3 Disturbing True Neighbor Horror Stories (Volume 2)

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Mr. Nightmare
Here are three more tales about neighbors you don't want.. Volume 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v...
Video Transcript:
foreign I bought a vacation mobile home almost two months ago it's a complete Shack two small bedrooms a little living room kitchen and one bathroom it's simply meant as a nice peaceful place to come to escape the city either by myself or with my girlfriend if I ever get one the property has two acres so it's nice and roomy too and one of the main appeals is that it's only a 10 minute drive from a mountain that I like to go snowboarding at a few times a year my first time there I was decorating the
place with my family we all went to one of the local furniture outlets in the area and picked out a few couches we actually banged this all out in one weekend and thank God for my dad's pickup truck which made transporting all this stuff easy during all this back and forth from store to mobile home I guess the closest neighbor noticed all the commotion and he came over to greet us he introduced himself as Dale he was I guess what you'd expect from a local here he had a thick Hudson Valley accent and his dialect
and mannerisms were obviously different than I guess a city Folk are used to nevertheless he seemed nice at first we all introduced ourselves though I knew I'd really be the one needing to get to know him since this was my property after chatting with him for a while we tried to resume unloading and bringing Furniture into the home he lingered for a while just watching us my Dad tried to converse more with him here and there eventually though Dale said goodbye and walked back up the road to his home we left Sunday together and the
next time I went up there was two weeks later I went alone this time just to bring more stuff up like my snowboarding gear and set up the Wi-Fi I guess Dale saw my car pass by because soon after I got there he knocked on the open door and stepped inside and said hello I gave him a smile and told him to come in which she already was he told me the place was looking nice already then after some small talk he invited me over for a beer I said why not and followed him up
the road to his home which is also a mobile home maybe a little bigger than mine we then sat outside on his deck he grabbed me a Heineken from inside and sat across from me at the table so I tried to get to know him I started by asking how long he's been there he answered with 20 years too long I asked a few more questions and he had some similar pessimistic yet somewhat joking responses this kind of set the tone for the rest of the conversation so he started asking me questions like what brought
me here where exactly I was from Etc all the questions he didn't ask us two weeks earlier I told him I'm from Queens and that I wanted a place to escape and to snowboard I guess he didn't like my answer I don't think he started ranting about how a city Folk are coming in and ruining [ __ ] polluting the place and littering everywhere this turned into somewhat of a debate where I was trying to defend myself and other so-called city Folk I considered it a little debate until I saw how heated he was getting
and he started to actually raise his voice in his thick accent with his half-drank beer in his hand this spiraled so out of control that at one point he said word for word I don't know why y'all can't just stay where the [ __ ] you belong I stood up and with a smile on my face said okay I think I'm gonna head back now thank you for the beer he didn't say anything he just looked down at his beer as I walked away as I was like a hundred feet away from his home he
yelled out I'm sorry I looked back at him and gave him a thumbs up at the same time I was horrified that that's gonna be my neighbor here 20 years alone must have him losing his mind and maybe he doesn't know how to deal with people anymore that was the excuse I chalked up for him but that night while I was laying on the mattress I had on the floor watching a movie on my laptop I Heard a Voice from outside sounded like someone talking to themselves cursing to themselves I looked out the window but
I didn't see anyone out there it was just simply too dark out the property is big and it's mostly woods so you could imagine how freaked out I was hearing a voice out there the next day Dale knocked on my door again around midday I knew it was him because I heard him calling my name I didn't want to deal with him again I stayed in my room he had to have kept knocking for five minutes which in itself was weird and at one point he said I know you're in there your car is here
that freaked me out the guy is clearly not normal by my standards and he was already giving an early weird obsessive vibe he finally left or did he I continued on the rest of my day almost uncomfortable to go outside in fear he was out there nearby watching to see if I was actually home and ignoring him after dinner I started watching another movie on the TV through my phone and for the second night in a row I Heard a Voice outside even over the TV I had to turn off the TV to look outside
couldn't see anything so I went out to the deck and flicked on the deck light I saw Dale standing about five feet into the woods arms flat at his sides for a second before he could react to the light and then he ran into the woods I went back inside and considered calling 9-1-1 I called my dad and long story short he said hold off on doing that because once I call 9-1-1 on the neighbor here is the day I don't want to show my face here anymore I tried to just sleep through the night
tomorrow I'd leave and go home for a month within an hour of me laying on the mattress I heard Dale outside screaming an angry voice silly piece of [ __ ] I know you're in there leave no one wants you here he sounded like he was in a drunken fit of rage but this was officially the moment I realized my neighbor there is a complete psychopath and he may be the reason why I got this home at such a good price I went home the next day and taking my valuables back home with me I
haven't been back there since but you better believe the next time I go there it'll be with my whole family if he keeps it up cops will be called at this moment I'm not really sure what to do but I'm considering trying to sell this place if this keeps up because at the moment I'm actually scared to go up there alone my family and I used to live in a rough neighborhood when I was seven even the neighbor on one side was a total creep and wasn't friendly at all I don't personally remember much of
the story because I was way too young but my mom remembers it all too well it was a regular night like any other which makes this that much scarier it was just my mom my two siblings and I at home my dad was gone on a business trip as he would be often that night around midnight someone started knocking on our door my mom woke up and went to the front door and asked who it was no one answered she thought that maybe it was some kids playing ding dong ditch so she went back to
bed about 30 minutes later again someone starts knocking she gets up and peers through the side window to see if she can spot anyone out there but nobody is there in any other neighborhood this would just be assumed to be annoying kids doing some night ding dong ditching but in this area you could never assume anything but the worst my mom started to worry so she went back to her room and grabbed my dad's shotgun and then she sat in the living room in the dark waiting during all this she never woke any of us
up as we are all little kids at the time and she didn't want to panic us again while she was in the living room now there was more knocking she gets up to peer through the window again expecting to see someone new but still no one my mom began shouting at whoever it is that she's gonna call the cops and that if anyone tries to come in she would shoot them this threat a legitimate threat mind you apparently worked because that was the last of the knocking at some time between then and the police showing
up my mom woke us just to be safe in the case that something bad happens at about two in the morning the police finally show up and do a quick search outside of her house while we waited inside after their search they come in and tell my mom that they had found a piece of barbed wire about four feet long next to the front door and asked if it belonged to my mom she said it wasn't hers and asked why the cop told her it belonged to whoever was knocking on the door and that they
were likely planning on strangling my mom with the barbed wire when she opened the door to see who was knocking they said that she was very smart to not open the door to see who was there otherwise it could have cost her her life the cops said they'd Patrol the neighborhood until morning and do a thorough investigation once there was Daylight that morning as they were searching around the house they found Footprints leading around to the back of the house leading to my bedroom window they had also found Nicks in the window seal where the
person was trying to pry open the window to break in but failed my mom always suspected it was this one neighbor because on several occasions she would catch him staring into our house at her through his curtains and he was incredibly creepy and unfriendly all around he also would be the first one to know when my dad wasn't home since he knew what vehicle he drives not long after that we moved out of that neighborhood thank God [Music] we had a new neighbor move in recently which at first I was completely okay with because we
never really got along with our old neighbors but boy do I miss them now so it was a few months back that we saw a new van in the driveway next door no moving trucks or nothing though we didn't see anyone moving in furniture or anything at all it was kind of weird to be friendly my wife and I decided to go knock on the door to introduce ourselves but no one opened the door which was also weird because their car was in the driveway we figured it wasn't a big deal for all we knew
they were in the shower or sleeping or something so our bedroom is upstairs and at one of our windows we can see into the neighbor's backyard the house next door has a detached garage in the backyard the new neighbors van wasn't in the driveway all day then all of a sudden when my wife and I were reading in bed we heard the garage next door open up naturally we were curious to look out the window and see if we could catch a peek at what the man looks like we creased the blinds a bit to
look out there and there he was this middle-aged looking guy in a white T-shirt and jeans the motion light over his garage was on so that's how we saw him he was bringing boxes from his van into his garage we stopped spying before it got weird a few days passed and his car wasn't in the driveway at all until one night we heard his garage door open again every so often on this one night we would hear some weird scraping sounds coming from out in his garage and then occasional bangs and such probably from him
dropping boxes in the garage but what really didn't make sense was that metallic scraping sound that wouldn't stop I went over to the window to look out again this time he caught me staring he looked up at my window and I felt incredibly awkward I walked away from the window and seconds later I heard him close the garage door I told my wife I'm going to go out there and say hi that's the only way I figured I could redeem the awkwardness I just created I went outside in my shorts and t-shirt and went over
next door to the driveway but the man was in his van with the engine running already and I think when he saw me he backed out of the driveway really fast then he disappeared down the street Into the Night the whole thing was incredibly weird and I was getting the vibe he was avoiding us now I was a bit curious now what exactly was going on with all the scraping Sounds by his garage I walked into his backyard to the garage door and something was making noise in there I kept hearing thumping sounds he had
to have an animal in there or something then I heard my wife's voice call my name from our window and she asked what the hell I was doing I looked at her and put my finger to my lip I tried to open his garage but it was locked that was enough snooping I walked back to our house and back to bed later that night I woke up to my wife shaking me Whispering that she heard our backyard gate open I told her to stop messing with me because she was freaking me out but she said
she swear she heard it I had to be the man of the house and go out there and look first I took a look out the window lights in the neighbor's yard were off and our yard was too dark to see anything I went downstairs and took a look out the front door the neighbor's van was in the driveway he was home I went to the backyard now and turned on the lights as I did I heard someone running away to the side of the house then the backyard gate slam shut I was horrified but
I made myself angry and chased after them I ran to the gate and then to the front of the house then to the street I was the only one out there and I felt as though I was being watched from any possible Direction I went back inside the house told my wife that someone was indeed in the yard but I didn't see them she asked me if I thought it was the neighbor I told her I honestly don't know but the next day I went to the neighbor two doors down Gene and asked him if
he had met the new guy yet he said no but that he'd keep being awoken to sounds late at night coming from his garage I told him about how someone snuck into our yard the night before and he found that equally freaky and weird we agreed to text each other and go over together the next time we'd hear weird noises to finally meet this guy so the next day was Saturday as I was opening all the living room blinds in the morning I saw that it was like the first or second time that the neighbor's
car was in the driveway during the day then I looked at his house at one of the windows there he was standing stiff as a statue looking at me as if you were waiting for me to open the blinds I expected him to look away but he just locked eyes unbroken eye contact for a solid 20 seconds I waved because I didn't know what else to do when he didn't wave back or even crack half a smile I started calling for my wife and when I got her I told her to look out the window
but by then he was no longer standing at the window I said to hell with it at this point and went next door again with my wife and knocked on the door and rang the bell I felt knocking is a bit more assertive I heard one loud slam from inside the house but he never came to the door this was the last straw I went over to Jean's house again and when he opened the door he asked me if I saw his texts yet I said no and I also didn't have my phone on me
so he told me that last night he heard a muffled crying sound from outside in the new guy's Direction and he texted me about it Gene came out with me to knock on the neighbor's door one more time and once again no answer we all by this point including Gene's wife and my wife knew something is seriously off here the next day the van was gone again and it's been almost two weeks and the van hasn't returned we don't know where he went we don't know if or when he's coming back past few nights either
my wife or I wake up in the middle of the night thinking we hear noises outside and when we go to the window to see if the vans in the driveway next door it's not it's crazy none of us even know the guy's name and we're still trying to put the pieces together because one night I heard something definitely alive in that garage making noises and then another night Gene heard what he thought to be a muffled crying obviously he'll most likely be back but I don't think any of us are looking forward to it
and maybe for peace of mind you should anonymously report him
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