The Most Convincing Time Traveller Story

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Tune in for the most convincing time traveller stories... of all time! Suggest a topic here to be tu...
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I've uncovered compelling evidence that back in 2006 a genuine time traveler appeared from all the way back in the 1950s and he's not the only one to claim such a miraculous feat so start up your Tardis and get ready for a mind-bending look at some of the most convincing and bizarre Tales of time travel I could find the man from ke before we jump in let me just set something straight time travel is 100% definitely possible there I said it how do I know this well according to Albert Einstein's theory of relativity time and space
are intrinsically linked and the faster you travel the slower you experience time but don't take his word for it scientists tested the theory by putting one clock on a fast-moving airplane and another on the the ground after the plane completed a trip they compared the two the clock in the plane ended up slightly behind the one on the ground wa this doesn't mean we've got the technology to jump hundreds of years into the future right now but it sure makes you think doesn't it and with that in mind let me tell you the remarkable case
of Sergey panamarenko April 2006 in the Ukrainian city of keev a man dressed in an old-timey outfit carrying a Retro Camera was spot Ed wandering the streets looking utterly confused the mysterious stranger stumbled around for a while seemingly in shock before bumping into a couple of police officers nervously he asked them for directions only the place he asked about no longer existed then he followed up with a question that would make their head spin what year is it he asked again and again growing tired of his incessant ramblings the policeman arrested the strange man on
the spot sometime later our enigmatic gentleman was sat in police custody being questioned he identified himself as one Sergey pamaro and claimed he was from the year 1958 what obviously the cops didn't believe him but then he handed him his ID and things got much much weirder the identification had been issued by the Soviet Union which Ukraine hadn't been a part of since 1991 15 years before but Sergey looked no older than 30 and the birth date on the ID card read 1932 something was very very wrong well according to Serge he'd been on a
walk with his fiance Valentina kurish when he noticed a strange bell-shaped object in the sky mesmerized he grabbed his camera and took a snapshot of the erratically flying object only immediately after the flash he found himself transported forward in time to the same spot in 2006 and that's when the officers had found him well safe to say they were having none of it and Sergey was sent to a psychiatrist for a proper evaluation now his claims definitely sound crazy but did he have any proof well actually yeah Sergey psychiatrist dror COV took his camera and
called a photography expert in to see if there really were any photos of this strange bell-shaped object on there first off the camera itself was found to be totally authentically vintage secondly the film inside was in near perfect condition despite being so old that it couldn't easily be developed with contemporary technology indeed it had gone out of production Back in 1970 and when the guy did manage to develop the film he was even more flabbergasted the photos were indeed of ke in the 1950s one showed Sergey posing in the same outfit he was arrested in
another with a young woman and another of there it was the infamous Bell was telling the truth was he really a time traveler to find out COV brought him in for yet another interview he slid the photos across the table and asked him to explain them Sergey simply glanced at them and said see I told you so he went on to say that he had no idea what the strange bell-shaped UFO could have been or what happened to him he simply reiterated that he took the photo wound up in the future and had literally no
clue what was going on unable to get anything more out of him the psychiatrist sent Sergey back to his room at the clinic and well that was it he was never seen again that's right chucked you a curveball there didn't I Sergey was confirmed via CCTV to have returned to his room as normal but once inside he completely vanished seriously the door never opened again yet bars on the window should have made Escape impossible regardless when he was next checked up on he was gone man a time traveler and a magician what next well now
the police had a missing person case on their hands in an effort to learn more about the mysterious character they looked up old records from Soviet era Ukraine lo and behold there had been a Sergey panamarenko living in the country at the time and he'd been declared missing in 1960 rather than 1958 but the coincidence was still very spooky at a dead end but determined to find answers the officers decided to look up sergey's supposed fiance Valentina cish some hardcore sleuthing later they couldn't believe their eyes when they eventually located just such a woman it
was time to pay her a visit after knocking on the door they watched with amazement as a 70-year-old woman answered could it really be her she explained that her fiance Sergey did go missing in 1958 but that he'd returned to her a few days later saying he'd seen into the future it was her apparently Sergey had become a bit of a local celebrity and after his time Jump telling stories of future Tech he spied during his trip but he didn't stick around forever he vanished again in the 1970s this time never to return following this
reveal Valentina provided the investigators with some new photos one of which supposedly showed Sergey stood in keev in the year 2050 check out the skyline that's way more advanced than it is in present day man this guy sure got around was that where he went when he disappeared for good if so how did Valentina get hold of the photo or did he time travel more than twice how had he even time traveled in the first place where was he now he could literally be anywhere hundreds or even thousands of years into the future oh my
head hurts so the mystery was never solved Sergey was never seen again and the story became legendary so legendary that it was even featured on a Ukrainian TV show named aliens where the events were recreated that's where that CCTV footage came from but that leaves us with a question where's all the actual evidence the CCTV footage the photo of his ID card the photo of Sergey from 2050 shock horror they were all just Recreations and not even particularly convincing ones this CCTV feed displays the date Wednesday 23rd April 2006 but if you check that date
it was actually a Sunday the real footage is suspiciously nowhere to be found as well as this the ID card has several inaccuracies and as for that image of Sergey in 2050 well several of the skyscrapers are just cloned through Photoshop but hold on they were only ever supposed to be Recreations right so this crazy tale could still be true technically yes but there's a chance the Ukrainian show didn't recreate the events at all and actually just invented the whole Affair and presented it as fact they're not exactly the most reputable source and any real
evidence for the story is yet to show up it's all smoken mirrors and in all honesty though we just don't know maybe we never will but what do you think is this the single most convincing time travel story ever or is it just an urban legend blown way out of proportion let me know in the comments below thought that was the only tail I'd had for you did you ha get a load of this a wartime Wonder in 1935 a British Air Marshall named Sir Robert Victor gutter and yes that is a real photo of
him this time was out on a routine flying Mission but it would wind up being anything but routine SE Godard was traveling from Scotland back to his home Bas in Andover England and while soaring back home he flew over a derc a base near dram this once bustling military station had long ago been converted into farmland and was now overgrown and largely abandoned while he was glancing at the hangers below Gard was shocked to see a storm rolling in out of nowhere but not just any storm oh no these clouds were an otherworldly brown and
yellow color with Violet winds blowing from within them in an instant Goddard lost control of his plane and plummeted down through the clouds but the faster he cared through them the deeper he seemed to go eventually he emerged panick and sweating but very much alive managing to wrestle back control of the plane he found himself face to face once again with the air base only this time things were a little different it wasn't so abandoned what in fact far from the dereli field he'd seen before there now was a fully functioning Air Base bursting with
activity and workers assembling strange planes that Gard had never seen before the planes were yellow not the color of RAF planes and the pilots were blue overalls rather than the standard issue Brown where had he gone when had he gone then Gard was abruptly flung into to another tumultuous storm cloud and emerged back at home base seemingly everything was normal again bewildered and in shock he told everyone he could about the incredible experience years passed and gard's story became well known but why would anybody Believe It Well by 1939 something wild happened the airbase near
DM was renovated and Not only was it back in action but yellow planes and blue overalls became the raf's norm wo everything that Godard saw came true so back in 1935 had he briefly jumped forward in time the pilot himself claims he must have flown through a time slip which is kind of like a blip in SpaceTime that can send you to another point in history if that sounds unbelievable it's because it is and many people reckon he was either hallucinating or made the whole thing up for attention but me I'm not too sure it's
doubtful an RAF pilot would make silly things up like that let alone one as celebrated and respected as Victor Goddard a random hallucination seems equally unlikely and how do you explain what he saw actually coming true simple coincidence H Gard went on to become a firm believer in the Paranormal and he even wound up writing books on the subject I have to say whether what he saw was real or not I do believe he at least thought it was now I can't guarantee I'll be able to help you time travel but I can guarantee you
a good time why not drop a like And subscribe to the channel today that way you'll never miss out on another crazy video just like this one all done awesome let's dive back in the time Authority now there's been a whole host of people who have claimed to be the very first time traveler captured on film but this next guy known under the pseudonym as ziga verto has actually developed a following of True Believers and a YouTube interview from 2014 he shared his story okay so how long just give me a general sense is your
future from now I'm from the 30th but that's all I'm going to tell you I'm operating a little bit under the radar here because there are plenty of people who don't approve of fraternizing with historic citizens by the 30th he's referring to the century he's from so around The Year 3,000 unfortunately he doesn't confirm if they live underwater but goes on to say he can see his identity during the interview to keep off the radar of an organization called the time Authority now stick with me here according to vertov the time Authority is incredibly powerful
and works to ensure Time Travelers and Ordinary People don't change the set path of History to achieve this they can wipe your memory or even trap you in a Perpetual cell while a clone is sent out to replace you yesh so if he can be believed vertov risked a lot to do the interview but why well it wasn't for anything positive that's for sure they came with a warning your children and great-grandchildren will certainly see catastrophe ah nice apparently in the near future Society will collapse and money will cease to exist however vertov also assured
us that eventually will'll rebuild and learn how to harness Limitless resources oh okay then the interviewer was understandably skeptical of these claims especially when our future friend refused to offer any proof vertov didn't exactly take this skep iism well though and stormed off set never to be seen again that he jump back into his time machine and decide the past wasn't worth revisiting we may never know but you only have to glance at the comments to see how many people are certain he was the genuine article I'll be honest I'm skeptical without proof it's hard
to believe anything this man said but then again would bringing proof have altered the timeline and angered the so-called time Authority perhaps I'm more interested in why his language and pattern of speech doesn't appear to be any different to ours despite Living 10 centuries in the future yeah jury's out on this one a very long nap ever heard a story of a coma patient waking up and being Amazed by how much the world has changed well as crazy as it must be to wake up 20 years later Paul Amadeus Dino can one up that feat
in 1921 he fell into a coma only to wake up in the year 3906 holy cow how's that for time travel right so a little background Dino was a Swiss teacher born in 1884 he fell madly in love with a woman who ended up leaving him for a rich man sending him into a deep depression then in 1917 he was diagnosed with incilius lethargica the sleeping disease man can this guy catch a break because of the disease he found himself randomly falling unconscious for long periods of time culminating in the infamous coma of 1921 this
time when dinak awoke he was in a hospital but one completely unlike the Zurich Hospital he'd been comos in and the location wasn't the only thing that had changed he was in a completely different body D found himself inhabiting the form of a physicist named Andreas noram who was recovering from an accident Dino and northam's body couldn't understand the language that the hospital staff spoke but could see past events through northam's memories because of this he learned that he was in the year 3906 and that after our time violence poverty and overpopulation had crippled Humanity
to the point a catastrophic nuclear war had broken out but it got better in the aftermath our species rebuilt under a new world government one with true equality and prosperity then it got really weird strange spiritual entities visited Earth and brought Enlightenment to humanity humans even learned how to control the chemicals in our bodies sounds pretty Fantastical but we are talking almost 2,000 years into the future here it's safe to say that after centuries of turmoil the world of 3906 was essentially a Utopia he people only worked for 2 years and then retired think of
all the free time I'd have to Mor dance while living in the future Dak fell in love with a woman who he believed was The Reincarnation of his lost love but it wasn't to last forever finally after a year of utopia yeah he suddenly awoke back in the year 1922 that must have been a culture shock being an intellectual DC didn't tell anybody about his experience for fear of being called crazy so how did we ever find out well after he awoke he wrote all of his experiences down in a diary then moved to Greece
and started teaching there while there he passed on the diary to his favorite student George papazis for him to read over despite being told never to share the work however papazi ended up betraying his teacher and Publishing it in 1972 wow whether you agree with his decision or not we'd never have heard about it otherwise which is precisely the problem some claimed that papazis had actually just written a work of fiction and framed it as fact for publicity in which case wait for it Dino was never real just a literary device and sure enough there
are no records of dino ever actually existing indeed photo commonly associated with the guy was found to just be a criminal from New Zealand pretty sus right others think that Dino did exist and he did have that wild experience but it wasn't time travel it was just an incredibly Vivid dream coma patients have been known to have these Larger than Life dreams so it's not outside the realm of possibility but what about the more interesting option could Dino have actually seen the World of Tomorrow did he even exist I guess there's only one one way
to find out wait and see if his predictions start coming true we might be waiting a while though future photo okay we might need to be wearing our tinfoil hats for this next one back in 2018 a man named Alexander Smith appeared in a handful of videos on the YouTube channel Apex TV and he had a confession can you guess Alex claimed he was a time traveler okay maybe that wasn't the hardest guess supposedly the CIA had sent him on a top secret mission back in 1981 when he had to travel through time to the
year 218 what that mission was exactly he was tight lipped about but when he returned the CIA weren't happy The Traveler claimed he had to go into hiding and they've been hunting him down ever since but I'm living in hiding they aren going to fight me yes I did tell my family about the story but only after I said it on video recording okay so what do we have to go on here other than his word well Smith produced a photo from his pocket that it was apparently a copy of one confiscated from him by
the CIA see when he was in 201118 he'd snap the futuristic cityscape at least that's what he says that pick is far too blurry to really see anything of not regardless he claimed that he'd been sitting on this evidence since way back in the 80s as he didn't think the world was ready to see it no idea why he thought 2018 of all years was the right time but whatever he went on to urge Humanity to deal with climate change implying he'd seen a future where it ravaged the globe H wouldn't you want to tell
people that as soon as possible rather than hanging around I don't know though that photo doesn't look like it depicts a ravaged City not that you can tell of course supposedly it's only blurry though because that's what happens when you travel through time sure it is bud on top of that the guy does a constantly wavering American accent that I'm wholly unconvinced by this picture was the city I walked in I'll never forget when I took that picture it was right outside the yeah that alongside that weird mask thing he's wearing and I think it's
pretty safe to say old Alexander was just a chancer looking for his 15 minutes of fame unless that's just what happened to your face when you travel through time of course sorry but I just had to include this for the sheer hilarity of it bu skill man away sinkhole if you thought time traveling through your dreams was wacky buckle your seat belts in a 2006 documentary a Swedish fell named hakan nist regaled the world with his own insane time travel experience supposedly one day he' noticed a leak underneath his sink so he rly grabbed his
tools and got to work as he reached in to fix it however he was confused to find the back of the sink seemed to move away from him as if by Magic further and further he reached until he realized he'd have to crawl under it to get to the Leaky spot so down he went but suddenly a blinding white light erupted from out of nowhere and rapidly engulfed him when it faded away hakan wasn't in the kitchen anymore our guy was now outside and somebody was standing in front of him someone he recognized with a
Lurch in his stomach aan realized he was staring at himself only an older version this other hem was delighted to see his former self and although young hakan was incredibly confused the duo quickly got to chatting knowing nobody would believe him the younger man took his cell phone out and filmed the interaction yep they even had matching tattoos at after having the time of his life though hakan had to return to his own time to share his story and since the documentary first aired it's been causing a stir on the internet ever since with many
people utterly convinced only is everything as it seems in the dock he never actually says how he returned H and it seems pretty convenient that the footage we have is just blurry enough that you can't properly make out the future Fella's face doesn't it true cell phone cameras were pretty poor back then but he could have got a better angle what's more Skeptics were quick to point out that the matching tattoos both look far too fresh wouldn't the older mans be more worn well these are all valid questions because it was eventually revealed that this
whole thing was just one big publicity stunt oh man yep it was run by insurance company AMF for their pension plans because I don't know nothing sells Insurance like Time Travelers I guess don't worry I'm confused too mysterious messages you wouldn't have thought it but back in 1984 a Dusty old Cottage in the English Village of doston was about to play host to one of the wildest accounts of time travel I've ever heard teacher Ken Webster was living there with his girlfriend Debbie and their long-term guest Nicola they were renovating the property when they noticed
some strange six-toed footprints on the floor and walls dismissing it as a prank they ignored the odd Footprints but things got weirder inexplicable cold spots started appearing throughout the cottage the trio noticed strange Shadows flickering across the walls and on several occasions they walked into a room to find tens of cat food stacked neatly in a pyramid okay doing their best to ignore the strange happenings they soldiered on until one day everything changed Ken was teaching at a local school and managed to get permission to bring a then state-of-the-art computer back with him excitedly he
booted it up and was shocked to see strange text appearing on the screen it was some kind of creepy poem about nightmares and withering flowers But Ken couldn't make much sense of it and it didn't stop there before long a second even weirder message appeared this one was written in an old dialect and directly accused Webster of stealing the house from them it was enigmatically signed LW at first Ken thought it must have been some kind of prank but remember this was 1984 when the internet was supremely primitive and Ken's computer wasn't connected to any
network so it couldn't have been on a whim Kim tentatively typed a message to LW back and Incredibly he got a response and another and another slowly surely LW and Ken got to know each other LW was actually called Lucas and he claimed to be living in the 1500s which explains the dialect on the same plot of land that Ken's Cottage now occupied it was Lucas that had been CAU cusing the weird activity before through some kind of time slip in order to try and get Ken's attention what's more Lucas eventually revealed that he'd also
been talking to a mysterious third party who claimed to be from the year 2109 okay now my head's spinning this man from the future had apparently traveled to the past and brought Lucas a Liams boyy which translates to box of Lights could this be the computer he was using to communicate with Ken to confuse matters further Lucas then admitted his real name was actually Thomas and he'd been going under a moniker because the man from 2109 had ordered him to jeez still following and give yourself a pat on the back eventually the man from 2109
joined the conversation as well and told Ken that he and Thomas were part of a secret experiment that would change the course of history okay by revealing his real name however Thomas had potentially ruined the grand plan what that plan was we may never know in his final correspondence Thomas told Ken he'd been accused of Witchcraft and was being forced from his land I'd Hazard a guess owning a futuristic computer hadn't done him any favors regardless he had the time to thank Ken for his friendship and promised to write a book on the events before
stashing it somewhere for him to find later 2109 confirmed that one day the book would indeed be discovered before Vanishing shortly afterwards never to return that's super creepy and convoluted but is there any trth through it the whole thing sounds like a load of baloney right well the account of events is from Ken himself who wrote a book about it called the vertical plane H Ken definitely profited from this so there'd certainly be motive to fake it but upon analyzing the messages from Thomas English teacher Peter trender concluded the vocabulary used was authentic to 1540s
ches Shire and that they were there 100% genuine other academics have disagreed with this pointing out various inconsistencies with the language that may point to it being a hoax despite this we can never truly know and can remain steadfast that many of the messages came through and nobody was in the house to be able to fake them Thomas's promised book however remains unfound now I'm on the fence with this one I want it to be real I really do but until we get some more concrete proof I'll leave it up to you to decide and
with that I've had about all the timy wamy tales I can take which of those incredible accounts did you think was most believable let me know down in the comments below and thanks for watching [Music]
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