How To Get A Raise By Using An Outside Job Offer / Negotiate Your Salary With A Job Offer

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Renae The Career Coach
Leverage an outside job offer to negotiate your current salary and get a raise. ⚡Join How To Get Hi...
Video Transcript:
hi career professionals and career seekers i'm renee the career coach and i have been in the hr industry and a recruiter for several years but now i'm helping candidates just like you get hired in careers that you'll truly enjoy and further your career growth all together in this video i'm going to be touching on a very delicate and sometimes tricky situation which is how to ask for a raise by leveraging an outside offer so if you're interested in knowing how to handle this situation stick around [Music] now there are a few ways to go about
having this conversation and we will dig deeper into the best way to handle the situation but here's the thing i would first ask you what type of situation you were in that got you an offer in the first place were you actively searching for a new position or were you approached by another company and thought you know why not let's see what else is out there and before you knew it you were extending an offer and you're thinking about it and you're realizing i don't think i'm actually ready to leave my current role if you're
in the situation where you are actively looking for outside opportunities and trying to leave the current job that you're in then i would ask you why are you trying to stay in that position that you ultimately were trying to leave if you are wanting to leverage an outside offer for a raise just to see how much money you can get then i would recommend not going this path because no amount of money is going to keep you there in the long run you'll probably find yourself in the same situation looking for other jobs and other
opportunities in a year or six months or even three months but of course if you're in that situation we're not quite ready to leave but you have this great offer and you want to see if it can help you make more money in your current role that you truly enjoy then these are the steps that i would follow first off you need to set an appointment with your manager or your boss don't just knock on their door or call them randomly and bring up this topic of asking for more money make sure to set an
appointment on their calendar number two come in prepared with your value be ready to talk about why you are valuable to this company and why they don't want to lose you number three have a specific number in this situation where you're leveraging an outside offer that number is pretty much laid out for you i wouldn't go into this situation with an offer of 80 000 and then be asking for 85 000 don't get greedy if it's a very fair offer and it's obviously more than you're currently making then i wouldn't try and get greedy in
this situation and just try and see if you can have them match what that outside offer was number four be ready for negotiations of course your company might come back and they may have a lower amount that they're going to offer you from this outside offer be ready to back up why you're valuable why you're asking for them to match this specific offer amount and be ready to negotiate that and finally number five have a strong conclusion end it confidently and tell them this is why i'm asking for this amount i have a video linked
in the description below on how to ask for a raise and i would actually reference you to go check out that video because i go into these steps in way more detail so if you want more clarity on that go and check out that video ultimately when having this conversation of leveraging an outside offer to make more money there's a certain way to do this and a certain way not to do this you don't want to come into this conversation and basically lay it out for your manager that you want them to buy your loyalty
don't come in saying i've got this outside offer it's for this amount of money and unless you match it and pay up i'm leaving because in that situation you just sound demanding it's going to leave a bad taste in their mouth and more often than not they're just going to say okay well best of luck to you thanks for your time and send you on your way instead come in from a very grateful and humble point of view be very open and transparent with your current employer and share with them you know i actually received
an offer from another company and i was surprised at how much this offer was for but as i've done market research i realized that it's actually not that crazy of an offer and while i am flattered by this offer i would actually love to stay with this company and i would love to talk about my future here at this company and what we can do so that i feel like i'm valued with the work and effort that i'm putting in sharing with them that you want to stay in this role and in this company if
it's a good company they're going to do what they can to get you to stay now here are some extra things that you should be prepared for when leveraging an outside offer one be prepared to actually share the offer letter with your company now some companies may not ask for this some may feel like it's you know invasion of privacy but some might actually ask for this for validation and verification to come up with an amount that is close if not an exact match be prepared with the actual dates of when you started with this
company as well as what you came into the company being paid any bonuses that you've had along the way any promotions have these numbers and these dates ready if you can now of course the company can look these numbers up but your manager may ask you directly for these dates and numbers so if you can have these on hand that is excellent also be prepared to make a decision leveraging an outside offer can be very tricky because you're on a time frame and this company that's extending this offer to you would like you to make
a decision by a certain date now again if it's a great company and they really want to fight for you they're going to do everything in their power to meet that deadline for you and give you a valid raise or promotion of any type however some companies have to go through a very detailed approval process it has to go up the ladder and get approved and this can sometimes take a while and in these situations you've got to be ready to make a decision you need to know what you would do in the situation that
your manager comes back with a low number or if they're not able to give you a raise at all you have to really weigh the pros and cons here and feel would i really be happy or unhappy in this new role how much do i love my current employer is it enough to stay at a lower amount maybe they talk to you about getting a raise in the future maybe in six months or maybe in a year and are you willing to stick that out this is really a case-by-case person by person situation and it's
not cookie cutter all the time you really have to fill out your gut and figure out how much does my current company want to fight for me how much do i want to stay there and would it really be that bad if i took this other opportunity overall this can be a very overwhelming decision trying to figure out what to do but think of it this way you've got an offer and you've got a job that's a blessing that not a lot of people can say that they have i hope this video was helpful for
you as you're leveraging that outside offer trying to stay with your current employer and hopefully make more money in the process consider subscribing if you like content like this and thank you again for being here i will see you in my next video [Music]
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