Black Myth Wukong Story & Mythology Explained

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Black Myth Wukong Story & Mythology Explained. This video explains the story, ending, & mythology of...
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this video will explain the story of black myth wuk Kong I'll not only be talking about its story and multiple endings but even delving into its original Source material Journey to the West to provide some extra context as always like the video if you enjoy and subscribe if you're new feel free to check out my other Story related videos here on the channel such as the story explanation videos like this or ones that are more in-depth and have more analysis to them also if you'd like to support the channel you can do so via patreon
for as little as a dollar a month Link in the description without further Ado let's get started so Blackmouth Wukong is based on the ancient Chinese novel Journey to the West I should clarify that while I have read the novel I am certainly no expert the translation by Anthony Yu was the version I read which seems to be a well respected version of the original that said Journey to the West is an extremely complicated story to understand and dissect especially if you're not familiar with it so there is a high chance I will get something
wrong in fact this video is a revised version of a previous video I deleted because I made a few mistakes in that one so if there are things I get incorrect or parts of the story you want to expand on feel free to do so in the comments in regards to the actual story blackm Wukong immediately switches things up by stating that the game takes place after a Journey to the West during the intro so Muk Kong is seen assaulting the heavens within this cut scene he Nam drops Tang Monk and pig two beings He
travel with to the west and Wukong achieving Buddah hood is casually mentioned in conversation which is one of the last things that happens in the novel since this is the case I'd like to take some time to summarize the entire 100 Chapter chapter epic in about 2 minutes while the novel has four main characters somu Kong is the one that gets special attention throughout the story at the start he is nothing more than a stone monkey for four or so chapters he would establish his power as The Monkey King which was enough to draw the
attention of the heavens he was given a title while up there among the clouds but while somok Kong was happy with it at first he soon came to realize that the title he was given was the lowest in heaven with his only role being to tend the horses feeling disrespected he caused the Ruckus In Heaven and then eventually declares himself to be the Great Sage equal to heaven the Jade Emperor was not too pleased to hear that so mukong not only left the heavens but now claims that he alone is just as powerful as them
so he sent a bunch of soldiers and commanders to capture him but some Wukong managed to defeat them all only once the Buddha appeared was he finally subdued in place under a large mountain for 500 years towards the end of his imprisonment a being named tathagata wanted to send a bundle of scriptures to the east to spread the words of Buddhism to do so a monk from the East would Journey to the West to where they are grab the scriptures and then return home Eastward the bodh zva Guan Yin was tasked with seeking out their
monk as well as providing him with a few Guardians to protect him it's been told that if a demon eats this monk they can gain immortality so he's on the most wanted list the name of this Monk Is Tang xan sang but other versions of the novel including the one I read call him tripataka four Guardians were then selected to protect him shiau Jing Zub the white dragon horse and of course son wuk Kong the point of these four joining tripitaka is so that they can go down the path of Buddha and reflect on their
habits and actions Zub used to be a marshall of the Heavenly reads in the Heavenly River but he got too drunk one day and tried to seduce the goddess of the moon the Jade Emperor had taken notice and beat him over the head with a mallet 2,000 times that was of course before he banished him to the Mortal realm his Spirit then lingered on looking for the next body to be reincarnated into but ended up getting lost and found its way into the womb of an old Pig which is how he was born with both
Pig and human features shiau Jing similarly was a curtain raising General who served the Jade Ember but he carelessly broke a crystal cup at one of the festivals now some versions of the text claimed that the cup was actually a goblet and others claimed that it was in a fit of rage and not an accident but the Jade Emperor gave him 800 lashings as punishment and sent him out of the heavens each of them went against the Jade Emperor and continues to go against the teachings of Buddha throughout the chapters but during this journey they
learn the ways of Buddhism and do it points reflect on their actions Zub baji for instance is caught in the early chapters feasting on Travelers but during their Journey he becomes vegetarian throughout their Journey the game will only eat vegetarian meals one of the tendons of Buddhism is that of non-violence or to deal as little harm as possible in some schools of Buddhism eating the meat of an animal is considered violence or doing harm to the animal so they opt to be vegetarian instead chapters 98 through 100 are where they finally reach the west and
yet despite having to go back the same way they came for 84 chapters they get it done in one as they're airlifted using clouds the journey itself is more important than the destination while the end goal is to spread the teachings of Buddhism it's mainly a test for our four characters to see if they will stay faithful to the teachings of Buddhism and honor its tenants when they do finally arrive the scriptures are given out and copied and the Gang all receive some kind of reward with some Wukong achieving buddhahood there are obviously a lot
more delicate detailsin these chapters but that's the long and short of it Blackmouth Wukong picks up sometime after this and shows us that all so Muk Kong ever wanted was a life of Peace back on the mountain where he and the other monkeys reside enjoying the desires and simp pleasures of the mortal world the heavens grew most trustful of him in his attempts to relinquish his buddhahood so they started attacking His Kind which set him off enough to attack the heavens again fighting him are thousands of Heaven's best Soldiers the four Heavenly Kings who are
believed to watch over the four cardinal directions of the world erlang Shen nephew to the Jade Emperor and according to some of you in the comments the large man in the distance is juling Shen his name roughly translates to the giant God or God of giant Spirit he was one of the first sent to capture some wuk Kong back during their first bout he was defeated rather swiftly erling was also another being sent to fight on muuk Kong which is why he wants a rematch although his actual reason is tied to the game's ending he
provides son wuk Kong with two options either he loses goes back to the heavens and the mountain that houses his people is destroyed or he wins erlang will return later for revenge and the arms of heaven will still Level the mountain anyway not a great amount of flexibility in those options erlang during the fight the four Heavenly Kings pepper him with attacks while llang summons an axe which according to the novel is strong enough to cleave open a mountain this is exactly what happens is while the blow misses Wukong and hits the mountain behind it
son Wukong gos earling into fighting him on the ground before being stopped by the infamous headband in the novel Guan Yin gave tripitaka a spell of binding that would be able to subdue his three Guardians just in case they Stray From the Path the punishment as described by the novel is a headache so painful that it can almost immobilize some muuk Kong what is surprising is that this was supposed to be gone this was removed upon his acceptance in the buddhahood and yet it remains proving that the heavens even after everything has happened still don't
trust him while falling he's struck down by llang and lands on top of his Mountain what was left behind was a stone set to house the remains of someu Kong when he was attacked he separated all six of his senses into six relics we are to obtain the missing five and then bring them back to resurrect the long dead Monkey King unfortunately word travels fast in this world as once the alui heard of the battle the missing five relics were already claimed by the five yagai Kings who are the Final Bosses of the upcoming five
chapters we as the Destin one a monkey of the tribe are to find these relics and bring them back thus beginning Our Journey to the West chapter 1 black cloud red fire is our first Endeavor like most of the game's chapters characters that appear here were also seen in the novel chapter 1 focuses mostly on the black wi yagua of the chapters 16 and 17 in the novel tripataka and suuk Kong arrive at Guan Yan Hall and are greeted by numerous monks during the conversation some mukong mentions the casaya they carry to clarify the novel
calls this a kasak but the game and I believe a few other adaptations call this a casiah a kasak is mainly born in Orthodox and Catholic religions while casiah is mainly worn by monks for the sake of Simplicity I'll be calling it a casiah just like the game this casiah though is important because it was given to tripitaka by the Buddha tathagata the old monk of the temple was so enamored by its design and golden rays that he plan to steal the casiah that very night with help of his other monks they attempted to set
the rooms the two were sleeping in on fire so that they could kill them and steal the casiah Sun Wukong noticed this treachery and not only used a fire repel and cover to protect tripitaka but he used a wind spell to emblazon the Flames causing even more of the temple to catch on fire this fire caught the eye of a black yagai he was a friend of the old monks who he came to help out with the fire only to find and take the casiah for himself amongst the chaos the old mon went to look
for the casaya only to come up short realizing it may have been burnt up in the destruction he committed suicide by slamming his head into a wall Sun wuk Kong that goes to the mountain to confront this black wi yaai he interrupts a convers ation between a few monsters mainly the black wi yagai the white robe scholar and a DST monk Nam Ling shuta Sun wuk Kong battles them kills the white robe scholar during their initial scrap and then finds Ling Sho a later and kills him too he relays all this info to Guan who
agrees to help him by having some mukong become a pill the aai would eat it and then he would transform back into his monkey form and kick his insides until he submits which is exactly what happens resulting in Guan Yin taking the black wi yagai under her Wing to serve as her guard as for the game two two bosses called Guan shei and Guan Mau seem to be new additions to the story both were monks of the monastery who conceived of the plan to get the casiah from tripataka by burning their rooms they were apparently
killed in the fires but they somehow came back as Yaga the others from the tale however like lingsha white clad Noble and Elder ginchi all seem to have been revived the Codex for the white clad Noble talks about some Resurrection magic that is used by the heavens the black wi yagai the one who was taken in by Guan Yin seems to have found a relic and was able to use this similar Magic by attempting to resurrect his old comrades but he had failed spectacularly the a had resurrected his old friend Ling shuta but he eventually
disappeared and was never seen again his resting place is by the temple where he seems to have hung himself in that same codex Ling shut and mentions how we shouldn't be here and that he could barely eat or sleep further saying quote living like this on their blood how could I bear to do that tell the master he doesn't need to come see me anymore the Codex foring shoots and mentions a new gray wolf that replaced the old one and became the new Ling shuta this new wolf that we fight in game was more interested
in battle than the simple ways of Buddha worship which is why he would eventually go to war with the black wi yuai only to be left in a stalemate similarly the newly appointed white clad Noble also FS loyalty to the yuai and only spend his days reading and writing poetry in a last ditch effort he attempted to resurrect his old pal from the monastery but that to failed the soul of the old monk didn't enter the original corpse but rather fused with various gold and silver coins to create the Golem of Elder genene like his
past self he is still raving about the casiah as the Destin one approaches the temple he finds the Black Wind king during his servitude to Guan Yin he conspired away to get out of her reach and return to the temple he has since spent the past 500 years rebuilding the temple after the destruction upon his defeat he Retreats and unleashes his true black bear form the Destin one manages to defeat this form as well and receives the first of five relics of samuk Kong the aguai then attempts to beg for his life say that he
will go back to Guan and will cause any more trouble to cap off the chapters each one receives a music video detailing specific moments this one is about the chapters we discussed in the novel ginshi and the agua met when gingi was just a boy fast forward and the boy becomes an old monk at the monastery before tripitaka arrives with his golden casiah only for the monastery to burn down just like in the novel chapter 2 continues the stories of chapters 20 and 21 during their Journey they arrive at the yellow Wind Ridge there they
were met with ferocious winds and a beast called the tiger Vanguard it was a fierce some battle but it ended with the tiger Vanguard creating a decoy which he used to distract samuk Kong and Zub baj while he kidnapped tripitaka to present to his King the two catch up to the tiger who along with 50 other men challenge arduo to a fight ending in the tiger vanguard's death at the hands of Zub bajer son wuk Kong went to confront the yellow wi yuai the leader of this group but was bested as his wind was too
powerful causing him to go blind he and Zub baji had a retreat and thankfully found a small house of people who were able to give him medicine to reverse the effects the people of this house also revealed to be guardians of law from the heavens who secretly helped the group only to disappear as a turn Knight with his strength returned some W Kong set out to find the abodi zfa lingi and asked for his assistance as he was the only one capable of stopping the samot wind that the yuai wields together the two were able
to defeat the yuai who returned to his Road in form and was taken back to see the Buddha things have changed since that day the yellow wind Sage the main boss of chapter 2 is back again and has taken the head of Ling XI who he himself is revealed to be the musician who follows us throughout the chap chapter the Yan Sage wanted power and the relic of s Wukong was a perfect opportunity to get some but his meager frame can not contain the power so he took his head to use as the vessel helping
him guard and watch over this Valley are numerous beings the tiger Vanguard and mad tiger are brothers and both sons of the original tiger Vanguard from the novel both brothers declared that the yellow wind Sage was the reason for their father's death so they challenged him to a fight only to lose this is when the tiger would become the tiger Vanguard as he swore to guard the Sage's territory while the other cut ties to everyone and lived alone the tiger Vanguard wasn't too happy with this either but he knew that the yellow wind Sage cannot
be defeated as long as he retained his power so from then on he would quench his rage by feasting on rats day in and day out the Mad tiger was driven in Madness one day while down in his layer a man learned to be the tiger acolyte boss and his son paid him a visit asking for assistance the young boy was inflicted with a disease they came here to this land because they heard a bodh zat was present but they were nowhere to be found the father managed to run into the Mad tiger who agreed
to help by having the boy sit from his gourd the only way to get rid of this entirely was to remove the some hotti wind that was controlled by the yellow wind Sage who had already claimed victory over the brothers so this ended up being a temporary fix the Mad tiger told the father though that the only way to stop this was to defeat the yellow and Sage but he hasn't been able to consume human flesh in a while so his strength had waned the father decided to help the Mad tiger out by lowering unsuspecting
villagers into the well to help him eventually The Village caught on to what they were doing and they beat the son to death for his father actions the father then slaughtered the whole village in response the Mad tiger had not seen the ball in a few days and wonder what happened only to find the result of this Feud the sun dead and placed in a coffin and the rest of the villagers dead along with him the Mad tiger from then on promised that the yellow and Sage would get what he deserved P joing the valley
are also Stone yags when the yo wind Sage came to the valley he required the help of the local Keepers and Mountain deities because he wanted to defeat the Buddha headed Stone yagai these Buddha heads were initially found on top of the shagang boss upon its defeat the essence of this creature only went to the mountain Dees and not the keepers these then became known as the mother and father of stones they would birth unfathomable amounts of stone yaua to help protect the valley with the first being named the son of stones while the father
and son of stones are not seen in chapters 2 they are found in chapters 5 and six respectively the father had abandoned the family and the son went out to search for him leaving the mother alone in the valley the man in stone which you could find tucked away within the valley was that Keeper in he never received that power from the Buddha headed Stone yagua so he transformed himself into a stone yagua to get closer to the mother of stone and take her power it didn't work though as he was caught and only managed
to obtain half the essence required leaving him permanently as a stone but without the power to reap the rewards this Valley also holds a unique connection to the realm of gold within this realm lay a beetle called fubon that would periodically awaken and devour anything in its path the yo wind Sage came to this place and harnessed The Beatles power but that's when they would meet with some mukong and tripitaka resulting in his defeat which turned the once great Kingdom into a desolate Wasteland when we talk to the yellow robe Squire we seem to go
back in time as there is no reason for either of these beings in this level to be here the eloen age was defeated by suuk Kong and taken by Ling ji only to eventually Escape so he shouldn't be here and the tiger Vanguard here is the tiger Vanguard from the novel as his codex description is taken directly from the novel this location actually gives us a visual look at something that was hinted at in a codex the yoen sage called the of fubon earning lots of favor with the king at the Sage's suggestion the king
issued the rodent Reverend edict which would allow rodents from all over to migrate here the first prince of the flowing Sands disagreed with this and was promptly put in jail when he managed to escape he discovered that not only the city but he himself was now a rodent the eloen sage had seemingly transformed everyone into rats this along with a multitude of other reasons is why we must take down the sage whose defeat rewards us with a second Relic bring an end to chapter 2 chapter 3 speeds us up to Chapters 65 and 66 of
the novel in the story The Group stumbles upon the little Thunderclap Monastery they take a brief moment to pray but learned too late that it was a trap set by a yuai named yellow brow he had some Wukong captured in a pair of golden symbols while the others were tied up with help from the heavens they were able to rescue some wuk Kong but yellow brow had another unique treasure up his sleeve called the seed sack this sucked up the 28 constellations beings who serve Heaven resulting in some wuk Kong narrowly escaping with his while
the rest of the gang was tied up again some Wukong that tries to fight him again with even more Heavenly troops along with a large Turtle snake and five dragons all of which fall to the power of the seed sack his only option is the Buddhist patriarch mraa who claims that yobra used to be a servant of his before he stole some of his treasures and became a yuai king son wuk Kong then lures Yow brow to a watermelon field and just like with the black wi yaai is eaten only for the yua to have
his insides kicked in mercilessly once again and I'm starting to sound like a broken record here but the gay has escaped and has taken the treasures from the Buddhist patriarch again yellow brow's most trusted Ally is Kang Jin Long she was actually the one who helped someu Kong out of the symbols back then but now she's fighting for yellow brow instead of against him when yellow brow returned with the treasures in hand Kang Jin Long confronted him only to be sucked inside the seed sack again inside she saw a giant fish that would come to
be the vessel for another of some wuk Kong's relics Kang asked yellow of all the gods and Buddhas looked like this in the celestial realm yellow didn't answer but it seemed that his silence was enough as upon realizing that he was simply too powerful she has to be taken in as his disciple the Destin one will end up taking her down and just like the novel her antlers are what break open the golden symbols as she comes crashing down releasing a captured Zub bajer a bit shorter than I expected but hey he's here so that's
what counts he's here by order of the elder monkey from the beginning of our story to make sure things go smoothly with yellow brow as he has lots of nasty tricks up his sleeve also I should mention that all of this happens while we're fighting on top of a giant turtle the turtle and his pal the snake are the same ones from the novel yellow brow engaged in combat with the two generals upon his return but due to the icy conditions they were outmatched the turtle General fled under the water while the snake General was
killed in combat leaving the turtle to grieve the loss of his dear friend yellow brow's other allies are also these non- monks while their names are similar they don't seem to be related to each other a few people around the internet have pointed out though that their names in mandarins seem to refer to our four Guardians that shataka took with him on the journey there doesn't seem to be a connection between a monk and one of the Guardians though but it is a nice play on words each of their stories involv some kind of sin
nonan white killed someone and wore their face on theirs npure was an extremely lazy guard who would do anything not to work and non void is presumably the man from the chapter 2 music video it shows a man rescuing a fox Mah Huntress trap only to nurse it back to health he had a dream that night though of his entire life flashing before his eyes where he briefly lives happily with the fox beard who becomes a woman and even raises a few kids then what I can only describe as the opening to Demon Slayer plays
out as the man comes home and finds the family killed by the white wolf yaay it's not clear who this yuai is as far as I'm aware but after waking up he decides to kill the fox stopping this fate from ever happening now according to the fox this man has become a monk at the new Thunderclap Temple where yellow brow is stationed his codak seems to hearken back to this moment as while debating Buddhist tenants with other monks explains that while killing is a sin if it is done for the greater good then there is
no harm further claiming that not stopping someone could lead to others enduring similar harmm similar to what happened with the fox the only normal monk of this BN seems to be non AEL who is simply just a monk who is willing to endure hardship if means staying true to his word yellow brow wanted to teach him new fighting techniques but he claimed he didn't need any even saying that yellow brow fights in clever ways which is why he won't achieve Buddah Hood yellow doesn't use real strength but rather treasures and gimmicks things will come to
see in his boss fight Nan AEL doesn't agree with that style of fighting his hands were then tied behind his back so that he could reflect on these comments assuming that he would break after a day or so but even now he sits by the temple with his hands bound when the Destin one finally does go to confront yellow brow he sucked into the seat sack along with zu baj who have to battle the maau chief according to its codex the monkey was a chief under some muuk Kong but now that he's gone he no
longer has a purpose yellow brow offered to take him in and show him that he too can gain unimaginable power now that he no longer has to feel weak anymore which is when the Chiefs War FY to Yellow brow after going through a grueling three-phase boss fight with both the yellow brow and the chief the Buddhist patriarch comes by and fishes out the third relic of someu Kong as for the music video as many of you pointed out to me it's meant to Showcase an event within yellow brows past he is obsessed with being woried
in the novel he created a temple so that people could worship Him and in the game he disguised himself as the patriarch to collect offerings and receive worship something similar happens here when he gives out his magical pearls that are contained within his body these are said to cure all diseases heal all wounds and make people beautiful they built shrines and worshiped him because of these pearls but the greed of the people became too much and they practically killed him skinning his flesh and collecting his pearls a man named Jin chonu stops by and the
two debate the outcome of this encounter with Jin chonu disagreeing with his actions he is quite an interesting person because the characters jyn and Chan in English translate to Golden cicada it was said in the novel that tripitaka in the past was a Reincarnation of the golden cicada the second disciple to the Buddha but due to him refusing to listen to his teachings he was banished to the Mortal realm and reincarnated into tripitaka this could then be a look at this prior incarnation of the monk before he was banished regardless This Magnificent tail ends chapter
3 chapter 4 is a continuation of another set of chapters this time dealing with the spider demons and the H eyed demon Lord it starts with the gang approaching a small house with seven women inside all of them turn out to be SPID fighters who want to like everyone else eat tripitaka to gain immortality the group learns that they bathe in the nearby spring three times a day Zub immediately goes there to search mainly because he wants to catch a glimpse of them but ends up getting captured the elder brother of the sisters the 100
eyy Demon Lord came to greet them with tea containing poison which everyone but some Wukong consumed forcing him to retreat the 100 eyy Demon Lord is very powerful each of his 100 eyes can shoot at a hot golden beam so mukong had a G from a woman named palano who possesses a divine needle that could suppress these beams with her help suuk Kong puts a stop to the demon who was then taken away continuing from this the Destin one and Zub managed to stumble upon the same house from before the head of the house is
the Violet spider her codex explains that Zub had killed all the spiders during their first meaning back in the novel but spared one she then gave birth to six daughters who are the other spiders who meet during the chapter the reason he sparer was because of their past together the music video shows us that Zub baj fell in love with a woman who we can assume is the goddess of the moon but he also loved the Violet spider backck during their time in the Heavenly Court he passes by her only to find that same goddess
meeing with someone else this seems to be a different explanation for zub's banishment than that of the novel Journey to the West had numerous adaptations throughout the year so this isn't completely out of the ordinary but this new adaptation seems to imply that Zub caught a glimpse of some kind of affair or meeting and was banished to keep their secret what follows is Zub turning into his Pig form which is when he meets with a violet spider backer in the hot spring scene from the novel this tale is ultimately one of Lost Love In other
retellings of the novel Zub was cursed to live a thousand lives where each one would end in a love tragedy yet it seems like their love had kindled at some point as the Codex of the six sister seems to imply that Zub is her father while the hollow has all kinds of bizarre creatures like the armor worm or the right- hand of Buddha it doesn't take very long to realize that something is going on here the Violet s claims that they are stuck here in the hollow and can't leave and we also see one of
the sisters trying to remove these talismans but to no effect completing this mini side quest has his meeting with the Supreme inspector a future boss in chapter 6 this implies that the heavens are keeping watch over them and refusing to let them leave due to the benefits they provide for the heavens outside the hollow is a large Temple that one can Traverse to find the final boss but the secret area introduces a few more bosses the Scorpion Lord was originally a part of the Mountain of Venom however his wife the Scorpion Queen fell lot of
favor with him because they only bore men and wanted to pass off her skills to her daughters he left only for the queen to run into the gang and die thereafter now they didn't specifically kill her but they did enlist the help of a star officer who assisted them by reverting to their original form which is that of a giant rooster and crowed so loudly that it killed her the final boss of the secret area dusk Vil seems to be this rooster as fun fact if you leave the Scorpion Lord alive he will assist you
in the first phase he will unfortunately die to the loud crowing just like his wife but he's a great help plus if you can't beat the Scorpion Lord during his boss fight then just skip it and go here as when you return the Scorpion Lord will be dead when it's defeated the snake you meet earlier in the level comes by showing her true form she seems to be the wife of the star officer she came here to learn about the mysteries of this Valley this mystery might be related to the Resident Evil Mega M hanging
in the background she also couldn't very well put the man down out of respect for his mother which is why she called upon us to do it a needle will then fall from the sky the same needle used against the 100 ey Dost in the novel and amazingly can also be used during his golden beam attack to nullify it completely along with the needle were also helped by the Spider Sisters their mother was the vessel for The Relic and was supposed to capture and defeat Zub but he ultimately failed the 100 eyed DS realized that
the Des one is coming for the Relic and needs more power so he betrays them to harness the power of the Relic for himself while it does come at the cost of zub's lost love we do obtain the fourth Relic leaving us with just one left to go chapter 5 has the Des in one dealing with the bull king and the red boy within these chapters the game happenss upon a small boy tied to a tree he's later revealed to be a demon known as red boy who distracted the group long enough to kidnap tripitaka
Sun Wukong is surprised to hear that name as the boy's father is the bull King a friend of his from back during his early days before he challenged the heavens he goes to see the bull King but is STO by the red boy in his five Elemental carts the battle was fierce but these samati Flames red boy commanded were too powerful and they had to retreat after many failed attempts and multiple Retreats it ends with some mukong enlisting the help of guanin who subdues red boy with a red band spell and has him serve as
a servant this is a few dozen chapters later but the group will then run into a mountain obstructed by fire to remove the flames and need to brly plant and fan which belongs to Rox Sashi mother of red boy and wife of the bull King she isn't too pleased with Wukong after hearing of her son's fate so instead of giving him the real fan she gives him a fake this forces him to confront her again this time by stealing the bullk king's golden beast and then transforming himself into the bullk king to trick the wife
and handing it over once the bullk king catches wind of this he fights some Muk but is forced to surrender which lets the gang use the fan giving them a way through the mountain as for the game the Des one in Zub baji will come across the land owned by the bull King the place is overrun with these zombie likee creatures who according to the Codex are from the underworld the bull king's forces are trying to push them back but one of the captains says that red boy has been wrecking Havoc with his Elemental carts
and Must Be Stopped while on our way the Destin one will run into a fox tied to a tree she is the bull King's Daughter Pingping in the novel The Bull King and Rox Sashi aren't on good time Herms the bull King left her for a fox Spirit named the princess J countenance the game seems to add that these two also had a child as well later when the fox Spirit died Rox Sashi took her in as her daughter which is why she's here with them Pingping also adds however that red boy is back despite
initially being under the service of Guan Yin and that he's imprisoned the bull King kept a close eye over Rox Sashi and generally made a mess of the place while traveling we run into quite a few unique bosses the bosses quick as fire and fast as wind were seen earlier ter rizing Pingping they were two Ruffians who spent most of their day stealing from the rich they were eventually caught and apprehended by authorities who sentenced them to be beheaded for their crimes one of the duo though was part of the falling head Clan and was
able to teach the other a few tricks which seemingly involveed retaining their souls in their heads as when they were killed their heads floated away eventually becoming the AWA we see today that's not the only pair of two in this section though cloudy mist and Misty Cloud were initially a ghost with three heads and a mountain Dei respectively who did battle with one another until red boy recruited them into his army and top takes bottom bottom takes top is the other there was once a woman who was originally the wife of a man named zuu
he was displeased with her so we took on another wife this woman ended up being a yaai who had joined up with another yuai to attack the carriage they were all riding in however they were stopped by Rox Sashi due to the power of her plant and fan now on Rox sashi's orders they guard this place and kill anyone who dares enter heading further up the mountain we are greeted by The Keeper of the Flaming Mountain in his codex it explains that he and rock Sashi I met long ago his job was to tend the
flame of a furnace but he ordered Rock Sashi to do it since he was older his master took a liking to her a lot more than him which made him bitter the master was even willing to replace the fan she used for the furnace without hesitation this fan likely became her iconic plantin fan towards the end of the Codex he started to grow affectionate towards her but the master had other plans she was to marry a yuai who was likely the bull King so the keeper never had a chance to be with her which is
why he's trying to earn her approval right now while the irons are hot except he was tricked as Rox Sashi was Zub in Disguise the fight is an intense spectacle thanks to him using some cheap tricks like having my game drop frames and even ripping the textures right out of the game in real time technical issues aside it was a cool fight afterwards we run into Pingping again who found the plant and fan I like the little nod to the novel here as Zub baj as to the planton fan is a fake recalling the time
that they were tricked by Rock Sashi but don't worry this one's real we then make it to the bull King who has certainly seen better days after his escapades with s buuk Kong he converted to Buddhism and returned here to the Flaming mountain when he completed his practice when he arrived he stated that from this day forward he wouldn't leave the mountain hoping to help with family Affairs and live a peaceful life red boy was even instructed to leave Guan Yin too and the family of four was finally at peace but over time he became
increasingly more sick his possession of The Relic also resulted in red boy forcefully trying to take it from him which is when it's revealed that Pingping is in his daughter she is real that much is true but this Pingping isn't it's actually red boy in Disguise readers of the novel might have caught on to this as when red boy was the fox Spirit he was hung from a tree same as the novel if it's nice do it twice as the quote often goes red boy wants more power and has a burning passion for vengeance so
he wants the Relic to amplify his power when red boy is defeated though the yaka will take his place while yagai are often Supernatural creatur creatures yaka are just straight up demons the red boy and yaka King kodex cleared this up the red boy was having strange dreams every night where he would Slaughter tons of people he even dreamed of spikes coming out of his head and arms further saying that when he died in the dream they turned him into a lotus flower which rakashi took and raised as her own son again the yaka King
text talks about the king holding a dying boy in his arms and also references the lotus flower this is likely referring to Red Boy as the music video at the end of this chapter will explain that rock Sashi drank the water of the childbearing river in this world resides a kingdom of women who conceive through drinking this water there's actually a whole bit where the gang drinks the Water by accident gets pregnant and then tries to figure out how to reverse its effects but this moment proves that red boy wasn't their child and was likely
a plan conative by her master the same one who wanted her to marry a yuai the red boy is important to Rox Sashi though not just because of their familial ties but also due to him being the last yaka in the west but the yaka didn't want to be controlled by the heavens so he decides to kill himself ending the bloodline the music video that caps off this chapter is of the bull King's past numerous moments fly by like when they first did battle with the heavens when Rock Sashi drank from the childbearing river to
give birth to Red Boy to even when sun wuk Kong did battle with the bull King Prince Neza and the Heavenly King Lee even make a cameo which was cool to see the final scene shows samuk Kong after his recent defeat against the heavens what's interesting is that each of the main bosses in the previous chapters is here and as we know each of them was a servant to some higher up being so it seems like heaven was really pulling out all the stops to beat him it might also explain how these beings got a
hold of the relics when he passed but to the bull King all he felt in this moment was sadness Wukong and his demon friends were Bond Brothers each of them even had similar names back when they first assaulted the heavens while Wukong was the Great Sage equal to heaven the bull King chose Great Sage parallel to Heaven while the others chose something similar they were genuine Brothers Until the End chapter 6 is unique in that it doesn't have a novel tied to it as this is about the destined one returning with the relics in hand
heaven isn't exactly happy to that we're trying to resurrect wuk Kong given all the effort they spend trying to defeat him so they send in hundreds of celestial guards to take us out the Destin one is briefly stopped by the Supreme inspector the Jade Emperor's most loyal enforcer afterward he must acquire the mythical armor and the weapon of somu Kong this will require us to use somu Kong's iconic somersault Cloud to get around to find a few unique bosses each of these bosses contains the armor of suuk Kong by way of them being the armor
suuk Kong's clothing seemingly transformed into these beasts each one reflecting a different part of him the location of the weapon is honestly one of the best parts in the game though as it's found in the water curtain cave where s wuk Kong first became The Monkey King back when he was a regular monkey he and his other monkeys found a cave they agreed that whoever could find out where the stream of water they drank from led to then they would surely be worthy of the title of King son wuk Kong chose to go and find
a wonderful little cave filled with all things a monkey can need to survive from then on the monkeys would live in this cave with samuk Kong as The Monkey King and this was his throne there is so much history just in this one little cave so it's cool to see it referenced in game at the top of the mountain is the stone we've had our own little journey here and now it's time to finish it as we touch the stone we're greeted by the elder monkey he says that we are in some wukong's memories as
we row by we hear moments that are from the novel ones that didn't make it into the game one of them is even my personal favorite it's when the group stumbles upon a young woman who some mukong kills because he knows she's a demon tripitaka doesn't believe him and thinks he killed her In Cold Blood unfortunately the demon managed to slip away so he has to do this two more times all looking like cold blood and murder tripitaka in Anger lashes out at s muuk Kong and forbids him from continuing the rest of this journey
this is the first time since the group has formed that infighting has started resulting in one having to leave it's a really great chapter basically if you haven't read Journey to the West this should be enough to catch you up on most of sunu Kong's history and if you have then this is just utter fan service and I frankly couldn't be happier to hear about his tales again while here the other monkey clarifies what's actually going on sun wuk Kong was never going to come back but that doesn't mean he is dead for good we
are to be his successor taking on his name we are to become Sun wuk Kong to do this we must defeat his broken shell that stripped of his six s senses we must cast aside this shell and merge all the senses into one only then will we become Sun Wu Kong assuming you defeated then you receive the bad ending the Destin one merges all the relics on the broken shell while the headband is now placed on his head the heavens still have control and the cycle continues there is however a good ending that requires a
bit more navigation including completing these secret Areas this leads to a match up between erlang Shen and the four Heavenly Kings this fight seems to imply that Wukong wanted out of buddhahood and lling was to help him as I mentioned after all these years he was still a servant to the court with that headband on him he wanted the Simple Pleasures of mortal life again and now with his death he will reincarnate and be freed from the heavens and their orders one of the last relics we're missing is the mind of Wukong but when we
defeat erlang Shen a black mist comes out of his third eye that plays voice lines of some wuk Kong this is why the elder monkey when asked about us being Wukong replies yes and no we aren't the actual son Wukong The Monkey King who fought the heavens and went on to the Journey to the West but now that we have all the relics we basically are Sun Wukong at this stage and now we know what to do that's because when you return to the final boss and beat the game the headband is not put on
this time it remains off now it seems like this is up to interpretation so I'll pass this off to the comments but either son Wukong is reborn separately now free of Heaven's orders or he is reborn through us I'm going to go with the latter as by now all the senses have merged with us we have the look the fighting skills and now the senses we are literally Sun wuk Kong at this stage Sun wuk Kong died only in body his mind and soul continued to live on now without the Wrath of the heavens weighing
down on us a perfect ending for the mischievous Monkey King what will follow after is a brief slideshow showing some incredible moments from the novel like the boat ride it'll help clear up some details about the novel if you haven't read it and if you have will enjoy because any fan of the novel could pick out any of these moments the only question left to answer is what happens now will the tell The Monkey King continue possibly there are lots of chapters from the novel that could be adapted there is also a chance that more
endings will pop up I've heard all over the internet in the past week that there are more endings than two but I have yet to see proof of such a thing not even a clue as to what items could be a part of an ending that said for the sake of thoroughness if any endings pop up in the future I'll make an addendum to this video I'll link it in the description and as a pinned comment in the comment section so check there just in case but as I said there is no evidence as of
yet so I believe there is only two what I do know however is that while The Monkey King's tale is far from over ours is as we come to the end a black myth woo Kong thank you all for watching today and I hope you enjoyed also hope you learned something too like I said I don't claim to be a Journey to the West expert so feel free to weigh in on something if I missed it Journey to the West is an extremely complicated tale so I don't doubt that I miss something again despite this
being a revised version of the original video I do hope though that you have a deeper appreciation for this tale though reading Journey to the West Was the sole reason behind me even being remotely interested in this game and I wanted to make this video specifically to highlight its incredible story and share its Journey with you so I hope this video encourages you to give the novel a read as always though like the video if you enjoy and subscribe if you're new again feel free to check out my other Story related content whether it be
the explanation or analysis videos and thank you to the patrons for your continued support and if you'd like to support me via patreon you can do so for as little as a dollar a month with the link in the description and as always thank you to my returning viewers and coming back to another video take care everyone goodbye
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