10 Creepy Secret Rooms Found in Houses

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Mr. Nightmare
From rooms with hidden notes, to people secretly sheltering in them, here are 10 secret rooms found ...
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[Applause] a user of the picture collection website shared a freaky find at his grandparents house more specifically in their shed which hadn't been opened for over 10 years he made the discovery during efforts to tidy up the entire area and remove drunk the house was built by the man's grandfather but he says no one was ever made aware of this trapdoor he took some pictures of the view from inside the hatch and in one angle looking straight down there appears to be an old sofa sitting in the room he also managed to spot a passageway
from the hatch which connects to the bar next to the shed through another hidden entrance behind onion shelving he said he was going to try to go into the creepy room but backed out when he thought he heard a whispering noise coming from inside a man who had recently bought his first home made a rather unusual discovery in the basement he had bought the house for a steal as the previous owner had passed away though it came with a lot of work to be done in the process of cleaning out some of the junk that
was never removed by the previous owner the new owner found something that he found odd a piece of plywood covering a part of the wall after prying at the wood he managed to break it off the wall what he found shocked him a small room with many gun cases military ammo crates and a big grey metal container all of the ammo crates were filled with bullets the man said there had to be hundreds of bullets stowed away in that room the most notable find however was a large safe and it's unknown whether he was ever
able to get it open as there had been no update articles an imager user was walking around his house when he noticed a window for a room that he did know existed he had a look through the window and saw this he went inside to the only wall that was facing that room upon closer inspection he found that this piece of the wall panel had been cut what they found inside seemed like a lot of junk the most noteworthy things found was some kind of gargoyle statue a box full of Star Wars cards and a
locked safe of which the uploader never updated on another imager user by the name of to bite brownie posted a few pictures of a secret room in his house a few years ago while horsing around with his brother in their parents room the younger brother was pushed into what was assumed to be a built-in bookshelf it opened revealing a hidden room and evidence of the potential inhabitant moving on as if this hidden room reached by a black spiral staircase wasn't creepy enough there was supposed evidence that someone was down there and the siblings found a
crawlspace halfway down and saw this to bite brownie wrote someone was living in our walls that's my Halloween candy that someone came in my room took from my bag and then brought back in here about 30 seconds after taking this picture we realized what it meant and got out of there the fresh looking banana peels suggest that someone had recently been down there or perhaps it was a setup to buy brownie wrote in response to this that he had been eating it when they walked down to the room seeing the blanket in the dimly lit
space she tossed the banana at it so was this a hoax or was somebody secretly living in this home Tony Smith had just bought his first house whenever entering the basement he would hear strange noises coming from inside the walls strange noises like screaming laughing or moans of pain the sounds came from beyond the part of the wall where no rooms were I assumed it was some kind of animal Tony stated one late night Tony awoke to metallic banging sounds coming from his yard he took a peek out his window and saw some kind of
metallic door opened from the grass as a shadowy figure emerged and ran down his driveway out of sight he got a closer look at it in the daylight it was some kind of hatch door disguised to blend in with the grass Tony never went down there he just sealed the thing shut before whoever was in there could come back a group of shocked Ohio students discovered that the ghost haunting their house was actually a random stranger living in a secret room in their basement the students had been spooked by strange noises in the night and
mysterious happenings like coming home to find the cupboard and oven doors open upon entering the room they found that a man named Jeremy had been living there for weeks he was evicted and the students had the locks changed [Music] in 2005 Jason and Carrie had just bought a house and were about to begin renovations when they found a secret corridor hidden behind a bookcase instead of holding torture equipment or treasures like they said they expected the first thing they found was a note from the previous owner seeing simply you found it the rest of the
note said I've owned this place for a short while and it was discovered to have a serious mold problem one that actually made my children very sick to the point that we had to move out the house was contaminated with black mold when the previous owner lived there one of the children he mentioned in the note had gotten so sick that she was unable to hold any nutrition and sometimes couldn't breathe Jason and Carrie Brown proceeded to cancel their move-in plans and they sued the broker who sold them the house a Reddit user found a
hidden room in the Attic of their house in Norway some of what they found inside included a sign which roughly translates from Norwegian as if you have the bad stomach then you don't have access there was also a lamp alarm - most likely worn when someone entered the attic a map of West Europe and a doll show the secret room was likely a hiding place for a Jewish family from the Nazis and the lamp alarm was likely a silent way of warning of a Nazis presence in the Attic reddit user lumberjack years ago found a
secret crawlspace with a safe containing some treasures along with some disturbing findings some of the treasures include a pile of envelopes with paper money of various countries and origins along with a jewelry box with watches tie clips a key rings and a lot of gold and silver the discovery that's downright disturbing features the tapes contained in the safe one with the words nonono scribbled all over it along with the tapes was a note that read save yourself he turned the tapes into the police and their contents are still a mystery a student living in New
Mexico was living in a single floor house bought by his father for him he reported hearing a strange banging coming from below the floor during one night on his first week a few nights later he found a door on the floor in his pantry closet it led to a mysterious looking room with a light on the one with a fan blowing there seemed to be a desk with a few gadgets and a few cabinets the design of the room was completely off for the rest of the house however the creepiest thing was the cigarette found
on the desk that had seemingly just recently been put out there weren't really any clues as to who was down there or what was going on [Music]
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