WE LEARN THIS TOO LATE | Billy Graham’s Greatest Life Advice

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In this powerful video Billy Graham shares his greatest teachings and life advice. He gives us a wak...
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time is short what is your life it's even a vapor that appear it for a little time and then vanisheth away if I told if someone had told me when I was 20 years old that life was very short and would pass just like that I wouldn't have believed it and if I tell you that you don't believe it either I cannot get young people to understand how brief life is how quickly it passes it seems like yesterday I was in school every one of us here has been given the same amount of time in
a day, 1440 minutes a day 168 hours per week what a thing it is when you think that you have just one short life to spend and it'll soon be over I'd write down my priorities in life and I'd get committed to certain priorities now is the accepted time the things we ought to do the classes we ought to take the books we ought to read do it now the family that need you spend more time now write that letter home now that you've been meaning to write money you ought to give give now time
for study do it now people you ought to witness to do it now every time the clock ticks it seems to say now today if you will hear his voice there may not be a tomorrow for you and for me because there's a warning to time time is running out for all of us time is too short for indecision and vacillation do not halt between two opinions fools say that time is long every morning we have 86,000 400 seconds to spend and to invest and each day the bank named time opens a new account for
you and for me it allows no balances and no overdrafts if you fail to use the day's deposits the loss is yours the Bible says redeem the time because the days are evil and the days in which we're living are very evil if there was ever a time for the gospel that can transform the human heart it's now Jesus said as long as it is day we must do the work of him that sent us the night is coming when no man can work the night is going to come in your life yet there was
a Serenity about the work of the Lord Jesus it's the quality of life not the length Jesus only had 33 years and it ended on the cross to the world he was a failure at that moment yet at the end of his life he said I finished the work that thou gavest me to do it doesn't matter whether you live another year or two years or five years will your work be finished is there a quality to it is there a dedication to it suppose all of our members tithe their time to witness for Christ
as we tithe our income for the church fill your heart with the word of God I found that those who know the scriptures are the ones that have the power today but we need men and women who walk with God and if you do that you too can finish the work that God gave you to do and help us to realize the brevity and the urgency of time and may we invest what little time we have in the kingdom of God God said there's coming a day when I'm going to shake the world but some
things will not be shaken some things remain in other words there's coming a time when the world will be pressed and there'll be no way out those times come in your life in your home tension friction financial trouble you're pressed and there doesn't seem to be a way out there is an answer there is a way Jesus said I am the way but in the midst of all this changing there are some things that never change think of it a moment what never changes the nature of God doesn't change God hasn't changed he hasn't changed
to adapt himself to our generation God is unchanging I am the Lord God I change not God is unchanging in his Holiness we're all guilty of coming short of God's holy requirements and we're all Sinners and we're all in need of the grace and mercy of God and that's why the Lord Jesus came and died on the cross he died for your sins he died for mine and God took your sins and laid them on Christ God changes not in his Holiness and let me tell you because he is a holy God he is also
unchanging in his judgment there is a judgment day coming our God is a consuming fire the Bible is is filled with stories of judgment our Lord talked more about hell than he did Heaven There is a day of judgment coming God is a holy God and you and I are going to stand there and when I stand there I'm not going to ask for justice I'm going to ask for Mercy I need Mercy I need the grace of God I need the Forgiveness of God and I I want to tell you a wonderful thing God
loves you and he offers you tonight forgiveness and he offers you mercy God can forgive every sin you've ever committed God can wipe the Slate clean because of Christ not because you deserve it for by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of Works lest any man should boast you can't work your way to heaven you can't buy your way to heaven God is unchanging he's unchanging in his love God loves you that's the most wonderful thing to go to bed with at night to
know that God loves me God forgives me God is interested in me but I must receive him secondly the word of God does not change the grass withereth and the flower fadeth but the word of our God shall stand forever I settled that a long time ago there are a lot of things in this Bible I don't understand there are questions you could ask me that I cannot answer I don't know all the answers in this book How can a finite mind like mine comprehend the infinite I cannot so one day I opened the Bible
and I said oh Lord I accept this as your word by faith and that settled it from that moment on when I quote the scriptures I know that I'm quoting the word of God it's a Living Word and lastly the way of Salvation has not changed all these centuries the way to the kingdom of God is exactly the same Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh to the father but by me he will never change but you must change the whole Bible is a love story it's God's love
affair with the human race you see God has all those billions of planets out there all those hundreds of billions of stars and it's all gods but of all the planets in the whole universe the whole universe stands in awe at the love that God showers on this little planet called the Earth we are the only planet in so far as I know that are in Rebellion against God and yet in spite of our rebellion in spite of our disobedience in spite of our sins God loves us that's the thrilling thing about it and God
loves every person in the whole world with a love that is beyond our comprehension and God proved his love by giving his son on the cross if you have a doubt that God loves look at the cross because God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself that's the greatest ill rtion of love in the whole world is the cross because God is saying from the cross I love you I love you I love you you and I were saved by the cross our Lord loved us so much that he gave his only son to
die on that cross now love is not feeling you say I feel I love him it's not feeling love is doing love is verb God did something God gave his love God commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us the Apostle John looking at that cross said behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us and when you look at that cross and think about it that the Romans used the instrument of execution on a colossal scale and they put nails in the hands and spikes
in the feet and spat on the people and mutilated the bodies broke their legs to help them die quicker and all sorts of terrible things the most cruel death in the whole world is the death of the Cross and our Lord was hanging there with the mocking crowd making fun of him and he hung there for you and you and you and God was saying I love you Jesus laid down his life for us and that's the reason the scripture says there's no other way to heaven you can't be saved any other way you cannot
find life with a capital l any other way you cannot gain INF to the kingdom of heaven without coming to the Cross because if God could have found another way he would have found it it's God's love it's so deep and so wide and so high and so great and has such Dimensions to it that no words in any language can describe it it's a love that God God has for you that in spite of the fact that you were rebelling against him in spite of the fact that you were a sinner in spite of
the fact that you broke his laws he gave his son to shed his blood in spite of everything we've ever done God loves and words cannot describe it and God says the moment you receive his son his savior he gives you the spirit of God to live in your heart and the spirit of God produces This Love In You and through you that's the reason Jesus said thou shal love thy neighbor as thyself it's a supernatural love for your neighbor you may not like your neighbor but you can love your neighbor God's love in our
hearts produces by the Holy Spirit supernaturally produced no I cannot love everybody but God can give me the capacity to love everybody and maybe your wife is irit irritable maybe you are irritable God can take you and change you and transform you and transform that relationship until you can fall in love all over again God can take you young people here t tonight and forgive your past sins every one of them think of it every sin forgiven and make your heart just as clean as it was the day you were born and resensitize your conscience
which is in danger of becoming hardened and give you a new tenderness and give you the real meaning of Love Let Jesus Christ come into your heart let him forgive your past sins let him change your life life and say from this moment on I want him to be in control of my life I want him to sit in the cockpit of my life and run it and direct it I turn my life over to him tonight millions are crying what can I do to be saved from the pressures of Life the pressures are just
so great we have great technology to save time but we have less time than ever escapism is a subconscious mechanism to escape reality job said my days are spent without hope Isaiah the prophet said even the youths shall faint and be weary Cain who had killed Abel had a terrible guilt in his life and he said my burden is greater than I can bear job who suffered so much in the Bible wanted to die thousands of people are suffering from some sort of mental illness we're called the tormented generation the tensions in the home problems
at work health problems making ends meet we want to scream at life we want to escape from Life the psalmist said and I said oh that I had the wings like a dove for then I would fly away and be at rest have you said that I'd like to just fly away from my problem get away from it and have rest the psalmist longing to escape has become the Cry of the world today but there doesn't seem to be any way out for you to those people Jesus said I'm the way out Jesus said I'm
the door by me if any man enter in he shall be saved believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou sh be saved Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the father but by me in the sight of God man is an individual and God looks upon you as an individual that he loves he has the hairs of your head numbered he sees the sparrow fall he loves you he's interested in you and he wants you to talk to him and tell him what your problems are and
he will help you he loves you so much that he died on the cross for you and shed his blood for you and if you repent of your sin sins and receive him into your heart you'll be saved you'll go to heaven you don't have to straighten out your life first you don't have to go home and do something good in order to find Christ you do that after you've come to Christ we don't have to make ourselves well before going to a doctor he sees sick people he doesn't see well people Jesus was called
the Great physician he said it is not the healthy who needed the doctor but the sick and we're all Sinners so are you the blind man came to Jesus just as he was the leper came just as he was you can come to Christ tonight just as you are you don't have to go and clean up anything you don't have to go change clothes and put on your Sunday Best just come as you are and say Lord I am just a person in need of Christ I need to know that I know Christ what do
I have to do to believe you have to become as a little child the Bible says all the way through the New Testament that we enter the kingdom of God by faith therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ in Ephesians 2 it says for by grace are you saved through faith now Grace means something you don't earn you don't work for you can't work your way to heaven you can't get good enough to get to heaven the word believe implies commitment surrender you believe in the person of
Christ and that word believe means that you commit your life to him you're not trusting anything for your future the little boy that I heard about he said you know this life is short but from what I've heard eternity is awfully long and said we better spend our time getting ready for eternity because we never know what the next hour is going to bring forth what the next day is going to bring forth now is the accepted time today is the day of salvation come while you can
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