My Step-by-Step Automation Agency Delivery Process (Copy)

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Nick Saraev
Video Transcript:
what's going on everybody Nick here I made over 72,000 bucks a month with my automation agency and the way that I did it was optimizing the client experience now one of the most important and lowest hanging fruit in optimizing the client experience is the actual Service delivery it's also something that I feel is very underrepresented on YouTube people talk about how to build flows they talk about how to scrape leads and get customers but nobody ever talks about what to actually do like logistically when you're done a project how to minimize revisions how to maximize
the likelihood of retaining a client how to upsell them how to send the email how to record the documentation what I'm going to do in this video is show you my own step-by-step process that I've been using for the better part of two years including all my templates including everything um to do this to maximize the quality of the client experience impress the hell out of them and then optimize the odds that they want to work with me again in a future project and unlock all that leverage that I talk about in most of my
other videos so if you guys want to just cut the and get straight into how to optimize Service delivery then this is the video for you let's get into it cool so I have a Whimsical setup here and this is really my step-by-step automation delivery process this is what I do basically every time that I get a new client uh I'm going to walk you through every one of these steps in excruciating detail but just before I do I just want to show you guys the example system I'm going to be using um I'm keeping
this super simple this is just a a super straightforward four module system that I built that literally just scrapes my own School Community once every hour and it just tells me if the member count is 400 I built this a few months back back when I needed to do stuff like this um I now have much more sophisticated systems for this but we're just going to be using this as my like finished system um obviously you know I I could use other systems but um part of what I'm going to be showing you guys in
a minute is like how to do documentation how to increase the perceived value of your projects at the most crucial steps and I don't really want to have to do the documentation for this it would just take too long and kind of defeat the purpose so we're going to start with a simple form module system I want you guys to know that you can apply this to whatever system you're running exact same approach doesn't matter if it's four modules uh 400 modules although I highly recommend you do not build 400 module flows uh but I
think you guys get my point okay great so let's actually dive into my step-by-step automation process here this is the most effective way I found to deliver highquality automation projects at scale period I've experimented with dozens of approaches this way from what I can see is the best the way that this works is and if you follow this system you know you guys will see what I mean but the way that this works is this maximizes the retention of my customers and it lets me get get my foot in the door for upsells later on
that include things like a second project things like a monthly retainer it also impresses them and it like makes asks to do those upsells at very particular points that I think a lot of people don't appreciate are very high Roi times to do so so in a nutshell when the project is completed what we do first is we do an end to- end test this is really important I'm going to dive in exactly how to do it with some examples in a moment then we're going to copy all of our Blueprints and templates for that
project this is the secret to scalability with an automation agency if you're not doing this then uh basically every time you get a new project you're starting from scratch which is silly you should really be doing is building a whole automation template Library so that next time that you're faced with uh final boss you don't have to start them at 100% Health you could start them at 20% I'll show you guys how to do that in a second then we're going to record some Sops or documentation the reason why we do this is because automation
is sort of like Emeral like automation if you think about it is just a bunch of bits and zeros and ones stored on cloud servers and God knows where it's very hard for a client to conceptualize the value of this so you need to increase the deliverables that you're providing them as much as you can and a video is a quick way to do so it's something that they can see it's something they can hear um and it's something that they're going to think adds value to the project even if it only took you 10
or 15 minutes we're then going to turn that Loom sop into a text sop using large language models and screenshots that is again something that's going to take you 5 minutes but it's going to double the proceed value of the documentation we're then going to dive deep into the client business and we're going to see ways that we can actually like scope out a proposal to to do retainer services and we're going to deliver this in a templated delivery email that just like you know hits all the notes make sure that you get everything you
need if you're doing some type of platform sales you'll make sure that you get your review taken care of uh it's going to maximize the probability of you receiving a paid invoice as opposed to just hanging there waiting I'm then going to talk about how to minimize revisions how to frame your project in such a way that allows you uh to you know confidently deliver a thing without actually having to be like hey is everything okay like do you want some changes which I used to do a lot back when I was starting and absolutely
murdered my service uh deliveries and then you know we'll we'll deliver the project as you can see I've sort of created a little Loop here where it just goes from eight back to one uh and so on and so on and so forth so this is a loop that's how I want you guys to think about it let's jump in with our very first example which is what to do when your project just finished and it's uh you know time to time to do the delivery and give it to the client so this is the
endtoend testing part this is one of the most important steps in the entire automation agency business model I want you to think about this logically let's say you spend 30 hours developing the best project ever known to man it is so amazing it's an automation that summons God I don't know it's really cool all right it does some just amazing let's say it does everything the client wants for wanted and it makes them a million billion a day but when it comes time to deliver that project you know there's just a little I don't know
you added an extra semicolon somewhere in one of the text parsers or some and it just it doesn't work the first time the client tries to use it it doesn't work how much value do you think that you have just destroyed for yourself by having that system not work it doesn't matter if you spent a million hours building it if it doesn't work when you deliver it it's as if you spent zero hours on it the client percept is going to be basically the same so endtoend testing e toe is by far one of the
most important parts of any service delivery whether it's automations whether you're doing some marketing campaign whether you're doing some security it whatever the hell across business models if you don't just give everything a once over before you give it to your client you are shooting yourself in the foot and you're wasting a massive opportunity so an actual end to-end test like logistically is just where you execute your flow from start to finish as if you were your client and you make sure that every one of the modules in your flow like using make or something
like that activate even if you have filters even if you have um I don't know several routes or several subsequences or or whatnot it's obviously very tempting to think that well hey I just spent 30 hours on this thing like I I get how it works okay I've just isolated I've ran this module and that module and that module but trust me when I say I can't tell you how many times I have thought the exact same thing and then I deliver a project that maybe a client paid three four $5,000 for and their first
thing is like Nick this isn't working like you're just you're obliterating your odds of getting a retainer or follow-up uh you don't want to do that you want to be very detail oriented with the stuff um and you know as I always mention in my videos like retention unlocks a massive amount of Leverage here so that's what we're going to talk about all right so I have this little scenario set up here as I mentioned previously let me just walk youall through it so we're on the same page it makes a HTTP request to school
slake money with make slab know the little get method then we parse the text uh turn it into sorry parse the HTML turn it into text that's what that looks like and as you see there is a very important little snippet right here private group 400 members that's basically what we're looking for we're looking for that little number 400 so what do we do logically we're going to use a Rex here um I'm going to just be feeding it in a very simple pattern private group and then this is what I'm looking for space members
I don't need all of this text but I just copy and paste it and then it worked one time and I was like all right good enough for me and then last but not least you know if the number is not for 100 we create a message in slack and I publish it to my left click sales channel right voila we have our our code here it's like a little block formatting you could just use plain text nothing special but if I uh if I jump to my slack this is what the uh notification looks
like I just ran this again because I wanted to test that last module but let's just use this one mmw member count is no longer 400 current member count 399 right um the purpose of the system way back in the day was just like notify me when stuff like this would happen I don't really use it anymore uh but yeah all right so I need to somehow magically get back to the screen should be good working with two monitors is weird uh awesome so now that we understand what the system looks like the question is
like how how do you actually go about end end testing this thing well it's pretty simple um all you need to do is you just need to run every single module uh and you don't want to do so isolated you don't just want to click run this module only you don't want to just click run this module only you don't just want to do that and work your way down you actually want to run it as if the client were to use it in my case this is schedule to run once every let's just say
60 minutes so I'm actually just going to a run we're going to see what happens okay cool number one that executed fine this looks like it executed fine that looks like it executed fine but there's some filter here and we can't actually see the execution of that last module uh oh so what we need to do is in order for us to have fully endend tested everything in our flow we're going to need to find a way to either remove that filter or or just have it run anyway so uh this is not 400 so
it says if you know this number is not equal to 400 then it'll run I'm just going to go like 401 you know just so I can really quickly run it and let me just change this number here too just so that it doesn't seem weird okay great let's run this awesome awesome awesome what is the intended output the intended output is a message that says make money with make member count is no longer 401 and then we have a current member count of 400 perfect so now I'm I'm going to go back here and
I'm going to very intentionally just make sure that I reverse that change and this is the same production ready system it was just a second ago awesome and uh yeah now I am good I can continue onwards with my system I've verified that you know I have every module here working the way that I want it to work I'm I'm good I I don't need to worry about this anymore as you see that took maybe two or three minutes it's by far the most valuable two or three minutes that you are going to spend throughout
this entire process if you forego this two or three minutes for some other reason you are making a very big strategic era you're always going to want to do some type of an0 testing in your system okay great let's talk a little bit about step two which is copying Blueprints and templates this is hyper important um if you think about this logically Automation and software engineering are one of the only industries that you can effectively do this but let's hypothetically say that you just spent 20 hours working on a project and you were just making
uh I don't know the project was like 500 bucks okay really small project you made 25 bucks an hour with this you're like killing yourself you're like what the hell's wrong with me why can't I make more money than 25 bucks an hour I'm a useless automation agency and I should just stop well I want you to think about it this way um you didn't just spend you know 20 hours to solve this project you spent 20 hours to solve every instance of this project ever if you ever get this project again or a variant
of this project you now have Blueprints and templates that allow you to get 99% of the job done in 5 seconds so sure it might have taken you 20 hours at the very beginning but the second time it'll take you 30 minutes the third time it'll take you 2 minutes the fourth time it might take you 30 seconds maybe you build an automation that delivers the automations right it's kind of like Apex um stuff and that's what a lot of people aim for so the point that I'm making is the reason why automation is an
industry is so freaking awesome is because once you're done you can just copy and paste this forever the issue is most people do not save their blueprints when they develop them for clients especially on like other client environments and stuff like that and so I made this mistake a lot when I was stting starting if I had you know been very organized about the way that I copied all my blueprints copied all my templates change you know when I say templates I mean like the clickup environment I mean like the the Monday environment if I
had been a little better with this I think I probably would have been able to hit at least another you know $3 $40,000 a month I think I would have been able to make at least $100,000 a month with the automation agency um but I didn't you know I was pretty disorganized I said ah well maybe I'll just I'll just copy it later and lo and behold you know a year or two later everything's disorganized I have no idea what system is which I don't have access to a few client environments anymore I've lost a
lot of that leverage that I could have gotten so what I highly recommend you guys do is after every one of your projects is done download all of the blueprints if you're in download the I don't know scenarios or or na10 Json if you're using another platform and store them in a Google drive or similar um so I have a very simple folder structure set up here as you can see I just called it the name of my company left click underneath we have just my clients and inside of them you know there's this
one called NSM Nix rif media I'm not very creative clearly uh and inside of that we have mmwm member count scraper slack notification so this is where I'd store that blueprint so what I would actually do is literally I would go here I would export this blueprint okay and then I would go back over and drag it in just so that I have an organized record of every blueprint that I've ever made and then just to make it even better and more organized i' actually copy the name of this scenario um because make and has
the unfortunate tendency to just call it like blueprint 5. Json or whatever um and then I just i' I'd name it that just so I know you know let's say six months from now when I come in and get a similar project and I want to copy and paste this so that's personally the way that I highly recommend you guys do things um if I had done this from the very get-go if I done this from day one with my agency I would have made a lot more money and it also just would have probably
spent way less work rebuilding the wheel 55 million times um but I'm going to leave it at that all right so step three our system is to record a loom standard operating procedure what exactly do I mean by this well you need to understand that automations are ephemeral they are virtual they don't really exist right the vast majority of the clients that you're going to be working with are going to be working with you because you're like a technology expert you're an automation expert you typically know more about like Cloud stuff than they do so
to you these automations have value right you're working with them it's dragg and dropping across a screen they they do stuff right but to a client you know especially a client that you've like um done most of the work away from sort of this Black Box Thing their ability to conceptualize the value of your automation is very limited and so what you need to do instead of just delivering the automation is you need to find excuses to add some more onto them uh you know instead of just delivering a blueprint let's say which I highly
recommend you never do you actually record a video that goes in- depth walking through what the automation does from from start to finish it shows the the the result of the automation it shows how to make changes to the automation if necessary you're there so you can kind of walk them through and frame how great your system is giving them some ideas obviously charm them with your personality but this is essentially like another deliverable that you are providing alongside your system and alongside what the system is supposed to produce which just instantly buys you uh
an extra win if you think about it if my deliverables previously were the system and now my now now my deliverables are the system and a loom I basically doubled the number of deliverables but I've done so in like 15 minutes or so so now I've actually recorded a whole Loom here for you guys and I'm not going to go through that loom in this video um I think it's right over here yeah I'm not going to go through the whole loom in this video but this is exactly the format that I take every time
I do uh you know like a documentation or video walkth through um I typically start off with just like a brief introduction of what the purpose of this video is I will never ever say like hey Peter how's it going great delivery man I'm going to walk you through it I'll always say something like hey the purpose of this video is to act as video documentation for Peter blank's team I'm going to ensure that you guys know how this works and I'm also going to ensure that you guys can make some common changes to the
system if need me the reason why is because I just want them to be able to copy and paste it to their team members as necessary if you do little things like this they'll appreciate it and they'll also think like man this person really knows business I mean if they're just making my life that easy uh and it helps anyway uh you know you go through you talk about the use case you talk about what the system is for the problems the system solves you actually walk them through if they wanted to make some changes
to this if they wanted to I don't know um let's see change the scheduling from 60 to 30 minutes they could do it that way if they wanted to change uh the message that they're getting they could do it this way uh you actually go through and you like record a very detailed comprehensive video that walks them through this and this does like a couple of things um that that I consider bonuses one your client is going to think that it's a bonus because they weren't really expecting to get anything at this level of detail
and they're going to think that you spend a lot more time on it then you probably did but like remember you've just been working with this system for God knows how long you know everything about this like it's it's not that bigman ass to have you just talk through those thoughts out loud right you realistically do it in like 10 15 20 minutes but the second and probably one of the most important issues is you get the chance to show off a little you also get the chance to shape the client perception like again you
know automations are these ephemeral things that just exist in the cloud if you are here walking people through that automation you have the ability to turn it from something that's ephemeral ephemeral and you know virtual or whatever into something physical right you can constantly relate this back to Roi demonstrable um some type of like demonstrable savings or demonstrable Revenue uh you could talk about you know the complexities of the system you could treat yourself as an authority essentially and really sell yourself even more than you've already done um so I I highly recommend you guys
record Loom Sops anywhere uh for any service that you do whether it's you know automation or any anything else that's technical it's obviously going to put you miles ahead of other service providers and then yeah you know it takes you like 20 minutes that's about it like it's super fast and easy to do realistically um and the cool thing is once you have a piece of loom documentation you can very easily turn this into other forms of documentation as well particularly text documentation the value here is not only have you just created a video so
so you know if we go back a little bit like at the very beginning your first deliverable would have only been the system right but then you made a video documentation so now you have two deliverables instead and now what you're doing is you're literally just copying and pasting the loom transcript into gp4 or a large language model and you're saying hey turn this into a standard operating procedure in like 3 or 4 minutes you're turning the deliverables from two into three you're basically tripling the perceived value of this on the customer side of things
and you're giving them more that they can touch feel hold uh and so on and so forth and so uh you know this is a reasonably simple prompt I'm not going to get super deep into the prompt engineering but I'm going to show you guys an example of what this might actually look like in practice just drag this puppy all the way over here what I did was I went to my loom video right and then let me just not make this other one full screen that way we can actually like jump through tabs and
stuff okay great so I went to my loom video which is right over here and then you know I watched it back which took me I don't know like five minutes at 2x speed and while I was watching it what I did was I just took screenshots I just did this you know on Mac it's uh commands command shift or command control Shift 4 or something I literally did this and then I went back to GPT and then I pasted that image in and then I did this in three or four key areas that I
think that uh you know like the person would need some visual help for in my documentation then I just said you are writing documentation for an automation system that manages whatever company I said cleaning company in this instance below is a transcript and several images from a video that we recently recorded convert these transcripts and images into a piece of text documentation use markdown ATX formatting I then went to my loom video I clicked on the transcript button up here and then I clicked copy and then I just pasted it all in here and then
what did we get at the end make money with make member count scraper documentation over review this documentation outlines the functionality blah blah blah blah blah right here we have our whole documentation basically it's extraordinarily simple for us to do and as you could see um you know we essentially if I just go to docs. new we essentially can just copy and paste this whole thing and they just have like a nicely formatted thing so hold on a second I think the reason why this isn't working uh you should just be able to copy and
paste this in I think the reason why I couldn't do that there is because I disabled markdown or something no I guess I didn't let's go back here and then let's just copy this whole thing starting from the very top give that a copy and then give that a paste there we go okay great um so now we have basically like a full Google doc that's up and running ready to go looks really sexy you know even includes some formatting with the the URLs and stuff like this and just walks people through what to do
and then uh you know I've experimented with having it output images as well um unfortunately I think Claude could do this I don't think that chat GPT 40 can do this or perhaps I was experimenting with um uh like the API version but what you can do is because you just included all these images in your prompt you can actually just copy these and then just paste these directly in so very simple you know as you can see this just takes a couple of add seconds so I'm going to go here then I'm going to
go over here I'm going to feed in I don't know let's just feed in this image here uh let's do this one here actually we should do this first that's probably higher quality probably makes more sense yeah great and you know now we have some images we have just going to copy this and paste this on the Rex part somebody's going to yell at me for saying redx again um now we have like a pretty high quality Tex stock that we can just include alongside the delivery in a templated email which I'll show you guys
in a second so you know that took me I don't know two or three minutes I was obviously just pasting randomly might take you a full five so let's just go back here and not get myself in trouble here people always exaggerate on the internet um you know this might have taken you let's say 15 or 20 that might have taken you five realistically you've spent less than half an hour but you tripled the number of deliverables that the client is going to get and not only are they going to appreciate it but they're going
to be very impressed which is the perfect opportunity for us to get into actually thinking like okay you know if they're super impressed in a perfect world what more can I get from them what more do I want from them and what you probably want from them if you're in the automation industry anyway is you want to retain some kind you want some typee of subscription billing model some long-term upsell uh that allows you to work with this person not just on this one project which you know might have given you a tangible Roi but
we want to talk you know months or years in the future but consistently over time generating some type of mrr that you know you can depend on and then you can ultimately use to build revenue stability and and build the rest of your business so at this point you are delivering a high quality completed project you're also delivering detailed video docs and training and then detailed text docs and training this is crazy they're getting three things here for the price of one in contrast to what most service providers do which is they just only ever
do this you're going above and beyond this and you're giving them three deliverables for a few moments of extra work on your end half an hour if you spent five hours to build the system you spend an additional 30 minutes at the end doing all this stuff um you know you're doing what's that uh 5.5 I don't know 10% or something more work for like three times the results this is the time to upsell now what I personally do is I don't like try and sell my customer or client really hard I'm I'm pretty soft
about this if I'm honest and I like to think that like I buy myself a lot of Goodwill with this and this is why I've been a successful as I have there are a lot of people out there that are like hard sales you know they'll probably recommend that you do a delivery on a call or something and then you try and bring this stuff up with them I've always thought personally that that's like high pressure sales and I I used to do a lot of that stuff way back in the day and always just
had a sour taste in my mouth so personally what i' do is I just try and just make the most sense possible and then I try and just give them really good over an Emil peque their interest and then try and get them on a call to to chat about a retainer or or something of that nature the way that I do it is I will frame this in terms of client Roi I'll say something like hey I think that you might be able to make an additional 10% here I think I might be able
to bump you up by another $20,000 a month there and then I say a simple three bullet point snippet along with estimated returns I then take that and then I include it in our next step and you know it's hard for me to really make this work without showing you this template so I'm just going to show you what this might actually look like I'd also like to discuss that retainer I see no reason why I can't add 5% or more on your margins with a few changes I'd need a bit more context to this
effectively but here's what I'd look to do in the next few weeks number one I'd like to build out a dashboard that does this number two I'd like to create a streamlineed work management system for you that does that number three I want to do something that does that you know if you could scale past 250k a month with 35% margins we' need to make some some tweaks you know they sort of do the math and they're like holy this guy could make me a lot of money so obviously you're going to need to understand
what the client business is in order to make this work um but that's what the whole consultative sales side is really like you're getting to know them during that sales pitch and uh during that sales call the Disco call and then you're getting to know their business over the course of your project you're getting to learn through their systems you're getting to poke around their crms you're you're essentially getting to see what they're missing and where you can fill that Gap as an automation engineer um whether you're an agency or freelancer whatever you have a
ton of value you know after you've worked with two or three businesses because you could literally just look at like business a and be like huh business a is doing that that wrong like that just looks really ineffective then you start working with business B and you're like huh business B is doing a really good job with that part I wonder if I just like took some of the elements of business b or the systems I'm creating for busb and applied them to Busa I wonder if they'd make more money a lot of the time
you will um so the sort of sharing and like building your template base and consultant knowledge base can be really valuable and a lot of people just need like a simple uh bullet point uh sort of thing in order to be like holy yeah you know what I can do that and it is willing to spend money on I am willing to spend money on this okay now in terms of what this looks like um the last step or the second last step is to send a templated delivery email at this point you know as
I mentioned we have these three features we have the high quality completed project the detailed video docs the detailed text docks now it's really just time to tie all the stuff up together in a nice bow and then just like present it to the customer so I just have a pre-created template that I make a few modifications on you can just save this and make this like a Gmail template or you can find a way to automate this completely I automated this uh a little while ago but then I found that even if the automation
did it like way faster and it was like pretty good quality I just wanted I wanted the ability to make a few minor little changes that the automation just couldn't really do like AI would struggle with so I personally send these myself as as I mentioned you know it uses a template it takes me like 10 minutes and this is another really high Roi 10 minutes to spend um before I do this I do make sure that my client has access to everything that they need I think that's really important not a lot of people
talk about this but I don't want my client to feel like pressured I don't want them to think that they need to keep working with me in order for their system to continue running or in order for me to maintain it if that was the promise in the contract they don't um I want them to be able to make a decision from like a p a place of strength and from a place of like cost benefit as opposed to fear um and I think I think that's really important um I don't know if everybody agrees
with me on that and I think you know you could be all Mach ellan and be strategic and about it and fine whatever but generally speaking I've bought a lot of Goodwill with this approach and it's worked really well for me so that's what I do I'll make sure that they have all the creds and everything like that but after they do um then I move into uh template so you can swap out whatever bolded sections you want here I've just um I've actually like included a real one that I sent to somebody and then
I just made a few tweaks for anonymity purposes but you know our blank name is ready so maybe our CRM system is ready had a lot of fun working on this and hope you enjoy it as much as I did two things this is where you claim your wins I recorded a detailed video breaking the system down that you can use as both documentation and training material there's a technical section which covers how to modify the system if needed and a more General system to show users on your team how to use it in practice
number two too I also put together a comprehensive Google doc just so you had something in both video and text format this is where we're going to be putting our links by the way regarding payment and this is really important a lot of people forget to ask for money you should always be asking for money no matter what um even if the system is not entirely what you what you wanted or doesn't conform to the specifications you should at least make the ask for the money um otherwise clients aren't going to take it seriously nobody's
really going to want to make sure that you get paid so in this case this is a project that I did on upwork I talk a lot about upwork on my channel and in my communities CU I think it's the easiest way for somebody to get their first two or three customers with zero experience zero client management skills zero idea where to start um but back in the day I was using this with an upwork contract and one thing that's really important upwork is making sure that when they finish when you finish a project you
get a high quality review because that review is basically like SEO and cro for your profile so regarding payment I submitted a milestone on upw please accept after you've had a chance to check it out and then close the contract plus leave a written review if you think I did a good job this is really important because I'm assuming the win and that's what this template does it just assumes that everything is going to be good I'm going to talk about how to minimize the likelihood of a revision request in The Next Step but I
find that this in practice is crucial and then down here is where I make that ask that we talked about I'm just in that last step and I cannot for the life of me draw a square I think the shape detection even was like what the hell are you doing man okay there we go um this is where I bring up the retainer and this is where I actually talk about Roi I'll say I see no reason why can't add this much money or more to your margin with a few changes I need a bit
more context blah blah so uh the reason why this is really valuable is because if you think about it this is a single email that can make me $5,000 more dollars this year it's a single email that can increase the likelihood of a a uh retention or something by like four or five times it's a single email that essentially takes all of this hard work that I've done you know that might this is like the engine of a car and then it wraps it in the sexiest Ferrari chassis or whatever you've you've ever seen do
you know what I mean it we're buffing the paint here we're making this look as beautiful as humanly possible we're squeezing as much value out of the work that we've already done and that's my approach to this client management stuff and this is my step-by-step framework all the time so yeah you know I'll assume the sale all the time I'll say you know we can chat about this on a call let me know if that works here's a calendar if you want me to book on yours just send it over thanks again can me post
if you need anything you guys can copy and paste this I'm going to include this wiic Co link down below so you guys could literally just take all the text that want here and use it for your own business um feel free but after that step uh we get into probably one of the more important parts of this and one area that I think a lot of beginners struggle with which is you know Nick what about revisions what do I do when the client asks for changes should I charge them should I not charge them
what the hell is the deal here well a truth in any service-based industry is that clients will almost always want at least one revision people don't like talking about this because obviously it eats into the perfect view of like oh like I I made $2,000 in five minutes right but the truth is clients almost always want some form of revision I'd say probably over 70% of the time I get a revision request like there is the odd situation typically with people that I've worked with for a longer time that you know just get the project
and they're like this is amazing thank you very much we're done here's $5 million well I haven't had a situation like that yet but if you want to be my first anywh who the other 70% of the time right um yeah so 30% of the time they say the other 70% of the time they want some type of change they like hey this is amazing just had a quick thought do you mind changing this thing to that thing or you know like we just over the course of the last couple weeks we've been changing our
file sorting procedures so do you mind just updating the Google Drive structure or hey do you mind changing out this software platform for that software platform and most of the time these revisions are pretty minor right if the client likes you and if you just wowed the hell out of them with all of this like this acts as like a vaccine it's like inoculation against somebody asking for revisions because they're like Jesus Christ did this guy do a lot of work for me my God meanwhile you only spend an extra 20 30 minutes but they
don't know that so realistically it's really not that much work um here are my rules of thumb for revisions and this is personally what I do to minimize the likelihood of them coming up and to uh you know like streamline my project as much as possible number one is I'll always take at least 24 hours to deliver this sounds interesting the reason why is because I found that when I did revisions as quickly as possible when I was first starting out you know somebody'd be like hey can you change this be like oh sure you
can me 15 minutes I change it I hand it back there was a much higher likelihood that they would ask for another revision afterwards so that's that's one thing the second thing which I didn't mention here was a lot of the time clients will have multiple revisions that they want they'll look at something they'll be like this is a great system great I just want one little change let me send that off to Nick and then an hour later they'll be like you know what I had another little change I want and then they'll send
that off again so in this way I don't have to change the project deliver it again have the revision request come in again have change your project deliver it again right I can just batch those two and again it's usually like 5 10 15 minute little fix here and this enables me to to send the stuff back much faster and more efficiently and then three the value here is if you do this and it takes a day you know clients generally want their systems up and running right like you committed to a schedule for a
reason so if you show them that like hey you know these revisions that you're asking for they aren't trivial they take a little bit of time so you know I'll deliver this in like 24 hours or so I don't say that but I say hey yeah sure you know I'm happy to do this for you it's going to take me maybe one or two business days to deliver um you know clients tend to brush off a lot of the smaller they don't really care about and they think well you know I want this business I
want the system up and running more than I really want like the font color on this thing change so never mind it's okay we'll just move ahead you can make that change whenever you want so that typically helps um and then also you know if it takes me a day as opposed to five minutes right they're more likely to think okay well this actually took actually took a fair amount of time and energy like I can't exactly squeeze Nick like a like a wet rag um yeah you know so it it helps it's a good
I guess from both perspectives both like an Roi perspective for the client but also like a decency perspective a lot of the time you know they great to respect you and like you when you know everything about their business and offer real tangible advice um the other big rule of thumb that a lot of people talk about is I will never explicitly ask for um revision requests I'll never say hey do you have any revision requests I think that that's just really silly um it's not because I'm not happy to do the revision well I'm
not happy to do the revision request first of all just cut that out obviously I don't want to do revision requests I mean I just did the system exactly like you asked and I'm amazing so it should be great right but what I'm trying to say is you know I'm I'm okay doing them if it leads to a higher likelihood of me getting some retained contract later on and then me making a large multiple on my time but I don't want to make it really easy for them I prefer to make it a little bit
more difficult for them so instead of me saying hey how's it going um do you like the project is everything okay right like um you know can I change anything to make this even better for you I don't do that I'll just always assume that it's good I'll assume that they're willing to pay that invoice I'm assuming that we're going to wrap everything up and I'll use language like this if that sounds good to you let me know and we'll wrap this one up or I'll say um you know if there's nothing else then let
me know if you have any trouble paying the invoice or or something of that nature so I will Almost Never say this because I just don't want them to feel like they have to use their revision privileges I don't want them to think well like h i mean the system is great yeah and like I would have been fine with it but I guess Nick wants me to make a revision request or something I I don't want any of that I'd prefer that we just don't do revisions at all if I don't have to because
obviously you know that's my time that we're talking about so that's how I handle revisions and then uh yeah that last step here project delivered right if you've followed every step that I've talked about here your service delivery is now better than the overwhelming majority of not just automation agencies but like any business right God you could apply the same tips that I'm talking about here to like a landscaping company and your Landscaping retention uh you know on future projects and stuff would go way the hell up um you can use this in literally any
industry you want and you can crush and I'm not saying that just to toot my own horn but because I actually used the same approach in a number of different Industries and it has crushed so highly recommend you guys take that in stride um just going to double check and see if I'm missing anything at all here I don't believe so if anybody has any questions about this feel free to let me know but thanks so much for watching the video um more than happy to help just drop a comment down with the next video
idea you like I'm pretty sure I sourced this from a comment that I got like three or four weeks ago so so you guys can see I'm just working my way through that Quee uh otherwise thank you very much for watching like subscribe do all that fun stuff to pump this automation agency Channel up
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