"America Is Getting WIPED OUT" - This Is What's Coming... | Richard Wolff

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Richard D. Wolff is an American economist and professor emeritus at the University of Massachusetts ...
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if China owns 800 billion of US debt which they do then of course the United States as the borrower has to pay interest which means that you and I and everybody else gets to pay taxes every year that go to Washington where they don't fund our roads or schools or hospitals it's money that the United States government collects and sends to Beijing to pay interest on the debt and the Chinese use to develop the Red Army you understand all of this has to happen beneath the surface because if Americans understood what I just said they
would realize that beneath all the the reality is the opposite that's the reality of the economic of capitalism you're seeing coming together in the Middle East of a number of things the first and most importantly in my opinion is the end of colonialism that's bigger than the end of the United States because it's the end of the British and the French the German they all had Empires many of them with Outpost in the Middle East you look at the history France Syria Lebanon Germany and turkey and other places Britain everywhere and then all of them
wiped out in the second world war heavily and replaced by the United States which become the others are still there but replaced by the United States so that area of the world is part of a revolution that really starts in the first half of the 20th century and it really takes off in the second half and continuing and that is a rejecting of being a colonial subordinate not fish not by a long shot one big struggle happened in the first half of the 20th century when they kind of got themselves together the people there understood
they're going to have a big fight to get out of this second half they took the first big step political Independence now in the 21st century they're dealing with the economic independence which they do not have and they're bitter bitter because many of them didn't understand the political Independence don't go in other words doesn't know necessary you can be as dependent economically after independent as you were before political Independence parliamentary government is a bit of a mirage they weren't leftist enough if they had been more leftists they would have understood that the corporations can buy
the political system if they need to and want to and that can render the government a shell puppets sort of like we have here the best example I can think of if you look at a number of major issues that the Gallup or other polling companies regularly monitor overwhelming majorities believe what the Congress does not do majority of people don't want the Ukraine more don't want to spend all that money probably by now a majority don't want to support Israel a huge majority cuz this I study are in favor of a less unequal United States
they would like there to be a smaller gap between Rich much smaller than there is and on and on and on majority want a higher minimum wage they don't get any of it and they know that and they're angry with Republicans you didn't do what you promised and they vote Democrat they get angry with the de you didn't do what you Pro it's all true they promised it and they didn't know it the reality is that political Independence is a shell if you don't have economic independence or to say the same thing domestically political democracy
is a veneer if you don't have economic democracy and we don't every business in this country with very few exceptions every Factory every office every store has a tiny group of people at the top who have all the power in a corporation or major form of business a corporate board of directors typically 15 people they decide what to produce how to produce what technology to use where to do it and what to do with the revenue the rest of us are employees we make none of those decisions nor do we have any power to decide
who makes them the shareholders do that shareholders are not employees and vice versa we don't have a democratic system and therefore that pollutes or undermines the claim to democracy so when kamla Harris gets up there or any of the others and they're preserving democracy the only thing one can do is grin you are doing a magic trick you are preserving something that isn't there the first problem for the Middle East is that they don't have economic independence nothing remotely like it the only country with a little bit of exception to that just a little is
Israel why because of their peculiar relationship a to Jews and be to the United States which gives them a whole lot of money for nothing just out of a kind of solidarity you are our baby you are our friend there's a a load of opportunity cash business deals all kinds of things that are available to them through that contact that are not available yet to the others Ricks May equal that game that is bricks become a source of that kind of support either for selected other countries in the Middle East which is already beginning to
be the case for example Iran which is why for Israel this is such a problem Iran has by being a bricks member now but also by Dent of a very carefully followed policy has now built relationships between Russia its neighbor and China CH and Iran we'll see if Israel and Iran now enter into a war what kind of support Russia and China will give by guess is it will surprise everybody just the way their support for Russia in the Ukraine war has surprised everybody but for the moment the Middle East is in a terrible place
because they have political Independence they do not have economic dependence which means they're either terribly poor and dependent on very few resources or they have oil which means they're dependent on that and they're dependent on a global oil system that they cannot control they're much too small the only one who can do that a little is Saudi Arabia and it doesn't want to share that position the overcoming of the fight between Saudi Arabia and Iran which was achieved by the Chinese that changes the equation because that gives it the chance for a Unity cross what
was a very divisive thing because that's not just a Unity of two major countries and it's not just the unity of two major oil producers it is the unity of Sunni and Shia within the Muslim that very very important that the Chinese did that and that they understood all that would be an enormous message to the west and now I to be fair most of what Iran has done has been the consequence of American policy I think the Iranians would have been willing to cut deals with the United States they just lost the Americans lost
the opportunity they didn't when Trump cancelled the arrangement with Iran early in his thing that was a terrible misjudgment and has been kept going I just recently read a very nice article very well done you know who the big Neo pinski was the advisor to Bush and the others his whole thing before he died was the importance of the United States making an arrangement with Iran and his great enemy were the neocons who wanted to destroy Iran then he died having lost that battle the neocons have been Char and they have and that drove Iran
into the where it is as it did with Russia and China bringing them together very very very dangerous for the United States now being offered a place in the bricks the Israelis unable or unwilling to try to find a place for themselves in the bricks means that they're on the edge or out of it all together that's a whole new situation because before Israel was alone with a patron the US none of those countries had a comparable Patron even if you had a patron of Russia which they didn't but even if you had had it
Russia with a 1 and A5 trillion United States with 23 what's the GDP of China 178 trillion they are in the running and they're getting closer every day Russia's not and with Russia and China together and Iran then you have them as the patron that's part of what this war is about that Patron is becoming important for all the smaller countries Lebanon Syria Iraq they're looking and they're seeing Egypt Iran Saudi Arabia are now with Russia they know where their future is right there it is right in front of you they're applying they want to
get in there and the last thing is the greatest representative of the colonial Master isn't the old Empires those have been defeated they all Independence it's the new one the economic monster from which we did not get independence which is global capitalism which is represented or was by the United States Israel is the United States for them every time Mr Biden gets up and says we will be with Israel all along it's one more nail in the coffin you have to be blind not to understand and that's true not just in the Middle East but
in the whole Muslim world that goes to IND IIA Pakistan or any of the other major Muslim countries not to speak of Africa or the growth of Islam in Latin America all of which are significant here's the irony the United States after World War II developed a commitment to things that were either called containment or some other kind of policy to isolate Russia Soviet Union or to Eastern Europe now to isolate you know who's getting isolated we it's the person who's busy painting everything in their environment and then they end up in then like in
the cartoon they've painted themselves into a corner we're not isolating others you stupid we're isolating us some great journalist I think it was made a crack which has become widely welln and it goes like this the first casualty in every war is the truth wars being what they are have motivated lots of people not just am America but all kinds of people all around the world to start telling monstrous make belief and again there are many motivations no leader of a war wants to be the loser cuz that's usually the end of your career so
you got to be the winner and no one wants to hear about the lost battles they want to hear about the bant achievements and that's usually on both sides so you really should be deeply skeptical of anything that sounds like an official assessment of something in a war unless it is so lopsided the war that one side doesn't need it don't need the public it's not that they wouldn't do it it's not that they haven't done it but they don't need it anyway in this case I think you have a little bit of the propaganda
on both sides a bit more on the Ukraine than on the Russian but as you have to treat it all with a good bit of skepticism would be strange not to on the other hand it's not symmetric the gap between Russia and Ukraine is as big that way as between Russia and the United States so you're looking at a Colossus fighting a mouse okay so forget everything you know the chances of the mouse winning very slim everybody who pays attention knows that okay the inequality is reduced when the West decides it's going to support this
Ukraine that was decided politically 10 years ago in 2014 when the cold war ends all all the Eastern European countries that were allied with Russia from Poland in the north to Bulgaria in the South became quote unquote fully independent they were no longer dependent on the Soviet Union could one there so all of their governments collapsed and were replaced by more or less rightwing governments there were some exceptions but basically it's a story Ukraine among them took a little longer Ukraine for a while had a leader was very Pro Russian openly so he was overthrown
the Americans were involved in that as they were in many of these how important were they sometimes a lot sometimes not so much Ukraine quite a bit but I don't think all of that is all that crucial the big issue was would these countries be independent you know like Switzerland like Austria sort of or would they be like the rest of Western Europe and now here comes the dispute the Russians claim and they have good evidence that they were promised as part of the whole deal of all of that that NATO the anti-russian organization of
Western Europe and America would not expand Eastward it would not try to bring in all of those countries from Poland and the north Bulgari and the South and the Russians would therefore let Eastern Europe go now you could ask the question perfectly reasonable could the Russians have stopped it in any case probably not okay but the problem were apparently made by a whole host of American and British diplomats politicians from the very top and in then in the years that followed remember we're talking about stuff that happens in the early 1990s in the years that
followed NATO did exactly what the claim is they promis not to do Poland became part of Na they all the Baltic states all of them became part of NATO so if the NATO alliance moved across those countries that Cordon from Poland in the north to Bulgaria in the South that's a buffer zone that that's a group of countries with populations and geography separating Russia from Western Europe and therefore no military could come across there without the Russians having ample time and space and distance to protect themselves and Russia has been invaded repeated right Napoleon invaded
Russia world War one they invaded Russia World War II Hitler invaded Russia worrying about invasions from Western Europe is a reasonable position for them to have you may not like it you may not agree with it but given their history wow so they wanted that so they're giving that up so they lost that and Mr Putin first it was yelon and a couple of the other clowns they had there that Mr Putin is sitting there trying to be the president of a country going through un speakable difficulty the collapse of their system would have been
difficult for everybody but they were also trying to reconstructed economy very very difficult so he discovers he's the president he's doing a passable job of recrating an economy but he looks like a weakly I mean all those countries are joining NATO and he can't do anything he can't stop it he complains about it he says you're violent we will not let you continue doing this but we did it and you didn't do nothing and Ukraine had been more integrated into Russia the others were more you know Poland is its own thing and Romania is its
own thing if you went to the most famous restaurant in New York City serving Russian food for the last century the Russian Tea Room the most if not the most famous dish one of the two great dishes is called chicken Kean it's a particular way of preparing chicken as was originally done in the Ukrainian city capital of K the Russian t- room featured that cuz that's say Russian as again for them to start saying as they did after they took all the other countries we are now next going to go after Ukraine and remember they
also tried 10 years ago to get a hold of Georgia the state of Georgia where Stalin came from in the south of Russia there so it was clear that now the Russians stiffening you've taken all of that but you're not going to come in and take what were literally parts of Russia Georgia was Republic within the USSR as Ukraine was in the Russian Revolution all of these places were given the status of independent republics Union of Soviet Socialist republics that's what USSR stands for so they were much more integral so now NATO is beginning to
disconnect the Peace of Russia from the rest of Russia and Putin says and he did it several times we will not let you do that you can't do it they got rid of the pro-russian government maidan Revolution they brought in they had two or three people wanting to be there was a comedian a popular comedian in Ukraine named zalinski that brought in the comedian was good actor he puts on the valant struggle leader Persona nicely and they make announcements they're working to bring Ukraine into NATO and and he says okay we're done 2 days later
they invade I mean he had been building troops and moving into the border so people knew the United States knew weeks maybe even months what was going to happen but they thought it was still bluffing all right now he's at the next level of bluff but he moved the troops and then two days after the last time he did it okay so now what now the United States is caught they have a plan in their hallucination they're going to carve Russia up Russia's not going to be the big Colossus it used to be you know
a country that goes from the Pacific Ocean all the way to the North Sea that's always been the dream be very easy to man ulate 20y little republics like Kazakhstan and usbekistan and aeran and Armenia all of which were republics before so they want to carve it up into republics and get the more moderate on say no we just want to slap Russia on the wrist it's easy to do now all of was a mistake misunderstood the bricks misunderstood their own position in the world economy they don't get it they still don't
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