Sukuna's Death Wasn't Trash, Everyone Doesn't Understand It—Yuji Vs Sukuna Explained! JUJUTSU KAISEN

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Jujutsu Kaisen Manga has revealed Ryomen Sukuna Death, Yuji killed The King of Curses with Domain Ex...
Video Transcript:
I'm going to throw in my two sents that sua's death wasn't trash because I genuinely think it's misunderstood so I'm going to break things down as simply as I can in its entirety so the reading comprehension curse is removed completely let's start from the beginning Yuji and sukuna became enlightened beings representing the idea of an immovable object facing an Unstoppable Force chapter 248 confirms Yuji has an unbreakable human spirit that represents selfless IDE deals where later he attests to giving meaning to all life forms his soul is the most powerful sukuna has ever come across
but he hates him because this rationality is foolish in contrast sukuna is a curse believing love and ideals are worthless individual selfishness to appease desires is natural for a Calamity as the weak are insects that hold no inherent value and should die rather than cling to their worthless lives all it would be is pain and suffering but to dive deeper let's explore how the story built up to it the fight between Yuji and sukuna amalgamates all the major themes of jiujitsu Kaizen such as whether Sorcerers die with regrets what is the meaning of a natural
death what is right and wrong and ultimately who will teach sukuna about love this is because the title of strongest comes with loneliness and isolation many who once held this title felt this this way such as Kimo and Gojo in chapter 220 Gojo claims nobody will ever need to be alone again and pans to nurture strong and clever allies after all corruption pushed his best friend suguru ghetto away to become misguided this sentiment was realized by yuther in chapter 261 that Gojo became a monster everyone doesn't see Gojo as a person and how important he
is bearing the burden of his power for their sake we witness Gojo annihilate all the hups that he didn't want his students to see not sure if he's doing the right thing but becoming a monster would mean his loved ones wouldn't have to worry about chaos like what happened after the shabuya incident even though UTA understood how Gojo felt his Sensei claims there's nothing that can be done ever since the moment GTO gave him an existential crisis asking him that Infamous question and departing him the reason Gojo FS this way is linked to chapter 236
where he felt sorry for sukuna because of isolation as the strongest always have a golf between them and other people even if Society adors them you can admire a flower and help it Bloom but you can't ask it to understand you and remember we didn't see the manga display a panel of sukuna stating the one who would teach you about love is and of course that is Yuji linking back to chapter 268 guess what he says sakuna let's try one more time living not by cursing someone but existing alongside them even if no one will
accept you I'll live with you now you're probably thinking what is this even mean and why does it make total sense well Sak kuna's idea of power compared to goo is completely different Kimo even ask sakuna if connecting with others and loving those beneath him whilst knowing nothing nothing of weakness is it even possible is strength Solitude or an endless search for greater power but sukuna told them they were all greedy and wrong thinking that Yuzu kosimo and goo would have made much better company for each other both goo and sukuna are natural disasters that
are feared by everyone yet goo identifies as a human through his choices he felt like things were just getting worse and stronger curses were occurring more often as a result Gojo puts all his efforts into making his allies loyal to their good morals UDA and Yuji were both sentenced to execution but he found loopholes to make sure they survived his plan now in contrast sakuna is a curse in chapter 1 he States the hierarchy of society should be deemed by ability in the past we see politicians Sorcerers and Emperors abiding by his law now this
is where every everything starts interconnecting with Yuji killing sukuna uro confirms the cycle of sorcerers dying with regrets and people cursing each other has been ongoing for a thousand years but Uther insinuate similar to Yuji that if you love someone or live for the sake of others this can be counteractive there is no reason to put all this effort just for yourself UDA says this is simply desperate selfishness however he is blessed with friends and lives for the sake of others this Motif is continued within Yuji and sakuna fight as everything is but a choice
on the role you choose in The Domain expansion Yuji tries to get sakuna to experience an average human life like his own as he views the brat as having no value just like everyone else the strongest of every generation has tried showing sakuna love in their own way but of course they failed miserably this time Yuji was doing it in his own way by making sakuna understand compassion before he believed it was important to fulfill the role of a cog if he died with that mentality he would have accepted it as a good death but
what does that mean well early on Yuji pondered the difference between the death he's facing and his grandpa claiming he died peacefully and that curses do not give humans a natural death after after killing his first human he asks nanami what is a proper death as it's a fate that no one can escape but he always thinks to give his opponents a genuine one but after his journey everything changed yuji's IMU statement to mahito is different from his you are me one with sukuna mahito could perceive the soul in every living thing and was born
from Human resentment he believed the reason humans think they're Superior is only because of their nature to create reason compared to other life forms that can't which makes their idea of Justice flawed this is because he's also a living creature that sees humans as prey which makes it natural for mahito to kill them as a result mahito claims Yuji is just like him it's natural for Yuji to kill curses and save humans just as it is for mahito to do the opposite the line of Good and Evil is created by humans to impose on everyone
else so just as sakuna said in chapter 238 it's not his problem if his stature cannot be measured or understood by the world so before his Enlightenment Yuji initially believed mahita was correct that yeah nothing matters he doesn't even need to find a meaning or Reason to kill this meant he thought life was meaningless but yuji's journey to fulfill his purpose to kill sakuna comes from his his journey of suffering too taught him that being a jiujitsu sorcerer means to endure punishment throughout the story Yuji holds the curse of killing his own Brothers he couldn't
do a thing to save June nanami and no as he initially thought she was dead he watched sakuna Massacre thousands of people in shabuya with his own body just to make him suffer and so he started to blame himself for that incident as a result when he stood trial in court Yuji admitted to all his crimes despite being innocent higuma tells us that all people are weak and ugly so no matter how highminded a soul like Yuji aspires to be he cannot save everyone however the manga clearly builds up yuji's mercy and the you are
me moment with sua's death here because in chapter 166 we are told that to empathize with human emotions means to understand their weakness but sukuna has never known weakness due to being the strongest in history so having empathy to these emotions he claims to understand is actually impossible now in contrast Yuji felt weak multiple times in the story such as against the finger Bearer mahito and even admitting it to higuma he feels the worst that he had to kill someone from his own will and hands as his empathy is actually linked to chapter 24 remember
that junpai ask him something very important have you ever killed anyone eventually you run into bad Sorcerers what would you do Yuji even back then said he would rather not kill anyone if it was possible even if that person was bad like sakuna however due to the lifestyle of jiujitsu the choice to kill will find its way to him and Yuji then says if I question the value of life then maybe the lives of those important to me will also become vague and that scares me so as you can see aadami had planned all of
this from the start as he showed Yuji as the direct contrast that was prepared to save sukuna if he could this chance is created with yuji's domain expansion as he explains that every human being can have a role of their choosing and it can be anything from walking the dog to making a family this would form a connection that would leave fragments of memories floating off the death that hold meaning as those fragments still become a story it's perfectly portrayed with the false memories Yuji has with choso and Todo even though their loving memories weren't
real with Yuji it still represented something that was in turn it created a new chapter in their book Yuji is trying to highlight that everyone's story has an intrinsic work even if some people people have huge shoes to fulfill whilst others have none that doesn't mean that they shouldn't cling to life for being weak as sakuna claimed in chapter 214 however there is a huge problem the cycle of curses and Sorcerers are in a never ending War the world meami and Yuji wish to create would never be possible even the moment Yuji consumed sukuna finger
he had a choice to die now or die later which is directly paralleled with giving sukuna this exact option in chapter 265 Yuji laments that he finally understood the pain and suffering others go through whereas before he couldn't due to being naturally strong his grandpa with lung cancer denied treatments with strong side effects to survive as he believed in his own choice but his suffering as a sorcerer flooding him with awful thoughts has taught him to empathize with anyone facing a helpless situation however sukuna he says Nah n n n n I'm doubling down as
a curse surprised over his Fury due to being looked down upon for a thousand years sukuna has been the Pinnacle of jiujitsu even goo had to give him respect he saw sukuna as the strongest and being confident in beating him was primarily to engage in a dance to feel human again toight sakuna is to risk death and pushing him to fight seriously is to gain his respect however Yuji straight up offers him Mercy as though he is the very insect he looks down upon therefore there couldn't be any greater insult to someone like sakuna so
to make Yuji pay for his contemptuous pity he will take it out on others but Yuji informed sukuna they were both Born Into the world shouldering curses what type of monster you become is decided by Lu for example Gojo was born blessed with the six eyes and Limitless right but even so he had to become a monster to be the Catalyst that breaks the cycle and similarly Uther who was also blessed bore his burden alongside him by taking over his body in turn Yuji also had to become a monster to save those he cherishes where
his journey forced him to kill his brothers and others when he never wished to in parallel sukuna killing his twin out of hunger due to his mother's poverty is linked on top of that twins have always been a bad Omen yet sukuna was the Fallen one as Angel and the haen erid dubbed him at Birth therefore Yuji tells sakuna you are me they both became enlightened monsters but their paths deviated for different reasons sukuna was born an unwanted scorned child at Birth where the author confirmed sakuna terrified people out of their minds to the point
that they didn't even recognize him as human it was so bad that he was known as the king of of curses as a human before becoming a curs object this is just like Yuji who was born cursed due to kangju's interference but the difference was that his grandpa was around to nurture him as this is what Yuji displayed in his childhood during chapter 265 we go through all the Four Seasons and the heartfelt memories he had created with his grandpa Yuji basically attempted to make sukuna realize the beauty of Life by convincing him that he
doesn't have to live like a cur as he has a choice to live like a human alongside him giving him a chance he didn't have since his birth however the Crawfish scene did a brilliant job at displaying their difference sukuna states he won because his catch is bigger but Yuji rebukes him stating his catch is more rare which means that value is in the eyes of the beholder a rare fish holds more value than one that's bigger and more common we literally see even animals like horses bonding and showing affection through Instinct but even still
sakuna can't feel anything that a normal person would this is why Yuji has empathy for it because through his bad luck at Birth where although sakuna claims to understand these emotions overall he doesn't feel a thing he had no one to help and was hated by Society from the start which made him become a monster in the era he was born this isolation would have empowered his mentality in his view for sorcery that selfishness and living like a curse is the only way to gain true jiujitsu after all survival of the fittest rign true in
the hayon era as a result during the finale of jiujitsu Kaizen Yuji encompasses the unbreakable will of the human Spirit while sukuna is a curse both representing the opposite sides of the same coin after all being one or the other is a choice you make for example someone like NOA zenin chose to become a cursed Spirit as his hatred towards Mari and the need for revenge triumphed over his emotions to move on even yuji's brother proves he's correct about sakuna choso loved his brother to the fullest but also had promised Yuki that he would not
let Yuji feel lonely and would live as a human rather than a curse in their last conversation chosa had Express regret for choosing to live as a cursed Spirit the brothers didn't hate humans or Sorcerers but chose an easy option by joining maho's courts thereby choosing the existence of violence just like sakuna hence when kisu and ISO died choso had to Bear the burden of their deaths because he had led them into this life this empathy made him willing to die at any moment if it helped yuji's cause as as such Yuji tells sukuna that
they should try one more time upon his death living not to curse someone but together as humans who exist alongside each other even if no one will accept you I'll live with you now what does this mean well in this story we see the kingfu Ecstasy in chapter 253 against Maki stating the outcome of the fight will prove what is worth developing more sorcery or the body he put all his chips into this lifestyle where those that identify as the strongest who challenge him he responds to them in kind by slaughtering them without cursing them
which meant sukuna views violence as a form of acknowledgement claiming love is worthless sukuna always said he is waiting for someone to kill him he does what he wants in life until that time comes even informing Yu that losing a jiujitsu fight is equivalent to death itself and he would accept its consequences so by prioritizing strength Above All Else sukuna gave up his Humanity entirely leaving no trace of it behind no yearning for connection no longing for love and no trace of vulnerability as he doesn't consider carrying these burdens this sets up a fascinating contrast
of sakuna with Yuji because unlike Gojo or anyone else he achieved something they could not the king admits that the phenomena of connecting with a sorcerer In the Heat of battle was presumed to be a side effect of cursed energy yet Yuji managed to connect with him through his domain this was partly due to his increased understanding of the soul of those in it to create a moment where they could explore the memories of a person that shaped the soul which sakuna and mahito mind you admitted is the heart and since their soul had to
coexist in one body within the innate domain he forces sakuna to confront his ideals remember sukuna admits that Yuji isn't just another person even acknowledging that he can't dismiss his ideals as inconsequential and they are really genuine this frustrates sakuna that he could have been living his life wrong the entire time as a cuss even in chapter 248 he pers why he felt disappointed killing higuma as Yuji was telling him all life has value so sukuna felt something creeping in that higar ruma's talent that he compared to goju and himself was being wasted so while
sukuna can accept the strength of figures like Gojo kosimo or Joo because he sees their prowess in J Jutsu as something he himself possesses the idea of holding on to an ideal it's beyond comprehension look at it like this sukuna claims he never sought fulfillment from others but that doesn't mean his existence is fulfilling on the contrary his habit of devouring humans and his hedonistic philosophy reveals an emptiness and a constant craving for new experiences leaving him never satisfied with his existence even with yuji's Mercy sukuna doesn't become a good guy nor does he beg
for his life staying true to his nature in depth he congratulates Yuji on his victory and calls him by his name for the first time ever acknowledging the MC and his strength however sukuna also claimed seems that Yuji is foolish and that he should not underestimate him cuz he's still a curse they fight for their beliefs until the end but sua's fair of death highlights how all creatures are equal in the face of it g akami even refers to this in chapter 222 when sukuna looks at his own skull and he calls it ironic gay
is referencing hamlet in the panel it represents momento Mori and this Latin phrase means remember that you have to die Suk kuna's skull in this scene of him consuming it depicts the theme of the inevitability of death but now Yuji is enlightened no longer believing he has to kill curses but can even save them as well telling sukuna they can give it another try where he can live with sukuna ultimately being the one that taught him about love making his death perfect now to enjoy more Peak fiction watch this video on your screen right now
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