone running iOS 18 now this is a longer video but considering how much we all use our phones each day trust me it's going to be worth it as these tips and tricks will help you find hidden new features preserve battery health extend battery life and maximize your iPhone's performance all right so to start off with any new
phone especially if you've bought your phone used you want to make sure to check the battery Health as you want to make sure that your battery is in good condition now to do this we're going to jump into settings and then from here we are going to scroll to where we find battery and then we're going to tap onto battery health and then here you want to make sure that the maximum battery capacity is set to 100% as this indicator here will show you how much battery health you have now beneath that we have the
cycle count and this here is going to determine how often your battery has been fully depleted and then recharge now if you've bought your phone new you want to make sure that this is set to very low either one or two if it is set higher than that you may want to return it to Apple as the battery may not be fully new this number is particularly important to check if you're buying a phone used as this combined with the battery health capacity is going to give you an idea of what the performance of your
battery will be like now with iOS 18 we also have a new way to preserve battery health and this is what I want to show you next so in the same per here what we're going to do is go back once and then beneath that we have the option beneath battery health for charging so let's go ahead and tap into that and then here we have two options to choose from we can either set a charge limit and this here is a new function or we can set the optimized battery charging now let me briefly
tell you what each of these does and then share which one I think is best so uh iOS 18 gives you the new option for to setting a charge limit now for lithium ion batteries it is best to charge up to around 80 or 90% so having a charge limit is going to lessen the wear of the battery and resulting uh in it lasting longer over time now of course the downside here is that you do sacrifice some of your batter's capacity now of course on the other end what you can also do is turn
on optimize battery charging now this is essentially going to learn how you charge your phone so let's say you plug it in at 10 p.m. when you go to sleep and then typically unplug at 6:00 a.m. when you wake up it's then going to charge at 10 p.m. from uh 0% up to 80% and then wait with the remaining 20% to closer to when you typically wake up this is going to slower the charge process and also reduce the Heat and thus reduce the wear on the battery so as you can see you can only
have one of these enabled at a time so if say I want to turn off battery charging I can go ahead and set a limit but then I can't as you can see turn on uh the optimized battery charging as well you have to set it back up to 100 in order to enable your optimized battery charging now which of the two is best now personally I choose to use optimized battery charging as it still gives me full capacity or access to the full capacity of my battery I particularly find on travel days or if
say I'm going out in the evening I want to make sure that I can use all the battery that is inside my phone but at the same time the optimized charging uh was still going to help limit the we on your your battery by reducing that charge speed when you plug it in overnight so I think optimized battery charging gives you the best of both now throughout this video I'll be Shar more battery saving tips so be sure to stay tuned for that but for now let's take a look at the home screen as in
iOS 18 we now have the ability to change the color of the home screen so to do this you want to go ahead and press and hold on any empty space on your home screen and as you can see all the icons will start to uh sort of jiggle and then we're going to tap on edit in the top left and then we can tap onto customize and then here we have this new menu at the bottom which is going to allow us to change not just between light and dark mode but as you can
see all the icons are also going to change color and what we can do to go one step further is we can tap onto tinted here and then we can actually change the color itself and as you can see we can slide along this RGB scale here and we can really customize this even the Hue and the opacity to match exactly what we like and you can also use the ey dropper tool here on the top right if say uh you want to use a specific color from your wallpaper to either match it or create
some contrast and as you can see this gives a very different look to your iPhone uh allowing a lot of creativity and really lets you personalize your phone even more so uh to go back and undo this if you like simply use the same menu here we'll tap and hold on an empty page or empty piece of the page and then we can go ahead and turn back to light mode now a quick bonus tip here we also have the option to enable the large icons and as you can see that's going to remove the
text from the Icon uh giving a more clean look and larger icons may be easier to press as well and then from the home screen let's take a look at the lock screen where we can now customize the lock screen control as you can see I have my set to the uh torch as well as the calculator so by default we're going to have the camera here but I don't see the point in having a camera shortcut as you can of course swipe to the right and use the new uh camera control button here which
will take a look at in a sec as well so I like to use this third one uh for something different and I have mine set to the calculator let me show you how to do this so first you want to make sure you're on the lock screen and then tap and hold on the lock screen and then we're going to see this menu here which will allow you to quickly uh cycle and switch between your wallpapers but from here we're going to tap onto customize and then tap onto the lock screen and as you
can see we can now customize not just the date uh the time as well as your widgets but we can also now customize these controls here so uh let's go ahead and add a new one and you can see we have a lot to choose from uh we can even set it to specific functions like to uh for example set an alarm change your connectivity settings or open a specific app so you can see there's a couple to choose from as I said I like to have the calculator there of course you can also remove
it and keep the space empty if you prefer or if you find yourself accidentally touching them and this brings me to the action button so this is going to be a new button for you if you are on an iPhone 16 or if you're on a 16 Pro you will recognize this from the 15 Pro uh in previous years but the action button here replaces the silent trigger to basically be uh used for any function so as you can see I have mine set to the torch I find it really useful to have a physical
Hardware switch uh to quickly be able to toggle uh from my phone without having to even look at the screen I just by feel press that button and immediately have quick access to a torch so let me go ahead and show you how to customize this button so for this we're going to jump into the settings page here and then on the main page we're going to scroll to where we find action button so right there we're going to tap on it and here we have this really Nifty little menu where you can scroll between
the different options you can see there's a lot to choose from you can start a voice recording of course it trigger the camera as well and you can even set a custom shortcut and this will allow you to pretty much trigger anything for example uh let's say you have a smart Appliance at home you can link that through there as well but I like to keep it simp simple with the torch and now I want to talk about one of the headline features with the new iPhone 16s and that is of course the camera control
so that is his new button that you're going to find on the bottom right of your phone now first I want to show you how to use it and then we're going to take a look at some settings to change to make this control even better so first of all to use it uh you want to first let's say your phone is locked what you want to do is press it once to wake up your phone and then press it again and as you can see that's then automatically going to launch the camera app so
it's a really convenient way to quickly access access your camera app giving you a Hardware switch and again allows you to assign this action button that we just looked at to another function as this button here that new camera control will be set to launch your camera all right so let me quickly show you how to use this so first of all to take a picture what you want to do is click on the button and as you can see here we are now taking pictures and you can probably hear this does have a haptic
click so you do actually feel that feedback uh which makes it feel kind of like a camera which I think is uh quite neat and you can also press and hold and as you can see that's an automatically going to start a video recording and then if we let go it's going to save it so this is great if you want to kick quickly capture some footage here and then you can also take the functionality further as this uh button here also has a touch sensitive control and that's going to allow you to do things
like Zoom so what you want to do is sort of half press on it and then Zoom to the left or right of the camera control now if you don't apply any pressure at all as you can see uh it is not going to work so it does require you to apply a little bit of pressure you'll feel that slight taptic feedback when you've applied enough pressure and that's going to allow you to then scroll along the uh camera control to then zoom in or even have other functions as well so what you can also
do is double tap it again you want to do that half press so don't just tap but sort of half press twice and as you can see this then opens that secondary menu to allow to change the functionality here of your camera control so we can set this to switch between your cameras uh also things like your new style so uh with iOS 18 here on the iPhone 16s we get a lot of new different uh styles to choose from to really color or change the color and and the uh vibrancy and the grade of
your footage right through this control uh really useful and handy way to quickly switch between things now of course the placement I I do believe is a little bit tricky sometimes with the button as I wish it was a little bit further to the right to make it more easy to use uh with my index finger but you do get a little bit used you do get used to it over time I will say you do have to adjust a little I think the biggest learning curve really is going to be uh how to activate
the zoom and really get that secondary function out of it as it does require you to apply a little bit bit of pressure uh as opposed to just swiping like you would on say a touch screen but that said it doesn't take all that long to get used to and I think once you do it does give you a pretty unique way to control your iPhone making it feel much more like a traditional camera uh as opposed to a smartphone and I like that level of tactile feel that the camera control brings but of course
there are some ways to make the camera control even better and here I have two settings that I really recommend you change to improve the functionality so to do this we are going to jump first into the settings app here and then we're going to scroll to where we find camera and then in here we're going to tap onto camera control the first option and then here we have two things we can change so first of all uh we can choose whether to launch the camera with either a single or a double click so you
can set it to a double click if say you find yourself accidentally pressing it it's going to require a double click as opposed to a single click you can see now a single click is going to launch the camera and then secondly here we can change which app it actually opens this I think is really useful as you can also set it to Forex example Instagram let's say you use your phone often uh to capture a story you'll see that I've now set it to Instagram and if I tap on the camera control here it's
going to immediately launch the camera app within Instagram and this I think is really quite useful you see there's a couple more to uh choose from here you can also set it to scan a code or even a magnifier uh but I like to set it to Instagram or have the default camera app and then the next setting that I want to show you has to do with that uh that secondary press that sort of half press I was showing earlier to access the additional layer of controls to to switch between your Zoom or your
aperture uh your photo Styles things like this now it's going to require a half press that in my opinion by default is a little bit too hard to do it's almost too too much of a press to where you accidentally click it so you can actually change the um level of pressure required to activate that row of secondary function so to do this we are going to go into settings here and then we're going to tap onto accessibility and then in here we are going to scroll to where we find camera control there it is
and then here we have the ability to change how much pressure is going to be required to activate that secondary function whether you want that to be lighter or more firm again I think the default is a bit on the firm side so I set it to be lighter to make it quicker uh and easier to trigger and now let's jump into the photos app as this app has been completely overhauled compared to pretty much every year uh since we've had the iPhone and on first glance here you can see it looks very different uh
and is definitely a lot more cluttered than it was before so it's sort of divided into sections where you have your typical camera roll in the top half here and then beneath it you have the secondary uh sort of section with albums with your days uh pinned collections Etc and you have your media types all the way at the bottom here so like I said at first glance it is definitely quite cluttered and there's definitely a way to improve this app and make it more organized and better and of course to suit what your needs
are so to do this we're going to scroll all the way down at the bottom and here we have customize and reorder and this here I find super useful and I really recommend you do this as it's going to add a lot of functionality to the photos app and remove the things you don't want so as you can see we can go ahead and unselect or select however we please and we can also uh rearrange by tap and holding here on this little sand sandwich menu so let's say I prioritize media types I can bring
that right to the top and as you can see here if we go back now we have media types right at the top here easy to access if I want to quickly see all my videos for example my live photos so really I really recommend you do this uh as I say it's going to add some sense to this at first glance pretty messy uh layout here but once you f tune it I think it does allow you to quick access the things you want ooh this next one here is really cool and that is
having the ability to finally lock and then also hide applications on your phone so let me show you how to do this so first of all you want to find an application uh that you want to lock or hide uh let's say I'm going to choose tiny Gardens it's one of my guilty pleasures so what you can go ahead and do is press and hold on that or basically any application and now you can go ahead and require face ID so if I go ahead and tap on that as you can see it's now going
to require face ID to open that application so let me show you how this works first we'll tap on require face ID so as you can see if I go ahead and tap on the application it's now going to require face ID and then if I move into the camera there as you can see it will unlock and I can now access and use the application so really handy way to lock an application but of course we can take this one step further and actually hide the application as well so first of all let me
go ahead and don't require face ID there we go and then we're going to take the same application tap and hold and then again we'll tap on require face ID but this time we're going to tap on hide and require face face ID so if I go ahead and tap that authenticate once more there we go as you can see the application is Now hidden from my phone but of course it is not removed so where do you find it Well to find the application we're going to scroll all the way to the right to
your uh app Library that's what you're going to find at the end of all of your pages and we're going to scroll down to where we find hidden and as you can see it's very discrete it doesn't even show any icons and if we tap on that it's going to require face ID there we go and here are our hidden applications you can see I have my Monopoly uh Monopoly deal and then also my tiny Gardens if I go ahead and tap that once more it's going to require face ID and then we can launch
the app like so so this is a very good way if there are certain applications uh for privacy reasons that you want to hide this is the way to do it and for this next tip we're going to jump into Safari where I want to show you a really neat way to hide ads or any distracting items on your website so let's say here I have uh Mr Porter open and as you can see on the top here there's a prompt to download an app also things about cookies and shipping information right things that I
don't want to see and that kind of letter The Experience so what you can do is tap on this icon here to the left of the URL bar and then we can go ahead and tap on hide distracting items and then here we can simply tap to highlight a section of the screen tap on hide and I love that animation and as you can see it just instantly disappears from the page we can go ahead and tap done and as you can see we now have a much cleaner uh browsing experience giving you more screen
space on the article or the information that matters without the distractions and what is also neat is if I refresh the website as you can see it remembers that and then still chooses to hide those things we previously hid now I do want to clarify that this doesn't work for everything uh this only works for elements that are static so things that are permanent uh and then they will not change however uh certain Dynamic things like if say you have a video or something uh those will need to be refreshed every time but other than
that I find it to work for a lot of things particularly these prompts as you can see that websites these days have so many of and just creates for a a cleaner more pleasant browsing experience this next one is simple but super useful uh don't you hate it when your messages get filled with two Factor authentication codes while you're scrolling to find the actual person that you're looking for well there is a way to automatically delete those two Factor authentication codes once they have been used this is super useful so let me show you how
this is done uh so first we're going to jump into settings and then we're going to tap onto General and then from here we're going to scroll to where we find autofill and passwords and then here we have Verification codes and you want to turn on delete after you so next time you get a verification code a two-factor authentication code it's automatically going to delete it from your m messages to save you that hassle from having to read it as it won't show as a permanently read message unread message or just to clear up that
space and make it easier to find the messages that you want another useful uh but simple little tip here is uh earlier we looked at the action button here on the left side and of course this is normally set to change your phone between vibr vibrate and loud now typically if you have your phone set on silence you're going to find a little indicator in the top left of your screen now if you're like me I actually have my phone on silent pretty much always uh so I don't need that indicator to constant ly show
and a way to avoid or to turn that off is to go into settings and then we're going to scroll into sound and haptics and then here we have show and status bar you can turn this on or off as of course normally speaking by default this will be showing always uh if you have your phone on silent but again if you always have it on silent I really don't need to be reminded of that so I choose to turn this off and now I want to Circle back to battery so earlier we looked at
uh battery health saving features but of course a great way to preserve your battery over time and get more out of your battery is to well save battery life how you use your phone so now let me show you the top three there it is three battery saving uh tips that I have and the first has to do with mail more specifically how often your phone checks for emails as this is really going to eat up a lot of battery over time if you don't have these settings set right so let me show you what
I mean so if we jump into settings and then we are going to scroll down to where we find mail so we're going to go into Apps here and then scroll to where we find mail so under M there it is tap on mail and then here we can tap on mail accounts and this here is going to give you a list of all the accounts you have set to your phone but the important setting is here at the bottom where we have fetch new data so if we tap into that we can choose to
set this either to be manually hourly or every 30 or 15 minutes and that's going to determine how often your phone checks for new emails Now by default it may be set to 15 minutes which is very often and especially if you have several email accounts like I do this is going to really eat up a lot of battery over time as it's going to be working heavily in the background to constantly make sure your mailbox is up to date so if you want to save a little bit of battery The Best of Both Worlds
in my opinion is hourly that means the mailbox will be somewhat up to date uh but of course it won't be checking every 15 minutes alternatively you can also set it to manually which means it won't refresh your inbox unless you open the mail app yourself this is going to save most battery life but I again think The Sweet Spot uh is the hourly in the middle but again this is going to save you a lot of battery even hourly compared to every 15 minutes I was really surprised by how much battery this single setting
saved me and the next battery saving tip has to do with notifications more specifically auditing and fine-tuning your notification so you don't get too many as this is really important for two reasons first is for saving battery and second uh is for saving you distraction so what you want to do is go into settings then tap onto notifications and then scroll through the app list you see here to really look at each application and think does it need to be sending me notifications for example if I take a look at the App Store here if
I were to allow it you can see it can send me notifications to the lock screen give me banners Etc even make a noise and every time you get a notification your screen turns on your phone speaker uh goes off depending if you're not on silent and of course your phone vibrates too now if you're getting hundreds of notifications per day or 100 plus per day this is really going to eat up a lot of battery and if you can limit that down to say 50 uh or something like that it's going to make a
very big difference not to mention being pulled out of your work or whatever it is you're doing less with your phone uh giving you a useless notification so in my opinion uh it is really important to limit notifications and only allow notifications from apps that matter so you can see shopping apps I have most L uh turned off other things like utility apps most these I turn off as well the things I keep on are going to be certain social media apps certain messaging applications and perhaps a banking applications right these things I keep on
this way when my phone goes off I know it is something important and that was my camera charger sorry for the Noise Okay so once you have your notifications fine- tuned we're going to do a similar thing with the third tip that I have and that is going to be uh controlling the background app refresh so to do this we're going to tap into General and then we're going to scroll down here scroll to where we find background app refresh there it is and here just like notifications you want to scroll through the list of
applications and chances are uh probably all if not most of yours are going to be on by default as most applications are going to want to run in the background but many don't need to now I do want to preface that up here you do have the option to turn off background app refresh for all applications this is something I actually don't recommend as some applications do need to run in the background to give you the best experience like for example uh Maps applications right things that you do want to update in the background but
a lot of other applications again shopping apps certain games certain social media apps uh things like this don't need to be constantly running in the background so as you can see I probably have turned off half of my applications and this here too is going to save you a lot of battery so all three of those tips uh mail notifications as well as background app refresh are really going to add up to save you a lot of battery every day and I'm want to talk about the display so the iPhone 16s even 15s 14s all
come with excellent OLED displays which give you really high brightness great color reproduction and all of that um but unfortunately allet displays are prone to something called burning now burning can occur over time where certain imprints or pixels become permanently printed in your screen so for example you can have a clock or things like a keyboard permanently imprinted on your screen and there's no way to fix this other than buying a new display and this can happen over time with any olet displays including the ones that are in the new iPhone 16s and there are
some settings that you can set set to really protect your display and limit the chances of burning from occurring over time let me show you what these are so first what we're going to do is set the autolock timer so to do this we're going to go into settings and then scroll to where we find display and brightness and then in here we're going to scroll down to where we find auto lock now there's two things you want to avoid first of all you want to avoid never as this means that your screen is never
going to go to sleep and two of the things that can cause burnning are going to be being on a static screen for a long period of time and being on a high brightness so if you want to not have your screen be stuck on a static image for a long time set the autolock timer to any anywhere other than never personally I use one minute my personal phone also great for security by the way if say you ever leave your phone somewhere and it happens to be unlocked knowing that it will lock soon in
case you forget um but typically now for the video I have it set to five but normally I like to have it on 1 minute just make sure you avoid this never function and set it to 5 minutes instead and the next thing we can do to limit burning is to turn on auto brightness now this will be on by default but in case you've turned it off or accidentally turned it off or want to make sure that it is on you can double check this by going into settings and then we're going to tap
on to accessibility and then we're going to go into display and text size and then scroll all the way down here to where we find auto brightness now again because I'm filming I have this off but normally I always keep this on as like I said earlier uh if your phone is going to be on a static page for a long time plus High brightness those are the ways that you are going to produce or create rather uh burn in for your OLED display and to limit that from happening set the autolock timer to just
one or two minutes and to make sure to always have auto brightness on it's going to avoid your screen from running at a high brightness when it's not necessary plus both these settings also save battery right if your screen's not running when it needs to and not as bright when it needs to be that's going to save your battery too next I want to show you some really useful settings and tips and tricks within the messages app as with uh iOS 18 and more recent iPhone models we have a lot of functionality added to this
application so first of all uh what I want to show you is that you can now customize the text within a message so let's say I have a message WR drafted out here what I can do is select a word or a part of the message and then double tap it and tap on this little arrow here and we can tap onto text effects where we can now bold it we can underline it and we can even add animations if we like as well and as you can see this will then allow us uh to
have our message stand out a little bit or highlight specific Parts within the text something I think is quite useful now if I go ahead and copy this here uh and put this back into the text tool here we also have a really useful function something that I've been missing for a long time and that is the ability to now schedule messages within iMessages or really uh your messaging app so what you can do is we can go ahead and tap on the little plus sign on the left of your message and then we can
scroll down to where we find more as it may be found there uh for you if it is not then you want to scroll back up and there you'll find send later now if this function is set down here what you can do is go ahead and tap and hold and you can see you can drag this and rearrange so I have it set here to the top as is something I prefer to use and then we can go ahead and tap on that and as you can see we can now set the time for
when we want this message to send and if I go ahead and tap on send here you'll see that's now drafted to send at 9:00 p.m. today one of the things I really like about uh iMessages in particular is that when you're sending photos and videos is they don't compress uh for example applications like WhatsApp or uh or or or Facebook Messenger they're really going to compress your images and result in saving some data yes but it will also send a worse quality image where with iMessages you get the full resolution photo something I think
is really important especially when you're uh sharing important photos with loved ones however there is a setting you want to enable to make sure that you do send those full resol resolution or full quality photos so to do this in settings we're going to scroll to where we find apps and then we're going to scroll down to where we find messages there it is and then in here we're going to scroll all the way to the bottom and here we have lowquality image mode and you want to make sure that that is turned off and
when this is off we're going to be sending full resolution full quality images and videos in iMessage another useful feature that I want to show you in messages here is how to edit and also unsend messages after you've sent them so let's go ahead and paste that same same line back here in the message and let's go ahead and send that and as you can see the message has now been sent but let's say I want to change something after the fact or I've made a mistake what I can do is tap and hold on
that message and then here we can tap onto edit and as you can see this will then allow us to edit any portion of the message here so let's say instead of 15 minutes I'm going to switch it uh to 25 minutes or something like that we go ahead and tap on the tick mark as you can see that has now been sent and the little edited icon will be shown underneath now the other person will see that the message has been edited but won't see the edit history now I can take this one step
further and remove the message entirely by tap and holding on the message and then I can go ahead and tap on to undo send and as you can see the message will now disappear and like before the person will see that you've unsent a message but won't see what that message was and I think that's all the messages I'm going to send my wife and stop bothering her uh for this video now one thing you'll notice that was off in my messaging app previously is this and this is the predictive text row where as you
can see when you type it's going to automatically uh sort of give you suggestions for words that it thinks you're going to type next now in my experience I find this to be quite inconvenient as it doesn't get the uh the the suggestions right most of the time and I also find it to be too slow so I don't really use it but as you can see it does take up quite a lot of screen space so there is a way to actually turn this off and if you want to do so uh what we're
going to do is go into settings here and then we are going to scroll to where we find general and then we're going to tap on to keyboard and then in here we can go ahead and turn off predictive text that's the third menu there and as you can see that is now off and it gives you a much cleaner interface allowing more screen space for your messages uh and less here dedicated to the keyboard something that I personally like to turn off and then lastly here in the messages app I want to show you
two really useful uh keyboard tricks here so first of all we have the ability to turn on or off a one-handed keyboard so to do this we're going to tap and hold onto the globe or the emoji icon in the bottom left of your keyboard and then here as you can see we have the option to line the keyboard either to the left or to the right of the screen so let me show you what this looks like now I have it aligned to the left and as you can see it kind of scrunches the
keys a little bit together to the left here and that's going to make it easier to reach the other end of the keyboard with one thumb if say you only have one hand to type now this is especially useful for the pro Max and plus-size models but even on the regular iPhone 16 models or iPhone models this can be quite useful as well uh and we can go ahead and tap on the Arrow here to expand your keyboard once again and as you can see you can assign it to either side of the display depending
on if you're left-handed or right-handed now this next one is really useful if you are bilingual like myself and have multiple languages set to my keyboard you can see I have English as well as Dutch but as you can see it's now going to give you this new option which is going to combine both languages into one keyboard so if I go ahead and activate that you'll see that we have NL for Dutch and N for English and it's then automatically going to switch between the two languages depending on what you're typing this is super
useful if you're going from one person to another or one app from another going from different languages often like I do it's going to detect that and then change the language automatically with without you having to do so so to note that the bilingual keyboard is activated you just want to look for those two abbreviations there for those two languages seen on the bottom right of the space bar now I want to show you a series of settings as well as some tips and tricks to make the camera application even better so to do this
we're going to first jump into settings and then we're going to scroll to where we find camera there it is and then once we're in camera we're going to tap on to preserve settings right here and then in here we can choose to preserve certain settings that we' like so for example uh let's say you have set your creative controls your photographic Styles as well as your macro control and you don't want that to change every time you open and close the application you can go ahead and preserve these settings here this way they will
always be set this way same with live photo for example uh and they won't change every time you open and close the app next I want to show you how to unlock the full 48 megapixel mode for your camera now this will of course only apply to the iPhone 16s uh as well as the iPhone 15 Pros but if you have either of these models you will be able to unlock the full 48 megapixel mode of your camera in other words take the highest resolution possible photo uh with your camera as by default it's going
to shoot in either 12 or 24 megapixels not giving you that full resolution so to do this uh we're going to go back into settings here and then under the same camera app we're going to scroll to where we find formats here it is and then you want to turn on Pro raw and resolution control now once this is on we're going to open up the camera app here and then tap onto the camera application and then in the camera app you want to tap onto raw Max we're going to tap onto that as you
can see I will now be taking a full resolution 48 megapixel photo so if I go ahead and take a picture here of my desk and then we now show you here if we open up that picture scroll up and as you can see this is now going to be a 48 megapixel photo taking full advantage of your iPhone sensor getting you all that megapixels now I do want to mention that there are Pros as well as cons to shooting in 48 megapixels of course the pros are that you're going to get the best resolution
and the most detail in your photo so I think for special occasions uh this may be really great to use however at the same time these pictures will be larger than the default size so it will take up significantly more storage on your phone around two to three times more storage if you do take a lot of photos uh you may only want to use this for special occasions that's personally what I do and usually uh set it to the default 24 megapixels a quick feature that I also want to show you uh is now
in iOS 18 when you are recording video uh as you can see we now have the ability to pause the recording we can tap on the pause icon there the timer here will be paused until we continue it and as you can see that's going to continue as one clip this is great uh if say you're are shooting for social media and secondly if you are listening to music in the background that music will no longer be interrupted by recording video so let's say you have airpods in and you're playing music uh you can record
video without pausing your music now last thing I want to show you uh is we can also now change the playback speed of video uh right within the photos app this is for any footage that you've shot in either 60 frames per second or 120 so uh let me show you a quick example here you can see here I have a clip of me scrolling through the WEA we app and to change the playback speed we're going to tap on the edit button and then here you'll find a new icon in the top right here
that's going to be the retime icon and then here we can change the playback speed to either 50% or even as low as 20% so let's say 25% here and as you can see right now we're going to be playing in slow motion as you can see and that's then changed right within the photos app and then beneath that here we also have the ability to choose which part we want to play in slow motion so by uh shifting these little toggles around here on the left you can see I can make just this part
slow motion or have the entire clip uh play in slow motion as well so really cool to see this functionality right within the photos app and now I want to show you the new photographic Styles in some more detail as with iOS 18 for the iPhone 16 and 16 Pros we now have a large range of photographic styles to choose from that can also be customized much further so to activate this you want to tap on this I icon here in the top left this little dot here and as you can see that's going to
bring us into a secondary menu where we can scroll between a range of moods now moods are going to be more color grades where uh we also have undertones and undertones are more going to be color Corrections these are great for adjusting skin tones for example or smaller parts of the image where the moods are going to be a much more bigger overhaul but let's say we can go ahead and choose one so let's say we want this red purplish Hue we can also customize this further with this little pad here on the right so
we can actually change the values here and as you can see if I go ahead and scroll within my finger here with my finger within this little square we can actually change the uh color that is overlaid on the image and we can also change the Hue of that if I scroll and swipe uh this Bottom bar here beneath it and if we take a look at the values here between the tone color as well as the palette you'll see these adjust as I change these values so a really unique way to very quickly on
the Fly adjust and set the photographic styles to really match your style or if say you're out to an event or something you want to capture you want to have that consistent color you can set and create a photographic style that then applies to all of your photos and this brings me to the control center now the control center is a super useful way to quickly access system functionality on your phone and in iOS 18 uh it is completely different so as you can see control center is now brought or really broken down into three
main Pages we have the first page that looks somewhat familiar then we have your media page that is on the second page and then lastly we have your connectivity page to change things like your Bluetooth connectivity uh or set AirPlay mode and you can quickly toggle between these Pages by pressing or even scrolling on these little icons here that you find on the right now what I really like about the new control center is you can really customiz this much further so to do this we are going to tap on the little plus icon in
the top left and as you can see we can add a control so uh let's say I want to add uh let's say a scan the QR code as you can see that has now been added and what is also neat is we can also now resize controls so let's say I have this connectivity control here I can drag this out and as you can see I can make it bigger or I can make it smaller and this here allows you to prioritize different amounts of space to different controls and of course we can also
modify the different pages we can even add pages if we like as well and we can also drag controls around now a few of the ones that I really like to have that I suggest you add are going to be for screen recording to quickly record your screen uh I also like for example having the torch as well as this one here which I think is pretty unique uh and that is going to be for if you're prone to motion sickness or if say you use your phone in the car you can get a little
bit dizzy uh when the car turns this control here is going to add some sort of dot overlay on your phone I can only demo this when I'm in a car uh and it's going to sort of sway those dots in the direction of travel to help reduce motion sickness so I think that's a useful control to have there and I've also shifted my brightness and volume toggles to the left as opposed to the right as I am left-handed so that makes it easier to access uh if you're left-handed like me but all in all
I really encourage you to fine-tune your control center as you can see we now have a lot more functionality a lot more controls that you can add to it and again having the ability to resize them just allows you to prioritize more controls or certain controls over others to get the most functionality out of it okay this next part has to do with the App Store an application that you probably use often and with these settings you can make the experience so much better so I really encourage you to do this as well so to
do this we are going to close the app store and then we're going to jump uh into the settings app here and in here we're going to scroll down all the way to the bottom to where we find the app store and we're going to tap on that and there's a few settings here that I really suggest you change and first of all we have this automatic download section now first of all by default you're going to have app downloads turned on and what that's going to mean is if say you have another iOS device
like say uh an iPad or other iPhone even if you install an application on one of those devices it's automatically going to download on this phone as well this can be useful but also takes up a lot of storage and personally I have applications that I have on my iPad that I only really use on my iPad and vice versa on my iPhone so I don't need all applications to cross download uh between devices automatically so I turn this off and I suggest you do too now two things that I do recommend you turn on
are going to be app downloads or updates rather as well as your uh inapp content now it does the app updates overnight so typically when you're not using uh your phone is going to make sure that your app is always up to date and that you have the latest security patches and features uh while also not disrupting you as it does these updates overnight so it won't be during the day or anything like that so I suggest you keep these on as well and the same goes for inapp content if say you have a podcast
app you want to download the latest episode uh as well and then just beneath that we have the ability to turn on or off whether we want automatic downloads to happen over mobile data now this is something that I personally turn off is is going to save you a lot of data over time and also battery life I prefer to do these things when I'm say at home and this will apply here to updates and app content as well not just app downloads and then here we also have the ability to turn on or off
Ina ratings and reviews now I like to leave reviews for applications or ratings if I have feedback or if it's an app that I really enjoy but I don't like to be prompted to do so you know how you get that popup that says uh what do you think of this app please leave a review etc etc uh I just like to turn this off and this way the application will never be prompting you for that instead you can just do them uh if you ever want to but you won't be asked to do so
ooh and this last one is particularly handy and that is offload unused apps now this is a somewhat useful feature where if say you have an application on your phone uh that you don't use very often let's say I take this filmic Pro app here I don't really use it as often what it's going to do is then delete the application of your phone but then save the app data so where uh if you want to redownload the app you won't lose progress within that application or your settings for example but it will require you
to First redownload the application before you can open it now this will of course temporarily free up some storage on your iPhone that's why for people who are struggling uh with storage on their phone this may be useful to have but personally I don't like to be say on a flight or somewhere where I don't have Wi-Fi or 3G or 4G and then have the uh not have the ability to open an application just because it was offloaded in the background and me requiring to First redownload download it before I can open it so personally
I like to keep this feature off but again if you are tied on storage uh you may want to keep this on and this brings me to what I would consider to be the most important part of this video and that is to make your iPhone more private more secure and also enable those emergency and SOS features these are really important things that uh many people Overlook and I think are so so crucial so first let's take a look at making your iPhone more private to start let's F tune location services as so many applications
uh and functions on your phone are going to want to have your location but the reality is most don't need it so let's go ahead and go into settings here and then we are going to scroll to where we find privacy and security and then in here we're going to tap onto location services and right here there's a word you want to look for if you scrolling through this list of applications you want to make sure that you do not see the word always always basically implies that any application is going to always have access
to your location I'm going to pick a little bit on Instagram because they ask for a lot of things as you can see this can be said to always and this means that Instagram will always have access to your location even when you're not using the application now there's no app that needs to always have access to your location so therefore if you ever see the word always make sure you go in and change it to either while I'm using the app or next time I share or simply set it to never there are many
apps that just don't need your location you can see I have it turned off for several for example things like Shazam Shazam doesn't need to know where I am uh or other applications like I hate ironing that's a utilities application or other apps like that but most I have set to while using or when shareed so uh while using the application of course it's useful to know your location if say you are in a workout application uh or your find my application right but only while you're using the app and this too is going to
save battery as if you know you have applications constantly pinging your location that's going to take up battery as well and of course it's not very good for your privacy and security so really go through this list and make sure that all your applications are either set to never or to while using the application or when I share and then if we go ahead and go back from location services we also have tracking now let me go ahead and tap into that and here we go ahead and turn this off now you may have recognized
this popup uh if say you download an application from the App Store it's going to ask you to allow the app to track you across different Services different websites Etc and personally I always tap don't allow and if you go into tracking and turn this feature or this setting off here it's not even going to be able to ask you so this I think is great kind of like that inapp reviews that we looked at earlier uh in the App Store section it's just not going to be able to ask you to begin with so
you never have to worry about an app tracking you and next we're going to take a look at certain components of your phone and certain data on your phone and which applications have access to it and which ones don't and also how much of it they have access to so first let's start off with contacts and this is new in iOS 18 we actually have the ability to allow or disallow full access or some access to your contact so let's say you have certain groups of contacts I don't know work related ones or personal related
ones and you want to share specific groups with specific apps you can do that here as well for example if I tap onto WhatsApp here I can go ahead and limit the access or give it access to all of my contacts uh if I prefer so a great way again to ensure better privacy uh and then if we scroll down there's a few really really important ones uh like for example your uh actually photos I just wanted before I gloss over that photos is also really important where um many applications as you can see will
want to have full access to your photo library but most of them I have set to limit it so again let's take a look at Instagram here instead of giving it access to all 5,000 of my photos and videos I tap on limited access and this means that I only give it access to say photos that I choose to upload to Instagram as opposed to my whole Library uh the same goes here for other applications like eBay Lightroom even I set this all to limited accesses these apps don't need to have access to all of
my photos now now if we scroll down we also have things like your Bluetooth your camera as well as your microphone I'm not going to go through each of these but really I really suggest you to go through these by yourself and just look and see which applications want access to it so for example your microphone Google Maps wants my microphone I don't need that I don't think they need it so I turn that off Shazam I well Shazam of course is one that needs it to scan the music so some do need access but
a lot of them also don't and the same thing here goes for your camera uh as well as things like uh for example your wallet I really encourage you to go through all these I think some of the main ones are going to be your photos and of course uh your camera microphone uh Etc so uh great for privacy you just want to make sure that you scroll through these and that uh only access is given to apps and in a way that you are happy with and then lastly if we scroll all the way
to the bottom here we have analytics and improvements now I choose to turn all these off as this too is going to save you some data as well as battery as it's going to uh share cache data or log files with apple and while I'm sure that this is anonymous and relatively safe to do it is going to take battery and time and also storage so I suggest you just keep all this off it doesn't need to be shared just keep these things on your device and I want to show you how to enable the
emergency and SOS features on your iPhone or to make sure that they are all running as more recent iPhones particularly the 15 and 16s come with a lot of emergency SOS features that I think are really useful uh so in settings what you want to do is scroll to where we find emergency SOS and then here you want to make sure that call after serious crash is turned on now this here is Crash detection and this means that if your iPhone ever detects that you are in a car crash is going to prompt you on
screen to make sure you are okay and then if you are not it's then going to wait several seconds and then call Emergency Services on your behalf be able to then share the location with them and also ping your emergency contacts this can be life-saving in fact it has already saved uh several lives in the time that it's been out and you want to make sure that it is activated and this is where you do so here beneath that you can also set your emergency contacts and you want to make sure that this is up
to dat so make sure uh that those are all correct and then secondly here you also have the ability to uh allow to call Emergency Services with five presses of the sleep wake button now it is off here cuz I don't have a SIM card in my phone but this should be a feature that is possible to enable on your phone something that I do recommend and then lastly I want to show you how to enter lockdown mode on your phone so if we go ahead and tap and hold or press and hold rather the
volume up and the side button as you can see your phone will then vibrate and it's going to bring you to the power off menu but if I go ahead and cancel as you can see face ID will not work and it's going to require your passcode to unlock your phone so this is now officially in lock down mode and to bring it out of that you'll need to type in your passcode and now from privacy settings let's take a look at some essential security settings to change so first let's go ahead and jump into
settings here and then on the main page we are going to scroll down to where we find face ID and passcode and then here you want to type in your passcode and once we're in we want to first of all uh see what you want to allow face ID to do for example to unlock your phone or also to enable things like autofill passwords now personally I think face ID is very reliable and a very safe way uh to authenticate so I choose to turn all of these on if we scroll down here we also
have the ability to require face ID with require attention with face ID and this is going to be sort of an additional layer of security for face ID so something that I personally do uh like to have on so to uh briefly explain what this does if you have this off face ID is only going to require to see your face in order to authenticate however if you turn this on it's going to require not just your face but also for your eyes to make contact with your phone so it's going to require your Ace
your face and your eyes as opposed to just your face to unlock so it's just an additional layer that I suggest you turn on now the most important section of this menu here is if we scroll down and this is going to be this section here allow access when locked and this is something that so many people Overlook and don't have set up right and it is so crucial uh to get right so what I really recommend you do here is to first of all turn all of these off to begin with as so many
people I know friends and family and things have them on turn them all off to begin with and then manually go through what you want to be on now to clarify what this does um allow access when locked basically determines what your phone can do when it is locked now personally I don't want my phone to do much when it is locked as of course it is locked for a reason I don't want someone to be able to see my notifications or to access Siri to make a call or to ask a request or to
access things like my wallet or to plug in accessories like a computer for example that's why I turn all these off to begin with and then go through and turn on only the things that I allow so for example I allow for for example the lock screen widgets that's going to be to show the weather that's fine live activities that's for uh my activity ring for my Apple watch and I turn on the home control uh other than that I keep everything off and this is so crucial as of course your phone is locked for
a reason you don't want these things to be accessible as long as it is locked and lastly in this menu here we have the erase data setting now this is something that I recommend for most not for all so personally I have it on what this basically means is if your password is incorrectly typed 10 times in a row what it's going to do is is going to automatically erase all the data on your phone this means that when your phone is lost or stolen and no longer safe you at least know that your data
is now the only people that I wouldn't recommend turning this on for uh is if say one you are prone to forgetting the passcode on your phone uh and two if say you have I don't know young kids or something who are going to try and access your phone to play a game and then mistype the password enough times of course in that instance it can be quite inconvenient but uh otherwise I think this is really useful just for that extra Peace of Mind of course I do also have a back up uh with iCloud
something I really really recommend and I think of all the Apple Services uh this is the one that I recommend most paying for it's only a few dollars per month and we give you an always upto-date copy of all of your data in the cloud so having that as a backup this here is a great layer of additional security that I personally keep on and that's it congratulations for making it to the end of the video this is a very long one I certainly have some water ready for me here uh thank you so much
for watching this video if you did enjoy it be sure to leave a like and also subscribe to see more videos like this in in the future thanks again for watching and I'll see you in the next video take care