MATRIZ GUT (Resolva Problemas que Importam) | Exemplo Prático

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MATRIZ GUT (Resolva Problemas que Importam) | Exemplo Prático ⏰ Conheça o Método Único e Simples de...
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1. Lack of understanding of the ROI (Return on Investment) of your campaigns marketing: 3. Coffee machine showing constant defects 1.
WHAT IS THE GUT MATRIX In short, it is about GUT Matrix This tool is one of the most used for We hope you like it! And if you want to learn more about setting up and managing your own 2. DEFINE THE GUT CRITERIA Now, you need to classify each Finally, a trend represents the growth potential of a given problem.
In other words, they are the deadlines that need to be respected to solve the problems. strategic planning. So it is a great solution for your action plan.
a tool that serves to prioritize certain strategies and tasks. Also, Now that we have defined the scores for each criterion of the GUT Matrix, we need to calculate qualitatively or quantitatively. Like financial, staff, quality of work or delivery, Severity 3 Urgency 3 Severity 4 Urgency 4 change dramatically from one day to the next.
And it's just that way . And that's why it needs to be prioritized. Then the next priority would be to prioritize tasks and issues.
business, visit our Youtube channel, we have several videos on this subject, ok? GUT item. That is, Severity, Urgency and Trend on a scale of 1 to 5.
Where: So, if you want to know him better, we have a very complete video about him. If you want Trend 2 The classification According to the GUT Matrix, here need to be considered those if the situation worsens too much over time. Here's a question that can help you understand Trend 4 In this case, you need to have it For sure, it helps a lot to identify aspects of risk for your business.
Thus, urgencies accumulate in companies. 3. 04 SURE STEPS TO APPLY IN YOUR PROBLEM-SOLVING BUSINESS .
It is very useful because all the end result for every problem. To do this, just multiply the score it was made in this way because understanding the ROI of marketing campaigns is very important. And if you liked it, share this video with your friends and family to help them too!
customer satisfaction, anyway. For example: if you have a problem , pay attention and solve it now. ASAP.
Because if the coffee machine breaks, problems that have non-negotiable deadlines. For example, your team realizes that it doesn't solve the ROI issue of marketing campaigns. And, finally, to resolve the issue by watching it, just click on this button up here or on the link we leave in the description.
SEVERITY (G) 1 = nothing major this is: if the problem is not resolved now, will it get worse quickly or will it stay stable? create a very solid foundation for making the right decisions. And of course, achieve great results!
businesses have all kinds of problems. And often they don't know where to start. If you want to prepare even more, download our free e-book now with the 11 key questions of the three criteria of each problem.
In other words, multiply the Mainly score to see if the strategies are working. As well as the funds being optimized. COMPANY THE RIGHT WAY 1.
LIST THE PROBLEMS in an equipment responsible for the manufacture of a product, your company will not be able to have items from the old decoration of the store. 4. DEVELOP THE ACTION PLAN 2 = little serious 3 = serious Did you see how the GUT Matrix is ​​very simple to use?
At the same time, it will not be possible to make the customers' coffees. Therefore, sales would not be possible. will be able to complete a project on the agreed date.
And if you don't deliver, you'll lose your biggest customer. 4 = very serious 5 = extremely serious First, start by listing all problems. To try to make it clearer, Gravity with that of Urgency and Tendency.
So, considering our example So, understand now what the GUT Matrix is, how it works and how to apply it in So, that's where the GUT Matrix comes in. She classifies each problem on three criteria: Severity, to find out if you are ready to start a business of your own or not. Let's leave the link in In other words, here you need to understand what can happen if a problem is not .
Soon, your revenue and profit will decrease significantly. However, it is not something that serious because the movement of the store is good. Therefore, it is essential to fix the machine now so you don't have problems selling.
And, above all, very efficient and powerful to understand which problems we should prioritize and solve first. URGENCY (U) 1 = you can wait for Or, if you don't pay a certain tax or fee by the stipulated date, a download here in the description of this video, okay? And don't forget to subscribe to this channel and stay let's use a coffee shop as an example.
In this case, we will only list 3 problems for the cafeteria, we would have the following scenario: 1. Lack of understanding of ROI (Return on your company in the right way in 04 Sure Steps. And with examples in practice!
2 = little urgent 3 = urgent , your action plan to solve each one of them deserves quick attention . In this way, after being able to classify solved quickly. That is, the aggravation that it can cause over time.
Now, if you need to hire collaborators to improve the quality of work of your business, Urgency and Trend. So, taking the first 3 letters of these criteria, the acronym GUT is formed. The tendency is not to get worse overnight.
Since the cafeteria is doing well in sales. Frustrated. Why recover dissatisfied customers with the inside of all our news on how to set up and manage your own business.
And if your company can be fined a huge amount. This is a big gravity too . , focus where it really matters.
Optimizing Time and Investment) of your marketing campaigns. (Severity) 3 X (Urgency) 3 X (Trend) 2 = 18 4 = very urgent, must be a priority 5 = very urgent and urgent, need You want to receive tips and information to set up your own business. make it simpler for your understanding.
However, here it is necessary to list all the problems of your problems, now it is possible to understand the importance ranking of each one of them. For example, your company has older equipment. However, 2.
Coffee shop decor a little old Gravity 2 energy on issues that really require attention. If you can, leave your like to help this channel. A hug and see you next!
brand is often a very difficult task. An important point is that criteria are which is already high. That can wait a while.
Although it is important if it is delayed, In these two examples, there is quite considerable gravity. From this classification, it will be possible to identify which issue or problem will need as was done in the previous step. In short, a plan of action is a working tool , only you've noticed that it's having some minor flaws.
However, 2. Coffee shop decor a little dated (Severity) 2 X (Urgency) 2 X (Trend) 2 = 8 Immediate Action TREND (T) business. Literally all right?
So, even the problems, the GUT Matrix can be worked on in your personal life as well. It will bring Now, on the other hand, we can cite this example. Your company Urgência 2 Trend 2 well private.
That is, depending on each person/team, area of ​​activity, time of this decision will not significantly affect your company. That is, it will not have such consequences as 1 = it will maintain stability 2 = it will get worse in the long term faced by the cafeteria would be: 1. Lack of understanding of the ROI (Return On The notes here were these because the store decoration still works.
That is, is not So subscribe to this channel and stay on top of everything to be prioritized. And which ones you can expect. In addition, the process is composed of the steps that outlines and defines actions necessary to achieve certain goals.
As well as its production continues to be delivered. Suddenly, you realize that a part needs to negotiate with some suppliers to try a more advantageous purchase. incredible results, believe me!
And just to recap what we said here: you need to know to open your own company. 3 = it will get worse in the medium term 4 = it will get worse in the short term To try to make this matter clear to you, we are going to address the following points: company, objective and business strategies, in short. very coherent, Investment) of your marketing campaigns.
2. Coffee shop decor a little old , harming the image of the coffee shop. At the same time, if it does not change now, serious if it is not resolved in the short term.
Did you notice the difference? is well worn out. And, if it is not changed, your equipment may stop However, there is a good deadline to close this negotiation.
In this case, gravity pointing out schedule and deadlines, responsible for each task, financial and human resources needed 3. Coffee machine showing constant defects in analysis, identification and decision. 2.
HOW IT WORKS 1. WHAT IS GUT MATRIX 2. HOW IT WORKS 5 = it will get worse immediately So, considering our coffee shop example, (Severity) 4 X (Urgency) 4 X (Trend) 4 = 64 In this way, we can understand That is why it is up to each person in charge or company to define the severity of each item.
But this 1. WHAT IS GUT MATRIX 2. HOW IT WORKS 0:00:48.
240,1193:02:47. 295 the coffee machine constantly malfunctioning is the main problem of the coffee shop. the movement will not decrease because of this.
So, the trend is that this can be a 0:00:49. 080,1193:02:47. 295 3.
04 RIGHT STEPS TO APPLY IN YOUR COMPANY THE RIGHT WAY 0:00:49. 140,1193:02:47. 295 3.
Coffee machine showing constant defects 0:00:49. 230,1193:02:47. 295 befitting and rational at this time.
3. CALCULATE THE GRADES AND CLASSIFY THE PROBLEMS As we said, the GUT matrix is ​​formed by 3 elements: Severity, Urgency and Tendency. to work.
Which would cause your entire production process to be interrupted. is not as high as those of the examples we cited earlier. Since there is a margin of and also monitoring of results.
It is a widely used model because it is very 3. 04 RIGHT STEPS TO APPLY TO YOUR COMPANY THE RIGHT WAY 0:00:52. 500,1193:02:47.
295 we can classify it as follows: Problems: 0:00:53. 580,1193:02: 47,295 a little worse only in the long term, when the current decoration, which is already old, gets even older. We'll explain later, okay?
URGENCY (U): Therefore, the tendency of this problem not to be solved represents a SEVERITY (G): It represents the impact and intensity 0:00:55. 260,1193:02:47. 295 to be worked on.
TREND (T): 0:00:56. 130,1193:02:47. 295 practical and effective is the 5W2H.
Which offers one of the most complete approaches in terms of 0:00:56. 520,1193:02:47. 295 All this with lots of examples combined?
So let's go! 0:00:56. 940,1193:02:47.
295 From the same point of view, the Urgency criterion represents the time factor. At 0:00:58. 380,1193:02:47.
295 great negative potential for your business. So depending on the type, the scenario can 0:00:59. 040,1193:02:47.
295 what each problem can cause or generate if not resolved.
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