Jim Rohn - Why A Positive Attitude Attracts Success (Jim Rohn Personal Development)

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Mindsets of Excellence
Jim Rohn - Why A Positive Attitude Attracts Success (Jim Rohn Personal Development) *CREDIT: Jim Roh...
Video Transcript:
attitude attitudes how you feel first of all we're affected by what we know second we're affected by how we feel about what we know the emotional part now this is a major part of the five pieces how I feel now there's a lot of different ways to feel here's one if this is all they pay I'm not coming early and I'm not staying late on the job right we call that one way to feel isn't that a selection process if this is all they pay I'm not coming early and I'm not saying late we call
that your choice of attitude now do you think that attitude if you kept it for the next five years would greatly affect your fortunes the answer is of course you cannot escape the accumulated effect of the selection of your attitude you can't escape it so one of the major things to check is how do I feel and in my own tracker off track with my attitude now attitudes not that easy to fix it's not that easy to get information it's hard to look up attitude in the yellow pages if you could put your car in
the shop and go next door and get your attitude tuned wouldn't that be nice right but where do you go how do we engage in the kind of philosophical thinking that will refine our attitude to give us a chance for future fortune rather than what will be missing in the future so this is big attitude here's another attitude no matter what they pay I always come early and I always stay late to invest in my own future we call that another attitude about the same job now why would one person have one attitude another person
have another attitude we call that mysteries of the mind right I don't know everybody has to choose for themselves everybody has to decide by education now if you didn't know what the consequences were gonna be it could be very easy to choose the wrong attitude and not discipline yourself to the right attitude so a big portion of our life is affected by how we feel let me give you just a quick list about the feelings that affect our lives number one it's how you feel about the past boy it's easy to carry the past as
a burden instead of as a school it's easy to let the past overwhelm you instead of let the past instruct you how to feel about the past hurts and the past losses in the past difficulties and the times you failed and the times that didn't work the accumulation of all of that how you feel about that it's going to greatly affect your future in your life one of the major things that affects your life is how you feel about the future our life is affected by two major things one is price and the other's promise
and it's not that easy to pay the price if you can't see the promise I think kids are having problems these days trying to pay the price because they can't see the promise but all of us wouldn't mind paying the price if we could have a clear view of tomorrow next week next month next year if we had the highest with great probability of how is gonna work out do you think we would hesitate to pay the answer's no but everybody hesitates to pay if the future isn't clear so to help the kids these days
we got to do two things help them to see the promise and help them pay the price but we can pay if we can see my karate instructor said mr. Owen you cannot believe the incredible feeling of walking down any city street unafraid I said let's get on with the classes right hey I will sweat I will put myself through the paces right what would we do for an extraordinary promise answer the most unbelievable things would you crack the books would you burn the midnight oil would you engage in the extra thoughts and the extra
disciplines if the promise was adequate and the answer is of course but who wants to read who wants to burn the midnight oil who wants to put themselves through the paces if the promise isn't clear important price and promise here's number three it's how you feel about each other it's so important attitude about society country state and city community family Enterprise office company corporation division it's so important to have a unique understanding about other human beings and what makes a good life what constitutes a good life how you feel about each other I've got a
good phrase for you you can't succeed by yourself so to have a unique refined sense of appreciation for each other is prerequisite it takes each other to build a society it takes all of us to build a country to build a nation it takes all of us to build a community key phrase you can't succeed by yourself I gave a speech not long ago to the Rotary Club of Culver City California and I was unusually affected by the pledge of allegiance that day big strong voices it's a big strong Club and it was going through
my mind the next few days the pledge of allegiance and the more I thought about it the more I thought what an important key document write the pledge of allegiance and so I started writing and I wrote a discourse on the Pledge of Allegiance I took each key word and did a little summary for our tape of the Month Club Wow the pledge of allegiance is unique it starts with I and ends with all the pledge starts with I and ends with all it takes all of us to make any one of us successful and
a unique refined appreciation of the all of us is what makes the I of us do much better that appreciation of society it takes all of us to make a market we need each other's ideas and inspiration and once you have that sense of appreciation of the all of us now you and your place and your possibilities and your opportunities now start to really soar when you understand how important it is within the framework of the all of [Music] so you can't succeed by yourself it's hard to find a rich hermit now here's the big
biggie it's how you feel about yourself that's major understanding self-worth is the beginning of progress how valuable are you what could you do if you had all the skills if you took the extra classes and burn the midnight oil what could you do what true value could you become that is one of the better exercises what could I become in terms of value what could I really do in the marketplace in enterprise family home love experience marriage friendship how valuable could I become am i valuable enough to work on what all is still not functioning
in my life to full capacity if I'm operating at 20 percent what could I possibly do with the other 80% and do I have it in knowledge and worth value and experience once you start understanding this part of you understanding how valuable you are it is a whole new experience understanding self-worth so attitude plays big major part in how our life works out [Music] it's never that pleasant to talk about the negative but we got to talk about it because life is part negative these attitude diseases are like weeds that grow in the garden it's
a normal part of life here's a good phrase to note negative is normal it's not successful but it's normal it's part of life and here's the next key in my opinion you must learn to handle the negative don't ignore it handle it now I know some people teach the other way and listen to them and listen to me and then make up your own mind right don't be a follower be a student but I say you got to handle the negative you don't have to live in it you don't have to dwell on it but
you do have to handle it my opinion I know some people teach just turn your head real quick and say there's no way just no wait there's no weeds they'll take your garden so you've got to handle the negative here's what part of it is it's called the great war between good and evil mr. Reynolds and I are working on a new book this year called the great war between good and evil and there is a war on the minute you were born you got involved in the war between good and evil between darkness and
light between negative and positive between evil and good between tyranny and democracy between weeds and human activity I mean the war is on if democracy sleeps guess who never sleeps tyranny in the absence of light guess what's automatic darkness if good does not arouse itself and become active guess what moves in evil it's a war a mental war a physical war a financial war between enterprise and ease between accomplishment and failure it's a war that's why there's an old testament phrase that gives the best advice for human activity when it says six days labor one
day rest now I'm sure we've taken that to mean don't work all seven days take one off here's what it also means only take one or you're liable to lose the war now we've got it down to five and two and maybe that's not too dangerous I don't know if God would have thought of five and two he might have made it five and two I don't know you can't think of everything but here's what it does mean enterprise is better than ease if you rest too long the jungle overtakes the village now here's the
good news about the war between good and evil evil is no match for good but good must be active weeds are no match for human activity but if you stand still how far in will they come all the way they'll grow right up around your shoes but if you get busy how far back can you take them as far as you wish they're no match but you must be active that's why the six and one make sure you're not losing the war by taking off to guess what the average years are after retirement six which
means don't retire your chances are too okay the war between good and evil the weeds you got to make sure you recognize the negative handle it deal with it and then go on let's make a list of the diseases of attitude that can wreck all your chances to do will one of the words that destroys everything is called neglect neglect and I found this out a week of neglect could cost you a year of repair it isn't worth it so what to be on the lookout for here's the list if you were making it you'd
have the same list I've got right we're not covering anything new tonight this is a reminding session not a teaching session but it doesn't hurt to go over it again here's the list attitude diseases number one is indifference the shrug of the shoulders the guy's not even concerned he's just drifting this is called the mild approach to life a disease known as mildness the guy says well I can't see getting all that worked up well to be any kind of winner you've got to get worked there's one problem with drift you cannot drift to the
top of the mountain and the good Lord said in the closing chapters of the Bible here's the best way to live one way or the other that's best hot or what's next best cold is next best the heart not the half-baked middle lukewarm not too hot not too cold what a sad way to live I think what it means is pick a direction and go with everything you've got just pick one and go somebody says yeah but what if it's the wrong direction you'll find out quicker it won't take you 25 years to wake up
and say oh no I've been walking the wrong road I told my staff the other day next best of prosperity is adversity if one doesn't get you pray for the other we all do better from one of two reasons inspiration or desperation and I don't wish anything bad on you tonight but if you're not inspired I hope a wagon comes down you're rut whatever it takes to get you to try harder read more set your goals and go for it somebody asked me one time what quality would I pick if I wanted to work with
somebody and you know what I picked first number one strong feeling please number one give me somebody that feels strong about most anything I don't even care just so they believe it even if they disagree with me wonderful just so they disagree vigorously I'm not saying it's easy to win those kind of people to your point of view but I'd rather do that than to try to resurrect people from the dead pump them up every month pumping our pump them up I pass the good Lord needs a leader for the early Christians remember the early
days of the Christians not like today if you were to stand up in the early days and say I'm a Christian cut off your head toss you and your wife in jail let you rot I mean those were ugly days being a Christian back then was not called socially acceptable they didn't have a hundred and twenty-five thousand in the Los Angeles Coliseum to hear Billy Graham on a Sunday afternoon not back in those days back in those days when the Christians got in the Coliseum there was a different story right I mean the word was
stay out of the Coliseum especially on Sunday last Sunday was Lions 33 Christians nothing see those were mean tough struggle days for the Christians now when the days are mean and tough and struggling you got to have some kind of leader do you know who the good Lord picked for the leader when the days were mean and ugly Saul from Tarsus that's who we picked Saul I'll tell you what I would have picked him you would have 15 anybody would have picked Saul Saul was one of those incredible guys once he got into something look
out everybody in the community knew what Saul was in because whatever he joined you flipped all the switches opened up all the dials turning all the fastest and go like mad he was known as all-out Saul I mean he was something else now at first it wasn't working out well Saul hated Christians which makes a poor leader right I mean that won't work Saul got this bug summary about the Christians he got to hate in Christians and he hated him so bad every time somebody would say Christian he'd fly into a rage and I guess
he decided one life who are one day it was his mission in life to get rid of all the Christians he was Saul anyhow it could do most anything he wanted to so he got him these letters of authority to go around to the various communities and hunt down the Christians they said do whatever you want to with him Saul they're unpopular anyhow drag him in the streets whip them stone him tortured kill him you mentioned the name Saul from Tarsus to the early Christians I'll tell you what they would do they would burn hide
lock the doors leave town dive underground I've been in the catacombs of Rome where they hid he was me I mean terribly mean but remember the story one day Saul's making the for Damascus heard about some new Christians flies into a rage takes off from Damascus and the story said he was angry there's a little sentence in the story that says on his way to Damascus he was breathing out threatenings and slaughter which meant he felt rather strong about the idea right that's strong that's strong but on this journey right according to the story as
Saul was making his way to Damascus the good Lord looks down out of heaven and says there's my man Saul he's got to be something else and according to the story this great light shines out of heaven Knox seemed flat right off his horse grinds his face in the dirt and blinds him for three days the good Lord using recruiting tools we can't use but when your Lord right to make a long story short Saul from Tarsus becomes converted to Christianity he becomes Paul the great leader the Apostle and without a doubt the good Lord
got him a dandy one he didn't have to pump up every month in one of his later writings he said the things I once hated I now love the things I once loved I now hate see that strong here's the key to the good life learn to put everything you've got into everything you do whatever you are doing pull it on it will quickly open up into opportunity or quickly to disclose to you that you ought to be doing something else the delusion is if I had a better job I'd really pour it on see
that's delusion wherever you are pour it on don't give somebody half a job for a day's pay pour it on see that'll help change your life get rid of this disease here's the next attitude disease indecision mental paralysis the guy can't make up his mind and it becomes a disease pretty soon he knows he's got it the guy says well I know I'm on the fence but he says what if I get off on the wrong side listen after a while it doesn't matter just get Oh any side will do a life full of adventure
is a life full of many decisions the ones that turn out to be wrong give you better experience to make better decisions so don't see how many decisions you can get out of see how many you can get into that's where the adventure is so shake off this disease indecision the next one is doubt doubts like a plague and one of the worst is self-doubt there are many but that's one of the words the guide doubts himself doubts if it'll last that long for him doubts if he can do that well doubts if he can
make that much doubts if he can accomplish all that a chronic excellent self doubter you can imagine what damage that does to your future so here's the key turn this coin over and become a believer and there's many things to believe in one of the majors is yourself the understanding of self-worth is the beginning of progress now folks we don't get you this one we'll worry that's a devastating disease worry worry causes health problems social problems personal problems family problems it's devastating worry long enough it'll drop you to your knees could reduce you to begging
I know how bad this one is I used to have it bad I used to be known as a super warrior not a super warrior no super warrior my family wished I'd have been a warrior I got those years to make up for but I'll tell you what my advice to you is do what I finally did on worry give it up who needs it I'm not saying it's easy I'm saying it's worth it took me almost one year to kick the worried habit and it was not an easy year it was one of the
toughest tears I ever spent but I finally got that monkey off my back and I discovered you could live the most incredible life free of word not free of challenge not free of difficulty free of worry I learned how to do it and you can here's the next attitude disease over caution some people never will have much they're too cautious now you can also be too reckless but you can also be too cautious this is called the timid approach to life and my caution was always the risk risk used to drive me right up the
wall I used to say what if this happens it's called the language of the poor what if this happens and on top of that if this was to happen look at the fix I be and I better not try I could always ask myself out then I'll tell you what changed my whole life when I finally discovered it's all risky the minute you were born it got risky if you think trying is risky wait till they hand you the bill for not trying if you think investing is risky wait till you get the tab for
not investing see it's all risky getting married is risky having children is risky going into business is risky investing your money is risky it's all risky I'll tell you how risky life is you're not gonna get out alive that's risky the Englishman says well if that's the way it's gonna work out let's give it a go right that's what it's for give it a go somebody says yeah but I'm looking for safety and security fine then huddle in a corner who will cover you with a sheet bring you three meals a day and we'll protect
you feed you look after you care for you we won't let anything happen to you and you'll probably live to be 100 the guy said well yeah I'd live to be 100 but what a way to live right what a way to live safe and secure dog ask for security ask for adventure better to live 30 years full of adventure than a hundred years safe in the corner and see it's not important how long you live what's important is how you here's the next attitude disease we're almost through with this motley list in fact we're
almost through hang on the next one is pessimism pessimism the deadly disease of always looking on the bad side the problem side the difficult side checking all the reasons why I can't be done the poor pessimist leads an ugly life he doesn't try to figure out what's right he tries to figure out what's wrong he doesn't look for virtue he looks for faults and when he finds him he's delighted how this is the poor guy looks at the window doesn't see the sunset he sees the specks on the wind and this is the poor guy
right who rushes up take such leave of his senses this guy rushes up and he says I've got 5 good reasons why it won't work he's so dumb he doesn't know all he needs one he's got 5 - the pessimist the glass is always half-empty - the optimist the glasses half-full why would the same measure affect people two different ways answer it all depends on how you look at it our lives are mostly affected by the way we think things are not the way they are the way we think they are affects us most there's
a subject we don't have time to get into tonight called better thinking habits one of the major things she'll taught me when I met him he said poor thinking habits keeps most people poor not poor working habits most people work hard but they don't think hard and so taught me that the mind is like a factory on mental factory and whatever you think about all day long pours ingredients into this mental Factory and that's what builds the economic social financial fabric of your life he quoted me a Bible phrase that says as you think so
you become how awesome when he talked about poor thinking habits he had me I used to start the day reading the morning newspaper I mean you can believe that or not I'd get a cup of coffee and read the paper I'd load up on Wars and riots and murders and stabbings and killings and bank robberies and muggings and car wrecks and tragedies I'd even read the back pages I seem to like that stuff for some weird reason I'd load up on all that and then I start the day you can imagine the kind of days
I used to have you walk around on your financial knees they call you economic peewee the guy says I want to be a great leader wonderful the first thing we do is following to his house when we get there we walk in and check his library number one somebody says well why check his library the reason is because what a man reads pours massive ingredients into his mental factory and the fabric of his life is built from those ingredients you would not believe what some people have got in their house to read you would not
believe one of the best dressed up words I know for a lot of it is trash can you imagine dumping a bale of trash into this mental factory every day and coming out with a rich dynamic positive life it can't be done you might as well try making a cake with cement the kids back in Danbury Connecticut high school they're asking me questions one day I'm talking to the kids kids got good questions these days one of them said to me mr. Owen how do you build the good life I said it's simple it's not
easy but it's simple here's how you build anything select the right ingredients keep out the wrong ingredients and it starts with thought everything starts with thought so you must be wise and careful what you think about because that starts everything you gotta be wise and careful I asked the kids what would happen if somebody dropped sugar in my coffee they said will you'd be okay I said what if somebody dropped strychnine in my coffee they said well you'd be dead I said correct lesson 1 life is both sugar and strychnine you gotta be careful I
said what if my worst enemy drops in the sugar they said will you be ok I said what if my best friend even by accident drops in the strychnine they said well you'd be dead I said correct lesson 2 watch your car you got to be careful see it doesn't matter who hands you the bad stuff it doesn't matter who you get the bad stuff it'll still do its damage on your bank account wherever you get it mr. shelf gave me one of the greatest phrases when I first met him when he said gym every
day stand guard at the door of your mind [Music] how important stand guard at the door of your mind and you decide what goes into your mental factory don't let anybody just dump anything they want to in your mental factory because you've got to live with the results okay here's the last disease and we're through with this list in fact we're almost through hang on the last subject is very brief the last disease but this one is deadly engage in this one indulge in it even slightly and you might as well forget the future because
it's gonna forget you complaining crying whining griping a Bible word called murmuring see that'll ace your future spend five minutes complaining and you have wasted five and you may have begun what's known as economic cancer of the bone surely they will soon haul you off into a financial desert and there let you choke on the dust of your own regret I hope I said that well so you won't forget it's a deadly disease if you don't think it's bad ask the children of Israel of Old Testament fame typical of us all their story just happened
to get in the book story says children of Israel were slaves God performed a series of dazzling miracles and got him out and now they're heading for the promised land remember the story heading for the Promised Land tragedy of the story they never got the reason one they started to complain they griped about the water they griped about the weather they whined and cried and griped about the food they griped about the leadership they whined and cried because it was too far too cold too hot too difficult too miserable I mean they've widened wined and
cried for years finally God said I've had it canceled or something like that the story says they died in the desert never got to the promised land which i think means two things indulging this long enough you get your Futurecast and I guess it also means even God Himself can only take so much okay just be on the lookout of the things that can destroy all the good you start the war is on and this evening tomorrow mentally personally socially economically you've got to make sure you're winning the war and this is part of it
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