hi everyone welcome back thanks for joining us today we've got a brand new story to share with you so let's begin my name is Lucas Bennett in many ways I'm an average 33-year-old guy one of four Partners in a successful Plumbing business when this Story begins I am married to Elena a stunning 32-year-old often regarded as a trophy wife she works as a secretary for the owner of the local BMW dealership and together we have an 8-year-old daughter Maria we own a house in a nice part of town and a summer home on a popular
island in the Baltic Sea Elena and I first met when I was installing the Town's new central heating system at her parents house she was still living at home and in a foul mood having recently broken off her engagement with a guy nickname bum blasted The reason an enraged husband had caught him sleeping with his wife and shot him in the bare backside with ass salt-loaded shotgun blasted was a notorious womanizer but this time he had gone too far his real name was Ryan Grant his mother had been an opair in California and returned home
4 months pregnant she named her son Ryan believing it was the first name of her handsome American lover though it was probably just an alias eventually she reunited with an old classmate Elias Grant a man she had ignored in school but now saw as a convenient father for her child Elias once a shy and overlooked boy eagerly embraced the opportunity to marry her despite the obvious baggage he legally adopted Ryan and to everyone's surprise their family flourished they had two daughters and built a lias small computer shop into a chain of 12 large stores which
they later sold to a multinational company with their Newfound wealth they bought a grand Countryside estate where Elias his wife and their daughters took up horse breeding Elias adored his stepson and spoiled him rotten giving him everything he had been denied in his own youth as a result Ryan became a cocky entitled brat blessed with wealth and good looks he was wildly successful with women until he met Elena for the first time he was genuinely in love but to his frustration Elena insisted on saving herself for marriage Ryan used to instant gratification saw this as
an obstacle but he played along until his true nature betrayed him after catching him cheating Elena ended the engagement plunging her into a deep sadness I wanting to cheer her up asked her out on a date to my delight she accepted we had a wonderful evening that ended at my apartment where she confessed that she had decided to change her lifestyle to experience the freedom her friends enjoyed perhaps as revenge against Ryan she allowed herself to sleep with me that night however despite my best efforts she refused any further dates afterward soon rumors spread that
Elena had embraced a wild party lifestyle engaging in brief Affairs including ironically with some of Ryan's friends meanwhile Ryan left town for University continuing his womanizing ways but never quite getting over the fact that Elena the one woman he had truly wanted had denied him while engaged yet slept with his friends later his bruised ego could not accept a year after our Brief Encounter I ran into Elena again at a party we reconnected and she assured me that her Reckless phase was over as we spent more time together our relationship grew serious we officially became
a couple and 3 years later married when she became pregnant with Maria a few months after our wedding I was working on a plumbing job for one of Ryan's old friends he smirked as he told me bum blasted swore he sleep with Elena one day and make sure the whole town knew about it the guy claimed Ryan had never failed in seducing a married woman when he truly set his mind to it that wasn't exactly comforting news for a newlywed when I confronted Elena she promised me she would never give Ryan the opportunity to be
alone with her let alone act on his so-called vow over time the warning faded into the past years later we heard Ryan had married a wealthy englishwoman and moved to England with him seemingly out of our Lives Elena and I continued in what I would call an average marriage full of its ups and downs then like a bolt of lightning from a clear blue sky it all came rushing back it was a Wednesday evening and Elena and I were sitting in our living room watching the weather forecast the presenter was delivering good news for the
upcoming weekend when Elena suddenly turned to me with a serious expression Lucas I need you to listen I have something important to tell you I looked at her a bit puzzled all right go on something happened today no not today in fact it's something from the past before you and I met she hesitated do you remember my ex- fiance Ryan Grant I frowned Oh you mean bum blasted yeah I remember him the guy who got shot in the ass for screwing someone's wife there are still rumors about that guy last I heard he was still
a complete scumbag why did someone finally shoot him again Elena had gone pale no nothing like that he lives in England now but he recently attended an old friend's wedding here that's where he met Gabriella Maria Erikson you know her right she and Ryan hit it off and when he found out she knew me he was curious asked a lot of questions about me she ended up giving him my number a cold chill ran through me I knew exactly what Ryan had promised to do I kept my voice voice even did he call you yes
she admitted we've talked a few times reminiscing about old times old times I scoffed you were together for what three maybe four months he cheated on you hardly worth reminising about you don't understand she said her voice pleading we had dreams back then I just wanted to talk about them dreams that future was supposed to be behind you what's the real problem Elena hesitated before saying he wants to see me of course he does I snapped he swore he'd sleep with you one day and prove it to the whole town kind of hard to do
that over the phone she flinched at my words her face Ashen don't be ridiculous he just wants to catch up as friends nothing else fine I said invite him over we can have him and his wife for dinner Elena shook her head no heun's not coming here he won a bonus week at a five-star hotel in isia and invited me to go with him his wife can't make it she's afraid of flying but she trusts him and has no objections to him meeting an old friend I stared at her in disbelief you've lost your damn
mind that's for sure please calm down and listen she pleaded I've already accepted I'm going there a once- in a-lifetime Opportunity you and I could never afford a place like this this right now not with the expenses for the summerh house my hands clenched into fists this was worse than I had imagined and I knew without a doubt that the real nightmare was only just beginning she was right about one thing isia was the most expensive of all Italian holiday Resorts a playground for the Rich and Famous but that didn't change the reality of what
she was doing my anger boiled over as I shouted do you still love that damn creep Elena's face ped no of course not I love you and you ought to know that you are my only love I scoffed is that what you call love running off to iskia for a week of sex orgies with that horny bum blasted creep no no no of course not she stammered have I said a single word about sex he hasn't demanded anything from me and I haven't promised him anything the truth is I have no intention of cheating on
you I had enough of her my voice Rose no sex no cheating then why the hell do you think he's taking you to one of the most luxurious resorts in the world doesn't matter if he con some sucker into footing the bill if you think he's not planning to screw you every chance he gets you're either lying or incredibly naive and don't be surprised when his evidence pops up all over the web she gasped taken a back do you really see me as a a 304 just because because Ryan earned a Bonus Week in isia
and invited me since his wife couldn't make it I'd have been crazy to turn down such a great free vacation I sneered did his wife tell you this no then yeah I see you as a 304 and remember this once a 304 always a 304 you can never wash that reputation away once you're back home tears welled up in her eyes as she sobbed you'll see nothing bad will happen in is nobody will even know I'm going with Ryan I laughed coldly nobody but me you're out of your damn mind if you think I'll keep
this a secret soon the whole town will see your orgies and my humiliation on the web now for the first time real fear flickered in her eyes the price of her free trip was becoming much higher than she had expected she whispered please don't do this to us I promise I'll make it up to you when I get back there's only only one way to make it right I said my voice like steel take out your phone call that bum blasted creep and cancel the trip do it now her lips trembled I I can't do
that and that was it the final straw my marriage was over I felt a strange sense of relief as I muttered then have a nice trip I walked into the living room and poured myself a large glass of my best single malt whiskey we didn't speak for the rest of the night the next morning she seemed to have regained her confidence with a bright smile she teased do you still think you're married to a 304 I looked at her coldly have you canel your trip her smile faltered no and I can't then yes I still
think I'm married to a 304 her expression darkened who cares about your opinion she snapped we ate breakfast in silence at work I made a call Clara Smith answered sounding surprised Ur rised would you like to have lunch with me I asked Clara lived just four houses down from us she was the mother of my daughter's best friend and had dumped her cheating husband about 5 months ago I had always admired her not a trophy wife like Elena but attractive in her own right over lunch after some small talk I leaned in and said I
have a secret to tell you but you have to promise to keep it her eyebrows lifted a secret and what's the catch no catch I said in fact there's a gift involved I want you and your daughter to come with me and Maria to Euro Disney in Paris all expenses paid Clara narrowed her eyes what's the condition there isn't one not before the trip not during not after I just think it would be easier for me and more fun for Maria to have you two along she considered my words carefully and what does Elena think
about this Elena won't care she 's too busy planning her trip to isia with her ex-boyfriend I said my voice dripping with contempt and I've decided to file for divorce Clara went silent after a long pause she asked can you tell me more about your plans for the trip no plans yet if you say yes we'll plan together an hour after lunch Clara called me back all right I'll come that evening she had already arranged a babysitter for her daughter and we met at my office to start planning I expected her to insist on separate
rooms but to my surprise she suggested a family room so the girls could stay together I had no objections from that day forward Clara and I spoke daily we booked our flights to Paris rented a car and secured a hotel near Euro Disney meanwhile at home Elena and I barely spoke the only difference was that I had lost all interest in sex with her if she noticed she didn't seem to care one day while I was at a gas station washing her car I found a folder she had forgotten in the glove compartment it contained
printed pages from the isia hotel's website and an email from Ryan detailing their flight itinerary and boat transfer to isia it was almost like she was teasing me on purpose instead it was the final proof I needed my course of action was clear now and soon Elena would find out exactly what that meant Elena had probably canel her trip if I I had given her the ultimatum stay at home or divorce but I didn't see any reason to offer her that last chance to save our marriage and the damn summerh house in my mind she
had already betrayed me the moment she said yes to bum LED's invitation to a luxury getaway in isia she wasn't naive she knew exactly what he expected and she had willingly agreed yes I was going on a trip with Clara and I had assured her there would be no conditions between us but that was an entirely different situation Clara was single and I had already signed my divorce papers when we left what happened after our trip would be a matter for the future not a betrayal like Elena's Elena had no objections when I told her
that Maria and I would be going to Euro Disney in Paris while she was in isia she didn't ask about any details maybe we had both lost interest in sex though for different reasons until the last night before her departure she was packing while I went to bed early she tried to come near me but I pushed her away never come near me I shouted she flinched oh my God please talk to me we'll talk when we're back from our trips she left early in the morning once I knew they were on the boat to
isia I made a call to bum LED's wife she was livid he's gone too far this time she snapped it hadn't been hard to find her a quick call to Elena's friend Nancy had told me where where in England bum blasted lived people with unusual names are easy to track down a simple online search gave me the grant family's home phone number then I wrote my letter to Elena dear Elena your old and new boyfriend bum blasted is a terrible liar his wife told me that she was working as their Hostess while her husband enjoyed
a week in isia she said it had been a great pleasure having a vacation on the island maybe you should have spoken to her instead of believing everything that horny bastard told you she has promised to come to iskia as soon as possible for a serious talk with your lover and you enclosed please find copies of the divorce papers the court received today from now on you are free to do whatever you want without having to care about me of course you didn't care much before either otherwise you wouldn't be in iskia reading this letter
Lucas you're soon to be ex-husband I faxed the letter and the divorce papers to their hotel it didn't take long for the calls to start my home phone and cell phone rang repeatedly once Elena had checked in I didn't answer but I read her text messages 1 hour after the first message she sent another I'm coming back home tomorrow so we can clear up this misunderstanding I replied you didn't share a hotel room with bum blasted by mistake you went there on purpose now you'll have to live with the consequences no reason to complain Maria
and I will be abroad for a few days I don't care where you are later that evening Abby grant called she was already in Naples and had demanded that Ryan immediately throw Elena out of their hotel room 15 minutes later Ryan called her back assuring her that Elena had left the room that meant she had checked out less than an hour after arriving Abby doubted they had been in the mood for any romance after the chaos Clara the girls and I left for our trip the next morning we flew with Air France to orley and
picked up our rental car navigating to the hotel was easy thanks to an updated GPS the girls were thrilled to have each other and Clara and I got along effortlessly the only hiccup was that our family room had two grand lit beds slightly wider single beds Clara and I looked at each other and burst out laughing that problem solved itself I barely thought about Elena though she returned home the very next day she sent countless text messages swearing that she hadn't cheated and had spent the night alone at another hotel I replied you cheated the
moment you accepted his invitation and you left because he threw you out after his wife confronted him not because of Any moral Revelation on your part Clara never got involved in those exchanges we spent two wonderful days at Euro Disney and another in Paris visiting the Eiffel Tower shopping and taking a boat trip on the San on our last night after the girls had fallen asleep Clara whispered Lucas I love you I love you too Clara our love making was slow and Silent careful not to wake the girls it was a deeply emotional night marking
A New Beginning afterwards Clara asked if I would still love her once we returned home I promised her that real love wasn't dictated by location the next morning she made an offer you and Maria can move in with Will and me I hesitated are you serious she nodded if you meant what you said about loving me my home is yours I accepted we both understood that it was a fast decision we had only spent 4 days together during which we had seen each other at our best but we also knew that taking risks was necessary
to win in life Elena did not take it well when she realized what was happening she cried hysterically as I moved my belongings to Clara's house begging me to stay but she had burned her Bridges the moment she chose isia over our marriage my first night in Clara's home was Unforgettable we spent hours making love I couldn't understand how her ex-husband had ever cheated on such a wonderful woman nobody is perfect but I was confident we could work through any problems together that confidence was tested sooner than expected a month into our new life I
received an anonymous letter at work inside was a printed photo showing Clara standing on a bar desk her knickers around her ankles holding up her short skirt the message it was common knowledge among her friends that Clara had also slept with Ryan Grant and I should know what she had been up to at a recent conference at first I felt the rage bubbling inside me but something told me to look closer after coming down I examined the photo carefully even with the lowquality print I noticed small consistencies her watch wasn't the one she had worn
since we met and her hair was slightly shorter than in real life that evening I handed Clara the letter and the picture care to explain this I asked watching her reaction closely Clara responded that she had always suspected Ryan of either sleeping with her or more likely assaulting her when she was heavily intoxicated during a wild midsummer night party back in their school days however he had always denied any wrongdoing when she saw the picture of herself dancing on a bar desk she burst into laughter and handed me an album she then showed me pictures
from a funny game at a Christmas party held by her company the pictures clearly displayed the date and time in them Clara and several other women were lined up on the Dance Floor all doing the same thing it was part of a competition where they had to walk across the floor with their panties at their ankles but they weren't wearing their own panties Clara and I had agreed long ago that what we did did before meeting each other was irrelevant I had no reason to care about what she had done in her school days our
real concern was discovering who had faked the pictures from that Christmas party the level of skill used to alter the images with Photoshop was impressive indicating that someone who hated Clara me or both of us had done it we never identified the sender but after Clara showed the picture to several co-workers and publicly offered a reward for discovering the culprit the harassment stopped a biker friend of mine had even promised to have a serious talk with whoever was responsible from that moment Clara and I only grew closer knowing that some people envied our relationship Elena
and I decided to sell our summer house she used her share of the money with additional financial help from her parents to buy out my stake in our home we agreed to share custody of Maria and despite the arrangement she spent a lot of time with both of us even during Elena's weeks Clara didn't mind as our daughters had become as close as sisters Abby and I kept in touch occasionally through emails that's how I found out she and bum blasted had split up about 2 months after their vacation in isia the reason he had
left his phone at her parents house after a weekend visit her curious father went through it and found multiple explicit messages between him and another woman that was the final straw for Abby she had already forgiven him once after his attempts with Elena in isia but this time she was done for good Elena struggled during the first few weeks after our separation but she eventually bounced back now embracing Life as a gorgeous single woman she and bum blasted no longer had any desire to reminisce about their good old times given the heavy price they both
paid for their first failed attempt their friendship was beyond repair as they blamed each other for everything that went wrong since then Elena has dated several her first relationship lasted only a month as the guy was rather awkward but her current boyfriend seems to be a much better match even Maria has noticed the difference and approves of her mother's new partner the only issue is that he recently went through a tough divorce himself and his ex-wife took him for everything he had before leaving him meanwhile Clara and I are planning our wedding everything is going
smoothly both between us and between our daughters in the early days of living together we spent a lot of time discussing how we wanted our future to look naturally we have our differences but we believe that compromise and understanding will always lead to a solution our intimacy is at an all-time high and we've decided to have a baby we are actively trying and even our daughters are excited about the possibility of a little baby brother or sister dear listeners I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below don't forget to like share and subscribe