there is considerable controversy surrounding the subject of ghosts ghost sightings and what they truly represent some people believe that ghosts are human Spirits wandering the Earth While others think they are spiritual forces operating in the Earthly realm regardless the Bible is our guide on every subject matter and we will establish from scripture what ghosts really are and how they operate indeed the reality of ghost sightings has been a topic almost universally acknowledged if you haven't seen a ghost you've likely heard stories from those who claim to have read books recounting ghost Tales or watched TV
shows featuring Ghost Stories the topic of ghosts is becoming increasingly mainstream as evidenced by their frequent portrayal in movies and TV shows it's important that we understand this subject from a Biblical perspective the definitions and explanations many people offer about ghosts are not always accurate nor do they always align with scripture in folklore a ghost is described as the soul or Spirit of a deceased person or animal that appears to the living instances of houses haunted by ghosts becoming terrifying places to live are commonly reported there are also cases where ghosts appear in areas where
significant tragedies occurred in the past leading to loss of human lives these ghosts are often believe to be the spirits of The Departed however we cannot accept this as true until it is scripturally validated what exactly is the Christian perspective on ghosts does the Bible mention them I once heard a preacher perfectly Define a ghost as a demon that has learned to imitate a person after studying what the Bible says about ghosts I believe this definition to be accurate ghosts are demons don't be misled into thinking they are The Souls of the deceased Hebrews 9:27
States and as it is appointed unto men once to die but after this the Judgment this scripture indicates that after death the next step is Judgment a person does not have the option to return and haunt The Living upon death a person is immediately in the presence of God Ecclesiastes 12:7 reinforces this saying then shall the dust return to the Earth as it was and the spirit shall return turn unto God who gave [Music] it people do not wander after they have passed on they don't linger around nor do they have the power to avenge
themselves Additionally the devil does not have the power to bring forth the dead brothers and sisters Satan is a powerful being with immense resources but his power has limits one of the things he cannot do is bring the dead back in any way shape or form I believe ghost sightings are nothing more than demonic sight sightings so when I encounter well-meaning people who say they saw their loved ones as ghosts or saw a ghost I do believe them however I know that what they saw and what they encountered is not what they think it is
a demonic Spirit remember the Devil is a master of deception his very nature is deception deception runs in the very blood of Satan 2 Corinthians 11:14 States and no Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of Light a young couple whom my parents used to Pastor came to tell us about their encounter with ghosts the wife had recently lost her mother and understandably this was a very difficult time for her as the months passed her mother who had passed on kept visiting her in her dreams according to her she found an extraordinary amount
of Peace in this however every time she had this visitation her husband would experience terrible sleep paralysis he would be fully conscious of his surroundings but unable to move or wake up and he would see a ghostly figure in the room this happened several times without both of them realizing that the husband's sleep paralysis only occurred when his wife had these visitations from her mother the husband sleep paralysis episodes became more and more threatening to the point that he feared going to sleep not knowing when the next episode would happen sometimes weeks would pass with
no negative experience but he was tired of living in constant fear of going to sleep and never being able to wake up out of desperation he sought my parents who are pastors he gave his life to the Lord and they began to teach him in the things of the Lord and about spiritual warfare so the next time his wife had the visitation and he experienced sleep paralysis it was as if that ghostly figure was shutting his mouth but in the struggle he managed to whisper only Whisper In The Name of Jesus when he said that
the wife also woke up from her dream to realize that her visitations were not actually dreams but were real she then saw who she thought was her loved one turn into a dark figure and disappear the couple began to put two and two together and this is how they noticed that her visitations only happened when he had his sleep paralysis there are numerous encounters where people have witnessed ghosts and these apparitions have disappeared or fled At The Mention Of The Name of Jesus this supports the notion that they are indeed demonic spirits the B repeatedly
warns us about unclean evil spirits seducing spirits and even familiar spirits these Spirits exist on Earth some have even possessed humans and dictated their lives the Bible shows that it is unclean spirits that wander the Earth not the spirits of the Dead in Matthew 12: 43:45 it is written when the unclean spirit is gone out of a man he walketh through Dry places seeking rest and findeth none then he saith I will return into my house from whence I came out and when he is come he findeth it empty swept and garnished then goeth he
and taketh with himself seven other Spirits more wicked than himself and they enter in and dwell there and the last state of that man is worse than the first even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation in the era we live in we often grossly underestimate the involvement of the devil and his army on this Earth the Bible frequently references people being being possessed by familiar spirits demons are spirits so when they possess a person that person begins to act under the influence of these demons and is said to be possessed by a
familiar Spirit acts 161618 relates to this and it came to pass as we went to prayer a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us which brought her Masters much gain by sooth saying the same followed Paul and us and cried saying these men are the Servants of the most high God which show unto us the way of Salvation and this did she many days but Paul being grieved turned and said to the spirit I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her and he came out the same
hour this young lady was prophesying to people through a familiar Spirit it was the demon inside her that gave her insights into people's private lives and Paul had to cast out the demon there are only two sources of spirits on Earth good holy spirits and Unholy spirits ghosts do not come from God so we as children of God should not associate with them in any form or fashion there is no such thing as a friendly ghost or a good ghost if a person dies his or her spirit returns to God immediately and does not have
the ability to wander on earth when Jesus was on the cross he told one of the criminals crucified beside him that he would be with him in Paradise that same day Jesus was referring to the man's Soul and Spirit not his body this indicates that at death a human soul and spirit is expected to return to God any ghost irrespective of its shape size or resemblance is a demon therefore we should never believe that the ghosts of people roam about the Earth it is demons that roam the Earth not human ghosts moreover we are not
to live in fear because demons are real yes they are real but they do not have power over us a True Believer cannot be possed possessed by demons also in the case of ghost sightings we should not be afraid you have the name of Jesus and at the name of Jesus every knee will bow John 10:10 the thief cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly the devil's goal is to sneak into people's lives and wreak
havoc by stealing killing and destroying he doesn't have anything positive to offer despite appearances sometimes what he presents might seem good or enjoyable but his true aim is always harm he constantly looks for ways to infiltrate our lives and carry out his evil plans today we'll explore five areas where the devil tries to gain entry into our lives area number one your heart Proverbs 4:23 states keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of Life the devil understands that whatever impacts your heart will influence your entire life he knows that
the heart is at the core of human existence everything we do and say mirrors the state of our heart Luke 6:45 a good man out of the good Treasure of his heart brings forth good and an evil man out of the evil Treasure of his heart brings forth evil for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks the devil seeks to infiltrate our hearts because he knows that whatever dominates our our hearts will dictate our entire lives if our hearts are tainted or corrupted we cannot live in a way that pleases God or
leads to a fulfilling life that's why it's crucial to protect our hearts diligently we must take responsibility for guarding our hearts and the most effective way to do this is by inviting the Holy Spirit to dwell within us in Luke 10: 27 Jesus said Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all all thy strength and with all thy mind and thy neighbor as thyself don't allow the devil any opportunity to gain a foothold in your heart instead dedicate all your heart soul strength and mind
to loving God completely for every believer the essence of life is found in loving God his goodness faithfulness loving kindness and Tender Mercies are the heartbeat of our existence area number two your worries Philippians 4:6 says do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to God worries have a way of pulling your attention away from God making your problems appear bigger and making it harder to feel God's presence when we worry it tends to trigger fear but the Bible assures us that fear isn't something
God gives us fear often shows up when we overthink things like automatically assuming the worst or misunderstanding what others say which only adds to our stress this tendency to overthink can snowball feeding into irrational fears and worries what exactly is overthinking well it's in the name overthinking means thinking too much when you think excessively instead of taking action you're overthinking when you dwell on situations beyond your control you're overthinking when you repeatedly analyze ruminate and revisit the same thoughts without action you're overthinking overthinking can lead to depression anxiety and inability to progress and compromised emotional
well-being the more you try to suppress these thoughts the more entrenched you become in a cycle creating a mental prison that isolates you in darkness Helen odesi a clinical psychologist based in Chicago offers Insight people often mistake overthinking for problem solving says odesi author of stop anxiety from stopping you but what usually happens is we just spin in circles she adds we're not actually resolving anything overthinking stems from uncertainty because we feel uncertain about the future we keep trying to solve problems in our minds explains David carbonel so let's be clear overthinking isn't problem solving
it isn't critical thinking and it isn't planning ahead allowing overthinking into our lives yields negative outcomes worrying leads to depression and worrying stems from overthinking when something negative occurs our minds immediately jump to the worst case scenario creating a spiral of pessimistic thoughts the human mind has a tendency to fixate on the worst possible outcomes spiraling into a Vortex of escalating negative scenarios what exactly is overthinking well it's in the name overthinking isn't limited to unbelievers it's a struggle that many Christians face perhaps more than you realize it starts with the question what if leading
to a Cascade of worrying thoughts what what if this happens what if that happens reflect on how many times these what ifs you've dwelt upon never actually materialized you may have even forgotten many of them because they never came to pass in my experience those with vivid imaginations often wrestle with overthinking and the devil targets these individuals with intrusive thoughts pulling their focus away from God in Jesus Christ so are you overthinking are you consumed by worry first and foremost we must acknowledge that God is sov and in control we need not live in Perpetual
fear and anxiety because the devil has an ousted God from his throne no one can God still Reigns orchestrating our steps what you must do is stop overthinking dwelling on the same thoughts repeatedly leads nowhere instead focus on God and Trust in his control you may not control the situation and that's okay release that burden although you're not in charge you have a loving and caring ing God who is Romans 8:28 reassures us that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose even in seemingly dire
circumstances God has a remarkable way of turning things around he is faithful beyond measure the word of God commands us not to be anxious but that we present our requests to God with Thanksgiving Matthew 6 verse 26 behold the fowls of the air for they sow not neither do they reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly father Feth them are you not much better than they the first step is to shift your focus away from worries and onto the actions of birds they don't plant seeds or harvest crops yet Jesus instructs us to observe
them and draw a lesson he isn't suggesting that food miraculously appears for birds or that our bills will be paid by simply watching them instead he invites us to learn from their Carefree nature Jesus doesn't imply that birds are lazy they actively search for food wherever it may be which is their form of work Birds diligently seek out sustenance knowing that if they venture out they will find it they don't fret about tomorrow's Provisions because they trust that food will be available when they need it they exemplify a life free from worry relying on God's
provision Jesus encourages us to emulate their faith filled lifestyle consider these remarkable creatures they live without worry peacefully resting in their nests Jesus urges us to adopt a similar mindset stop worrying about tomorrow instead wake up each day and trust that God has already prepared everything you need just as God provides for the birds he will care for us his beloved Creations don't concern yourself with the uncertainties of Tomorrow trust that your heavenly father will provide remember birds are merely creations of God's spoken word while you are intricately crafted by his own hands you are
infinitely more valuable than these birds so let go of worry and Trust in God's faithful provision the second thing that Jesus told us to do to overcome worry is in Matthew 6:33 but seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you Proverbs 3: 5-6 trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He Shall direct thy paths area number three is your thought Life 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5 for though we walk in the
flesh we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our Warfare are not carnal But Mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every High thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to The Obedience of Christ this passage highlights an ongoing battle a spiritual warfare for control over our hearts through our thoughts we're urged to seize every thought that tries to elevate itself above Christ the Bible teaches that the devil can implant thoughts in our minds a reality we've all experienced
imagine if every passing thought were vocalized we'd likely have no friends or family left our minds are constantly bombarded by thoughts striving to overshadow the knowledge of Christ Jesus yet we have the power to reject these intrusive thoughts and anything that opposes God's truth truth we must be vigilant about our thoughts because they shape our actions which in turn shape our habits and character therefore it's crucial to guard our minds against thoughts that contradict God's truth area number four your speech 1 Corinthians 15:33 be not deceived evil Communications corrupt good manners awake to righteousness and
sin not for some have not the knowledge of God Satan seeks to corrupt your communication he Delights in vulgar language speech that tears others down and cursing it's worth recognizing the immense power of our words with our mouths we can either build someone up or tear them down bless or curse them the devil understands the potency of our confessions Proverbs 18: 211 emphasizes the significance of our words stating that life and death lie in the power of the tongue therefore we must awaken to righteousness our thoughts and words should uplift and glorify God edifying those
around us rather than tearing them down the final area we are going to talk about is your body 1 Corinthians 6: 18 20 says flee fornication every sin that a man doeth is without the body but he that committeth fornication sinth against his own body what know you not that your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which you have of God and and ye are not your own for ye are bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are Gods our bodies are
sacred vessels belonging to God intended to manifest his glory on Earth yet Satan desires to corrupt them for his own purposes