In 2024 Scientists Have Discovered End Time Prophetic Signs That Prove The Bible Is Right

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Grace For Purpose
The Scariest Prophecy Discovered By NASA In 2024 Proves The Bible Is Right 📚Grace For Purpose Pray...
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scientists have just discovered something that's truly interesting and shocking when it comes to apocalyptic events The Book of Revelation has everything you could think of and more but what happens when one apocalyptic end times event which is in the Book of Revelation what happens when science validates well let's take a look and see if this is what NASA has just done NASA plans for doomsday day scenario of asteroid with 72% chance of hitting Earth in 14 years the article goes on to say what if a neverbe seen asteroid barreling in our Direction was likely to
strike Earth that's the hypothetical scenario NASA astronomers tested with a recent simulation in which officials attempted to plan for an asteroid that has a 72% chance of hitting Earth in just 14 years now the reason that this development by NASA is intriguing Christians is because of the wormwood Prophecy this biblical wormwood Prophecy is described in Revelation chapter 8 and it foreshadows a cataclysmic event an event that will leave an Untold amount of Devastation upon the earth and its inhabitants the imagery painted by this prophecy is eerie and apocalyptic according to the prophecy a star falls
from the heavens other Bible translations call it a a hue mountain and this mountain this star is blazing with intensity when the star appears in the skies it Heralds a time of Great Tribulation its descent to the Earth signifies the beginning of a harrowing sequence of events that will fall upon the Earth upon impact wormwood unleashes a Toxic effect from the earth the waters which sustain life are tainted and rendered bitter in fact onethird of the water on Earth turn bitter that means the water is literally undrinkable it's not a matter of Simply a bitter
taste to the water it'll be poisonous and just imagine that that drinking water is unavailable to onethird of the Earth's population oh how the chaos will ensue the devastation to rivers lakes and oceans will affect millions of lives once Crystal Clear bodies of water will be transformed into murky pools of Despair now this is just one prophecy that will come to the Earth during the tribulation period but for you to understand the end of the world you have to go look at the Book of Revelation as a whole not just focus on one judgment Revelation
warns us that many Supernatural and apocalyptic events will take place God's Wrath to come Supernatural apocalyptic events extreme changes and the weather and so much more now whether or not NASA's predictions will be accurate remains to be seen but the message I'd like to give you today is that the Bible reads in 1 Peter 4:7 but the end of all things is at hand therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers the first thing that stands out that Peter says the end of all things all things is at hand meaning that it's near it's at
the doorstep we're on the brink so to speak now that should immediately get your attention because Peter goes on to say be serious and watchful in your prayer now when the Bible is telling you to be serious I believe it's saying be sound-minded and self-controlled be serious in your relationship with God be faithful to the Lord and be serious about living a righteous life because the end of all things is at hand now what's interesting is that Peter tells us to be serious and watchful in your prayers this tells me that there has to be
something to be gained from praying there has to be something valuable that you can acquire in prayer if we're called to be serious and watchful in prayer so let me ask you this in these times that we're living in how is your prayer life in these times where we hear of wars and rumors of wars how is your prayer life in these times where God is being removed from society from institutions from schools how is your prayer life in a time where many are turning away from the faith where many have itching ears for doctrines
or demons how is your prayer life is is your prayer life still strong is your prayer life forceful and tenacious now if you hadn't connected the dots there's a link between these last days and your prayer life first Peter told us this link but if you study the Bible further you'll find that Jesus also made the same connection between prayer in the last days Luke 21: 34-36 tells us but watch yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life and that day come upon you suddenly like a trap
for it will come upon all who dwell on the face of the whole Earth but stay awake at all times praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place and to stand before the son of man note how verse 36 says says stay awake at all times praying that you may have strength we need to pray for strength so that we can stand strong in the difficult end times we need to pray for strength because Jesus warned us that our hearts can be weighed down with the anxieties
of life and so prayer is absolutely essential for every believer there is a flood coming a wave we're told in Revelation 12:12 that therefore Rejoice oh heavens and you who dwell in them but woe to you oh Earth and sea for the devil has come down to you in great wrath because he knows that his time is short the devil knows and he understands that his time is short his days are numbered and so he is coming with an anger he's coming for the Believers trying to get them to backslide he's coming for those who
are on fire for God and he's trying to get them to a state of being lukewarm he's coming for the family and for the home all so that he can steal kill and destroy but the Bible says when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him meaning that should the devil try to flood your life then in jesus' name the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail whatever the flood may be God will raise a standard against him you have a deliverer in Jesus you are
on Higher Ground when you stay in the presence of the Lord you have a defense in Jesus an impenetrable Fortress and no flood from the devil can harm you at some point in life most people will hear the term the good old days and in most instances it's a reference to a time period that people remember fondly our grandparents always believed that the days they grew up and lived in were far better than this present day likewise our parents talk about how things were when they were coming up and how they were different and better
than the things that exist today Matthew 24: 37-38 the Bible reads but as the days of Noah were so also will the coming of the son of man be for as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in Mar marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark the days of Noah from generation to generation would you say that society as a whole has been improving morally and spiritually since the days of Noah or would you say that Society has been declining morally since the time of Noah during
the days of Noah the Bible says in Genesis 6: 5 the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually how does this generation compare if sin was prevalent in those days what should we make of this present day if the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the days of Noah then what does he think of today we've had a boom in technology the kind of technology that makes it easier to sin in many different
ways we've had Society glamorize sin through celebrities and entertainment so if the days of Noah were bad what about today could this current generation be the most wicked known to man at least since the flood Jesus did not refer refer to the days of the past the days of Noah as the good old days but instead he referred to them as a time that we could look at as a means to understanding his second coming for Christians this might Inspire us to want to ask the question exactly how bad was the generation that existed in
the final days before the flood in speaking of his own return Jesus said in Matthew 24: 37-39 but as the days of Noah were so also will the coming of the son of man be for as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark and did not know until the flood came and took them all away so also will the coming of the son of man be Jesus desired to let his followers know that if we could discern and understand
the times leading up to the flood then perhaps we could discern and understand the season in which he Jesus would return it's all about having the awareness to know that when these things start happening when people become comfortable and start pushing God out of their lives When sin and wickedness is the norm when you start to feel the birth pains then you know you know that the return of Christ is near so what was it like during the days of Noah what was it like before the destruction of mankind the Book of Genesis tells us
that the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth and he was grieved in his heart the Bible also teaches that all mankind was corrupt and that the Earth was a wretched Place Genesis 6: 11 and 12 says the Earth also was corrupt before God and the Earth was filled with violence so God looked upon the Earth and indeed it was corrupt for All Flesh had corrupted their way on the earth so the Earth was filled with violence All Flesh had corrupted their way way up to those descriptions against the world today
however in and amongst all that was going on Noah found Grace in the eyes of God Noah was described as perfect and just in his generation he was described as a man who walked with God and because of this he was saved in this day and age ask yourself as a man or woman of God am I a Noah in this sinfield world am I walking with Jesus am I practicing righteousness or am I to be found sitting and dining on the same table as those who willingly sin against God though God's intent was to
destroy the evil that controlled the hearts and minds of his creation he did not intend to annihilate his greatest creation as a whole which is why he saved Noah God's heart has always been to reconcile Sinners back to a state of righteousness he wants us to spend all of eternity with him but all too often we're not paying attention to his word which tells us how to live and what to watch out for in times like these sure enough if you take a look at this world through the lens of the Bible you will notice
a trend what the word of God stands for the world is against what Jesus Christ stands for and represents the world is against those who have been blinded by Satan live under a delusion they won't see that the Love of Money drives so many ungodly things instead they will focus on the notion that everyone needs money everyone needs to make a living of course and the Bible never says money is evil it says the love of money is evil and when you love money so much much that you're willing to do things that are unethical
and immoral then money has become an idol when you're willing to steal or to overlook the detrimental effect you have on others all so that you can make money then it has become an idol to you when you love money so much that you're willing to stand in front of a camera and not only commit sexual sin but lead others to commit sexual sin then money has become and Idol take a look at what the Amplified version says in 2 Corinthians 4: 3:4 but even if our gospel is in some sense hidden behind a veil
it is hidden only to those who are perishing among them the God of this world Satan has blinded the minds of the unbelieving to prevent them from seeing the Illuminating Light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God the devil wants you as far away from Jesus Christ as possible he wants you to be blind from the truth even if it is right in front of you the devil wants you to take God casually not seriously meaning you use God like a convenience store you go to him when you
need something and if you don't need anything then you put him away that's blindness now with this all being said I want to be very clear about this next Point while the devil is described as the God of this world he is limited he is not all powerful the devil rules the Earth in a limited capacity but he does not have ownership of the earth nor is he all- knowing omnipresent and omniscient he is not the devil has boundaries because God is still Sovereign and holds the final say revelation 12: vers 12 says therefore Rejoice
oh heavens and you who dwell in them but woe to you oh Earth and sea for the devil has come down to you in a great wrath because he knows that his time is short the devil's time on this Earth is short and what I want you to understand is that Hebrews 12:2 says looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the Throne of God when you look to Jesus there
is no devil no demon that can blind you when you look to Jesus there can be no love for money in your heart because your love for Christ is greater when you look to Jesus you cannot be blinded distracted or whisked away by immorality sin greed or pleasure I encourage you to really focus be fixated on the Lord this way you can't go wrong there are a lot of things happening in this world there is a lot of evil the Bible in 2 Corinthians 4:4 says in their case the God of this world has blinded
the minds of the unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God think about that for a moment the God of this age the God of this world Satan has prevented unbelievers from seeing the light of the Gospel now in case you didn't know the devil is very influential on this Earth whether you see it or not whether you believe it or not the devil can and has influence on the ideals opinions and St ards in this world that's why the Bible says
the God of this world the devil has his tentacles in the world's philosophies they are in so many institutions and you may think well how exactly does he do this well look at the driving force of many many major companies it's money money has become a God and Idol to many people including the bosses of many major corporations they will track your movements watch what you're watching analyze what you click on some even take your personal information and sell it with the objective of what money money is the number one objective money is the only
objective for so many institutions in this world yet the word of God says the love of money is the root to all evil but you see the God of this world the devil he blinds unbelievers and they don't see this they don't see how money has become an idol to them another example to illustrate just how the God of this world the devil has blinded the minds of unbelievers is this the Bible tells us to flee sexual immorality the Bible tells us that fornicators and adulterers and the sexually impure will not inherit the kingdom of
God however in this world what type of content is searched for the most on the internet it's all sexually explicit content that is related to opposing the word of God one site by the name of Covenant eyes reported that 30% of Internet content is pornography 30% of content online is geared to promoting sexual impurity and the sad thing is the number of visitors to these sites are in the billions this is the work of the God of this world and the truth is this world needs believers who are full of Christ it needs Spirit-filled believers
who can be the salt of the earth and the light of the world be so filled with the word that the light of Jesus Christ will shine through you into this world we are not commanded to hate anyone in this world we are commanded to love our neighbors as we love ourselves This Love that the Bible speaks of is one that can only be shown to others when you yourself have received Jesus Christ unbelievers may be blinded by the God of this world but as Christians we need to ensure that we are overflowing with the
love of Jesus Christ so much so that they will have to see the truth they will have to see the way to eternal life now the most important thing is that we should be spending our time and energy chasing after the Lord because the more we know him the more we know truth and the more we know truth the more easily we can identify deception
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