Cheating wife said she could no longer stand me, Cheating Wife Story, Reddit Audio Story #cheating

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Lost Relation Chronicles
Cheating wife said she could no longer stand me, Cheating Wife Story, Reddit Audio Story #cheating #...
Video Transcript:
welcome to Lost relation Chronicles before we start today's story we would like to request you to help out our friend's new channel Timeless audio Tales where he puts together some amazing Stories the link is in the description box so please visit the channel and hit the Subscribe button now let's start with today's story have you ever had one of those moments where your entire world shifts in an instant where everything you thought you knew everything you believed in suddenly crumbles beneath you that was me standing in the hallway gripping a half full glass of water
so tightly I thought it might shatter I wasn't supposed to hear it I was just passing by our bedroom our bedroom on my way to the kitchen when I caught my wife's voice soft intimate not meant for me I don't even want to touch him anymore then she laughed a quiet detached chuckle one that told me she had already made up her mind about whatever or whoever she was talking about I froze she was on the phone lying on our bed her back to the door legs crossed at the ankles swinging lazily in the air
like she didn't have a care in the world I couldn't move I just stood there ears straining heart pounding in my chest her voice dropped to a whisper but I still caught every word I know I know it's just that I don't feel anything when he touches me I tolerate it you know it's not exciting silence then another quiet knowing laugh of course I want to I just have to be careful he's not stupid I exhaled slowly through my nose trying to control the rage boiling inside me but it wasn't just the words that cut
deep it was her tone casual indifferent almost smug like I wasn't just being rejected I was already being left behind like I was nothing more than an afterthought a joke my grip tightened around the glass and for a fleeting moment I wanted to storm into that room and demand answers who the hell was she talking to what did she mean by be careful but then something inside me shifted went cold confrontation wouldn't change anything it wouldn't erase what I had just heard no I needed a different approach she didn't want to hug me anymore fine
she wouldn't have to she felt nothing when I touched her perfect because from this moment on she would never feel my touch again she thought I was predictable that I would either explode in Rage or crumble into pathetic pleas for her affection she had no idea what I was capable of so I did something I never imagined I would I turned around walked back down the hall set my glass on the counter and let her words sink into me like a slow spreading poison from that moment on my wife no longer existed to me she
wanted distance she was about to learn the true meaning of soul crushing distance and when the time was right she would regret ever taking me for granted she just didn't know it yet the beauty of silence is that it can be the sharpest weapon in the world I didn't yell I didn't argue I didn't beg I simply stopped stopped asking how her day was stopped reaching for her hand stopped making an effort I became a ghost in my own home at first she didn't even notice for the first few days she was too caught up
in her own world texting smiling at her phone humming to herself as she got dressed for work she probably assumed I was just tired distracted or in one of those moods where men withdraw for no reason perfect she suspected nothing at dinner I sat across from her eating mechanically offering no small talk she barely glanced up from her plate at night when she used to curl into my side I rolled away leaving a cold empty Gulf between us she didn't say a word not yet it took a week before she finally started to notice hey
she said one morning as I stood at the sink rinsing out my coffee cup are you okay I turned my head slightly met her gaze and smiled a real smile but not the kind she was used to there was no warmth in it yeah why wouldn't I be she blinked I don't know you've been quiet I Shrugged just been thinking about things that was it no further explanation she hesitated waiting for me to say more I didn't instead I walked past her grabbed my keys and left for work let her Wonder let her feel that
same gnawing uncertainty I had felt standing in that hallway hearing my wife say she didn't even want to touch me anymore then the little Cuts began it was the small things that got to her first she used to love movie Nights curling up on the couch sharing a blanket watching whatever she picked so when she came home one Friday night and found me already watching something without her I caught the flicker of surprise on her face you started without me she asked I nodded didn't think you'd be interested I didn't pause the movie I didn't
scoot over she stood there for a second then sat at the far end of the couch awkward tense good the next day I got home late later than usual she was waiting where were you she asked leaning against the kitchen counter arms crossed I Shrugged setting my keys down out with who just a couple of people her frown deepened people I met her gaze my expression unreadable yeah people then I walked past her leaving her alone with her thoughts for the first time in a long time I saw something flicker in her eyes worry doubt
she wasn't used to being ignored she was used to me caring asking fighting for her attention but I wasn't playing that role anymore she wanted me to be background noise in her life fine let her try living in the silence the crack started to show the real shift came two weeks in by then I wasn't just quiet I was absent physically I was there emotionally mentally I was gone I moved around her like she was just another piece of furniture speaking only in short polite phrases never initiating convers ation and slowly she started to break
do you want to go out for dinner tonight she asked one evening trying to sound casual no she hesitated we could try that new place you were talking about last month I glanced up at her that was a test she wanted to see if I still cared if i' jump at the chance to spend time together eager to win back her affection I didn't I'm not really feeling it I said then went back to my book the next morning as I was getting dressed she reached out and lightly touched my arm I flinched not dramatically
just enough enough for her to notice enough for her to feel the rejection that had been seeping into our home she pulled back as if burnt the first real fracture she was starting to feel the weight of my absence the beginning of her desperation a few nights later I heard her in the kitchen scrubbing the counters harder than necessary a nervous habit then she did something unexpected she grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses walked into the living room and set them down on the coffee table I glanced up from my phone what that
she gave me a hesitant smile thought we could have a drink together we haven't in a while she was trying trying to fix something she hadn't even realized she'd broken until it was too late I stared at the wine then at her then I stood up I'm heading to bed I said stretching her face dropped not dramatically but enough I saw the flash of disappointment the brief flicker of panic before she masked it I left her sitting there alone with two glasses of wine she'd now have to drink by herself and that's when I knew
she was starting to understand starting to feel it the loneliness The Emptiness the slow suffocating realization that she wasn't special anymore that her presence didn't excite me that I could go entire days without thinking about her and it was killing her that night I lay in bed staring at the ceiling listening to the soft sounds of cabinets closing as she put the wine glasses away for the first time in a long time I slept soundly because this this was only the beginning it happened sooner than I expected her desperation had already begun to surface small
cracks forming in her carefully maintained indifference a glance that lingered just a little too long a question she repeated because she hadn't really been listening too lost in her own guilt she wasn't used to being ignored but she still didn't know that I knew that changed 3 weeks after I overheard her say she didn't even want to hug me anymore that was the night I confirmed the affair she had been careful I'll give her that late night texts deleted her phone always face down extra hours at work subtle signs spread out over months but not
careful enough that night I was lying in bed scrolling through my phone when I saw it a notification flashing on her screen while she was in the bathroom a single message preview tonight was incredible I can't stop thinking about you the sender's name just the letter K I stared at it my heartbeat didn't even Spike I had already suspected this was just confirmation she walked out of the bathroom tow drying her hair oblivious she didn't see the phone light up I didn't say a word but something inside me shifted up until that moment I had
been playing a slow game psychological withdrawal letting her feel the weight of her own choices but now now I had leverage now it was time to break her the first real strike the next morning I called in sick she left for work tossing me a half-hearted kiss like everything was normal I waited exactly 20 minutes before I opened my laptop and got to work step one find out who K was it didn't take long a quick look at our phone bill showed a pattern the same number over and over always late at night then I
crossed checked her social media it wasn't public but people are sloppy they cling to their routines and just like that I found him Kevin a mid- level executive at some company she worked with handsome but in a polished artificial way the kind of guy who probably thought he was Untouchable I scrolled through his profile studying his carefully curated life the expensive vacations the tailored suits the smug smile of a man who thought he was winning I almost laughed he had no idea the game had already changed over the next few days I became both a
ghost and a hunter I did what she never imagined I was capable of I tracked their messages I followed her once keeping my distance as she worked late at a fancy hotel I even placed a small GPS tracker under her car nothing illegal just a simple Bluetooth device that let me see where she went and for the final piece I hired a private investigator because I wasn't just going to expose them I was going to obliterate them it took less than a week for the pi to get me everything I needed photos texts even video
footage of them entering and leaving the same hotel room I had it all I could have confronted her right then could have thrown the evidence in her face wased her stammer and beg caught her Tangled in her own Web of Lies but that would have been too easy she had taken her time destroying our marriage I was going to take my time destroying her the night before I made my move she did something unexpected she sat next to me on the couch close like she was trying to bridge the gap she had created hey she
said softly almost shyly I looked at her my expression unreadable yeah she hesitated then bit her lip I feel like we've been off lately she actually had the audacity to say that I guess I replied my tone indifferent she sighed I don't want us to drift apart drift apart we were already miles apart sweetheart you just hadn't realized it yet so I did something cruel I smiled soft reassuring the way I used to and I said neither do I her shoulders relaxed a wave of relief washing over her as if she had just W something
she thought she had me back she had no idea aidea that tomorrow would be the worst day of her life that night I waited until she was getting ready for bed before I made my move as she stood in the bathroom brushing her teeth humming softly I placed the envelope on her pillow inside was everything every text every photo every screenshot Every Lie when she walked back into the room she froze her eyes darting from the envelope to me what's this she asked her voice tight I didn't answer I just watched her hands trembled as
she picked up the envelope flipping through the cont ense messages pictures undeniable proof of her betrayal her breathing turned shallow lips parting but no sound came out when she finally looked up at me her face was as pale as death where did you her voice cracked but she didn't finish she knew it didn't matter she was completely utterly helplessly caught I leaned forward resting my elbows on my knees and let the silence stretch between us then I smiled but it wasn't kind it was the smile of a man who had already won you don't have
to hug me anymore I said my voice calm almost gentle you don't have to pretend you're free now she opened her mouth maybe to deny maybe to beg but I raised a hand cutting her off I'm not going to argue with you I'm not going to yell I'm not even going to ask why I let the words settle let her feel the weight of them because the truth was I didn't care anymore she sucked in a sharp breath her eyes glistening her fingers tightening around the envelope as if it could somehow Shield her from the
storm she had created she had ected rage accusations a fight maybe even desperate pleas but what she got instead was something far worse complete and total indifference and that was what broke her because in that moment she knew she had already lost me regret is a slow poison it doesn't kill instantly it lingers festers spreads until it consumes everything I knew the moment my wife saw the evidence the moment her breath hitched her fingers trembled and her face drained of color that it had begun the unraveling the guilt the slow inevitable destruction of the life
she thought she still had and I was going to watch every second of it at first she tried to play it off I could see the gears turning in her head searching for an escape a lie that might cover her tracks wait she stammered gripping the envelope as if she could somehow erase what was inside this isn't you don't understand it's not what it looks like I laughed a real genuine laugh and she flinched at the sound not what it looks like I repeated shaking my head come on don't insult both of us her mouth
opened then closed she knew there was no way out so she switched tactics her eyes softened her voice wavered suddenly playing the helpless victim it was a mistake she whispered I wasn't thinking I never wanted to hurt you I swear I tilted my head feigning curiosity how many times she froze I let the silence stretch forcing her to sit in it I could almost see her debating whether to lie but she had to know if I had this much I proba had everything her lip trembled before she finally spoke her voice barely above a whisper
for months that number hit different I already knew but hearing it from her lips seeing the shame twist her expression made it real I nodded slowly months of mistakes that's impressive her eyes were glassy now it wasn't like that she tried again stepping toward me reaching for my hand I stepped back just a small movement but enough her entire body tensed and that was when it really hit her I didn't care I was yelling I wasn't begging I wasn't trying to hold on to anything and that was far more terrifying than any anger she expected
anger shouting maybe even a fight but what broke her was the cold shoulder the next few days were a masterpiece in indifference I didn't leave didn't argue didn't react I simply existed in the same space as her cold distant Untouchable and she hated it at first she tried to fix what she had already set on fire lingering near me searching for ways to break through she made my coffee in the morning I poured it down the sink she asked if I wanted dinner I ordered takeout for one she sat beside me on the couch pretending
nothing had changed I stood up and left the room each small rejection cut deeper than any shouting match ever could she had expected rage insults demands for answers instead I gave her nothing and I made sure she felt it the moment she truly broke came about a week later I heard her crying in the kitchen not the forced calculated sobs meant to draw sympathy but real raw gut-wrenching cries I stayed in the living room scrolling through my phone pretending I couldn't hear she was breaking down just a few feet away and I did nothing then
finally she snapped she stormed into the room hair messy eyes red voice shaking with rage Are you seriously just going to ignore me forever she shouted fists clenched I looked up slowly met her eyes and smirked yes one word that was all it took her whole body tensed like I had physically struck her why won't you just yell at me me she demanded why won't you fight get mad do something I set my phone down leaning forward you don't deserve my anger I said voice calm steady you don't deserve my time you're nothing to me
tears welled in her eyes I was stupid she whispered you thought I'd never leave I finished for her you thought no matter how many lies you told how many nights you spent with him I'd still be here waiting like a fool she swallowed hard her breath unsteady I was wrong I exhaled softly shaking my head yes you were that was it that was the moment she realized she had lost not just our marriage not just me but herself and I watched as the walls closed in around her I gave her two more weeks of Silence
two weeks of watching her desperately try to pull me back in two weeks of her living in the wreckage she had created then I made my final move I packed my things not all of them just the essentials just enough for her to understand that I wasn't coming back that evening she came home to find me zipping up my last bag she froze in the doorway eyes wide wait I didn't stop where are you going she asked her voice small uncertain I didn't answer she stepped closer hands shaking can we just can we talk I
picked up my bag slung it over my shoulder and finally I met her eyes I smiled the same cold indifferent smile I had given her the night I handed her the envelope we already did then I walked past her she didn't follow she didn't try to stop me because she knew there was nothing left to say as I stepped out that door into a future without her I felt nothing but satisfaction she had wanted space she had wanted excitement she had wanted to be free of my touch now she had everything she had asked for
and it was the worst punishment I could have ever given her regret is a shadow that never leaves it lingers in the quiet echoes in the spaces where love once lived suffocates the air until every breath feels heavier than the last and my wife no my ex-wife was drowning in it I made sure of that that that night I didn't just leave I erased myself from her life I blocked her number ignored her emails and didn't acknowledge mutual friends when they reached out on her behalf I became a ghost a man she once knew a
man she once had and now a man she could never have again she had chosen her path and I let her walk it alone The Fallout was Swift and merciless her Affair wasn't just a secret between us I made sure everyone knew her family her friends her colleagues none were spared from the truth I even sent the evidence to Kevin's wife who wasted no time in setting his world on fire their little fantasy crumbled instantly she filed for divorce immediately taking everything she possibly could as for my ex she quickly realized that her so-called Affair
partner had no interest in playing house with a woman who had nothing left to offer they lasted a mere 2 weeks after I left then just as suddenly as he had appeared he was gone too leaving her truly completely alone months passed and I had moved on I built a new life one of Peace stability and Independence I had my own place new routines and a sense of freedom I hadn't felt in years then one evening a message popped up on my phone somehow she had found a way to reach me can we talk please
I just I just need to see you I stared at the words reading them over and over almost laughing at how predictable it was she had played her game and lost she had thrown away a good man for a fleeting thrill and now she wanted to rewrite the past to undo the damage to salvage what was left but some bridges once burned are gone forever I didn't respond I didn't even type a single letter instead I blocked the number and let her sit in the regret she had earned let her live with her choices because
I had already won and she would spend the rest of her life knowing it people say revenge is best served cold but this this was something better this was Justice she had gambled everything and lost and the worst part she had no one to blame but herself and me I walked away without without a single scratch dear listeners please share your thoughts in the comments section below and don't forget to like share and subscribe
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