when I was 18 years old or in my late teenage years I would watch videos on YouTube of uh guys who were significantly more successful than me who are only slightly older than me um people in their late teenage years or early 20s making millions and millions of dollars with an audience and being really successful and when I was 18 and I was watching these videos I would constantly ask myself like what do these guys have that I don't because they look similar to me they're the same age and they talk similar to me and
they're from the same sort of background and place so why is it that some guys who were just ever so slightly older than me so much more successful what do they have that I don't and this would frustrate me to no end and and I thought you know if only I knew what they knew are they scamming people is it the a specific business model are they in a certain like cult or something like I could not for the life of me figure out what it was that these YouTubers and these guys on Instagram had
that had these cars and Ferraris and houses that I didn't and that was eight years ago and fast forward 8 years now I'm 26 years old and I figured it out I actually found out like what these gurus or these guys have these millionaire young dudes that talk about making money online the the masses don't and now I've kind of flipped the script I'm on the other side of the glass when I used to watch these videos it would kind of feel like it was me versus them like I'm I'm this kid I don't know
anything and I'm watching this guy who's not much older than me who's really sh me up financially and that would really piss me off so now I'm in the position where um I am one of those YouTubers and I make those videos and my audience is who I was I'm going to share with you what I did to effectively change my life and become this um successful millionaire person that you might want to become as well now this is a picture of me at 18 years old and basically what I was doing in this picture
is making cold calls for my first business in my sister's art shed so you can see here I've got three jumpers on um you can see some PVA glue and some painting equipment in the back here and this was in December in the UK so it's pretty cold and I'm sat here with my headphones in fact let me just take this off I'm sat here with my headphones on my desk and my laptop on Skype making cold calls and I got my dad to take a picture of me in this moment cuz this was a
pretty low point of my life I had no money I was a complete loser I didn't have a girlfriend I didn't really have any social life um I was addicted to video games uh I was never a total degenerate I was never like into weed or alcohol or anything bad like that but I had all these bad habits you know the bad habits that you you see of a typical Modern Man and I don't really recognize this kid anymore and this kid you know he kind of did this work thing and something cool happened and
I ended up um a millionaire you know with some luck right so what we're going to do so what we're going to do you might be wondering actually before I get into what we're going to do why I've got a map of World War II on my whiteboard and there is a reason and I'm going to explain how applying this sort of thinking can change your life so let's actually get into this what I'm not going to do in this video is tell you to start journaling I'm not going to tell you to start approaching
women as they come out of a grocery store to find a girlfriend I'm not going to tell you to um stop masturbating and you know all this self-helpy-ness tell you any of that all right what I'm going to do is just tell you how to think so you can organize and Orient your life in a way that is conducive to you getting extremely rich at a very young age and I'm going to I know this works and I'm going to tell you exactly what worked for me I'm not going to Theory craft something here I'm
going to walk you through literally what I did and how I thought to become successful so why have we got World War II on a whiteboard well what you need to learn to do if you want to change your life and become successful is compartmentalize your life into um basically components and understand that your life is an amalgam or an aggregate of lots of little different things and life isn't doesn't really exist your life isn't really a thing it's just a collective noun or Collective term that we use to bag up and collect lots of
small components of something to create something and this is exactly the same thing in Warfare so you should be familiar with World War II and you should kind of know what that was was but what I've got on the on the Whiteboard here is something that we would call a branch node diagram so Branch node thinking is a extremely powerful thinking tool that is used by very successful and smart people like myself no I'm joking but this is pretty straight for to do right branch no thinking is where you basically you take something big and
then you define and recognize the components of the big thing and then what you do is you again you take the components of the thing that's smaller and then you take the components again of the thing that's smaller and what we find is that everything in life is made up of these little small things that make up these little small things that make up these things that make up this big thing now that might seem horrifically abstract and strange and completely unrelated to how it helps you change your life but it will I need you
to bear with me so first of all before we talk about how to change your life let's talk about how to win a war so World War II was a pretty nasty and tragic thing and before we continue I need you to know that these numbers of battles down here are not historically accurate I don't actually know how many battles were fought in these countries in these fronts and I've missed a lot of details this is just for an example it's simple right so let's get into it so if you ask yourself War like a
war doesn't really exist you can't point to a war right it's not a tangible thing like what is a war well a war is basically a collection of battles okay so war is a collective term used to group a bunch of battles that happened in a linear you know time frame and we know we label all of those battles as an aggregate as you know as this thing it's it's kind of the same thing where if you think about what is a kitchen you know in your house a kitchen is basically a room that contains
kitchen like things and if you put all of those kitchen-- like things into one room that room becomes the kitchen right and this is this is weird let me explain so with World War II we had five main fronts so a front is basically a sort of uh well it's a front of warfare it's a theater of war it's where these battles actually happen and so when we're breaking down World War II and trying to understand what the hell this thing is well really it's a collection of fronts and so what we had is we
had the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Front um you know North Africa and all those places we had the Nordic front we had the Western Front we had the Eastern front and we had the asia-pacific front and so the first thing we need to do if we want to break down what a war is is understand where was this war fought and so if we combine all five of these fronts we get World War II and exactly the same thing is true with your life and how you change your life is you have fronts in your
life you have different components that basically if we put together create this thing that we know is life and what I'm going to do later in this video is break down those components and which ones you can focus on but first of all I need you to get the model and the way that we're thinking before I actually explain how to do it now here's where it gets interesting so inside of each front you know and I haven't been being able to include um the Mediterranean Middle Eastern front and the Asia Pacific front because well
there wasn't enough room on the Whiteboard sorry RL but your your African campaigns are going to have to wait he was a nasty um German officer in North Africa anyway whatever so under these fronts we have countries so we have each sort of theater of war where each of the battles would have been fought and so in the Nordic front we've got Norway Finland Denmark and Iceland um you would include Sweden as well but they were actually um neutral for a large portion of the war um and Finland they started with anyway I'm not going
to get into details but anyway so we have the Nordic front some people would say that this is the Western Front but you can break it down then we have the Western Front so this is fought in places like Belgium France Netherlands Britain Etc obviously Luxembourg more countries as well but we haven't got enough room and then we've got the Eastern front and here we've got Poland we've got the Soviet Union or Russia and then you know places in Eastern Europe like Hungary Romania once again there's more but I can't fit them on and then
we have the Asia Pacific front which is going to be made up of all of these um islands in the Pacific that the Americans thought over and so what we've got is if you combine all of these countries together you know then we have effectively World War II now here's where it gets even more interesting because what we can then do is we can break down each front into the country's fought and then we can break down the country's fought into battles so here's the thing how do you win a war well you win a
war by winning the fronts but how do you win a front well you win the fronts by winning the countries on the front and how do you win the countries on the front by winning all the battles or the important battles inside of those countries and so when we think about how to win a war or how to do something in the macro like change your life or win a war it comes down to the little things and it comes down to summing up lots of small little victories to sum up a bigger Victory to
sum up an even bigger victory to win the whole thing and so the way that you change your life and the way that you know the way that I understand it now having actually gone from this sort of Zero to Hero like you know having gone from like this dude who knows nothing about life or business or money to someone who makes I've made more than $30 million now and I'm healthier than I've ever been before and I'm happy than i' been before like I've got a sick life my life is amazing and this kid
did not have an amazing life and so how you go how you undergo these macr Transformations is not by trying to win a war or a front or even a country it's just by focusing on the little battles day by day and one thing at a time how do you eat an elephant you know one bite at a time is the kind of phrase and I'm going to talk to you about how to do this in a second but it gets even deeper ah you didn't expect that one well maybe you did because you've actually
seen me walk away from the Whiteboard I thought it' be a grand reveal so the thing is is that inside of the battles inside of the countries inside of the front we have the skirmishes and so a skirmish in in Warfare as I'm defining it and this is not a historically accurate term a skirmish is basically when two people of opposing forces there's a voice crack that's absolutely horrifically embarrassing at 26 years old but two people I'm a little bit sick you can forgive me two people of opposing forces fight so that's what a skirmish
is so if you're if you're in a you know group of like you know five soldiers and you know let's say you're um you're fighting in narvik in Norway you know in the in the in the' 40s or whatever and you know you're having one of these battles in Norway and there's a group of you and you know three of your guys and you're doing a patrol and then there's another Patrol from the axis German forces and you guys have a fight that's a skirmish and a battle is basically an aggregate of all of these
skirmishes and so if we want to win like a battle we win the skirmishes it's as simple as that and the thing is that you have to understand is that these battles and these countries and these fronts and these skirmishes they all have priority and so you know there's an example from um from narik I can give you an example so narvik I'm probably mispronouncing the name but it's a place in Norway um and there was a battle um in in Norway and World War II in in narvik and what the Norwegian and Allied soldiers
had to do was try and basically blow up a um blow up like a railway line so that the Germans couldn't pass ammunition and Munitions through to their army and this would be considered a skirmish it's a it's a mini operation conduct it wasn't mini it was it was pretty gargantuan but in contrast to the scale of the war it was it was small and you know what they had to do was they had to go in and blow up this Railway line and that's like a skirmish right something small and it was a very
very significant Skirmish because if you mess that up then suddenly the Germans have supplies and Munitions to push on up the country and now they've got supplies for their Nordic front and so the point making here is that the way we win a war is by winning fronts by winning countries by winning battles by winning skirmishes but not all skirmishes are born the same not every little you know um combat or not every single little like uh face off so to speak or operation inside of the field is weighed up the same in terms of
the amount of Leverage it has towards winning World War II so some examples I can give you here right so um let's say the Battle of Britain so really there was only one battle fought in Britain and in World War II and that was the Battle of Britain which was between the RF and the Luft wa if I've been pronouncing that properly but you know the German um the German like Pilots trying to like take over the English Channel because the problem is the Germans couldn't send over their boats and stuff and like invade the
UK or Britain at the time if the channel was still in our hands and there was something called the Battle of Britain and this was a pretty significant battle and this this might be one of the most significant battles in World War II and that's not to demean the deaths of millions of you know innocent Brave young men who fought in these other battles I'm just saying that if we lost the Battle of Britain if our boys if the RF RAF you know threw the bag and took an l i shouldn't talk like I'm 18
it doesn't it doesn't doesn't doesn't suit me very well but if these guys took an ll in the Battle of Britain I would be speaking German right now because we would have been invaded and then we'd be in some trouble another example in France towards you know the later part of the war we have the famous um D-Day battle okay pause just one second I was listening back to this recording and I said dday as opposed to Dun Kirk like what an idiot you'll have to forgive me I was on 3 Hour apren 4 hours
of sleep with a fever and my brain was just I was not functioning so every time I refer to DJ in this video please remember that I'm actually mean Dunkirk what a dick we have the famous um D-Day battle you know although you could consider it not so much a battle but it was for the French and they really saved their asses so thank you if that if you're French thank you to your great-grandfather that's for sure um but D-Day was an incredibly important battle because if the French didn't save our asses and get us
off that beach millions of or hundreds of thousands I'm not sure the specific number lots of British troops would have died and we wouldn't have had the capacity or ability to raise an army to defend ourselves if in the event of an invasion or even in the event of you know like coming back and doing um like reinvading France and sort of with America and coming back like we would have been able to do it and the Germans probably would have won the war right so pretty damn bloody important although they wouldn't have beat America
Standalone but anyway whatever so what I'm saying is that if you want to change your life and you want to make a dramatic shift in the macro you need to start to learn to think in the micro and instead of like I see this all the time where people try change their life in one Fell Swoop where they do this monk mode protocol or they do this crazy 75 hard thing and it's like those things can be useful tools to you know dramatically increase um and compress productivity in a short time frame but they're not
sustainable long-term Solutions you don't just win a war in one Fell Swoop you it's a it's a collection an aggregate of hundreds of battles that aggregate hundreds of thousands or millions of skirmishes probably more over the course of a you know or in the case of World War II like a 6 sevene time Horizon um so how does this relate to changing your life and actually fixing your life and doing that well it is pretty simple because if we now know like what thinking tool we would use if we were a general to win a
war which is basically by the way just isolate the skirmishes and battles that really matter and then give as much Resource as humanly possible to that so that you hopefully win there's obviously a little bit more Nuance than and that that's how you win a war so what we can do is we can actually um I'm reluctant to rub off this thing because it took me like an hour and a half to draw it well actually no but I was looking up to try and historically like get the numbers of battles accurate out of respect
for people that fought in them but Wikipedia wasn't particularly kind to me so anyway I'll rub it off in a second but you can see a war is made up of fronts fronts are made up of campaigns um and you know we would consider these countries campaigns and then campaigns are made up of battles and battles are made up of skirmishes right and if you win the skirmishes that matter you win the battles that matter if you win the battles that matter you win the campaigns that matter if you win the campaigns that matter you
win the fronts that matter and if you win the front that matters you win the war that matters okay now World War II is a bit of a weird exception because obviously there's so many people involved you know if if you've got more medieval Wars or you know the the pionic wars or something those are still pretty layered in terms of their complexity but this thing was it's called World War I for a reason right so let's rub off my masterpiece and let's get into your life which might also be a masterpiece but that's up
for you to decide okay so I've actually got a pot of whiteboard pens here in case you're wondering how much of a professional I actually am so let's do this life thing real quick and figure out how that works so in the same way that we know that a war is the big macro thing that we're trying to win so is Life okay and we're going to just put this here so life is this aggregate term or this collective noun well it's not really a collective noun in the actual sense of the definition of the
word collective noun but this is basically a thing that contains things and it's a macro thing and so what we can understand is that in your under your life if you want to change your life you have to change a certain few things and you know really there's a lot of these things um there's quite a lot but what I'm going to do today is keep it really simple and talk about the main ones and you can always think this through in a little bit more detail in your own time to figure out you know
what I might be missing but really you know the fronts so to speak of Life are health and then we've got wealth in the middle here and then we've got love like this and I'm also going to put yeah let's put another one here I'm also going to put here um let's put paradigm so these are the fronts of life so to speak um you've got your health you've got wealth you've got love and then you've got Paradigm now Paradigm basically means worldview and how you perceive the world um you know what we're actually going
to ignore that one and forget I put it on there because a there won't be enough room but B it's a little more complex and I'd like to keep this I want to keep this simple so I think we can all agree I think we can all agree that if you were really healthy and really wealthy and you had people in your life that loved you that you love in return you'd probably class that as a pretty good life and so right now in your life if you're not happy and if your life sucks it's
probably going to be because you've got problems in one or probably all of these components where you know maybe you don't really have any friends or an intimate relationship or you don't get along with your family and maybe that kind of makes your life suck or maybe you're broke and you're poor and you don't have any financial resources and maybe that makes your life suck maybe you're in debt or maybe you know you're really unhealthy and you get sick all the time and you're always really tired and you know maybe all maybe all those things
right that was certainly the case for me when I was a kid right I had to change all these things so if we know that we've got the fronts then what we can remember is that inside of the fronts we have these campaigns um and it gets it gets a little bit more nuan than this because you don't just in the same way that you don't just change your life and that life is this Collective term for these three things something like health is also a collective term it's something that contains things if if someone
asks me like if someone asks you like how do you get healthier well you don't you don't just get healthier you you focus on one specific aspect of your health and by improving that you then become healthier in the macro in the same way that if someone said how do I win the um how do I win like how do I invade France you know which is what the Germans ask themselves which is a pretty nasty thing to do if you ask me um the answer is well you win one battle at a time so
like how do you get healthier and how do you you know improve your longevity and lifespan well you focus on the the little things and so what we can do is we can break Health into these two campaigns really um and the first one over here that you can see is your body and your second one that you can see here is your mind and so you know if you ask yourself well what is health well it's your body and it's your mind it's this sort of well these these two things I would say constitute
your health because you have your physical health and then you have your mental health and the quality of these two things is going to make up this thing which will make up this thing and so those are the campaigns of health so to speak right and then in in terms of wealth we kind of also have two campaigns here um I can just draw out here so the first thing is business I'm just going to put here Biz oops the first thing is business and the second thing is personal so you know you you have
your um you have your personal wealth which is like you know are you personally in debt what's your credit score etc etc and then you also have your business so you have your ability to basically make money like that's how I'm defining business by the way is the your personal ability to make money right with a company or a skill set or something like that and then under love well we really have three campaigns here and I can draw these out so you know we have um if we come down here we have family okay
and your relationship with your family which Believe it or is quite important then we have um then we have uh lover actually I'm going to put partner cuz lover sounds a little bit controversial sounds a little bit French doesn't it um not that French is controversial and then we have friends so like I said life is more nuanced than this but I think if you if you nail the body thing if you nail the Mind thing if you nail the business thing thing and you nail the personal what like finances thing and if you have
a really great family and you have a great partner and you've got great friends I would say that constitutes a pretty damn good life now this obviously assumes that you live in a first world country and that you have access to healthcare and the internet and running water and stuff and if you're privileged enough in this world to be watching this video on a device then the chances are that's likely although you might be in a second world country and it a slight disadvantage but you still got it pretty good compared to certain people right
so once we have the you know these these things these campaigns which I will neatly write over here once we have these campaigns of life um mapped out what we can do is we can start to um SC my pens we can start to map out the battles of these individual things okay and I'm not going to write all these down we'll be here all day but you know for example with with the body and you can just about see me over here but I'm just drawing so with the body here um we've got some
we've got like your immunity okay then we've also got something like your gut health and we've got your sleep and we've got your cardio cardiovascular health you know and there's lots and lots of things that you know com comprise your physical health and like there's there's literally like dozens of them I'm not going to you know list them all out but these are essentially battles so we've got your immune system we've got your gut health we've got your cardiovascular system we've got your sleep system and you know all of these things are interconnected and if
I just grab my paper here that I sort of planned I planned this video out to see if I've got any more that I can sort of share with you here yeah so you've also got like in your mind you know you've got your stress and you've got your anxiety and you've got your emotions and you've got you know things like your depressions if you have that I hope you don't it's not very nice um then you've also got like your dopamine systems you know um you know there's lots more once again you've also got
like your mood as well I'm going to run out of room can you see this down here yes you can so my point here if we just neatly draw this won't be as neat as the World War II diagram but I'm sure you can forgive me so my point here is that like what makes up the idea of the Mind are these little systems so you know if you have low stress low anxiety you have good control of your emotions you're not depressed you've got you know low stimulation levels with your dopaminergic systems and like
you're not chaotic and you know another one could be focused in terms of how focused you are you know and if you're in a good mood all the time well then that would probably constitute you having having a pretty good mind which would mean that you've got a good state of mind and you've got good mental health which means that some way shape or form your life is better and so the same thing is true you know with with your business you know you've got these little battles like your cash reserves cash flows you know
you've got your team in here you've got your skill sets you know there's lots you know there there's once again there's going to be dozens and dozens of things here um you know you you've got like your you got your product you got your reputation you got your brand you know you got you got a lot of things here and so you know when we think about something like a business a business isn't really real a business isn't like you can't point to a business it's a collection of lots of small things and if all
of those small things are in good stead then the business will be in good stead and then the same thing with your personal you know thing you you've got your savings you know you've got your credit score you've got your debt you know you've got your um you've got your earning potential you know and all these other things that make up this world of personal finance that are connected and then once again coming over here on your family you've got your mom you got your dad You' got your siblings you got your extended family you
know you got your grandparents okay I'm going to just keep going and connect all these up and then you you got your partner so with your partner this is like first of all do you actually have one but if you have got one like what's the quality of it like like you know you've got dates you know you've got arguments you got value alignment and lots more things you know that come under this partner thing and then friends you know you've got like you know do you actually have friends and you know you get the
point there's lots and lots of these little things that are going to constitute friendships um that basically make up your life so the point I'm making here is that these things in Black are the battles and these are the things that you can basically win to like win the thing that you know wins life and so changing your life and becoming successful is it's not really about um like trying to undergo this massive change it's about just isolating the places that you have the most Leverage and focusing on those and just being specific so you
know for example um every single person's life has a Battle of Britain or has a D-Day or has a narik you know those battles that I talked about earlier that were incredibly they weren't necessarily greater in scale in terms of size or you know period over which they were fought um compared to other battles but they were extremely significant in terms of the impact they had on the outcome of the war and like I said if we lost the Battle of Britain or if we didn't get evacuated at D-Day or if those brave people in
Norway didn't blow up that train then the tides of the the entire War would have been completely shifted and these battles have what we would call leverage and so every battle can be weighed in in its in its stead of how much of an impact does this battle have on the outcome of the war and so for example you know when um you know when like Germany was invading Poland at the beginning um um like they just swept through that thing real quick and there were lots of important um strategic points in Poland that held
out for as long as they could and if they hadn't then the the blitz crew would have happened faster through France so there's there's all these little things right so what you're looking to do in your life is you want to create a map of all of the battles that you're fighting at the moment because you're fighting these whether you like it or not because by having a life you have these three things and by having these three things you have these things these camp campaigns and by having these campaigns you have these battles they
they they don't go away you have to fight them and the quality of your life is determined by how well you fight these battles how often you win and if you're actually victorious in in the small now here's the interesting thing right so we are born differently in in so far as the fact that as human beings we are born and some of us have a harder time with different things than others right so what this means is that there are certain battles that if you win you have a lot of Leverage in so for
example there are people on this planet who are born with a genetic disorder who can literally live on like four or 5 hours of sleep and so they don't really have to worry about winning the Sleep battle because they've already won it right by just being born um like me for example I am extremely low in trait neuroticism as a personality trait and what that means is I don't struggle with anxiety or depression it's seldom that I've I've sort of experienced these before but I have an incredibly um incredibly sort of calm and relaxed mind
mind and I don't have these extreme emotional swings and so you know I don't necessarily need to focus my time energy and attention into trying to overcome anxiety or depression because I don't really experience them and I'm very very fortunate that in that way and so what this means is you need to look at this and there are going to be battles that you're already winning okay once you've mapped out all the battles in your life you're going to find ones that you've already won so like for example let's say that you have been running
since the age of8 and you're you're like a professional Runner or you've probably got the cardiovascular thing down you don't have to worry about winning that battle and I don't know why I put cardiovascular but you get the point now there's a couple of battles that I think everyone watching this video should probably focus on if you want to change your life and get the most leverage and they're not going to be what you think the first battle with the most leverage that I've ever found is the Battle of gut health okay this thing here
if you nail this thing here it makes like you need to ask yourself and this is is what a good what a good strategic tactician in a war would do is which battle if I win helps me win all the other battles and honestly gut health is the one like if you nail your gut health and you nail the like the state of your gut and you really improve that like all of your body is suddenly way better and then your mind is way better and because your body and mind are better it makes winning
all these battles easy so the first thing you do when you change your life and the first thing you should focus on if you're trying to change your life is your health now I'm not saying that you have to work on these in a silo and that you have to be perfectly healthy before you can start a business cuz well I mean you know this kid can prove that that's certainly not true I would just my diet in this state was atrocious but I still managed to get to six figures so I'm not saying that
but what I am saying is that if you nail the gut health then your immune system will be way better which means you won't get sick you'll sleep way better your heart rate will be lower and everything in your body and your health will improve and I know this to be true because like I only up until the last year have had good gut health so I used to eat all sorts of weird and bad foods and I was vegan for a while and and that didn't work for me personally saying it doesn't work it
didn't work for me um and I would get um routinely sick like really up until last year and so what happened is basically every single two weeks I would get some sort of cold or flu or infection where I'd like cut my hand and get an infection or i' get an ear infection or like I had like an abscess on my leg that got cut when I was in a swimming pool and like you know sort like a rock in in the ocean and that got infected um and so I was really unwell and like
this was like my my immunity was in the bin like I had like a terrible immune system and I the same doctor came to treat me every time and she came to my house in Dubai and you know I had this cut on my hand and then then I had this cut on my leg and then I had this cold and then I know it's ironic cuz I'm sick again now but this is the first time I've been sick in like a year because of what I did and so my doctor came and she was
like this isn't normal you're a 25-year-old dude you're not supposed to be getting sick all the time so we did some blood tests and it turns out that I had a immunoglobulin level of 990 the average human being has an imunoglobulin level of 100 so immunog Goblin is a measurement for the body's immune response to um it meas me me antigens so it measures um the immune response to food intolerances and so I was basically nine times or 10 nearly 10 times more um intolerant to certain foods in other people and that's because from the
age of 18 until 25 I'd been eating completely unchecked like I would try and go through these bulks in the gym and then like I'd eat like I i' eat so much [ __ ] and crap and then like my body would just like shut down and I'd get sick again and I'd get better again again so anyway basically you know 7 years really of of or six years of Just unchecked Junk Food and crap um led to me having really really bad gut health and really really bad immunity and so my doctor did some
more intolerance tests and we found out I was intolerant to like 80% of the foods I was eating so I I conducted an Elimination Diet which basically fixes your gut um which I started 10 months ago now and I haven't been sick since I've got a slight cold to day but I know exactly why it's because i' I've done some pretty stupid things in the last week or two um you know in terms of my immunity so like I know why I'm sick now and I'm not even I'm not even that sick I've just got
like a sniffly nose and a sore throat like it's not deep whereas before if I was sick I'd be bed bound for like a week so anyway all of that to say that my gut health a year ago was a pretty that that that was my Battle of Britain right and so I focused on that and if you're wondering my Elimination Diet I just cut out everything except from red meat so I'm now on the Carnival diet and it's changed my life and it changed my life I'm not a dietitian I'm not going to tell
you what you shouldn't shouldn't eat but that's what worked for me so by winning the gut health battle everything else fell into place my body my health now the other thing that um the other battle on this health front that is incredibly important to Winning is your dopamine levels right so you have a system in your body called the dopaminergic system and this basically tracks your stimulation levels so different humans have different levels of stimulation requirement and you you should know this right so if you like your your your body internally tracks the level of
s external stimulation required for you to feel satisfied and not bored and and not agitated and so you know a lot of people these days have this thing real bad where they have to be constantly stimulated in order for them to feel like satisfied or not bored or not not agitated right so like you know you get people who are like eating all this [ __ ] food and then they can't like they can't just sit they if you put them in the car for half an hour without a phone they'd go Haywire right that's
a sign of someone whose dopamine system is kind of screwed or we have people who can't like before falling asleep they fall asleep like scrolling on their phone we have people who can't shower without listening to music we have people who can't go to their the toilet without taking their phone with them this is a sign that your dopaminergic system is radically overstimulated and the problem with this is stimulation external stimulation whether it's from phone or music or food or people or whatever the hell you're doing you know whether it's pornography or whatever it has
an impact on your nervous system and if you're drastically over stimulated you need to start thinking about stimulation the same way You' think as food if you eat loads of food in one go then you need to give your body time to process that food otherwise if you keep and keep on eating then you you kind of get fat and the same thing is true with these people people who have these drastically over stimulated brains is they're not giving their body and the their brain and their central nervous system time to actually digest this stimulation
and break it down and expel the waste so that their brain can come back to normal and so the easiest way to fix this thing the dopamine thing is once again kind of like an Elimination Diet so you have your content diet which is basically or your sensory experienced diet where you know you have these things that you do that just radically massively stimulate your brain and if you don't if you keep that up like you're just going to become this weird chaotic add Tick Tock brain person that you might already be and it just
fries your central nervous system like it completely like it just fries your brain and then that that the thing with that is your dopamine if you're massively overstimulated then your mood sucks and then you can't focus and then you can't regulate your emotions because all of your emotional power is going to trying to like actually digest this information and then you end up getting stressed because of it so gut health to the body is what your dopaminergic system is to your mind and the reason that these two things are so prevalent and important in modern
society to get right is because the you know like the western or at least I can imagine the east as well the the the world that we live in today is engineered to get you to eat as much crap as possible and consume as much crap as possible content wise because those two things are very very profitable for big corporations because it doesn't cost it doesn't cost much to sell you sugar and process fats and it doesn't cost much to deliver you content but it's extremely profitable and they can sell it to you at a
high price so if you nail those two things you nail the health thing and so instead of like when you think about trying to improve your health and get healthier stop trying to do a 100 things at once like you can imagine like this is in the same way that like let's say that there's um let's say that you're a general and there are 20 battles that you're fighting but one battle or two battles if one Wipe Out the entire campaign like if you you can lose 18 battles but if you win just these two
then you're going to win the campaign and you're going to win the war a smart general or a smart tactician would send 90% of his resources towards the two battles that actually matter and that's the point I'm trying to make here is you can't like do this monk mode thing it doesn't work where you know suddenly everything in your life suddenly becomes perfect because you're just not that guy you can't sustain that level of discipline and willpower your brain just won't allow for it okay it's great in the short term but my point is this
in like I see people try and turn their life around their health around then they they out of nowhere they start running then they also start eating really clean then they start going to the gym then they also start meditating then they they bring their screen time down to nothing and then also they start doing therapy and they start journaling and then they start it's like they they suddenly they do try and take on 10 battles at once no General has the capacity mental power or resources to just suddenly fight 10 really important battles all
at the same time what they do if they're smart is they isolate the battles that are incredibly important that if one bring everything else into check okay and you know this is demonstrated by like a Battle of Britain if Churchill who was the Prime Minister at the time of of World War II and if you didn't know that Bloody shame on you if Church didn't have the wiet um wasn't really wet if he didn't have the intelligence to gather up all the civilian um fishing trollers and boats to get the boys off the beach in
D-Day then we'd be in some real trouble and Churchill spent like months of his life or weeks of his life with his sole focus and intent on how to win D-Day he wasn't concerned with what was going on in the Netherlands or what was going on in the the Mediterranean front he had people worrying about that for him but as a leader his main priority was just one battle during the biggest war in history he focused on one thing for a long time in in terms of time compression against Warfare and it's a damn good
job he did and it's a damn good job he found that solution you know and that's that you know it's funny he he wanted the Americans to help but they didn't want to get involved yet they said that if um he he wanted to get he wanted to like borrow some um Boats off them some destroyers but they were like we're not getting involved but what we can do is we can tow them into Canada and you can come and get them but by the time that he'd have gone to Canada or sent someone to
Canada to get them uh well we would have lost dday so anyway all of that to say that's the point sometimes you have to sacrifice you know your energy and stop trying to fix everything at wants just to fix the one thing that if fixed gives you leverage right and so the same thing is true you know when we look at business right so you know you you can you can isolate the the important thing so for example in business the asymmetric battle or the thing that you need to win if you really want to
make lots of money is the product and this has been you know my central point of focus in my company you know since I started it all of well the new company four years ago um that I believe that if you get a good product everything else falls into line because in the same way that gut health impacts sleep immunity and cardio the product like it like we've got reputation we've got brand we've got um Team we've got cash flows Reserves if you nail the product then your reputation's great your brand is going to be
great um you're going to attract a really talented team and they're going to be passionate because they're selling something good and on top of that you know you're going to get more cash flow and have more cash reserves because well people are actually buying your thing because it works right and so you know the other thing that obviously you need to watch out for in business is your cash flows this is really the only metric that we focus on in business is like how much cash is actually coming into the account um but it's it's
the same thing like how do you build a business or how do you grow a business well you segment it into its components and then you bring those components into their little components and then you win the little components to win the big components and so if you remember earlier in the war for example I said that you know each battle has a series of skirmishes and um this is very true and we'll talk about this in a second but anyway same thing is true with your personal you know your personal finances with your family
as well so let's say that you know your love life and I'm I'm referring to love as the collective um emotional connection and experiences you have with the entirety of the humans in your life um let's say that you know you get along with your siblings you get along with your extended family you get along with your grandparents you get along with your dad but your mom you don't get along with now I'm blessed in in the the fact that I get along with my mother really well and she's absolutely wonderful and if you're watching
this mom you know I love you um but usually there's going to be like one person in this sort of love thing that you don't get along with and if you get along with them then suddenly everything's going to be better because if you get along with your mom she might get along better with your dad and then your siblings and then these things are all connected same thing with your partner right let's say that you know you you've got your relationship with your girlfriend or your boyfriend um or your person friend I couldn't care
less uh anyway you've got your partner and your relationship is segmented into dozens and dozens of different components and so like you know let's say for example that you know argu arguments you know let's say that you always argue and this is a thing it's like if you just stop arguing and you can actually start to listen to each other because an argument is a breakdown of communication due to lack of listening really if you it's a book called crucial conversations that I read about seven years ago on arguments and how to have them and
why I remember that I don't know but it seems to be quite handy in this moment but if you nailed the arguments thing maybe that was the one thing then you actually start communicating you actually start being honest and suddenly you can actually enjoy your dates and your Val start to align more because you understand each values instead of arguing about them this is my point you find the thing where the leverage lies and you fix that and then bang you you win the war same thing with your friends maybe you know you get along
with certain ones or whatever so this is basically the the map okay and you need to learn to think in macro and micro this is what this is called by the way we've got macro we've got micro we've got macro we've got micro we've got macro we've got micro so macro is BAS basically entity that contains micro and micro is component of macro and it exists at lots of different levels like this and so how do we actually like do this so now that you understand the thinking tool and the thing that matters we're going
to talk about how to actually act these things out and how to actually change your life okay so in the same way uh by the same the same s sort of theme we've got the same diagram we're going to keep walking through Okay so we've got life but this time you've got your lifespan like so okay now the funny thing about the lifespan or your life is it's made up of decades right and so you know let's just let's just say we do like this okay so we've got decade one then we've got decade two
now I'm only give I'm only putting two decades here because the chances are is you're still in your 20s or you haven't even been on this planet for two decades yet my audience is between like 18 to like 30 so you could have another decade here but you get my point right so so far your entire lifespan might have been made up of one two maybe three maybe more four 5 78 decades I don't care if you're 80 years old watching this video Welcome um but then your life is made up of decades right and
so you know each decade has um contains years and so you know on on this front we've got we've got one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 you know and these these are all years in your life okay and let's just draw this one out and then inside of each year as you should be aware of you've been you know kind of paying attention inside of each year we have these things called months okay we got 12 months in each year and obviously this is going to apply for every single year but
I'm not going to draw all these because it would kind of just be completely inappropriate and then we keep going inside of each um inside of each month you know we have four weeks and then inside of each week you see where I'm going with this right but it's pretty important inside of each week you can still see this yes you can um we obviously have seven days so one 2 three four five six and seven and then in I don't know if you can see this here I'm hoping you can because it's a bit
bit of a light pen inside of each week we um not even week where are we so we got lifespan decade year month week day and then yeah we we kind of go 1 to 24 you know we've got 24 hours in a day right and then inside of each hour we've obviously got 1 to 60 minutes and inside of each minute you know we've got 1 to 60 seconds you get the point right so the the point I'm making here is that when when you think about your life in its Aggregate and the amount
of time that you spend on this planet well what you can do is you can you can look at it in decades so for example like I have nailed my 20s so in the decade of my life well I'm only 26 now so I've got four more years to go so maybe I'll maybe I'll mess it all up who knows but in the scheme of things from 20 to 30 that's a decade and if you win a decade and you know A decade is net positive in your entire lifespan then your life is going to
be better A decade is kind of like a campaign in Warfare you know where this is like a a pretty big deal this is a big component of your life so if if I nail well actually no I'm an idiot that's a pretty pretty strange realization to have halfway through you probably you're probably like halfway through decade three but anyway whatever so if I nail my 20s which I kind of have between 20 and 30 then that means that I've won this campaign right but how do you win your 20s how do you win a
decade well you win it by winning these little years here right so there's 10 years in a decade and it's kind of impossible to win them all you know like I've had years of my life in the last 6 years is in in these in these 26 years of my planet on this planet in decade 3 like where I might have lost certain years and by lost I basically mean that maybe they sucked but as long as I win the years that matter that's all that matters so for example um when I was 21 this
was when um this was when Co hits was it 2018 anyway let's just let's just say it hit when I was in my 20s right so let's say that year one is when Co hit and so this became an incredible important year for me and this became an incredibly asymmetric battle because my business suddenly you know tanked because of Co like I was working with jyms and suddenly they all celled because they all shut down and so this became a very important battle and fortunately enough I won the battle by starting a new company and
you know I won this one and I kind of won all of these years really I've kind of had a lot of back-to-back victories you know when I was when I was um 23 I had a pretty crappy year with my health and and and one of my past relationships and where I lived and everything and I was in a really bad place so you know I kind of I kind of lost this battle here pretty horrifically but it didn't matter because I picked myself up and I won the ones after and so you know
whether you win you know the decade and whether you're up on the decade is basically you know how many of these years do you win and if you want to know well how do you win a year and how do you make a year a good year Well you make the months good and so you know you know for example if if in you know year one of decade 2 um let's say that I've won all of these months maybe I had like a really bad down month here where I didn't go to the gym
and these three months kind of sucked because I was just undisciplined and but the thing is is this is kind of like the roller coaster of life where you go up and down like this like as long as you have more ups and downs you're going to win and you know so for example in um when I was 23 and I had this kind of rough period in my life and you can actually go and watch the Youtube videos I made when I was 23 got three years ago now I'm like bold and I I
look like I'm I'm terminally ill and I'm building easy grow my product and my relationship wasn't going very well and I was in that sort of bad Health stage and I was in a bad way but like as long as you win most of the months and there are going to be some months that matter more than others that's the main thing so for example let's say that you know during this year and let's say during month nine let's say um let's say something tragic happens let's say like you let's say that someone dies let's
say that my father dies he's actually still alive thank God but let's say that my father died in month N9 well month N9 now becomes a month of incredibly important leverage because if I lose this month in the sense that if I let the you know if I let that tragic event completely destroy me and break me and throw me off track which it might do for a short period of time but if I if I mess that up it's my Battle of Britain in this this year then the rest of the years that come
are going to really suck and it's going to take me a long time to recover from that and so there are certain months where you have to be and I know the the dad dying example is a bit rough but you get my point in certain months certain months matter more than others right like for example if you're in e-commerce and you sell stuff online then the month of Black Friday and the month of Cyber Monday and the month of Christmas are imperative months to get right and you do not want to be caught sleeping
and slacking during those months right um so that's that now the question then becomes okay well how do I win the month well you win the weeks so if you have good weeks then you have a good month and if you have good months you have a good year and if you have good years you have a good decade and if you have a good if you have a good decade you have a good life right and you know so once again it becomes about you know isolating and recognizing certain weeks like I said in
e-commerce you know if the if your week is Cyber Monday Black Friday and you're going to make like 50% of your sales in this sort of sales week then you better get that thing right otherwise your entire year is going to suffer and maybe your entire decade right and how do we have good weeks well to have good weeks we have to have good days um but this is really where the kicker comes in this is where it really gets to the the point of skirmish so you know how I said earlier how like to
win a battle all you have to do is win a collection of skirmishes that's really where the work is done because a battle is basically just a word given to uh a lot of skirmishes in the same way that a war war is a term used to aggregate a lot of battles and the Skirmish is is this is where stuff actually happens and stuff actually gets done this is where the Norwegian troops are blowing up the the the train line so the Germans can't get through this is where the RAF Pilots are you know flying
over the channel and actually taking on the lift waer in these air skirmishes over the channel this is where you know Churchill is actually strategizing and thinking about what to do for D-Day right this is a skirmish this is when things actually happen and it's the actions at this base level here that make up all these components to get to the top and so really the the thing that you have to do to nail your life and improve your life is just have really really good days like these things here these little 24-hour windows that
you know we abstract into existence and basically kind of make up because a day doesn't really exist it's just our way of perceiving ceing the rise and fall of the sun if you nail the days and you really get these right then you're going to nail the weeks and you're going to nail this and this is the thing like when you ask yourself like how do I change my life and how do I make make all this stuff you know better it's it's really intimidating to think about like how do I have a good decade
it's like what who the hell knows how to do that like it's that's like it's like saying like it's that quote that I mentioned earlier like how do you eat an elephant it's one step at a time like if you sit down and there's an elephant in front of you and you've got to eat that damn thing like the only way you can eat it is by just getting a knife a very sharp knife and a fork and cutting a bit of that bad boy off and just eating it and just a tiny bit at
a time and that's the point I'm making here is it's about these days it's about the the day and what happens in the day now the question then becomes and this would be a completely normal question to ask of how do I make sure that I have a good day you know how do I make sure that like I actually am victorious in the day because the days are made out of hours and you know you kind of get the point right but the day we can we can all understand like what is a good
day and what is a bad day because if you have a bad day that means that you've done some stupid [ __ ] that you shouldn't do which means you've lost the Skirmish but if you've had a good day it means you've done some good things that you should do and so for example if one of the battles that you're fighting at the moment and by the way you're going to fight more than more than one battle in a day like maybe you're fighting the product business the business product battle the gut health battle the
getting along with your mom battle the not arguing with your spouse battle you you're going to fight a lot of battles at the same time but what matters is that you fight as few as possible and you isolate the ones that really matter and you just focus on those and you fight as few as possible like for example right now I'm fighting the YouTube battle and I just threw my pen lid across the room that was that was annoying but like for example right now I'm fighting the YouTube battle so one of the battles in
my business the thing with the most leverage that I have to to win my Battle of Britain or my D-Day is making sure this YouTube channel is successful and growing because that's the thing that's going to feed so much traffic into my business and make me money and therefore improve my life and so that's exactly why I'm focused on this thing today and even though I've got a fever which you might not be able to tell and I'm sick which you also might have forgotten about because I'm quite good at um taking iprofit and getting
on with it is like as today like this day here of this week of this year of this decade if I lose it I lose a little part of the battle and I I get set back and so every day matters and you need to start looking at days as these little potential victories that if Amalgamated over a long period of time move the whole thing forward and this is what I said at the beginning when I was starting this video is how like you know how um you know how like when you watch these
videos of of these these people online who make all this money and you wonder how they do it they just line up thousands of good days that is it it is not this CRA and I know this to be true because I've literally [ __ ] done it like this is how I became a millionaire this is how I got rich this is how I did everything I wanted to do was by just lining up lots of very very good days and winning all of my little small skirmishes a skirmish is basically in your life
is is when you don't want to do something but you should I didn't want to get out of bed today and make this YouTube video this is a skirmish right now I am at war with the day and if I win the day and I win this little tiny Skirmish in my life this one little seemingly insignificant portion of my existence but I do that every day over and over and over again then after 10 years or in my case it's been six or seven years my life completely changes and I can prove this to
you because you can see this out of my window there can you see that that's like the Palm so like I live on this beach in this man and I have a pretty damn good life and the only reason my life is good now is because it sucked when I was like 18 or 19 so let me just adjust this I want a little bit OCD about having both the Whiteboard Corners okay so that's basically the premise now let's talk about how do you actually win a day um because I think that'll be pretty pretty
important cuz there is it's very very simple to win the day by the way it's not hard to line these things up and to consecutively make these small little Skirmish victories it is really easy trust me it's a lot easier than you know being in a trench and actually fighting a war it's um it's way simpler than that so basically it comes down to your decisions okay um and you can see this here yes you can okay so it comes down to your decisions and this is pretty important to understand because there is something that
will feed your decisions at the top here and your decisions are either going to go in one of two binary directions okay uh let's just get these pens here and it's going to either go bad towards this is supposed to be fire by the way so let's just pretend that this this represents hell right or it's going to be good and this star supposed to be a star represents your goal so when you make a decision which is basically um making a choice we always make choices and decisions in the day okay so you right
now are making a decision and act AC decision to watch this video and is this straightforward where you are right now in your life is this sum aggregate of every decision you've ever made so if you think about war and winning a war what's a skirmish well it's basically just making lots of little decisions okay like do I shoot this person or do I run this way or do I do this and the thing that will feed your decisions and this is pretty important to gauge and understand if I just pick up have another pen
here the thing that will feed your decisions is information so information is basically the you know it's it's our way of packaging reality basically sorry my sore throat starting to play up a bit of a fuss here but I'm making the decision to keep moving forward to make this video so information is the thing that feeds decisions and so what this means is that the secret to fixing your life and and becoming successful is about having access to the right information and then also Having the courage to make a decision because it's it you can
have the information I'm sure you've been aware of this before where you've known what to do but you just haven't wanted to do it in the same way that a s a soldier sorry about that in the same way that a soldier in a trench might know that he needs to you know go and and run over to the other side of the trench and risk being shot um he knows he needs to do it he's got the information I will win the Skirmish if I do this but plucking up the courage to actually Act
is kind of the hard part and there's no shortage of information you can find most you can find everything you need to be successful online if you know where to look um so you need to have the courage but basically whenever you make a decision which which essentially is always going to happen in the day you're either going to make a good decision or a bad decision and a decision is good or bad in so far as the fact that it gets you towards your goal or moves you away from your goal and pushes you
towards um what I would call hell which is basically a worse situation or scenario than you are currently in and we have the goal which is a better scenario than you are currently in and so when you're making a decision in life you can either move towards hell and be an idiot and get a bad life or you can move towards your goal and have a good life and the only thing that distinguishes between a good decision and a bad decision is the time frame of gratification so if you want to know and I'm telling
you it is this simple because I learned this when I was 18 19 years old acted out as if it was true for 5 six years and got where I am today so this thing works it's time frame of gratification so every decision you make in your life in this little day-to-day experience that we call life if you make a decision where you you sacrifice tomorrow for today then you're doing the right thing but if you make a decision where you're sacrificing today for tomorrow then you're doing the wrong thing all you have to learn
to do is delay gratification so if you're wondering what a decision is it's basically just acting out a thought and sorry I've got like an itchy nose got like hey fever or something as well um and if you know okay so back to go one I'm kind of rambling it time frame of gratification if you make a decision where it sucks to do now but in the future it brings you reward and brings you happiness then you should do it but in the in the reverse if you make a decision where it sucks to do
like it feels amazing now but it sucks later then that's a bad decision and so the point I'm making is that anything that brings around instant gratification in your life is bad and anything that brings around delayed gratification in your life is good and so whenever you are doing something on every single day that you wake up you have the decision to either make the um the right decision or the wrong decision and the right decision is the one where today sucks but tomorrow is slightly better and the wrong decision is the one where tomorrow
sucks but today is slightly better and so for example like every day you make a decision of what to eat and I can tell you from having done Carnival for nearly 12 months now it is not fun to just eat red meat it sucks but it's a decision I make every day because today sucks and eating the red meat well doesn't I kind of enjoy it now but you know in the beginning it really sucks but you know fast forward to 12 months you get extremely lean your Clarity of thinking is impeccable you can run
on 3 4 hours of sleep and you know you have an unbelievable amount of energy if you just stick it out for a while and so that's an example of delay gratification whereas today I could wake up and decide oh I'm going to eat a burger and a pizza today and drink loads of sugary drinks but that might feel amazing today but then tomorrow it's going to suck and you know what this means is like if you want to you know win all those little days that I had mapped out here the way you know
if a day was Victorious or not is if it was painful and that's really as simple as that you want to look for these little decisions that put you in as much pain as possible right now add a better tomorrow and then what happens if you do that for like 5 years is all of those decisions will compound and all of that pain will compound and then suddenly you become like a millionaire and everyone wonders how you did it and it was just because you lined up lots of good days and every single hour of
every single day you are making the right little decisions like I can't make it any clearer than that you win a war by winning the campaigns you win or you win a war by winning the fronts you win the fronts by winning the campaigns you win the campaigns by winning the battles and you win the battles by winning the skirmishes and the way you win the skirmishes is by having access to the right information that you need to beat them because if there's if you're in a trench and you know that on the right side
of the trench on the other trench is a you know machine gun and on the left side of the trench there's no machine gun then you want to go left you know and so therefore you have if you have access to information that allows you to know that then you're going to make the right decision but it's also Having the courage to go left that matters right although you wouldn't want to go right um and that's literally it it's that's how I went from this kid and I'll show you again this dude who I don't
even really recognize anymore who you know you know I can't even like I look at him and like he he was doing the right thing he was lining up days and because of him because of him doing what I needed him to do I am now where I am today like when I was when I was like 18 19 I was in this art shed in the middle of December freezing my ass off in my parents house Garden making cold calls with my script that you can see on the desk there with my laptop and
calling up jyms trying to sell them marketing Services I did that every day for like a year and so then I got to like six figures real quick and I I sacrificed like I have I just won that really you know I pointed earlier how there was one year that was just really imperative we won and you know if you win enough years in a row then you win a decade and well then you have a pretty amazing life so yeah that's what I wanted to cover in today's video If you enjoyed it and you
found it useful you can subscribe and that would mean a lot to me because drawing World War II diagram took me a long time I did it for you so you can subscribe if if you feel like you owe me one but yeah I hope you enjoyed this video and um I look forward to seeing you in the next one after you subscribed so just don't lose the day and you'll be fine take care