[Music] SpongeBob's house has always fascinated me it's one of the cosiest homes I've ever seen in a TV show and ever since a kid I wanted to live there it's one of those cartoon houses with like way too much space inside which is a concept that also fascinates me I've talked about probably the rarest room in SpongeBob's house before which is his garage but there is another room that is so interesting SpongeBob's library is a very mysterious room that confuses me a lot and today we're going to talk about it hey so to be honest
I had kind of forgotten about my promise to talk about SpongeBob's library that I made in my video about this garage but now that video is starting to blow up kind of um and I get tons of new comments on it showing that it's just not me who's interested in this stuff about the show also for everyone saying that like houses usually come with a garage they usually come with floor as well and they are usually made out of something that's not pineapple SpongeBob's library has appeared more in the show than his garage but it's
still a location we do not know much about over the course of the show it has appeared in 19 episodes which sounds like a lot until you think about the fact that there's like 500 episodes altogether but I was still surprised myself at the number 19 episodes maybe we should know more about SpongeBob's library and hopefully we will after this video cuz I mean we are talking about SpongeBob's Library so the library first appeared back in season 1 in the iconic episode barding school or I don't know how iconic it is maybe it Blends in
a lot with the 50 other boarding school episodes but this one is probably my favorite of all of them so SpongeBob has failed his driving test for the first time on screen definitely not the first time in this world he is really sad about it and talks to Patrick on a walkie-talkie who tells him to get out of bed and get to his closet for a surprise very interestingly SpongeBob then goes through this door right here and slide down to the library so not only do we know that SpongeBob for some reason has a closet
in his library of all places but also that to get to the library you go through this door that's in his bedroom just the aesthetic of this shot in the library is amazing like there's just such a vibe to this room I at the closet listen carefully what's pink and square at the same time I don't know Patrick Patrick scin SpongeBob sits down in this chair which means you know there's a chair in the library it's interesting though that SpongeBob's closet here has a lot of his pants cuz if I'm not mistaken they are usually
somewhere else Patrick spends the rest of the episode in the library but we don't get much more of like a view of it it's season one so not a lot of wide shots or anything however we do see that Patrick read SpongeBob's diary in here proving that SpongeBob indeed has books in his Library groundbreaking stuff I'm coming up with here the next episode we get to see SpongeBob's library in is uh SS SpongeBob's dumbass leaves his fridge open and it freees his whole house including his Library it's really nice here cuz we get another view
of it we see stuff in here that is actually going to be used in future episodes keep in mind that the piano was here already in season 1 then there's this shell fireplace which looks really cool and then this hilarious painting of SpongeBob back here or is that maybe some ancestor or something cuz a self-portrait doesn't feel like something SpongeBob would have really we know someone else who loves self-portraits though Squidward bird's house deep dive in a future episode maybe now just to clarify uh the scene in sleepy time where SpongeBob goes into Gary's dream
is of Gary in a different Library there might be some similarities you know books but it's pretty clear this is another place the library appears one more time in season 1 which is in the last episode mban Man and Barnacle Boy 2 but here we just see a bookshelf as mbin man and barn boy are helping SpongeBob in here then moving on to season 2 SpongeBob's Library appears in the first episode something smells making it technically appear in back toback episodes which is kind of crazy SpongeBob um thinks he's ugly and Retreats to his library
to play his piano or is it an organ anyway it was here in season 1 already like I said so that's cool it's being used snow once there was an ugly barnacle he was so ugly that everyone died the end this is probably the best library scene of the whole show if that means anything I like this episode so much it's just hilarious that didn't help at all just do what I do when I have problems scream then we move on to season 3 where we see a new chair in the library in new student
starf is then we are on to post movie SpongeBob already yeah like I said it's not in a lot of episodes in season 4S uh have you seen this snail uh when Gary has ran away we get this very sad but very beautiful detail shot of SpongeBob listening to the garcom Home song in the library and it looks to be the same chair from New Student Starfish and we see SpongeBob sitting in this chair in the thing as well interestingly looking out of a window that's on the bookshelf that's just classic SpongeBob logic right there
season 5 is the first season to not feature SpongeBob's Library literally unwatchable moving on to season 6 we got nautical no how do you pronounce that novice uh where SpongeBob is going to a boing museum with his boating school class and want to impress Mrs Puff by knowing stuff about boats so he goes into his library to find this book about the history of boating interestingly in this episode just like every single one since boarding school there is no slide in here which of course prompts the question of how he gets into here if there
is no longer a slide from his bedroom so there got to be some other way next we got groom and Gary where SpongeBob goes looking for Gary to take him to the pet show and finds him in the library it's nice that the piano SL organ is still here and this room does seem to look very similar from episode to episode Where's the slide though here we see a jellyfish painting in what I first thought was a different part of the library but then we see the Conch fireplace is right there so SpongeBob just replaced
the self-portrait with the jellyfish painting but now we got some important stuff in Shell Shocked this episode starts with SpongeBob w W up to a crash sound and being scared uh going to investigate and he goes through the door in his bedroom and there we got the slide again for the first time since season 1 it's back and that means we know that this is still like a valid way to get to the library but then something interesting happens he goes through this door here that seems to be this takes him to the staircase that
leads down to the bottom floor this is very interesting just because that's not usually how it works I think this staircase usually leads to his bedroom I'm pretty sure and not the library unless it's like two different staircases and if SpongeBob's bedroom is on the top floor then he goes through the slide to get to the library like going one floor down and then now there's a staircase to get to the bottom floor that would mean his house actually has three floors and this is confirmed in a YouTube video on the official SpongeBob Channel which
shows every room of the house from this video we know that there are three floors in SpongeBob's house with the library on the second floor and the bedroom on the third floor in single cell anniversary we get the fourth appearance of SpongeBob's library in season 6 in this episode Plankton seeks help from from SpongeBob to help impress Karen on their anniversary or more so to get the formula that she has stolen and won't give him but they end up in the library anyway this scene does not give us much of a view of the library
since it's very zoomed in only cutting from this angle of SpongeBob in the chair and Plankton on the floor moving on to season 7 we have everyone's favorite episode a pal for Gary when SpongeBob's uh new pet goes crazy and chases Gary for the house they end up in the library where we first get a nice shot showing the yellowfish painting the organ and a window in a bookshelf I'm just really proud of U the show when they keep stuff that don't matter to the plot of the episode especially with the new episode it feels
like they spawn in Old items in random places as references but here this room looks pretty much the same as it did six seasons ago which is great CU you know they are referencing not referencing but they like using old episodes as references for how stuff looks something important here also is that SpongeBob is sleeping in his bedroom so he's not hearing them and Gary was on the bottom floor before ending up in the library um so unless like they like rampaged through SpongeBob's bedroom they probably didn't go through the slide and instead um you
know went through that uh staircase we saw saw in Shell Shocked the library catches on fire as Puffy Fluffy that's the name right goes crazy in there and we get the return of SpongeBob's closet in the library and at the top there it kind of looks like a hatch is that how you get up on the roof maybe but that doesn't make sense since it's like above this would not be the roof it would be um his bedroom right and then the slide is here as well SpongeBob's library is surprisingly consistent to tie it all
together Gary runs into the garage which is an appearance I think I didn't mention in that video and then a bit later SpongeBob walks down through the slide to see the destruction we see a new version of the library in inside job when Plankton goes into SpongeBob's brain which is organized like his house and then there is like a one shot appearance of the library in Yours Mine and mine when SpongeBob opens the door to the slide in his bedroom and we see that we can see if we like zoom in that um I mean
when he opens the door we see the that that's the library you know but we knew that already then we got season 8 which only has one appearance of the library which is in glove world rip this episode actually starts in the library we got the season one self-portrait painting back and now a statue as well it's really only here to get destroyed when this carts from glove world uh burst through the wall here we also see multiple windows or I don't know if it's too multiple matter of fact what does multiple mean like more
than one or does it have something to do with being like multipliable or something anyway I want to know where these windows like lead like where is he looking out at from his Library we know one of them probably points towards his neighbors at least from the thing but the other ones new no library in season 9 but in season 10 we have sports where after getting a bunch of sport equipment Pat and sponge go to the library to try and figure out how to use it and we get a more high quality view of
the SpongeBob painting still not sure if it's him or another sponge he has a mustache but I mean it's a painting and everything is still here as well then we get to season 11 with the episode library cards and this is intriguing cuz we got an entire episode set in the library Patrick enters SpongeBob's house and walks up the stairs that we have seen in Shell Shocked and he meets SpongeBob at the top he asks what this secret room is and SpongeBob says it's not the secret room but it's Library um I mean you can't
really blame Patrick for not remembering stuff I guess his whole thing is being stupid and he of course doesn't even know what a library is we cut to them in the library uh uh do I know how to pronounce that word I feel weird every time saying it like library library anyway the windows in the bookshelf are still here um one of them kind of works as a lamp but I guess that could be just like Sunshine coming in Patrick consumes a lot of knowledge by reading a lot of books which changes the infrastructure of
his brain as all the new words need space in there unfortunately this means his head has gotten so big that he can't fit into the door that leads to the staircase they try all sorts of stuff but nothing works resulting in them having to make Patrick stupid again to shrink his brain and SpongeBob sucks out all of the words to get them back into the books and like restoring everything back to normal sadly we didn't really learn anything new about the library here since pretty much every frame was just them in front of a bookshelf
then in season 12 we got swamp mates which starts with SpongeBob uh reading Gary a bedtime story in the library funnily enough here the statue that was destroyed in glove world RP is back and he still got the sponge on the wall but once again the scenes of the library are all in the like same angle as usual so we still don't know what's unlike the other side I think in the season 14 episode friendiversary we get the return of the slide which I think is the first time in what is that like seven seasons
which is great but we still don't know how the library looks in like full view we do kind of get that in one of the SpongeBob video games um which is a Battle for Bikini Bottom rehydrated you get to like the library through a door in SpongeBob's bedroom but here is just like it's round and there is like bookshelves on every side uh so there's no like there's no slide there's no items in here um so really not much to take away from here so what does this all mean um that SpongeBob has a library