20 Min Mindfulness Meditation For The Heart ➤ The Power To Let Go & Be Loved For All That You Are

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Boho Beautiful Meditation
This twenty-minute guided meditation will help you root into your heart and awaken its true power by...
Video Transcript:
[Music] let us begin our mindful practice today by finding a comfortable seated position seated in a quiet space take this opportunity to close your eyes and take a deep breath in with me and exhale come into presence come into Stillness feeling your Beating Heart The Gentle movement of your belly your chest as you allow each breath to take you deeper into Stillness with your hands resting in your lap thumbs connected begin to feel your body slowly relax let go into the Earth feel yourself rooting grounding surrendering to the support underneath you for this moment right
now right here allow yourself to be held to be supported to be loved for all that you are a child of the universe supported by the great mother [Music] earth through this moment of surrender and grounding we give ourselves the permission to let go to shift into presence to awaken the power of our heart and divine energy that resides within this physical human body we are in inhale and exhale allow yourself this moment to feel alive to feel attuned connected guided and protected come into Center into balance with all the energy that is moving within
you right now feel the vibration of your being breathing being inhale and exhale no matter what has been brought forward to you in your life right now this is the moment where we can take a pause pause anything that may be bringing you anxiety uncertainty chaos or stress in your life and simply bring all that energy into Center and then exhale all that is keeping you from finding that grounding and balance in this moment just let it go an inhale peace strength balance allowing these energetic frequencies to root you closer to your heart to your
soul and to Mother Earth inhale and exhale stay in this sensation and vibration for a few moments slowly surrendering all that no longer serves you to the Earth and welcoming all that you deserve because you are worthy you are loved you are protected and you are supported through all the Waters of this life so take another deep breath in with me and then allow yourself to sink deeper and deeper into Stillness and if you find your mind begin to become distracted by thoughts or external noises and Sensations feel free to use the following Mantra and
guidance to bring yourself back to this present grounded awareness repeating this Mantra as many times as you wish in your mind mind or whenever you begin to feel yourself become distracted I am safe I am grounded and rooted to the loving vibration of my being I am safe I am grounded I am rooted to the loving vibration of my being and now silently in your mind as you allow yourself to let go deeper and deeper into Stillness [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
[Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's time to release the mantra and slowly begin to return back to your breath back to your body back to your being feeling any and every sensation within your body as you slowly begin to open your eyes taking a soft gentle breath in and out take some time to simply be in this present loving energy that you have cultivated from within and as you begin to move forward with your day remember anytime you feel yourself become Swept Away by the chaos and this fastpaced Society take this breath and
let it be your reminder to bring you back to your Center your balance your grounding thank you thank you so much for connecting with me today send you all my love and all my light Namaste I hope you found great inner peace and relaxation through this practice if you you would like to expand your meditation experience and if you seek to attain more inner peace in your life I invite you to visit our boho beautiful official app there you will find many meditations just like this one with all the sessions available in 10 15 and
20 minute durations so you can always find the perfect fit for your schedule Visit www.bo beautiful. TV or click the link below in the description to make mindfulness a part of your daily routine with that thanks again and we'll see you soon [Music]
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