What Jesus Said on the CROSS that Few Understand Until Today

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Beyond The Verses
What Jesus Said on the CROSS that Few Understand Until Today
Video Transcript:
in the final moments of his Earthly life Jesus uttered seven phrases that continue to transform Hearts to this day what could lead someone amidst the excruciating pain of crucifixion to speak words of so much love and wisdom we will embark on a journey through these seven statements that changed the course of human history prepare your heart for each word spoken on the cross is a portal to a deeper understanding of the sacrifice that revolutionized Humanity Jerusalem was bustling that spring of the Year 33 ad the narrow streets of the holy city were overflowing with pilgrims
arriving to celebrate Passover the most important festivity on the Jewish calendar the air was Laden not only with the aroma of spices from the markets but also with a palpable tension that hovered over the city occupied by the Romans in the week before Jesus had triumphantly entered Jerusalem hailed by crowds s waving palm branches and shouting hosana the same people who had welcomed him as king were now turning against him manipulated by religious leaders who saw in Jesus a threat to their power and the established order the Sanhedrin the Supreme Jewish Court had plotted his
death and Pontius Pilate the Roman Governor had yielded to popular pressure crucifixion was considered the most cruel and humiliating form of execution in the ancient world reserved for the worst criminals and rebellious slaves it was a public spectacle designed to serve as an example the Romans had perfected this form of torture calculating every detail to maximize suffering and prolong Agony the via doosa the path Jesus walked carrying his cross wound through the ancient city each step on the rough Stones was torment for someone already brutally scourged the sight of the crucifixion known as golgatha the
place of the skull was outside the city walls near one of the main roads ensuring that as many people as possible witnessed the execution in this setting of extreme physical and emotional suffering the words spoken by Jesus Took on an even more extraordinary Dimension each phrase was uttered with great effort as speaking on the cross required the victim to rise on the nailed feet causing excruciating pain this means that each word word was chosen with a specific purpose carrying a vital message for Humanity the first word father forgive them for they do not know what
they are doing amidst the piercing pain of the nails and the mocking of the crowd Jesus's first words on the cross reveal the essence of his Earthly Ministry father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing Luke 23:34 was not just a phrase it was a living demonstration of of the unconditional love that would forever transform human understanding of forgiveness imagine the scene Roman soldiers had just pierced his hands and feet the crowd was spitting insults religious leaders were celebrating his apparent defeat instead of curses or protests of Innocence Jesus offers forgiveness
this extraordinary response challenges our natural understanding of justice and retaliation the word father at the beginning of the statement is deeply significant even in the moment of greatest Agony Jesus maintains his intimate connection with God this word reaffirms the special relationship between the father and the son even as the weight of the world's sin began to cause his momentary Separation The Plea for forgiveness encompasses a much Wider Circle than we might initially imagine it included the Roman soldiers who crucified him the religious leaders who condemned him the crowd that shouted crucify him and by extension
all Humanity who through sin participated in his death the justification for they do not know what they are doing was not a mere excuse but a profound spiritual truth Paul would later write in 1 Corinthians 28 none of the rulers of this age understood it for if they had they would not have crucified the Lord Of Glory this ignorance does not remove responsibility but cont contextualizes the depth of Divine Mercy this first word sets a standard for all of Christianity forgiveness is not optional nor is it conditioned on the offender's repentance it is a unilateral
decision that frees both the forgiver and the forgiven Jesus did not just teach about forgiveness in The Sermon on the Mount he demonstrated it in the most crucial moment the impact of this word was immediate and continues to reverberate the Roman Centurion overseeing the execution would eventually declare truly this was the son of God Mark 15:39 in the following weeks many priests would convert to the faith acts 6:7 possibly impacted by this Supernatural demonstration of love this word also fulfills Old Testament prophecies especially Isaiah 5312 for he was assigned a grave with the wicked and
with the rich in his death at the moment Humanity was demonstrating its greatest rejection of God Jesus responded with his greatest expression of love this Paradox is at the heart of the Gospel the father forgive them continues to echo through the centuries as a call to transformation Steven the first Christian martyr would follow this example as he was stoned acts 760 countless persecuted Christians would find strength in this word to forgive their persecutors for us today this first word remains means both a challenge and a promise a challenge to exercise forgiveness in situations that seem
unforgivable a promise that Divine forgiveness is available to all regardless of the severity of the offense the second word truly I say to you today you will be with me in Paradise amidst the Indescribable suffering of the cross one of the most extraordinary dialogues in the history of Salvation occurs alongside Jesus two criminals were also crucified initially both insulted him but something extraordinary happens in one of their hearts Luke 23:39 43 presents this transformative moment one of the criminals recognizing in Jesus something Beyond physical suffering rebukes His companion don't you fear God since you are
under the same sentence we are punished justly for we are getting what our Deeds deserve but this man has done nothing wrong then turning to Jesus he makes a surprising request Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom Jesus's response is immediate and categorical truly I say to you today you will be with me in Paradise this second word on the cross reveals deep truths about Grace salvation and the character of God it is notable that Jesus uses the expression truly Amen in Greek a solemn declaration that emphasizes is the absolute certainty of the
promise the repentant Thief does not ask for a position of Honor nor even immediate salvation his humble request is only to be remembered but Jesus offers much more immediate companionship with me absolute certainty today and a glorious Destiny in Paradise this generous response perfectly exemplifies God's superabundant grace the term Paradise has a rich history in Jewish tradition referencing the Garden of Eden and representing the place of perfect communion with God Jesus promises not only entry into this place of blessedness but his own personal companionship salvation is not just a destination but a relationship this episode
dismantles several misconceptions about salvation first it shows that salvation does not depend on works or religious rituals the thief could not be baptized perform Penance or do good works second it evidences that it is never too late for sincere repentance third it demonstrates that salvation is an immediate gift of divine grace the faith demonstrated by the repentant Thief is remarkable at a moment when the disciples themselves had fled and hope seemed lost he recognizes in Jesus not just an innocent man but a king about to enter his kingdom his confession of Faith occurs at the
seemingly least opportune moment when Jesus was dying as a criminal this word also teaches us about the nature of true conversion the thief demonstrates all the Essential Elements recognition of his own sin public confession of Christ rebuke of the other's sin and faith in Jesus's saving power his transformation is a model of genuine repentance the promise of today is particularly significant it contradicts theories about an intermediate period of purification after death Jes Jesus assures the repentant thief of the immediacy of Salvation and communion with God divine grace knows no delays nor conditions Beyond sincere Faith
this second word on the cross remains a Beacon of Hope for all who consider themselves too sinful or too late for salvation if a crucified Thief can find redemption in his final moments no one is beyond the reach of divine grace the contrast between the two thieves also offers us a powerful lesson both saw the the same Jesus heard the same words experienced the same suffering one chose to mock the other chose to believe the Cross of Christ always Demands a response it remains a watershed in human history the third word woman behold your son
behold your mother in the most crucial moment of the Redemption story Jesus pauses for an act of profound familial love turning his gaze to his mother Mary and to John the the Beloved disciple he pronounces words that reveal his concern for human bonds even amidst his Divine Mission woman behold your son and behold your mother John 19:26 27 Mary who 33 years earlier had received the announcement from the angel Gabriel was now at the foot of the cross living the Fulfillment of simeon's Prophecy a sword will pierce your own soul too Luke 2:35 the heart
of the mother who guarded all things and pondered them is now torn apart by the pain of seeing her son crucified it is significant that Jesus addresses Mary as woman not mother this is not an emotional distancing but an elevation of the moment to its Universal significance the same form of address was used at the wedding at Kaa marking the beginning of his public Ministry now on the cross it marks the culmination of his Redemptive mission John identified in the gospels as the disciple whom Jesus loved receives a sacred responsibility from that moment on he
would take Mary into his own home fulfilling the role of a son this designation goes beyond practical care it establishes a new spiritual family based not on Blood Ties but on faith in Christ this third word reveals fundamental aspects of Jesus's heart even facing the agony of the cross and bearing the weight of the world's sin he demonstrates practical concern for those he loves his Divine love does not nullify but perfects human love the moment also Echoes the fifth commandment honor your father and your mother Jesus perfectly fulfilling the law until his last moment ensures
that his mother will receive care and protection this serves as an example for all believers about the importance of familial duties even in extreme circumstance an es the presence of Mary and John at the foot of the cross contrasts with the absence of the other disciples who had fled this small group along with other faithful women mentioned in the gospels demonstrates that true love persists even in the most adverse circumstances this word also has deep ecclesiological implications in the new community established by Christ relationships are redefined the church becomes a spiritual family where bonds of
faith are as important as Blood Ties John represents all disciples who through the centuries are called to care for one another as family Jesus's care for his mother also demonstrates that authentic spirituality does not distance us from practical and relational responsibilities even in the moment of greatest spiritual significance in human history Jesus attends to the concrete needs of those He Loves Mary at the foot of the cross represents all who suffer suffer watching their loved ones in distress the sword that pierces his soul is shared by countless mothers fathers and loved ones through the centuries
Jesus's words offer comfort and A New Perspective for this suffering for the early church this moment held special significance Mary would become a central figure in the nent Christian Community mentioned in acts as present in the cicle after the Ascension John Faithfully fulfilling his designation would be the channel through which many details of Jesus's life especially those known by Mary would be preserved the fourth word my God my God why have you forsaken me around the sixth hour a supernatural Darkness covered the land amidst this Darkness Echoes the most anguished cry in history Eli Eli
Lama sabbasani my God my God why have you forsaken me Matthew 27:46 this fourth word takes us to the deepest and most mysterious moment of the Cross this cry recorded in the original Aramaic language cites Psalm 22 a Messianic Psalm that detailed the suffering of the Christ but it is not a mere quotation it is the genuine expression of Jesus's anguish as he experiences for the first time in eternity separation from the Father the abandonment Jesus experiences at this moment is of unimaginable depth he he who had been in perfect communion with the father since
eternity now experiences the horror of total isolation as Paul would later explain he who knew no sin God made him to be sin for us 2 Corinthians 5:21 it is significant that Jesus maintains the address my God even at the moment of Abandonment his faith remains unshaken even as his feelings experience the deepest Darkness this is a powerful lesson for all who Traverse shadowed valleys in their spiritual journey the why of this question does not indicate a lack of understanding Jesus perfectly knew the purpose of his sacrifice it is instead the expression of the brutal
reality of the moment the eternally beloved Son experiencing the full weight of divine wrath against Humanity's sin this word allows us to Glimpse the real cost of our Salvation the abandonment Jesus experiences is exactly what our sins deserved he takes our place experiences our condemnation so that we never have to know the reality of Eternal separation from God the moment also reveals the depth of divine love the father who had declared this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased now turns his face away not out of lack of love but precisely out
of love for lost Humanity it is the moment when Justice and mercy meet on the cross the darkness that covered the Earth for three hours symbolizes the cosmic nature of this moment it was not just a human execution it was the moment when the spiritual forces of Good and Evil confronted each other in his final battle the light of the world experienced Darkness so that we could be transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light for those who struggle with feelings of Abandonment and loneliness this word brings paradoxical Comfort Jesus perfectly understands
this experience he descended into the deepest depths of Abandonment so that we never have to fully experience it the Cry of forsakenness also validates the honest expression of spiritual anguish we do not need to mask our moments of Darkness with false spirituality Jesus shows us that we can be completely honest with God about our deepest struggles this moment marks the climax of Christ's substitute Suffering The Chalice he accepted in Gethsemane is now being drunk to the last drop the curse of sin the separation from God is being fully experienced so that Humanity can be reconciled
with the Creator finally this word reminds us that salvation had an infinite cost the abandonment Jesus experienced measures the value God places on our Redemption we can never treat lightly a Salvation that cost God so much himself the fifth word I thirst later knowing that all was now finished that the scripture had been fulfilled Jesus said I thirst John 19:28 this brief declaration seemingly simple carries deep meanings in both its physical and spiritual Dimensions Jesus's physical thirst was a brutal reality of crucifixion after hours of torture blood loss and exposure to the sun his body
was severely dehydrated this intense thirst had been prophesied in psalm 22:15 my strength is dried up like a pot Shir and my tongue sticks to my jaws in response the soldiers offered him vinegar on a sponge this also fulfilled the prophecy of Psalm 6921 they gave me poison for food and for my thirst they gave me sour wine to drink the vinegar an acidic drink common among Roman soldiers was different from the mixture of wine and myr Jesus had used earlier but beyond physical thirst these words Express a deeper thirst Jesus who presented himself as
the living water and invited the Thirsty to come to him now experiences the deepest spiritual thirst it is the thirst for communion with the father temporarily broken by the weight of sin he bore this word also reveals the full Humanity of Jesus he not only appeared human he experienced all the limitations and needs of our human condition as Hebrews 4:15 says he was tempted in every way just as we are yet he did not sin Jesus's thirst on the cross Echoes his earlier declaration to the crowds whoever is thirsty let him come to me and
drink John 7:37 now he experiences the Supreme thirst so that we may have access to the water of life forever his physical suffering makes our spiritual satisfaction possible this expression of need also demonstrates the humility of Christ he who created the oceans and causes water to burst forth from the rock now depends on others for a sip of liquid it is yet another demonstration of the voluntary emptying described in Philippians 2 Jesus's thirst on the cross reminds us of his words in The Sermon on the Mount blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
for they shall be satisfied his physical thirst symbolizes Humanity's spiritual thirst for reconciliation with God for believers through the centuries this word has served as a call to practical compassion Jesus said I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink Matthew 2535 recognizing Christ's thirst on the cross sensitizes us to the physical and spiritual needs of others on a deeper level this word expresses Jesus's burning desire for the Salvation of humanity his thirst was not only for water but for the completion of his Redemptive Mission as he declared in John 4 434 my food
is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work the moment also reminds us that our own spiritual longing can only truly be satisfied in Christ as Augustine said you have made us for yourself O Lord and our heart is restless until it rests in you Jesus's thirst on the cross makes possible the satisfaction of our thirst for God the sixth word it is finished testy it is finished this single word in Greek translated into three words in Portuguese represents the most powerful Cry of victory in history it is not
a whisper of defeat but a triumphant Declaration of a mission accomplished John 1930 the term tetesi was used in the commercial world of the time to indicate paid in full when a debt was fully paid tet estai was written on the receipt Jesus declares that the debt of Humanity's sin has been completely paid there is nothing left to be done for our Redemption this moment marks the Fulfillment of all Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah from the first promise in the Garden of Eden Genesis 3:15 to the detailed descriptions in Isaiah 53 every prophetic word
Finds Its perfect realization in Christ the divine plan conceived before the foundation of the world reaches its climax the Declaration also marks the end of of the Old Testament sacrificial system the temple veil was torn from top to bottom at the moment of Jesus's death symbolizing that access to God was now open to all through Christ's perfect sacrifice animal sacrifices which were only Shadows give way to the reality they prefigured it is finished means that the Redemptive work is complete nothing can or needs to be added to Christ's sacrifice as Hebrews 10:14 affirms for by
one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy our Salvation does not depend on additional works or personal merits this word also marks the definitive defeat of Satan the ancient promise that the seed of the woman would crush the Serpent's head is fulfilled on the cross as Paul would later write having disarmed the powers and authorities he made a public spectical of them triumphing over them by the cross Colossians 2:15 the con exclusive aspect of this declaration assures us that Christ's work is sufficient there is no need for additional sacrifices penances
or meritorious Works to guarantee our Salvation as the author of Hebrews wrote there is no longer any offering for sin Hebrews 10:18 this word also marks the end of the separation between God and Humanity the wall of hostility was torn down the way to the holy of holies was opened reconciliation was achieved as Paul would declare God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ 2 Corinthians 5:19 for the individual believer it is finished brings deep peace we do not need to live in constant anxiety about our Salvation the price has been fully paid the
victory has been definitively won the work has been perfectly completed this declaration also has implications for our sanctification Although our growth in Christ is a continuous process the foundation for this transformation has already been established on the cross we live from the victory not in the direction of it Jesus's Cry of Victory on the cross continues to echo through the centuries reminding us that in our greatest weakness lies our greatest strength when we seem defeated we can Proclaim with Paul but thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ 1
Corinthians 15:57 the seventh word father into your hands I commit my spirit with these final words recorded in Luke 23:46 Jesus completes his Earthly Journey it is significant that he returns to addressing God as father indicating that the separation experienced at the moment of Abandonment has been overcome communion is restored the mission is fulfilled this last declaration is a quotation from Psalm 31 5 a Psalm of trust in the mid midst of adversity even in the moment of his physical death Jesus demonstrates absolute trust in the father it is not a passive surrender to death
but an active and voluntary handing over of his life the verb commit in the original Greek indicates a deliberate and confident action Jesus is not a victim of circumstances he is in control until the last moment fulfilling his own earlier statement no one takes my life from me but I lay get down of my own accord John 10:18 The Mention Of The Father's hands evokes images of security and protection found throughout the Old Testament they are the same hands that formed the universe that guided Israel that sustain all things Jesus demonstrates absolute trust in the
father's care even in death this final word sets a standard for all believers Steven the first Christian martyr would Echo these words in his own death Lord Jesus receive my spirit acts 7:59 countless Christians through the centuries have found comfort and strength in these words as they face their own mortality the moment also reveals the trinitarian nature of redemption the son commits his Spirit to the father having completed the work given to him as a theologian observed on the cross we see the son offering himself to the father through the eternal spirit Hebrews 9:14 this
voluntary handing over of the spirit marks the transition from Christ's humiliation to his exaltation as Paul wrote he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death even death on a cross therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name Philippians 289 for us today these final words offer a model of how to live and die Our Lives should be characterized by the same absolute trust in the Father the same willingness to hand everything into his hands the same certainty in his Sovereign care Jesus's Serenity
in this final moment contrasts dramatically with the previous Agony the battle has been won the work is finished and he can commit his spirit in perfect peace it is the Fulfillment of his own promise peace I leave with you my peace I give you John 14:27 this last word also teaches about the nature of death for the believer it is not an end but a handing over not a defeat but a transition to the presence of the father as Paul would affirm to die is Christ and to live is Christ Philippians 1:23 the seven words
of the Cross culminating in this confident handing over to the father form a perfect Testament to the love Mission and character of Jesus together they show us the path of redemption reconciliation and eternal life in communion with God the seven words of Jesus on the cross form a perfect Symphony of divine love each revealing a different facet of his Redemptive Mission and his eternal significance for Humanity let us contemplate how these words intertwine and continue to Echo in our lives today from the radical forgiveness demonstrated in the first word to the absolute Trust of the
last we see a perfect Ark of redemption starting with father forgive them and ending with Father into your hands I commit my spirit Jesus shows us a complete circle of reconciliation with God between these two moments we witness the full depth of divine love the promise to the repentant Thief reveals the immediacy and gratuiti of Salvation the care for his mother demonstrates that Divine love does not nullify but perfects human bonds The Cry of Abandonment shows us the infinite price of our Redemption The Thirst reminds us of his full Humanity the Declaration of completion assures
us of the completeness of his work these words continue to speak powerfully to our generation they teach us about forgiveness when we Face offenses they assure us of Hope when we feel unworthy they show us how to care for one another amidst suffering they Comfort us when we experience abandonment they remind us of our shared Humanity they guarantee that the work is complete they teach us to trust God in all circumstances the legacy of these seven words transformed human history and continues to transform individual lives they invite us to a journey of faith that Embraces
both suffering and victory both humanity and Divinity both death and life as we meditate on these final words of Jesus we are called not only to contemplate them but to live them each word invites us to a response to forgive as we have been forgiven to trust as he trusted to love as he loved the seven words of the Cross remain a Beacon of Hope and transformation for all Humanity reminding us that in the darkest moment of History Shone the brightest light of divine love may we as faithful followers of Christ carry this Legacy in
our hearts and express it in our daily lives
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